
=== mcphail_ is now known as mcphail
mike00hi, someone knows which features must have an image to put it like the cover of a song?07:39
mike00in the music app?07:39
Veenitis anyone around ?08:06
Veenithi, I just want to know, can we install latest ubuntu mobile OS on Nexus 7 ?08:06
lotuspsychjeVeenit: check the install wiki in topic08:09
lotuspsychjeVeenit: choose a channel you want for your nexus7 and then you will be able to get latest OTA-10.108:11
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
esrahi all. is it possible to change the user agent of the browser without making a webapp?11:17
New_Hello, I have problem with origin, when I rotate with PhysicsEntity the  transformOrigin is not  "Center" but different, where I need set transformOrigin: ship.Center?11:41
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
New_I got it.12:07
New_Hello, do sombody know How to use ship.body.applyForce(Qt.point....  for follow direction of object?14:08
tarutiIs there documentation somewhere what components of the aquaris m10 work A) with vanilla kernels, B) with out-of-tree-patches, C) require binary blobs, D) how closed the device in general is? (is e.g. the bootloader locked?)14:21
adfad666is there a problem building on 16.04 or a problem with recent ubuntu downloaded images? my ROMs are not booting correctly, the display does not come on, last time I built was on 15.10 a few weeks ago14:22
jlkon13Hello, I just realized that the boot.img file in the out directory is not the bootimage from android. Does ubuntu touch need two boot partitions (one for android boot and one for ubuntu boot)? if yes, how do i have to name those?14:22
SylvieLorxuI remember someone here talking about a physical dvorak keyboard for the Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition. Does anyone know what that could be and what I should pay attention to when buying a keyboard for the device?15:14
WalexSylvieLorxu: any Bluetooth?15:46
SylvieLorxuWalex: How do you mean that?15:46
PaulfraOSAAHas anyone (of you) gotten their ubuntu tablet to show up in devices?15:48
PaulfraOSAAWell I just did :)15:50
SylvieLorxuIs there any way to get the source code of an Open Source app in the store?15:51
SylvieLorxuOr do users upload binaries?15:51
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
PaulfraOSAASylvieLorxu: I think you need to figure out where (github/gitlab/sourceforge/bazaar/etc...) they have their code for each and every one15:52
SylvieLorxuPaulfraOSAA: Okay, so I'm out of luck for "Open Source" apps without a link (which may very well be scammy apps)15:53
SylvieLorxuI did notice that the checks on the store are really bad15:53
SylvieLorxuI've already seen several "Open Source" projects that are just a proprietary web game wrapped in some web shell15:54
PaulfraOSAASylvieLorxu: Well, if it is open source you could always write the guy that uploaded it and get the source code from there...15:54
SylvieLorxuTechnically, although frankly, it's really unlikely to be the case :P15:55
SylvieLorxuOn that note, how are users supposed to report bad apps?15:56
SylvieLorxuMalware, incorrect license, whatever?15:56
SylvieLorxuThere doesn't seem to be a button in the store app for that15:57
WalexSylvieLorxu: The obvious way to use a keyboard with Ubuntu Touch devices is to get a Bluetooth keyboard.16:08
WalexSylvieLorxu: the "Open Source" apps ought all to be in the standard Ubuntu repositories.16:09
SylvieLorxuWalex: Well, yes, I understand that. Still, there seem to be a lot of such devices and they're all fairly expensive16:23
SylvieLorxuWalex: That still doesn't tell me how to access the source code :P16:24
kwahhello, is there anybody out there?17:28
lotuspsychje!ask | kwah17:28
ubot5kwah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:28
kwahquestion: how one can switch keyboard layout of M10 tablet in desktop mode, when physical keyboard is attached?17:29
kwahlotuspsychje: thanks for reminder. washed out of my mind. rarely use irc.17:31
lotuspsychjekwah: no sweat mate, best to idle a longer time in this channel due to timezones17:32
lotuspsychjekwah: and re-ask your issue once in a while17:33
kwahlotuspsychje: thanks, noted.17:33
lotuspsychjekwah: another option is place your question to askubuntu17:34
PaulfraOSAAkwah, was Idling, when you have your keyboard connected you can change the language setting in Settings->Language & Text-> external keyboard18:09
kwahPaulfraOSAA: yep, that one I've found out. But... How to change actual layout from keyboard?18:10
kwahThere are no settings related to it.18:10
kwahTried obvious: Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Shift, Ctrl+Space. Did not work.18:11
PaulfraOSAAYeah, I couldn't find that one either. Actually I couldn't get the setting to stick at all, The top one was the only one to stay in settings next time I got in there18:13
kwahHm, have not checked yet...18:13
kwahPaulfraOSAA: both added layouts are still there, but what is the point of having them, if you cannot switch from one to another?18:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
PaulfraOSAAWell, at least you can change it now. Googling i found that that is a recent feature, maybe it will come some day...18:33
PaulfraOSAAkwah: Also any "dead" keys and AltGr keys won't work18:33
kwahPaulfraOSAA: what can you change? The only thing I can change is settings. Cannot change keystrokes keyboard sends to system. It is still English.18:35
PaulfraOSAAkwah: When I change my keyboard to Danish dvorak I can use it to type danish dvorak, however all the AltGr buttons are missing (just a right alt)18:37
kwahPaulfraOSAA: can you be more specific on how you "change...keyboard to Danish"?18:38
PaulfraOSAAI do it by selecting Danish (dvorak) from Settings->Language & text->External keyboard->Layouts and other sources->All layouts available, check the checkbox at the right hand side and disable all other layouts ( or just move them down )18:40
kwahThat is hideous. If I move Russian layout to top, keyboard indeed starts to use it.18:41
kwahWow. That's the trick.18:42
kwahPaulfraOSAA: OK, it is kinda working. But it is unusable in reality.18:43
PaulfraOSAAkwah: How's that unusable? It's not optimal, but most ppl still just use one keyboard layout. Agreed it would be better if it was possible to switch using either a keyboard shortcut or a setting in the sidebar, but it is usable for now18:45
kwahPaulfraOSAA: it is unusable even in communication. I type to you in English, while at the same time I am communicating with my spouse in Russian. Switching keyboard layout with a key-combo is a must for me.18:47
PaulfraOSAAkwah: You should devote more attention to your spouse instead of writing to me then ;P18:48
kwahPaulfraOSAA: common, that was just an example, and she is now back to Russia, while I am not ;) Anyway, even speaking about ubuntu issues on #ubuntu-ru would be problematic. Like you give an instruction in Russian, and type next to it commands to execute in terminal.18:51
kwahBe my guest to try this out on tablet and share your experience :D18:52
PaulfraOSAAMy russian is not that good ;) But I see what you mean. It's pretty unusable for me too, since there is no way to type in { } or[], That makes it really hard to program!18:53
kwahI suspect that Danish has Latin-based alphabet, right?18:56
kwahFor alphabets that are not Latin, this is a show-stopper.18:57
kwahAlthough, we are used to it, and every computer-savvy person with some Internet exposure can read/write so called "tanslit" :D18:58
kwahPaulfraOSAA: is there already a bug related to this?18:59
kwahAnyway, went ahead and submitted bug 157436519:19
ubot5bug 1574365 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Touch needs way to switch external keyboard layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157436519:19
JanCthis is actually a very good question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/761818/how-do-i-change-the-hostname-on-ubuntu-touch19:26
popeyJanC: indeed!19:35
popeywe should have a bug to track that19:36
JanCI was just looking over the system settings if there was maybe something new but didn't see anything19:38
popeyI was looking for a bug for it but can't find one19:40
popeywill file it.19:40
JanCsomething else: it would also be nice if screen lock & screen saver weren't forcibly combined... having to typing in a passcode/password all the time is annoying  :)19:42
kwahAnd address bug 1574365 please ;)19:42
ubot5bug 1574365 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Touch needs way to switch external keyboard layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157436519:42
popeyWhat do ios / android people do?19:44
popeyios devices have a hostname of "John's iPhone" if I recall?19:44
JanChostnames with a space in them?19:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1574370 in Canonical System Image "Cannot change hostname of devices" [Undecided,New]19:45
kwahandroid has some strange android-xy68jna mumbo-jumbo. at least that is what I see in the router19:45
JanCmaybe they use bonjour or something to broadcast that nice "John's iPhone"?19:46
* popey looks at his router19:46
popeythere you go :)19:46
popeyand "android-955f9c624aa629f"19:47
popeywhen it gets too long they just strip letters out .. "ClarePoesiPhone"19:47
JanCwould be nice if you could set it manually though (what if you have multiple iPads?)19:48
melvsterdoes ubuntu touch use snappy?19:49
JanCI guess Android uses some unique string based on (a combination of) serial number, MAC address, IMEI, etc.19:50
mr_rcollinsJanC, under iOS go to Settings -> General -> About and you can set the name of the iOS device.20:17
JanCpopey: ^^^20:17
grasstypehello. Does anyone know of a way to install development libraries on the M10? I was hoping to use it at work to learn c++ etc20:19
mr_rcollinsHow is anyone charging their M10 tablet? My 10W iPad charger provides enough power, but it doesn't charge the tablet.20:19
SylvieLorxumr_rcollins: I use the provided charger :P20:20
mr_rcollinsgrasstype, for commandline stuff use chroot.20:20
grasstypemr_rcollins, I just use it with whatever my phone charger is. Takes a long time though20:20
grasstypemr_rcollins, ooo, chroot. Now I gotta figure out how to use that20:20
mr_rcollinsThe iPad charger actually discharged the tablet.20:20
JanCwhy not use the default charger?20:20
mr_rcollinsThe charger that came with it looks like I could use it as a taser, but it's not going to work for me. (European charger, I'm in the US)20:21
grasstypeJanC, I don't know about him, but I live in america. Included charger doesn't fit in plug20:21
JanCwell, any USB3-compatible charger really?20:21
grasstypeUSB2.0 does work, just takes like 12 hours or so20:21
mr_rcollinsI grabbed a 6 port USB charger, and it is working. Let me try my Asus charger from my Nexus 7.20:22
SylvieLorxuHmm, Bq really should've thought of that20:22
SylvieLorxuHave you tried mailing Bq support, see if they have a suggestion?20:22
JanCmy bq phone charges with both the supplied one & a cheap Chinese no-brand one20:22
SylvieLorxuSeems fair to mail them seeing how they messed up giving American a proper charger :P20:22
mr_rcollinsI wonder if the iPad charger just doesn't like the M10.20:23
kwahMaybe he has not disclosed his whereabouts :D20:23
grasstypeat least the charger is USB, so it's something we can work around. I'd rather have the tablet with a workaround than none at all20:23
grasstypeHell, I've actually postponed getting a new phone for like a year and a half waiting for something20:24
JanCif it's made by Apple, they probably lock out fast charging for other devices or something  :P20:24
mr_rcollinsThe charger that ships with the table should work in the US, I just need an adapter.20:24
JanCif you have 240V20:25
mr_rcollinsIt says 100-240.20:25
kwahgrasstype: too bad Radioshack went bankrupt. They had adapters.20:26
kwahMaybe other similar place too look for one? When I visited US some time ago, they were pretty affordable, few bucks a piece.20:27
JanCmr_rcollins: hm, just checked and my phone charger says that too, even though those plugs are only ever used with 220-240V20:27
grasstypeI wonder why american went with 120 volt anyways20:27
grasstypeseems weird20:28
JanCit used to be 110-120V here too, long ago  :P20:28
JanCat least in some places20:28
kwah120 - you are too optimistic. I think it even worse, like 110.20:28
grasstypeoh right, 110 sounds right20:28
grasstypenumbers all blur together20:29
mr_rcollinsI knew at one time why america was 120/60 and Europe was 240/50, but I can't remember...20:29
grasstypewikipedia might know20:30
JanCwhen I was a kid it was 220V, which has slowly been going up to 240V20:30
JanCstill 50Hz20:31
grasstypeit's funny how that is actually holding back some advancement in america. Electric cars are basically crying at 11020:31
JanCI think most car chargers here are at 360V actually  :)20:32
grasstypeso... following the ubuntu community chroot directions isn't working20:33
mr_rcollinsLooks like 110v in America was related to Edison's choice of 110 for his DC system.20:33
grasstypeapr-get doesn't work, mkdir doesn't work because read-only filesystem20:33
JanCsame you would use for your electric kitchen stove or an electric welding device20:33
mr_rcollinsgrasstype, install the terminal app (which I assume you are already in), and then download the image for chroot. Let me see if I can find the directions I used.20:34
grasstypeah,used mkdir chroot in ~/Documents, that worked20:36
grasstypeignored the directions to sudo apt-get schroot and debootstrap, not sure if I'll actually need those20:36
grasstypebut yeah, I'm in terminal20:37
mr_rcollinsYeah, I downloaded the vivid chroot, did some mounts, and then did the chroot.20:38
mr_rcollinsBut I can't find the directions I followed.20:38
grasstypedownload the chroot image from where?20:38
mr_rcollinsOh, and to make it just slightly more difficult, I did it on an SD card so I could wipe the tablet if I need to.20:38
mr_rcollinsHere it is: http://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/62204720:39
mr_rcollinsUse the first answer.20:39
grasstypewow, copy paste without a mouse is interesting20:39
mr_rcollinsOutside of the chroot I had to do a "mount -t devpts devpts /home/phablet/PATH/TO/CHROOT/dev/pts" so that tmux would work.20:41
grasstypeand... will I guess I can type it manually20:41
mr_rcollinsTap and hold?20:41
grasstypedoesn't work20:41
grasstypeI can highlight it with some care, but ctrl+c doesn't seem to copy it20:42
mr_rcollinsshift-control c20:42
mr_rcollinsOh wait, which browser? Browser or Firefox?20:42
grasstypeand to paste it? browser20:42
grasstypefirefox is really ugly and seems to crash on me20:42
mr_rcollinsPaste it should be shift-control v20:43
grasstypethat just gives me a big V20:43
grasstypectrl v does paste something, but it's still not what I highlighted from xchat20:44
grasstypelol, this is amazing20:44
mr_rcollinsOh, yeah, I think X11 apps and Mir apps have different keyboards.20:45
grasstypeso maybe if I used firefox20:46
grasstypenope, still doen't work20:47
kwahinteresting. shutting down M10, disconnecting keyboard/mouse, and powering it up again gets system loaded into desktop mode. Bug?20:47
grasstypekwah, does yours convert automatically? I just convert mine from desktop to tablet mode manually20:48
grasstypewith system menu in upper right20:48
kwahgrasstype: it goes automagically from to desktop mode upon connection of keyboard. and back upon disconnect.20:49
kwahat least20:50
grasstypemine doesn't20:50
kwahI use logitech kb+mouse combo with unified receiver connected to USB OTG adapter. seems to work for this arrangement.20:52
grasstypealright, well I got a lead. Looks like it might require some time, caffiene, and attachmenet to my desktop. Thanks for the help guys!20:55
mr_rcollinsgrasstype, crap, I meant clipboards, X11 and mir apps have different clipboards.20:57
mr_rcollinsThe Asus charger is working great with the tablet. Maybe 25% an hour?20:59
dobeymariogrip: ok, thanks21:40

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