
ali1234just got this nonsense: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16018011/00:33
penguin42that should NOT happen00:35
ali1234it might be bad ram. i already lost one stick from this machine00:36
daftykinsi was about to hazard a query as to whether it's stable00:36
ali1234also apparently my SSD is running at 113 C00:37
daftykinshaha, what's reading that?00:37
penguin42and wth have you got the fjes module loaded00:37
ali1234whats fjes00:38
penguin42oh, I've got fjes loaded as well00:38
penguin42ali1234: As far as I can tell a driver for some very obscure Fujitsu hardware00:38
daftykinswouldn't hurt to run a memtest86+ pass?00:38
ali1234Apr 24 01:21:59 al-desktop smartd[923]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 115 to 11600:38
ali1234oh wait that's sdb, a hdd00:39
penguin42still rather toasty00:39
ali1234pretty sure i'd be able to smell the label burning if that was true00:39
daftykinssmartctl concur?00:40
ali1234194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   117   105   000    Old_age   Always       -       3500:42
penguin42the 'raw' value in smart data tend to be a bit weird00:44
ali1234the raw value is 3500:44
ali1234117 is the "value"00:44
daftykinsit's always like that in my experience00:45
daftykinsah memtest it and walk away :D00:47
mappshi all04:16
directhexanyone upgraded to 16.04 and having issues with starting unity3d games?06:37
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:54
knightwisehey brobostigon09:40
brobostigonhi knightwise09:45
knightwisehey brobostigon , how are you doing09:46
brobostigonnot bad, and you?09:47
knightwisefixing up some ifttt scritps and some Spreadsheet magic for the companies rss feed09:49
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riyasmpguys. can any one tell me if thts possible to make a multi session (data) dvd like with the CDs on ubunut?12:49
DJonesriyasmp: This forum thread suggests its possible http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158651712:55
riyasmpDJones, thanks. no useful fix in that thread. looks like dates back to 2010 .13:09
penguin42who knew it; there's apparently a UK-Belgium interconnect for gas15:16
brobostigonhow do i speed up qemu, or is there a faster method?15:29
penguin42brobostigon: What are you doing with it?15:32
penguin42brobostigon: and how are you running it?15:32
brobostigonqemu-system-x86_64 haiku.img15:33
brobostigontrying to test a haiku image, on my new computr,15:33
penguin42oh ok, yeh that will be slow as hell with no options15:34
penguin42brobostigon: -M pc,accel=kvm -m 1024M -smp 215:34
penguin42brobostigon: i.e. turn on KVM, give it 1GB of RAM and 2 vCPUs15:34
brobostigonok, ty.15:35
penguin42brobostigon: better?15:43
brobostigoni am just compiling an updated image.15:44
brobostigonbuild failiure, :(16:01
* penguin42 hands brobostigon a type 5 build encouragement hammer16:04
* brobostigon thanks penguin42, and starts bashing with the hammer.16:05
brobostigonqemu-system-x86_64 -M pc,accel=kvm -m 1024M -smp 2 haiku-nightly-anyboot.image16:13
brobostigonCould not access KVM kernel module: No such file or directory16:13
brobostigonfailed to initialize KVM: No such file or directory16:13
penguin42brobostigon: ls -l /dev/kvm16:13
brobostigonls -l /dev/kvm16:14
brobostigonls: cannot access '/dev/kvm': No such file or directory16:14
penguin42brobostigon: intel or amd ?16:14
penguin42brobostigon: You've probably got it switched off in the bios - what does  sudo modprobe kvm_intel   say ?16:15
brobostigonmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'kvm_intel': Operation not supported16:16
penguin42brobostigon: ok, exactly which CPU do you have?16:16
brobostigonok, let me check, next i reboot.16:16
brobostigonlshw is quite detailed, how much cpu detail do oyu want?16:17
penguin42brobostigon: The model name line from /proc/cpuinfo16:17
brobostigonmodel name      : Genuine Intel(R) CPU           U7300  @ 1.30GHz16:18
penguin42http://ark.intel.com/products/42791/Intel-Core2-Duo-Processor-SU7300-3M-Cache-1_30-GHz-800-MHz-FSB?q=u7300  suggests it does have VT - so check the BIOS16:19
brobostigonok, thank you.16:19
brobostigonlet me reboot, and see what i can find.16:20
AzelphurHmm, tempting, I told three I was leaving because they are upping my bill16:57
Azelphurthey offered me unlimited minutes/texts and 30GB data (+tethering) for £20/mo 12 month contract16:57
Azelphurtold them I don't like the 12 month contract so he's gonna see if he can waive it :P16:58
brobostigonpenguin42: found the switch in the bios.16:59
penguin42good luck :-)16:59
penguin42oh that good luck was for Azelphur but brobostigon can have some of it as well :-)16:59
knightwiseLogstalia = Cool !16:59
brobostigonpenguin42: thank you, :)16:59
diddledankvm-ok is a useful utility to determine what's wrong with kvm16:59
brobostigonyes good luck Azelphur17:00
brobostigonty diddledan17:00
Azelphurno waive, but they said they'll give me £12/mo unlimited minutes, texts and 4GB Data +Tethering, not so bad I guess.17:00
brobostigonoh well.17:01
diddledanknightwise: logstalia?17:01
diddledanknightwise: this: http://logstalgia.io/?17:02
knightwiseindeed :)17:02
knightwiserunning it live on my server on digitalocean :)17:03
knightwisepurdy sweet to see packets go back and forth17:03
diddledanI wonder what it'ld be like on cloudflare's logs? there's a nice talk here about a 300Gb/s DDoS they survived: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w04ZAXftQ_Y17:06
knightwiseyou can find a video on the DDos they did on the vLC servers captured by Logtastic17:07
knightwisesorry , logstalgia17:07
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diddledandoes anyone use N1 email client thingy?18:29
diddledanwondering what folk make of it18:29
popeydont like the idea of the mail being on their server18:32
penguin42popey: how did that intel graphics thing get nailed in the end?18:34
diddledanthis is a fun one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-software/+bug/157320619:30
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1573206 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Confirmed]19:30
daftykinsoof, that's a shocker19:38
* daftykins holds his nose19:47
diddledanI've got no nose20:05
daftykinsand no strings either!20:10
diddledanbloomin terrible!20:11
diddledanoh, you didn't reply right20:11
daftykinsi didn't?20:12
diddledanyou're supposed to question my smell20:12
diddledan"I've got no nose...." "really? how do you smell?" "bloomin aweful"20:13
daftykinsthat old chestnut20:13
diddledan84I wonder why it has chosen 84 as a random number?21:01
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daftykinswhen you're, eighty-four ~21:05
diddledan_will you still feed me, will you still beat me?21:09
diddledan_I love this snippet from Lenny Henry: https://youtu.be/M_pwt9_AgbA22:44
diddledan_hmm, no timecode22:44
diddledan_lemme get a better link22:44
diddledan_same video, just fast-forwarded to the bit I like22:45
daftykinswonky aspect ;/22:45
diddledan_speaking of fast-forwarding.. don't you hate when you get a DVD or blurry out to put on the telly and find it's not been rewound to the beginning?22:46
daftykinsah every time!22:46
daftykinsi pop the lid off the player and act like a DJ22:46
diddledan_I tried that.. with the plastic disc off the top of a stack of blank discs.. turns out eyes and laser-beams don't mix well22:47
diddledan_the clear plastic disc off the top*22:48
daftykinsrefracting to harm the entire room22:48
diddledan_discoball would be useful there22:48
oldspiceola, anyone around?23:40
agoodmim here :P23:42
oldspiceI wonder if anyone can help with a bluetooth speaker?23:42
agoodmperhaps i can23:42
oldspiceit worked fine, then I installed 16.04. I didnt much like unity so removed it and installed gnome3 but now the speaker sounds awful. it has 2 modes. it can either be just a speaker, and sound good, or it can be a headset and act as a mic, in that mode it sounds terrible. I have both options but it just sounds terrible.23:44
agoodmoldspice did you upgrade or fresh install?23:46
oldspiceI did a fresh install23:46
daftykinswhat were you on before?23:47
oldspiceI had been dual booting win 8.1 but i took the opportunity of a lts release to do away with win23:48
daftykinsshame, bet this device worked there ;)23:48
oldspiceTrue, but the impotence of windows to do anything interesting. or be trusted...23:50
daftykinsthis isn't the place for tinfoil hattery23:52
daftykinsso, strikes me that you either install actual ubuntu-gnome from the ground up, go back, or wait23:52
agoodmpersonally im putting up with 15.10 while i wait for third party software folks to catch up23:53
oldspicecould it be that 15.10 is just better?23:54
daftykinsno, older is never better23:54
oldspiceI installed it after reading that it had done away with the lenses and amazon plug ins23:54
daftykinsoh dear you read into that stuff?23:54
oldspiceI still had amazon rubbish23:54
oldspiceI'm not paranoid. I just don't want to share my searches with amazon.23:55
oldspiceor anyone else.23:55
daftykinsright but that feature is off by default and controllable23:55
oldspiceis it?23:57
daftykinshmm, tad amusing when you speak ill of another OS but don't know the situation with what you claim is better23:58

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