
NairwolfHi ;) I'm gonna install Xubuntu 16.04 in my personal laptop right now ;) See you later ;)10:36
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
flocculantochosi: while you're still XPL can you renew me in release team before it causes tracker issues for me please :)11:48
flocculant!team | if anyone wants to do QA instead of me - shout out :)11:48
ubottuif anyone wants to do QA instead of me - shout out :): akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19311:48
knomeindeed, XPL stuffz11:48
knomeflocculant, any date when you'd at latest want the first meeting?11:49
knomeochosi, my turn to schedule next meeting, but would probably be good to coordinate it so that you can be around, so ping me with your available dates11:50
knomeochosi, (and times)11:50
flocculantknome: well couple of things we need to get sorted out as soon as we can = millstones and package testing or not11:50
flocculantthough the last is more bluesabre and me I guess11:50
flocculantbut still should be discussed by team11:50
knomei'd say put up a thread for the milestone participation on the mailing list11:51
flocculantcould do 11:51
knomealso for archiving purposes and something to point people to if they ask11:51
knomei think it's a question between 1/2 betas anyway11:51
flocculantespecially given my position now :D11:51
knomeand i think the team has been historically bending towards 1 beta with non-LTS stuff11:51
flocculantknome: oh btw - that nugget thing - not actually live - think I saw that only with a ppa version of xfpm :)11:52
flocculantwell - we've always done the betas iirc11:52
knomeso no nuggets for the users :P11:53
flocculantwell some - you might want to be aware of these things with gnome software11:53
flocculant" "11:53
flocculantmail sent11:59
knomeand replied12:02
knomegoing some shopping next12:02
knomeand then visit mum12:03
knomeso will be afk'ish the rest of the evening before night12:03
knomemight pop in as knome-tracker though :P12:03
flocculantcya later 12:03
knomeyup, hf12:09
Nairwolfhi guys ;) I think I shouldn't say that here, but could you explain me this bug please : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1366546 ? 12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366546 in shim (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu doesn't provide \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI for UEFI systems" [Undecided,Triaged]12:28
NairwolfI'm using a laptop with efi, and for 14.04 I've created a /boot/efi partition, and it worked fine. 12:28
NairwolfDo you think I should do the same thing ? 12:29
flocculantNairwolf: not a clue - and you should #xubuntu or #ubuntu for support :)12:40
NairwolfThanks flocculant ;)12:41
flocculantoh you did :p12:41
Nairwolfyes, at #ubuntu, more people should answer me12:41
flocculantwe haz dailies12:51
NairwolfYes ! I'm now on Xubuntu 16.04 ;)12:56
Nairwolfoh, really ? 12:58
* flocculant is 12:58
Nairwolfhow do you that ? You just boot on a 16.10 daily iso and then update it ? 12:58
flocculantno - I change sources 12:59
Nairwolfoh, yes ;)12:59
Nairwolf16.10 and 16.04 aren't too much different right now, I think12:59
flocculantNairwolf: nope not yet :)13:00
Nairwolfnow, it's time to put back all my precious data from my hdd to my computer13:19
ochosibluesabre, flocculant: hey there! i renewed our membership in -release until 2016-10-3020:53
Unit193ochosi: Howdy.20:55
ochosihey there Unit193 20:55
ochosiwhat's up?20:56
knomeeverything that's not down..20:57
ochosioook, guess i should've seen that coming21:06
ochosianyway, it's been a full weekend, gotta get some sleep before i gotta get up for work again21:07

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