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archoniiHi folks.01:26
archoniiAnyone here?01:26
archoniiIt says the upgrade can take several hours. That scares me.01:27
archoniiWhy does the original install take just ten minutes but the upgrade takes several hours?01:27
the-ermI think it's because it's downloading & replacing every package.01:31
the-ermAlso apt is running it's scripts for every package, but I digress you left.01:32
Unit193Not technically every package, only upgraded/new ones.01:32
the-ermWith the install I think it's pretty much just copying files.01:33
Unit193unsquash'ing the filesystem.01:33
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pavlushkaHello every one!07:36
pavlushkaHello every one!07:57
flocculantpavlushka: stop doing that in a support channel please07:58
pavlushkaI just trying to be polite before asking my problem07:59
flocculant!ask | pavlushka07:59
ubottupavlushka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:59
pavlushkaI cant login to gui but other tty shells allows me08:00
pavlushkarunning Xubuntu 16.0408:00
intheryeHi all, I'm playing around with the Xubuntu 16.04 final ISO, and it's not usable in VirtualBox. When the Language selection should come, the screen is scrambled (strange colors), the screen width is much wider than it should be. If I move to some region, I can see the mouse cursor, but it's also corrupted. When I enable EFI, the language dialog is displayed correctly. I did not have this issue with the last beta or the dailies from some days ago.09:50
intherye Anybody seen that? (I'm using NVidia proprietary drivers on my host machine)09:50
flocculantintherye: I've not seen that - and I used vbox rather a lot with various iterations of the iso09:52
flocculantI'll boot it up now again though09:52
intheryeI also never had that before, and also used a lot of different ISOs (OSes, distros, builds ...)09:53
flocculantintherye: arch? langauage?09:54
intheryehost: amd64, guest: amd64. language: english_US09:55
flocculantintherye: ack09:55
flocculantmmm - actually I'd need to install nvidia I guess09:56
flocculantintherye: if I don't reply in the next few minutes - this half yakkety/half xenial install hasn't liked installing nvidia :p09:57
flocculantand I'll blame you :D09:58
intheryeI can switch the driver to use the Intel card (hybrid card). I will try that in a minute.09:58
intheryelogging out09:59
flocculantintherye: not seeing that issue here either with or without efi10:03
flocculantI'll try now with the actual released iso and not the zsynced daily ...10:04
flocculantintherye: ok - so not seeing that - all of the install dialogues are fine10:06
flocculantwhich is good cos this is the iso I'm seeding ;)10:06
flocculantI assume that the image you have is good?10:07
intheryei have the problem still with the Intel driver.10:07
flocculantwell - not sure what I can suggest tbh - would appear to be a local thing - not saying that others wouldn't see the same thing ofc10:08
flocculantI turned off network so it assumed I was a yank too10:08
flocculantintherye: the only other variable we could sensibly look at would be which VBox - I use the oracle version10:09
intheryethe image is ok, sha256sum is correct. i'm using the vbox from ubuntu-repo10:10
flocculantpossible I guess10:10
intheryestrange that it worked with the previous versions.10:11
flocculantintherye: this the first time you tried with 16.04?10:11
intheryeno, i used 16.04 beta, and one of the last dailies, and everything was OK there10:11
flocculantnot sure there were any updates in the last few days which would have affected this10:12
flocculantcertainly not from our end10:12
intheryefor me it's not really important ATM. I just wanted to play around, and when I saw the issue, wanted to check if it's known or reproducible.10:13
flocculantwell I'll remove vb and grab the repo version10:13
intheryei'll check if I find some more info about that, and maybe ask in a ubuntu channel. thanks for your help in the meantime, and thanks also for Xubuntu 16.06!!! (so no holidays for the team?)10:14
flocculantyea - I just jump on asap for testing10:15
flocculantintherye: yea askiing there might be useful - more eyes10:15
flocculantjust trying with the repo version now10:15
intheryepressing the host-key+F2, and again host-key+F1 repairs the display. the language selection is shown.10:16
flocculantI'd guess this is a vbox thing10:17
intheryecan i access a text console (alt+F2-Fx) during the live iso?10:17
flocculantanyway - can't reproduce with either versions of vbox here10:18
flocculantintherye: afaik yes you can10:18
flocculantusername is xubuntu, no password10:18
intheryeand graphical installer is the first one? (I cannot login at the others=10:19
flocculantgraphical is F710:21
flocculantintherye: I can login to any F1-6 here10:22
xubuntu20oHow to upgrade the os from the console ?10:37
intheryei cannot login to the consoles in the LiveCD. when i enable EFI, i first get an error "Fsw ERROR: InstallMulipleProtocolInterfaces returned 2", then I see the grub menu with "try xubuntu" and "install", "oem"  and "check disc". are the betas still downloadable, to recheck if it's working there?10:37
sissylogmy xfce panels are crashing10:45
sissylogthis started happening right after a numix-theme update today10:45
sissylogactually its not just the panels but any xfce app thats got to do with changing the desktop'10:46
sissylogappearance is crashing10:46
xubuntu56iTrying to install xubuntu 16.04, at the end of the install grub fails, complaining on some uefi... What can I do to fix this?10:50
NairwolfHi, I'm using a gpt computer with efi bios. I'm worried about this issue : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/136654610:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366546 in shim (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu doesn't provide \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI for UEFI systems" [Undecided,Triaged]10:55
NairwolfCan you tell me if I will have some troubles to install Xubuntu 16.04 ?10:55
NairwolfFor 14.04 I created an EFI partition10:57
NairwolfDo you think I should do the same thing10:57
NairwolfIn fact, I don't understand exactly this issue, and I wonder if it was the same "problem" for 14.04.10:57
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Nairwolfhi guys, I'm worried about this issue :12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366546 in shim (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu doesn't provide \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI for UEFI systems" [Undecided,Triaged]12:21
NairwolfI would like to install Xubuntu 16.04 and I'm not really sure to understand this issue12:22
gdi2kI've installed Xubuntu 16.04 (from scratch - update didn't work from 14.04). Mostly all good, but all my USB devices keep on disconnecting and reseting every few minutes. what's going on? anyone else experiencing this?12:27
Raynegdi2k, could it be possible, that Xubuntu runs (USB) in power saving mode?12:30
gdi2kRayne, thanks for the tip, anything is possible. let me investigate..12:30
gdi2kRayne, rebooting to check if that fixes it...12:33
gdi2k_Rayne, back again. Issue persists. Screen also blanks randomly (I have dual screens. The one where my cursor is blanks out). Any ideas?12:40
Raynegdi2k_, :-(12:41
staya_sinicrollback to 14.04?12:49
bazhangreinstall from backups staya_sinic13:45
vaderdotsIn the release announcement of 16.04 are indicated some known issues. Is there any way to see if are fixed? Thunar and cursor problems are important for me14:17
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes14:17
bazhangor check launchpad for outstanding bugs under those tags14:18
Nairwolfvaderdots: I've heard that Thunar bugs aren't always present14:19
NairwolfAnd if you're afraid you can still use another file manager, I suppose14:19
flocculantvaderdots: both are still issues14:24
vaderdotsflocculant: i ask for a system to check the status of the issues. I think a launchpad of xubuntu is what im looking for14:26
flocculantvaderdots: the bugs are listed on the release notes - they link to launchpad bug reports - looking at those tell you if they are fixed release14:28
flocculantalternatively believe that the person who wrote the release notes knows if they are fixed or not ;)14:29
vaderdotsFirst time dont see the links to lauchpad, just that, thanks14:37
flocculantthere will always be links on our release notes while I'm writing them :)14:39
Zippy001Hi guys15:52
Zippy001Anybody has VLC problems since 16.04 update?15:52
Zippy001segmentation fault (core dumped)15:53
Zippy001I can't seem to get VLC working15:55
xubuntu38wyeah, VLC is also not working for me15:56
VapeDragonHi guys, do you know which file do modify to autologin by default on my user in 16.04?16:20
xubuntu46whello can someone help:i have problems with wlan16:41
xubuntu27dtrying to install 16.04 in vbox, and I get this http://i.imgur.com/8gQyXbbl.png17:18
xubuntu27dright after selecting to install 16.04 at the first menu.17:18
xubuntu27dNE1 have a solution?17:18
xubuntu27drunning vbox 5.0.1817:19
xubuntu27dbueller? bueller?17:21
xubuntu27dis this a known issue? or just me?17:23
xubuntu27dI tried ubuntustudio 16.04 also, same problem.17:26
xubuntu61wI nerd help17:37
xubuntu55wI am xubuntu32d from yesterday: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/23/%23xubuntu.html18:03
xubuntu55wI'm having trouble getting 16.04lts installed18:03
homer265Hi ^^18:20
DrCoolxubuntu55w, and homer265 really you should both ask your questions and wait for a response. Don't wait for someone to say "What's your issue.  How can we help."  It probably won't happen that way18:22
xubuntu55wHi. I couldn't install xubuntu - the installer said unrecoverable error occured. What is the best place to report this issue? The device is a Lenovo ThinkPad SL510. The MD5 passed for the DVD so the data wasnActually as the GUI loaded it said it crashed, but there was no way to report it because there isn't ethernet/wifi drivers yet22:19 xubuntu32dafter pressing ok, it s18:42
sleehi, just noticed something about the new software center...all app buttons list as 'insta;;'...even those you already have installed...buttons no longer show 'remove' for apps installed, you have to click  the 'install' button, then it sees you already have it installed, then it makes the button red with text 'remove'18:42
xubuntu55wHi. I couldn't install xubuntu - the installer said unrecoverable error occured. What is the best place to report this issue? The device is a Lenovo ThinkPad SL510. The MD5 passed for the DVD so the data wasn't burnt wrong. Actually as the GUI loaded it said it crashed, but there was no way to report it because there isn't ethernet/wifi drivers yet18:42
slee*all app buttons list as 'install'18:42
sleexubuntu55w, have you tried disabling secure boot in BIOS?18:43
xubuntu55wI looked for it , but there isn't an option for it18:43
sleesure there is18:44
xubuntu55wit boots to X11 with the xubuntu theme, but then it crashes18:44
xubuntu55wafter pressing ok, it drops down to a blinking underscore18:44
xubuntu55wi pressed alt F keys and confirmed that there are several virtual terminals though18:45
xubuntu55wthe x11 one f7 just has the blinking cursor/underscore18:45
sleei recall the same issues on a lenovo laptop with mint...it would start, then hang, it was a setting in bios that eventually let it install without errors(but i can't remember exactly what it was)18:46
sleei'm thinking it was the secure boot option i had to disable in 'security' in BIOS18:47
xubuntu55wIs there any way to pull the crash data/log off of the machine before rebooting?18:49
sleenot that i'm aware of18:50
DrCoolI am trying to use startup disk creator to create a bootable USB but it's telling me there is no space on the USB drive.18:51
DrCoolI formated it, ejected it and put it back in again.18:51
xubuntu55wyeah, there is no secureboot options in bios18:51
xubuntu55wmaybe it is a boot option for the DVD? in "expert mode" when pressing f6 for other options on the xubuntu boot screen18:52
xubuntu55wDrCool, try a different usb port than the one it just ejected from18:53
xubuntu55wfor burning isos to usb, i've had good experiences with unetbootin18:54
xubuntu55wI'm going to try again with nomodeset param18:55
DrCoolThe past few times I have tried Unetbooting the USB never boots...18:55
DrCooli'll try18:56
DrCoolall the data appears to be on the USB but it won't boot.19:02
xubuntu27ihi everyone19:08
xubuntu55wDrCool, is the machine uefi or bios?19:09
xubuntu55whello 27i19:10
xubuntu55wDrCool and slee, nomodeset seems to be working19:13
xubuntu55wfyi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313219:14
xubuntu55wI think it was a graphics card (or lack of one) issue19:14
xubuntu55w@xubuntu27i : hi19:17
xubuntu27iinstallation finished. gotta go. take care, everyone :)19:19
xubuntu55wlooks like xubuntu install broke the disk filesystem for the co-OS win7 on this machine, running chkdsk because of the repartition19:45
xubuntu55wIs there a place for xubuntu bug filing  (for the nomodeset / gfx issue)19:46
flocculantxubuntu55w: it's not an xubuntu bug - it's a general *buntu one19:46
flocculantthat said - Launchpad - if you run ubuntu-bug without giving it a package it will let you choose some things19:48
DrCoolxubuntu55w, I ran a command I found online  $dmesg | grep "EFI v"     it returns nothing, so I guess it's not UEFI.20:13
DrCoolI try to boot the media and it says that no boot media is found.20:13
DrCoolbe back in a bit.20:18
RyedDorkeenwill xubuntu 16.04 autotart .desktop files that are in ~/.config/autostart ????23:09
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krytarikRyedDorkeen: Does it help you if we just say yes?23:19
RyedDorkeenkrytarik: I nuked and paved my brothers 14.04 Voyager Linux Setup  for a standard Xubuntu 16.04 and I enable x11vnc AND diisable screen blanking with .desktop files in autostart. It has worked on every version of Linux I have had him run in the last decade. Now all of a sudden neither is running upon logging in so the answer appears to be "no" by default. Is there some way to renable this behavior? And why in the name of the spi23:26
RyedDorkeenked yamsack of Ares why did they disable it?23:26
krytarikRyedDorkeen: I'm not aware of any (intended) change in behavior.23:33

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