
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
magicaltroutsorry marcoceppi ! I don't know what is left in the disconnected world, if I have stuff running, feel free to shut it down07:58
GaryxAnyone have any idea of when juju 2.0 RC1 or next Beta will rear it's head?11:47
bdxopenstack-charmers: the issues I was experiencing with inability to modify the 30G default account quotas, and swift<->rgw api incompatibilities for rgw buckets has been remedied in Jewel :-)17:28
bdxI'm so distraught that I've a hammer deploy :-( .... I've successfully preformed an upgrade from hammer to jewel on test stacks ..... I'm trying to get a stable upgrade/migration procedure that I could apply to my production hammer deploy, I think I'm pretty close..... I'm wondering if there are any gotcha's the storage team might be able to unveil concerning upgradin hammer to jewel ?17:35
marcoceppibdx: what's Jewel?17:39
gnuoymarcoceppi, maybe refering to the Ceph LTS which is code named Jewel. not sure of the context17:42
bdxthe latest stable release of ceph packaged in xenial17:42
bdxoooh nm. Its not in the xenial archives :-(17:43
bdxonly ceph==10.1.2 .... grrr17:44
bdxopenstack-charmers: is there a way we can bump ceph to jewel for xenial?17:44
bdxopenstack-charmers: ceph v10.2.017:45
bdxstorage-peeps: http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/release-notes/#v10.2.0-jewel17:45
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ReSambdx: I think xenial includes a release candidate of jewel - and it will be upgraded later to the final release18:04
bdxReSam: thanks, I see that now. Final release of 16.04 charms?18:06
marcoceppibdx: almost all the openstack-charmers are in Austin at ODS, so responses might be delayed18:24
bdxmarcoceppi: totally, thx18:26
lazyPowermbruzek - i know you're occupied atm, but here's where we left off at standup https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-tls/pull/2118:52
lazyPowerlets see if we can poke a hole in this, but this looks like its doing what i want it to do18:52
magicaltrouturgh bloody interfaces19:13
magicaltroutcan I prod something to find out what states my charm has set?19:13
lazyPowermagicaltrout charms.reactive get_states19:14
magicaltroutlazyPower: either I'm having a major brain fade or something is wonky19:26
magicaltroutif I'm in juju debug-hooks how do I get access to charms.reactive?19:26
lazyPowerits included in layer-basic, so its on $PATH if you're in a hook context19:26
magicaltroutthats what I thought19:26
magicaltroutroot@ip-172-31-22-199:~# charms.reactive get_states19:27
magicaltroutbash: /usr/local/bin/charms.reactive: Permission denied19:27
magicaltroutmarcoceppi you like this random stuff19:30
magicaltroutwhat am I doing wrong/broke19:30
marcoceppimagicaltrout: obviously you have not acended past root to reach god level status which is the permission required19:31
marcoceppicory_fu: ^^19:31
marcoceppimagicaltrout: can you strace the command and paste the output?19:31
magicaltroutthat one is easy19:32
magicaltroutroot@ip-172-31-22-199:~# strace charms.reactive get_states19:32
magicaltroutstrace: Can't stat 'charms.reactive': No such file or director19:32
marcoceppimagicaltrout: strace  /usr/local/bin/charms.reactive for thrills19:33
magicaltroutah that ones a treat19:33
magicaltroutsame old stuff19:33
marcoceppimagicaltrout: can you ls -lah that file?19:34
magicaltrout-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 360 Apr 25 19:00 /usr/local/bin/charms.reactive19:35
marcoceppimagicaltrout: well there's ya problem19:35
marcoceppichmod +x that file19:35
magicaltroutyeah that works19:36
marcoceppimagicaltrout: super weird19:36
magicaltroutyeah its like that on my other unit as well19:38
magicaltroutWily & Juju 2.0-beta4 according to my status19:40
magicaltroutproblem is no one cares about Wily... its like the forgotten love child.... ;'(19:42
=== matthelmke is now known as matthelmke-afk
magicaltrouti have an interface question cause I can't get this to work19:43
magicaltroutand you lot seem to think this stuff is easy ;019:44
magicaltroutdcosmaster.available is set by the master charm when its installed and running19:44
magicaltroutif I debug the master charm i can see it set19:45
magicaltroutbut I don't seem to be picking it up on the requires end19:45
magicaltroutany tips?19:45
magicaltroutI can see the various hooks being triggered in the debug log19:45
cory_fumagicaltrout: That file should be +x when it's installed from the wheelhouse by pip.  If it's not, then I can only guess that it's a problem with pip on wiley?20:06
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magicaltrouti like the way you answer that with a question mark cory_fu as if I have a any idea how pip works! ;)20:13
magicaltroutI do have a question though20:13
magicaltrouti have that in my interface20:13
magicaltrouthow can i find out what it things requires:dcos is20:14
magicaltroutbecause when i hard code it to dcosmaster my hook runs20:14
magicaltroutand when its templated20:14
magicaltroutit doesn't20:14
magicaltrouti assumed it picked it up from metadata.yaml20:15
marcoceppimagicaltrout: it gets that from the metdata.yaml20:15
marcoceppimagicaltrout: what's the name of the interface?20:16
cory_fuIt does pick it up from metadata.yaml.  It should match any relation in metadata.yaml in the "requires:" section that has "interface: dcos"20:16
marcoceppidcos or dcosmaster?20:16
magicaltrout  "dcosmaster":20:16
magicaltrout    "interface": "dcos"20:16
marcoceppimagicaltrout: that will be triggered anytime dcosmater-relation-joined/changed is called20:16
magicaltroutyeah well thats what i thought20:16
magicaltroutbut that only happens when i remove the templating20:17
magicaltrouti realise you'll think i'm the crazy mad man at this point20:17
magicaltroutbut its actually true :P20:17
marcoceppimagicaltrout: I believe you and defer to my associate, cory_fu ;)20:18
marcoceppimagicaltrout: linky to the full requires.py file?20:18
magicaltrouthttp://pastebin.com/nZWQ1brm its just a hacked up one from the docs20:19
magicaltroutdoesn't do much at the mo20:19
magicaltroutignore line 11 I deliberately broke it to check its execution :)20:19
marcoceppimagicaltrout: is it because of the class name?20:20
magicaltroutdoubt it20:21
magicaltrouti shall check20:21
magicaltroutoh wtf20:22
magicaltroutlooks like you're correct marcoceppi20:23
magicaltroutspent bloody ages looking at that wondering why filling in the templates worked fine20:23
magicaltroutteaches me to copy and paste20:23
marcoceppimagicaltrout: copy and paste - it's the reason we built layers ;)20:24
marcoceppimagicaltrout: lesson learned, we need to have a charm create -t interface20:24
* marcoceppi opens bug20:25
magicaltroutyeah that would be really good20:25
magicaltroutoh well i can return to actually implmenting the busines end now :P20:25
marcoceppi\o/ another blocker unblocked20:25
magicaltroutyeah i'm well in a hole in terms of time and apachecon, the less blockers the better please :P20:26
marcoceppimagicaltrout: well please feel free to aggressively ping me20:27
marcoceppimagicaltrout: happy to make sure thta's a success for you20:27
marcoceppimagicaltrout: and to basically defer all the hard stuff to cory_fu20:27
magicaltroutI think the juju stuff is mostly in place. For the demo I plan to spin up Apache OODT for Data Management in DC/OS and use the Big Data bundles to spin up a hadoop platform and have some interaction between them all, probably similar to cory_fu's ssh failed attempts20:29
magicaltroutsuck them into the platform via Apache OODT for catalog and search stuff and Zeppelin for the analysis20:29
magicaltroutwhich is a pseudo real world scenario we have, although we don't currently use DC/OS clearly as its rather new20:30
magicaltroutand honestly, OODT, Mesos, Zookeeper, Hadoop, Zeppelin, how much more Apache tech could you have in a talk thats powered by Juju?20:30
magicaltrouti don't think its possible20:31
magicaltroutoh and Tomcat and Solr and Tika20:34
marcoceppimagicaltrout: it's like the entire apache catalog ;)20:35
magicaltroutyeah its not far off, but also is real life, so its not like i'm trying to cram it all into just to make a point20:36
magicaltroutbut it certainly helps ;)20:36
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: whats the name of the stuff that houses downloads in 2.0 and is there any documentation for the feature I've forgotten? :)20:51
magicaltrouthmm looks like classname might not be the problem20:59
magicaltroutfresh install back to broken20:59
magicaltroutfscking templates21:02
magicaltroutcory_fu: http://pastebin.com/4LWd3s8q that runs and logs fine21:04
magicaltroutthat sinks without trace21:04
magicaltroutthats my metadata21:05
magicaltroutsuggestions please! :)21:05
magicaltroutack ack21:09
magicaltroutbloody typo21:09
magicaltroutalways the users fault21:09
cory_fumagicaltrout: Don't use -broken in reactive21:13
cory_fuAlso, your hook line should be @hook('{requires:dcos}-relation-{joined,changed}')21:13
cory_fuOther than that, what's the problem?21:14
magicaltroutyeah i saw it ;(21:14
cory_fuI was in a meeting, and not really able to pay attention before.  :(21:14
magicaltroutif you shouldn't use broken you should probably get evilnick to touch up the docs: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-layers-interfaces21:14
cory_fuYeah, we should update that.  It will only actually cause problems if you use set_state in there, but it doesn't work like you'd expect so it's better to avoid it entirely21:16
magicaltroutas you're here and marco isn't whats the name for that charm storage stuff?21:17
magicaltroutnot "storage" but where you store artifacts21:17
cory_fuAre you asking about resources?21:17
magicaltroutmy google-fu is failing me21:17
magicaltroutthat be the one21:17
magicaltrouti knew it began with r21:17
cory_fumagicaltrout: So I'm still confused what your issue is with the interface layer21:17
kjackalcory_fu kwmonroe admcleod1: this PR on hue does a lot of cleaning and adds integration to ZK and Hive, integration with YARN & HDFS was already there (as far as I remember) https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-hue/pull/621:18
cory_fuYou definitely should not hard-code the name of the relation in the @hook line21:18
magicaltrouti don't it was a typo and lack of understanding :)21:18
cory_fuAh, ok21:18
magicaltroutnot the hard coding was just because i couldn't see why it wasn't running21:18
magicaltroutand to prove to myself i wasn't completely mad21:18
cory_fuarosales: As kjackal pointed out above, we think that Hue is basically ready (pending the PR) and we can hopefully have it cleaned up and done by EOW21:19
kjackalarosales: Just tested upgrade from spark 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 and it works21:23
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: with juju resources, on the first execution of a charm download an archive21:28
magicaltroutthen in the charm dump it into resources so in future it doesn't have to fetch it again21:28
arosalescory_fu: kjackal  interesting and good to hear.21:29
arosaleskjackal: is that with spark only or with hadoop too?21:29
kjackalthis is for spark 1.6.1 to 1.6.0 and a fixed version of Hadoop 2.6.021:30
arosaleskjackal: gotcha, and I think the hadoop admcleod1 is working on is 2.7.x so perhaps a little work there, but good to hear that is  close.21:31
arosaleskjackal: burning the mid night oil too I see ;-)21:32
kjackalarosales: The binary was for Hadoop 2.6.0+ . I do not think there is a Spark binary for Hadoop 2.7.0 only21:33
kjackalarosales: regarding Hue the misunderstanding (at least from my part) was that we do not need the entire functionality of Hue, we need integration with YARN. We can gradually integrate Hue with the rest of the Hadoop ecosystem21:34
marcoceppimagicaltrout: that's not how resources work21:35
arosaleskjackal: for sure we can always build from there21:35
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: maybe, but it should be how resources work! :P21:45
magicaltroutfor example, DC/OS it has to download a 500mb file to bootstrap21:47
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magicaltroutif it was a resource, that would be pretty instant, not that its that slow over the net, but you get my drift21:47
magicaltroutso I could define it as a resource and have people upload a bootstrap tarball to the Juju server resource pool21:48
magicaltroutor, I could have some cool hook that grabs it on the first run, and dumps it into the resource pool so future runs could grab it from there instead of the web21:48
marcoceppimagicaltrout: well...22:13
magicaltroutwell indeed!22:22
magicaltroutsemi working DC/OS22:53
magicaltroutwhat a hack!22:53
marcoceppimagicaltrout: all great production deployments start as hacks :)23:32
magicaltroutthanks marcoceppi nice charm developer program 12 node cluster ;)23:33
magicaltrout(don't worry marco, I switched it off :P )23:42

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