
tewardhow large are the Lubuntu RPi images uncompressed?17:41
phillwteward: -rw-rw-r-- 1 phillw       phillw 3932160000 Apr 18 22:06 lubuntu-15.10.4-teward-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img17:42
phillwabout that size :P17:42
tewardphillw: ls -alh :p17:43
tewardphillw: 16.04, not 15.1017:43
phillw-rw-rw-r--  1 phillw       phillw 3.7G Apr 17 17:18 lubuntu-16.04-rc-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img17:44
phillwsame sort of size :)17:44
tewardeheheheh, i hear the MATE are oversized by at least double17:44
tewardat least they're all OK this time round with /lib perms17:44
phillwhaven't down loaded theirs yet... I still only have the RC one here for lubuntu17:45
phillwthat's most odd, as Martin stripped stuff out of the 16.04 image.17:45
phillwI've another VM to set up, but I'll drag the images in as a background task17:46
tsimonq2wxl: I'll run through the suite of Alternate tests20:07
wxlthank you sir :)20:07
wxli haven't looked. is the lxqt wiki page back to normality?20:08
tsimonq2how so?20:08
tsimonq2wxl: what do you consider normal? XD20:09
wxlmaybe sensible would be more appropriate :)20:09
wxli see no reason to jettison mention of your ppa. hopefully it's now to the point that its utility is adequately explained, as well as the risk in using daily ppa's.20:09
tsimonq2I'l ltake a look after I zsync the Lubuntu images ;)20:10
wxltsimonq2: well, let me know if you need further help from me20:10
ianorlinalthough I probably should start thinking about lxqt testcases20:19
ianorlinalthough lxqt-config as one testcase would be really really long20:19
tsimonq2ianorlin: yes, I can help, let's coordinate20:19
tsimonq2can we both work together to shoot to have them all done for Alpha 1?20:20
wxlmy two favorite testcase writers, together. :)20:20
tsimonq2and wxl if you wish :P20:20
wxlyou guys coordinate with me as needed for reviews/merges20:20
tsimonq2ianorlin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule20:21
wxlalthough i'm sure flocculant and.. whoever took/is going to take balloon's place.. will review too20:21
tsimonq2Alpha 1 is June 3020:21
tsimonq2wxl: yes probably flocculant :P20:21
wxli doubt it20:21
wxlbut i'd be really happy if it was him20:21
tsimonq2ianorlin: we have roughly two months. I think that's enough time to get these handled?20:22
tsimonq2ianorlin: is there a time we can meet to look these over? I'm a little busy at the moment and I'd like a time to know that you are online20:24
tsimonq2so we can decide what needs to be done20:24
tsimonq2wxl: and when we are done, somehow, some way, you should regenerate the package testcase results for Lubuntu20:24
wxli'll figure it out when we get there20:25
tsimonq2cool :)20:26
wxlthat's the kind of problem i like to have :)20:26
tsimonq2awesome XD20:26
tsimonq2ianorlin: can we agree to specify wxl as a reviewer for MPs when we propose them?20:29
tsimonq2wxl: or do you not want that? :P20:29
wxlthat's fine tsimonq220:30
tsimonq2awesome wxl20:31
ianorlinTime I know will be online is a bit hard maybe wednesday at 20:00 UTC?20:37
tsimonq2earliest I can go is 20:10, is that good for you?20:38
KiwikakiHeyho. I just wanna let you know that I'm not able to use the desktop in live session, because of a graphical glitch (lubuntu todays daily, i386, virtualbox)20:45
ubot93Launchpad bug 1574831 in xorg "Graphical glitch in live session" [Undecided,New]20:45
tsimonq2ianorlin: awesome, see you then :)20:46
tsimonq2Kiwikaki: thank you, I'll try it out :)20:46
tsimonq2ianorlin: do you use VBox or KVM?20:46
Kiwikakiok, tsimonq2 :)20:46
tsimonq2Kamilion: do you mind checking bug 1574831 in VMWare please? :)20:47
ubot93bug 1574831 in xorg "Graphical glitch in live session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157483120:47
phillwKiwikaki: there are mutterings about intel graphics... I know someone has resolved it, but am awaiting them to say how...20:49
Kiwikakiphillw: ok20:55
phillwKiwikaki: if you're not running on intel graphics, that particular bug would not affect you.20:57
tsimonq2phillw: how do you suppose that?20:58
KiwikakiVirtualBox runs on a Mac mini, so yeah, it's Intel graphics. But the amd64 build runs fine with no errors..20:58
tsimonq2Kiwikaki: and this is Yakkety?20:59
phillwonly shows on intel graphics systems, not showing on the other 'main line' GPUs20:59
Kiwikakitsimonq2: yep20:59
tsimonq2Kiwikaki: can you try with a 16.04 image please?20:59
Kiwikakitsimonq2: ok20:59
Kiwikakitsimonq2: 2 tests: 1 passed, 1 failed21:03
tsimonq2Kiwikaki: hm?21:03
KiwikakiI tested it two times now . the first test had no errors, the second has the exact same graphical glitch21:04
Kiwikaki16.04 i38621:05
tsimonq2then what's the difference?21:05
tsimonq2aren't they the same exact images?21:05
tsimonq2what did you do different?21:05
tsimonq2mind giving it one more try?21:07
Kiwikakino errors21:08
tsimonq2hmm, what's the earliest Xenial image you can grab?21:08
KiwikakiOn my hard disk? the final release. :D21:09
tsimonq2no, from he server :)21:10
phillwI have -rw-------. 1 nio nio 739246080 Mar  4 16:32 /home/nio/linux-tools/alpha-beta/xenial-alternate-amd64-2016-03-04.iso21:13
phillwthat's about as far back as I can go21:13
KiwikakiI have no idea where I can find older releases than the final. On cdimage.ubuntu.com are only newer ones21:13
tsimonq2Kiwikaki: then can you gran a 15.10 image and try please?21:14
phillwwxl: this next cycle, I'll start keeping the milestones. I stopped because no one ever asked for them!!! typical :P21:15
Kiwikakitsimonq2: I tested it three times, no errors21:17
KiwikakiIt's time to go to bed. goodnight :)21:20
phillwtc Kiwikaki21:20
tewardso, your site's out of date22:48
tsimonq2wxl: I was able to confirm the following bugs personally in today's Yakkety image: bug 1484785 bug 1516454 bug 1445818 bug 1522625 after taking it from the Xenial release notes23:03
ubot93bug 1484785 in abiword "language selector text cut off in abiword" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148478523:03
ubot93bug 1516454 in gnumeric "gnumeric menu ->help ->about gnumeric -> license button, does not work." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151645423:03
ubot93bug 1445818 in lxpanel "run dialog called from one desktop opens on the desktop with preferences dialog, regardless of which desktop is current" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144581823:03
ubot93bug 1522625 in hundredpapercuts "changing multiple desktop names only results in the first being changed. " [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152262523:03
tsimonq2wxl: bug 1445818 and bug 1445818 are the same thing, linked twice on the release notes, permission to remove the second one?23:05
ubot93bug 1445818 in lxpanel "run dialog called from one desktop opens on the desktop with preferences dialog, regardless of which desktop is current" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144581823:05
wxlsame is the same so yes :)23:05
tsimonq2hah alright :)23:06
tsimonq2wxl: I commented on the bug report, but bug 1444682 cannot be confirmed or denied in the daily Yakkety image because it fails with the same error that you get when you try to add a PPA, I tracked down infinity yesterday and told him about it, a fix is in yakkety-proposed waiting for the automatic migration tests to make it into yakkety. But tl;dr, can't test it until python-apt is fixed.23:09
ubot93bug 1444682 in software-properties "Software properties gtk implies my cpu is unknown and not working. " [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144468223:09

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