
=== andre_ is now known as Guest82363
skilonot sure if there is an official forum for ubuntu gnome but just wanted to say there is a bug in gvd smb browse process using 50% of the cpu in 16.0403:05
Anon95I've got Ubuntu 15.10 and I tried another way of installing the proprietary AMD GPU drivers. It failed and now I can't get a proper GUI working. I tried purging fglrx, but that didn't work this time. Since 16.04 doesn't support those proprietary drivers, I'd like to upgrade to 16.04. How can I do that from the Recovery environment?04:21
darkxstAnon95, I think just reinstalling xserver-xorg-core is enough04:22
darkxst16.04 supports AMDGPU04:22
darkxstand there is a beta/preview of the new AMD drivers, but not sure they have been packaged yet04:23
Anon95Yeah, but isn't AMDGPU an opensource version that isn't as good as the proprietary version - at least, for now.04:26
Anon95Is it possible to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 using a live install from a USB drive?04:31
darkxstAnon95, they just released a bet of the proprietry drivers that runs on AMDGPU04:42
darkxstI think you can run an upgrade from the live USB, never tried that way myself though04:44
Anon95Yeah, that's what I'm trying to find out right now.04:44
Anon95Oh neat. I'm going to test it out and then report back whether it works or not.04:48
x-Na_Hi guys06:49
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x-NaI'm having this same problem -> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/4877206:52
x-NaWith the gnome3-team gnome and staging packages06:52
x-NaI can switch back to my gnome session by changing the VT06:53
x-NaBut it seems that GDM might crash from the background as user switching doesn't work after that06:53
darkxstx-Na, file a bug, are there any crash logs from gdm?07:19
darkxsthey robert_ancell07:34
darkxstinstalling external debs (like chrome, slack etc) in gnome-software doesnt work?07:35
ricotzdarkxst, hmm, https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/gnome-shell&id=0e925c62bae1e4427bfe021e622f1e8fcb12eecd08:08
darkxstricotz, can you email me that patch link? also why isnt it upstream?08:27
darkxst(my laptop just fried itself ;( )08:27
ricotzdarkxst, it seems it wasn't forwarded either :\ (can't find a bug with it)08:28
ricotzassuming this patch is legit and not superseeded already08:28
ricotzaka https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/?id=8416ba25de3797c1fdfd49b2a598f3e38071312908:29
ricotzthere are other cogl related fixes in master too08:30
darkxstok, can't look now, about to head out for dinner08:31
ricotzalright, maybe I pick those and the archlinux one and push it later08:31
darkxstok, or otherwise email the links and I will look, I won't have logs for IRC now08:32
ricotzdarkxst, grabbed latest git changes of gnome-shell/mutter and pushed it08:53
ricotz(left out the archlinux patch for now)08:53
ricotzx-Na, hi, would be nice if you could update and try to reproduce the problem09:36
* ricotz can't reboot here currently09:36
x-Naricotz, update what?11:45
x-NaAnd I can file a bug report if needed11:46
ricotzx-Na, update your installation with the new gnome-shell/mutter packages I have pushed earlier11:51
turtle12345hi, i have a little trouble with 16.04. I updatet from 14.04 to 15.10 and now to 16.04. My xserver is not coming up and gdm3 too.11:52
turtle12345I purged Xorg and gdm3. Deaktivated modeset but nothing starts. X -configure ends up in a segmentation fault at 0x011:54
turtle12345any suggestions?11:54
ricotzturtle12345, upgrading from 14.04 to 15.10 is not supported12:01
ricotzremoving X and gdm is not a good idea at all12:01
ricotzso no wonder you ran into trouble12:02
mgedminwhat do you mean "not supported"?  since 15.04 is EOL, the upgrade paths are 14.04 -> 15.10 or 14.04 -> 16.0412:02
ricotztry to confirm your upgrade to 16.04 was finished completely12:02
ricotzonly 14.04 -> 16.04!12:02
mgedmin(except 14.04 -> 16.04 won't be suggested to users until 16.04.1 is out)12:03
mgedminor am I mistaken in assuming that all ubuntu flavours have the same supported upgrade paths?12:03
ricotzyou will run into upgrade troubles when using lts-backport12:03
ricotzonly lts to lts is support or you upgrade consistently with every release12:04
x-Naricotz, sure12:04
turtle12345i reinstalled them. and reconfigured12:04
ricotzturtle12345, "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop"12:05
ricotzthis should pick up the needed things12:05
ricotzalthough if you fiddled with modprobe/grub configs you need to fix it yourself12:06
turtle12345yeah i reinstalled ubuntu-gnome-desktop to. all packages seem uptodate12:07
turtle12345this is what i did12:09
ricotzturtle12345, hmm :\, what was the reason to follow this?12:10
ricotzdid you actually install lightdm and ubuntu-desktop?12:11
ricotzif you are not using any proprietary graphics-driver then do not disable modeset12:12
turtle12345the raeson was xserver was not starting and gdm3 failed too12:12
turtle12345i know but. since xserver was not coming up i purged nvida drivers and tried to reset xserv12:15
turtle12345so i got an empty login screen12:16
ricotzso nvidia, how did you install and purged them?12:17
turtle12345they were running under 14.04. istalled by gui i guess. i used apt-get purge nvidia*12:18
ricotz(you need to pick the proper nvidia version for your graphics cards too if it is an older one)12:18
turtle12345with modeset on X says no device to configure. Configuration Failed.12:19
ricotzlikely some leftover "nouveau" blacklisting12:20
ricotzor a present xorg.conf which broken and not needed12:21
turtle12345nope i allready switched to failsafe12:21
turtle12345how do i fix the nouveau thing maybe?12:22
ricotz"lsmod | grep nouveau"?12:22
ricotzgrep nouveau /etc/modprobe.d/*12:23
turtle12345both returns nothing12:23
ricotz"lsmod | grep nvidia"?12:24
turtle12345nothing too12:24
turtle12345but nvidiafb is on framebuffer blacklist12:25
ricotzdmesg | grep drm12:25
turtle12345switching to radeondrmfb from Vesa VGA. fbcon: radeondrmfb fb0 is primary device12:28
turtle12345initialized on mirror 012:28
ricotzyou had nvidia blob install but have a amd card?12:29
ricotz"lsmod | grep radeon"?12:29
turtle12345its a laptop with onboard and nvidia card12:30
ricotzlspci | grep -i nvidia12:30
ricotzso you are in the nvidia optimus trap12:31
turtle12345ls mod says radeon drm12:31
turtle12345lspci nvdia returns nothing12:32
ricotzso you dont have a nvidia card12:32
ricotzor you disabled it in the bios?12:32
turtle12345i can check. but whatever card  is there xserv is not starting at all12:34
ricotzif you have a separate home partition, you could also consider a fresh reinstall with a 16.04 iso12:34
ricotzit can't start if there is not proper display driver active12:34
turtle12345i considered that too. yeah12:35
ricotz"uname -a"?12:35
ricotz(was the kernel updated)12:35
turtle12345how do i tell x to use the right driver or to autoconfig?12:37
ricotz"lspci | grep -i vga"?12:37
ricotzif you have xserver-xorg-video-all installed the needed x11 driver should be there12:38
turtle12345amd ati mobility radeon 4330/4350/455012:38
ricotzstill if the kernel/drm is failing then that is your problem12:38
ricotzsorry, bbl12:39
turtle12345i dont get it?12:39
mgedmindo you still have 'nomodeset' in /proc/cmdline ?12:40
mgedminok, gdm3 doesn't actually use X -- it uses wayland12:42
turtle12345as gdm3 crashed it said somerhing. like x is not answering12:43
mgedminwhere does gdm put its logs nowadays?12:45
mgedminI've a /var/log/gdm/, full of logs from 2015, and a /var/log/gdm3/, which is empty12:45
mgedminjournalctl, I suppose12:45
ricotzjournalctl -xb | grep gdm12:45
ricotzmgedmin, "WaylandEnable=false" should be in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf12:46
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turtle12345gdm debug says runnig x-session, prime:1 not found. Prime Default runs and exits with status 0 session exited with status 12712:49
turtle12345maximum number of X display failiures reached: check x seever log for errors12:52
turtle12345okay. is there a way to reinstall ubuntu from the comand line or should i take a live usb version12:57
turtle12345home is encrypted and on a separete partition12:58
ricotzturtle12345, is nvidia-prime or bumblebee still installed?13:03
mgedmin"reinstalling from the command line" is mostly (a) making sure you have the right packages installed ('sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop^' should do that; the ^ tells apt to install the task rather than just the metapackage)13:11
mgedmin(b) making sure you don't have the wrong packages installed (where "wrong packages" are those that divert certain files, e.g. how nvidia's proprietary drivers replace the system libGL)13:11
mgedminand (c) making sure configuration files haven't been changed in detrimental ways13:12
mgedmin(a) is easy13:12
mgedmin(b) is harder --  I wouldn't know where to start!13:12
turtle12345i take the live usb variante13:12
mgedmin(c) is somewhere in the middle13:12
mgedminyou can apt install debsums13:12
mgedminand then run debsums -ec to have it list all changed configuration files13:13
mgedminthen look for suspicious ones (e.g. anything to do with X or gdm)13:13
mgedminbascially, it can be done if you understand what you're doing13:14
mgedminso yeah, reinstalling from livecd would be simpler (and probably quicker)13:14
turtle12345is there a way to protect /home from changes but use it /home?13:16
mgedminas far as I know, if you don't tell the installer to format the partition, /home will be preserved13:16
mgedmini.e. choose manual partitioning, select the current set of partitions, be sure to uncheck whatever 'format' checkboxes there are13:17
mgedminnow I haven't ever done this myself13:17
mgedminand it's always a good idea to be sure you have a good backup13:17
turtle12345okay ty. i do a backup of /home and run the install13:18
x-Naricotz, haven't seen the issue yet, but now it seems that everytime I press 's' it turns on the on screen keyboard (shortcut is marked as disabled) :D14:25
x-NaHappens on every user, so it's not user specific. And pressing 's' on vt it works14:26
x-NaIf I purge gnome3 and gnome3-staging that behaviour is gone and if I readd them it comes back, but now it zoomed with just pressing 'p'14:57
ricotzx-Na, hmm, that is bad of course15:02
ricotzseems to be a fallout of https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74852615:03
ubot5Gnome bug 748526 in wayland "wayland: cannot set Super in keyboard shortcuts" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:03
x-Naricotz, but disabling shortcuts does not help in this case...15:40
x-NaI mean if I disable the shortcuts it still thinks Super + S is the shortcut...15:41
ricotzx-Na, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=758076 was the problem16:01
ubot5Gnome bug 758076 in wayland "Moving/resizing windows with keyboard does not work on wayland" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:01
ricotzmutter in ppa is working again16:02
x-Naricotz, did you update it?16:28
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ricotzx-Na, yes16:59
bara10hello guys, i am new on ubuntu gnome, and i wan to get involved, but i don't how to start, can anybody help me?17:01
x-Naricotz, OK, I'll give it a try17:23
x-Naricotz, and it seems to work, thank you17:28
x-NaBut the sudden VT change still happens17:33
ericwillhello, does Ubuntu support a dark variant of Ambiance, (similar to Adwaita-dark, for upstream GTK)?19:02
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