=== jincreator is now known as jincreator_ | ||
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=== Laney is now known as trmsu | ||
=== jbayfield1 is now known as jbayfield | ||
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karstensrage | micahg, any chance we could get to my backport requests this week? | 19:06 |
micahg | karstensrage: I'm sorry, it's been a busy few weeks for me, I was hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon, but this week isn't likely to be good, there are a few others that process backports, but the team is short handed, I should be able to clear a bit of the backlog next month | 19:13 |
karstensrage | ok :( well could i bug you again maybe in 2 weeks? | 19:14 |
karstensrage | if i knew what was involved i could prep as much as possible so when someone does get to it it will go smoothly | 19:14 |
karstensrage | what im guessing will happen (cause its happened before) is that the context of the backports will be too large to do the normal process so when someone does actually get to it, it will stall | 19:15 |
micahg | karstensrage: only thing I'd suggest is making sure the versions tested are the ones that were released with Xenial (or if there were updates afterwards, the updated versions) | 19:55 |
Unit193 | micahg: Have you seen LP 1562358? | 19:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1562358 in python-googleapi (Ubuntu) "python-googleapi is incompatible with oauth2client >= 2.x" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1562358 | 19:56 |
micahg | that looks vaguely familiar | 19:57 |
micahg | needs an SRU at this point | 19:57 |
Unit193 | Indeed. | 19:58 |
karstensrage | micahg, ok ill update the ppa's with the stuff that went into xenial and test ? | 20:27 |
micahg | sure, that sounds good | 21:03 |
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