
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:51
valoriehuh, bantracker still locks me out00:51
Unit193valorie: @btlogin too.01:08
valorieduh, my excuse is just getting home from 4ish days gone for the linuxfest northwest (ran ubuntu booth)04:07
valorieand my dad having another stroke04:07
valoriea day in the life.....04:09
valoriethanks, Unit19304:09
valoriemy dad is 89, and has had a good long life04:10
valoriehe missed my mother, and will not be sorry to go04:10
valoriebut nevertheless, Not Fun04:10
elkyalways hard to see the strong people in your life fade.04:15
elkydad got dx prostate cancer in january. they think they got it all but who knows.04:16
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to elky04:20
linuxmintHello, would someone be able to help me be unbanned from #ubuntu please? There seems to be a misunderstanding.12:33
linuxmintI'm chatting regarding my Ubuntu machine, not the Mint machine, which might be the confusion.12:33
k1lyou said yourself that you use mint several times. when volunteers found out that it was mint causing your issue while lying all the time that you use ubuntu.12:41
k1land doing a ban evasion while asking in here doesnt help your issue12:45
ikoniaand then joining #ubuntu-server and asking again12:46
ikoniathis is pointless12:46
ikonialinuxmint: there is a linux mint channel on aother IRC network - it's documented on the mint website12:47
ikoniaplease use that for mint support12:47
ikonialinuxmint: do you understand ?12:47
ikoniaand now you're ban evading again in #ubuntu12:48
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (hamsee)13:39
bazhanglerner is all over the place, and the story changes moment by moment17:30
k1liirc lerner was the martinphone guy who trolled with a lot of nazi nicknames and such17:33
bazhanghe has time to test some several hundred videos just moments after installing codecs17:33
daxugh martinphone17:44
daxbut yeah, i hadn't linked them, but lerner's been all over the place for a while17:44
daxoh, yup, uni-mainz.de. that's a martinphone17:45
daxbanned from -ot for long time17:45
bazhangnever answers, just dishes up new issues17:45
daxconstantly was asking ot for relationship/stalking help17:46
k1lleuretta (~laueretti@zdv-wireless-40-117.zdv.uni-mainz.de)17:50
k1lhis second client in #u17:50
k1loh, just quit17:50
bazhangwe so need a 'triedeverything' factoid17:53
bazhangthat, or a 'dentistry' one17:54
daxIdleOne: well that escalated quickly17:54
IdleOnedax: I'll leave anymore actions up to you.17:55
daxif he says anything else related, he's gone17:55
bazhanglern/phone didnt take long to go there17:58
daxif i recall correctly calling him Martin tends to sort things out real quick17:59
k1lyes, there was some op in here who called him martin and he kind of panicked18:00
daxmight have been me, i do that sort of thing to trolls for lolz18:01
bazhangnot interested in the dental surgery support18:04
bazhangwhat kernel?18:04
k1likonia: i think the guy wants to break his desktop. so let him18:44
ikoniaI don't care18:45
dax@comment 72299 inappropriate questions, ban evasion, 28d19:19
ubottuComment added. 72299 will be removed after 4 weeks.19:19
MyrttiFinnish nickname :-(19:24
hautamaekiHello! What command do I use in terminal to overtake someone's computer?19:34
wxlwhy are you asking here, hautamaeki ?19:34
k1lhautamaeki: you are on the wrong irc server to talk about such things.19:34
hautamaekiThen where can I get honest answer?19:35
wxlk1l: for what it's worth, it may be a legitimate request to know how to responsibly use remote access tools, but ic ould be wrong.19:35
k1lwxl: that user was just banned because he asked again how to "hack" the neighbours wifi and such.19:36
k1lhautamaeki: not on freenode. dont ask again.19:36
wxlhautamaeki: there is a certain degree of suspicion created when you say "overtake someone's computer." if you really have interest in malicious/illegal behaviors, there's pretty much no supported channel on this server that can offer help.19:36
wxlk1l: got it. thanks.19:36
k1lwxl: see bantracker 7229919:37
hautamaekiI just wanted to take a peak trough her cam, no harm done. I wont record her or anything like that.19:37
* wxl facepalms19:37
MyrttiI just hate it when someone using a Finnish nickname trolls :-( casts us all in bad light. Why would you do that...19:41
hautamaekiI thought that you are here to help people. I guess all that talk about ubuntu community being nice and helpful are just smokes and mirrors.19:41
wxl@bansearch hautamaeki19:41
hggdhhautamaeki: so, now, please /part19:49
hautamaekiall you guys know is how to use kick command obviously19:50
Myrttisure. Would be great if you'd display atleast the minimum amount of decorum and decency and leave on your own accord19:51
hggdhand, now -- as expected -- pm-ing me19:54
k1l_same for me after i kicked him from #u19:54
ikoniak1l_: he's the guy who screams faggot jew at you in pm ?20:28
k1l_no, this one was offering underage videos from the webcams if i help hacking them.20:30
* valorie offers tea which washes away the memories of such ick20:45
elkyk1l_: staff might be interested in knowing about someone offering CP.20:54
elkyyou're the one with the logs, so you'll have to approach them20:54
elkyoh nevermind, i see now that he was foul enough to offer that in #ubuntu :(21:22
Unit193valorie: Check PMs.23:15

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