
=== GeekMan1222 is now known as MathExamMan_RIP
tewardsarnold: ping, if you're around00:24
tewardif not i'll catch you sometime tomorrow00:24
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NetworkingProhey everyone05:09
NetworkingProAnyone recommend an easy to install and light weight mail server?05:10
vbotkaNetworkingPro, my choice has always been postfix.05:12
* NetworkingPro googles how to install postfix on ubuntu 14.0405:13
NetworkingProthx vbotka05:18
rbasakkickinz1: do you want to still be in the server team IRC meeting chairing rota? Or shall I remove you?08:57
rbasak(I'd like to take a swap day tomorrow and you're next on the list)08:57
rbasakkickinz1: so a second question if you'd like to remain: mind swapping with me tomorrow please? :)08:57
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stephankIs there something holding back EC2 images for 16.04?10:58
stephankOr is there a discussion, or issue I can subscribe to? :)10:58
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wisurAnyone know when Xenial will be availible as AWS AMI?11:50
rbasakOdd_Bloke: ^12:06
jayjois it possible to use PAM if I have users that don't have passwords. Can I establish passwords for the users without being root?12:16
jayjols -l /etc/shadow12:16
rbasakOdd_Bloke: so a few bugs AFAICS. http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/ still refers to "DEVELOPMENT". https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ doesn't list any EC2 images for Xenial.12:21
Odd_Blokerbasak: wisur: There are some non-technical blockers on EC2 images for xenial; we'll deliver images there as soon as we can. :)12:21
Odd_Blokerbasak: Good spot on the DEVELOPMENT thing; I'll file a bug. :)12:22
rbasakstephank: ^12:22
rbasakOdd_Bloke: it might be an idea to file a "Xenial images not available on EC2" bug as well perhaps? Then I can point people asking to that bug, and users can subscribe so they know when it's fixed.12:23
teward^ that12:24
tewardi was about to poke and ask if there was such a bug :P12:24
teward(#ubuntu had this question too)12:24
tewardrodlogic: ^12:24
teward(crosschannel ping)12:24
linuxmintHello, wget is not working. Error: Cannot write to '1WlAUJo’ (Success).12:26
linuxmintHow can I join ##ubuntu. NickServ says channel is invite only.12:30
tewardlinuxmint: channel is #ubuntu12:30
tewardnot ##ubuntu12:30
tewardlinuxmint: but if you're on Mint, you are in the wrong channels12:30
linuxmintteward: thanks, but /join #ubuntu says I am banned.12:30
linuxmintIs there a process to correct this?12:31
linuxmint(it's for my ubuntu machine.12:31
hateball!ban | linuxmint12:31
ubottulinuxmint: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops12:31
linuxmintBasically, re wget error.12:31
linuxmintubuntulog: k, thanks.12:32
linuxmintnot sure what hateball's comment means, sorry?12:32
hateballI'm not sure what is unclear, " If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops "12:33
linuxminthateball: thanks, done.12:33
linuxmintPretty quiet channel though.12:34
Odd_Blokelinuxmint: I suspect that 'linuxmint' is a default username on Linux Mint; as #ubuntu is not intended to answer Mint questions, the default user has probably been banned. :)12:34
linuxmintOdd_Bloke: yes, I suspect that.12:34
linuxmintI suppose I could ask Mint channel re this wget error: Cannot write to12:35
linuxmintEventhough it's on an Ubuntu machine.12:35
rbasakSo one Mint user does something bad, gets banned, and all Mint users can't get on IRC channels by default? That sounds like a crazy default!12:36
tewardrbasak: heh12:36
linuxmintrbasak: hmm12:36
Odd_Blokerbasak: I don't know for sure, but it sounds like a thing that could have happened. :p12:36
jayjoIs there a way to give a user a password without giving priveleges with that password?12:36
linuxmintI'll see if I can fix it. I left a message on #ubuntu-ops. Pretty quiet, so might take some time.12:36
Odd_Blokejayjo: What do you mean by "priveleges"?12:36
rbasaklinuxmint: change your nick to something less generic maybe? :)12:38
jayjonot completely sure - I just need the user to have a password for PAM authentication, but I don't wan that password to provide them with any additional priveleges/resources12:38
rbasakjayjo: ah. You can use PAM to do that, yes.12:38
rbasakIf the thing authenticating uses PAM, your ability to customise that is pretty much entirely the point of PAM.12:38
rbasakFind a replacement auth module you want to use instead of pam_unix.12:39
jayjoI just want to make sure if I add a password to an account there is no additional default behavior granted to the user12:39
jayjolike sudo priveleges etc. just being cautious12:39
jayjoor it won't allow them to ssh without keys or something like this, will it?12:40
rbasakIf you're worried about that sort of thing, then don't give the user a Unix account at all.12:40
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rbasakFor ssh, you can configure ssh to require both a key and PAM if you wish. By default it'll do one or the other.12:40
Guest93068rbasak: Hmm, seem to be #ubuntu now with a different username.12:40
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Guest93068k1l just banned me from #ubuntu, thinking I'm evading channel rules as Mint user?12:45
tewardGuest93068: then you need to go to #ubuntu-ops12:45
tewardand discuss with them12:45
tewardbecause that's outside our ability to help12:45
Guest93068teward: ok. I have tried, but no answer. Guess I'll have to delay the wget install for a few days.12:46
TJ-Guest93068: read your dpaste; it tells you the problem  "1WlAUJo: Read-only file system"12:46
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wisurThanks Odd_Bloke :)13:04
rbasaksmoser: I'm planning on taking a swap day tomorrow. After kickinz1 you're next on the list to chair. Do you mind swapping, please?14:08
rbasak(since I was supposed to chair)14:08
rbasakThe IRC meeting is what I'm talking about. Sorry for the total lack of context!14:08
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smoserrbasak, i suppose you should be allowed to take a day off. but i really think its irresponsible of you. ;)14:18
lynxmansmoser: he's taking a day off? your iron grip is becoming softer? :D14:38
lynxmansmoser: yes sir! (he's still got it!)14:42
* patdk-wk_ bets bribes would work14:42
rbasaksmoser: I'll take that as a yes. Thanks :)14:44
ranjibdhello folks, anyone happens to know when xenial AMI images will be available on AWS ?15:25
rcjranjibd, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-April/007098.html15:32
jcastroany help on this question would be much appreciated!15:36
ranjibdrcj, thanks. fingers crossed :-)15:37
=== nodoubleg is now known as nodoubleg-lunch
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jayjoIs there a way to get the contents of a screen buffer to a file?17:48
jayjoI have a lot of output that I want to capture, but I can't scroll therough the screen manually (with ctrl+a esc)17:48
jayjoI did hardcopy -h <filename> but it is not the whole file17:50
sarnoldjayjo: looks like there's commands to write the pastebuffer to a file17:54
sarnoldjayjo: and g and G look like they can move to the front and end of the window17:54
rharperjayjo: I really like byobu for that (shift-F7) opens a new window with the contents of the window scroll buffer17:59
DirtyCajunim having issues with my ubuntu-vm-builder. its building it properly... but not adding it to my qemu:///system18:18
seven-devHello, I'm having a problem with ssh can someone help me please?18:42
ikoniawhy don't you just state your problem18:42
seven-devhum ok :P18:42
seven-devI was trying to setup an ssh server on ubuntu server and I was having some problems because I thought the service was called sshd.service18:43
seven-devand I would enable it and get a weird error saying it failed because the symbolic link has too many erros18:44
seven-devtoo many levels* sorry18:44
ikoniaseven-dev: what version of ubuntu are you using18:45
ikoniaseven-dev: so that comes with ssh installed by default18:45
seven-devnow I have the service enabled but I can't disable passwordauthentication18:45
ikonialook in /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:45
seven-devdoes it? I'm pretty sure I didn't select it18:46
seven-devi did look at that and changed it18:46
ikoniait's part of the default build I believe18:46
ikonia(I could be wrong)18:46
seven-devthen reloaded the service but it still allows me to connect with a password18:46
seven-devmaybe it is but I still had that problem :P18:46
maswandid you remember to remove the leading "#" in "#PasswordAuthentication no"?18:47
seven-devoh wait18:47
seven-devoh yes i did sorry18:47
seven-dev(I thought i had put yes, but i did put no)18:48
seven-devany idea about what the problem might be?18:48
maswanThat change works for me, but I haven't gotten around to 16.04 on the server side yet18:49
seven-devto restart the service I did: sudo service ssh restart18:49
seven-dev(I'm still trying to understand ubuntu, I come from arch) I also did: service ssh restart, systemctl restart ssh18:50
seven-devand the same with sudo and sshd instead, nothing disabled the password18:50
seven-devbtw another question, do I use service or systemctl to manage services? What's the difference between them?18:51
ikoniasystemctl for systemd18:51
seven-devhmm but I have both18:52
ikoniayou don't you have systemd18:52
seven-devI think this version of ubuntu doesnt have upstart but service seems to (not) work the same as systemctl18:52
ikoniathere are some legacy system V / upstart scripts that are wrapped in systemd as I recall18:53
sdezielservice is the generic wrapper that should work for system V/upstart/systemd18:53
seven-devoh ok that makes sense ty18:53
sdezielseven-dev: can you paste sshd -T?18:54
sarnoldI think upstart is still installed because desktop stuff still uses upstart session management18:54
seven-devsdeziel: ok, I just restarted it, 1 sec18:54
sarnoldsdeziel: oh that's cool! thanks18:54
seven-devis this the same?: "systemctl status ssh" and "systemctl status sshd"18:55
seven-devsdeziel: It says "could not load host key"18:57
sdezielseven-dev: on Ubuntu, the service is named "ssh"18:57
sdezielseven-dev: you need to run it as root/sudo18:57
seven-devyeah, I was just asking because they give me the same output18:57
seven-devah ok sorry18:57
sdezielodd, here "systemctl status sshd" gives https://paste.ubuntu.com/16054989/18:58
sarnoldodd, I get same output for both ssh and sshd18:58
sarnoldlets try updating and try again :)18:59
sdezielI vaguely remember having both working18:59
tarpmanssh.service contains Alias=sshd.service19:00
sdezielhmm both work on my servers but not on my laptop19:00
seven-devsdeziel: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16055009/19:00
seven-devoh you think maybe this is happening because I have the server running in root and my user?19:02
seven-devnot sure if i do, just an idea19:02
seven-deveh, didnt work, still allows me to login19:04
seven-devwith a password19:04
sarnoldso, uh, this is going to show more ignorance than I usually like to show..19:05
seven-devtarpman: oh ok so they're the same19:05
sdezielseven-dev: I have ChallengeResponseAuthentication set to no here19:05
seven-devhm let me try19:06
seven-devI did that o purpose19:06
seven-dev1 sec19:06
sarnoldwhen sshd_config has usepam yes -- does sshd then use the /etc/pam.d/sshd file for e.g. password authentication too? mine at least include's common-auth, which uses pam_unix ..19:06
seven-devsdeziel: oh ok I think it worked19:07
seven-devbut why didn't it work before19:07
sdezielsarnold answered that ^19:08
seven-devwhat is pam sorry?19:08
sarnoldpluggable authentication modules19:08
sarnoldthey let you configure your services to require different kinds of authentication or authorization checks, handle sessions, update passwords, etc..19:09
seven-devoh okok19:09
sdezielhmm, UsePAM: "Because PAM challenge-response authentication usually serves an equivalent role to password authentication, you should disable either PasswordAuthentication or ChallengeResponseAuthentication."19:09
sarnoldthe config files in /etc/pam.d/* are used by services to describe which modules to use, with which parameters, when users log in or change passwords19:09
sdezielso it's "either or" which leaves me wondering why you needed to disable both19:10
seven-devso if I wanted to setup two step auth I would need a PAM, right?19:10
sdezielseven-dev: not required IIRC19:10
sarnoldseven-dev: that's usually how it is done, ye, see the libpam-duo package for one example19:10
sdezielseven-dev: what I do is simply use "AuthenticationMethods publickey,password" and "PasswordAuthentication yes"19:11
sdezielthis way, no additional lib/configuration is needed but both key and passwords are required19:11
sdezielthis also has the advantage that you can put it in some Match blocks19:11
seven-devyou can have a key with a password right?19:11
seven-devwith those settings19:11
sdezielseven-dev: the password *on the* key is not considered a 2nd factor19:12
seven-devok found this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Secure_Shell#Two-factor_authentication_and_public_keys19:13
seven-devsdeziel: Yeah I know I was just checking19:13
sdezielhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16055152/ => TFA for sudoers19:13
seven-devI meant a cellphone key19:13
sdezielthen libpam-duo is probably a good idea19:13
seven-devok ty19:14
seven-devI'll try that later ty :)19:14
sdezielyou are welcome19:14
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
DirtyCajunok. i have figured out that it just doesnt show until active the first time. which is odd but whawtever. side note. it builds for eth0 but my vm's all get ens# is there a way to specify?19:38
heydrickhttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ is missing Xenial images, where should I report that?19:38
rcjheydrick, known issue https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-April/007098.html but we'll get a bug link on that page19:40
sdezielDirtyCajun: as a workaround you can pass net.ifnames=0 to the kernel boot command19:41
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DirtyCajunthat will only give it an ens0 tho right?19:43
DirtyCajunit still wont change it to eth019:43
sdezielDirtyCajun: this will prevent the rename from eth0 to ensX19:44
DirtyCajunoh!. ok. why does it do that btw? i understand the meaningful naming change but its a vm....19:45
sdezielthose are supposedly stable/predictable names19:45
DirtyCajuni guess i mean why doesnt ubuntu-vm-builder correct/accomodate for that19:45
showazWhere can I find a map of all public references to the similarity (SitteMap Tree) http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ and https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe.html ?19:45
sdezielbut they are quite annoying since your NIC name then depends on the PCI ordering which tends to be changing quite easily with VMs19:46
sdezielDirtyCajun: I think that official cloud image use the net.ifnames=0 workaround. Maybe ubuntu-vm-builder could do the same19:46
rcjsdeziel, cloud images do not use net.ifnames=0, cloud-init is enabled to use the new systemd "predictable network interface names"19:47
sdezielrcj: oh, thanks didn't know that19:47
DirtyCajuni just want to find a way to utelize the predictable name instead of bootlegging it19:48
rcjsdeziel, we are avoiding turning back to net.ifnames=0. the cloud and server images use the systemd network names in xenial19:48
sdezielrcj: I'm glad that cloud-init properly supports this now. It's unfortunately not the case for every packages (LP: #1541678)19:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541678 in vlan (Ubuntu) "if-post-down.d/vlan and if-pre-up.d/vlan should support en* interfaces" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154167819:49
rcjsdeziel, it is unfortunate that the experience isn't 100%, it is a big change.  And net.ifnames=0 can provide temporary relief, I just wouldn't want people to make that a default tuning.19:50
sdezielrcj: understood19:51
sdezielDirtyCajun: I cannot find a bug report about this on ubuntu-vm-builder. You might want to report it19:54
DirtyCajunon it.19:54
DirtyCajunlooks like with virtio_net enabled it establishes them as "Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided PCI Express hotplug slot index numbers"19:55
DirtyCajunwhich give the ens prefix19:56
DirtyCajuni dont report bugs often... what do i need to add to this20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574843 in ubuntu-vm-builder (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu-VM-Builder Doesnt accomodate for Meaningful Naming" [Undecided,New]20:08
rodlogicDoes anyone know how do I create an EC2 AMI from a 'Cloud Image/EC2 tarball' I found in http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/xenial/release/?20:09
gaughenrodlogic, We are expecting to have the official cloud image in ec2 later this week - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-April/007098.html20:23
gaughenrodlogic, not sure what was driving your question about creating an ami, but wanted to make sure you knew the official images were coming soon.20:24
rodlogicgaughen: great! Yes, I was trying to get Xenial into EC2 on my own so your ping is fantastic20:24
rodlogicI will make do with 14.04 for now and wait until next week20:25
gaughenawesome rodlogic!20:25
heydrickradlogic: i've been using the xenial daily AMIs21:01
DirtyCajunis there a way to name the qcow2 file21:21
DirtyCajunas opposed to it being named tmprandomcrap.qcow221:22
blizzowIs the ubuntu server installer where the loss of UTC timezone selection happened or is that an upstream change in Debian?21:45
jamespagezul, hallyn. rharper: hey - just had a chat with someone who's trying to use the numa features of openstack with libvirt/kvm21:47
rharperjamespage: howdy!21:48
jamespageour packages are building with libnuma-dev (which enabled one numa feature) but not numad, which I think is disabling use of numad to manage CPU placement dynamically21:48
jamespagerharper, hey!21:48
rharpernumad is not included in ubuntu at this time IIRC21:48
rharperwe've discussed whether we should have something like that21:48
rharpernumad is a perl script that calls the page migration code periodically21:49
jamespagerharper, is in universe...21:49
rharperit's avail in Fedora21:49
rharperah, cool21:49
jamespagerharper, well I guess this is a little late for 16.04...21:49
jamespagerharper, I asked him to raise a bug so we can track it...21:49
hallynsounds ogod, yeah i see it in universe21:50
* hallyn fetches21:50
rharperis there an issue with it ?21:50
* hallyn leaves it to sarnold to puke all over it :)21:51
hallynnot a perl script21:51
rharperit's "graduated"21:51
hallynwell at least it graduated to plain c21:51
rharperc seems like overkill for this21:52
hallyn2500 lines21:52
hallyni think i agree21:52
hallynmaybe they did it so they could attach file caps or make it setuid21:53
rharperjamespage: I'd definitely be interested in the details;  libvirt itself will do the initial placement and confinement w.r.t affininty and cpusets;  numad is about periodically kicking the kernel to do page migration;21:55
jamespagerharper, ok lets see what he shows up with for things that don't work without numad21:55
rharperyeah, can't think of what would block numad from working21:55
rharperit;'s sorta process agnostic21:56
hallynwonder how much overhead it introduces21:56
rharperwhich part21:56
rharpernumad or page migration21:56
hallynrunning with -i 1521:56
rharperthe real question (which always comes up) is why isn;'t the existing in-kernel page migration code good enough21:57
hallyngood q21:57
rharperin addition to strategies (process migration vs. page migration to process)21:57
hallynreally based on the name i'd have expected this to be like the balancing thread in lxd,21:57
rharperand the impact on things like THP21:57
hallynwhich re-balances contianers based on their limits as cpus are hotplugged21:57
hallynbut i guess not21:57
rharperand the heuristics on knowing how long and where the processes will run21:57
rharperlooking at the code; they have rudimentary "Detection" of kvm processes with notes that things like io-threads may confuse it21:58
hallynyeah, i don't see this passing MIR muster21:58
DirtyCajuni havent found even the slightest anything on the webz about the naming of the qcow2 file thats created.21:58
hallyn    // FIXME: someday figure out some better way to do this...21:58
hallynall right, let's see waht kind of justification they come up with :)  thx21:59
rharpernumad also provides a pre-placement advice service that can be queried by various job22:00
rharpermanagement systems to provide assistance with the initial binding of CPU and memory resources for22:00
rharpertheir processes. This pre-placement advice is available regardless of whether numad is running as22:00
rharperan executable or a service22:00
rharperthat looks like what openstack might be interested in22:00
jamespagehallyn, rharper; tbh this may be a red-herring22:00
rharperjamespage: ^^22:00
rharperif the "nova scheduler" is asking for some numa data via numad22:00
jamespagerharper, hmm - looking22:00
rharperbut not clear to me how we build qemu would affect this22:00
rharperjamespage: quote from that document22:01
sarnoldgah I thought I gave feedback already on terrible user-space "kick the kernel to migrate pages" crap22:01
jamespagerharper, so numad appears to be used when the 'auto' value is provide in the xml for numa placement22:01
rharperbut that's never worked for us ?22:01
jamespagerharper, I can't find use of that in the nova codebase22:01
rharperor folk have been adding it on ?22:01
sarnoldif the kernel isn't doing migration enough/correctely etc it'd be far better to file kernel bugs and get it _fixed_22:01
rharperjamespage: then indirectly via libvirt calls ?22:02
hallynsarnold: :)22:02
jamespagerharper, so i suspect this might be a ERRENDUSER but lets see22:02
rharpersarnold: indeed22:02
hallynexactly what rharper was saying earlier22:02
rharperit's a tricky beast22:02
jamespagerharper, hallyn: suggest we wait for the bug and see22:04
rharperjamespage: cool22:05
EdganAre we not getting AMIs still 16.04.1?22:51
tewardEdgan: patience22:52
tewardthey'll be ready as soon as they will be ready22:52
tewardno sooner (sorry, no timelines)22:52
Edganteward: I am advanced enough to make my own. I guess I should then.22:53

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