
cristian_cI've to convert a sysv/upstart daemon to a systemd service07:22
cristian_cI've read the migration documentation but I need to get information about some field values of the .service file07:22
cristian_cI need to know what value to use in Type= field and what value in After= field07:22
cristian_cAny ideas how to retrieve these?07:23
LetoThe2ndhi! i'm trying to create a simple upstart service which basically only consist of pre-start and pre-stop. pre-start works as expected, but pre-stop seems to never be called.11:25
LetoThe2ndis there anything i'm probably missing?11:26
LetoThe2ndcurrent state is http://pastebin.com/aqy3xvtM11:27
LetoThe2nd(found workaround https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/252996/comments/5 - but is that really a good idea?)11:30
lnykryncristian_c: do you have the original upstart.conf/initscript somewhere?12:54
cristian_clnykryn: I've got the original script, yes12:54
lnykryncan you post it somewhere? I could take a look (unless it is confidential of course :-) )12:55
cristian_cthe filename12:56
cristian_cI pastebin it12:57
cristian_chmmm, I'll use private pastie, from pastie service12:57
cristian_cso, I get the exact version of the script12:57
cristian_cok, 2.56a version13:01
cristian_cI'm getting the source to paste13:03
cristian_clnykryn: http://pastie.org/private/ohomaztoeikcre14y5lq13:07
lnykrynlooks like Type=simple , the initscript runs $JAVA $COMANDO& which means that the process does not do fork13:09
cristian_cof, not forking13:09
lnykrynand since it does not have any LSB header, it means that it does not need anything special in the After13:09
cristian_cso, I'll follow the classic example of unit file in archlinux wiki / systemd how-to documentation13:10
cristian_clnykryn: thank ypu very much!13:11
lnykrynAlso you might want to KillSignal=SIGKILL in the [Service] section so it matches the behavior of the initscript during stop action13:12
cristian_cthank you again13:13
lnykrynyou are welcome :-)13:14
lnykrynnext time it might be better to ask on #systemd channel13:15
cristian_clnykryn: #systemd guy told me asking in #ubuntu channel13:17
cristian_clnykryn: #ubuntu guy told me aaking in #upstart channel13:17
cristian_cin the meantime I've read the 30 pages systemd-ebook-psankar 'systemd for administrator'13:18
cristian_cblog story13:19
lnykryncristian_c: yep, that is a good start, also David Strauss gave recently a really nice talk about some basic concepts in systemd http://www.slideshare.net/warpforge/effective-service-and-resource-management-with-systemd13:21
cristian_cI've read all the 8 parts of the psankar book, but it was not very much useful to write the unit, in my case (I didn't know what parameter/value pairs to use in the new unit .service file) :)13:24
cristian_clnykryn: ok, thanks for the link13:24
cristian_cvery interesting slides! ^^13:40
cristian_cpictures are much helpful!13:41
owen1my upstart script doesn't start at reboot. any ideas? http://askubuntu.com/questions/759706/how-to-write-upstart-script-for-a-background-service-db17:47

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