
acheron88Nice https://kdeonlinux.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/performance-update-for-breeze-icons/07:43
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soee_ahoneybun: yes, but their client fails to install due to dependencies08:34
soee_mobile app works fine though08:34
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yofelsitter: any idea what happend to https://code.launchpad.net/~tomahawk/tomahawk/master ?09:49
sitteryofel: probably imploded. muesli hosted it10:08
sittertwas a crude script mirroring10:08
yofelah, thanks10:08
clivejoyofel: does the do-all script have a varible for the current directory?10:09
yofelit has a parameter for the target10:10
clivejodo-all git remote add origin lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/$current_package_name10:10
yofeloh wait, do-all10:11
yofelno, it doesn't. It assumes that you're operating in the right directory10:11
yofeland applies your changes to all subfolders10:11
yofelbut here I think you'll need a self-written bash loop or so10:12
clivejolooks like it 10:12
clivejowould pwd work?10:12
clivejowonder did Scarlett hit a problem with staging 5.21.010:14
yofel*IF* the directories are named after the correct remote names (which should be the case) you could do:10:15
yofelcurdir=$(pwd); for dir in $(ls); do cd $dir; git remote add origin lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/$dir; cd $curdir; done10:15
yofel(untested, make a copy of your directory first ^^)10:15
clivejodont think its moved from I checked before bed10:15
yofelthat will probably fail, as 'origin' will already be taken by debian10:16
yofelname it 'launchpad' or so10:16
clivejoIve stripped all the other remotes off10:16
yofelah ok10:16
clivejothere was origin, neon, sedcution or something like that10:17
clivejoso I stripped them all off and was trying to replace origin as LP10:17
clivejook that seems to have worked10:22
clivejoIll push one of them as a test10:22
clivejofatal: remote error: '~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/akonadi' is not a valid Git repository path.10:26
clivejodo I need a +git, https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/kubuntu-automation/10:28
BluesKajHiyas all11:13
yofelclivejo: yes, you need +git11:33
yofelsee docs11:33
telegram<@Clifford>: *growls and hisses at LP*11:35
clivejothis makes no sense11:40
clivejois it a personal repo?11:40
clivejo[url "git+ssh://USER@git.launchpad.net/~USER/+git/"]11:40
clivejo        insteadof = lpme:11:40
yofelno, it's a public one11:41
clivejo$ git remote add origin lp:~USER/PROJECT11:42
yofel[url "git+ssh://USER@git.launchpad.net/"]11:42
yofel        insteadof = lp:11:42
clivejoyes thats what I have in my .gitconfig11:42
yofelthen lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/$REPO11:42
clivejouser as me11:42
yofelsee "Repository URLs" section11:43
clivejoso its the https://code.launchpad.net/~OWNER/PROJECT/+git/REPOSITORY11:43
clivejoOWNER = kubuntu-packagers, PROJECT = kubuntu-packaging, and REPOSITORY = package name?11:44
yofelbut I don't think launchpad supports pushing over https, so use git+ssh11:45
yofeli.e. lp:11:45
clivejogit remote add origin lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/$dir ?11:46
clivejoI dont see the logic at all !11:46
yofelwhy not? It's essentially the bzr url, just with +git inside11:47
clivejoits pushed it somewhere11:48
clivejobut only master branch by the looks of it11:48
yofelyeah, we don't want that11:48
yofelremove the repo again and only push all relevant branches11:48
yofelwith tags11:49
clivejohow do I do that jedi master?11:49
clivejohttps://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/akonadi  the trash can on this page?11:49
clivejoah there is a manage webhooks thingie on that page11:50
yofelyes, the trash bin11:50
clivejowonder can we use that to hook KCI11:50
yofeland yes, that's what we'll have to configure for KCI11:50
clivejook deleted11:50
clivejohow do I push only certain branches11:50
clivejodo I have to checkout each one and push?11:51
yofelprobably make a static list of all the branches that we possibly care about, then loop over those11:51
yofelif a repo doesn't have a branch it'll just fail to push11:51
clivejosorry, Ive never done anything like this before11:51
yofeland we can leave the branches in debian for a while, until we're sure we migrated everything11:51
clivejoso we dont want master?11:52
yofelin bash, make a space seperated var like branches="foo bar xy", then you can run: for branch in $branches; do...11:52
yofelif we want to use gbp how it's supposed to be used, our code has to be in 'master'. Not the debian packaging11:53
yofelso if you push master, it would be a dead branch that'll eventually be deleted11:53
clivejoI was going to do "do-all git checkout kubuntu_xenial_archive"11:54
clivejojust do baby steps so I know whats going on!11:54
yofelwell, as you would be doing several things with a branch, I would make a list of branches and use loops.11:56
yofelBut yeah, even then I usually do at least one repo by hand until I know a working command chain11:56
clivejodo we need kubuntu_vivid branch?11:56
yofelI would keep it, just to have the history11:57
clivejoso basically kubuntu_*11:57
clivejoIll try bringing kubuntu_xenial_archive branch over first11:58
yofelfor now try importing akonadi, note down everything you did, then later try to make a script out of that11:59
clivejogit checkout kubuntu_xenial_archive gives me an error: pathspec 'kubuntu_xenial_archive' did not match any file(s) known to git.12:00
yofelwell, you removed the origin12:01
clivejoI only have master12:02
yofelyes, by default it only checks out master12:02
yofelmaybe clone has a parameter to pull all branches12:02
clivejooh drat!12:02
clivejoI thought it pulled it all down12:03
clivejogit clone I mean12:03
clivejobut removing the remote wipes the pointers?12:03
clivejoin other repo's Ive done git clone package12:04
clivejothen git checkout kubuntu_xenial_archive and it changes to that branch without going online12:04
clivejoI need food! be back later12:06
BluesKaj68 upgrades this morning on yakkety12:06
yofelclivejo: yes, removing the remote removes the pointers.12:12
yofelIIRC when you try to checkout a branch, it tries to get the local one, and if there is none, it searches the remotes one by one for a branch with the same name12:12
clivejoso by remove the origin on these I have basically messed up this local copy13:27
clivejoso I need to add a remote for lp and push to that?13:27
yofelclivejo: you can go and add the debian remote back, git fetch everything and the copies should work again13:34
* yofel wonders if something's relevant for us https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-distro-packagers/2016-April/000156.html14:20
soee_yofel: depends :D14:43
yofelthe qt 5.6 thing probably not, the nvidia one.. maybe14:43
soee_i doubt we will be able to ship apps before 16.04.1 is released14:43
yofelI'm talking about 15.0814:44
soee_isn't this note related to Spectacle 16.04 ?14:44
yofelsure, because that's the only supported version14:44
soee_ah i see14:45
soee_but anyway "Spectacle 16.04, as released, seems to have two pretty bad regressions."14:45
yofeland? That's the usual thing with kde these days14:46
soee_does it mean it is only in 16.04 ? the regressions ?14:46
yofelwell, the first patch seems to be a qt5.6 change, the next one isn't quite clear14:46
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.5.5: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/archive, FW 5.18: X/archive , FW 5.21 X/WIP| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
yofelarchive open again15:16
yofeloh, we'll be getting gcc 615:31
clivejoyofel: I cant seem to stop it pushing master :(15:43
yofelwhat are you running?15:43
clivejogit push lp --all15:43
yofelwell that'll ofc. push master if you say --all15:43
clivejobut surely all is all15:43
clivejoall of the f'in branches not just master15:44
clivejoright deleted15:44
clivejook so git push lp seems to push just xenial branch15:45
yofelthat depends on the push behavior15:48
yofelI think current default is to push all local branches15:48
clivejoIll just check them out individually15:50
clivejocan I let this rip?15:50
clivejoie push all this local xenial_archive branches to LP15:53
clivejoit will probably take a while 15:54
clivejoyofel: ^15:54
yofelhm, sure... did your test include the tags?15:55
yofelwe need those..15:55
clivejodont they come with the branches?15:55
yofelnot by default15:55
* clivejo shakes head15:56
yofelwelcome to git :P15:56
clivejoif I just push all this xenial_archive branches I can add those later?15:57
clivejois there no way to just copy the entire thing over and the rm the master branch?15:57
yofelmaybe there is, but I would have to read the git docs15:58
yofelthere should be a way to checkout all remote branches and then push those in one go...15:59
yofelbut I think that needs some custom git configuration15:59
yofelthere's also parameters to include the tags16:00
yofelbut again I would have to do that myself to figure it out16:00
soee_#git for help16:01
sgclark--follow-tags ?16:01
yofelthat's for pushing, fetch has a different one IIRC16:02
yofelbut clone might already include them..16:02
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Sick_RimmitHi friends17:45
BluesKaj_hi Sick_Rimmit, w17:45
Sick_RimmitI am making a video about my ubuntu tablet, connected to 52 inch plasma TV in convergence mode17:45
Sick_Rimmitusing xchat from the tablet right now17:45
Sick_Rimmithe he17:45
BluesKaj_connected via ?17:46
BluesKaj_networked i guess, my old plasma tv has no such amenities17:48
Sick_Rimmithdmi to TV17:49
Sick_Rimmitusing the tablets Wifi17:49
Sick_RimmitBluetooth kbd, and mouse17:49
Sick_Rimmitits a great experience, sitting on the sofa, with massive screen 17:50
Sick_Rimmitxchat in 1 window, firefox and launchpad in the other17:50
mamarleyConnecting display by a cable is really the only appropriate way to do it.  Displays require so much bandwidth that even Gigabit Ethernet is not fast enough.  Compression can be used, but that results in lag and artifacting.17:54
BluesKaj_yup, been doing that for 6yrs with 46" panasonic plasma tv,from the pc to the tv via dvi-hdmi cable17:55
mamarleyA PC with two 4K monitors will send 1.35 gigabytes per second of data out of its GPU.18:00
mamarley(Yes, gigabytes, not gigabits.)18:00
BluesKaj_I'm 10 ft/3M away from the tv and the pc with wireless KB and mouse ...a comfy setup for an old guy :-)18:01
Sick_Rimmitmamarley, I was thinking about that this morning, and wondered if the TV had an Xserver then it could be done ove Wifi using X18:03
mamarleySick_Rimmit: You mean X11 forwarding?  That is a very chatty protocol and tends to be quite slow, even on fast network connections.18:04
BluesKaj_by the time there's enough source material for a 4k tv I'll probly be in an urn sittng on the mantle :-)18:04
Sick_RimmitNo I mean straight X.18:04
mamarleyOh, I agree that a 4K TV is probably a waste of money at this point.  But 4K monitors are awesome.18:04
Sick_RimmitUsed it before for LTSP, had 40 clients running off 1 IBM server on a 100mb network, it worked smooth18:05
Sick_RimmitNot 4K mind you18:05
Sick_Rimmitmore like 1024 x 768 I think18:05
Sick_RimmitBut yes ubuntuttablet is connect via HDMI18:05
* mamarley is very skeptical about transmitting putting any kind of network between a computer and its display.18:05
Sick_RimmitWell that is exactly what X was designed to do.18:06
Sick_RimmitBack in the Mini computer Dumb Terminal world18:06
Sick_RimmitX is really good at it too18:07
mamarleyBack in those days people didn't expect 3840x2160 60FPS Vsync. :)18:07
Sick_RimmitOh sure, don't get me wrong UHD Gaming any going to happen18:07
Sick_RimmitBut for having this experience I've got now but without the cable, I reckon it would work.18:08
Sick_RimmitCould probably make it happen with a Raspberry Pi as the Xserver, and Tablet as the client18:08
mamarleyIn my experience, the RasPi has incredibly slow 2D X support, made even worse if you put it in 32-bit color instead of 16-bit color.18:09
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
mamarleyNon-CPU-limited GLES applications and video that conforms exactly to the hardware decoding support of the GPU work fine, but anything else is too slow to be usable.18:11
Sick_RimmitOK, I'm off for a bit, got friends coming round. see you folks leter18:29
clivejoI have no idea how to do this git madness18:56
sgclarkclivejo: can't add a git remote and then merge it in?19:01
clivejosgclark: but how do I get the branches and tags all over in the first place?19:36
clivejoIve cloned the all locally19:37
clivejogit checkout kubuntu_xenial_archive19:37
clivejoand "git push lp" pushes the xenial branch to LP 19:37
clivejoI can do that manually for all the branches19:38
clivejobut how do I bring over the tags?19:38
sgclarkhmm google had no answers?19:38
clivejoI assumed that they would follow the branches, but no!19:38
sgclarkoh :(19:38
clivejogit doesnt make anything easy!19:38
mamarleyclivejo: If you think git is hard, you should try CVS sometime!19:39
clivejothe #git channel said to rsync them over19:39
sgclarkrsync tags? interesting19:40
sgclarkI guess do that then19:40
clivejosgclark: rsync the entire file structure Im guessing19:40
clivejobut I dunno how to log into debian and lp19:40
clivejoto put the file in the right place19:41
clivejoplus I dont want the entire debian archive19:41
sgclarkcan login debian with your git credentials. LP I have no clue...19:41
sgclarkmaybe sync it local and then push it? dunno19:41
clivejoanyways how are you getting on?19:42
sgclarkI was told this would be easy! *peers at yofel*19:42
clivejohaving any more fun than me?!?19:42
clivejoits probably me just making it hard :/19:42
sgclarkwell, not terribly exciting work doing all these by hand. Repetitive.19:43
sgclarkalmost done with frameworks. well uploading, not necessarily fixing.19:43
clivejothats the next fun job :)19:44
clivejothese 5.21 packages did you merge with debian first?19:46
clivejoor just with the new packages19:46
sgclarkI did not, if we do merge, it will have to be with current dev release work, aka yak19:47
* clivejo giggles19:47
clivejoaka yak!19:47
clivejoI likes it19:47
clivejodev aka yak19:48
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clivejohi slhk_21:37
slhk_hi clivejo21:37
clivejodo you happen to know much about git?21:37
slhk_not really much, but you can try to ask21:37
clivejowe are trying to copy our packaging from debian servers to launchpad21:38
clivejobut we only want to bring over our branches ie kubuntu_*21:38
slhk_clivejo: I would clone (gets me only master), list all branches and individually pull those that match the criteria, pull all tags21:47
slhk_but there is sure a more "expert" way to do it21:47
clivejobut how do I pull the tags?21:48
clivejoahhh I give up21:48
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: /me: wonders when the kubuntu-devs sleep21:48
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: What an awesome team 😃21:49
soeeclivejo: gti pull --tags ?21:49
clivejocant sleep, have nightmares about git ending the world as we know it21:49
soeeclivejo: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16678072/fetching-all-tags-from-a-remote-with-git-pull21:50
soeegit fetch --all 21:50
slhk_git fetch --tags21:51
clivejogit fetch --all is going out to all the remotes21:53
soeeand you want to get tags of specific branch ?21:53
clivejoI want all the kubuntu branches and associated tags21:54
soeehow many of kubutnu bramches there is ?21:54
clivejoabout 721:54
clivejomaybe 8 in frameworks now21:55
clivejoyeah, Scarlett is working on kubuntu_xenial_backports21:55
slhk_clivejo: tags for branches you pull should be retrieved automatically, if you don't use --no-tags21:56
slhk_so pulling the branch is enough21:57
clivejothats what I thought21:57
clivejodoes LP not show tags maybe?21:57
soeethis is what you pushed ?22:01
clivejofrom here - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/akonadi.git/22:02
soeewell if i clone debian it has tags22:05
soeeif i clone yours it does not22:05
clivejoyup, this is the problem and why my brain is turning to mush22:05
clivejooh oh oh22:06
clivejoI think I pushed the tags22:07
slhk_when you push I think you have to explicitly push tags22:07
clivejoslhk_: correct!22:07
clivejogit push lp --tags22:07
soeegit push lp --all ?22:08
clivejoah yes, I can see them on the web now22:08
soeelp i remote name ?22:08
soeeyup now they are there :)22:08
clivejonope, --all doesnt push the tags22:10
clivejohave to do that separately22:10
soeethat is what they said me now on #git22:10
soee[00:08] <milki> push --tags22:10
clivejoso I need to checkout all my kubuntu branches locally22:11
clivejopush the branches and push the tags22:11
clivejosure thats just easy peasy22:12
soeewrite some script ? :D22:12
clivejopaste it for me soee :P22:13
clivejosoee: you should write a how to as well !22:14
slhk_soee: are you scripting it?22:16
soeeslhk_: nope, i am not an expert on this filed22:17
clivejothats his homework for tomorrow22:17
soeeand i'm to exhausted22:17
clivejoand I have no idea how to get rid of master branch :/22:20
soeebefore or after push ?22:21
clivejomaster is debian22:21
clivejodont need it22:21
clivejobut it always wants to push it22:21
clivejohi bkerensa22:56
clivejotime for bed, night all22:58

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