
pilneis it me? or does lxqt seem to be very much in limbo in general across the various distros?00:08
tsimonq2pilne: how so?00:14
pilnenot sure, git seems active, but "news" doesn't seem like it, and i've heard mixed reviews on it actually being able to be "lightweight"00:16
pilnesadly i haven't had much time to mess around with things myself to get my own feel for it :(00:19
ianorlinyeah git is still active not sure of the quality of all the packages across every distro00:45
ianorlin!info whohas |pilne00:46
ubottupilne None: whohas (source: whohas): query multiple distributions' package archives. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.29.1-1 (xenial), package size 179 kB, installed size 292 kB00:46
ianorlin0.9.0 had problems with one fedora release I remember00:47
ianorlinI think there might be a new stable upstream release soon as well00:47
ianorlinthere was talk about getting translations ready on the list00:47
ianorlinthe list being the lxde mailing list00:47
pilnevery interesting news, i love qt's approach tbh, kde just feels like a bit "too much" for stuff i really don't need/use/appreciate01:00
tavi---there is a website where from i can take older LTS of lubuntu?09:27
gsilvapttavi---, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/09:28
tavi---i founded ....thanks09:31
newjerseyso i'm a noob and just updated to 16.04 what is the difference between apt install and apt-get install in lubuntu?13:06
hateballnewjersey: you get a progress indicator using pure apt13:08
hateballand you dont have to know if you should use apt-get or apt-cache13:09
newjerseythanks hateball btw do you do any ruby? I got ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. stack overflow answer from 2014 says install ruby-dev is that still the case?13:10
hateballnewjersey: Sorry no13:13
huehue_hi guys14:32
huehue_RTL-8029AS - recognized but not ready. But ne2k_pci loaded!14:32
huehue_Now I fixed setting up interfaces auto eth1 iface eth1 dhcp.14:33
huehue_network manager can't use this interface14:33
huehue_i can't active network manager about this device?14:34
huehue_lubuntu 12.0414:34
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yaomtcI was looking at the screenshots on the main page, and noticed that the captions at the bottom hide an important part of the desktop... The panel.20:32
yaomtcRight now all I can really see are the windows.20:33
tsimonq2yaomtc: need me to start up a VM I have and take a screenshot? :)20:33
yaomtctsimonq2: http://imgur.com/sSHTjvW20:34
yaomtcThe text isn't actually that dark, I think I caught it in the middle of a transition20:34
tsimonq2so what do you suggest be changed?20:35
yaomtcI would suggest either enlarging the frame that holds the screenshots vertically,20:35
yaomtcor maybe enlarging the canvas of the images themselves so they have some blank space at the bottom?20:36
tewardwhich "main page" do you refer to?20:36
* teward has to ask :)20:36
yaomtcI haven't looked at the code so I don't know how it's actually set up but something like the first method would probably make more sense20:36
tewarddon't use lubuntu.net20:37
tewardlubuntu.me is the official site20:37
tewardyaomtc: ^ update your bookmarks!20:37
yaomtcis this a very recent change? because lubuntu.me doesn't show up on the first page of google results20:37
yaomtcoh there it is, at the bottom20:37
yaomtcit is on the first page but not as high as it should be. guess it'll take some time.20:37
tewardyaomtc: yes we're aware of that, nothing we can do though20:38
yaomtcoh well!20:38
yaomtcdisregard that20:38
yaomtcthis site looks much better :)20:38
tewardtsimonq2: guess you can ignore them then.  always find out which site they're looking at :)20:39
tsimonq2teward: ahh okay :)20:41
yaomtcone more question, if you're familiar with UNetbootin, it offers an option to preserve files across reboots, but it says "Ubuntu only". Do you know if that applies to variants like Lubuntu, too?20:52
yaomtcderivatives, rather20:53
yaomtcI don't know how to contact the UNetbootin team to ask them... maybe I'll try on #ubuntu20:57
tewardyaomtc: it works for the Lubuntu stuff too21:06
tewardyaomtc: any of the official Ubuntu variants, it should work for21:06
tewardsave for alternate images, and Server I think21:06
tewardor any which don't have a Live environment21:06
yaomtcthanks teward21:51

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