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dpmzbenjamin, morning. Quick question: Qt Creator does no longer start for me on 16.04 - when launching it from the terminal it shows me this input, but it just hangs forever there, not even the launcher icon is shown -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606030207:07
dpmany ideas what it could be?07:07
dpmI've tried reinstalling 'ubuntu-sdk-ide', but no luck07:07
zbenjamindpm: huh, thats weird. Even if some detection script would not return , none of it is blocking the main loop. So the QtC always should come up07:08
zbenjamindpm: did you try to reset your settings?07:08
dpmzbenjamin, not yet, how do I do this?07:09
zbenjamindpm: basically mv or rm ~/.config/QtProject/qtcreator07:09
dpmzbenjamin, that definitely made it happier. It could start, I ran the first run wizard and then it froze07:14
dpmlet me try to start it again07:14
zbenjamindpm: weird, do you maybe have any scripts / tools running forever?07:17
dpmzbenjamin, hm, now whenever I start it I can see the icon in the launcher, but it shows no UI. Let me start it from the terminal to see07:18
dpmzbenjamin, same messages as before: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606038307:19
zbenjamindpm: can you maybe see any scripts that would run forever?07:20
dpmwith the only difference that now a Qt Creator icon is shown in the launcher, but still hangs forever. Clicking on the icon does nothing.07:20
dpmzbenjamin, not sure what to look for in terms of running scripts07:21
zbenjamindpm: hm my cli skills with that are not too good , i usually use "ps auxwff" to show the ps tree and check if the qtc started any subprocesses07:21
zbenjamindpm: or you get the pid for qtc and run pstree <pid>07:22
dpmzbenjamin, sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606039907:23
zbenjamindpm: ok, you have a lot of qtc instances running, maybe a "killall qtcreator" first until they are all gone07:24
zbenjamindpm: then we try again07:24
dpmzbenjamin, that seemed to fix it, thanks! Let me test if everything is working...07:25
zbenjamindpm: *crosses fingers*07:26
zbenjamindpm: if you just moved your settings dir away, you can try to restore it and see if it works with your old settings07:26
zbenjamindpm: then you will still have all your sessions and kits. Otherwise all project setup is gone07:27
dpmah, good idea, yes, I just moved it07:27
dpmzbenjamin, I think I'll start anew. One think I noticed is that I don't have a "Desktop" kit, which previously was marked as "autodetected". Do I need to create one manually?07:29
zbenjamindpm: hm normally it should be picked up automatically if you have a Qt and gcc installed locally07:30
dpmzbenjamin, http://i.imgur.com/cdwwBoe.png <- here is what I see07:30
zbenjamindpm:  that is the old or new settings dir?07:31
zbenjaminalso why the kits are marked αΊƒith an error, if you hover over it , it should show you the error message07:31
dpmzbenjamin, that's with the old settings dir. I've decided not to restore the old and start afresh. Not sure why it's showing a warning sign on the phone/emulator kits07:31
zbenjamindpm: yeah something was definately broken then07:32
dpmzbenjamin, "Error: Mkspec not found for Qt version"07:32
dpmon hovering on a kit marked as warning07:32
zbenjamindpm: hmm, and it works with the clean settings?07:32
dpmzbenjamin, not sure what you mean. I've only tried it with clean settings, and it doesn't work07:33
zbenjamindpm: sorry then i got you wrong, i thought you see those errors only with the old settings dir and thats why you started fresh07:34
dpmzbenjamin, perhaps with so many instances running some where writing to the config at the same time? I've now deleted the *new* settings and restarted Qt Creator. Is the wizard supposed to show me this? http://imgur.com/jjcNwn507:36
zbenjamindpm: what does /home/dpm/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/ubuntu-sdk/ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/qt5-qmake-arm-linux-gnueabihf -query   tell you07:36
zbenjamindpm: that looks good07:37
dpmzbenjamin, making progress: Desktop kit available now (but not autodetected, marked as 'Manual'), but still errors on the phone/emulator kits -> http://imgur.com/j5wJ1Bi07:39
dpmzbenjamin, here's the output of the command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16060459/07:40
zbenjamindpm: hmm errr07:41
zbenjamindpm: "click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-15.04 run qmake -query"07:41
dpmzbenjamin, same error as above07:42
zbenjamindpm: ok , then something on the click level is broken ...07:42
zbenjamindpm: did you upgrade / change anything on your system lately?07:42
dpmzbenjamin, I've been on Xenial on this computer for months, but I just upgraded to the sdk ppa (it had been disabled on the xenial upgrade) recently07:43
dpmzbenjamin, shall I just nuke the phone and emulator kits?07:44
dpmthen rm the settings and start anew?07:44
zbenjamindpm: that would be a possibility yes, but i'm afraid the bootstrapping won't work ...07:44
dpmoh, why?07:44
zbenjamindpm: but then you can always use the static versions07:44
zbenjamindpm: last time i checked one of the html packages broke it again. Maybe its fixed already since i did not hear any complaints07:44
dpmzbenjamin, I'm confused now. So what's "the right way" of having a phone kit? Static, non-static? Autogenerated on first Qt Creator start?07:45
zbenjamindpm: the right way would be what the sdk does, bootstrapping it07:45
zbenjamindpm: the static is just a workaround07:46
dpmand is there a way to force bootstrapping?07:46
zbenjamindpm: no if the package dependencies are broken you can just use the static one07:46
zbenjamindpm: we are working on a complete replacement for that mess07:46
zbenjamindpm: we just started testing but it will still take some time until its ready for a beta that is useable enough07:46
dpmzbenjamin, ok. So what do you recommend I do with my current kits? Try to fix them or use the static versions? And in any case, what should I do as the next step?07:47
zbenjamindpm: you need to nuke them definately. Then first try creating one on the way you always did. If that does not work i tell you how to install the static one07:48
zbenjamindpm: if your kits get created you just use the SDK as usual07:49
dpmzbenjamin, ok, for starters, how can I remove them then?07:49
dpmzbenjamin, will the "Remove" button in the Options > Build & Run dialog take care of deleting everything?07:51
zbenjamindpm: either in QtC using the options -> ubuntu  page, or easier on CLI :   click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-15.04 destroy   and  click chroot -a i386 -f ubuntu-sdk-15.04 destroy07:52
zbenjamindpm: to create new ones on cli just replace destroy with create. Then your QtC is not blocked and you can at least use the desktop kit07:52
dpmok, will try that, thanks!07:52
zbenjamindpm: but restart it after destroying but before starting the creation of new ones07:52
zbenjamindpm: i wonder what broke it so badly. Never saw that before oO07:53
dpmzbenjamin, argh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606052807:54
dpmnot my day today07:54
zbenjamindpm: noooo , how much i hate that error07:54
zbenjamindpm: you could try to reboot07:55
zbenjamindpm: there are more brutal measures but i'd prefer if your homedir is safely unmounted07:56
dpmzbenjamin, ok, I could destroy the kits now. Also, something I've meant to ask for a while: why are there 2 entries in the Dash for the IDE? "Ubuntu SDK" and "Ubuntu SDK IDE", is this a known bug, and does it make a difference which one I choose?08:06
dpmzbenjamin, it seems they are different -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606060408:16
zbenjamindpm: right you do not need the one from archive "apt-get remote qtcreator"08:16
zbenjamindpm: apt refused to uninstall the other one automatically.. bzoltan_ knows more about that problem08:17
dpmzbenjamin, wait, but that extra .desktop file comes from qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu, not qtcreator08:17
zbenjamindpm: right, it should be removed together with qtcreator08:18
zbenjamindpm: you want "ubuntu-sdk-ide" which is the one from the ppa08:18
dpmzbenjamin, hm. Removing either 'qtcreator' or 'qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu' wants to remove 'ubuntu-sdk'08:19
dpmAlso, the version of 'ubuntu-sdk' in the PPA is older than the one in the archive08:20
dpmI'm utterly confused now08:21
zbenjaminbzoltan_: ^^^^^08:23
zbenjaminbzoltan_: we need to bump the ubuntu-sdk version in the ppa08:23
zbenjaminbzoltan_: and we should remove the qtcreator and plugins from the archive version. It constantly breaks08:24
bzoltan_dpm: apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk08:25
zbenjamindpm: it does not harm if its installed. But you are right thats too confusing .... maybe we should remove the IDE from the ubuntu-sdk metapackage and let people install ubuntu-sdk and ubuntu-sdk-ide seperately08:25
zbenjaminor let ubuntu-sdk-ide pull ubuntu-sdk08:26
zbenjaminbbl, need to let the dog out08:26
dpmbzoltan_, well, that's actually what I ran to find out that the PPA version is older than the archive http://paste.ubuntu.com/1606065108:27
dpmzbenjamin, it's not just the fact that they are confusing, they do execute two different instances of qt creator08:27
zbenjamindpm: you are right thats really bad.08:28
dpmand presumably you only want to track one08:28
bzoltan_dpm: somebody keeps pushing updates to the seeds without paying much attention to the effect :(08:28
bzoltan_dpm: obviously the seeds need to be fixed08:28
zbenjaminbzoltan_: can we reverse the dependencies?   Instead of ubuntu-sdk pulling the IDE, we do it the other way round and tell ppl to install ubuntu-sdk-ide08:28
zbenjaminbzoltan_: and remove the IDE from the ubuntu-sdk metapackage everywhere08:29
zbenjaminbzoltan_: that would solve it for good and we do not need to have our own metapackage in the ppa08:29
dpmzbenjamin, bzoltan_, where is the best place to report this as a bug to track it?08:29
bzoltan_dpm: seed package08:29
bzoltan_dpm: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.xenial/files08:30
bzoltan_dpm: I can fix the PPA version like zillion times if people keep pusing this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.xenial/view/head:/sdk08:30
dpmbzoltan_, I guess that'd be for the seeds themselves. But that won't fix the fact that qtcreator ships the .desktop file that's got the same icon but executes a different binary08:31
bzoltan_dpm: we can change the icon and the desktop file of course08:32
bzoltan_dpm:  in Y08:32
bzoltan_dpm:  of SRU in X08:32
bzoltan_of - or08:32
dpmbzoltan_, ok, if I report this against the seeds package, given that seeds version < PPA version... what should be the solution? I don't think the seeds version can be downgraded08:34
dpmis it not just a matter of a) updating the version in the PPA and b) improving communication?08:35
bzoltan_dpm:  seed version should not be downgraded... it simple should remove all the qtc* packages from its list08:35
dpmbzoltan_, zbenjamin, ok, filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/1575048 - could you guys please comment in the bug? I don't think it should be me driving this, as I'm far from an expert08:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1575048 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Remove qtc* packages from the SDK seed" [Undecided,New]08:42
dpmbzoltan_, zbenjamin, for the more immediate issue of removing qtcreator, what steps would you recommend?08:42
dpm(as sudo apt remove qtcreator wants to remove ubuntu-sdk)08:43
bzoltan_dpm:  I have pushed a winning update to the PPA08:54
dpmbzoltan_, zbenjamin, ok, reported bug 1575062 for the icons issue09:04
ubot5bug 1575062 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Confusing desktop icon when installed in parallel with Ubuntu SDK IDE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157506209:04
dpmbzoltan_, so last question, once apt sees the update in the PPA, what will be the steps necessary to remove qtcreator? 'sudo apt remove qtcreator', or 'sudo apt remove qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu', or something else?09:05
bzoltan_dpm:  removing the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu should do the trick09:07
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dpmbzoltan_, ok, great, thanks! I'll try 'apt update' again in a bit and give it a go09:09
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zbenjamindpm: apt-get remove qtcreator, except for some reason you want to keep the archive qtc09:11
dpmyou guys are telling me different things to do :)09:11
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timpzbenjamin: I also have qtcreator from the archive installed09:24
timpis there a new tutorial on how to get the ppa qtc?09:25
zbenjamintimp: add the ppa and install ubuntu-sdk-ide.  Then remove the other one "apt-get remove qtcreator qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu"09:26
timpI have the ppa09:26
zbenjamintimp: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/11/19/here-comes-brand-new-ubuntu-sdk-ide-tools/09:26
timpI don't know why I have qtc from the archive09:26
zbenjamintimp: most likely because the ubuntu-sdk package was overruled by the archive one, which pulled the one from the archive09:27
timpcould be09:28
timpzbenjamin: the blog post mentions 'apt distupgrade'. Is that 'apt full-upgrade' now?09:32
timpah dist-upgrade still works too09:32
zbenjamintimp: could be that it was changed ...09:34
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timpkalikiana: so, on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sections-keyboard/+merge/292587 I added a FIXME in a comment09:43
timpkalikiana: I think it is a separate issue, needs to be fixed in the APL but I don't know how much work that will be09:44
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nik90nik90_mobile, ping13:17
nik90_mobilenik90, hello there13:17
davmor2oh god nik90 has been at the cloning machine again13:17
nik90_mobileLoop woo chatter is awesome13:18
nik90dpm, mhall119: Do you know where the snappy clinic today is being held? Is it on ubuntu-on-air?13:32
dpmnik90, we decided to move it to next week's UOS (sorry for the inconvenience :/)13:33
nik90dpm, oh nvr mind, I was just about to make an announcement on the ubuntu-app-dev telegram channel..good think I asked ;)13:34
dpmthere are a couple of snappy things that need fixing, and we figured out it'd make more sense to wait until UOS and we'd have more audience too13:34
nik90hmm, makes sense13:35
timpmardy: hello15:20
timpI was just reading your latest comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/157252515:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1572525 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[regression] Double header height is set as flickable topMargin" [High,In progress]15:20
timpI commented back15:20
timpperhaps we can discuss it together in a meeting with designers?15:21
mardytimp: I don't think that a meeting with the designers is necessary, and I can certainly live with the fixed header; it's more a matter of principle, but I don't intend to have a fight over it :-)15:55
mardytimp: let me just write the same as a comment on the bug15:56
timpmardy: okay, thanks15:56
timpmardy: probably for UITK2 the header is not going to change any properties of the flickable15:57
mardytimp: that's the best thing indeed15:57
timpmardy: so the app developer will have to do all that. The automatic behavior that we have now is a leftover from the previous header where you didn't have access to its height and you could not anchor to it from the app.15:57
timpbut changing that now would require all apps to be changed15:57
timpmardy: I will close the bug then. Sorry, I know it is not completely satisfactory for you and if I had infinite time I would spend more of it on this bug.16:05
timpmardy: but when we start to work on the UITK2 APIs, we will announce it and ask people for input16:05
mardytimp: ok, no hard feelings :-)16:06
kisbanyone there???16:37
kisbwe have questions16:37
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TimWohoo!! Sent via Chatter19:45
TimAwesome! :)19:46
subet^ really nice19:47
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m_jimmerDoes anyone know how can I use ListModel to append with a var ?  example  http://pastebin.com/gf3YpQR0 its the role name that is getting in the way. Seems like one can not use anything but strings ?22:13
m_jimmerit is line ten that is the issue22:14

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