
RAOFpitti: Enjoy your shiny new colord 1.3.2-1. Build-against-universe means the Ubuntu delta can be dropped.01:14
RAOF(I'm *pretty* sure this is correct this time!)01:14
pittiGood morning06:23
pittiRAOF: ah great, thanks06:24
willcookeMirv, hey!  Do you have a script which can sync between LP and Trello?07:04
Mirvwillcooke: no, maybe jibel could have? although I think it's just for bileto <-> Trello. I used to have one for Kanban <-> LP :)07:15
willcookenw, thx Mirv07:15
willcookepopey, ^07:16
Laneyaptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Ubuntu/yakkety07:22
LaneyWHAT SAY?????????07:22
* larsu pets Laney07:23
* Laney purrs07:24
Laneymuch better07:24
Laneylarsu: saw your latest work07:24
Laneyexciting stuff :)07:24
larsuoh gvariant.js?07:24
larsuthanks :)07:24
larsuhacked on that on the side a bit07:25
larsuwas fun07:25
Laneywhat do you guys want to use this for?07:25
larsuthis is nothing official, just a side project07:25
larsunot planning to use it for anything yet07:25
Laneyah right07:25
larsuand it's not even close to ready to be used for anything07:25
larsubut it taught me how to mangle binary bits in javascript (and more javascript in general), how to make node modules, and how gvariant is serialized07:26
larsuLaney: I didn't think news about it would travel that fast...07:27
larsuah, I showed desrt last night07:27
Laneywhile we were in the prague beer museum07:27
desrtwe did a bit of research... on a lark i said it would be fun to write a haskell one07:28
larsuoh - I hope I didn't distract you guys too much from the important stuff there07:28
desrtalready exists.  also, golang, rust, java, many others07:28
larsuseriously? nice07:28
desrtsome of them are just bindings, i think07:29
desrtbut some are definitely native reimplementations07:29
larsudesrt: I think it would be nice if you could put the spec somewhere more visible07:31
RAOFOooh, I might be interested in a Rust gvariant codec.07:34
desrti think that one may have just been a binding07:34
RAOFAlso, hello larsu, Laney, and desrt!07:34
desrthi RAOF :)07:34
RAOFAh, well. Then I get to write one (eventually!)07:34
larsuhi RAOF!07:35
desrtRAOF: let me know when you do it :)07:35
larsudo it, it's fun!07:36
seb128hey larsu RAOF otherdesktopers07:36
RAOFIt'll be a fun exercise to work out how to drive the rust hypothesis-y clone.07:36
desrtseb128: that word has two 'p's in it, i think :)07:36
RAOFHey seb128!07:36
larsuand the spec is pretty easy to follow07:36
larsumorning seb128!07:36
desrtlarsu: thanks :)07:36
seb128desrt, thanks ;-)07:36
popeyqengho: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappers/snappy-playpen/trunk/files & https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xBHxFwBNk3HjomnxzOjrohy-E3eyjAGX8ZLvXPqOG84/edit#gid=007:50
qenghopopey: thx08:02
willcookepopey, ^08:04
seb128Laney, robert_ancell, attente, so, does any of you want to rebase wip/ubuntu-xenial on 3.20.2 or cherry pick some of the fixes from the stable branch? or should we just got with what we have (+ the one pending comment)08:49
davmor2willcooke: I'd of been happier with a battery that lasted 1000's of hours rather than 1000's of charges but I'll take it :)08:52
flexiondotorgMorning. I want to have an experiment with Unity8 on a laptop.09:17
flexiondotorgMaybe even try making an image for the Raspberry Pi.09:18
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flexiondotorgWill installing 'unity8-desktop-session-mir' on a minimal system pull in all the required dependencies or is a Unity7 desktop required as a base?09:19
seb128unsure we tested on a minial system, try and tell us? ;-)09:21
flexiondotorgseb128, OK :-D09:27
flexiondotorgseb128, So I have Ubuntu Unity 7 fully work on the Pi 3. I thought I'd have a stab at getting Unity 8 going too.09:27
seb128robert_ancell, can you add "x-scheme-handler/apt" to the Mimetypes list in the .desktop in the apturl commit09:28
seb128flexiondotorg, that's nice, let us know how it goes09:28
flexiondotorgseb128, Will do. A project for the weekend I think.09:28
robert_ancellseb128, ack09:28
seb128_robert_ancell, thanks09:32
seb128_(if somebody asked me anything since robert's reply, please ask again, I changed wifi and lost backlog)09:32
willcookestupid wifi09:35
willcookeflexiondotorg, I think you might have issues running Mir on Pi3 because of the requirements on the video driver09:35
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
willcookenot sure though09:35
seb128robert_ancell, attente, do you have any idea if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1555567 is still an issue?09:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1555567 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "License information from the store not being used" [Medium,Triaged]09:35
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Yes I anticipate a rocky road.09:36
davmor2willcooke: stupid developers going to a sprint with more than one device and eating all the bandwidth ;)09:36
flexiondotorgBut I have the experimental VC4 driver working in Unity7 and prepared to get my hands dirty.09:36
robert_ancellseb128, check with attente but I don't think we are getting / using this yet?09:37
seb128robert_ancell, right, the question was to know if we are blocked/need to nag the store team about it09:37
seb128it's suboptimal to have all those flagged as nonfree09:37
attentethe bug sounds like it's our problem09:38
attentei'll look into it09:38
attenteif snapd is giving it to us, then i guess we're not setting it properly somewhere09:38
seb128well, dunno09:38
seb128how does one query details with snapd?09:38
seb128I just asked on their channel09:39
seb128the snap command line doesn't seem to have a show command09:39
seb128or info or whatever09:39
willcookeseb128, as discussed:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/157508609:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1575086 in software-center (Ubuntu) "u-s-c icon now clashes with the new Ubuntu Software package" [Undecided,New]09:50
seb128willcooke, thanks09:50
seb128tiheum, ^ hey, do you think you could help there?09:50
seb128attente, robert_ancell, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1561285 something that is fixed in the SRU?10:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1561285 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "snapd operations don't contain progress information" [High,Fix committed]10:22
seb128it's fix commited10:22
seb128but I don't see what commit corresponds10:22
attenteseb128: it should be fixed in the current branch10:23
attenteseb128: did it not work for you when you tried it?10:23
seb128attente, but not in the xenial version?10:23
attenteseb128: not in the xenial version10:23
attenteseb128: but committed to the branch10:23
seb128k, I was just checking10:23
attenteseb128: i'll try and find it10:23
seb128well just wondering if the bug needs to be made SRU compliant10:24
seb128I guess not since snaps support is not enabled atm10:24
seb128so it's not a bug that we fix10:24
seb128it's just part of the new feature10:24
attenteseb128: it's this one ac3a1c439fb79c2ae2070b35cb6ba1d9b676a1b410:25
seb128attente, thanks10:25
attenteseb128: you tested the branch and didn't get any 500 errors, right?10:26
tiheumseb128, hi, we could do something. I will speak with John and Marcus about it and will comment the bug accordingly10:26
seb128tiheum, thanks10:26
attenteseb128: i seem to be still getting them :/10:26
seb128talk to the snappy team seeing what debug info they might want to want?10:26
seb128attente, that commit is already in xenial10:27
attenteseb128: but the plugin was disabled for the one currently in archive10:28
attenteoh. you think we should've marked it as fix released even though no one can verify it10:29
seb128no, it's fine10:29
seb128I'm just going to skip it from the bugs referenced in the SRU changelog10:29
seb128because there is no way to test the buggy behaviour10:29
seb128out of rebuild an old version to enable snap to see it's broken10:30
seb128like it's just part of "enable snaps support"10:30
seb128Laney, attente, 1559185 1559284 1564621 1571414 1573408 157510410:37
seb128should be the SRU bugslist10:37
seb128Laney, bug #1575104 is the one you wanted10:37
ubot5bug 1575104 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "SRU including some fixes/improvements/enabling snap backend" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157510410:37
* Laney screms at aptly11:18
seb128chattyman, howdy11:54
popeyhello chattyman11:54
chattymanHi all11:54
popeychattyman: still there?11:57
chattymanpopey, i sure am11:57
Laneyalan carr?12:00
Trevinhoseb128: it doesn't solve my issue, but if you want it, it's still cleaner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16062267/12:01
seb128Trevinho, k, can you do a mp against the packaging vcs?12:02
Trevinhoseb128: ooook...12:03
seb128ttthhhhhhanks ;-)12:03
Trevinhoseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/nautilus/menubar-visibility-signals/+merge/29292512:11
seb128Trevinho, thanks12:12
muktupavels_Trevinho, do you have time to look at compiz bug and releated branch? https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/157486612:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1574866 in Compiz "Compiz does not paint background" [Undecided,New]12:13
Trevinhomuktupavels_: yeah, me and andyrock were already checking that12:19
Trevinhomuktupavels_: from a first look, please don't break the API, add a new method instead12:20
xnoxawwww seb128 might get the wooden spoon =(12:26
muktupavels_Trevinho: how should I name new methods? incrementOpaqueDesktopWindowCount?12:27
muktupavels_Trevinho: but is it right way to fix that? Maybe there is better way?12:28
Trevinhomuktupavels_: I've not been checking the thing internally yet... andyrock is on it though12:28
Trevinhomuktupavels_: so provide him the proper scenario too12:28
seb128xnox, less work for me, woooo12:31
LaneyI was excited12:36
seb128they so changed the rules so no desktop people would be in their club12:37
seb128that's a parody of democrary12:38
* seb128 rage quits non desktop channels :p12:38
Laneylet's protest the next meeting12:41
* larsu wonders what we protest about12:42
seb128larsu, TB elections12:42
seb128larsu, http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_0b63afb3ebd5c7ca12:43
seb128but TB decided midelection to change to 5 members instead of 612:43
Laneyso seb128 is listed as being elected12:43
Laneybut actually they are only taking the ones above him12:43
Laney:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(12:44
larsupoor seb12812:44
andyrockmuktupavels_: please take a look to the review12:44
muktupavels_andyrock: I already force pushed...12:45
andyrockmuktupavels_: i'm on it12:50
mdeslaurseb128: :(12:52
seb128mdeslaur, congrats! :-)12:52
Trevinhoandyrock: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/compiz/scale-selection-keyboard+mouse-fix/+merge/29293813:00
TrevinhoMh, we should support embedding gifs, really https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/compiz/scale-selection-keyboard+mouse-fix/+merge/292938/comments/75115713:04
LaneyI just found a weird thing13:52
pittiseb128: darn, so the millions spent on your TB campaign were spent in vain? :-(13:52
pittiLaney: qu'est-ce que c'est ?13:53
pittiLaney: oh, autopkgtest spam?13:53
seb128pitti, yeah, some of my supported are talking about riots now!13:53
Laneypitti: no, see that image13:53
Laneyit's indicator-pitti!13:53
pittiwrt. http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_0b63afb3ebd5c7ca, I think only the top 5 win13:53
pittiLaney: oh, nice! Is that the number of times that I've sighed today?13:54
Laneyapparently it's the countdown to your next birthday13:54
pitti(towards clouds, arm64 kernels, libreoffice making s390x explode, etx)13:54
Laneysame face I made13:55
qenghowillcooke: title is misleading. https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157452614:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1574526 in Snappy "x11 plug doesn't allow getsockname, breaks xeyes" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:19
willcookethx qengho14:19
seb128mvo, hey14:28
seb128mvo, easy question for you about ... https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/tree/src/plugins/gs-plugin-apt.cc?h=wip/ubuntu-xenial#n35314:29
seb128mvo, that loop has a break in it, what's the point of the loop if you exit on first iteration? I guess either it shouldn't be a loop or the break should be there?14:30
mvoseb128: in a meeting right now, but I can have a look14:33
seb128mvo, thanks, L_aney says you nicely gave us that code ;-)14:33
seb128just wondering if you can make sense of the issue14:34
mvoseb128: sure, after the meeting (in some minutes)14:34
LaneyI don't think it causes a problem in practice14:34
seb128mvo, thanks14:35
seb128doesn't seem to14:35
seb128unsure what next loop iteration would do though14:35
mvoseb128: we only need the first one, but we need to check the VF.IsGood() condition, so the loop will go find the first of these and then break. could be written differently of course, feel free to change if you want14:41
seb128mvo, if it's false you exit directly since VF.IsGood() is false, so don't go to find the first good one?14:43
mvoseb128: hm, let me look in detail14:47
mvoseb128: just found my code and yes, this is a bit silly, I can rewrite it if needed. that was written in a bit of a rush. is it actually causing problems? or just a weird style?14:53
seb128mvo, just weird style/didn't understand it, I crossed it while debugging another issue in the same function and was wondering about it14:54
seb128mvo, unsure if it could create issues, e.g if there are cases where the first entry is not good and where it should iterate rather than exiting14:55
mvoseb128: yeah, I will update the example I think14:57
mvoseb128: and send something out14:57
seb128mvo, thanks for taking the time to have a look!14:57
mvoseb128: https://github.com/mvo5/apt-api-example/blob/master/miniapt.cc#L18 should be better when I have a moment I will expand it a little bit (re-add the IsGood for example)15:11
seb128mvo, thanks15:12
seb128Laney, ^ just for info15:12
TheMusodesrt: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/espeak-general <- the espeak list where you can ask about the language stuff for espeak if you are so enclined.15:25
* Laney hugs mvo 15:37
Laneyyou beauty15:37
* mvo hugs Laney and seb128 - nothing like a proper team hug!15:38
* seb128 hugs mvo and Laney :-)15:39
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