
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:34
lotuspsychjemorning DJones06:13
BluesKajHiyas all11:13
OerHekshi BluesKaj11:13
BluesKajHey OerHeks11:15
lotuspsychjegood afternoon12:02
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje12:07
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj12:07
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: http://imgur.com/GnbxATe12:08
lotuspsychjetweaked the worspaces a bit with ccsm12:08
BluesKajlooks very cool lotuspsychje :-)12:09
BluesKajunity can be tweaked I see12:09
lotuspsychjeyes, the inactive workspaces are default black/dark12:10
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: so i tweaked them all workspaces to 100% brightness on ccsm/expo12:10
BluesKajI'm pretty traditional , outdoor scenes as backgrounds on each activity12:11
lotuspsychjeevery flavor got its own neat features12:13
BluesKajyeah , seems so12:13
lotuspsychjeits been ages i tested kde...since redhat 4 or so..lol12:14
* lotuspsychje feels embarassed12:14
BluesKajlotuspsychje, nothing to be embarassed about, to each his own I say12:18
lotuspsychjewelcome Usorg & DArqueBishop14:06
lotuspsychjerilleh: another crazy set: http://mixing.dj/2016/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-298-live-at-iera-odos-greece-sat-04-15-2016-talion/14:32
rillehThat one was pretty good14:33
rillehI like 297 more14:36
rillehThat one was really dope14:36
lotuspsychjelets c if i can find, its almost done14:37
rillehThey are all on Soundcloud14:38
lotuspsychjeim on mixing.dj14:38
rillehAnd also in Overcast :)14:38
lotuspsychjerilleh: got it http://mixing.dj/2016/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-297-08-04-2016/14:39
lotuspsychjetimewarp manheim?14:40
lotuspsychjerilleh: great tnx for the tip mate14:41
lotuspsychje1h fun started14:41
lotuspsychjehey :p15:01
lotuspsychjecrowdy support today15:01
EriC^^_i've been installing xchat to 16.0415:02
lotuspsychjerilleh: 2/3 part gets more interesting now15:03
lotuspsychjerilleh: part 1/3 was not enough story for me :p15:03
EriC^^_who's rilleh?15:04
lotuspsychjea nice dude, doing some support here EriC^^_15:04
EriC^^_never seen him before15:04
lotuspsychjeEriC^^_: he's solid :p15:04
EriC^^_aha :D15:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^_: http://imgur.com/GnbxATe15:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^_: my tweaked workspaces15:05
EriC^^_nice looks good15:06
lotuspsychjeEriC^^_: got them all 4 100% brightness now15:06
lotuspsychjeso i can see what im doing :p15:07
lotuspsychjeand wobbly windows15:07
lotuspsychjeTJ-: wb15:08
EriC^^_!info xchat trusty15:08
ubot5xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.1ubuntu5.1 (trusty), package size 278 kB, installed size 899 kB15:08
EriC^^_!info xchat vivid15:08
ubot5xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.3ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 311 kB, installed size 987 kB15:08
EriC^^_!info xchat wily15:09
ubot5xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.3ubuntu1 (wily), package size 311 kB, installed size 987 kB15:09
EriC^^_i've the trust version right now15:09
EriC^^_let me try wily15:09
EriC^^_purged it15:11
EriC^^_xchat running only from memory now :D15:11
EriC^^_did it reply?15:14
lotuspsychje>EriC^^_< CTCP VERSION15:14
lotuspsychje-EriC^^_- VERSION xchat 2.8.8 Ubuntu15:14
EriC^^_just missing some depends15:14
EriC^^_it's probably nothing15:14
EriC^^_hehe the perl version it needed is higher now that's all15:15
EriC^^_let's check if ubot5 was fixed and ubottu15:31
ubot5<EriC^^_> wants you to know: Package bla does not exist in xenial15:31
EriC^^_was anything sent still?15:32
lotuspsychje<ubot5> <EriC^^_> wants you to know: Package bla does not exist in xenial15:33
lotuspsychjeEriC^^_: perhaps report again15:37
lotuspsychjerilleh: 293 is more for me :p deep & dark :p16:23
lotuspsychjein rome16:23
lotuspsychjeevening baizon16:32
OerHeksplease download more ubuntu-torrents, my ratio is climbing very slow.16:34
OerHeks'just' 129.1 gb ...16:35
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: 24/7?16:36
OerHeksso i am still on 15.1016:37
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: will you go xenial after the seeding?16:37
baizonhi hi lotuspsychje16:38
OerHekslotuspsychje, maybe .. depends how much you offer to pay :-D16:40
OerHekswait, let me install an ATI gpu16:40
OerHekspom pom pom16:41
OerHeksATI Mobility Radeon X1450, bought new a few decades ago16:42
lotuspsychjei still use the X80016:42
OerHeksjust €410 ... http://tweakers.net/nieuws/110735/meizu-begint-verkoop-van-pro-5-smartphone-met-ubuntu.html17:04
lotuspsychjeand so cheap for a phone lol17:10
OerHeks5G, and full hd ..17:12
OerHekserr 4g17:12
TJ-be warey though, it doesn't support all 4G frequency bands, especially the long-range bands at 800/900MHz17:14
TJ-those are the ones that can penetrate buildings17:15
TJ-and some cellular operators only do 4G in those bands so it could end up only providing 3G17:15
OerHeksthe BQ 4.5 is now €15917:15
* lotuspsychje is happy with his Bq17:22
lotuspsychjeubuntu on the road is nice to have17:23
lotuspsychjefor the less money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LGmq38G0to17:29
baizonguys any recommendations for a email notifier ?17:30
baizonusing mailnag right now, but im not so happy with it17:30
baizon... i want unity 8 right now :(17:31
baizoni hope it gets released with 16.1017:31
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj_
lotuspsychjebaizon: i used gm-notify but they removed it from xenial18:44
lotuspsychjealso looking for alternative18:44
lotuspsychjehi Bashing-om18:44
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) ... o/ .. 'Tis a new day ( for me ) . Hoz it going ?18:47
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: great and you? crowdy support today18:47
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: tweaked my workspaces on unity: http://imgur.com/GnbxATe18:48
Bashing-omGoing well ... My goal here in a bit is to try and beat the rain and get some yard work done ... Maybe Yes, Maybe not so yes .18:49
lotuspsychjei dont have greeg fingers myself18:49
Bashing-omA busy desktop ^^( I looked at your post last eveneing ) . While I am not a fan of unity .. I can appreciate  what you have accomplished !18:51
rillehlotuspsychje: Thanks, gonna give them a listen19:00
rillehI found this one: https://soundcloud.com/awakenings/ida-engberg-awakenings-antwerp-15-04-201619:00
rillehA real fucking banger that one19:00
rillehWhat happened to Ida? From House to Deep Techno19:00
lotuspsychjerilleh: antwerp is close to where i live :p19:01
rillehThat's awesome19:03
rillehYou from Belgium?19:04
lotuspsychjerilleh: yes19:04
lotuspsychjerilleh: country of lace, chocolats, frites and wafles :p19:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: wb19:15
lotuspsychjeTJ-: lol i got neon paint ads on softpedia....they following me haha19:17
lotuspsychjei swear19:17
TJ-wow, i never get that because I never see ads, or allow any tracking19:17
lotuspsychjeTJ-: http://news.softpedia.com/news/fedora-24-linux-default-wallpapers-revealed-they-re-truly-gorgeous-gallery-503417.shtml19:17
lotuspsychjenow i got another ad ofcourse :p19:18
lotuspsychje!info xchat219:20
ubot5Package xchat2 does not exist in xenial19:20
lotuspsychjeoh oh, erics gonna be mad19:20
lotuspsychje!info xchat-gnome19:21
ubot5xchat-gnome (source: xchat-gnome): simple and featureful IRC client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.30.0~git20141005.816798-0ubuntu9 (xenial), package size 289 kB, installed size 916 kB19:21
lotuspsychjeTJ-: stop following me :p http://imgur.com/9Zr4C4J19:31
de-factothank you :)19:34
lotuspsychjede-facto: the idea is we doing alot of support, but never can talk so here we are :p19:34
lotuspsychjeexchanging ubuntu news links n stuff19:35
lotuspsychjelatest support goodies19:35
de-factothats a good idea since its impossible to mix support and talk too much19:35
lotuspsychjenite nite guys :p19:52
lotuspsychjedont do what lotus wouldnt do19:52
Bashing-omGonna go cut grass for a spell .. be back -> Later .21:11
Bashing-omMission accomplished - muach as I wanted to get done anyhow . Playing catch up here now .23:44
OerHekswhen will it be hay?23:47
Bashing-omOerHeks: Got a bailer handy ?.. what I just mowed .. will bail . Now that next 2 acres - when I do get to it - will do very well to bail !23:57
pauljwhow much do you mow, Bashing-om?23:58
Bashing-ompauljw: 'bout a 6 acre "yard" .23:59
pauljwwhew, that's a bunch.  mine about 1 acre and that's plenty.  :)23:59

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