
Tabguyhow do i fnd ubutu sftware center on the new tablet?00:24
dobeyTabguy: the app store is the last entry in the apps scope. if you go to the apps scope and scroll to the bottom, you'll see the ubuntu store icon01:52
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TabguyDobey: I can`t see the software center in the scope menu.06:24
Tabguyhow do i ad it06:24
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linux_unix-10Can we make porting requests here?07:27
k1l_linux_unix-10: well. then you still need someone to do the porting :/07:30
k1l_linux_unix-10: take a look at https://ubports.com/07:30
linux_unix-10k1l_: Well, I was thinking that this place would have devs to ask about stuff with.07:31
svijFor those who are interested: Meizu Pro 5 is now available, only in gold: http://en.jd.com/1104324.html07:32
k1l_linux_unix-10: yes. but your questions sounds like "make me a port".07:32
linux_unix-10k1l_: Sorry if I sounded too curt with my statement.07:33
linux_unix-10k1l_: I could try and help with testing, if that's fine.07:34
k1l_linux_unix-10: if you want to start a port see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting . but keep in mind that this is not a beginners task. if you have questions other users in here who already did some ports could answer07:34
linux_unix-10k1l_: "if you have questions other users in here who already did some ports could answer" <-- That's exactly why I'm here! :D07:36
popeyDo we have a bug tracking the fact that the app scope is empty on rc-proposed quite often http://imgur.com/qhs3sH208:15
lotuspsychjepopey: i encounter the same on bq 4.5, app scope remains empty for just a little while, until apps showup08:20
lotuspsychjei also noticed searching the app store on keyword 'scopes', pressing see more scopes, results in empty also..08:22
popeyah, if i search for stuff, i find stuff appears, but more often than not it is all blank08:22
davmor2popey: blame jamestait it's normally his fault when it comes to the store ;)08:40
popeynot the store08:41
popeyclick scope08:41
davmor2popey: I noticed that music and videos have been blanking on me recently if I disable all the views and then re-enable them all again it seems to be fine so it wouldn't surprise me if there were issues with the online stuff08:48
popeyit happens more if your network is ropey (like here at a sprint)08:51
embrik_HI, is it possible to install csnapchat on ubuntu phone?08:52
embrik_sorry, snapchat08:52
embrik_OK, thanks, what about netflix -app?08:53
popeyfor the phone, no08:55
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brunchGood morning! I recently bought a blueetooth keyboard and I have two questions. Is there anywhere I could find a list of keyboard settings? I'm on proposed.10:23
brunchI mean keyboard shortcuts, not settings10:23
brunchAaaaand... tildes / dead keys / Alt-gr doesn-t seem to work with any layout. Is it work in progress?10:24
ogra_there is a bug open for the altgr issue10:25
ogra_bug 156523610:25
ubot5bug 1565236 in mir (Ubuntu) "AltGr not working on external keyboards" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156523610:25
brunchnice thanks10:25
ogra_i dont think any shortcuts list exists yet10:27
saaventowas just reading about the meizu por 5 and loads ubuntu touch OTA 910:27
saaventois that ok10:28
saaventoor is just a custom distro for the phone10:28
brunchI'm very impressed that there are a lot of working keyboard shortcuts similar to desktop. Such as alt-tab, super-1/2/3 or ctrl-l on web browser. Alt-F4 doesn't work so I thought maybe there was a different one to close apps :p10:30
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brunchutouch is looking in a pretty good shape10:31
* brunch sprays confetti at the devs10:31
* ogra_ grins10:32
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ccsomething about ubuntu phone11:21
ccnow we can buy meizu pro 5 ubuntu11:22
ccbut i found that i cant buy it in china!!!!!11:22
saaventoi cannot type ' @ '  in browser but in chat i can11:31
saaventoalso layout in legacy apps is not the same on snappy apps11:32
saaventowhere can i open a bug11:32
ogra_bug 156523611:33
ubot5bug 1565236 in mir (Ubuntu) "AltGr not working on external keyboards" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156523611:33
ogra_just click the "affects me too" button at the top11:33
saaventoso is open already11:33
ogra_yeah, will be fixed in OTA1111:34
ogra_(i guess :) )11:34
saaventois ok11:34
saaventowhile is noticed is good11:34
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popeyhello popeybqe4512:11
popeyahoneybun: ^ chatter is in the store now :)12:11
john-mcaleely1popeybqe45 nice!12:20
john-mcaleely1popey looks like I just missed your doppelganger12:21
john-mcaleely1Jibel_arale hello12:24
ogra_grmbl ... is the jd store a fake for the mx5pro ?12:24
john-mcaleely1keep missing people ;-)12:24
ogra_doesnt seem like you can place an order12:25
ogra_ograMX4 boo12:27
john-mcaleely1ograMX4 boo12:29
ogra_lol, you missed him :)12:29
john-mcaleely1just my luck12:29
ograMX4john-mcaleely1, boo12:30
john-mcaleely1hello. Doesn't look like there are notifications yet...12:30
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john-mcaleely1Nice tho!12:31
ogra_not even bold text ... but its a start12:31
ogra_now i need to finish my ircproxy snap to provide push notifications that hook into that client ;)12:31
john-mcaleely1now that would be nice!12:32
ogra_thats the plan ... but the snappy config interface was dropped ... i have to wait til it comes back before moving on12:32
* ogra_ sighs 12:33
ogra_"Sorry, the system is busy now, please try again later." ....12:33
ogra_trying to order a pro5 ... no go ...12:33
FfcccccfccccccWhee! Irc ftw12:54
Dubstar_04Hello from chatter!!!13:05
popeyhello Dubstar_0413:06
popeyrobert_ancell: ^ another happy user13:06
Dubstar_04robert_ancell: My favorite person today!!!13:08
Dubstar_04Robert thankyou for releasing chatter!!13:09
LarreaMTesting chatter   in a nexus 4! Nice job Robert !13:19
mr_rcollinsOk, what'13:25
mr_rcollinsOk, what's chatter?13:25
* ogra_ still uses kiwiirc ... but chatter is on a good way :)13:25
LarreaMA new app  for irc  on Ubuntu touch13:26
mr_rcollinsWorks with ZNC I assume?13:26
* lotuspsychje uses also kiwi13:26
lotuspsychjewith dark theme13:27
mr_rcollinsI've been using Glowing Bear to connect to weechat.13:27
ogra_same here ... and excluded from lifecycle mgmt13:27
* dobey puts on Shattered13:27
ogra_(on the tablet that is ... on te phone i dont tinker with the lifecycle)13:28
mr_rcollinsWhat's lifecycle?13:28
* mr_rcollins has a lot of new terms to learn...13:28
dobeymr_rcollins: the confinement policy on the phone/tablet includes preventing applications that are not in the foreground, from processing. when you switch to a different app, the one in the foreground is the only one that can do anything (save of course, for system services that may be running)13:30
Mr_rcollins_There it goes. Can I connect to zinc with chatter?13:33
shadeslayerondra: _morphis poke, where can I get the android sources for vegetahd?13:59
folfIt Works! Using chatter on my mx4 :-)14:00
_morphisshadeslayer: those are private, if you're not part of Canonical, you can't14:00
shadeslayeroh :<14:00
shadeslayer_morphis: no chance of those being open sourced?14:00
_morphisno chance14:00
_morphisits not under our control as we don't own them14:01
shadeslayerbshah: ^^ :(14:01
ogra__morphis, i thought we have the open bits on github under john-mcaleely's account ?14:01
ogra_(at least for all the other phones)14:02
_morphisogra_: the kernel bits, yes14:02
shadeslayer_morphis: and there isn't a open source device tree of any sorts out there?14:02
ogra_shadeslayer, for the nexus devices there is14:02
_morphisogra_, shadeslayer: https://github.com/bq/aquaris-E4.5/tree/aquaris-E4.5-ubuntu-master14:02
_morphisthat are the kernel sources14:02
_morphisthe only part being available to the public14:02
_morphisshadeslayer: but everything else you need to create the device tarball isn't14:03
ogra_well, the part that counts if you want to add a module :)14:03
_morphisogra_: sure14:03
shadeslayer_morphis: yeah, I need the AOSP bits :P14:03
shadeslayerI already saw the kernel bits14:03
_morphisshadeslayer: what do you want to do?14:03
AuroraAvenue_Where is the bug to get ubuntu touch working on Lollipop Android ?14:04
ogra_AuroraAvenue_, it works on 5.x for a few devices14:04
shadeslayer_morphis: bshah and I need to read the build.prop14:04
shadeslayer_morphis: and perhaps add/remove some config options14:04
_morphisshadeslayer: for what?14:04
AuroraAvenue_ogra_: OK, where is the bug to get Ubuntu Touch working on the Nexus 4 with Lolipop Android ?14:05
ogra_AuroraAvenue_, i doubt there is one ... (and i doubt there are plans to move that to 5.x)14:05
AuroraAvenue_Why not ? If you buy a nexus 4 today - It comes with lolipop .14:06
_morphisAuroraAvenue_: we will not move even if there is a tree with Android 5 support14:06
ogra_because it is nearly as much work as doing a completely new port and the resources are very limited14:06
_morphisAuroraAvenue_: and there is just little value for us14:07
AuroraAvenue_Well that is why I want to fund it - at the moment the system just doesn't work, for me or anyone buying a Nexus 4 , today.14:07
ogra_yeah, the only benefit would be that people can install without going to 4.x first14:07
ogra_not really worth the hard effort it would take to make everything work with 5.x14:08
ogra_(when 4.x just works fine)14:08
AuroraAvenue_Well I cannot instakll ubuntu touch on my Nexus 4 - which makes me angry.14:08
ogra_just roll back to 4.x first14:09
AuroraAvenue_It's supposed just to work.14:09
ogra_thnen installing is easy14:09
ogra_no, it isnt14:09
ogra_never was14:09
AuroraAvenue_I dont know how to do that on android.14:09
ogra_flashing in general is something for advanced users14:09
ogra_if you cant get along with flashing (or reading up about how to do it and follow some guide) then better buy a preinstalled device14:10
AuroraAvenue_I'm not buying another one !14:10
AuroraAvenue_It cost me 100 euros.14:10
ogra_well, then look for a guide and follow it14:11
AuroraAvenue_Does Odin work on Ubuntu ?14:12
ogra_i guess it does ...14:12
ogra_do you also want to flash some samsung device ?14:12
ogra_(odin is a samsung tool)14:13
AuroraAvenue_oh Ok.14:13
AuroraAvenue_I think I'm just going to have to pay someone £50 to put ubuntu touch on my nexus 4.14:13
b0s3di have a problem due to the new tablet. there are no "username" in the vpn settings, can one install the original ubuntu touch on the bq device in order to change these bugs?14:13
b0s3di know it just came out, and many are working on the bugs, but i can't wait14:15
de-factoi guess it should be possible with android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot14:17
LarreaMikelAuroraAvenue_: have you read this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general/how-to-how-to-flash-factory-image-t201031214:17
LarreaMikelAuroraAvenue_: flash a 4.x factory image, and then follow the ubuntu installation guide.14:18
AuroraAvenue_LarreaMikel: Yeah I think I'll just pay someone ..14:18
ogra_Mirv, so did you click that final button yet ? (/me would really like to know if anyone actually managed to order at all, seems everyone just gets the same error)14:19
de-factobtw why is 4.x needed? ubuntu just supports old radio blob?14:19
LarreaMikelAuroraAvenue_: as you wish (it is not that hard)14:19
ogra_de-facto, that and the old recovery/adb14:19
de-factooh ok14:19
AuroraAvenue_thank-you thou.14:19
AuroraAvenue_~Just think I'll brick it.14:20
LarreaMikelAuroraAvenue_: it is a possibility... but never happend to me14:20
de-factoAuroraAvenue_ https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#instructions14:22
LarreaMikelde-facto: much better than the one I've post14:23
lotuspsychjesomething for topic sil2100 ^ ?14:26
de-factooh nice that one should have a blazing fast cpu14:29
lotuspsychjede-facto: looking neat isnt it14:29
mivoligo_Hello from Chatter on my M10 :)14:29
de-factolotuspsychje yeah indeed :)14:29
de-factodang hahaha14:30
LarreaMikelBut we can't buy it... the systems have been busy since the beginning14:32
AuroraAvenue_Also here - https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/26/the-most-powerful-ubuntu-phone-is-available-to-buy/14:32
ogra_LarreaMikel, yeah :(14:38
de-factodo they provide a black version somewhere?14:39
sil2100Damn, where will we fit that in the topic now?14:40
lotuspsychjesil2100: only the buy link inside?14:41
AuroraAvenue_sil2100: Is that ack ?14:41
LarreaMikelogra_: It is being more complicated than the game for the meizu mx4!14:42
ogra_LarreaMikel: except that yuo could at least buy the MX4 at some point14:46
ogra_doesnt look like anyone managed to buy the 5pro yet14:47
ogra_john-mcaleely: do you know if anyone is talking to meizu about that ? i see people complaining all over the internet14:47
LarreaMikelogra_: yeap... we will need patience...14:47
john-mcaleelyogra_, I do not know14:48
john-mcaleelythey do follow the internet though, so I imagine they are on it14:48
ogra_probably the jd store can simply not handle the millions and millions of people that are eager to get a golden ubuntu phone :)14:50
shadeslayer_morphis: We wanted to try and get Plasma 5 running on it14:59
shadeslayer_morphis: and we have some additional config modifications that are needed15:00
_morphisshadeslayer: what kind of config modifications?15:02
ogra_shadeslayer: if they are non-intrusive, just file a whishlist bug ;)15:02
ogra_so they get into teh defaults15:02
shadeslayerah ok15:02
ogra_(really depends if they are non intrusive i guess)15:02
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awesomebing1Is ondra online right now?15:40
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sergiusenschrisccoulson hey mind joining #snappy?16:24
jlkon13Hello, I am currently trying to get the ubuntu boot image working. The problem is that I need to insert a proprietary kernel module before any other partitions could be mounted. In the generic ubuntu image is a folder called "/conf/modules"; do I simply have to copy the module to this directory and create a script with "insmod module.ko" or is it more complex … ? Thank you16:41
ondraawesomebing1 hey16:42
ondrashadeslayer did you get your android sources?16:42
ogra_jlkon13: cant you just build that module into your kernel ?16:45
ogra_then you dont need any hacks16:45
jlkon13@ogra: no, the problem is Rockchip does not provide sources for this module …16:47
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ogra_well, if you actually hack the initrd and use insmod it doesnt amtter where you put the .ko since insmod needs the full path anyway16:49
jlkon13@ogra: I found out that /conf/modules is not a directory but a file (not existing by default); I think modules go in the /lib/modules directory (I can use PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)16:50
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ogra_well, we dont really support modules in initrd in touch ... so whatever you do is a hack anyway ... and then its totally up to you where you put the file ... insmod will need the full path to it in any case16:51
jlkon13@ogra: the question is if there is any build variable I can set to autocreate the /conf/modules file with the name of the module in it …16:51
ogra_the assumption is that your kernel contains everything by default16:51
ogra_(which it does for all existing ubuntu phones)16:51
ogra_i know ondra once was on a quest to allow scripts and stuff to be injected ... not sure if he is still after that and has any example code :)16:52
jlkon13but the init script inside the generic bootimage calls a function that loads custom modules16:52
ogra_which isnt used, since we normally dont allow re-packing of the initrd16:52
Mirvogra_: no, I decided to wait a bit for eg color/configuration info since it's not a matter of day or two. but it seems everyone has had the error :(16:53
ogra_and dont ship any device specific bits in our initrd16:53
ogra_Mirv: yeah, still here (i tried 20min ago the last time)16:53
ogra_i hope the right people are informed and on the case16:53
jlkon13@ogra: ok, what do you propose to solve the problem?16:54
ogra_(i think popey took it into his hands so it will be fine i guess :) )16:54
ondraogra_ into initrd?16:54
Mirvogra_: popey will simply log in to the shop server and hack the code until it works and then inform the shop owner that he fixed it!16:54
ogra_jlkon13: well, re-pack it, drop the ko file somewhere and add your script snippet that insmods it ... i doubt there is any other way in this case16:55
ogra_ondra: yeah16:55
ondraogra_ there is dev mode to overlay initrd for in phablet tree16:55
ogra_Mirv: yeah, as usual16:55
ondraogra_ you need to build with defined switch16:55
ogra_jlkon13: ondra is your man16:55
jlkon13thank you :)16:55
jlkon13@ondra: do you know the name of this switch?16:56
ondrajlkon13 BOARD_OVERLAY_INITRD=true and it will overlay content of out/target/product/<>/ubuntu/ramdisk17:01
ondrajlkon13 only works in phablet-5.1 and up17:01
jlkon13@ondra: thank you but I thought the directory is <>/ubuntu-root ?17:02
ondrajlkon13 in phablet 5 all ubuntu related parts are under <>/ubuntu/17:03
ondrajlkon13 there you will see initradisk content unpacked for reference, which will be used without change if you do make bootimage-nodeps17:04
jlkon13@ondra: ok, then I probably need to update my tree :)17:04
ondrajlkon13 so you can alternatively for testing just edit that and just repack boot image with $ make bootimage-nodeps17:07
ondrajlkon13 this is all only in android 5 based tree, and never ones17:07
jlkon13@ondra: thank you very much17:07
ondrajlkon13 no prob17:08
Mirvchrisccoulson: oSoMoN: can you please test the fix for bug #1488364 and report back on the bug report?17:15
ubot5bug 1488364 in Oxide "[Qt 5.5] OxideQSslCertificate::issuer doesn't work in Qml" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148836417:15
MirvI'm running other general testing, but the Oxide side would be good to get from you17:15
chrisccoulsonMirv, will do17:16
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SylvieLorxuIs there any way to get the QML Ubuntu.Components outside of an Ubuntu system? I'd like to write an app but I don't actually want to run Ubuntu (still GNU/Linux though)18:26
SylvieLorxu(I think I asked this before but not sure if I did so here)18:26
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dobeySylvieLorxu: sure. it's open source18:43
SylvieLorxudobey: Well, okay, sure, that's the technical sure. How's it in practice? Are there any instructions at all? All I see is ppas18:44
dobeySylvieLorxu: get the source and compile it, i guess. what OS are you on?18:44
SylvieLorxudobey: I have both Gentoo and Debian Testing available18:45
dobeySylvieLorxu: with debian you might be able to just grab the source packages and rebuild, assuming deps are satisfied18:47
SylvieLorxudobey: I guess that's probably easiest then. Which source package do I need? I couldn't find anything on a quick search of packages.ubuntu.com18:48
dobeySylvieLorxu: ubuntu-ui-toolkit i guess18:50
dobeySylvieLorxu: you could also just make an lxc container of ubuntu instead, and develop inside it18:51
dobeyprobably would be easier18:51
SylvieLorxudobey: Thanks, but I don't do easy if it means proprietary stuff, even in a container :P18:52
SylvieLorxuStill, I could play around with this18:52
SylvieLorxuAlthough I'd almost hope I could dev on the Ubuntu Touch tablet I have, heh18:52
SylvieLorxuThat would be the most convenient ever18:52
dobeySylvieLorxu: i have no idea what you mean by proprietary stuff18:54
dobeynothing propreitary is required to build apps for ubuntu18:54
SylvieLorxudobey: Non-deblobbed kernel for starters. Don't know what else a default Ubuntu install contains tbh18:54
sebsebseb 18:55
SylvieLorxuMaybe running it on Trisquel would be easy when they finally get a 16.04-based release too18:55
dobeywell after ota11 i think running the sdk on the tablet should be easier18:55
SylvieLorxuI see18:55
SylvieLorxuAnything special in OTA11 that'll enable that?18:55
dobeySylvieLorxu: uhm, a default ubuntu install doesn't contain proprietary apps18:55
dobeySylvieLorxu: also, making an lxc container doesn't require even installing the kernel in the container, and it won't be running it18:56
SylvieLorxuThe tablet did, the desktop doesn't anymore aside from the kernel? I must admit I haven't kept up with Ubuntu in a while...18:56
SylvieLorxuNor have I ever played with LXC18:56
dobeySylvieLorxu: fixes for the libertine stuff i presume, and the ork the sdk team is doing to make it easier to install18:56
SylvieLorxuSo much to read up on :D18:56
SylvieLorxuI see18:56
SylvieLorxuWould be quite cool to develop Ubuntu Touch apps on Ubuntu Touch18:57
dobeythe tablet isn't a default ubuntu install. it's a device from bq18:57
SylvieLorxuWould be the first mobile system I know of that could do that18:57
SylvieLorxuDoes that mean I have to blame Bq for that? :P18:57
dobeygranted the kernel must be proprietary, because manufacturers and drivers and oh my18:57
SylvieLorxuYeah, smartphones and tablets are just impossible18:57
SylvieLorxuAnd most desktops and laptops too18:57
SylvieLorxuHopefully that can change through time but, yeah, change is always slow18:58
mcphailSylvieLorxu: you could develop Psion apps on the Psion ;)19:09
SylvieLorxuNever heard of Psion before o.o19:10
mcphailSylvieLorxu: The Psion Series 5 was the best computing device _ever_ !19:11
ogra_a hipster device from before hipsters were hip19:11
arnaudoberHey guys, I developed an application for Ubuntu Touch. It's called Culture G. It's general knowledge for french people. :) If you would try it, and give me your review. We also have a Facebook Page, http://www.facebook.com/CultureG019:11
dobeyit's the apple newton for people who didn't use macs19:11
mcphailIf there was an Ubuntu device with the Series 5 keyboard, I'd be throwing my money at it19:12
SylvieLorxuOh, don't get me started on the Ubuntu Touch keyboard19:13
SylvieLorxuOn-screen is meh, but even worse, no dvorak!19:13
mcphailSylvieLorxu: He could write a cracking symphony :p19:14
ogra_pfft, series5 was pre-hipster ... series 7 was the real thing (it had coulors inside !)19:15
SylvieLorxuThe oldest I know is Symbian :P19:17
mcphailSylvieLorxu: The Psion OS became Symbian19:18
SylvieLorxuSymbian was pretty cool I guess19:18
mcphailSylvieLorxu: It was a bit of a regression, tbh19:18
dobeyHP needs to bring the Prē back, with Ubuntu on it19:21
mr_rcollinsWebOS was the bomb.19:31
mr_rcollinsBest feature was instant messaging.19:31
SylvieLorxuUbuntu Touch could learn from that? :P19:33
dobeyim on webos was not that great19:34
mcphailHas anyone tried Robert Ancell's Chatter app?19:37
ogra_very early stages ... but works :)19:38
lotuspsychjemcphail: yeah everyone was connecting here before19:38
mcphailogra_: nice to hear. Does it use any hacks or tricks to keep the connection?19:38
ogra_it drops it19:39
nik90mcphail, nope..you will need to whitelist it manually using tweak geek.19:39
mcphailnik90: aah. Ta!19:39
ogra_or just the one line gsettings call ;)19:39
mcphaillotuspsychje: cool19:39
nik90_bqThis is me from chatter 😀19:39
mcphailnik90_bq: show off ;)19:39
* ogra_ still prefers his kiwi app ... excluded from lifecycle ....19:39
nik90_bqOh ogra...you and your web apps...when will you learn 😋19:40
ogra_the web is the future !19:40
nik90_bqFunny you say that while not being a web dev19:41
* SylvieLorxu beeps and communicates with the fridge over telnet19:41
ogra_i was one .... in another life ;)19:41
mr_rcollinsdobey, blashpemy! :-) At the time it was pretty awesome. Mediocre hardware and lack of support from Palm held it back.19:41
ogra_SylvieLorxu: an ubuntu fridge i hope19:43
dobeymr_rcollins: no, IM was a battery killer. webos otherwise was pretty great, though19:44
SylvieLorxuogra_: No, this one: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/08/24/smart_fridge_security_fubar/19:44
SylvieLorxuCan we please have less Internet of Shit things?19:45
SylvieLorxuThe last thing I want is for some script kiddie to hack my fridge so I have to go shopping again when hungry :(19:45
mcphailSylvieLorxu: you'll need to ask that in #snappy ;p19:45
dobeysigns point to no19:45
lotuspsychjethats why they invented mycroft :p19:46
* ogra_ thinks SylvieLorxu wants him jobless19:46
dobeylol that would be great if fridges had magnetic locks too19:46
ogra_dobey: hooked to your activity tracker ;)19:46
dobeyogra_: i was just thinking i could lock fridges until people pay to access their food ;)19:47
mr_rcollinsdobey, Ah, true.19:47
lotuspsychjethis week my 80 year old aunt got VR glasses with her journal papers oO19:47
ogra_mcphail: there is no Xorg on fridges :P19:47
SylvieLorxuogra_: Well, this is going to be a bit harsh but, if you are as lack with security as basically everyone in the IoT branch: yes, I want you to stop doing IoT ;-;19:48
SylvieLorxuHonestly, IoT security is scary as hell19:48
ogra_SylvieLorxu: we are trying to do it right :)19:48
ogra_(and i think we're on a good way actually)19:48
mcphailSylvieLorxu: to be fair, the snappy model does look better than most19:48
SylvieLorxuogra_: Well, if you manage to actually create something secure so that we don't get more crap like wifi kettles being used to take over the whole network, cool I guess19:49
SylvieLorxuAlthough, frankly, I find it all so... superfluous19:49
SylvieLorxuThe only thing I want is an MPD server19:49
ogra_ask your grandchildren in 50 years ;)19:49
SylvieLorxuEverything else, meh19:49
dobeyso take a rpi2, throw snappy on it, and install an mpd snap19:49
lotuspsychjesoon a drone will deliver your pizza @ home19:49
mcphailThos of us in Scotland will remember the Limmy Show "DeeDee's Kitchen" sketch. IoT will make it all come true19:50
dobeysoon i will collect free drons being sent to my home19:50
SylvieLorxuogra_: If they survive when some terrorist makes IoT devices do extremely dangerous things19:50
lotuspsychjedobey: lol19:50
SylvieLorxudobey: Maybe I should play with Snappy, idk19:50
SylvieLorxuFirst, I want to make my favourite IM app run on Ubuntu Touch though :P19:50
ogra_it will come to your tablet one day19:51
ogra_(or to your phone)19:51
SylvieLorxudobey: https://kontalk.org/ :P19:51
SylvieLorxuQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :019:52
SylvieLorxuOh yeah19:52
SylvieLorxuLXC container but now I don't know how to actually test apps :D19:52
ogra_do you run it in a libertine container ?19:52
SylvieLorxuThis is the second time I hear the word libertine today19:53
SylvieLorxuAnd I feel I should've asked for more info the first time around19:53
dobeySylvieLorxu: that's the ubuntu lxc container on your pc?19:54
SylvieLorxudobey: Yes19:54
dobeySylvieLorxu: are you using ssh to connect to the container?19:54
SylvieLorxuI was using lxc-attach19:54
SylvieLorxuIs that stupid?19:54
dobeySylvieLorxu: no, not stupid. but if you ssh in, you can just ssh -X and it forwards DISPLAY19:55
SylvieLorxuThat sounds like a good idea19:55
SylvieLorxuHow do I know where to ssh to19:55
SylvieLorxuOh lxc-info shows an IP19:55
SylvieLorxuHurr durr19:55
SylvieLorxuConnection refused19:56
SylvieLorxuOf course, I need to set it up there first19:56
* SylvieLorxu falls asleep19:56
ogra_SylvieLorxu: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJepibh68YaQijWO3Z3dWTtTTmzXnMmEE8eswhUXzw4/edit19:57
ogra_that gives you a libertine container that can hook up to the display19:58
SylvieLorxuSounds like you run those on the M10 itself?20:00
SylvieLorxuI think I'll avoid that for the time being :P20:00
ogra_that is whats used for firefox, xchat, gedit ... but unlike them, this container lives in the rw space and is freely changeable without messing up the OS20:01
SylvieLorxuI'd rather dev on my laptop, am getting closer anyway20:02
ogra_i thought yu wanted to run some IM client on the tablet20:03
SylvieLorxuI want to develop an IM client for it20:03
SylvieLorxuThat client is Android-only atm20:04
SylvieLorxuSo yeah20:04
* ogra_ totally misunderstood :)20:04
dobeySylvieLorxu: a good start would be to get ubuntu push notification support in the server, perhaps20:04
dobeywill make a confined client more sensible20:05
SylvieLorxudobey: I know that's still missing, but I definitely don't have the time or knowledge to take that on20:05
SylvieLorxuWoohoo X forwarding works :D20:07
ogra_meanwhile telegram serves pretty well as IM client ... but you need to convince your friends first ...20:07
ogra_walled gardens everywhere ...20:07
SylvieLorxuI like Kontalk because it's fully free, server included, and is pretty close to default XMPP20:08
ogra_yeah, we're still lacking XMPP ... there were plans to actually have XMPP in teh account mgmt and have that cooked into the default messaging app20:09
SylvieLorxuI'm really struggling with Ubuntu now20:10
SylvieLorxuIs there no wheel group?20:10
SylvieLorxuHow do I sudo?20:10
dobeyyou type sudo20:10
ogra_by typing sudo ?20:10
* ogra_ thinks he hasnt heard anyone talk about the wheel group in 15 years or so20:11
SylvieLorxuWell, the thing is, org.freedesktop.policykit.exec in this chroot wants to auth and then fails20:11
SylvieLorxuSo I'm thinking "this user doesn't have correct rights"20:11
ogra_ouch ... yeah, it wants to talk to logind and policykit20:12
SylvieLorxuPlease don't tell me this is one of those genious things that don't work in a container20:12
dobeySylvieLorxu: what are you trying to run with sudo?20:12
dobeyi had no idea what "this" is20:12
SylvieLorxuI'm trying to add a build target in the ubuntu-sdk setup and it calls policykit20:13
dobeytrying to build a kit?20:13
SylvieLorxuJust hitting "Create new kit", it's a require step so20:13
dobeyi don't really know what that does technically20:13
dobeySylvieLorxu: are you using ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa there?20:14
dobeySylvieLorxu: try installing ubuntu-sdk-api-15.0420:16
dobeyif your app will be qml only, you don't need an armhf chroot at least. and i think installing that package will give you a preconfigured kit, so you don't have to create one20:17
SylvieLorxuWell, I'll probably need some C++20:17
SylvieLorxuBecause GPG encryption in JavaScript, frankly, is a mess with every single library20:18
ogra_"library" :)20:18
dobeyit uses gpg? ick :)20:18
SylvieLorxuAt least it doesn't run on MTProto20:19
saaventois snapcraft a project to load apps or services to develop apps?20:30
mcphailsaavento: looks as if it is a project to help with packaging apps as .snaps20:32
saaventoso is like a docker for snappy apps20:33
saaventolike a container20:33
SylvieLorxudobey: The SDK doesn't seem to be working. The Qt Creator fork complains "Error: Mkspec not found for Qt version" for the kits20:34
mcphailsaavento: snapcraft? No, I think it is just a too to help build teh snaps20:34
saaventolike a repository20:35
dobeySylvieLorxu: hmm, sorry, i don't know. i haven't actually run it in a container, as i use ubuntu natively20:35
dobeysaavento: no, it's more like debuild, but for snaps20:36
SylvieLorxuMaybe I should wait for OTA-11 and see if devving on the device itself would be fun20:36
saaventothx mcphail20:37
dobeymariogrip: hey hey :)20:39
dobeyhmm, battery dropping 60% over 8 hours, on an idle device, is not nice :-/20:39
mariogripdobey: I haven't pushed the update yet, sorry for the delay, hopefully get it done today20:42
dobeymariogrip: ok, thanks. am looking forward to having it :)20:42
mariogripdobey: also, building some 5.1 images now just to test how they work20:55
ogra_finally dolby surround for the N5 ?20:58
dobeymariogrip: having android 5 would be nice too indeed :)20:59
dobeybut definitely not rushed for that. i'll take battery life first :)21:00
mariogriptesting out portcraft, I hopefully wont even touch it :)21:00
mariogripogra_: :P21:03
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mr_rcollinsIs there a time line for OTA 11?21:28
* mr_rcollins is ashamed, he flashed Android onto the M10...21:29
popey17:54 < ogra_> (i think popey took it into his hands so it will be fine i guess :) )21:31
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troyreadymr_rcollins: I don't think dual booting is too shameful now; I'm jazzed about the tablet but there are some things missing that I'd like to be able to use sometimes21:33
troyreadythat said....care to share instructions? :)21:34
mr_rcollinsThat would be the blind leading the blind.  :)  I grabbed the windows flashing tools and the 5.1 Android build, let me see if I can find the website.21:35
mr_rcollinsI'm actually surprised it worked.21:35
troyreadyNice of you to be the guinea pig :)21:36
mcphailmr_rcollins: I've been on android on my bq phone for a few days, but I'm beginning to get the itch to switch back ;)21:37
troyreadyUsing the terminal last night on my m10 with a BT keyboard was awesome. So much better than the "toy" feeling of apps like that on android21:38
mr_rcollinsExcept I searched for M10.21:39
troyreadybut a lot of the media stuff obviously needs a lot of work, so being able to go back and forth now would be nice21:39
mr_rcollinsWhen OTA-11 drops, I'll reflash.21:40
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