
daftykinshttps://youtu.be/L5wy0YhCuuA?t=17 aww yeah04:28
daftykinsmy inner child wants that model :)04:28
mapppshi all05:28
knightwisemorning peeps06:49
MooDoomorning all06:59
MooDoohow are you SuperMatt ?07:27
SuperMattyeah, I'm all right, thanks07:35
knightwiseYo everyone :)07:36
MooDooSuperMatt: yeah fine, bit down in the dumps but ok07:37
MooDooyo knightwise07:37
SuperMattwhy so glum, chum?07:39
MooDooSuperMatt: no idea lol :) just that time of the day maybe, not sure what I want career wise yada yada yada08:05
knightwiseChin up MooDoo !08:06
MooDoocheers :)08:06
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
diploMorning all08:44
diploNot enjoying the new job then MooDoo ?08:44
davmor2Morning all you funksters08:48
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:54
knightwisehey brobostigon08:54
brobostigonmorning knightwise08:55
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest6158
Guest6158Good morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Hug An Australian Day! 😃09:09
Guest6158Dag nabbit.  I forgot I need to fix my SASL auth.09:10
zmoylan-piquick someon report Guest6158 for impersonating james09:10
=== Guest6158 is now known as JamesTait
* zmoylan-pi suspects lonely australian...09:11
* JamesTait whistles innocently.09:12
* zmoylan-pi starts shazam to see if the tune is waltzing matilda...09:12
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPwtJ89jes4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ELh7P2ZtA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soJBGLP7Akk09:19
* zmoylan-pi adds and the band played waltzing matilda to the oz fest of music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG48Ftsr3OI09:21
* awilkins engages Wily upgrade on main desktop11:07
awilkins"COuld not install gconf2"11:10
awilkinsdependency problems11:10
awilkinsThat's... bad, right?11:10
awilkinsUpgrade thing is now in infinite loop of complaining about gconf211:11
awilkinsOh dear11:11
* diplo downloading the CODE Libreoffice software from Collabra, anyone else tried it yet ?11:15
awilkinsHave filed bug 157512611:26
lubotu3bug 1575126 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from Xenial to Wily failed : "Could not install gconf2"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157512611:26
DJonesawilkins: Should that be upgrade from Wily to Xenial, or are you trying Xenial to Yakkety11:31
awilkinsYeah, should be Wily to Xenial11:33
awilkinsSystem is now fubar11:33
knightwiseMorning popey , Laura's shennanigans are great ! #thisweekspodcast11:33
knightwiseThe best way to learn how to fly , is by reading data from the other planes black box11:37
knightwise#Suicide presentation !11:38
zmoylan-piit's called tombstone technology11:41
zmoylan-pitech that is only fixed when enough people are hurt11:41
knightwisewe call it 'The squeek principle"11:42
knightwiseshut down a server and wait for somebody to squeeck11:42
MooDoomight give that one a try knightwise :)11:46
awilkinsAaand, that escalated quickly11:55
awilkinsSystem is now borked11:55
awilkinsSpews a stack trace during kernel boot and dies11:56
SuperMattnice work11:56
SuperMattwhat did you do to manage that?11:56
zmoylan-pithat's the anti nsa upgrade... :-/11:58
awilkinsI) GUI upgrade to Xenial II) Failed with an infinite loop III) Killed upgrade IV) tried apt-get -f install V) did dpkg --configure -a as instructed VI) That ended up with a loop of fail VII) rebooted, login now a loop of fail VIII) recovery console IX) apt-get -f install (does stuff apparently happy) X) apt-get dist-upgrade (does a lot of stuff.... says "Started Braille services" and hangs)11:59
awilkinsXI) Hard reset XII) Hard crash on kernel load, photographed stack trace for posterity, downloading Xenial image now....12:00
zmoylan-pihopefully a fully backed up system? or will a live distro allow you to boot and copy data from system?12:00
awilkinsOh, Xa) Did a ctrl-alt-gr REISUB to make sure discs weren't left unsynced12:00
awilkinsHome folder is on a separate drive12:00
awilkinsAnd I have a full backup in a NAS12:00
SuperMattthen just reinstall from scratch!12:01
zmoylan-pidouble \o/12:01
awilkins(of home folder, not nutty enough to back up root)12:01
awilkinsBut now reduced performance as I go to do task and go "ARRGH NOW I HAVE TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE FIRST"12:02
SuperMattI find I can get myself back up to speed after an hour, on average12:02
SuperMattthough it depends what you need to install12:02
SuperMattI tend to stick with defaults and keep my machines very light12:02
awilkinsI do dev, so I have a large number of large things12:03
awilkinsJava SDKs etc12:03
SuperMattgah, yes12:05
SuperMattthat's a pain12:05
SuperMattthough some might say it's a good idea to put all that gubbins into a container that runs off another disk too12:05
SuperMattI'm playing with lxd right now, and it's kinda interesting12:05
SuperMattI'm testing how to migrate containers between machines, which is quite cool12:06
SuperMattcontainers > vms, IMO12:07
awilkinsArggh, now I have to muck about with UEFI mode installation12:11
SuperMattI find with Ubuntu that it's relatively easy12:11
awilkinsYeah, it's not to obad now12:12
awilkinsWondering whether to do "reinstall" or custom install12:12
awilkinsI trust custom install more12:13
awilkinsNOOOO I left "encrypt my home folder" checked12:18
awilkinsI hate unpicking that12:18
awilkinsHooray, it didn't "take"12:26
awilkinsI guess my old home folder config override it12:26
awilkinsNow booted to crusty bad-res-o-vision desktop12:26
* awilkins installs filthy non-hippy drivers12:26
SuperMattnon-hippy ftw12:27
SuperMattI completely understand why some people want everything to be non-proprietary, but 1) everyone is different, and 2) I wish they'd stop telling me I'm bad for being different12:27
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest69984
awilkinsWell, back to a desktop with most of my files and settings intact in less than an hour12:34
awilkinsWell, back to a desktop with most of my files and settings intact in less than an hour12:35
awilkinsThat's about a bazillion percent better than recovering from a Windows catastrophe12:35
awilkinsEsp. when you install programs and they're set up exactly how you liked them12:35
zmoylan-pii used to have a hard drive with ghost images of my desktop when i used windows turned a week long rebuild into a 30minute restore...12:36
awilkinsYeah, if only you could do Windows as a kind of layered container OS12:36
awilkinsInstall new software on top of the base container and reboot (given that it makes you reboot for virtually everything anyway)12:37
zmoylan-pii did also fill my ipod classic with portable apps for windows which saved a lot of time on new systems...12:37
awilkinsBah, why do some package installs update the applications menu instantly and some take a reboot12:37
zmoylan-pion linux i keep a lot of config files on thumb drive so that vim newsbeuter are quickly configured to my liking12:38
awilkinsIt's next to impossible to do that for the dve tools though12:38
zmoylan-pisadly true12:38
awilkinsThey must splat about a billion extra keys into the registry12:38
awilkinsI managed to get the configuration for stepping debugging from IIS running ASP classic straight to VB6 DLLs working once12:39
awilkinsAnd once only12:39
awilkinsWish we'd had snapshottable VMs back then...12:39
awilkinsIt's such an arcane thing involving meddling with things wot man was not meant to meddle with12:40
awilkinsIt probably also creates an IIS instance that can reach back into time and prevent your parents meeting, so it's not all bad that it's hard to do12:41
zmoylan-pi...so if we get root we can prevent bill gates....12:45
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
AuroraAvenueMeixu 5 Pro's out £286.52 pretty much - https://redd.it/4gidxs14:00
diddledan_anyone into devops? https://supergiant.io/14:44
diddledan_built on-top of kubernetes14:45
AuroraAvenue_Mark is live ! http://siliconangle.tv/openstack-summit-2016/14:45
awilkinsThought that was Supergiant Games for a mo14:45
diddledan_AuroraAvenue_, thanks14:45
diddledan_mm, big data :-p14:46
AuroraAvenue_diddledan_: What ya think of that ? Mark maybe going to the moon ...14:53
diddledan_he is our favourite astronaut afterall :-p14:53
AuroraAvenue_the moon is made of cheese.14:54
AuroraAvenue_anyway .. Q&A in 5 minutes too ! http://ubuntuonair.com/14:55
AuroraAvenue_diddledan_: Yeah I saw that last night.14:58
AuroraAvenue_Apparently none of the steam community were interested.14:58
diddledan_they've got mad max!14:59
diddledan_I think it's a good idea14:59
diddledan_mostly because it'll play on linux14:59
diddledan_valve are pretty much the only company that are investing in cross-platform15:00
diddledan_only mainstream co I mena15:00
diddledan_there are obviously companies in the server space etc15:00
awilkinsThe titles on there now are utter bobbins though15:00
awilkinsWho wants to see Jennifer Aniston in 3D....15:01
diddledan_I'm just looking through the list15:01
davmor2awilkins: wow they're got utter bobbins already?  that's only just come out at the cinema :D15:04
awilkinsI hear Netflix have optioned the rights to Utter Bobbins 2 though15:04
davmor2man that sucks now I've got to get netflix too15:05
davmor2awilkins: I might just skip 2 and go straight for Utter Bobbins 3 3D instead15:07
diddledan_davmor2, they'll do the clever title naming by combining 3 and 3d to make it "Utter Bobbins 3D"15:08
davmor2diddledan_: Utt3r Bobbins 3D15:08
davmor2it's like you've seen the posters already :D15:09
diddledan_what was the one that went for 3DD (pronounced three-double-dee)15:09
awilkinsThe only other film that went for 3DD was Total Recall, but they went for two-dee-three-double-dee15:09
davmor2diddledan_: Piranha15:10
diddledan_well done - good memory there15:10
diddledan_because, boobies15:10
directhexurgh "devops"15:15
diddledan_when a hacked company gets it right: https://www.troyhunt.com/100-data-breaches-later-have-i-been-pwned-gets-its-first-self-submission/15:16
diddledan_directhex, but ops that are deved15:16
directhexdevs are bad at ops15:16
directhexdevops is the art of "it builds on my laptop, let's put my laptop in production"15:16
diddledan_ops are great at dev tho15:16
diploThat's the staff at my place directhex :D15:23
diddledan_I know, why don't we actually put laptops into the datacentre?15:29
diploThey do stuff like that already diddledan_ :/15:32
diddledan_good good :-p15:34
awilkinsThink it's more the art of "lets construct the same environment as production on the laptop and make people dev in it"15:38
davmor2IT'S SNOWING15:57
bashrchappy christmas16:02
davmor2\o/ SNOW!!!!!!! \o/16:08
AuroraAvenue_snowing here too.16:11
zmoylan-pisnow predicted here for high ground tonight... so should be grand. had a bit of stafing with hail earlier mind16:12
Myrttithis is great.16:22
Myrttikeepass keeps crashing :-(16:22
brmbrmcarSnowing earlier.16:29
zmoylan-piit's a tie in with the release of new episodes of game of thrones... :-)16:32
DJonesDoes anybody use the minecraft lifeboat community, if so http://motherboard.vice.com/read/another-day-another-hack-7-million-emails-and-hashed-passwords-for-minecraft16:42
zmoylan-pidon't open the window... you'll let the wifi out...20:09
diddledan_apparently wifi doesn't work when the power's out20:11
diddledan_seems odd that20:11
zmoylan-piand in a windy country they will struggle to maintain position. a local business in dublin had a blimp as advertising but steady wind blew it so that was bouncing off roofs of houses a few 100 yards away20:11
diddledan_mac sales fell 12% year-on-year20:48
m0nkey_thats because my 4 year old mba is still going strong :)20:55
m0nkey_why bother upgrading the hardware when the current software works just fine?20:59
zmoylan-piand how down are pc sales at the same time?21:03
zmoylan-piabout 11% http://www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/index.ssf/2016/04/pc_sales_down_sharply_industry.html21:08
diddledan_m0nkey_, don't say that, you know Apple are gonna drop support this year for older macs21:08
m0nkey_I'll just continue to roll with what i got until it breaks21:09
m0nkey_Or install Ubuntu :)21:09
zmoylan-pias long as rasp pis run linux i should be good :-)21:09
m0nkey_My mac isn't exactly old.. it's an i521:09
diddledan_m0nkey_, your definition of old and apples rarely coincide21:12
m0nkey_the day it becomes 'unsupported' is the day i continue to use it :)21:14
diddledan_but. apple REQUIRE you to upgrade!21:14
m0nkey_screw that21:15
diddledan_where's shauno, we need to apple fanboi-ism21:15
zmoylan-pino no they require you to get new stuff and pass old stuff down the food chain to hook others21:15
daftykinsi'm still wondering if i'll be able to sell on an ancient model macbook, because they've long since abandoned it for OS X updates - yet the allure of fruity tech may pull someone in22:44
zmoylan-pia hipster hipster...22:44
zmoylan-piwanting to show off ancient mac to poor modern macbook toting mates22:45
daftykinsin fairness it's not half bad with the SSD that's in it22:45
daftykinsjust the immorality of selling a machine with an insecure OS...22:45
zmoylan-pimac as much as i dislike them do make very nice hardware out of mediocre components22:46
zmoylan-pims gets over their morality... :-P22:46
daftykinshave you read about the new skylake refreshed 12" toy macbook that now includes tamper evidence screws to show if a customer has opened it?22:46
daftykinsnot much reason to mind you, no upgrades are possible22:46
daftykinswell the past couple of years have shown than open source is no safer22:47
diddledan_that's evil22:47
diddledan_tamper-evident screws is too much22:48
zmoylan-pii'm sure the screw driver to open the tamper proof screws will be available soon22:48
daftykinsno they're actually screwheads filled with disintegrating material so an attempt at putting a driver in crumbles it22:48
daftykinsgame over!22:48
daftykinsit's on the ifixit.com teardown if you're interested22:48
* zmoylan-pi wonders if using it in high vibration location will damage the filler in the screw heads22:49
zmoylan-pii've had pcs that kept failing as vibration killed the harddrives till i noticed and placed the pcs on bubblewrap22:50
daftykinsanywho a kind fellow is going to post me an old 2GB SODIMM that i can throw in that macbook to bump it up to 4GB, then i can perhaps risk obtaining an AC adapter and/or battery and sell the thing on22:50
daftykinswhat was the environment?22:51
zmoylan-pipoint of sales in a shop.  but traffic for some reason made building vibrate enough to kill discs22:51
zmoylan-piwhen 1 disc fails you replace it, when 3 fail you start looking for wacky things.  bubbleweap sorted it22:52
diddledan_dad had something like that - some equipment in a basement somewhere in london that he kept getting called to repair - the client had no explanation as to why it died and it did it regular-like. turns out after investigating and drawing blank that one time he realised that it only died when put beside a particular wall22:54
diddledan_they followed the thread and discovered that the electricity board had a trunk behind that wall22:54
daftykinsooh so high current EMI or such like22:55
diddledan_aye.. several MW through the wire causing unbearable magnetic field22:55
daftykinsclearly the guy was Magneto22:56
zmoylan-pii've told you of the pc that kept corrupting os and data 10-15 foot from rail line.  in the end i pointed out it was also right beside freezer motor22:56
daftykinshttp://en.blitzortung.org/live_lightning_maps.php <-- i'd love to set up a detector of my own for this site22:57
zmoylan-pimy brother found a doozy working in a cement truck. turbo diesel engines burning out bearings. unheard off till he pointed out the turbo was spinning when engine was off and cool due to were they were parked22:58
daftykinshow would parking location affect that?22:59
zmoylan-pithey parked the trucks in cooling tower designed to funnel air for various processes to shelter trucks. but the high airflow got the turbos spinning, cold engine with no lubricant killed them23:00
zmoylan-piall previous vehicles were non turbo23:01

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