
mterrydednick, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJepibh68YaQijWO3Z3dWTtTTmzXnMmEE8eswhUXzw4/edit#07:58
mterrytedg, so which UAL call asks "I have this string, might be short/long, dunno -- what app does it belong to?"08:18
mterrytedg, I was using ual::AppID::find()08:18
mterrytedg, but I believe you made that to be a strict lookup for long ids?08:18
mterrytedg, discover?08:19
mterrytedg, looking at code, I guess find() might still be that call...08:21
mterrySaviq, silo 69 is targetted for ota 11, eh?  I have the libertine-enabling branch ~mterry/qtmir/use-ual-info that just got approved and should go into ota11, but it's not related to the dynamic gu stuff in silo 69.  Will there be another silo right after that lands, or shall we just stick it in there anyway?08:59
Saviqmterry, isn't there a silo with it already? you could land it after 19 (mir 0.22) lands09:02
mterrySaviq, there's a testing silo with it09:02
mterrynot my silo though, and I don't know about the other branches in there with it.  But OK, so I can make my own silo09:02
mterrySaviq, looks like our jenkins doesn't look in stable-phone overlay on xenial yet?09:06
Saviqmterry, why?09:06
Saviqmterry, https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/build-2-binpkg/09:07
Saviqoh well I should probably drop xenial09:07
mterrySaviq, well we want to eventually migrate to xenial, eh?09:07
mterrySaviq, and we don't publish silos to y yet anyway09:07
Saviqmterry, well, +overlay09:07
mterrySaviq, ah yeah09:08
mterrySaviq, ok yeah -- I hadn't noticed xenial+overlay.  I'm down for xenial being dropped.  I getcha now09:08
Saviqmterry, down to vivid+overlay and xenial+overlay now09:10
mterrySaviq, awesome09:10
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mterrySaviq, after dropping xenial, I now see errors in xenial+overlay that weren't there before?  "E: xenial+overlay-amd64: Chroot not found"10:03
Saviqmterry, hrmm must've done something wrong then10:03
SaviqI think it removed xenial*... bug in my jobs10:04
dpmhi Saviq, quick question: which libraries/packages give a Qt app the native gtk look and feel? The notes snap right-click menu and cursor look Ubuntuish when the app is built locally, but when launching the snap they look quite different. I'm thinking the snap needs to stage some extra packages, but I'm not sure which ones...11:08
Saviqdpm, not sure, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uniform_look_for_Qt_and_GTK_applications mentions just an env var11:13
dpmI can give that a go, thanks!11:14
dpmand it seems GTK needs to be shipped too11:14
Saviqgreyback_, web views are now not sized properly on startup (don't fill the window - similar to the Qt issue, but looks like it's separate)11:17
tsdgeosdpm: the gtk qpa should be enough libqt5libqgtk2:amd6411:17
dpmah, great, thanks tsdgeos11:18
tsdgeosdpm: if that still doesn't help you may need some of these defined so that qt decides to pick up the gtk qpa http://paste.ubuntu.com/16061883/11:18
dpmtsdgeos, awesome, thanks11:19
greyback_Saviq: noted11:34
Saviqmterry, all's fine now, sorry for the mess12:03
mterrySaviq, sweet, will retry12:03
Saviqmterry, I will, nw12:04
mterrykthx  :)12:04
Saviqmterry, assuming this was about a -ci job?12:09
mterrySaviq, yeah for my installed-qmltests branch12:11
Saviqmterry, yup, running12:11
mterrydandrader, could you finish out the review for https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/no-home-when-locked/+merge/291050 ?12:17
dandradermterry, ok12:19
dandradertsdgeos, in qt code-review, there's no way to reply to a comment, right? you have to simply add a new comment with score:0.12:38
tsdgeosdandrader: yep12:39
tedgmterry: Yes, still find(): http://ubuntu-app-launch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#_CPPv2N6ubuntu10app_launch5AppID4findERKNSt6stringE13:21
mterrytedg, awesome, makes sense13:22
mterrytedg, should be landing the use-ual-info branch soonish13:22
tedgmterry: \o/13:22
dandradergreyback_, is there a bug report about the broken screenshot feature on multimonitor scenarios?14:20
greyback_dandrader: I don't think so14:21
dandradergreyback_, ok14:21
greyback_Saviq: yeah, oxide at fault, not sure why yet. Will ping ChrisCoulson about it14:26
Saviqgreyback_, ack, thanks14:26
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