
jrwrensignal is pretty cool.01:38
Scary_Guyjrwren, yeah but it's linked to the play store, which I don't have and won't support.  fuck google/alphabet04:54
jrwrenyou can't get signal outside of play store?  really?  huh.12:55
Scary_GuyYeah, people tried to get it on F-Droid and pissed Moxie off.  Here's a prety good rundown https://f-droid.org/forums/topic/redphone-and-textsecure/14:03
Scary_GuySilence/SMSSecure is a fork of Singal/TextSecure before they required play services and they just kind of went their own way.  Now Singal doesn't even use SMS AFAIK14:06
Scary_GuyI get that, but everyone I talk to uses SMS so I need somthing that everyone can use.  The key system is annoying but better than nothing14:07
jrwrenwell, that is the difficulty of security right?14:15
jrwrenthe lowest common denominator is insecure14:16
Scary_Guyhow so?  I always thought security through obscurity wasn't really secure either14:17
Scary_Guyas far as SMS goes it's insecure by design though14:18
jrwrenyou said you need something that everyone can use.14:23
jrwrenyou defined LCD. I pointed that out.14:23
jrwrengiven that requirement, you will always use something insecure.14:23
Scary_GuyI suppose, unless the phone companies implement better standards for SMS14:24
Scary_Guymy big thing is I don't want to rely on the phone company for security either though since they have access to everything14:25
ColonelPanic001anyone happen to know of a non-crap free oracle client? 0xDBE was nice but isn't free anymore, and SQLDeveloper is kind of... well, I don't care for it.14:29
jrwrenColonelPanic001: I used to compile perl bindings and use bash and a perl script for my oracle queries. Not joking.14:30
ColonelPanic001nah, that's not unreasonably really, considering14:30
ColonelPanic001this looks nice, and the betas I used were very nice, but not free, and I don't think I'd have an easy time getting my boss to pay for it, so meh14:31
ColonelPanic001I mean, SQLDeveloper works well enough that it's not like I don't have a client, it's just... ugh14:32
ColonelPanic001stupid ethics. It's free for students and teachers. I have a .edu email, but I'm neither of those.14:33
_stink_i ended up just using sqlplus14:33
_stink_but i know you like an IDE14:33
ColonelPanic001why the hell can something as common as oracle have such shit for clients?14:33
ColonelPanic001I would have thought it'd at least have something like MySQL Workbench or something14:34
widoxColonelPanic001: haha, Oracle tools suck all around14:37
ColonelPanic001they do :\14:37
widoxI use sqldev / sqlplus14:37
widoxsqldev freezes up at least once per day14:37
ColonelPanic001every 6 months or so I do this cycle of acceptance and eventually coming back to "well maybe if I just ask around again someone found something"14:38
ColonelPanic001so sometime in the fall expect this again :\14:38
ColonelPanic001fwiw Datagrip there, I liked.14:38
ColonelPanic001just not $200 liked14:38
ColonelPanic001if it were that or nothing I'd ask my boss about it, but meh14:38
widoxColonelPanic001: ah, someone on my team was using that for a bit (maybe it was a trial?) and it seemed pretty interesting14:39
ColonelPanic001yeah, I just used the trial14:39
widoxdidn't realize it was $200 though14:39
ColonelPanic001it was called 0xDBE then14:39
ColonelPanic001and yeah, I liked it14:39
ColonelPanic001still bloaty crappy java, but nice14:40
widoxColonelPanic001: not GUI, but have you tried sqlcl? http://www.thatjeffsmith.com/archive/2016/04/new-sqlcl-available-for-download/14:42
widoxsupposed to be a more user friendly sqlplus14:43
ColonelPanic001never heard about it, I'll poke at that14:43
ColonelPanic001thank you14:43
widoxColonelPanic001: yw. lmk if you try it, I haven't gotten around to it yet14:46
ColonelPanic001sure thing14:46
ColonelPanic001it's not bad19:15
ColonelPanic001I am a noob with oracle, but in as much as it is something I can do "sql me@PROD" and then just do "select * from things;", nice19:16
ColonelPanic001still playing around a little though19:16

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