
Sick_RimmitGood Morning friends08:50
viphi ho08:50
renee77hey all10:14
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: Hello renee7710:14
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: How are you ?10:15
soeehiho renee7710:15
renee77I'm strugling 10:15
renee77I cant figure out what I am supposed to do with triaging, I know how it is done but not know where I get involved. There a many bugreports saying the are duplicates etc but not assigned or redirected10:17
* clivejo is struggling too10:17
* renee77 hugs@clivejo10:17
* clivejo kicks git10:17
renee77hehe that is my next question10:17
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: Alright renee7710:18
renee77trying to get partitiomanager in kdevelop10:18
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: I am at work right now, but I can help you later this evening10:18
renee77but git support plugin unchecks everytime10:18
renee77Tonight not sure it is kingsday but will try to come online if possible, but I will look for you tomorow evening10:19
renee77For now does anyone know why I cant select git support?10:21
renee77or do I have to uncheck github provider10:21
renee77been searching online but not getting to a solution10:22
* renee77 feeling stupid, I think it helps to install git package (made a clean install yesterday *blush*10:31
clivejobut on the plus side, you'll never make that mistake again :)10:32
renee77hehe true10:33
* ahoneybun has too much sleep10:35
* clivejo has not enough sleep10:35
* clivejo had nightmares about git10:35
renee77lol  wanna talk about it ;-)10:37
clivejoThe git archive become aware and tried to take over the world10:38
clivejoand I accidently deleted debian's repo's10:38
renee77ahh but it wanted to have beter clivejo repo's 10:39
clivejowhich meant debian was dead and I was the most hated person in the Debian world10:39
clivejoand LP repo just kept growing and evolving, spawning new branches for emotions and thought10:42
clivejocraziness all round!10:42
soeehow could this happen ?10:42
clivejoit cant :P10:43
soeeyou cloned repos, changed  remotes  and uploade dto LP ?10:43
clivejosoee: it was a dream, I was half asleep10:43
clivejologic and reason dont exist10:43
clivejonormal people dream about monsters and the undead, I dream about git repo's becoming self aware!10:45
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: OK, I just go to find a link for you, which has good info about Bug.11:04
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: Here we are, this is Ovidiu, Aaron and I talking about Bug Triage, how it works for Kubuntu, where to go and what to do.11:05
telegram<@Sick_Rimmit>: https://plus.google.com/b/112102796730023795852/events/c256vvlan1utb4hs8li9euomv2811:05
BluesKajHowdy folks11:15
yofelclivejo: I'm pretty sure someday a frustrated sysadmin will attach a neural network to a git repo, then it'll be self-aware11:18
BluesKajthat's a scary thought 11:22
soeemy fav game series ever Tomb Raider and this: Feral Interactive has let the cat out of the bag: Tomb Raider is shipping for Linux today!..11:50
sitterRIP life11:53
BluesKajHi soee, sitter, yofel , a user is aking if the devs are going to "port" kjots to Xenial ?12:24
BluesKajaking-asking 12:26
soeeis it part of KDE apps 12:27
soee!package kjots12:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package kjots12:29
soee!package kjot12:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package kjot12:30
soee!xenial kjot12:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xenial kjot12:30
yofel!info kjots xenial12:30
ubottuPackage kjots does not exist in xenial12:30
yofel!info kjots trusty12:30
ubottukjots (source: kdepim): note-taking utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 389 kB, installed size 1378 kB12:30
yofelah, now I remember12:30
yofelBluesKaj: no, that's one of the applications that the kdepim developers killed during the kf5 porting (at least for now)12:31
tsdgeosyofel: http://download.kde.org/stable/kjots/12:46
yofelah, so it's back, thanks12:47
BluesKajyofel, thanks for your answer, I passed it on.13:21
yofelyw. The 'no' for xenial stands even with there being a 5.0.1 release13:22
* yofel wonders if one could do that with snappy..13:23
* genii makes more coffee14:42
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
ronnocHi guys this should definitely be posted to the Wire - esp. since there's been no activity since January ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jsZ3xw0lck&feature=youtu.be 18:37
* clivejo rolls eyes18:37
clivejothats a beta release18:37
clivejo!info plasma-desktop18:38
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.4.2-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 1620 kB, installed size 7975 kB18:38
clivejo!info plasma-desktop xenial18:38
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1575 kB, installed size 7751 kB18:38
clivejowe shipped 5.5.5 not 5.5.418:38
clivejoand apps 15.12.3 instead of 15.12.118:38
ronnocso...maybe post with an asterisked clarification?18:44
clivejoor review the released version :/18:45
ronnocfair enough. just don't shoot the messenger ;)18:46
clivejoI wouldnt shoot you :P18:46
clivejoand the trout is reserved for soee_18:47
mamarleyclivejo: Here's a herring.  🐟  You can use that instead. :)18:48
clivejoyofel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY1bFbGbQDg 6mins in18:52
clivejoDevice Manager worked in Virtual Box, but not on actual hardware18:52
clivejowell 5.38 onwards18:53
clivejocan anyone confirm that?18:54
* soee installs Tomb Raider on steam ... :)19:23
clivejosoee: are you on kubuntu or neon?19:24
soeeclivejo: kubuntu 19:25
* clivejo wonders if the device manager is working in Neon19:25
soeedevice ?19:26
clivejosettings > device manager19:27
clivejoallows you to install 3rd party drivers for video etc19:27
clivejohasnt worked in a while19:27
telegram<@athoneycutt>: /me uses NVIDIA Cards so might have issues with ath19:31
telegram<@athoneycutt>: *that19:32
clivejoAaron do you know what its called?19:32
clivejoI know the settings is called KCM19:32
telegram<@athoneycutt>: Driver Manager?19:32
clivejolike what package installs it19:32
clivejoalso who runs the bot here?19:32
telegram<@athoneycutt>: we used to use Jockey till shadeshalyer made his own19:33
telegram<@athoneycutt>: the IRC one?19:33
clivejoneeds to be updated to make xenial current19:33
clivejoand dev aka yak +119:33
telegram<@athoneycutt>: no clue about the package name19:34
soeeso driver or device manager ... ?19:36
telegram<@athoneycutt>: Driver Manager I believe19:36
telegram<@athoneycutt>: you can still use "jockey" I think when using krunner19:37
clivejoah found it kcmshell5 kcm_driver_manager19:38
soeekubuntu-driver-manager ?19:38
telegram<@athoneycutt>: maybe19:38
soee!package kubuntu-driver-manager19:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package kubuntu-driver-manager19:38
soee!package kubuntu-driver-manager xenial19:38
ubottusoee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:38
clivejo!info package19:38
ubottuPackage package does not exist in wily19:38
soee!info kubuntu-driver-manager xenial19:39
ubottukubuntu-driver-manager (source: kubuntu-driver-manager): Driver Manager for Kubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.10ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 65 kB, installed size 371 kB19:39
clivejoBug 153052319:39
ubottubug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153052319:39
telegram<@athoneycutt>: I think I'm hitting that too19:39
geniiHere also19:39
telegram<@athoneycutt>: never bothered to open it since 15.1019:39
telegram<@athoneycutt>: /me confirms19:40
clivejodont think it worked in 15.10 either19:40
geniiIt's stalling in both Wily and Xenial for me19:40
telegram<@athoneycutt>: /me hates HexChat19:41
telegram<@athoneycutt>: on Windows anyway19:41
clivejodont use windows :P19:41
* clivejo shakes head19:41
telegram<@athoneycutt>: yea19:41
telegram<@athoneycutt>: whatever19:42
soeewell in the end it allows to install 2 things: microcode for cpu and gpu driver and both can be installed manually :)19:42
clivejoyeah, but why isnt it installing the 2 things mr soee19:42
soeebecause it i scollecting data of whoel world :D it is spy19:43
telegram<@athoneycutt>: damn it synergy is not passing my mouse input...19:43
* clivejo wonders why it only has a s390x for xenial19:51
mamarleyclivejo: Probably because the other arches were copied from Wily and it was never uploaded directly to Xenial.19:52
clivejoIve thrown a 16.04version rebuild at LP19:53
clivejomaybe some of the toolchain has been updated from the binary was built?19:53
clivejoits building ok :/19:54
clivejook lets install the rebuild19:54
clivejonope, still failing19:57
sick_rimmitclivejo: can I help with anyting,19:57
sick_rimmitno idea what I am doing19:57
sick_rimmitbut lets not let that get in the way :-)19:58
clivejoIm trying to figure out why the device manager isnt working19:58
clivejosource code seems to be here - http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch/garg/kcm-driver-manager.git20:00
clivejowould you have a look rick20:00
clivejocan you help me setup kdevelop?20:03
clivejoit will be in a sec20:05
sick_rimmitYou'll need the Git plugin enabled.. it is in settings >  configure kdevelop > plugins20:06
sick_rimmitCheck Git to turn it on20:06
clivejolooks like its on20:07
sick_rimmitlet me know when your ready and I can talk you through pulling the kcm-driver-code20:07
clivejook lets try20:07
sick_rimmitproject > fetch project20:08
sick_rimmitChange cvs from SVN to Git20:08
sick_rimmitcreate a folder say kcm-driver-mngr20:08
sick_rimmitthen paste20:08
sick_rimmitin the source box20:09
sick_rimmithit Get20:09
clivejohow do I know its done it?20:11
sick_rimmitThe next button with go Blue20:11
sick_rimmitthen you click it20:11
clivejooh ok20:12
clivejositting waiting on nothing!20:12
sick_rimmitIf it let you click Get then it's all goof20:12
clivejobut I kinda expected something to happen20:13
clivejo*ping* foods done20:13
sick_rimmitsee in the white window the git call and then exit 020:13
sick_rimmitKdevelop hands off to git, and then has to wait for git to clone and return a status20:14
sick_rimmitThat used to catch me out, I would think it had crashed20:14
sick_rimmitcould probably benefit from a progress bar20:14
sick_rimmitSo now you have the project listed with Master in grey next to it.20:15
sick_rimmitthis is the branch currently checked out20:15
clivejook Im in the next sreen20:15
clivejoyeah, can see the project20:15
clivejoI go into src?20:15
sick_rimmitJust keep clicking next until the end20:15
sick_rimmitthe default project managers are fine20:15
cyphermoxdebfx: hey, do you remember https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/739943 ?20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 739943 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "package kubuntu-default-settings 1:11.04ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Medium,Fix released]20:16
clivejoback to the green start screen20:16
cyphermox(setting the original /etc/newt/palette rather than /etc/newt/palette.ubuntu)20:16
sick_rimmitOK, so now you have a kcm-driver-manager session ?20:17
sick_rimmitcan you click that ?20:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image20:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about imgur20:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:17
cyphermoxdebfx: I'm asking only because I was surprised to see it changed by kubuntu-settings on my system, and wondered if it still made sense to make that change (ie. if it really makes a difference for the kubuntu colors, that's a good reason)20:17
clivejoI dont see a session20:17
sick_rimmitsome thing like this20:19
sick_rimmitWe can dive into BBB if it gets tricky, and share screen20:20
clivejoI think I have that now20:20
sick_rimmitOK Cool20:21
sick_rimmitSo now the question is what is or is not the beahviour you were expecting20:21
debfxcyphermox: no, that was 5 years ago :P20:21
cyphermoxdebfx: I understand ;)20:21
clivejoI can see main.cpp20:21
clivejo                 registerPlugin<Module>("kcm-driver-manager");)20:21
debfxcyphermox: anyway I'm no longer involved in kubuntu development so you have to discuss that with current kubuntu-devs20:22
cyphermoxdebfx: mmkay20:22
* sick_rimmit grabs monacle and heads off to main.cpp20:22
* sick_rimmit Wonders what the status of clivejo: libqapt installation is20:24
sick_rimmitstandard or clivejo: packaged 20:25
clivejoI dont understand the question!20:25
sick_rimmitsets up 3 namespace deps20:25
sick_rimmitone of which is Qapt20:25
clivejoyeah, that would be to do that installation of the drivers20:26
sick_rimmitcompletely guessing here, as I don't know what kcm is doing or not doing20:26
clivejoThis probes the system for hardware that could benefit from propriety software and installs it20:27
clivejoie NVidia grpahics driver20:27
sick_rimmitAh yes, replaces jockey20:27
clivejoI think its a front end to something20:27
sick_rimmitthe problem with it is ?20:27
sick_rimmitlibqapt will be the install / search cache20:28
sick_rimmitI reckon20:28
clivejoproblem is Bug 153052320:28
ubottubug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153052320:28
sick_rimmitOh ah right20:28
sick_rimmitCan you reproduce it on your machine ?20:30
sick_rimmitI am on 15.10 here right now20:30
clivejoI think it does same on 15.1020:31
clivejocan you try?20:31
sick_rimmitNope works for me20:31
clivejoso whats changed!20:31
sick_rimmittry calling it from the command line, see what output you get20:31
sick_rimmithmmm 20:32
sick_rimmitdid your new builds of libqapt make it into Xenial, the one for muon ?20:32
sick_rimmithmmm not that then20:32
sick_rimmitOdds are that kcm is using libqapt in a similar way to muon20:32
sick_rimmittry calling it again but this time with strace20:33
sick_rimmitstrace kcm-manager or whatever its called20:33
clivejothe only change to libqapt was to make it emmit signals20:33
sick_rimmitthat would fit the frame20:33
sick_rimmitI mean the previous version20:33
sick_rimmitwhere it didn't emit them20:34
clivejothats why muon was crashing20:34
sick_rimmitIf kcm has a slot awaiting a signal then et voila! stuck code20:34
sick_rimmitok don;t worry too much about that20:34
sick_rimmitcan you get strace to run kcm20:34
clivejoit runs and gets stuck20:37
clivejostrace keeps displaying this over and over20:37
* sick_rimmit grabs monacle20:39
sick_rimmitIf you sit for a few seconds hands off machine does it continue output20:40
sick_rimmitstrace is a Stack trace utility so it picks up mouse, kdb, everything really20:41
clivejojust sits there doing that20:41
clivejountil I close the window20:41
sick_rimmitOk so it is stuck in a loop doing something20:41
sick_rimmitquestion is what ?20:42
sick_rimmitso run it again without strace then ps uax to find its process id20:42
clivejowas hoping you could answer that20:42
sick_rimmitthen lets try lsof 20:42
* sick_rimmit needs man pages20:42
sick_rimmitah yes20:43
sick_rimmitlsof -p <pid>20:44
sick_rimmitthat will tell us what it is doing20:44
clivejolooks like it refreshed my package list20:47
sick_rimmitAlright that's progress20:49
clivejoit is?20:50
sick_rimmitSo it's waiting on the qapt socket20:50
clivejowhat does that mean?20:50
sick_rimmitit is an interprocess communication20:51
sick_rimmitkcm -> qapt20:51
sick_rimmitso now it is qapt that is doing something and kcm is awaiting it20:51
sick_rimmitso ps uax qapt20:51
sick_rimmitand lsof again20:52
sick_rimmitwhat is qapt doing ?20:52
clivejoits not running20:53
sick_rimmitAh ok, because it's a library20:53
* sick_rimmit thinking....20:53
* sick_rimmit running kcm here21:02
clivejowhat version of libqapt are you running in wily?21:03
sick_rimmitAh the one I compiled21:03
sick_rimmitgood point21:03
sick_rimmitwhat is the comand to invoke kcm21:06
clivejokcmshell5 kcm_driver_manager21:08
clivejodid you install libqapt globally?21:08
clivejo!info libqapt3 wily21:09
ubottulibqapt3 (source: libqapt): QApt library package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-0ubuntu1.1 (wily), package size 133 kB, installed size 418 kB21:09
sick_rimmitAh brill 21:10
sick_rimmitAh ah21:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:10
sick_rimmitCompare that with what you got21:11
clivejoIll have to install it again!21:12
clivejojust a sec21:12
* soee_ 50 minutes21:17
clivejook I dont have /var/cache/apt-xapian-index/index.1/postlist.DB21:17
clivejoI have the tmp/qapt-sock21:18
clivejobut not the anon_inode21:19
clivejokcmshell5 22846 clivejo   64u     unix 0x0000000000000000      0t0   575670 type=STREAM21:19
clivejoI have that instead21:19
sick_rimmithmmm apt-xapian installed ?21:23
sick_rimmitdpkg --get-selections | grep apt-xapian21:24
sick_rimmitwondering if it is a missing dependency21:24
clivejo!info apt-xapian21:29
ubottuPackage apt-xapian does not exist in wily21:29
clivejo!info apt-xapian-index21:30
ubottuapt-xapian-index (source: apt-xapian-index): maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46ubuntu1 (wily), package size 55 kB, installed size 328 kB21:30
clivejo!info apt-xapian-index xenial21:30
ubottuapt-xapian-index (source: apt-xapian-index): maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.47ubuntu8 (xenial), package size 56 kB, installed size 268 kB21:30
sick_rimmitAh I wonder if it brought it in for me when I did build-dep for Muojn21:31
clivejovalorie mentioned she had xapian when she installed muon21:31
sick_rimmitxapian seems to be the search library / indexer for apt21:32
sick_rimmitI read this today on J Thomas's blog21:32
clivejotends to just work21:32
sick_rimmitwhat we do know is that in your instance. kcmshell is blocked by a non returning socket /var/qapt21:33
sick_rimmitI am afraid at this point I am out of my depth21:34
clivejome too21:34
valoriehmmm, apt-cache policy tells me I have it installed21:34
clivejoI wonder would Carlo know?21:34
sick_rimmitbut I reckon pasting all this info to the LP Bug will really help the next person21:34
clivejoRick, mind doing that?21:34
clivejoIm about ready for bed!21:34
sick_rimmitCan I get a paste of your lsof output21:35
clivejo:( Ive shut it all down21:36
clivejodoes yours show a list of drivers you can install?21:36
sick_rimmitBug updated :-D21:41
sick_rimmitI'm going to wrap it up21:41
sick_rimmitnite all21:41
sick_rimmitHey I am back on my Ubuntu tablet using chatter client, pretty cool22:25
sick_rimmitHey Carlo22:26
sick_rimmitI have been doing some bug triage on muon, and have created a local feature branch, made a few tiny tiny mods22:27

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