
n-iCeit's incredible.01:20
n-iCeThere is no faster distro than lubuntu.01:20
n-iCeI mean, using a DE01:20
ssechehi everybody04:12
ssechei just install latest Lubuntu and i'm having a little issue that can't find a solution to it04:12
ssechewhen i launch an app, like firefox or whatever, i don't get any busy icon during those 3 or 4 seconds04:12
ssechehow can i fix or enable this ?04:12
ianorlinsseche I think you are having a startup notify problem04:30
ianorlinI think if you mess up ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml has something to do with it04:31
ssecheis a fresh lubuntu installation04:31
ssechewithout changing anything, everything default04:32
ssechei'm seeing lubuntu-rc.xml04:34
ssecheianorlin, what should i look for ?04:34
ianorlinhmnm if everything is default that won't help04:35
ssechefound that04:37
ssechei will run all the updates04:38
ssecheand see if something changes04:38
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|ZNC|MiniVorapThinkpad edge not detecting network interfaces what to do???08:39
Jakey3is there a way to change the desktop tabs order?08:44
|ZNC|MiniVorapI can't find any network interfaces on my Thinkpad edge!1! pls helps08:49
hateball|ZNC|MiniVorap: what does "lspci" say?09:10
hateball!paste | |ZNC|MiniVorap09:10
ubottu|ZNC|MiniVorap: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:10
|ZNC|MiniVorapOh sorry hateball, I was at lunch09:16
Jakey3is there a way to change the order of the windows list09:17
CasWIs it true that Lubuntu 16.04 requires OpenGL 2.1 or higher? I tried installing it on my netbook (Intel Atom N450, Intel GMA 3150 (OpenGL 2.0)), and it doesn't boot properly, here's the last part of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/98xuSYMY10:59
CasWI have been able to boot into the graphical shell using recovery mode, and I have installed the newest drivers11:00
phil42don't know11:18
traceur920Hi, I have random session crashes and a log from Xorg, can somebody help?13:44
hateball!paste | traceur92013:44
ubottutraceur920: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:44
traceur920that's the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/16080512/13:47
avoGreetings. Does Lubuntu have a terminal I can cut and paste into, or is that a limitation of LXDE?14:50
leszeklxterminal has copy and paste possibility. I am not aware if there is any terminal emulator that has a cut option however14:59
avook thanx15:02
avoI just installed Lubuntu. When it first boots, there's text on the screen that says the resolution is not supported, then it boots into Lubuntu.15:06
avoWhat I think it's doing is timing-out at the grub screen. How can I change the grub screen resolution, if indeed, thats my problem.15:08
krytarikavo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_215:29
avokrytarik: Thanks. I just downloaded the grub-doc package and I'll have a look there, too.15:30
n-iCeI was fighting with grub yesterday15:31
n-iCeMake a Windows 10 usb bootable image.15:31
avoI'm really impressed with how well Lubuntu runs on an old P4 1 gig.15:31
n-iCeavo: is awesome, I use it in a i3 8GB ram15:32
avoYou'll go too fast and enter another dimension!15:33
ssecheso can i fix  the 'busy' icon while loading an app to appear ?15:38
ssechecause i'm on latest version of lubuntu and busy icon doesn't show15:39
n-iCebusy icon?15:40
ssechewhen you double click a shorcut icon, let's say firefox15:43
ssechethe cursor icon has to change so some kind of clock or waiting icon15:43
ssecheso you know that the app is loading15:43
ssecheon my end i don't have any clue if i double click it correct or no15:44
ssechebecause no busy icon loads, always de cursor15:44
n-iCebut it should open almost15:44
n-iCelubuntu is that fast15:44
n-iCeno need to 'busy' icon15:45
ssechei need15:45
ssechefirefox is 4 or 5 seconds15:45
n-iCewell, no idea15:46
n-iCehave never think abotu it15:47
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onlnrI am trying to make an association to open with a program. what is the lxde's handlers name I wonder18:14
onlnrgnome has gconf for example18:15
leszekonlnr: don't know what you mean exactly all the desktops use xdg standard for mimetypes18:21
onlnrI am reading that xdg-open redirects the request to the DE's handler18:21
onlnrmy chrome runs xdg-open when I click this acestream:// link I want to associate to acestream18:22
onlnrif I need to edit the ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list with lxde, I wonder what would be the mimetype and the .desktop file. I have 4 different acestream related .desktop files but none of them exactly sounds like the right one18:24
leszekyeah mimeapps.list is the right place. When it comes to acestream I don't have any clue never used that app18:26
mikubuntuis it possible to upgrade lubuntu directly from 14.04 to 16.04?19:54
Unit193Sure, though it won't prompt you until the first point release.19:56
geniimikubuntu: You were already told about !ltsupgrade in other channels19:57
mikubuntugenii: no i just heard from nacc about it -- i probably missed some replies when i was knocked offline here at home20:01
geniiAh, probably.20:01
mikubuntustill trying to figure out how to set upgrade prefs on lubuntu, anybody have a clue?20:04

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