
zakiwelcome annasha 05:12
zakihi kilos..05:13
Kilosmorning all05:13
zakiKilos, how r u?05:15
Kiloswaking up but other wise fine ty and you?05:16
zakioh.. i'm at office.. 05:16
zakioky help me..05:16
zakiwhich one is the best download manager for ununtu, or which one you using..?05:17
Kilosi use opera browser and dont have any issues05:18
Kilosbut i use wget -c to download things whenever possible05:20
zakii'm using xdm. 05:21
Kilosfaster than browsers and can go back later to fill in missing stuff05:21
Kilosquite easy to use wget -c "link"05:23
Kiloszaki check man wget in terminal05:41
zakidone.. (y)05:43
zakispeed is good. 05:43
Kilosit has other switches but i have only ever used -c05:43
Kilosand you find the download in your home folder05:44
zakiother switches like?05:44
zakiyap.. :)05:45
Kilos-d and -r05:46
Kilosi only need -c05:46
zakioh.. 05:46
Kilosi battle to follow all the info in man pages05:46
zaki-c for download.. :D05:46
Kilos-c is for continue broken downloads05:47
zakiand what are using for pdf  file editing?05:58
KilosQA google pdf editor for ubuntu05:59
QAKilos: "How to Edit PDFs? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/162037/how-to-edit-pdfs :: "PDF Editor — Ubuntu Apps Directory" https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/pdfedit/ :: "What is the best PDF editor for Ubuntu Linux? - MakeUseOf" http://www.makeuseof.com/answers/what-is-the-best-pdf-editor-for-ubuntu-linux/ :: "Edit PDF files On Ubuntu Linux05:59
QAusing Master PDF Editor" http://www.linuxtechi.com/master-pdf-editor-ubuntu-linux/ :: "…05:59
Kilosi dont do much editing05:59
zakioh.. i need one.. but don't know which one is good.. 06:05
zakinow i have to test all apps.06:05
Kiloshi pavlushka 06:26
Kilosread the logs 06:27
pavlushkaHellow Kilos !06:27
Kiloszaki needs a good pdf editor06:27
pavlushkaHello zaki!06:27
zakihi.. how are u..06:27
pavlushkazaki: I am okay, thank you, :)06:30
zakihelp me with that.. 06:30
zakineed a good pdf editor.. which one u use? 06:30
pavlushkazaki, ubuntu has a builtin pdf viewer and you can print any document to file as pdf, I use this method actually.06:32
zakithat one is just viewer.. not editor..06:32
pavlushkazaki: writeup the things or copied to any text editor and print it to file, not to printer and in file option select pdf format.06:33
zakiit's a trick!06:34
zakiactually i need an apps. :|06:34
pavlushkazaki: ok, so you want a standalone pdf editor?06:35
zakigot one.. Master PDF.06:36
pavlushkause apt-get install libreoffice-pdfimport06:36
zakipdf plugin of libreoffice?06:37
pavlushka-So congrats zaki. :)06:45
zakihmm.. :)06:45
pavlushka-Now on phone bcoz of glorious power cut,  :) so gotta go, see ya guys.06:50
Kiloscheers  pavlushka- 06:50
zakioky. :)06:50
=== Kilos is now known as google
=== google is now known as Kilos
Kiloshi pavlushka and everyone else15:57
pavlushkaHello Kilos and everyone else!15:58
pavlushkaHello annasha !15:59
Kiloshi annasha 15:59
pavlushkaSo Kilos , you were google for a while?16:02
Kilosyes i didnt tick in the typing box before typing16:11
Kilosi mess up like that often16:11
=== Kilos is now known as Kiloslol
=== Kiloslol is now known as Kilos

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