
pittiBonjour tout le monde !06:34
dufluBonjour tout le monde, et pitti06:35
duflupitti: Unrelated to recent discussions -- if I have a crash on startup and it gets uploaded, can I find via the filesystem which error/bug/URL it was?06:54
dufluI don't have working X, only VT login06:54
sarnold/var/crash/ ?06:55
duflusarnold: Yes, files in /var/crash, but no URL to tell me where it went to or which existing bug it is06:56
dufluAnd no X either. Just a console06:56
dufluI wonder, can I look my machine up on errors.ubuntu by some ID?06:57
dufluI take it back. Unity7 in software mode eventually started after about 10 minutes07:01
willcookeLaney, https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software/+sourcepub/6363890/+listing-archive-extra07:35
willcookeLaney, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=07:36
seb128willcooke, teaching upload queues and ppas to Laney? ;-)07:51
willcookesomeone has to07:51
LaneyI'm learning something07:51
LaneyPPAs don't have -proposed you know07:51
pittiLaney: that's configurable07:51
seb128but we upload to "version" for years07:51
seb128and have the archive redirect to proposed07:52
pittiand -- seb128, Laney: OHAI!07:52
seb128hey pitti07:52
willcookeobligatory: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4jt8mkkUX1qdojzho1_500.png07:52
seb128Laney, what's the issue with not having proposed? xenial is closed so uploads are going to go to proposed anyway no?07:53
seb128the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= view has the correct "proposed" pocket info07:56
Laneydon't worry about this you guys07:58
Laneyhi pitti ;-)08:00
Laneysuch worker spam08:00
pittiLaney: yeah :/ but  as long as they are squeaking, they are alive08:00
pittiLaney: the days when I wished I had asked IS for cleaning up the quota DB last week..08:00
pittibut there's also this weird "invalid version" (with the newline and duplicate version), haven't looked at that yet08:01
pittiI'm currently working on a little script to filter out requests from particular triggers, so that we can go easy on the perl tests08:01
pitti(there's not much change, no need to run 2500 tests on 4 arches08:02
pittiwell, I'm going to write that script, that is; still need to fix my juju-local install08:02
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, bug #1575452 seems an annoying issue (I can confirm)08:11
ubot5bug 1575452 in unity (Ubuntu) "Copy/move dialog cannot be switched to" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157545208:11
Trevinhoseb128: that was actually a designed feature... Ask JohnLea if you want know more08:38
* Trevinho had to spend some day in order to do that08:38
seb128Trevinho, what is a feature? not being able to focus the copy dialog?08:39
seb128can't click on it in the launcher, can alt-tab, by design?08:39
seb128but you can click/alt-tab if you open a nautilus dialog first and then click again08:40
Trevinhoseb128: in theory the only wa to access to that should have been alt+tab08:46
Trevinhoseb128: or alt+tab + arrows08:46
Trevinhoseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/78480408:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 784804 in Ayatana Design "Clicking Nautilus launcher icon fails to open a Nautilus file explorer window when copying a file and all other Nautilus windows are closed / bamf should skip the taskbar" [High,Fix released]08:56
Trevinhoseb128: I fixed that on 13/01/12 ;P08:57
seb128Trevinho, that bug doesn't say that alt-tab should skip the item, it only speaks about focus when clicking on the icon09:01
Trevinhoseb128: yeah... In fact alt+tab should see it09:02
seb128does the click thing makes sense as well? the bug rational seemed to be because unity was not able to tell appart different nautilus windows09:03
seb128but now it does?09:03
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andyrockseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/gtk/lp-1574693-shadows/+merge/29308210:42
seb128andyrock, can you get desrt and/or Trevinho to review?10:42
andyrockTrevinho: ^^^10:42
TrevinhoI will10:42
Trevinhoseb128: actually desrt already suggested that change in the first rivew10:42
seb128Trevinho, k10:51
seb128so +1 it10:51
Trevinhoseb128: oh, wait... andyrock there's one more thing maybe10:56
willcookedesktoppers - are you snapping in the big room or do you want to come back in to the smaller one?11:37
robert_ancell_big room11:37
seb128robert_ancell_, too cold in the meeting one11:37
seb128willcooke, ^11:37
* flocculant thinks willcooke should alias desktoppers for crocodiles ... 11:38
willcookeomw in a mo11:38
desrtom a ni wmo11:46
Trevinhowillcooke: yeah, finished a patch and co,ing11:48
Trevinhoah never mind... it's on the big room :)11:48
Laneywo ai ni11:51
jcastroIf I have screen tearing in games in unity on nvidia where do I need to start investigating?12:45
pittiseb128: oh, gotcha evolution translations!13:21
pittisince when is evo in universe?13:21
ogra_oh, yes, please ... i'd like my evo in german again :)13:22
ogra_pitti, trusty i think13:22
=== Laney is now known as seb128smum
ogra_when thunderbird entered13:22
pittiogra_: yep, bug 154521213:22
ubot5bug 1545212 in langpack-o-matic "Evolution 3.18.4 package does not include translations" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154521213:22
=== seb128smum is now known as Laney
ogra_(i actually didnt notice it was english until i took a screenshot of another bug ... definitely to much english in my brain )13:23
pittiogra_: Inglisch heh?13:23
pittion parle français ici !13:23
seb128pitti, feb I would say?13:24
ogra_Putain !13:24
pittianyway, what a nasty bug, this affects quite a bunch of packages/domains13:24
seb128pitti, what was it?13:25
jcastroseb128: willcooke: where you guys serious about hosting our own firmware update service? If that is the case lmk now, marco would like to start writing the charm13:25
pittiseb128: really stupid :( http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/revision/56213:25
desrtjcastro: i think the situation is fine as-is13:25
ogra_jcastro, hughsie seems pretty happy ... he even shows off with the numbers13:26
jcastroyeah, and I know that openshift can scale and all that stuff, I just noticed discussion last week if it makes sense to depend on a third party service for things like that or if it should be more like an ntp-pool.13:27
jcastroanyway, not my decision to make, I'm just saying our team can help if that's the case13:28
desrtjcastro: please don't make hughsie unhappy.  he's very nice to us :)13:28
seb128pitti, oh, got catch!13:28
pittiLaney: oh, speaking of openstack, did you ever find a solution for the appstream downloads to prodstack?13:29
seb128jcastro, the service rely on rh cloud hosting parts apparently, so not likely easy to get our version, willcooke is talking to upstream to see how we can collaborate13:29
jcastroseb128: ack13:30
jcastrodesrt: I'm like hughsie fan #1, no worries13:30
Laneypitti: some split between the webservers and the service13:31
Laneyso yeah, it got fixed13:32
Laneyand I got to learn all about load balancing13:35
Laneyattempted to learn about mojo but gave up13:35
pittiLaney: ah, good to hear!13:37
pittiLaney: so, no proxying through a scalingstack instance after all :)13:37
hikikoTrevinho, andyrock: https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.scale-bottomYoffset https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.scale-launcher-at-the-bottom (the scale) I'm fixing the expo now14:14
desrtseb128: http://patchwork.sourceware.org/patch/7679/14:16
ubot5sourceware.org bug 7679 in gdb "cannot access members and crashes" [Normal,Closed: fixed]14:16
willcookeseb128, just writing here so I don't forgot:  a LP tag for snap bugs is "snapd-interfaces"   (is that right jdstrand?)14:16
jdstrandseb128, willcooke: snapd-interface14:16
willcookethx jdstrand14:16
seb128jdstrand, thanks14:16

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