
xpistosHey everyone. I was wondering. I setup a samba share on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 server but when I try to connect from windows it is slapping a domain on my user, what should I be putting there?00:24
xpistosthe share shows up but I can authenticate00:25
xpistosI'm really new to using samba so I added the share like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16072871/00:26
xpistosI can't authenticate. Sorry.00:27
zorbsIs there anything I need to know that possibly the interwebs isn't telling me about changing an ip on eth0? I have an Ubuntu-Server running LAMP on my network. It was on a dhcp and I've released the ip through ifconfig and put in the new static ip address, netmask and broadcast as well as adding those arguments to /etc/network/interfaces and restarted as well as a reboot to test if it02:47
zorbsstuck... does anyone have any input on this?02:47
sarnoldyour first message was cut off at "to test if it"02:50
zorbsto test if it stuck, does anyone have any input on this?......02:50
sarnoldoh! hah02:50
sarnoldI expected to see a problem of some sort in there..02:50
sarnoldso, uh, did it work? :)02:50
zorbsI'm currently waiting on connectivity from a router/demarc.02:51
zorbsbut hypothetically speaking, should i have anything to worry about besides those?02:51
sarnoldso long as you've modified /etc/network/interfaces, that should take care of just about anything02:51
sarnold(granted, sometimes people may put a dhcp-assigned address into a configuration file.. but those people are living in a state of sin)02:52
zorbsI've got mapped ip's in this situation.02:52
patdk-lapwhat is a *mapped* ip?02:53
zorbs1-1 ip mapping; a public address to a private address.02:54
patdk-lapthat is called nat, not mapping02:55
zorbsok heh.02:55
patdk-lapbut that still has nothing at all to do with this02:56
zorbspatdk-lap: thanks for disparaging that.03:01
zorbsI was about to elaborate, sarnold, I'm going to be dealing with nat/pat as well.03:02
sarnoldzorbs: that's alright, that's quite common :)03:03
* zorbs chuckles03:04
patdk-lapya, interfaces file doesn't care about any of that03:08
patdk-lapthat is all firewall stuff03:08
zorbsI've got the rules for it set so it should be all right.03:08
arrrghhhhey all.  I replaced a hdd in a mdadm raid1 array, and forgot to fail the old disk first04:50
arrrghhhof course upon boot, I get an error but I can skip it since the raid array is just for data, not /boot or anything essential04:51
arrrghhhwhat can I do now to get mdadm to come back up and start rebuilding the array with the new disk?04:51
huwjrhia I ssh tunnel my mysql connection to the host and thus use “localhost”11:37
huwjrhowever, since yesterday, on one host it tries to connect to instead11:37
huwjrand won’t connect, obviously :p wtf11:37
louisdkI'm about to upgrade a virtual Ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04. I had to run do-release-upgrade -d" to get 16.04. While upgrading it hangs while showing this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16078429/12:42
hateballupgrades arent offered until the first pointrelease, unless you use -d12:44
hateballSo... there's always a risk12:44
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ronator@lousdisk: I did the same - testing - and after 'do-release-upgrade -d' the network interfaces could not start anymore ...13:01
ronatorI guess we should wait until June/July when 16.04.1 is released and release-upgrade is possible without the -d switch13:02
ogra_doesnt -d get you to 16.10 now ?13:02
ogra_(since thats now open)13:02
patdk-wk_if you where runnong 16.04, yes13:02
patdk-wk_if your not running 16.04, nope13:03
PiciI didn't see 16.10 in the meta release file last I looked.13:03
ronatoras patdk-wk said: from 14.04 you go to 16.0413:03
ronatorwhy would I want to switch from LTS to non-LTS on a server?13:04
ogra_ansd i always though we imaplementd /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades for that :)13:04
ronatorexcept the fact that LTS is a lie for itself ...13:04
ogra_(so you dont need the -d )13:04
ronatorthats not true13:05
ronatoryou will need the -d option if you want to release upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 NOW13:05
ronatorthe file mentioned has PROMPT_lts per default13:06
ogra_well, then i understood it wrong back then :) for me -d always meant the latest development release :)13:06
ronatorwell if you consider 16.04 the release version and 16.04.1 sth. else then yes13:06
ogra_and to do updated to lts before .1 releses you edit the prompt to normal ... do you upgrade and set it back to lts13:06
ogra_.1 is the date wheer the lts offers the upgrade, never before13:07
ronatortrue - but if you want to test anything before June/July ...13:07
ogra_so yes, i consider them something different, especially since .1 will have a different default kernel13:07
ronatornot major differneces, or does it? I saw 4.4 after a release-upgrade to "devel"13:08
ogra_usually the point releases use the hwe stack13:08
ronatorbut yes sounds true13:08
ronatorwhen you install a fresh 14.04.4 you get kernel 4.213:09
ogra_right, if you install a 14.04 image you get 3.1313:09
ronatoryes, and the HWE kernel pushes you to 3.1913:09
ogra_the last point release has the last wily kernel stack13:10
patdk-wk_heh? why would 16.04.1 have a different kernel?13:11
patdk-wk_my 14.04 installs still have the same old 14.04.0 kernel13:12
patdk-wk_HWE kernels are nothing but problems13:12
patdk-wk_cause they are not tested against anything other than themselfs13:12
patdk-wk_so any kernel modules you install, fail to work with them13:12
patdk-wk_cause those modules don't also have compatable backports from where the HWE kernel came from13:13
ogra_patdk-wk_, well, if you install ioff a 14.04.4 media you get a 4.2 kernel from the wily-lts hwe stack13:13
* patdk-wk_ looks at mainly xtables and vmware tools13:13
patdk-wk_but not a wily xtables module13:13
patdk-wk_so the kernel fails and panics and the system is unusable13:13
ogra_you get the very same kernel package wily has ...13:14
patdk-wk_till it's but back only the orig 14.04 kernel13:14
patdk-wk_ogra_, yes, and the kernel modules in 14.04 are NOT compatable with it, from packages outside the kernel package that was backported13:14
ogra_the kernel modules come from the kernel package13:14
patdk-wk_so nvidia is compled into the kernel package now?13:15
patdk-wk_xtables is compiled in?13:15
patdk-wk_vmware drivers are compiled in?13:15
hateballdkms <313:15
patdk-wk_yes, and dkms fails, cause those modules are not compatable with those kernel headers13:15
ogra_patdk-wk_, no, they are dkms built indeed ...13:15
ogra_but thast the reason why the .0 images are always provided alongsice the .n ones13:16
patdk-wk_yes, and why I refuse to use anything newer than .013:16
patdk-wk_and .2+ is just evil13:16
patdk-wk_atleast for server installs13:16
sdezielpatdk-wk_: FYI, the .1 keeps the same kernel base version as the .013:17
patdk-wk_hwe is very limited scope, it solves an issue, by breaking so many others13:17
patdk-wk_sdeziel, currently, not sure there is anywhere it says it will always be that way13:17
patdk-wk_it used to be all .x releases had the same, but that changed13:17
patdk-wk_though, I do wish a newer iso image would come out13:18
sdezielsince .1 releases 3 months after the .0, no new Ubuntu release is released in that short time13:18
patdk-wk_so I wouldn't have to constantly upgrade a crapload of packages after an install13:18
sdezielyeah, I could use fresh iso with the same kernel base version. Would be handy13:19
sdezielATM, when we install new nodes we pick the latest point release then downgrade the kernel13:19
patdk-wk_oh ya, I was testing openssh :)13:20
ronatorI use the HWE kernel 3.19 in ubuntu 12.04 on like 50 virtual linux-servers hosted on wmware/esxi - I never had any issues with that.14:13
ronatoror was it 14.04 ?14:13
sdezielronator: probably 14.04 because 12.04 most recent HWE kernel is 3.1314:15
ronatoreverywhere, where I can install "linux-image-generic-lts-vivid" and "linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid", I do so.14:16
patdk-wk_the issue was with vmxnet3 drver and that was in 12.04 I believe14:17
patdk-wk_not sure about 14.0414:17
patdk-wk_I know xtables issue is in 14.0414:17
ronatorwe use 12.04 on some legacy machines and did not have any issues with vmxnet3 driver - I checked that with our vmware-guy.14:21
ronatorwhat was the issue like you experienced?14:21
patdk-wk_what driver are you using?14:22
ronatordriver is vmxnet3, type of adapter is e1000 - or what driver oyu mean?14:23
* patdk-wk_ wonders how you run vmxnet3 on e100014:23
patdk-wk_well, vmxnet3 is a nic14:23
patdk-wk_you can use many drivers on it14:23
patdk-wk_the vmware-tools package driver, the open-vm-tools driver14:23
patdk-wk_and each of those have many different versions14:23
ronatorI do not know I am not the vmware guy. ahh, no i do not use open-vm-tools - we use the "legacy tools"14:24
patdk-wk_I think newer kernels also include it14:24
patdk-wk_ya, I'm using the open-vm-tools14:24
ronatorokay good to know so I won't try to use them ;-)14:24
patdk-wk_thesedays, I don't use it for the pvscsi/vmxnet3 stuff14:25
patdk-wk_but still need it for the balooning driver14:25
patdk-wk_and not sure, if I need it for timesync or not14:25
ronatorignorance is bliss ;-)14:26
geniiI'm reminded of "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"14:29
patdk-wk_cause it doesn't pay the bills14:30
patdk-wk_saw ubuntu phone, must buy ubuntu phone, slave at job to earn money to buy phone14:31
geniiFor some reason Xenial 32bit server won't let me change the home directory of user with UID 1000. Some systemd process is continuously in use even when that user is not logged in14:40
ronatorreminds ME of: “We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”14:43
ronatorgenii: can you tell what systemd proc?14:57
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ronatorgenii: did you try to add another user, who should get uid 1001 and see if the problem persists?14:59
geniironator: Works with testuser and UID 1001. Does not work with normal first user with UID 100015:26
ronatorhomedir encrypted?15:27
geniiNo encryption15:27
ronatori have no idea but at least we know it has sth. to do with the very first user account created in installation process :/15:27
geniiI made a second admin user, logged in with that and tried to change the home dir of the first admin user with that login, still no dice15:27
ronatorIf I find the time I will also setup a fresh xenial 32bit. If I see the same problems, I will tell you here the next days ...15:28
geniiI can still do it by manually editing the path in /etc/passwd , but sudo usermod -d /someother/directory firstuser  still doesn't work15:29
* patdk-wk_ watches ronator create time15:29
geniips aux| grep firstuser shows some systemd process that keeps respawning if it's killed15:29
ronator"patdk-wk_ watches ronator create time"15:30
ronatorcan you gain more info from syslog?15:31
patdk-wk_good think I live in a 5d world, and can see time :)15:31
ronator'some systemd proc' is still quite undifferenciated :/ if you can find out which proc it is (to what servcie it belongs) you may find better help on the internet15:32
sdezielgenii: if you'd like systemd to stop respawning the process you should stop the process/service instead of killing it15:33
patdk-wk_on my systems, I cannot find anything, but I am using 64bit, and used minimal-install15:34
Harry-GAA001Hi can anyone help me with a mysql issue in here?15:35
patdk-wk_no idea15:35
Harry-GAA001That's that cleared up then :P15:35
patdk-wk_Harry-GAA001, well, you didn't describe your issue, so how can anyone in here know if they can help you?15:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:36
Harry-GAA001ok will do, so my server host 123reg stuffed up all their servers, rebuilt them and now I get this issue: Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)15:37
Harry-GAA001The hosts are not responding to support tickets or calls so I'm trying to fix the issue myself15:38
patdk-wk_is mysql running?15:38
Harry-GAA001Yep my sql is running. I've also checked the mysqld.sock file is located in the right place and that the path in my.cnf matches it15:39
geniiGrrr can't replicate it now15:39
patdk-wk_what is the ownership and permissions of the /var/run/mysqld and /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock15:39
Harry-GAA001I have also stopped and started the server and run updates to make sure it's running properly15:39
genii..which I guess is a good thing15:39
Harry-GAA001Will just check that, 2 secs15:40
Harry-GAA001srwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql   0 2016-04-27 16:40 mysqld.sock that is what comes up as the owner15:41
Harry-GAA001The permissions are set as 755. Is that what you mean?15:41
patdk-wk_well, that is the second part15:42
patdk-wk_what is the directory set to?15:42
patdk-wk_though that is not 75515:42
Harry-GAA001Do you mean read/write/execute permissions on the mysqld.sock file?15:45
Harry-GAA001That's for the directory: drwxr-xr-x  2 mysql        root           80 2016-04-27 16:45 mysqld15:46
patdk-wk_anything in dmesg that looks related? like aparmor lines?15:47
Harry-GAA001Ok you've lost me there with my limited knowledge. Is dmesg a file?15:47
patdk-wk_it's a program15:47
Harry-GAA001I'm using Putty, is that the same sort of thing15:49
Harry-GAA001patdk-wk, I'm not familiar with dmesg or aparmor. Would these already be installed, or something I'd have to download?15:56
sdezielHarry-GAA001: might worth checking the mysql log and error files15:57
Harry-GAA001I've checked the mysql log and the error is the same as the one I've posted from the website15:57
Guest18219hello i am using ubuntu 14.04 i have 2 domain names that are configured i need to have separate project in my server for every domain how can i do that ?15:58
tewardGuest18219: what do you mean by 'separate project'?15:58
tewardGuest18219: for websites, you can easily define different server names for each site configuration to work for - you then get to specify different directory paths for each domain to have as a 'document root' and therefore serve different sites15:59
Guest18219teward, i configured from name cheap website to point to my ip16:00
Guest18219teward, could you explain me in details a little please ?16:01
Guest18219teward, is just related to apache configuration ?16:02
Harry-GAA001Can anyone else help me, desperately need to fix Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'16:09
Harry-GAA001I have checked the path which looks correct; I've checked it matches in my.cnf; I've restarted and reinstalled mysql and still no change16:10
Harry-GAA001Didn't realise the chat had timed out. So my question was, how can I fix this error:  Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'16:22
Harry-GAA001I have already checked mysql is running, checked msqld.sock is in the right location and matches with my.cnf. I've restart mysql a bunch of times and even reinstalled it and still the same error16:23
Harry-GAA001Didn't realise the chat had timed out. So my question was, how can I fix this error:  Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'16:28
sdezielHarry-GAA001: can you pastebin the mysql error log?16:28
geniiDoes mysqld.sock belong to the mysql user?16:28
Harry-GAA001Soz, I'm new to IRC and didn't realise it had disconnected me. Do you want me to paste the whole error? Some bits I don't think are relevant but I can if you think it useful16:29
sdezielHarry-GAA001: pastebin as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pastebin16:29
Harry-GAA001I will see if I can do that. So you want the contents of mysql.log yes?16:30
sdezieland/or the .err16:30
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Harry-GAA001ok bear with me a sec and I'll sort that :)16:32
Harry-GAA001Sorry, my guy who is connected to the server is awol from his keyboard. I don't have access to it at the moment. I'll get the pastebin asap.16:37
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tewardGuest18219: My apologies I got called away17:19
tewardGuest18219: Yes, it's simply the requirement of making additional Apache site configurations - one for each differing site domain name.17:19
Guest18219teward, no problem17:19
tewardGuest18219: I can't help from the Apache side - I'm an nginx guy unfortunately.17:19
tewardbut yes, it's just a case of updating the Apache site configurations to have VirtualHosts for each site17:19
tewardwith different configurations for each site17:19
teward(thereby different docroots)17:19
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Guest18219teward, and no need for configuration in name cheap site that i have configured my domain names?17:20
tewardGuest18219: the only configuration you need to do from NameCheap's side is DNS changes to point the domains and any relevant subdomains you create to your server via A / CNAME records.17:21
teward(I recommend A records)17:21
tewardGuest18219: the rest of the configuration is done at your server - it has to know what sites it serves with individual configuration records in the Apache configs for how to deal with each site17:21
hallynarges: smb: I trust noone will shed a tear if i try my hand at merging libvirt from debian later this week?17:38
argeshallyn: have at it. i'd be happy to review17:39
smbhallyn, not me17:39
hallynok, thx17:40
alkisgHi, does the ubuntu-server cd install network-manager by default? Or it's just using ifupdown?18:05
ogra_the  latter ... might switch to systemd-networkd at some point18:06
alkisgThank you ogra_ :)18:06
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