
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ahoneybun_Testing chatter03:18
KimpunchyoungHow do i install adblock in safari browser (Ubuntu Web Browser) on the ubuntu-touch tablet?03:25
altker128Hey guys.  Anyone a Meizu Pro 5?03:33
altker128err, anyone ^ get03:33
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iMiksuanyone has tried ordering meizu pro 5 yet?08:07
saaventoOTA 11 will be xenial or still vivid?08:09
popeysaavento: vivid08:13
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mardytvoss: hi! now that the debian/control and the -dev.install files are generated, should we remove them from bzr?11:05
tvossmardy, we still need them to satisfy the dpkg tools11:08
tvossmardy, tried to remove them11:08
ahoneybunmariogrip, the logo for the website or social media?11:33
mariogripahoneybun: both11:33
ahoneybunseeing as the website has none11:33
ahoneybunlooking to follow the Ubuntu Icon design?11:34
ahoneybunheyo willcooke11:36
mariogripahoneybun: yeah, the ubuntu icon design is awesome11:39
ahoneybuntrying to find some kits or something mar11:39
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geklare there already whatsapp users on ubuntu touch like on the bq hd5?12:36
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Mubun2biThe guides on youtube looks so simple compared to this guide: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices      is there an easy guide?12:37
popeyMubun2bi: what device?12:38
Mubun2biAquaris M10, ubuntu.12:38
popeySurely it already has Ubuntu on it?12:39
Mubun2biyes, but i would like reinstall it12:40
mterrytedg, the app in question is chatter.robert-ancell_chatter12:42
Mubun2biIt's does not feel like ubuntu does on desktop, so i would like to install the original androi version12:43
popeyoh, you'd need to speak to bq, we don't provide android images12:43
Mubun2bii will do that, but do you have an guide or a hint to google ?12:44
ogra_(and you likely need a flash tool that re-partitions the device, the ubuntu partitioning differs from the android one)12:44
popeyyeah, speak to bq12:45
Mubun2bino guide or hint?12:45
popeyguide to what?12:45
popeyWe tend to only work on ubuntu12:46
popeyso flashing back to android isn't something we tend to do much12:46
Mubun2biinsalling ubuntu on android devices12:46
popeyyou said you wanted to install android?12:46
Mubun2biReinstall ubuntu12:47
ogra_"<Mubun2bi> It's does not feel like ubuntu does on desktop, so i would like to install the original androi version"12:47
ogra_sounded like you want to install android :)12:47
ogra_especially the "so i would like to install the original androi version" part :)12:47
Mubun2biI meant the linux ubuntu for android version :)12:48
Mubun2biaka android tablets12:48
popeyI don't know what that even means.12:48
ogra_that might help12:49
ogra_but i dont know wherre the recovery.img you need does reside ...12:49
popeyjohn-mcaleely: might12:49
john-mcaleelyall recoveries we know of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices12:50
john-mcaleelypopey, ^12:50
ogra_Mubun2bi, ^^ there you go12:50
Mubun2biAlright, i will do some more research, contact bq and have a good time installing "the right image"12:51
Mubun2bithanks for the short answers. :)12:52
ogra_oh, you also want a specific channel for the M10 ... not sure that is documented anywheer yet12:52
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tedgmterry: Why do we want robertancell's apps to work? ;-)13:24
mterrytedg, heh13:25
mterrytedg, his other apps work!13:25
tedgmterry: Perhaps something in the desktop file?13:25
tedgmterry: There's the bug!13:25
dobeyso confused13:25
mterrytedg, so qtmir is asking UAL to find() "chatter.robert-ancell_chatter"13:25
mterrytedg, but UAL is giving back an empty appid object13:25
mterrytedg, as far as I can tell, it should be finding it13:25
tedgHmm, okay. Let me check the regex.13:26
tedgHmm, no. Was thinking perhaps the "-"13:27
mterrytedg, yeah I tried some similarly formatted apps and they seemed to work  :(13:27
mterrytedg, his desktop file is small, but seems ok?  I dunno13:28
mterrytedg, (and of course, this works using old UAL api)13:28
tedgmterry: Hmm, okay. Can you pastebin the desktop file?13:28
mterrytedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16080104/13:30
tedgmterry: Cool, let me see if I can add it to the test suite and cause a failure.13:30
tedgBTW, I think keywords need to be separated by ";"13:31
tedg(probably not this issue)13:31
mterrytedg, yeah assuming keywords is a real string list, which I assume it is13:33
dobeybut should not be the issue13:33
dobeymterry: what is the .desktop in ~/.local/share/applications/ for chatter though13:34
mterrydobey, tedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16080247/13:35
dobeyhuh that looks ok13:36
mterrythe paths seem to be correct13:37
dobeymaybe UAL is expecting the version to contain a period?13:37
dobeyie, it doesn't like that it's '2'13:37
mterrydobey, no...  I just tried my lonewolf app and it launched with a version number of "17"13:41
dobeyoh, hmm13:42
mterrytedg, I would like a way to tell UAL to spew debug output about what it's doing13:42
mterrytedg, I guess my next step might be to build it debug and step through13:43
tedgmterry: Yeah, generally you can turn on GLib debugging messages and that'll be a lot more output.13:43
mterrytedg, I haven't seen that many debug prints in UAL13:44
tedgmterry: Cool, I have a test that seems to fail here: lp:~ted/ubuntu-app-launch/chatter-test13:45
mterrytedg, ooooh13:45
tedgHmm, but it might be my test. Failing to access the manifest...13:46
tedgCool, fixed that and the test still fails! \o/13:48
* mterry hopes it really is that keywords use commas. some real strict ual validation :13:50
sergiusensoSoMoN hey, out of the blue, do you think amazon music would work with the webbrowser?13:50
ogra_sergiusens, why not13:57
ccanybody know ubuntu phone?13:58
ccmeizu pro 5 ubuntu13:59
mterrycc, yeah  :)  what's your question?13:59
* ogra_ read about it *g*13:59
ogra_cc, just ask your question ... if someone knows the answer he/she will answer you14:00
oSoMoNsergiusens, no idea14:00
ccmterry something wrong with this phone14:00
oSoMoNsergiusens, I’d say like ogra: « why not? »14:00
ccmeizu pro5 ubuntu14:00
mterrycc, OK give us more details14:01
ccMeizu is a chinese company,right? yeah,but why i cant buy it in china?!!!14:01
ccmterry really dont understand14:01
ogra_you ahev to ask meizu14:01
cclook at this14:01
ogra_*have to14:01
ccwhen i choose the cuntry,china14:01
ccit told me no carriers14:01
ccsorry to trouble you,mterry14:02
mterrycc, :(  I don't know.  That's up to Meizu14:02
ogra_cc, try asking ubuntusales@meizu.com via email, perhaps they can help you ...14:02
mterrycc, we just make the software here14:02
mterrytedg, so I should stop looking into this right?  You've got a repro test?14:04
tedgmterry: Yeah, I think it really is the version.14:04
tedgmterry: Not sure why yet.14:04
cci have asked14:05
ccthey told me ,the meizu pro5 ubuntu cant sell in china14:05
ccand also i send email to ubuntusales@meizu.com14:05
ccbut no answers14:06
ccmterry yeah,i know14:06
ccthis place is just a place for software14:06
ccand i'm sorry to trouble you14:06
mterrycc, no worries!  And I agree it sucks they don't ship to China14:06
mterrycc, I'm still waiting for a phone that works with 4G in the US!  :P14:07
mterrycc, Europe gets all the fun toys14:07
ogra_just move here :)14:07
ccah,i think you can buy it in US14:07
ccbecause i saw it14:07
ogra_you can ... but only a few bands are supported by the radio14:07
mterrycc, yeah but the US uses weird frequencies.  So I can buy it, but it will only do 2G14:07
cci see14:08
cci see the phone,it can use 4G in china14:10
ccbut we cant buy it in china14:11
ccso stranage14:11
altker128Anyone using the Meizu Ubuntu touch device?  Curious what impressions are.14:19
altker128I know the hardware will be quite nice, wondering if the lagging and lack of responsiveness have been dealt with14:19
tedgmterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-app-launch/chatter-test/+merge/29312614:24
mterrytedg, a one-character version wasn't working?14:26
tedgmterry: Yup, basically any other combination would :-)14:27
tedg2.0, 12, 21, test214:27
mterrytedg, that's annoying  :)  ok, adding to silo and testing, then will approve14:28
mterrytedg, why was that working with old api?14:29
tedgmterry: The old API was dumber and didn't use the regex's.14:31
tedgmterry: Upgrades! \o/ ;-)14:31
tedgAnd, all the tests had "complex" version numbers. There were no tests for a single digit.14:33
mterrytedg, got it14:35
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dobeysergiusens: amazon music won't work in the phone browser, because it requires flash15:07
sergiusensdobey does it still?15:12
sergiusensI guess videos are delivered over flash as well15:12
ogra_are they ?15:14
dobeysergiusens: videos are silverlight i think15:14
dobeysergiusens: music is flash though15:14
ogra_i know they released a kodi plugin for the rpi2 ... thats definitely not flash15:15
dobeyamazon music streams are DRMed and there's no public API for doing streaming15:16
ogra_i think the videos are actual html5 ... with some drm crap sprinkled on top15:16
dobeythe music store doesn't require flash to buy music or play the previews i don't think; but prime streaming and cloud player require flash15:16
dobeyif i go to amazon in chromium and try to watch a video, it complains about silverlight15:17
dobeybut sergiusens asked about music originally15:17
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ogra_well, i knmow the video stuff works on kodi on rpi ... and there is definitely no silverlight for that platform15:18
mterrytedg, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/256726011/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-arm64.ubuntu-app-launch_0.9+16.04.20160427-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz15:24
mterrytedg, is that a new failure?15:24
mterrytedg, only fails in xenial, not vivid15:25
tedgmterry: Hmm I haven't seen that failure, probably not due to the regex change.15:25
tedgmterry: Guessing it's a timing issue, but curious.15:26
mterrytedg, will retry that build...15:26
sergiusensogra_ dobey videos are not silverlight, or at least it is not the only delivery mechanism15:28
ogra_yeah, thats what i thought15:28
ogra_else that plugin wouldnt work15:28
sergiusensdobey it works fine on chrome fwiw15:28
dobeywell how does the plug-in work?15:28
dobeysergiusens: well, sure; chrome is special15:28
ogra_dobey, no idea, never looked at the code https://github.com/XLordKX/kodi ... if you feel like15:29
dobeysergiusens: and regardless of whether video works fine on chrome or not, it has nothing to do with music :)15:29
sergiusensdobey music works fine in chrome too15:30
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dobeysergiusens: chrome ships with flash, so yes15:31
sergiusensogra_ does that kodi plugin work at all?15:31
ogra_sergiusens, no idea, i have no prime account .... the first thing it does when you fire it up is to ask you for login15:32
ogra_but i have seen it recommended in the kodi community a few times ... seems to work15:33
dobeysergiusens: it might; it looks like it does a funky proxy client thing which hacks around the stream15:33
mterrytedg, failed again15:40
tedgmterry: Hmm, okay.15:40
mterrytedg, in a new and interesting way (one test segfaulted instead of 2 failing checks)15:40
mterrytedg, retrying again15:40
tedgOdd that the C one is passing too, but not the CPP one.15:41
SylvieLorxumcphail: So, err, about Syncthing for Ubuntu Touch... Are there instructions anywhere on how to, like... save files? Because I just get "permission denied" everywhere15:47
SylvieLorxuNevermind, it says so in the store description15:48
SylvieLorxuBut the Ubuntu Touch app listing is just really dumb and doesn't show the store description unless I open it from the store15:48
tedgOh, wait, the C one failed too.15:50
mterrytedg, build worked on third time15:50
mterrytedg, so...  ::shrug::15:50
mterrytedg, might want to grab an arm64 porter and iterate the tests a few times to try and see how likely the failure is15:50
tedgmterry: Yeah, I tried under valgrind to see if slowing it down helps.15:51
mterrytedg, confirmed chatter can launch with your fix!  Will approve15:51
tedgAt least that is good.15:51
mterrytedg, oh charles got it15:51
tedgHe is fast today, clearly the Czech beer is helping.15:52
dobeySylvieLorxu: eh? re: app description15:54
SylvieLorxudobey: Long-pressing an installed app does not show the store description like opening the App store, then searching for the app and then tapping the result does15:54
SylvieLorxuOtherwise, the pages are exactly the same15:55
dobeySylvieLorxu: ah, it depends on the app. apps which have different descriptions defined in the store and in their .desktop file, will do this15:58
SylvieLorxudobey: That's really confusing behaviour15:58
SylvieLorxuFrom a technical point of view it makes complete sense15:59
SylvieLorxuFrom an user experience point of view, not so much :P15:59
ogra_doesnt that only happen for sideloaded apps anyway ?15:59
SylvieLorxuogra_: It doesn't, "Syncthing" is without doubt in the Ubuntu Store16:00
dobeyogra_: no16:00
* ogra_ always thought that was the reason16:00
ogra_probably because i never used syncthing :)16:00
dobeythe reason is that the store UI and SDK don't play together, so you have to enter a description in the store UI and most people enter something different than what they put in the .desktop file16:01
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dobeyogra_: the calendar app does the same thing :)16:01
pstolowskipitti, ping16:02
ogra_dobey, hmm, looks fine here ... i even have screenshots16:02
* ogra_ really hates that vertical split we have on the tablet for the store pages btw ... 16:03
dobeyogra_: look at the text immediately under "Info" under the icon/name in the preview16:03
SylvieLorxuThe Music app ignores symlinks :(16:04
SylvieLorxuSyncthing is useless on this device :(16:04
SylvieLorxuCan you remove a review in the Ubuntu Store?16:08
ogra_i dont think you can16:10
dobeyyou can edit, but we don't have deletion in the ui yet16:10
ogra_iirc editing was recently added though16:10
SylvieLorxuUgh :(16:10
mcphailSylvieLorxu: i put up the syncthing app to highlight the deficiencies of the platform. It causes me eternal frustration we don't have a useful sync option on Ubuntu16:10
mcphailSylvieLorxu: Feel free to rate it badly ;)16:10
dobeymeh, sync is totally the wrong "solution" anyway16:10
SylvieLorxudobey: Sorry but... what?16:11
dobeywhat do you mean what?16:11
mcphailSylvieLorxu: If it is any consolation, someone has contacted me today about making a proper, more user-friendly version16:11
SylvieLorxuA statement like that definitely needs arguments as syncting is the most convenient thing I know and has saved me more hours than I can possibly count16:12
SylvieLorxuExcept on Ubuntu Touch, where it's a hell :(16:12
mcphailSylvieLorxu: it relies on a hideous hack to even _work_, and is then subject to the terrors of app confinement16:13
dobeyi mean just what i said; syncing isn't a solution. it's a terminal compromise that we've forced ourselves into over and over again16:13
ogra_"the terrors" lol16:13
dobeyalso, phone/tablet are not traditional completely insecure PC systems like you are used to16:14
SylvieLorxudobey: So what is the better way? Copying this new album I downloaded to all of my devices manually?16:14
mcphailSylvieLorxu: there may be a "proper" version which goes into the Open Store, but, personally, I fell the platform should be sorted out first16:14
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dobeySylvieLorxu: why do you need a copy of every album on every device?16:14
SylvieLorxumcphail: There definitely are a lot of parts of Ubuntu Touch that need to be sorted out16:14
SylvieLorxudobey: To listen to it no matter where I am and regardless of what device I'm using16:14
ogra_its a platform thing to provide account mgmt on the system level for sucgh stuff that apps can consume16:14
dobeySylvieLorxu: so what you want is access, not synchronization16:15
ogra_and system, services when needed16:15
SylvieLorxuAnd no, I'm not storing it "in the cloud", I want it to work without an Internet connection16:15
SylvieLorxuSure, access, but seeing how there is no access but local access if there's no internet -> syncing16:15
mcphailSylvieLorxu: I quite agree with you. File synchronisation is a perfectly valid ambition.16:18
ogra_SylvieLorxu, the point is that his should be a system level service that provides interfaces for apps to use, it is the only way to not harm security16:18
dobeyall of my music won't even fit on my phone; so clearly blind sync is not the answer. you don't want all of your music on all devices, you want some of your music on some of your devices.16:18
dobeyselective caching is not sync16:18
SylvieLorxudobey: It fits on my devices thanks to the magic of lossy codecs. Some music on some devices is not a solution as that has a high potential of locking me out of the music I want to listen to at that moment and forces me to switch devices depending on what I want to listen to and thus is worse than syncing16:19
SylvieLorxuogra_: That is a fair point, Syncthing should not be able to just access any location, the confinement itself is great. However, I should be able to give it permission to store files in ~/Music/Synced/, for example, kinda like Android (but with more control than Android, not "Access all files or access none")16:20
dobeyand then there are videos, and documents, and pictures, and who knows what else16:20
mcphailDon't even get me started on storage space for music. There is still no way for an unblessed app to access SD card storage16:20
dobeymcphail: even if they could, that doesn't help for devices without SD cards16:21
mcphaildobey: what does that matter?16:21
ogra_SylvieLorxu, right, but that requires some filesystem access service we dont have either yet ... that Music and Camera can access the folders on the SD is because they have been hacked up to circumvent any security ... which is fine because these apps are controlled by canonical ... you dont realyl want the same for a random app from the store16:22
dobeymcphail: it matters because "just use the SD card" doesn't work for everyone16:22
ogra_SylvieLorxu, there is a lot missing in the platform still16:22
mcphaildobey: my other "proof of concept" app on the store is Bladur's Gate. No way to access game files on SD card. No way to easily add game files to internal storage. A complete nightmare16:22
SylvieLorxuogra_: I assume they have been specifically whitelisted to allow that?16:22
ogra_SylvieLorxu, but there is also the opptortunty for you to add hacks ... since the platform is open enough to do that16:22
ogra_SylvieLorxu, right16:22
dobeymcphail: well, the problem there is that you don't have rights to distribute baldur's gate. otherwise the app would include the data it needs to play16:23
SylvieLorxuogra_: And yeah, the platform still needs improvement. However, the things that are there already are great, so I am hopeful16:23
SylvieLorxuogra_: I tried hacks, but a symlink in ~/Music didn't work unfortunately :P16:23
ogra_it will all fall into place over time16:23
SylvieLorxuogra_: I will trust it to, it is WAY further than Android was in the... 4.X days16:23
mcphailI really think the core platform needs more focus, before more developer time is taken on convergence, snappification and xenialisation16:24
ogra_(if i wanted to have some sync going on, i would script it ... and install the missing pieces i need to ~/bin or so)16:24
* mcphail wants ogra_ back on phone dev :)16:24
ogra_like a simple rsync call over ssh with a wrapper script to hand over a file list (so i can have selective sync)16:24
dobeymcphail: developers really need to stop beating a dead horse (literally, because vivid is EOL for months now); so moving to xenial really should take priority over adding platform features, i think16:24
SylvieLorxuogra_: I'd like to use Syncthing because I have that up and running :P16:25
ogra_mcphail, who knows ... might happen one day ... snappy will fix that ;)16:25
SylvieLorxulol, the .local/share stays after uninstall16:25
SylvieLorxuThat should have a way to be cleaned up too :P16:25
* SylvieLorxu manually removes the synced 4GB16:25
ogra_yeah, we had controversial discussions about that already16:25
mcphailSylvieLorxu: that's by design16:26
ogra_the "keepers" won ;)16:26
SylvieLorxumcphail: Whaaaaat16:26
mcphailSylvieLorxu: yep - apt does that too16:26
SylvieLorxuHow is it by design that I install an app and never get its space back16:26
SylvieLorxuThat's not a good argument lol16:26
dobeydeleting user data on app removal is awful16:26
SylvieLorxudobey: Oh, definitely16:26
dobeySylvieLorxu: which is why we don't delete user data :)16:26
SylvieLorxuYet, it should be possible to remove it WITHOUT manually unlocking full access in the file manager and so16:26
ogra_well, the "disk usage" thingie should get a button to delete old app data16:27
mcphailSylvieLorxu: having the user data in a .dot directory is something I've moaned about for months16:27
SylvieLorxuogra_: And selecting from which apps, yes16:27
dobeyogra_: +116:27
dobeyogra_: patches accepted :)16:27
SylvieLorxumcphail: Well, in a way it is great, helps confinement16:27
SylvieLorxuMixed blessing, tbh16:27
mcphailSylvieLorxu: it would be just as confined in a visble directory16:27
SylvieLorxumcphail: But then app devs have to deal with idiots changing stuff :P16:28
dobeymcphail: the main problem isn't that it's "hidden" or "visible"16:28
dobeymcphail: the main issue is that app data is not exposed over MTP16:28
mcphaildobey: Oh, I agree with you there. But the having it in a .dot directory makes it even harder to access from the file manager app16:29
dobeySylvieLorxu: app devs should deal with people changing things anyway; if they don't, their app is broken :)16:29
dobeymcphail: well, since file manager app is not installed by default, meh16:29
dobeymcphail: but basically the same issue. that's not about the dot dir. filemanager app also only shows the special dirs by default, same as MTP16:30
dobeybut then there's also the problem that everything isn't necessarily a file16:31
mcphaildobey: then please +1 https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-developer-experience/+bug/152129216:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1521292 in Client Developer Experience "No easy way for users to supply large amounts of arbitrary data for apps" [Undecided,New]16:31
ogra_the filemanager has a toggle to show hidden files16:32
dobeyi'm not sure that's the right solution to the problem with proprietary game data16:32
mcphailogra_: yes - it is one of 7 steps required to access the directory16:33
ogra_i'm not saying that16:33
mcphailogra_: the bug is for "arbitrary" data. Deosn't have to be game files16:33
ogra_mcphail, that was in response to " filemanager app also only shows the special dirs by default"16:34
dobeywhy does an app need "arbitrary" data16:34
mcphaildobey: a map app may need waypoint files etc16:34
ogra_while thats true, it offers a way around it16:34
mcphaildobey: a raw image processor may need .nef files16:34
cheater_no1guys, is there any difference between buying a Meizu Pro Ubuntu Edition and buying a *Non-Ubuntu* Edition and putting Ubuntu Touch myself? it is very hard to order the Ubuntu edition to Argentina...16:36
dobeymcphail: i mean thinking about these problems in terms of "need to place data somewhere on the filesystem" seems wrong to me, and only extends our dependence on archaic user interface designs revolving around file systems16:36
dobeycheater_no1: yes; the latter might not be doable; bootloader might be locked, and you need special tools from meizu to repartition the device, etc…16:37
ogra_cheater_no1, you would  need whatever flash tool meizu uses to partition the device for ubuntu (we use a different partitioning scheme)16:37
ogra_and a device with fully unlocked bootloader indeed16:38
mcphaildobey: then have a database instead, or whatever else you want to use. But the device currently thinks in terms of a conventional filesystem16:38
ogra_i know people did it with MX4 ... (though i think they lost things like IMEI and MAC addresses when doing it)16:38
cheater_no1ogra_: thanks. is it the same story with the BQ phones?16:39
* ogra_ wonders if dobey has these sentences in an IRC makro or if he just got slower with the age16:39
mcphailcheater_no1: I've flashed back and forward from android to ubuntu on a bq device without losing IMEI16:39
mcphailcheater_no1: but ymmv16:39
dobeymcphail: the device is not sentient. it doesn't think :)16:39
ogra_cheater_no1, the re-partitioning is the same ... but bq has definitely always unlocked bootloaders (and i thinhk they provide the falsh tool too)16:40
mcphaildobey: conceded16:40
cheater_no1mcphail, ogra_: then I am going to order a BQ non ubuntu edition and rfm. thanks!16:42
ogra_note that you then have ugly useless buttons on the screen though :)16:43
davmor2dobey: that's just because you haven't programmed it correctly, why haven't you done that dude??? ;)16:43
ogra_(the bq ubuntu devices have different glass)16:44
ogra_davmor2, because you didnt tell him *how* !16:44
mcphailcheater_no1: I'd encourage you to try to buy the Ubuntu devices to support the cause! You can switch to android if you want16:44
davmor2ogra_: no I just tell him he broke it16:44
ogra_thats mean16:45
dobeydavmor2: no no, i just haven't flipped the switch yet for the machine takeover of the planet16:46
ogra_hey, thats my domain !16:46
cheater_no1mcphail: I will be more than happy to buy the Ubuntu device the main reason being to escape from Android. The problem is that I am currently in Argentina and it seems that nobody wants to ship here.16:47
mcphailcheater_no1: aah16:47
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^ any pointers for cheater_no1 ?16:47
dobeycheater_no1: take the ferry to uruguay? :)16:47
davmor2dobey: yeah don't steal ogra_ blame, I have to blame him for the end of mankind ;)16:48
dobeyogra_: heh, "get hired by canonical" is a good way to get devices into .ar :P16:48
dobeydavmor2: nah, it's a team effort16:48
ogra_davmor2, its not the end of mankind ... its the beginning of human androids !16:49
ogra_stop being so pessimistic !16:49
* ogra_ unplugs the wire from the back of his head and ansp installs fresh.coffee16:49
dobeywell, really need to get lunch. bbiab16:52
sergiusensogra_ I have non, I ship to a friend in Spain ( cheater_no1 )16:54
sergiusenscheater_no1 maybe use https://www.pybox.com/16:54
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Guest55092where could i download ubuntu touch16:57
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claydoes ubuntu touch support encryption of user data or full disk encryption?18:21
ogra_not yet18:21
clayany eta?18:21
claythanks for the info!18:22
dobeygah i wish people would stop calling it ubuntu touch18:24
ogra_why ? it is ubuntu and you can touch it :)18:25
ogra_(and it also has this special ubuntu touch :) )18:26
SylvieLorxudobey: Isn't it called Ubuntu Touch?18:28
dobeynot really, no. it's just Ubuntu18:28
SylvieLorxuIt behaves quite differently from the desktop Ubuntu18:28
SylvieLorxuFeels weird to call it Ubuntu18:28
SylvieLorxuBut I see18:29
ogra_it will become the desktop ubuntu18:29
ogra_ubuntu touch was an internal project name when we started ...18:29
ogra_sadly it stuck18:29
ogra_(in peoples heads at least)18:29
SylvieLorxuNot just internal, it was commonly called Ubuntu Touch all over the tech news18:30
dobeySylvieLorxu: well, the server images don't install unity by default either18:30
dobeySylvieLorxu: and it's still just called ubuntu18:30
SylvieLorxudobey: Well, most people refer to that as Ubuntu Server18:30
SylvieLorxuIn fact, even the Ubuntu site does: http://www.ubuntu.com/server18:31
dobeywell, most people just say they run ubuntu on their server or on their pc18:31
SylvieLorxuBut okay, I guess I'll start naming it Ubuntu :P18:32
AuroraAvenuemariogrip: ping18:33
* ogra_ pokes his mailserver with a ponity stick ... 18:33
davmor2rip mailserver18:33
ogra_yeah ...18:33
ogra_poor old thing ...18:33
SylvieLorxuogra_: I'm not saying sacrificing the blood of the unborn will fix it, but it's worth a try18:34
ogra_nah, i doubt it ... its a 128MB 600MHz single core laptop running off a 4200rpm HDD ... after boot the load goes to something around 3.0018:35
ogra_(i have new HW but wanted to run the new mailserver under snappy ... lacking a mailserver snap package still)18:36
dobeyno dovecot.snap?18:37
davmor2ogra_: there is a docker mail package that you could drop in docker on snap18:37
ogra_dobey, needs to be more than dovecot ... and it needs some kind of user mgmt builtin18:38
ogra_davmor2, yeah, that kind of defeats the purpose of having an imap server snap :)18:38
ogra_(docker is just a chroot executed in different context :P )18:39
davmor2ogra_: but it would work and give you a snappy based mail server :P18:40
ogra_lol, yeah, something like that at least18:40
AuroraAvenueHow do I get hold of mariogrip  ?18:42
davmor2ogra_: https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver think that was the one I as looking at :)18:42
ogra_davmor2, hmm, i might be able to steal some bits from there for my snap18:43
ogra_(a lot of pointless stuff in there i wouldnt use though)18:43
AuroraAvenueIs he ever on here ?18:44
davmor2AuroraAvenue: yes often18:44
AuroraAvenuewell I support ubports on patreon, and I cannot for the life of me, get hold of him.18:48
ogra_he was around by ~12:00 UTC here18:49
SylvieLorxuAh, Docker18:59
SylvieLorxuBecause the best way to run software is in an outdated, insecure OS set up by someone else18:59
dobeyogra_: ugh, snaps19:04
ogra_the perfect server env :)19:05
dobeyapparently not or you'd have installed dovecot.snap already ;)19:05
ogra_it wont be a dovecot snap :)19:05
davmor2ogra_: don't forget dovecot.sieve ;)19:06
dobeyof course not. it'll have to include the rest of the OS too apparently :P19:06
ogra_it will be an "imap server" snap ... with some MTA inside, procmail for filtering, something doing the user mgmt **and** dovecot :)19:06
dobeybut that's not an imap server. :P19:06
dobeythat's a server that happens to also do imap19:06
davmor2ogra_: just call it mail_stack.snap and import the mail_stack package :)19:07
ogra_dobey, how do you mean that19:07
ogra_dobey, what else would the snap do if i only include postfix, procmail, spamassasin and dovecot in it ?19:08
davmor2ogra_: mail-stack-delivery/xenial,xenial 1:2.2.22-1ubuntu2 all19:08
dobeyogra_: i mean you're including an MTA, filtering, and user management too19:08
dobeyand dovecot is more than an imap server anyway; but still19:09
ogra_well, i need to handle users somehow and i dont want to do that outside of the snap19:09
ogra_sure, it wouldnt be configured for more than imap though19:09
dobeyso on a snappy system every snap has to have its own set of user management stuff?19:10
ogra_and incoming mails need to be delivered somehow to the dovecot mailbox ... so i need some MTA19:10
ogra_dobey, not what i said ... i want it in the snap :)19:10
ogra_decoupled from the system19:10
davmor2ogra_: I can point you again at the docker one that does all that for you :P19:11
ogra_davmor2, :P19:11
dobeydavmor2: is it called "gmail" ? :P19:11
davmor2dobey: no docker-mail close though ;)19:12
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sergiusensogra_ is it known that I can authorize an adb connection while the device is locked?20:57
ogra_sergiusens, yeah, if you accepted the key you can always connect ... thats ondras new adb magic20:58
sergiusensogra_ yeah, but being able to accept it while the device is locked beats some security purposes, does't it?20:58
ogra_oh, yeah20:58
ogra_you should need to unlock to accept it20:58
sergiusensogra_ I was able to accept without unlocking20:59
sergiusensogra_I plugged in a bit before unity8 was up20:59
ogra_thats definitely a bug ... not sure if known ... but i think i saw some discussion about it20:59
sergiusensI'll do something easy and just do this -> john-mcaleely ^^21:00
sergiusensthere :-)21:00
ogra_yeah, i wanted to the the same with pmcgowan ... but he's gone :)21:00
dobeysergiusens, ogra_: the fix is already in a silo and waiting for qa, and i guess might be in 10.3 or something21:03
ogra_ah, cool ... i knew i saw someone talk about it21:03
ahoneybun_any news on the OPO mariogrip21:19
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eskizoHey, is there many m10 users here??21:38
teeteais ubuntu touch supported on Nexus 7 LTE (deb)?21:38
teeteaI have tried the http://system-image.tasemnice.eu/ channel but I get the "you need to take your device to a pc manufacturer for service" error21:40
mariogripahoneybun: none yet, been busy with some exam an stuff.22:45
ahoneybunmariogrip of course, sorry lol22:45
mariogripahoneybun: no problem, i'll hopefully get done with the n5 this week then i will move over to the opo22:46
ahoneybunfunny as the OPO just hit 2 years old recently and still actively developed22:47
mariogripthe n4 is even older :P22:48
ahoneybunalmost 4 I think22:48
ahoneybunmm synegery is not working right22:48
* ahoneybun 's N4 died... 22:49
mariogripmm synergy?22:49
mariogripahoneybun: what's synergy?22:51
ahoneybunI can use 1 keyboard and mouse on many PCs22:52
ahoneybunWin, Mac, and Linux22:52
* ahoneybun fixed it 22:52
mariogripoh? well, I can move my mouse on all my screens native :P22:53
ahoneybunfor us who use Wins for some things22:54
* ahoneybun coughs *GAMES* 22:54
* ahoneybun wants to install sshuttle on his Nexus 7 22:54
* mariogrip got no time for games :P22:54
* ahoneybun wonders if mariogrip can make sshuttle into a snap for him on his Nexus 7 22:55
mariogripwhen i want to play, i open terminal and write python322:55
ahoneybunI'm trying to make a app for Biking (motorcycle mostly)22:55
mariogripsnap? dont you mean click?22:56
ahoneybunas long as it works lol22:56
mariogripoh, that would be cool, i'm missing a motocycle app for utouch22:56
ahoneybunchecking for weather if you should ride or not22:57
ahoneybunneed to know how to use a openweather api22:57
mariogripyeah, that is needed here in norway lol :P22:57
ahoneybunI grabbed the weather app code from LP just a bit ahead for me22:57
ahoneybunworking on getting a usable UI first22:58
mariogripit would probably always say i cannot ride due to bad weather22:58
mariogripbtw, i have no idea how to make snaps or click.... all attems worked after 24H then they changed how snaps works ......22:59
* ahoneybun needs a good name to upload to LP for now 22:59
* ahoneybun it's BikingWeather for now 23:02
mariogripdo you have a bike ahoneybun? if yes what kind? I have an Honda nsr 125 and honda cbr 60023:02
ahoneybunstill learning bzr23:03
ahoneybunmariogrip I have a Harly Davidson Iron 88323:03
ahoneybunIron = all black, no chrome23:03
mariogripgonna sell my 125 (highest cc for under 18 ) since i got my licencing upgrade, i have to wait until im 20 before i can buy more than 60023:04
mariogripahoneybun: awesome :D23:05
mariogripdamn Norwegian road rules makes me drive low cc bikes :P23:05
mariogripit says 600 but it is set to lower effect due to laws...23:06
ahoneybunriding is fun but I think I would rather have the money from the payments more lol23:07
mariogripyeah, but yolo i guess :P23:09
ahoneybunprehaps but I would be able to get a Ubuntu device easy23:10
ahoneybunmm Ubuntu SDK failed at making a chroot23:10
ahoneybunfor armhf23:10
mariogripdo you have space left? it's pretty big23:11
ahoneybun110 gbs or so23:11
mariogriptry again maybe?23:11
ahoneybunyea doing that now after the SDK is running23:12
ahoneybunI tried during the setup23:13
mariogripdoes it work no=23:15
ahoneybunstill running23:15
ahoneybunjust uploaded my current code for uCycle23:15
mariogriplol, you took that name :D23:15
ahoneybunmariogrip new version of uBegginer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-beginner23:17
ahoneybun3.3 on the store now!23:17
mariogripahoneybun: that's awesome, i was missing a app like that23:17
ahoneybunI can't say for sure it will every work but I have use an app like it on Android23:18
ahoneybunso it would be handly for me23:18
ahoneybunplus API exp23:18
mariogripspeaking about android, i have something cool. Ubuntu + apk say no more :P23:19
mariogripnot done yet, but if it works i'll release it on the openstore23:19
ahoneybunmm sweet23:21
ahoneybuncan't install that23:21
ahoneybunheld broken packages23:21
mariogripthat is 15:04?23:21
ahoneybun15.04.4 stuff23:21
ahoneybunrunning on 16.04 now23:21
ahoneybunhave it on my laptop with no issues23:22
mariogripyeah, but the broken packages are in the chroot right?23:22
mariogripi had that problem too a while ago, i just made a new one23:23
ahoneybunthe chroot will not start23:24
ahoneybunupdated the core OS and running again23:24
ahoneybungoing to grab the full error this time23:24
mariogripi have to go soon, it's pretty late here23:26
ahoneybunnight mariogrip23:26
ahoneybunoh soon23:26
mariogripI just have to finish this build23:27
ahoneybunoh cool23:27
mariogripbtw, what i was saying about ubuntu + apk, allows you to run android apps on ubuntu touch, I don't know how well it will work yet23:28
ahoneybunthat was never the plan though right?23:28
ahoneybunjust to have native apps in QML or HTML523:30
ahoneybundamn man thats the 3rd time the chroot needed a updatre23:31
ahoneybuntoday alone23:31
mariogripI'm doing this just as proof of concept, i don't expect it to work as native apps23:31
ahoneybunno like they never wanted android apps on the platform at all23:32
mariogripI dunno, but I guess having android apps would bring more users23:33
Acou_Basswill it though? do people really hop platforms because it can (badly) run the apps from their previous favourite platforms?23:34
Acou_Bassif they were that married to android apps they would stick to android and have a good android app experience :P23:34
ahoneybunas a concept it is cool23:35
ahoneybunand I don't mean to put it down mariogrip23:35
Acou_Bassme neither, i am 100% in favour of the idea, i just dont think its an idea that brings users over :P23:35
ahoneybunmariogrip pastebin.ubuntu.com/16808972423:35
mariogripyeah, I dunno. but might help some people if there is just one app that's not on ubuntu, then they could download this and run it23:38
mariogripI called the project for aine for now (aine is not an emulator) :P23:38
mariogripahoneybun: humm, i dunno how to fix that23:39
ahoneybunthat's alrught for now, thanks mariogrip23:40
mariogripwell, the reason why i want aine, i miss one app on my phone :P23:40
ahoneybunmm how does one update a branch from lp?23:41
mariogripbzr pull23:41
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/aaron/Projects/".23:42
mariogripcd into the project first23:42
ahoneybungot it thanks23:42
* mariogrip is going to sleep, night23:44

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