
gamerchick02guess who just installed ubuntu mate! :)01:36
gamerchick02and i'm really liking it01:39
ayrienice :)01:39
* ayrie is on debian because her linux box is an ancient netbook01:39
gamerchick02it's great01:40
gamerchick02is it just me or does mate seem faster than unity?01:54
gamerchick02ayrie, debian is cool. my linux box is an XPS13 dev edition which i lovve02:06
gamerchick02*love. i can't type. must be tired or something haha02:06
cmaloneygamerchick02: Ah, you got the XPS 13 dev edition?02:07
cmaloneyJoDee got the 15" version02:07
gamerchick02cmalony i'm still rocking the one rick_h_ sold me02:08
gamerchick02i've not bought a new one. don't need to, since it's running like a dang dream02:08
gamerchick02the dream is good, except i can't justify a new laptop purchase. which is fine. i don't need one. the new macbook looks hella nice tho02:09
gamerchick02but i'm liking my "old friend" keyboard shortcuts (cntl-alt-arrow to change desktops, etc)02:10
gamerchick02unity doesn't seem to do that which is annoying at best02:10
wafoops, wrong channel. still an interesting story, though06:10
Scary_Guywaf, it's a fucking Dalek12:40
Scary_GuyI want to see it programmed to screwm EXTERMINATE for fun12:41
cmaloneyThey'd have to give Terry Nation credit though12:53
cmaloney"Exterminate! Exterminate! Daleks created by Terry Nation! Exterminate!"12:54
mrgoodcathey for anybody interested, the OU is hosting RMS on may 4th13:39
mrgoodcatthe OU computer club that is13:40
mrgoodcatcyber ou13:40
cmaloneyThat's awesome!13:44
cmaloneyAs in Oakland University?13:44
mrgoodcathang on i'll find a link13:47
mrgoodcati love that registration is anonymous13:47
mrgoodcatthat's so very RMS13:48
cmaloneyHah, totally13:50
_stink_ColonelPanic001: --^13:53
ColonelPanic001I've always wanted to see root mean square13:54
mrgoodcatVPP/SQRT(2) is coming13:55
ColonelPanic001seriously though I may go to this13:56
ColonelPanic001I wonder if the anon reg was a condition from RMS13:56
ColonelPanic001seems like something he'd do13:56
ColonelPanic001might go to that13:57
ColonelPanic001as much as I hate doing things and seeing people13:57
ColonelPanic001it's rm f'ing s.13:57
mrgoodcati'll be there13:58
ColonelPanic001Damn, right afte Penguicon. I'm going to have to owe my wife a favor if I can convince her of this one.14:01
ColonelPanic001"so a couple days after leaving you with the 1.5yr old kid all weekend... I'd like to be gone all day on Wednesday..."14:02
mrgoodcatdo you live far?14:04
ColonelPanic001far enough. Damn northerners14:04
ColonelPanic001Work in Detroit (40 minutes, sayeth Google Maps), live in Downriver14:04
mrgoodcatso sort of the opposite direction from home when you leave work14:08
ColonelPanic001and twice as far14:08
ColonelPanic001at least14:08
cmaloneyHey, and then you can hit our CHC meeting afterward? :)14:38
tony-smlrcmaloney, I found a website and thought it was yours at first but must be a cousin?  http://asmaloney.com/15:15
cmaloneyNot me, or a direct relationship15:46
cmaloneyTHat said I think I have a metric-fuckton of second and third cousins.15:47
cmaloneytony-smlr: ^15:47
tony-smlrhaha  thats good16:00
ColonelPanic001cmaloney: is it the same night? maybe.16:40
cmaloneyhttp://onethingwell.org/post/143485270701/franz <- eagerly awaiting the chat singularity17:13

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