
zequenceSoftware does some things differently from previous package installers00:00
zequenceIt's new, in short00:00
studio-user427Ah, I see. Still a super noob, but I'll get the hang of it soon.00:01
studio-user427Second question, firefox is having trouble playing videos on certain sites. How do I install a flash plug in for it?00:02
studio-user427Or would it be best to get a different browser?00:02
zequencestudio-user427: to install most of the codecs and stuff you need, do this in a terminal00:03
zequencesudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:03
zequenceIt will add all sorts of non-free stuff that many people can't live without00:03
zequence..such as flash player00:03
zequenceMain reason that is not already included is because of licenses00:04
zequencethose being non-free, that is00:04
zequence..and not very re-distributable.00:04
zequenceJust makes the whole thing a lot more complicated, doesn't it?00:05
studio-user427I see, yeah...it's a shame folks are still using flash anyway.00:05
zequenceEven after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras you may be lacking support for some drm stuff for DVDs00:06
zequenceIf you absolutely must have those, there's a script you can run to install that as well00:06
zequenceThink most people these days don't use hard mediums as much anymore00:06
studio-user427Ah..ok. True. I should be good if my job doesn't ask to use my comp for a presentation.00:07
studio-user427Non-profits are super old school.00:07
zequenceTo me, Windows is old school00:07
zequenceI's like, really 80's frame of mind00:08
zequenceEven with the nice graphics00:08
zequenceUbuntu Studio is probably not the freshest experience out there though00:08
zequenceBut, it does come with everything imaginable, already installed00:09
studio-user427Yeah I grew up on windows...I'm sure most folks have.00:09
zequenceWe will hopefully add the possibility to choose Destop Environment during install. That should ensure that everyone gets the kind of user experience they want00:10
zequenceI did too - grow up on Windows. Quit using it at around 2008 completely00:10
zequenceAlmost ten years now00:10
zequenceI don't get much inspired from seeing Win 1000:10
developerHi, evŕyone!!!!00:11
zequencedeveloper: Hello!00:11
studio-user427That sounds cool. This way makes you have to learn though. It's best not to let the world get lazy from00:11
studio-user427from nice user interfaces.00:11
zequencestudio-user427: Always takes some effort to learn something new, but the question is if it's good to do in the long run00:11
studio-user427Hello developer00:11
zequenceI wouldn't say Windows has a nice UI. Gnome, maybe, but not Windows00:12
zequenceIt's just flashy looking.00:12
zequenceBut, if you are used to it, it's what works, I guess00:12
zequenceWin8 I think most people would consider some form of scizophrenia00:13
studio-user427If tech is changing everday it's best to know the foundations to help keep up with the times.00:13
studio-user427Windows 8 was terrible.00:13
zequenceWindows is in many ways stuck in the past00:13
zequencejust take some very core stuff00:13
zequenceLike, usb things00:14
zequenceStick a mouse into a Windows and it will say "installing drivers", and then you might even need to unplug, replug until it works00:14
zequenceIn Linux, it just works, right away00:14
zequenceWindows is thinking in terms of permanent installations, like before USB00:15
zequenceThe driver already exists00:15
zequenceBut, the way they designed the core is that you need to create an interface for everything, like if it was a permanenet installation00:15
zequenceAnd, it's not for security, or they would have have introduced that today - not in the 90s00:16
zequenceI'm just saying Windows is yesterday, not the future00:16
studio-user427Huh...didn't think of it that way. Does sound pretty backwards now that you mention it.00:16
studio-user427Glad my friend set me up with this00:17
zequenceThis might not be the ultimate solution for everyone, but it sure is more fun!00:17
studio-user427True, glad there's folks around to instantly troubleshoot & learn with.00:18
studio-user427So yeah more fun indeed.00:18
studio-user427Ah so third question, terminal commands for Ubuntu Studio are essentially the same as older Ubuntu versions?00:20
studio-user427Looking up resources on the terminal and trying not to cross wires so to speak00:20
zequenceAlso with all the extremely integrity provocing features of Win10 I'm more towards actively disrecommending anyone from using it at all, for any purpose, much more than I would for Win700:20
zequencestudio-user427: One thing that hardly ever changes, that is the terminal commens00:20
zequenceThe UI changes a lot in the Linux world, but not the stuff underneath as much - would cause hell00:21
studio-user427Yeah for sure.00:21
zequenceLinux itself changes probably more than anything out there - even Windows, but the interface for it can't do that too much, or it will become a nightmare00:22
zequenceNow I'm talking about the plumbing underneath, the kernel, which is what Linux in fact is00:22
studio-user427UI is something I can handle...but once I'm set with the terminal my brain would fry if it changed.00:23
zequenceIt's the part that you'll find everywhere nowadays - 60% of servers, 100% supercomputers, 60% mobile, and soon probably everything else00:24
zequencegoogle, facebook, amazon, etc, etc00:24
zequenceOnly user PCs are not dominantly Linux these days pretty much00:24
zequenceBut, what we do is not exactly involved in that either. So, there's a big difference between say Ubuntu and Android00:25
zequenceThe Terminal has long been a tool that you hardly can live without00:25
zequenceYou can, but it helps knowing the terminal sometimes00:26
studio-user427Right, had to crack my Android some years ago for a virus. Terrible stuff.00:26
zequenceAlso, if you ever need to fix a bug in a kernel module, and someone has, but it's not out there yet - you can build it from source code!00:26
studio-user427Haha, I'm soon gonna learn that. Long live the Terminal.00:26
studio-user427Woah, might need some help if that comes up. Still a pretty basic coder.00:27
zequenceDevelopers usually use the terminal for most things, and it's not just to be old school - it's faster, but it takes longer to learn00:27
zequenceBasically what you do there is you run applications, giving them arguments on what they should do00:28
zequencelike 'ls -a'00:28
zequenceWhich is the program that resides in /bin/ls, and what it does is list files00:29
zequenceWith the argument "-a" you tell it to also list hidden files00:29
zequenceYou can also tell it where to list files, like 'ls ~/.config/'00:29
zequenceSo, pretty basic really. Just a lot of text instead of mouse clicks00:30
zequenceOnce you learn scripting, you can do things like move all wav files from this folder to that folder, and convert them to flac, in one command00:31
studio-user427Oh sweet. A designers dream, haha.00:31
zequenceThat's when it starts to become really handy to know the terminal, but usually it's just stuff like installing some packages or adding a PPA or two00:31
studio-user427Ah, ok. Gotcha.00:32
studio-user427Does Studio have any short cuts to get me start in the meantime?00:32
studio-user427I rember an older version of Ubuntu I used had a few.00:33
zequenceWell, it's the same for all Linux distros pretty much - except when it comes to installing packages00:33
zequenceWhen it comes to installing packages, all Debian based are very much the same00:33
zequenceUbuntu is Debian based00:33
zequenceThe other big root apart from Debian is Red Hat00:34
zequenceFedora is a Red Hat based distro00:34
zequenceThey have their own packaging system00:34
studio-user427Ah, ok. One of the tutorials I was watching is based in Fedora.00:34
studio-user427I'll keep that in mind.00:35
zequenceMost of that will be the same in Ubuntu Studio00:35
zequenceAt least the basic stuff00:35
zequenceI did this a long while back https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UsingTheTerminal00:35
zequenceIt's old, but perhaps it has some useful points00:35
studio-user427Yeah for sure, I'll check it out.00:36
zequenceThe tutorial thinks you have gedit installed, which you may not have, so it's a fail already :)00:36
studio-user427 Semi but not total so still useful00:37
zequenceThink I tried to add all the usual tricks that are actually usable in real life00:37
studio-user427Cool cool00:37
zequenceRemember, you can start any application from the terminal, no matter if it has a GUI or not. If you know the name of the binary, or the path to the binary, you type, and it starts00:38
zequenceThat's the number one thing you do in a terminal - run applications00:39
studio-user427Ooh, didn't know that...ok.00:39
studio-user427Saves a lotta time00:39
zequenceYeah, usually the first part of the command is a program of some sort. Then follows arguments and other technical stuff00:40
zequenceThe reason you can just type the name of the application instead of the full path to it is because of some environment variables00:41
zequenceYOu can see what those are by running the command 'env'00:42
zequenceSpecifically the variable PATH00:42
zequenceThis is the cool thing about Linux. It's an open book, if you want to read it00:42
studio-user427Ah, I see what you mean. Just tried that out now.00:43
studio-user427Haha, that's a good way to put it.00:43
zequenceIf you want to run firefox, from the termina, for instance, you can either do 'firefox'00:44
zequenceOr, '/usr/bin/firefox' which is the full path00:44
zequenceThe environment variable takes care of not having to write the full path00:44
zequenceBut, you could have it installed in different places, and the variable has some of those stored in order00:45
zequenceThat's something you would worry about when starting to build your own local variant, for instance00:45
studio-user427Cooool dude. Geeking out over here, haha.00:46
zequenceJust to have a taste of a typical terminal command, even if firefox is very much graphical, type 'firefox --help'00:46
zequenceOne of the options you'll see is probably --safe-mode. So, to start firefox in safe mode, you would do 'firefox --safe-mode'00:47
zequenceAnd, that's pretty much the basics of what happens in the terminal 90% of the time00:48
zequenceIf you don't know the first part of the command, don't do it. That's a general tip00:48
zequenceif 'sudo' is the first part of the command, that means you should pay extra attention00:48
zequencesudo is a program that gives you root privileges - meaning you get to change any part of the system with that00:49
zequenceNot so hard, right?00:49
studio-user427Cool, I see what you mean. Yeah, I'll be sure not to mess with 'sudo' commands for a bit.00:49
studio-user427No, it's not bad at all. Pretty neat stuff.00:50
zequencestudio-user427: always remember to use the TAB key for auto-complete. It works in the most unusual places00:50
zequenceHelps not having to type full path names and file names especially00:51
zequenceEven helps auto complete arguments for applications00:51
zequenceIf I update the system, I don't use graphical tools. Why? Cause, it's faster in the terminal, plus I see everything that happens00:52
zequenceSo, I just do two commands. First, update the cache of installable packages with 'sudo apt-get update'00:52
studio-user427So when you say auto-complete that's mostly for arguments and root situations. Not for basic installs and running applications.00:53
zequenceThen, I do the actual update, or rather upgrade, with 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'00:53
zequencestudio-user427: I do auto-complete for anything that I don't remember how it is spelled in the terminal.00:53
zequencestudio-user427: As long as it makes sense, the terminal usually will auto-complete (depends on lots of scripts already installed in the system)00:54
studio-user427Ah, I see.00:54
zequenceLike, if you type this, and then press TAB a couple of times, you'll see what I mean 'ls /'00:54
zequenceIf there's more than one solution, it will show the alternatives00:55
zequenceOtherwise, it will just complete00:55
studio-user427Yeah yeah ok. I see what you mean now.00:55
zequenceSo, if you want to see what is in /home, you do 'ls /ho' and press TAB a couple of times, then ENTER00:56
zequenceand so on00:56
zequenceActually, only once in that case00:56
zequencecause there's no alternatives00:56
studio-user427Ok, gotcha.00:57
zequencethe root for the whole system is /00:57
zequencebut, the root for the logged in user is ~/00:58
zequence~/ is the same as /home/username/00:58
zequence~/ just makes things easier in many, many situations00:58
zequenceI don't know your username, but I can tell you to see what is in your user config dir, by telling you to do the command 'ls ~/.config00:59
zequenceOr, to see all of your files i your home dir with 'ls -a ~/'00:59
zequenceAnd, anytime you don't know what a command does, or you want to know more about it, either do 'command -h' or 'command --help' or 'man command'01:00
zequenceman is an application which needs to be shut down with 'q'01:00
zequencealso, remember CTRL-C and CTRL-D for shutting down processes in a terminal01:01
studio-user427Ok, yeah. My friend who set it up gave me all the username stuff.01:01
studio-user427Ok, gotcha.01:01
zequenceThat's about it. You're now a certified Ubuntu Studio terminal user!01:02
zequenceYou won't be accidentally causing power shortages01:02
studio-user427Sweet! Dude thanks a bunch. Was feeling a little anxiet about the switch, but I'm totally down for Linux life now.01:03
studio-user427No longer a simple anime nerd - I have evolved haha01:03
zequenceIt's like being an Inhuman. You just find yourself here01:04
zequenceSometing like that01:04
studio-user427Haha, true. Inhuman compared to the rest of the world yeah01:05
studio-user427Anywho, won't take up much of your time. Sure there some other folks with questions lurking about.01:05
zequenceIf you know Marvels Inhumans, it makes more sense01:05
zequenceI'm not usually this active for sure. But, it seemed like you had some use of it01:06
studio-user427Still making my way through Marvel. Most of my life has been pure anime. So making my way through all the American stuff.01:06
studio-user427Yeah I did for sure!01:07
zequenceAh, I'm not American myself. But, I did grown up with some of the Marvel stuff01:07
zequenceWas intending to become a graphics artist originally, but moved towards music later. Living in Sweden01:07
zequenceSpiderman, Daredevil, that sort of thing. The golden ages for me were around 85-90 or so01:08
studio-user427Oh, I see. Always been interested in music, but there's a higher demand for graphics in Chicago non-profits.01:08
studio-user427I'm super into Flash these days. But Spiderman and Daredevil are cool.01:09
zequenceYeah, I still follow all of the stuff done in Cinema, but I would probably not if I hadn't read those magazines as a kid01:10
zequenceThink it was Frank Miller era with the Daredevil stuff01:10
zequencePretty brutal, but also a bit more evolved than the common stuff01:11
zequencestudio-user427: What kind of non-profits?01:12
studio-user427Ah cool - I'll check that out. The most I've seen about Daredevil is the live action movie made some years back.01:12
studio-user427Mostly non-profits working to help communities that don't have gov support.01:13
studio-user427But I'm slowly leaving those places cause the pay isn't great.01:14
zequenceThe movie was very inspired by the Frank Miller era, specifically, sometimes copying some frames directly, but hard to reproduce that. Not really close to the original. Not sure if the original is readable to date though.01:14
zequenceGetting paid can be important. We who do this Ubuntu Studio stuff, we don't get paid at all01:15
zequenceIt's totally on volunteer basis01:15
zequenceSome of the flavors will have one or two Canonical employees helping out, but that's still just volunteer work01:16
zequenceI just quit being project lead after 3 years01:16
zequencesakrecoer just took over, and is doing it for two years01:17
zequenceHe's also living in Sweden, coincidentally01:18
studio-user427Ah true, just getting started in my career w/ bills to pay. Once I get settled I wouldn't mind little to no pay.01:18
studio-user427Ah I see.01:18
zequenceI suppose money is getting less important to people these days. Maybe it's universal01:19
zequenceLots of people feel that way now01:19
zequenceBetter to have something meaningful to do, and some freedom01:19
zequencestudio-user427: Hope you have a good time with your Studio installation01:20
studio-user427Yeah, but in the states money can be a curse for most folks. Personally, I could care less.01:21
studio-user427Yeah, thanks again for all your help! Appreciate it.01:21
zequencelet us know if something is not working right or you otherwise have any opinions!01:21
studio-user427Sounds good, will do.01:21
michealits micheal myers03:39
michealcan u help me donload jack03:40
BernzelHey I need some help with exporting a trimmed down video in OpenShot, anyone that can help? Just spent 30mintues exporting the same video I came in with..10:57
sakrecoerBernzel: what do you mean by trimmed down?11:02
Bernzelsakrecoer, I've cut the length down11:05
Bernzelwith the resize tool11:05
sakrecoerBernzel: but is the export region aldo shortened? please note i haven't use openshot in a longvtime11:07
Bernzelsakrecoer, no idea :/ I simply dragged the imported video to a track below, resized with the resize tool and tried to export straight after, but all I get is the full length video with no sound nor any visuals11:08
sakrecoeris the exported video having a bunch long bit of black at the end? Bernzel11:09
Bernzelsakrecoer, the whole vid is black11:09
sakrecoerthat sounds very bad indeed...11:09
BernzelI don't understand how it can be so difficult to just cut out a piece of a video :s11:10
sakrecoerBernzel: have you put down much efforts on cutting the video, or could you redo it in kdenlive?11:10
BernzelI could redo it.11:10
sakrecoerit could be something fishy with your export settings11:11
sakrecoercan't really help you with that right now..11:12
sakrecoerbut kdenlive is a safer shot i think.11:12
sakrecoeri understand this isn't exactly a sollution11:13
sakrecoersorry about that Bernzel11:13
sakrecoeri'll look into it later today, what version of ubuntustudio are you running?11:14
Bernzelsakrecoer, no worries! :) I'm not using UbuntuStudio11:14
sakrecoerok, have you tried reaching out to the openshot guys, Bernzel ?11:14
Bernzelyeah they arn't responding. But I found something now11:15
Bernzelwhy it's black11:15
BernzelIt's recording the full track which is cut out most of it. So when I forward to the time where I actually had video, it's showing11:15
sakrecoergot to go, good luck Bernzel11:15
sakrecoercheck out for dome settings for whst region you want to export from the timeline Bernzel. ciao noe11:16
danwehallo everyone, someone know why the generic ubuntustudio OpenShot video editor stopped working all of the sudden? it doesnt start and un-instaling and installing again didnt work. someone had this problem?17:31
sakrecoerdanwe: that sounds odd.17:45
sakrecoerdanwe: in your home folder, you should find a folder called ".openshot"17:45
sakrecoerit is hidden to you in the file manager unless you "display hidden files"17:45
sakrecoerdanwe: back it up (rename it to .openshot_bckup) and try erstarting it17:46
sakrecoer*restarting it17:46
danwesakrecoer: you are genius17:48
danweit worked17:48
sakrecoerdanwe: those folders often hold configurations for the program they are named after, but sometimes they also have important data. always back them up first, before you delete them18:00
sakrecoerdanwe: but its the classic trick that can often help18:01
sakrecoerdanwe: by "those folders" i mean the folders that starts with a dot=> "." and that are hidden unless you show them18:01
sakrecoerspecificaly the .folders in your home folder18:02
sakrecoerdanwe: happy video editing! feel free to share your work with us here or by taggin ubuntustudio on your social media if you are into that :)18:05
jgcampbell300so any news on working speech recognition for linux ?19:22
studio-user295 español?19:26
danwesakrecoer: thank you for your help and info - I will surely do so20:25

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