
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
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stubcory_fu: Are you working on actions for reactive? I'm going to want them sooner rather than later and might give it a go.07:48
PrabakaranI am not able to install charm tools on Linux c277-pkvm-vm54 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:42:36 UTC 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux architechture. Could someone please advise me on this?09:49
PrabakaranI am gettting this issue http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16093003/09:51
Prabakaranwhile installing charm tools09:51
nottrobinIs the new resource stuff introduced here https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/02/15/introducing-juju-resources/ documented more completely anywhere?10:06
marcoceppiPrabakaran: it's a known issue11:31
marcoceppinottrobin: not at the moment, any questions?11:36
cory_fustub: I am not, but also want them so if you have the time to work on them, please do12:19
nottrobinmarcoceppi: am I correct in thinking I could use resource-set on the host and resource-get in the charm hook to pass, say, a URL of where to download code from?12:23
nottrobinmarcoceppi: to basically replace the functionality provide by content-fetcher: https://jujucharms.com/u/gnuoy/content-fetcher/precise/11#charm-config-archive_location12:24
marcoceppinottrobin: not quite, think of it more like. the charm describes a set of resources it needs. Then, when deployed from the charm store, where the charm would have been uploaded with a binary copy of some or all of the resources it's described, it'd be delivered to disk, by juju, those resources. Then, you - an operator - could push new versions of one or more of the resources to the deployed charm. It's not a content fetcher more so a content12:26
marcoceppidelivery mechanism. `wget https://payload.tld/thing.tar.gz; juju attach app payload-thing=./thing.tar.gz`12:26
magicaltroutsee marcoceppi it needs more functionality! :P12:27
marcoceppinottrobin: an example of this is the charm-svg charm, which provides https://svg.juju.solutions - it needs two resources, the golang binary for converting a bundle to an svg and the bottle.py web app. So instead of having the charm just wildly grab these from the internet where you have problems like version drift between units, unreliable services, I just deploy the charm with the resources from my machine (or the charm store) after I've gotten/12:28
marcoceppiverified them12:28
marcoceppimagicaltrout: yes, it could be expanded a bit, where the charm could say "here's where you get it" but you still have problems with that model12:29
marcoceppimagicaltrout: this just makes it a really straight forward tuple of charm-version and resourceN-version, it's locked, tested working together, always good set with a mechanism for you to update12:29
magicaltroutthis is true. You could have a mandatory checksum or something to go with it?12:30
nottrobinmarcoceppi: could you dump a few commands for how you'd then deploy the charm-svg charm with its resource into a pastebin?12:30
marcoceppimagicaltrout: we're not out to solve every problem, just solve MVP and iterate on feedback ;) we'll never get everything everyone wants on the first stab12:30
nottrobinmarcoceppi: I'm trying to understand how we could use this12:30
marcoceppinottrobin: absolutely, since I have to redeploy in like 20 mins12:31
* marcoceppi grumbles about betas in production12:31
nottrobinmarcoceppi: at present, we have 2 charms we use, wsgi-app and content-fetcher, which have a setting to allow us to tell it where to get the code, from the internet12:31
magicaltroutindeed, I'm just ribbing you. But it would be cool to be able to ship a charm and have the server grab the resrouces so it can deploy locally, with manual intervention12:31
nottrobinmarcoceppi: we put the code in a tarball which we upload to swift with a unique ID12:31
nottrobinmarcoceppi: then we do a "juju set archive_location={new_url}"12:31
nottrobinmarcoceppi: so I'd like to understand how that process could be replaced by resources12:32
marcoceppinottrobin: oh, absolutely12:34
tvansteenburghanyone have an example of a charm that works with upstart or systemd, depending on the os release it's deployed on?12:59
jcastropostgres would be my first guess12:59
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: why not just install upstart and use upstart on all machines?13:00
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: systemd will wrap it, so it really doesn't matter13:01
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: just make sure you apt intsall upstart13:01
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: cool, didn't know it was that easy, will do, thanks13:01
mattywevilnick, ping?13:07
evilnickmattyw pong13:07
mattywevilnick, hey there, I know your busy, but quick question: The docs at https://jujucharms.com/docs only list 1.25. Anyone that gets there from xenial is going to be quite confused, is there a plan to add a 2.0 tab?13:08
evilnickmatty, the 2.0 docs will go live, probably at some point before the 2.0 release13:09
evilnickas there are still command changes etc going on, it would possibly be more confusing to have broken docs...13:10
mattywevilnick, ok ack13:12
mattywcherylj, ping?13:12
tvansteenburghstub: in the apt layer, is there a state that gets set when everything in `extra_packages` has been installed?13:21
cheryljhey mattyw, what's up?13:27
mattywcherylj, hey hey, sent you an email :)13:31
stubtvansteenburgh: @when_not('apt.queued_installs') is the best you can do at the moment13:32
tvansteenburghstub: ok thanks13:33
stub(which is true when everything queued has been installed, not just extra_packages13:33
tvansteenburghstub: but could it also be true before anything is queued13:34
tvansteenburghstub: i guess the `hookenv.atstart(configure_sources)` means the apt stuff will always run *before* my charm code13:38
tvansteenburghstub: so, if not('apt.queued_installs'), i can assume everything has been installed, not that nothing has been queued yet13:40
stubtvansteenburgh: Yes. Which can be annoying, as if you have handlers adding apt sources they will likely get invoked after an attempt is made to install packages declared in extra_packages, which is not ideal.13:40
tvansteenburghstub: ack, thanks for clarifying13:41
ReSamI'm having problems deploying xenial/keystone-0 on juju2-beta5: "Ports which should be open, but are not: 5000, 35357"13:47
jamespagemarcoceppi, urulama: hey - does the juju gui install automatically on a controller node for 2.0 yet?13:50
urulamajamespage: yes it does13:50
jamespageurulama, hmm - an special port I have to use?13:51
jamespageany rather?13:51
urulamajamespage: https://blog.jujugui.org/2016/04/15/juju-2-0-beta-4-now-with-embedded-gui/13:51
urulamajamespage: no, just type juju gui --show-credentials13:51
urulamait'll connect to a model you're in atm13:51
jamespageurulama, awesoe thankyou!13:52
tvansteenburghcory_fu: in light of the current behavior of config.changed.* states, do you have a suggestion for a way to work around the problem you illustrated here https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/pull/6114:34
tvansteenburghcory_fu: b/c that's pretty much how i want to organize my code, but i don't want install() called twice, obviously14:35
cory_futvansteenburgh: You can see the approach I used in https://code.launchpad.net/~johnsca/layer-ibm-base/fix-multi-call/+merge/29284514:35
cory_fuThat should be future-proof if that PR gets accepted14:35
tvansteenburghcory_fu: cool, thanks!14:35
cory_fuBut with the current behavior, you could actually leave out the .new. state.  The extra state makes it more wordy, but at the same time, I think it makes it a bit more clear.  *shrug*14:36
tvansteenburghcory_fu: so it's the config.set. that's fixing the problem, right?14:37
cory_fuNo, that's replacing the "if" inside the handler.  It's the @when('config.changed.curl_url') and the removal of the "only do this once" state (ibm-base.curl.resource.fetched)14:38
tvansteenburghcory_fu: oic14:38
cory_fuBasically, when the config changes (from being nothing, or to a new value), do the install14:38
tvansteenburghyeah, ok, i get it now14:38
cory_fuIt will do it at least once (because the config is new, or "changed" from "non-existant") and then won't do it again unless the config value changes14:39
tvansteenburghcheck for config.changed instead of maintaining your own "installed" state, in my case14:39
tvansteenburghcool, thanks14:39
jcastrolazyPower: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16095681/14:41
jcastroin the swarm charm it fails to install docker-engine14:41
lazyPowerswap to xenial?14:42
jcastrooh, I would have thought the charm would have declared the series no?14:42
lazyPowerit does, it says its trusty compat14:42
lazyPoweroh i'm full of lies :)14:44
jcastroit's their package, investigating14:44
jcastrolazyPower: ok so do you want me to use xenial with this or do you plan on supporting trusty?14:51
lazyPowerTrusty was target for the spec. I can land xenial support in a couple days using our docker.io package vs upstreams14:51
lazyPowerthe only reason docker-engine is being used in trusty is because docker 1.6 is quite old, has CVE's, and should go sit in the corner.14:51
jcastrolazyPower: hey is it possible to use the apt layer to install docker? install_docker.sh is ;_;14:55
lazyPowerjcastro - file a bug14:56
jcastroon the charm?14:56
jcastroyeah so it looks like it's a circular thing, the service won't start because dpkg is unconfigured, and dpkg won't complete because the service won't start14:57
lazyPowerif you deployed on xenial, i'm not surprised :)14:58
jcastroit's on trusty14:58
lazyPowerthats completely new14:58
lazyPowerwhat substrate?14:58
lazyPowerunless you apply teh docker profile, use the docker.io package, and a few other small tweaks - docker/swarm will not run in lxd as it stands today (by default)14:59
jcastroI ran right into bruzerville and didn't even notice!14:59
lazyPowerjcastro well - its like this. when KVM was removed as a provider you have 2 choices14:59
lazyPowersetup maas, or go to the cloud :)14:59
lazyPoweri defer to you, to pick your poison15:00
jcastrosure, are you testing on aws or gcloud?15:00
jcastroI'll use the one you're not using15:00
lazyPoweri've done my primary testing on aws, gcloud would be some welcome re-check of results15:00
marcoceppijcastro: I am so close to autopkgtest for charm and charm-tools15:03
marcoceppijcastro: eco-wx?15:05
marcoceppilazyPower cory_fu https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/pull/6316:08
cory_fumarcoceppi: What is the reason for that?16:09
lazyPowercory_fu - i found a pattern that causes it to choke16:11
lazyPoweri'm implicity caching a value in config()16:11
lazyPowercory_fu https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-beats-base/blob/master/lib/elasticbeats.py#L1716:12
lazyPowerthing is, i had no idea i could cache in config16:12
cory_fuOh yeah, that was a feature tvansteenburgh added before we had unitdata.  I'd prefer you use unitdata, but I guess the whitelist is reasonable anyway16:13
lazyPowercory_fu - i was improperly thinking config just returned a dict16:13
lazyPowerits a class, and has its own behaviors. so i kind of stumbled into this by being forceful with stuffing things in config to render a template :P16:14
cory_fulazyPower: Yeah, it's mostly a dict, but it does let you change the values, but I'm not sure that's a good pattern to encourage.  I'd prefer it to be immutable16:16
cory_fuOtherwise, you'll see things coming out of hookenv.config() that don't match what you see from `juju get`16:16
lazyPowercory_fu - yeah its not too ugly to make a separate context object and clone in the stuff you care about16:16
lazyPowerwhich i think i'll do16:16
cory_fuBut anyway, the PR has been merged16:17
marcoceppicory_fu: thanks16:17
marcoceppicory_fu: I'm going to align the deps with what's in xenial, because we can just backport xenial packages to trusty ppa16:26
marcoceppicory_fu: so a few things got bumped, will be in my test suite fixes16:29
marcoceppicory_fu: could I get a review of this but hold off on merge? https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/19516:45
cory_fumarcoceppi: Looks reasonable to me.16:47
marcoceppicory_fu: cool, I wasn't 100% sure tbh16:47
marcoceppiwaiting for autopkgtests to finish, but hopefully this address that import issue16:47
nottrobinmarcoceppi: did you get a chance to create that pastebin to illustrate resources?16:51
marcoceppinottrobin: sorry, not yet. fighting meetings most of my day so far16:52
nottrobinmarcoceppi: no rush. just ping me when/if you do get around to it16:55
PrabakaranHello Team, When ever i do juju add-machine command in juju framework .. it is creating xenial series machine instead of trusty series container...see the output of juju status http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16108619/ which has trusty series for machine 0 and xenial series for machine 1.. please advise me to resolved this issue?17:38
Prabakaranuname -a is Linux c277-pkvm-vm54 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:42:36 UTC 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux17:42
lazyPowerPrabakaran - if you're on juju 2.0 you can add a machine with --series=trusty17:50
lazyPowerotherwise i believe it constraints="series=trusty"17:51
Prabakarani am using 1.25.5-trusty-ppc64el17:52
LiftedKiltdeploying the openstack-lxd bundle, I get errors in my ceph cluster about too many PGs per OSD is there a way to tune that?18:15
lazyPowercory_fu https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-beats-base/pull/218:21
cory_fulazyPower: Whoa.  Why are you doing manual hooks?18:22
lazyPoweri need that value set, and it was quicker to drop that as the hook file in bash?18:22
* cory_fu scowls at lazyPower.18:23
lazyPowerits been like that since i wrote it :P  guess it only sneaks past if its not in a MP?18:23
cory_fuI never reviewed that layer18:25
cory_fuWe're supposed to have a fancy new RQ that lets us review layers.18:26
* cory_fu glances at tvansteenburgh.18:26
tvansteenburghcory_fu: i'm making the charm as we speak18:26
tvansteenburghcory_fu: although the first rev is just for charms18:27
cory_fulazyPower: There is a juju-info layer, but it needs  minor modification for your use-case: https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-juju-info18:27
lazyPoweri...i made that interface...18:28
lazyPowerwait, so i can add behavior to that?18:28
* lazyPower sighs18:28
lazyPowerokay give me 30 minutes to unwind this and update the interface + beats-base + filebeat and re-run the tests18:29
cory_fulazyPower: It's not the end of the world if you want to punt on that to get it ready.  That hook is pretty trivial18:32
lazyPowerthats my preferred solution at this juncture18:32
lazyPowerif you bug it though, i swear i'll circle back and get it fixed18:32
cory_fuBut I'm going to open an issue to fix it later18:32
lazyPowercory_fu https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-filebeat/pull/418:39
lazyPowercory_fu - and if thats g2g https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/156016618:49
mupBug #1560166: New charm proposal: Filebeat <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560166>18:49
cory_fulazyPower: I'm going to be a few minutes on those.  Getting pulled in a bunch of directions18:50
lazyPowerno rush. just getting the roadmap layed out so its easy to follow :)18:50
cory_fulazyPower: One comment on https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-filebeat/pull/419:52
lazyPowercory_fu - awesome, almost ready to hand off topbeat and circle back to that rev comment19:58
lazyPowercory_fu - replied on the comment20:02
lazyPowerbut thats in teh wrong spot, gah20:02
lazyPowerfixed and re-pushed20:04
kwmonroecory_fu: is the reactive .py processed top-down?  i have "@when x; def slow()" followed by "@when y; def fast()".  x and y are totally independent and both set. if i move "@when y" before my "@when x", will it execute first?20:14
cory_fukwmonroe: There are no guarantees about what order handlers are executed in20:19
kwmonroecory_fu: is that because there is not guarnatee about the order hooks are fired?  if so, what if for a given hook both slow() and fast() should be executed.  is there nothing i can do to make fast() go first?20:23
magicaltroutask it nicely?20:24
cory_fulazyPower: You could use @when_any for "or"20:24
lazyPoweroh thats a good point20:25
kwmonroemagicaltrout: i feel like we're going to have a nice time in vancouver.20:25
* lazyPower updates20:25
cory_fulazyPower: Although, with the issues with @when_file_changed, it's probably better that you're doing it that way20:25
lazyPowerwell, i can leave it as is until when_file_changed gets some love20:25
cory_fulazyPower: Actually, I'd almost recommend not using @when_file_changed at all.  :(20:26
magicaltroutlooking forward to it kwmonroe :P20:26
lazyPowerthats a pretty big warning for something we're still shipping20:26
cory_fuUsing it by itself is probably fine, but it can get tripped up if states are removed20:26
lazyPowerok yeah its not doing any state modification in that method body20:26
cory_fuI know.  I just haven't had time to address the issues with it20:26
lazyPoweris that teh only side effect it has? or does it get tripped up if another decorated method removes state?20:26
lazyPowersorry i wasn't meaning to be critical either...20:27
cory_fulazyPower: No, I mean if any other handlers in the same execution queue remove states, it can cause the @when_file_changed handler to get dropped20:27
lazyPowerah ok20:27
cory_fulazyPower: https://github.com/juju-solutions/charms.reactive/issues/4420:28
cory_fukwmonroe: There's no guarantee because all the handlers are put in a pool and pulled out at random when their conditions match.  If you want one handler to go before another, you should chain them together with a state (or have one call the other directly)20:29
lazyPowercory_fu - so, full disclosure20:30
lazyPoweri have the same method(s) in topbeat20:30
lazyPowershould i refactor these then? if you're not happy with that decorator going in we can change it20:30
lazyPoweri'd like to know beforei kick off this test and wait through and have to re-test it. it delays ~ 15 minutes per run20:31
cory_fulazyPower: Is there any other handler besides render_filebeat_template that you expect to update that file?20:32
gnuoyIs there a way to trigger an update of charm-tools in the ppa? I'm hoping to get my hands on a fix that landed yesterday20:32
lazyPowercory_fu - nope. I can just put it in that body and eliminate the event handler20:32
cory_fuYeah, +1.  Inline the restart and avoid when_file_changed20:34
tvansteenburghgnuoy: i believe marcoceppi is the trigger20:35
cory_fuYou can manually call charms.reactive.helpers.any_file_changed(['file.yaml']) to prevent unnecessary restarts20:35
gnuoytvansteenburgh, ah, ok, thanks.20:35
cory_fulazyPower: ^20:35
marcoceppignuoy: build from trunk20:36
marcoceppignuoy: we're in the mist of getting an MRE for charm-tools, but I want to hold off having too much package drift until then20:36
bsod90Hi guys! I'm a newbie to juju and I'm seeking for some general advices on how do I debug issues with it. In particular, I'm trying to deploy openstack base bundle on 4 maas machines and I'm stuck in a state like this: http://d.pr/i/142ox where some services came up, but some did not and nothing is happening anymore. What are my next steps to debug this? I looked into "juju status", but it's not very verbose.20:39
bsod90What are the common places to start collecting more detailed information on what's going on? Thank you for any help.20:39
magicaltroutbsod90: juju debug-log will help you20:39
marcoceppibsod90: can you put the output of juju status into a pastebin? (paste.ubuntu.com for example)20:39
magicaltroutnice screenshot20:40
magicaltroutlooks like a mindmap20:40
bsod90magicaltrout: thank you, it looks much more verbose. marcoceppi: one moment20:41
=== urulama is now known as urulama|____
bsod90marcoceppi: http://pastebin.com/7B9RMMK720:43
lathiatbsod90: juju status --format=tabular is also slightly easier to look at for a summary (but the same info mostly, more concise)20:43
marcoceppilathiat: that is format tabular20:46
marcoceppibsod90: you've got a few things going on here20:47
lathiatoh, hes using juju2 :-)20:47
lathiat++ for the change20:47
marcoceppibsod90: how did you try to deploy openstack?20:49
bsod90I can seet that machine 2 is still in "pending" state (whatever that means) and in debug-log I noticed a message saying "etting machine addresses: cannot set machine addresses of machine 2: state changing too quickly;" popping up sometimes. I'm trying to correlate this with potential network issues.20:49
bsod90marcoceppi: just found the bundle on jujucharms20:49
bsod90I've added it to 'admin' model20:50
bsod90and then moved contents of one of 'new' nodes to 0 (to collocate it with juju itself)20:50
marcoceppibsod90: yeah, you need more than 4 machines for that20:50
bsod90that's because I have only 4 machines available20:50
marcoceppibsod90: that bundle wants like 8 machines20:51
marcoceppibsod90: have you tried the openstack-installer?20:51
marcoceppibsod90: it's basically juju with smarter placement :)20:51
bsod90hmm. in description it says " This bundle is designed to run on bare metal using Juju with MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service); you will need to have setup a MAAS deployment with a minimum of 4 physical servers prior to using this bundle."20:52
bsod90but anyways, let me try openstack-installer then20:52
bsod90thank you!20:52
marcoceppibsod90: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-openstack-with-autopilot20:52
bsod90just to confirm: my end goal is to have nova-compute providing me with lxd containers on top of my physical nodes. With the ability to add/remove nodes in future, of course. Am I approaching it right when trying to setup maas and juju and what else it would need or it's better to setup just needed openstack components manually?20:56
lathiatbsod90: maas and juju will do exactly that, you really need 4 actual nodes though .. colocating services on the juju node is not recommended20:57
lathiatbsod90: openstack-base will work on 4 nodes + bootstrap server20:58
bsod90lathiat: but juju controller node is not going to requrie a lot of resources, right? I can try finding some cheap piece of hardware around and just adding it to my cluster..21:00
lathiatbsod90: in your current deployment there was a couple of errors that you would need to review the debug logs to understand what went wrong and try and figure out why.. mainly you had nova-compute/2 and openstack-dashboard/0 fail to install totally and mysql-shard-db relations faile dfor some reason21:00
lathiatbsod90: yeah it doens't need a lot.. for testing at home I run this in a VM on some other server (not used for juju) to save a physical node21:00
lathiatas well as maas21:01
lathiatfine for testing21:01
marcoceppibsod90: you could create a KVM instance for the bootstrap node21:02
bsod90hmm. that's feasible, I can easily allocate a VM here. but how do I tell juju to use the VM for controller and maas for the rest?21:02
marcoceppibsod90: we do that a lot when we have limited hardware21:02
lathiatbsod90: you can manually enroll it in maas with libvirt driver21:02
marcoceppibsod90: you can actually put 90% of the openstack services in containers, either LXC or KVM21:02
lathiatalongside your physical machines21:02
marcoceppibsod90: so use 3 nodes for nova-compute, and ceph, then everything else into containers21:03
lathiatbsod90: puting aside the fact this breakage may be related to something like using machine 0.. we can review the debug-log to see what happened for some of these errors.  e.g. juju debug-log --include unit-glance-0 --replay -T21:04
lathiatalso worth looking at unit-nova-compute-2 and openstack-dashboard-0 as they failed install for some resaon21:05
bsod90marcoceppi: I actually have 5 physical nodes. one already occupied by maas. I can manually setup LXD or KVM on it or even manually provision a VM on VMware (completely separate from my setup). I just need to know how can I use that together with maas21:06
bsod90lathiat: one sec, let me collect the logs21:06
marcoceppibsod90: create the virtual machines, let me get you a template, then you more or less add them to maas with the libvirt backend21:15
marcoceppibsod90: https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/nodes.html#virtual-machine-nodes21:15
bsod90lathiat: glance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16119929/ (quite big one) nova: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16119940/21:16
lathiatmm so nova-compute is failing on unit-get private-address21:18
lathiatmysql seems somehow the grant was not made21:19
bsod90marcoceppi: would that require my VMs to be in the same management network (when MAAS is running DHCP) as the other 4 physical nodes?21:19
lathiatbsod90: i might suggest prehaps t ogive trusty a try, instead of xenial.. the xenial stuff has just freshly landed in the last few days, which means (a) not so fleshed out yet and (b) i havent yet tried a full xenial deploy to see if I ran into such issues21:19
marcoceppibsod90: yes, but you could bridge into that network21:20
marcoceppibsod90: I'm looking for the script i use for this21:20
lathiatmarcoceppi: the virtual-maasers one?21:20
lazyPowercory_fu another one for ya https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-topbeat/pull/321:20
lazyPowercory_fu - if you like that approach i'll follow on filebeat with it21:21
bsod90lathiat: I see. Yeah, I have already experienced some of the xenial freshness :) I'm a bit concerned about trusty kernel for LXD, whether our stuff will work on it or not. (basically, we need to use cgroups inside the container. I've tested that with LXD & xenial, it works. and I know that simillar thing, but in docker & trusty doesn't work). Anyways, let me probably first somehow provide it with all neede21:25
bsod90nodes, so it has fresh 4 physicals just for openstack. Then I'll retry installation and will continue debugging from there.21:25
bdxhttps://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/11/08/deploying-openstack-on-maas-1-9-with-juju/ -> click the "read original article" link at the bottom of the page21:27
bdxsomeone get a handle on ^ fast21:27
lathiatbsod90: could be a good idea, actually these issues are quite possibly related.. the mysql grant possibly didn't work right fo rthe same reason that the private-address lookup is failing21:30
lathiatim not 100% sure about how private-address is working.. maybe marcoceppi knows21:32
cory_fulazyPower: +121:33
lazyPowerincoming Pr for filebeat then - let me rev the store and get you a bundle21:33
lazyPowerthis should round out beats-core21:33
admcleod1how do i, with an amulet test, wait for all units of a service to have a specific status message?22:11
cory_fuadmcleod1: You want https://pythonhosted.org/amulet/amulet.html#amulet.sentry.Talisman.wait_for_messages22:12
admcleod1thanks cory_fu !22:12
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