
valorieha, first rick says he's going to bed, then he reappears on his tablet, still bug-fixing!01:53
soeeyay frameworks are almost green!08:52
BluesKajHowdy all10:13
MaxirideHello BluesKaj10:22
BluesKajHi Maxiride10:23
MaxirideMay I invoke your help once again? xD10:23
BluesKajin #kubuntu woukd be best10:23
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
mamarleySo has anyone dared to install KF5 5.21 from the staging PPA yet?12:44
sgclarkI have not called for testers12:47
mamarleySorry, not up-to-date on backlog.12:48
sgclarkit seems kactivities-stats depends on a plasma package kactivitysystemrd12:48
sgclarkwhich is bizaare for a framework...12:48
mamarleyThat is weird.12:49
mamarleySeems like a good way to create a circular dependency loop.12:50
sgclarkclivejo: yofel: I was messing about with git last night https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/extra-cmake-modules and all or nothing if scripted, well I certainly don't feel comfortable deleting in a script.12:51
sgclarkI however, could not get webhooks to work at all. perhaps sitter will help12:52
acheron88I saw it updated, so disabled that ppa for now.12:53
sitterI literally do not know what a webhook is12:57
sgclarksitter: How would I could about triggering a jenkins job with just an url, it fails with https://paste.kde.org/psvrqyvi713:03
yofelthat repo looks rather wrong13:10
yofelhttps://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/extra-cmake-modules/refs/heads vs http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/frameworks/extra-cmake-modules.git/refs/13:10
yofelhttps://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/extra-cmake-modules/refs/ rather13:11
yofelat least the tags did get uploaded, only the branches are junk13:11
yofelsitter: how do the jobs get triggered anyway? All I could find in jenkins was repo polling..13:13
yofelsgclark: you need to check out all branches locally, then push those. If you push remote branches it seems to prepend the remote name, which we don't want13:14
yofel(that's what my plan was at least)13:14
sgclarktriggering won't work anyone now that I think about it, the webhook is per repo and not per branch.13:17
sitteryofel:             curl http://kci.pangea.pub/git/notifyCommit?url=git.debian.org:/git/${repo_path}13:19
yofelhm, and if the webook would trigger the merger, and the merger trigger the builds? (Isn't that how it works now?)13:19
sitterthis basically makes jenkins check all jobs that *have polling enabled* if their scm url matches the one you notify about13:19
sitterif they match a poll is schedule13:20
sitterstrictly speaking jenkins only does poll-on-demand. you can give it but load of additional information though at which point jenkins could decide to not even poll13:20
sittere.g. if you give the topmost ref 13:20
sitteryofel: builds get triggered on their own if there is something to build13:21
yofelright, during the night..13:22
* yofel wonders what's inside the launchpad POST13:23
sittersay you push kubuntu_unstable of yolo -> triggerse merger_yolo && triggers xenial_unstable_yolo -> merger doesn't do anything because unstable is pretty much the last branch it would merge into, no push occurs -> xenial_unstable_yolo builds all the same because it noticed that kubuntu_unstable has a new commit13:23
sitteradditionally at 0 utc all mergers are polled. afterwards all builds are polled13:23
sittersgclark: that error seems fishy. we only curl the url I pasted above13:25
sitterso I am guessing the url you call was wrong13:25
sgclarktried the token url in jenkins wiki13:25
sgclarkanyway it won't work13:25
sgclarklp POST won't work13:26
sgclarkthanks for your help13:26
sittersgclark: why wouldn't it work?13:26
sgclarkit allows for only an url (per repo)13:26
sittersgclark: jenkins doesn't care though13:27
yofeljenkins can't extract any information from the post?13:27
sitterit posts more information?13:27
sitternow the name webhook makes more sense xD13:27
sitterwhat you need is some service that accepts the post and then does things with it13:27
sgclarkmm yes13:28
sitterthat could either be a simple python/ruby/go/rust app that essentially provides an api endpoint or a jenkins plugin13:28
sitterI'd go with former and simply translate the hook into a notify url for jenkins13:28
sitterless work for sure ^^13:28
sitterThe body of the request will be JSON.13:29
sitterahurr durr13:29
sitter10 lines of ruby maybe ;)13:29
sitterif you opt for integrating it with jenkins... the github plugin does exactly the same thing with github's webhook api, so you could check that for some code inspiration13:30
sitterby that I mean, if you want to write a jenkins plugin to handle this rather than a standalone service13:31
yofelthe standalone service would be a script with a socket that converts the post into a jenkins trigger?13:32
yofelshould be doable I guess13:33
sitterbasically: make a httpserver -> listen to post -> upon post -> check remote is launchpad -> if launchpad, parse payload from json -> build jenkins urly from payload -> http GET jenkins url13:33
yofelcan we use aribtrary ports on the server?13:34
sitteryes, but you need to ask clemens to open them13:35
sitteryou could also have apache proxy them though13:36
sittere.g. jenkins actually runs on :8080 on that host but gets proxied13:36
clivejositter: how did you make a copy of the debian git repo for Neon?13:50
sitterclivejo: with a foreach loop I'd say13:58
clivejodid you do it or JR?14:00
clivejoah cool14:00
clivejois it hosted on weegie?14:00
clivejositter: also did you help on the kcm driver manage project?14:01
clivejoany idea why it would stop working on 16.04, but works in 15.10?14:02
clivejoseems to be stuck/blocked waiting on a qapt socket14:03
sitterno idea14:03
clivejoany suggestions how I could debug it further?14:05
sittergdb it, start a qaptworker and gdb that as well14:10
clivejoI dont know how to gdb a library14:11
clivejogapt is libqapt3 lib ?14:11
clivejoqapt even14:11
clivejoslhk_: ping14:13
marco-parilloBased on the topic, KF5 5.21 is in the X staging PPA, not Y, but too early for testers (which we usually do from -landing, anway), correct?14:22
clivejowe are trying to move the packaging to LP for dev aka yak14:25
shadeslayerclivejo: question, can you query the dbus interface14:34
shadeslayerfor the data14:34
clivejoshadeslayer: how do I test that?14:43
shadeslayerclivejo: let me see,14:43
shadeslayerclivejo: try : qdbus org.kubuntu.DriverManager14:43
clivejoI get /14:44
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
clivejoit seems to be blocking on qapt socket14:45
clivejoBug 153052314:47
ubottubug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153052314:47
clivejothe module seems to update the package list14:48
clivejothen opens a socket to qapt and just waits14:49
shadeslayerclivejo: does querying the dbus interface get you a response?14:51
shadeslayerit lists the drivers?14:51
shadeslayerwhen you query a method in there14:52
shadeslayerI don't remember the method names, so you'll have to check it yourself14:52
clivejoignore : its to stop IRC thinking they are commands14:52
shadeslayerclivejo: that's only part of it14:52
clivejo<node name="/DriverManager">14:52
shadeslayertry : qdbus org.kubuntu.DriverManager /DriverManager14:52
shadeslayerand then try one of the methods it lists there14:53
clivejo<method name="devices">14:53
clivejohow do I try it?14:53
shadeslayerclivejo: what does qdbus org.kubuntu.DriverManager /DriverManager output?14:53
shadeslayercan you pastebin it?14:53
clivejomethod QString org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect()14:54
clivejomethod {D-Bus type "a{sa{sv}}"} org.kubuntu.DriverManager.devices()14:54
clivejothats the output, two lines14:54
shadeslayerqdbus --literal org.kubuntu.DriverManager /DriverManager org.kubuntu.DriverManager.devices14:54
clivejotakes a few seconds14:55
clivejobut is outputing my hardware14:55
clivejomy nvidia graphics and cpu-microcode14:56
shadeslayerso that works, and the problem is in the C++ bits14:56
clivejothats what I usually see in the driver manager and I can install the drivers then14:56
clivejoyeah, I think all that bit works14:57
clivejoits the package stuff thats broken14:57
clivejoit does an apt update14:57
shadeslayerclivejo: it does a update before querying?14:57
clivejothen just hangs waiting on something14:57
shadeslayerah hm14:57
clivejoI can see it downloading from the archive14:58
clivejochecking for updates14:58
clivejothen it opens a socket to qapt and freezes14:58
clivejothen kcmshell5 22846 clivejo 64u unix 0x0000000000000000 0t0 575670 type=STREAM15:01
shadeslayerthat's the debconf socket I think15:02
clivejoshadeslayer: anything else I can try to help bug track?16:06
shadeslayerclivejo: talk to apol about qapt issues I think16:07
shadeslayerread API docs?16:07
apolclivejo: you can help bug track all of plasma :D16:08
clivejoapol: I would if I knew how!16:08
apolclivejo: how can we help you know?16:09
clivejosorry, I think Ill drop it for today, Im tired and now angry :(16:12
apolclivejo: hope you're not angry at me :D if you like, tell me when your mana restores ^^16:27
clivejono, not at all.  Im angry at our so called local representatives.  Who have just spent 20mins telling me why I should vote for them next week16:28
clivejothey are nothing but leeches who come out just before election time to make lists of promises and pledges and once elected do nothing!16:30
clivejomeanwhile they rob us blind via taxing everything and argue over abortion and gay cakes16:32
clivejooh and flags, how could I forget that row16:32
* clivejo takes a deep breath16:33
clivejoapol:  I was trying to look into why kcm driver manager is stuck in some kind of loop or blocked indefinitely16:39
clivejoit seems to get to opening a socket to qapt and stops16:40
apolyou must be from USA16:40
clivejoN Ireland, stuck in a time warp16:41
apolanyway, qapt is run through a dbus helper AFAIR16:41
apolI thought that gay cakes were sorted over there16:41
clivejothis driver manager works in 15.10 but is broken in 16.0416:45
clivejoare you aware of any changes in that time frame to qapt that might cause it?16:45
apolclivejo: Carlo Vanini worked on the last fixes, he might know16:46
clivejoI tried to ping him earlier, but must not be around16:47
shadeslayerclivejo: apol https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fgarg%2Fkcm-driver-manager.git&a=blob&h=c7e550193a3d632eb7960b58775f80e5b6b02146&hb=cd751da5146543dc34b0d7417b515954c7b373c3&f=src%2FModule.cpp < line 8516:54
shadeslayerthat connect call is weird16:55
apolclivejo: try e-mail, I've never talked to him on IRC16:55
shadeslayerI sure write some weird code16:55
apolshadeslayer: there's no connect at line 8516:55
shadeslayerapol: 87-8816:55
apolxD true16:56
apolit's weird, it's not wrong though16:56
apoli.e. compiles16:56
sgclarkyofel: it looks to me like 15.12 translations never made it into archive..16:59
shadeslayerclivejo: would recommend stepping through Module.cpp via gdb17:02
shadeslayerbreak on line Module.cpp:84 then step through it line by line17:02
shadeslayerto see where it stops17:02
clivejocan I do that from kdevelop?17:09
shadeslayerclivejo: probably, I just use the command line17:26
sgclarkyofel: ok looks like only a chunk of them got missed somehow https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-misc17:43
sgclarkyofel: how do we get those in archive? sru?17:43
soee_https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/KtEd5A51NvH :)18:16
renee77hi all 18:30
* renee77 waving@clivejo18:30
soee_hiho renee7718:31
renee77:) is there someone availleble to show me how to triage?18:31
soee_valorie: ^18:32
* soee_ can show only how to be annoying ;D18:32
renee77I ve read about what I am supposed to do but not sure how i have to18:32
renee77not realy familiar with irc is there a way to allert someone? want to go back to mastering code, but not want to mis oppurtunaty to get in to triaging. I feel I cant do anything usefull and I really want to :D " warned you about being a nasty volunteer ;-)"18:42
soee_you just have to use someones nick18:42
soee_like: hey renee7718:43
renee77ah ok :)18:43
soee_you can use TAB to autcomplete nicks18:43
soee_we have also channels on Telegram app18:44
renee77and thats where incoming ASCII BEL has to be selected18:44
renee77ah ok have that one too on my pad18:44
renee77not used but it was there18:44
soee_ovidiu-florin: how can she join Telegram channels ?18:45
soee_some invite is required or they are open?18:45
renee77lol looking @ a blank screen account already made18:47
telegram<@marcinsagol>: hmm you should be able to join herw18:48
renee77ok will be there soon ;)18:51
soee_there are channels: kubuntu-devel, kubuntu-cafe18:53
soee_and kubuntu i think18:53
soee_renee77: you might want to join also community on Google+18:56
soee_there are some news, discussions etc. sometimes18:56
renee77oke thanks still have creamy screen19:00
renee77reading faq now19:00
clivejooh well19:10
clivejoI quit 19:10
clivejoAfter a quiz I shouldnt even be allow near a computer19:11
clivejo"Meh. You're fairly digital I suppose - but I wouldn't trust you with any hardcore Linux coding."19:11
sgclarklol wut?19:13
clivejoI took a quiz19:14
clivejoit told me Im not geeky enough19:14
clivejooh well19:14
* sgclark giggles19:14
renee77 lol19:14
sgclarkI think you're geeky enough clivejo :)19:15
clivejoIll have to resign from Kubuntu and start a career as a spoon whittler19:15
clivejobut Im not living in a tent19:17
* renee77 was wondering19:17
soee_will you use git to version spoons ?19:17
clivejono, thank god!19:18
clivejojust a huge collection of special spoons!19:19
shadeslayerI still haven't watched monty python :(19:20
soee_sgclark: some problematic are this last 4 reds on frameworks list ?19:21
* soee_ throws holly hand granade at shadeslayer19:21
shadeslayerI have played Worms though :P19:21
clivejoIll supply free spoon to sgclark so she can beat soee_ over the head with :P19:21
shadeslayerI'll just ask my gf to bring it over when she visits next xD19:21
shadeslayerso that I can watch it19:21
shadeslayerbecause apparently netflix doesn't have it19:22
soee_clivejo: what what you starts, i have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOrgLj9lOwk19:22
OdurUpgrading report: From 15.10 to 16.04 with kubuntu backports and updates ppa enabled and a couple of other third-party repositories. Black screen on boot. Fixed by reinstalling nvidia driver and disabling secure boot. Amarok was gone, but after purging amarok-common and reinstalling amarok it was fine. Probably backports ppa's fault. Other than that, no problem!19:23
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
clivejoLOL - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/04/28/windows_10_live_tv/20:23
mamarleyHah, serves them right for running Windows®.20:24
sgclarkshadeslayer: prepare an archive?20:30
shadeslayersgclark: yeah just zip up everything 20:30
shadeslayerwhatever you want me to upload20:31
* sgclark ponders what that means20:31
shadeslayerwell, all of the .changes files with everything that is required in a upload20:32
shadeslayeror a command to run that will generate everything20:32
shadeslayerI'm sorry, I don't have enough time to go through things by hand, so it makes things easier if you can give me exactly what needs to be uploaded20:33
clivejohi rick20:35
sick_rimmitHey clivejo20:35
sick_rimmitHow you doing ?20:35
clivejocalming down a bit20:35
sick_rimmitBeen hectic today ?20:36
clivejoits election day for us next week20:36
clivejoand the polictians are out being friendly with people20:36
sick_rimmitAh yes, that old chestnut20:37
clivejobig posters strapped to every junction and hole in the hedge with their ugly mugs on it20:37
sick_rimmitAsk them when they plan to get control of the country back ?20:37
clivejoI had one here for 20mins20:37
clivejoI just smiled and nodded and bit my tongue, but boy did they wind me up20:38
sick_rimmithe hee yeah !20:38
clivejoI need to train my dog to attack on command20:38
clivejohave them scared to get out of the car20:39
sick_rimmitThey know not to come to see me, they'll get a darn good talking to20:39
sick_rimmitI don't stand no nonsense, and I'm not interested political clap trap and philabuster.20:39
sick_rimmitI know the facts, any nonesense and they get both barrels20:39
* ahoneybun thinks this should be in #kubuntu-offtipoc 20:39
sick_rimmitahoneybun: Is right, well pointed out20:40
clivejohi slhk_20:40
sick_rimmitOoo I got a nice email from a Muon User, about a Bug. How awesome20:41
slhk_hi clivejo!20:41
clivejoslhk_: may I pick your brains?20:42
slhk_clivejo: I've read your messages about kcm, I don't know it. should take a deep look20:42
slhk_but need to wait until monday, sorry20:43
clivejoline 8520:43
clivejothat seems to be were the code blocks on my xenial box20:44
clivejodo you understand what its doing?20:44
slhk_85 is just building a file name, a string20:46
clivejowell it connects to a socket of that name20:46
clivejothen stops20:46
slhk_so it is probably 86 which is blocking20:47
clivejoslhk_: do you know if its possible to step through code in kdevelop20:48
slhk_DebconfKde::DebconfGui constructor20:48
slhk_I don't use kdevelop, but sure it is possible20:49
clivejowhat do you use?20:49
slhk_but if you didn't compile the library yourself you need debug symbols and you need to tell it where to find the source code20:49
slhk_I use qtcreator20:49
clivejowish I even understood what this code even does!20:54
sick_rimmitAh ha20:56
sick_rimmitSo line 86 is trying to invoke the DebconfGUI which is the popup box 20:57
clivejosick_rimmit: so we determined that the actually hardware detection is working20:57
clivejoapt is doing an update20:57
clivejoand seems to be hanging after this20:58
sick_rimmitOK, 20:58
clivejobut why does it run on your system with an updated libqapt?20:59
sick_rimmitLong shot20:59
sick_rimmitIs it ownership of the /tmp/qapt socket21:00
sick_rimmitsystemd likes to set tmp files that are owner specific and abstracted21:00
sick_rimmitYou could check that by lookng at socket owner and kcmshell5 process owner21:01
sick_rimmitI'm stabbiing in the dark abit there 21:01
clivejoits doing something21:03
clivejooh maybe not21:03
clivejokcmshell5 is owned by the local user21:06
sick_rimmitExpect, good21:07
sick_rimmitand the socket21:07
clivejothey updated firefox21:07
clivejolooks weird21:07
clivejosocket is owned by local user too21:08
clivejoother sockets there are owned by root21:09
clivejowho owns it on your box21:09
sick_rimmitHang on I look21:09
sgclarkshadeslayer: well it may be awhile, new laptop and it seems I do not have access to depot for the script.21:11
shadeslayerah ok21:11
shadeslayersgclark: whatcha get?21:11
sgclarkpublic key permission denied21:11
sgclarkperhpas I forgot a config file...21:11
shadeslayerno, the new hw :P21:12
sgclarknever know how much config goes into packaging till you move computers heh21:12
sgclarkWas donated to me by very lovely folks, a dell precision 751021:13
shadeslayernice :D21:13
clivejoanyone else get this firefox update today?21:17
sgclarkwell I have no idea how to access depot. perhaps I need to bug some sysadmins @ kde21:17
clivejosgclark: Host depot.kde.org21:21
clivejoUser ftpubuntu21:21
clivejoIdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_key21:21
sgclarkhave that21:21
shadeslayernew ssh key?21:21
clivejothen ssh depot.kde.org21:21
clivejoneed to use your old key21:21
sgclarkwell I have been commiting to kde repos.. 21:22
sgclarkmy old key? umm why?21:22
clivejoor setup the new key on KDE21:22
sgclarkalready did for my kde work21:22
clivejoand what does it say when you try "ssh depot.kde.org"21:22
clivejosgclark: missing file in kdelibs4support - /usr/share/man/it/man1/kf5-config.121:27
clivejoand in krunner - /usr/share/kdevappwizard/templates/runner.tar.bz221:27
shadeslayerI think depot uses different setup21:28
shadeslayerfor keys21:28
shadeslayersgclark: give me your key21:28
shadeslayerthe new pubkey21:28
clivejosgclark: any luck pushing git to LP?21:28
sgclarkshadeslayer: nicolas helping me21:30
shadeslayerah ok21:30
shadeslayergl :)21:30
sgclarkclivejo: totally distracted by other things21:30
sgclarkshadeslayer: yakkety running, then I will do xenial backport, I am running the 15.12.3 as it looks like we never got to it. Where should I put these tars when they are ready? 21:44
shadeslayershare.kde.org ? 21:44
shadeslayeranything works really :)21:44
sgclarkokies ty21:45
clivejoahoneybun: have you tried uNav on your phone?21:45
sgclarkclivejo: I did make progress on git for LP but then we discovered that CI integration will require extra attention and scripts/webservers/POST etc. I am not entirely in a huge rush now, as I personally do not have the time to write such things right now.21:51
clivejoshould we just continue on with debian git for now?21:53
sgclarkI think so personally.21:53
sgclarkMy future is in limbo and unknown right now and I may very well be moving soon. So perhaps this is not a good time for the move to LP21:55
clivejowhats yofel's thoughts on it?21:55
sgclarkI don't know21:55
clivejoneed to chat to him if hes about21:59
clivejoId like to get on with dev aka yak22:00
clivejosick_rimmit:  o/22:02
sgclarkI really have no desire to do all of applications by hand. frameworks took a terribly long time...22:06
clivejoIm pretty sure that script works if dev is done first22:07
sgclarkI have not used it since the move to git, no clue.22:08
renee77Me waves @all22:37
valoriehi renee77, how are you getting on?22:39
sgclarkshadeslayer: 340mb just for yakkety, share.kde.org and dropbox to small. Any other ideas? 22:42
shadeslayersgclark: https://curl.io/22:42
sgclarkneat, uploading22:46
soeesgclark: frameworks ready for tests ?22:49
sgclarksoee: mm distracted, I think so, one sec22:52
sgclarkshadeslayer: https://curl.io/get/di4f5p7b/73538ce80d4ea048d607f58b51184120ef46555122:52
soeesgclark: 1 package kept back http://paste.ubuntu.com/16120847/22:55
sgclarkhmm ok, also still uploading symbols22:56
soeedetailed report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16120856/22:56
sgclarkshadeslayer: xenial running now22:59
shadeslayersgclark: all uploading to yakkety23:04
shadeslayerlets see if it works23:04
sgclarkshadeslayer: thanks!23:04
sgclarkthis will fix many bugs piling up. no idea how a chunk of them got missed, very odd23:05
sgclarkI really need to go after motu myself :*/23:05
valorieI think they give you a sword with that23:06
valorieso you can do the He-Man thing23:06
sgclarkShera :)23:06
valorieI HAVE THE POWER!23:06
sgclarkone thing at a time, lets make sure i am not homeless first heh23:06
shadeslayersgclark: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-nb/4:15.12.3-0ubuntu123:07
sgclarkwoot, your my hero shadeslayer ty!23:08
valoriesgclark: did your hubby lose his job in the Intel bloodbath?23:08
valoriethank you shadeslayer23:08
sgclarkvalorie: they are making us wait to find out until Friday night... cruel and unusual punishment. I hate Intel more each day.23:09
valoriesgclark: ick!23:10
shadeslayersgclark: oh? :(23:10
shadeslayersgclark: *hugs*23:10
sgclarkyes life could get interesting for me soon23:10
sgclarkas he is our only income, this will hurt heh23:10
valorieI hope for the best23:11
valoriehow is your Debian outreachy project going?23:11
sgclarkdoes not start till May23:11
sgclarkwhich is why I am desperately trying to get Kubuntu hats finished23:12
shadeslayeroh will I see you around in Debian more?23:12
sgclarkshadeslayer: I will be working on reproducible builds23:13
valoriewell, if it's anything like GSoC, now is community bonding period23:13
shadeslayerah nice23:13
valorieso do the bonding!23:13
sgclarkok, bugger Kubuntu, I gots some bonding to do :)23:14
valoriewait, that's now what I meant......23:14
sgclarkwell not sure what is up with oxygen-icons5, it seems to think there is a newer version.23:15
valorieanyway, yes I hope we can get the dev in Kubuntu on a good path23:15
valorieso the workload is less for you devels23:16
valorieand with renee77 to pitch in on bug reports, we'll be able to sort those out better too23:17
sgclarkvalorie: don't suppose you contacted flames? they still show as deactivated. Perhaps you could butter him up and find out what happened.23:20
valorieI don't have an email address, sgclark23:21
valoriecould only do lp, and now that is gone23:21
valorieI wrote a response on lp, but don't know if s/he will see it23:22
sgclarkok I sent a mail23:25
sgclarklets hope they respond. Would at least like to know if something happened23:26
valorieyes, I hope I didn't offend by suggesting that they could edit the wiki directly23:28
valoriethat would really suck23:28
shadeslayersgclark: ok heading to sleep23:47
sgclarkshadeslayer: ok I will upload tomorrow23:47
* valorie goes to fix dinner and then head to dad's23:47
shadeslayersgclark: awesome23:48
shadeslayersgclark: if it's nearly done, I can stick around for 10 minutes23:48
sgclarkit is done, was going to uploadd to curl.io. doing it now23:48
shadeslayerahhh ok23:48
shadeslayersticking around23:49
shadeslayersgclark: btw, you'll need to file a SRU bug I think23:49
sgclarkshadeslayer: https://curl.io/get/gfntbisj/3384cfe71eda75407da1a0570e6496d5b8b62c1923:49
sgclarkshadeslayer: ok will do that now thanks23:49
shadeslayerto get these updated23:49

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