
mupBug #1576006 opened: 1.9.1: trying to save an overlapping network in the cluster generates ugly 500 <landscape> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576006>02:49
mupBug #1576116 opened: MAAS adds regions controller as DNS resolver <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576116>09:36
mupBug #1576116 changed: MAAS adds regions controller as DNS resolver <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576116>09:42
mupBug #1576116 opened: MAAS adds regions controller as DNS resolver <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576116>09:54
mupBug #1576146 opened: test 5 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576146>11:06
mupBug #1576194 opened: Enlistment via DHCP fails because DNS has bogus PTR record <landscape> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576194>12:57
mupBug #1575693 changed: test 2 <ui> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575693>13:28
mupBug #1575693 opened: test 2 <ui> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575693>13:37
mupBug # changed: 1575692, 1575693, 1575696, 157614613:40
mupBug #1575692 opened: this is a test <ui> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575692>13:49
mupBug #1575696 opened: test 3 <design> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575696>13:49
mupBug #1576146 opened: test 5 <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576146>13:49
mupBug #1575692 changed: this is a test <ui> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575692>13:58
mupBug #1575696 changed: test 3 <design> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575696>13:58
mupBug #1576146 changed: test 5 <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576146>13:58
mupBug #1576267 opened: [UI 2.0b3] interface addresses on rack controller details page not updated automatically <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576267>15:10
mupBug #1576357 opened: Determine a method for how to reconnect a deleted rack controller <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576357>18:08
mupBug #1508741 changed: IPMI driver does not handle timeouts correctly <MAAS:Fix Released by newell-jensen> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508741>18:44
mupBug #1576370 opened: Create node lifecycle models for region and rack controllers <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576370>18:53
mupBug #1576146 opened: test 5 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576146>19:17
mupBug #1576146 changed: test 5 <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576146>19:47
DavidRamahi all20:32
DavidRamaI've been struggling for days, having servers that do not provision without amy reason (got same hardware based server that are correctly provisionned). If I look at the IPMI Console I see that the deploy works fine but Maas still seems to wait for something. Looking at the server logs on Maas last command pass is : Node installation - 'curtin' curtin command block-meta .20:34
DavidRamaI can log to the deply stuck server using ssh20:35
roaksoaxDavidRama: so, your machines enlist, commission but don't deploy ?20:37
roaksoaxDavidRama: do they switch from Deploying to Failed Deployment ?20:37
DavidRamaat the end yes20:38
roaksoaxDavidRama: hwat version of MAAS? 2.0 or 1.9 ?20:39
roaksoaxDavidRama: can you  please share the installation log ? (it is in the webUI at the bottom)20:40
roaksoaxDavidRama: also, the full node event log ?20:40
mailehDEBUG: 04-22 00:59:20, multi.py:135] Problem during bootstrap: '{'err': 'Bootstrapping environment "maas"\nStarting new instance for initial state server\nLaunching instance\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrar20:42
mailehmaas version 1.920:42
roaksoaxmaileh: do you have images imported ? is the cluster controller connected ?20:43
mailehi just read this now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Integrated_Lights-Out ... do i need to adjust my20:43
mailehroaksoax: yes everything looks normal ... nodes was successfully list and commissioned with the CPU and RAM info display but not the storage or the disk it is appear as zero20:45
mailehit has the same error as juju complain above of the ui20:46
mupBug #1573046 opened: 14.04 images not available for commissioning as distro-info --lts now reports xenial <landscape> <sts> <MAAS:Fix Released by andreserl> <maas (Ubuntu):New for freyes> <maas (Ubuntu Trusty):New> <maas (Ubuntu Wily):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1573046>20:47
mupBug #1576370 changed: Create node lifecycle models for region and rack controllers <MAAS:Invalid by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576370>20:47
mailehroaksoax: here is the nodes on the maas web interface  Search nodes Submit FQDN  MACPowerStatusOwnerCoresRAM (GiB)DisksStorage (GB) ACER-PC1-FG.KalianetCLOUD.toReady2100.0 HP-SRV1-FG.KalianetCLOUD.toReady4200.020:48
mailehif you can see the 0.0 as the end are for the disk and storage20:49
mailehany update guyss20:51
roaksoaxmaileh: did you configure the storage of your servers20:52
roaksoaxmaileh: Specify a storage device to be able to deploy this node.", "Mount the root \'/\' filesystem to be able to deploy this node.20:52
mailehno i did not20:52
roaksoaxmaileh: it seems you dont have a / mounted to be able to deploy your machjine20:53
mailehwhere can i do that20:53
mailehshould i partition and format my hd before add to maas20:53
roaksoaxmaileh: no20:53
roaksoaxmaileh: go to your machine in MAAS, one that's on Ready state20:53
roaksoaxmaileh: and check the storage section20:54
roaksoaxmaileh: what do you have there ?20:54
mailehthis is the error on my machine page Storage No storage information. Commissioning this node will gather the storage information. Specify a storage device to be able to deploy this node. Mount the root '/' filesystem to be able to deploy this node.20:54
mailehbut it was successfully commisioned and READY state20:54
mailehthat's why i am confused20:55
roaksoaxmaileh: go to the commissioning output at the bootom20:55
roaksoaxmaileh: but either way, it seems it failed to discover your devices20:55
roaksoaxmaileh: what type of hardware is it, and what storage devices are they ?20:55
mailehHP Proliant G4 is the model20:56
mailehsorry the model is DL380 G520:57
mailehHP Proliant20:57
roaksoaxmaileh: do they have properietary storage array or something ? that requires a proprietary hardware ?20:57
roaksoaxblake_r: whywould it not discover storage ?20:58
roaksoaxDavidRama: if you can pastebin the output, it would be great (in the UI, at the bottom, you'll have the installation log)20:58
roaksoaxDavidRama: and the full node event log, there's a link to open it fully20:58
roaksoaxDavidRama: pastebin.ubuntu.com20:58
mailehroaksoax: label on disk is Dual port 10K SAS 72G20:59
mailehi have 4 of those on my server20:59
roaksoaxblake_r: ^^20:59
mailehroaksoax: i believe the parts number for these disk is 389346-00121:00
roaksoaxmaileh: so go to the bottom of your machine21:00
roaksoaxmaileh: there's a dropdown21:01
roaksoaxmaileh: check the commissioning output21:01
roaksoaxthe storage section21:01
mailehok will do that and let you know21:01
mailehfyi this is my cluster detail Clusters NameConnectedStatusManaged interfacesNodesImages Cluster master✓Enabled12Syncededit delete21:01
roaksoaxmarlinc: 00-maas-07-block-devices.out21:02
roaksoaxmaileh: 00-maas-07-block-devices.out21:02
roaksoaxthose two21:02
DavidRamaroaksoax: my deploy hangs at this step in the gui log: TFTP Request - libutil.c32  after PXE Request - local boot21:04
DavidRamammm looks like it maas srv still sees the server as powered on but node is off21:08
mailehroaksoax: this is 00-maas-07-block-devices.out ... this is its content : [  {   "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",    "NAME": "sda",    "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x3000000300000001",    "PATH": "/dev/sda",    "ROTA": "1",    "RM": "0",    "MODEL": "VIRTUAL-DISK",    "RO": "1",    "SERIAL": "3000000300000001",    "SIZE": "1468006400"  },   {   "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",    "NAME": "cciss!c0d0",    "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600508b100104d39521:08
DavidRamaInstallation finished.21:10
DavidRamabut node hangs in "deploying status" (5 minutes now)21:10
DavidRamaok node off in real but showed as on in the GUI21:11
mailehi have only one line with .err ...00-maas-03-install-lldpd.err ...it's content is initctl: Unknown job: lldpd stop: Unknown instance:21:11
mailehroaksoax: ....??21:12
mailehroaksoax: this is for my other server , actually it is an ACER PC .....[  {   "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",    "NAME": "sda",    "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x3000000300000001",    "PATH": "/dev/sda",    "ROTA": "1",    "RM": "0",    "MODEL": "VIRTUAL-DISK",    "RO": "1",    "SERIAL": "3000000300000001",    "SIZE": "1468006400"  } ]21:13
mailehroaksoax: there is no 00-maas-07-block-devices.err to both of them ...21:14
roaksoaxDavidRama: when the installation fininshes, the node reboots21:17
roaksoaxDavidRama: and loads the deployed environment21:17
roaksoaxDavidRama: and contact's maas again to tell it the deployment finished21:18
roaksoaxDavidRama: if that's not ahppeneing, there may be  a reason for that21:18
mailehroaksoax: any suggestion yet21:20
roaksoaxmaileh: i'd suggest you file a bug report, with the details of your hardware, and attach that file you are pastebinbing21:22
roaksoaxor pasting21:22
DavidRamaroaksoax: is there a place to look for this kind of failure ?21:22
DavidRamahaving this issue on 4 nodes and not on 12 others sitting in the same place21:23
DavidRamasame hardware21:23
roaksoaxDavidRama: i'd wathc the console21:23
mailehroaksoax: can you suggest how to do that ... sorry but i have not file a bug before .... hope you can help ... thanks21:23
roaksoaxDavidRama: can you watch the console to see what's going on while the machine deploys ?21:23
roaksoaxmaileh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+filebug21:24
DavidRamaI can21:24
DavidRamaneed to start java21:24
DavidRama@roaksoax: WARN: No MBR magic21:26
mupBug #1576417 opened: rack controllers and region controllers should not be visible to non-admins <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576417>21:32
mailehroaksox: also what's your best shot ... is it my hardware does not support or is it that i need21:51
mupBug #1576427 opened: juju bootstrap error complaining about my storage <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576427>22:09
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