
pavlushkaKilos: o/07:59
pavlushkaKilos: checked the logs and its the reply, :p08:00
Kiloshi pavlushka 08:00
pavlushkaHow are you Kilos !08:01
Kilostired today lad, had a bad night but otherwise ok, and you?08:01
pavlushkacant tell, ask our power grid systems, so unstable :(08:04
Kilosunstable power sucks, has damaged many hard drives08:26
Kilosext4 the best for those probs08:26
pavlushkagood to hear that, :)08:27
pavlushkaHeya Kilos !13:09
Kiloshi NaSb 15:32
NaSbHello Kilos15:32
Kilosafternoon everyone15:32
NaSbNight Kilos ;)15:32
Kilosyou going to bed now NaSb ?15:33
Kilosi see15:33
NaSbNope 15:33
Kiloswe say night or good night when leaving to go sleep15:34
Kilosits 5.35pm here so still afternoon /evening15:34
NaSbIn our country, it is now night15:35
Kilosyes you are 2 hours ahead of us15:35
Kilosi think15:35
Kiloshave a look at tzwatch15:35
NaSb4 hours ahead :p 15:36
Kilosyou can set it to give times in different zones with one command15:36
Kilosoh 415:37

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