
andyrockmsg MemoServ READ NEW07:21
andyrocksorry guys07:21
larsumorning :)07:32
seb128oh, hey larsu07:33
larsuhow are you? Enjoying the sprint?07:33
seb128we were just speaking about you07:33
larsuhi seb128!07:33
larsuoh really07:33
seb128and ice cream!07:33
* larsu didn't do anything07:33
seb128how is Berlin?07:33
larsuoh. ice cream. where?07:33
seb128right, which is the issue :p07:33
larsuseb128: not warm07:34
seb128we are looking at somebody wanting to update gtk and fix the themes :p07:34
* seb128 hides07:34
seb128joke aside we miss you here :-(07:34
* larsu laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs and starts crying a little bit07:34
Laneyseb128 will pay himself07:34
Laney€1000 per changed line07:34
seb128that better is a short diff07:34
larsunot sure it's worth it :)07:34
seb128I've an idea07:35
seb128attente, if you update gtk I might get you out of the Vancouver sprint07:35
larsuthere's a Vancouver sprint?07:35
seb128snappy team one07:35
attenteso tempting07:36
larsuthat's just around the corner for attente. Same country!07:36
larsuhi attente!07:36
seb128yeah, he got invented07:36
attentehi larsu!07:36
seb128he's thrilled07:36
seb128invited even07:36
larsuI can imagine07:36
larsuvancouver is a nice city I hear07:36
attentei thought willcooke was our themes guy07:36
seb128somebody told me that it got more rain that London07:36
seb128google seems to back that statement up07:36
seb128oh, right!07:37
larsuseb128: is that possible?07:37
larsuthat means it must be under water the whole time07:37
seb128it rains like 150 days a year07:37
* larsu does some calculations and comes to the conclusion that that's a lot of days07:37
Laneylarsu: how's cockpit?07:41
larsuLaney: loads of fun07:41
larsutons of new stuff still07:41
* larsu is having a blast07:41
larsuwe publish to a debian repo and ubuntu ppa for every release now07:42
larsuand people seem to already be starting to use it07:42
larsuya, my first little project :)07:42
larsuLaney: how's gnome software?07:43
larsudid you guys settle on a name?07:43
* larsu should download the release07:44
Laneygetting there07:44
Laneyit's a little bit rough in the release07:44
Laneybut we fixed some stuff since and there is an sru waiting07:44
Laneyattente is rebasing on 3.20.2 now07:45
Laneythe name is Ubuntu Software07:45
* Laney coughs07:45
larsumakes sense07:45
larsuUbuntu Software Center was perfect07:45
larsubut changing the name made sense, since it's all new07:46
Laneycool eh07:53
willcookedesktoppers:  please create yourself a board under this group:  https://trello.com/ubuntudesktop08:21
Sweet5hark wakkety will!09:09
Trevinhoxnox: hey... You remember https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/upstart/lp1433013/+merge/259317 ?09:12
Trevinhoxnox: since I've been just facing with a bug with gnome terminal missing the menu-bar... This is because it dbus-activates the gnome-terminal-server, and that instance was missing the proper GTK_MODULE env var09:13
xnoxTrevinho, yeap, same bug09:13
xnoxbut that part of code never worked though =(09:13
xnoxdespite all that code, it fails to actually do anything =)09:13
Trevinhoso... Ok, that bug can be even fixed in a different way, but... It's just an example how we should make upstart and dbus match the env09:13
Trevinhoxnox: well, patching upstart with it, it does work09:13
xnoxTrevinho, oh really, i must have done it wrong.09:14
TrevinhoI've just taken the xenial src, patched with it... and voila!09:14
xnoxTrevinho, maybe i should really land it, and SRU it?09:14
Trevinhoxnox: yeah, it would be nice09:14
xnoxTrevinho, do we need it on touch too, or not?09:14
Trevinhoxnox: no, not that I know09:15
Trevinhoi still see some alt+f2  / super differences with that, but still better than nothgin09:15
Trevinhoxnox: it could be probably nice to do the other way around, so... Dbus vars to be set to upstart09:19
dufluwillcooke: I'm struggling to remember... Why do we use Trello? Other than for cosmetic superiority over Launchpad?09:19
xnoxTrevinho, yes09:21
xnoxTrevinho, but patching dbus is not nice either =(09:21
TrevinhoYeah, I guess09:21
Trevinhoxnox: then i had this for gnome-session, which could be sitll be worth http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16092825/09:22
xnoxif only there were hooks =)09:22
pittiLaney: FYI, I committed https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/commit/?id=eda12ffa to get some less spam; but it'll be a while until I can roll this out as upstart doesn't use the new job file as long as there's still any instance running09:23
xnoxTrevinho, working out which environmental variables are missing from where, and what should be the environment variable flow would be a good thing.09:23
Laneypitti: nice --- do you have a way to monitor for stuck instances?09:24
pittiLaney: what do you mean with "stuck"? adt-run has timeouts for pretty much everything, so if an ssh command doesn't come back after a reasonable time it is aborted and counts as tmpfail09:30
seb128duflu, hey, do you think you can manage to have a look to that upower/usd issue?09:30
Laneypitti: quota exceeded is due to nova messing up usually right?09:30
dufluseb128: Only on weekends. It's my production server :(09:31
dufluAnnoyingly its sister machine always runs the latest Ubuntu and has no problem09:31
seb128k, sorry to ask you to debug that, but nobody here seems able to reproduce09:32
pittiLaney: in a lot of cases, yes; over time, the quota DB gets out of sync, and it says that I use e. g. 5 instances, 4 CPUs, and 25 GB mem more than I actually do09:32
pittiLaney: so from time to time I need to prod IS to reset that09:32
Laneypitti: so if you're filtering out those mails then it might be that nobody knows about the quota errors for a while09:32
dufluseb128: Well, there are 30-something people subscribed to the bug (from the 4000 crash reports)09:32
seb128pitti, does the udisks issue duflu emailed us about ring any bell to you?09:32
pittiLaney: but also, if one more more "bigtests" run (which use m1.large instead of the autopkgtest flavor) these block more resources, and hten we can't run the full number of workers any more09:33
seb128duflu, right, I know, I would like to see it resolved as well09:33
pittiseb128: upower? no, not off the top of my head09:33
dufluseb128: I'm guessing it will be "query this DMI thing", which I can do right now in 14.0409:33
seb128pitti, right, wrong u, sorry ;-)09:34
pittiLaney: and while I'm at it, "No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available." should also be blacklisted I guess09:35
dufluseb128: I'm guessing my desktop has no "lid" so the object is NULL for a reason09:36
seb128duflu, well, it shouldn't have a lid if it's a desktop right?09:36
dufluseb128: Not sure. There is a chassis switch09:36
dufluwhich may qualify09:37
seb128that might be what is specific to your config09:39
dufluseb128: I'm more curious about why the absence of a lid switch is a fatal error09:42
dufluThat's what it sounds like09:43
seb128bug I guess09:43
seb128pitti, do you know offhand if there is a way to tell libc to read locales definition in another path than  /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive ?09:45
pittiseb128, duflu: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c#n258909:46
pittithis does an explicit check for the lid09:46
pittiwhich u-s-d doesn't according to https://launchpadlibrarian.net/241244694/StacktraceSource.txt09:46
* pitti follows up to the bug, better place there09:46
seb128pitti, danke09:46
* duflu grabs the xenial source to compare09:47
duflupitti, seb128: Indeed the xenial source is missing the manager->priv->lid_is_present check09:49
pittifollowed up to bug 154664109:50
ubot5bug 1546641 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Yakkety) "unity-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in up_exported_daemon_get_lid_is_closed()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154664109:50
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest53461
pittiseb128, duflu: more importantly, lid_is_present seems to be missing completely from u-s-d?09:50
seb128pitti, duflu, that was added in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=d491ebf6325fd1883e5fa81ee0f5daa7eb281c3b09:51
duflupitty: Horray09:51
seb128then we might need https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=dcf8dc956b050dc0e246d48ee7365d88a8f0935709:51
pittiwow, u-s-d hasn't been merged with g-s-d in a long time, has it09:52
seb128indeed not09:53
seb128well some of the plugins were09:53
seb128but not the power one09:53
Trevinhoandyrock: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/safer-dbus-runner/+merge/29322909:53
seb128I started having a look some cycles back but it was quite some changes/not easy to review and we don't really have issues justifying it09:53
seb128well out of that one now09:54
popeyseb128: where did you push that snapcraft yaml yesterday? I'd like to take a look09:56
Laneypitti: stress-ng seems to be stressful :P09:56
seb128popey, nowhere yet09:57
popeyseb128: oh, i thought you put it somewhere for sergio to look at?09:58
duflupitti: The NULL is not coming from u-s-d. It's originating from the upower logic09:58
duflu'proxy' is NULL09:58
dufluSo the absence of a lid may be fine. Just some UPower bug09:59
popeyseb128: anyway, can I get a copy? :)10:00
pittiduflu: proxy? the only NULL thing in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/241244694/StacktraceSource.txt is the internal object= in the topmost frame10:00
pittias there is no lid10:00
seb128popey, you need it now, I'm cleaning and was aiming at pushing before lunch10:00
pittiup_client_get_lid_is_closed() only returns a bool, there is no third value to say "there is no lid", you need to check it before10:01
popeyseb128: ok, I can wait :)10:01
duflupitti: Yeah I'm looking at the xenial source. It's not up_client that's NULL... it got past that10:01
pittiduflu: exactly10:01
dufluAdmittedly I have no idea what proxy is10:01
dufluAnd now it's dark and dinner time10:01
duflupitti: The NULL object appears unrelated to lids of any sort. It's just a context pointer10:03
pittiLaney: yeah, exit code 255, apparently it kills ssh :/10:03
dufluUPower client not initialized properly10:03
pittiI thought you just said that up_client was not NULL (and that's also what the stack trace says )10:04
pittiit does call the up_client_get_lid_is_closed() internal function, thus both the proxy and the up_client are fine10:04
duflupitti: No, it crashes on the first attempt to dereference proxy10:05
pittiok, then I don't know10:06
dufluIt's in UPower I think10:06
dufluAnd not related to lids10:06
pittiand it seems you have some different bug than the one above10:06
dufluI'm just going on the stack trace in the bug10:06
seb128popey, try http://paste.ubuntu.com/16093118/ (sorry, having > 3 conversations ongoing)10:06
seb128popey, oh, change the +exec /bin/bash #$SNAP/usr/bin/gnome-calculator back :p10:07
seb128popey, I made it start bash for debug10:07
popeywhat is that a diff from?10:08
seb128popey, sorry, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/+junk/gnome-calculator-snap10:10
dufluseb128, pitti: Any chance this is just GSD starting before UPower?10:13
dufluThat's what it feels like10:13
dufluA race10:13
seb128could be10:13
dufluUSD starting before UPower10:13
seb128what is weird is that usd didn't change for cycles10:13
seb128why would that start being an issue now?10:13
dufluYeah but raciness can change with the rest of systemd10:13
dufluShould be easy to test. If only I still had a xenial install on this machine10:14
seb128so you basically say to try to start u-s-d without having upower10:15
dufluseb128: Yep, try it10:15
pittiduflu, seb128: upower is dbus activated, that can't happen10:15
pitticonnecting to o.f.UPower will block until it's running10:15
duflupitti, seb128: OK too hard. EOD instead...10:16
pittiduflu: I'd really recommend either adding that commit or replacing all _lid_is_closed() calls with "False" for a local test if it stops crashing10:16
dufluI'll need to reinstall xenial out of hours...10:16
seb128pitti, re. the previous comment, up_client_get_lid_is_closed() shouldn't segfault on a system without lid I would argue10:16
seb128duflu, have a good evening!10:17
pittiseb128: yeah, an assertion failure would be more adequate10:17
pittifrom a programmer's POV10:17
seb128or just returning FALSE10:17
pittinot that it would change much for the user10:17
pittiseb128: no, that'd be wrong10:17
pittiyou'd need a third state10:17
pittiat most it could return True10:17
pittiyou mustn't suspend a desktop without a lid, thinking that the lid is closed :)10:18
TrevinhoLaney: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gnome-session/upstart-export-variables/+merge/29323610:18
pittiso it could be changed to return an enum, but that'd be an API/ABI change and even more intrusive10:18
seb128let's see if duflu manage to debug a bit more tomorrow10:18
pittimaking it an assert would make the error a bit clearer, though10:18
seb128if that's the issue10:18
seb128I wonder what old upower did/if that changed10:18
seb128because at said the client side code didn't change10:19
seb128I guess I can try on a porter box10:19
seb128those don't have lid10:19
seb128pitti, thanks for the input on that bug10:20
seb128pitti, unsure if you saw my other question but do you know if " /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive" is easily relocatable?10:20
seb128(I guess not)10:20
pittiseb128: hmm, $LOCPATH I think, but I'm not sure if that applies to the archive as well10:21
seb128pitti, let me try that10:22
pittiseb128: see man locale10:22
pittiseb128: but I only ever tried that with plain compiled locales, not the archive10:22
seb128that would work too10:22
pittiseb128: not sure what you want to do, but you don't necessarily need an archive format?10:22
seb128I want to do an hack you don't want to know about :p10:23
seb128basically trying to get a snap to load translations, and since there are no locale in the core trying to include those in the snap...10:23
* seb128 ashamed10:23
* dpm hugs seb12810:34
* seb128 hugs dpm back10:34
pittiseb128: I thought snaps did all those magic bind mounts10:35
pittiwe still can't build snaps with normal install locations?10:36
seb128dunno about the mounts but if they do that doesn't include locales10:36
seb128and no10:36
pittiseb128: no, you were right, I don't want to know :)10:36
* seb128 hugs pitti10:36
* pitti mumbles something about "btrfs subvolumes", a solved problem for many years, and goes on :)10:37
seb128one day btrfs is going to be good enough to be default :-)10:38
pittiseb128: for this purpose it's been good enough for years10:38
pittithis is all read-only after all10:38
pittimuch bettern than overlayfs for sure10:39
qenghoskip btrfs. straight to zfs.11:12
* popey hugs btrfs tightly11:13
pittihas been chugging along happily on my laptop since I have it (~ 2 years), *shrug*; but I do realize that cking is able to break it11:14
pittithen again, show me a thing that cking cannot break :)11:14
* cking likes testing stuff11:14
pitticking: for example, stress-ng kills ppc64el instances in a loop (more precisely, it seems to kill sshd)11:14
ckingpitti, stress-ng is quite good at finding issues like that, but killing sshd is a bit wrong11:16
pitticking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16093758/ is the logtail11:16
pitticking: 255 is ssh's exit code for interrupted connections usually11:16
popeywillcooke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glom/+bug/157380111:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1573801 in glom (Ubuntu) "glom: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_python-py34.so.1.58.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:18
popeylooks like it needs a rebuild?11:18
ckingpitti, what does the kernel log say, was the kernel killing the entire session because stress-ng was too stressy for it?11:19
pitticking: I don't have it right now, I'll see to run this manually and grab it and file a proper bug11:20
pitticking: doesn't seem to affect x8611:20
pittibut, lunch first :)11:20
seb128popey, looks like it, can you tell doko? ;-)11:20
ckingpitti, indeed food is always best11:20
pittipopey: bug 157380111:21
ubot5bug 1573801 in glom (Ubuntu) "glom: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_python-py34.so.1.58.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157380111:21
pittiMurray also G+'ed about it11:21
pittiglom is an orphan, nobody maintains it in Ubuntnu11:21
seb128he should snap it ;-)11:23
Laneyel troll11:25
* xnox ponders what is glom11:27
popeywillcooke: un petit bug pour vous https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/157616711:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1576167 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Percentage bars are ugly" [Undecided,New]11:33
seb128oh, popey filed another dup bug ;-)11:52
* seb128 closes and collect free lp karma11:52
seb128popey, sorry man :-)11:53
seb128willcooke can still fix it!11:53
popeyfix it wiiiiilllll11:53
davmor2will'll fix it for you, and you, and you11:55
willcookedavmor2, let's have a look in Willy's magic chair...11:57
seb128pitti, the LOCPATH tips works, is there a similar one for the .mo to load? TEXTDOMAINDIR seems to work for the gettext command but only for that12:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
pittiseb128: hmm, bindtextdomain() doesn't say, but I thought there was some env variable, han gon12:06
seb128pitti, NLSPATH?12:06
pittiseb128: sounds plausible, yes12:07
seb128pitti, thanks12:07
pittiseb128: indeed, in man catopen12:08
willcookepopey, seb128 - looks like a very similar bug to the calendar white corners.  If I remove the view class it works.12:12
seb128willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1052936/comments/5 might be useful?12:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1052936 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Progress bar in "Progress" section has a hole in it" [Medium,Triaged]12:18
seb128unsure if it's a theme or a widget bug, maybe we should set some bg12:18
willcookeseb128, thanks.  yes, I think that's exactly it12:19
andyrockdesrt: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76572312:49
ubot5Gnome bug 765723 in gio "g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename returns NULL if the executable does not yet exist." [Normal,New]12:49
desrtno shit13:01
desrtandyrock is andrea?13:01
desrthow did i not already know this?13:01
desrteverything makes so much more sense now13:01
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128pitti, NLSPATH doesn't seem to work, seeing that we patch the glibc code to add the langpack dir I'm going to assume that there is no dynamic way (though we might have done it this way to get to work in any case and not relying on an env to be set?)13:20
seb128anyway I don't need to get that working today13:20
seb128I was just playing with it to see if I get somewhere13:20
a1fagrr.. run into a nasty bug with unity13:22
a1faunity 7.4 - unable to interact with windows (gnome terminal 3.18) after a while13:24
desrtyou have a more general problem there: apps give hard-coded paths to bindtextdomain() as a matter of course13:24
desrtso even if you managed to get the system message catalogs working properly, pretty much every app using gettext is gonna have a bad time13:24
seb128going to need to "fix" bindtextdomain() :p13:25
desrtor snappy...13:25
seb128you would think so13:25
desrtwe should be using mount namespaces13:26
desrtthis /snap/ business is a mountain of pain13:26
desrtanother alternative is to recompile things13:28
desrtthe core issue here is that we're using .debs that assume that they are installed at a particular point -- and they are not13:28
ogra_just use jhbuild for gtk snaps ;)13:30
desrtwon't help you with glibc :p13:30
desrtbut ya... otherwise, it's actually a pretty nice idea13:30
larsuput glibc in jhbuild!!!!!!!111!13:30
desrtthis is why larsu doesn't work here anymore13:31
a1faanybody else having same issues?13:31
seb128a1fa, hey, I don't think that was mentioned/reported before13:31
desrthikiko, andyrock, Trevinho: ^^13:32
a1fait's annoying as hell, seb128 anything i can collect from unity to post/provide?13:32
seb128a1fa, the people desrt just pinged might be able to help you13:32
desrtofficial response from unity developers: "let's remove gnome-terminal"13:33
a1falets do it13:33
a1fabut what do we replace it with?13:33
desrtterminator, apparently13:33
ogra_the terminal-app snap indeed13:33
desrta terminal is just about the last thing that one wants to snap13:34
a1faso desrt i sthat really the official answer? bundle something else?13:35
desrta1fa: na.. we're joking around here13:35
a1fai am all for it13:35
desrtwe're all at a sprint together right now13:35
hikikohey a1fa13:35
a1fayello' hikiko13:35
desrtthey're speaking italian now.. the only thing i understand is the word "terminal" from time to time13:35
andyrocka1fa: can you please open a bug13:35
hikikohe already did andyrock13:36
Trevinhoa1fa: i actually got once...13:36
desrthikiko: that aws a support request...13:36
andyrocknot an answer13:36
andyrocka bug report it's easy to track13:36
hikikosorry :)13:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1576224 in Unity "Unity 7.4 - bug - unable to interact with windows after some time" [Undecided,New]13:36
andyrockalso try with sudo apt-get remove gnome-terminal should fix the issue13:36
a1fathis is new, i used 15.10 before unity 7.3? and it never happened in 7.313:37
hikikoI don't use gnome terminal but I am going to try to reproduce that issue13:37
hikikothanks for reporting a1fa13:37
andyrockjust kidding we are on it13:37
a1fayou guys are great13:37
a1fayou fixed my last two bugs with unity and gnome terminal13:37
andyrocka1fa: when you reproduce it try to switch tty13:37
andyrocki don't use gnome-terminal too much but i noticed something wrong with the mouse and gnome-terminal13:38
andyrockusyally a tty switch works here13:38
hikikoa1fa, ctrl+alt+f1 and then ctrl+alt+f7 to go back13:39
a1fayeah did that13:39
a1fadid not fix13:39
a1faonly way to fix it, is to "exit"13:39
hikikoI had some issues with the ttys lately :/13:39
a1fanow, when i switched back, my unity bar was all garbled13:40
a1fabut thats a whole another story13:40
hikikono it's not13:40
a1faand i moved my unity bar to the bottom :)13:40
hikikowhat do you mean garbled?13:40
a1fatypical gpu artifacting13:40
hikikodid you dist-upgrade when you got that issue?13:40
a1fai had to do dist-upgrade to go to 16.0413:41
hikikothe question is:13:41
hikikoit was after a dist-upgrade (after which you didn't reboot) that you  got your unity bar garbled?13:42
a1faoh no13:42
hikikook :)13:42
a1faif i take a screenshot of the garble, it disappears13:42
a1fabut also hovering over the menu, clears it13:42
hikikothen it's the redraw-damage issue I am trying to fix for the ezoom ... :/13:43
hikikoI'm investigating that a1fa13:43
a1fai'm on nvidia gtx97013:43
a1faif that would make any difference13:43
hikikono :) but thank you13:43
a1facool :)13:44
hikikoopening the menu causes a redraw13:44
hikikoand solves the problem13:44
hikikobut I'm trying to do a proper fix for that13:45
hikikoso that you don't have to :p13:45
a1fahow do you guys use your unity launcher? bottom? left? auto hide?13:46
a1fai have a hard time adjusting to auto hide, can never get sensitivity right13:46
hikikoI use it on the left and always visible13:46
a1faoh, i had another thing.. mouse acceleration13:47
hikikoI like it to be visible all the time because the wide screens have all that space on the right13:47
a1faturning down mouse pointer speed does not disable mouse acceleration tottally13:47
a1fai have to run a script xset m 0 013:48
hikikommm this must be X not unity13:48
hikikohow do you disable it?13:48
a1faxset m 0 013:48
a1fao i have some more info on the gnome terminal bug.. it literally clicks right through the window, as if the window is not there13:50
a1famy mouse pointer just changed to a hand pointing while hovering over a link that was hidden by the top bar13:50
hikikoso then compiz loses track of the window13:50
hikikothe question is why13:50
a1fathat sounds like the last bug i reported when switching windows using alt-tab13:51
hikikoyou mean that when you click the window13:51
a1facrazy enough, it was gnome terminal13:51
hikikoand you have some other window behind it13:51
hikikothe window behind13:51
hikikowill receive the click?13:51
a1fayes, browser behind the terminal, and browser gets a click instead of the terminal13:52
a1fabut if i click inside the terminal, it works fine13:52
hikikothis means that compiz doesn't track the gnome terminal anymore13:52
hikikoso it's probably in a bad state13:52
a1faborders, and top bar are the ones having issues13:52
a1fais there a way to cycle compiz?13:52
a1faw/o affecting content?13:52
hikikothe question is why gnome terminal, might be a bug in gnome-terminal that causes that13:52
a1faie not turning of terminals13:53
hikikowhen this occurs13:53
a1fait was not present in 15.10 as far as i remember13:53
hikikocycle compiz?13:53
hikikowhat do you mean?13:53
a1farestart compiz without restarting unity13:54
hikikocompiz --replace &13:54
hikikomight need to run:13:54
a1fashould i try to see if it would fix the problem?13:54
hikikoexport COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE=ubuntu first13:54
a1fathat fixed it13:54
hikikosure but this doesn't mean necessarily that the bug comes from compiz13:55
a1faok, i'll let compiz run like this, and if the bug reoccurs, maybe we get some messages?13:55
a1faso far so good. i keep on bragging about unity as the only viable desktop for linux without having to edit config files like a caveman13:58
hikikoa1fa, if you could ping me when you get it again that would be great14:14
hikikoand if you could update the bug description with all the steps to reproduce it if you haven't done so already14:18
hikiko+ a1fa thanks for letting us know!14:19
a1fai am here15:08
a1fai just lost all my terminals :(15:08
a1fa3 terminals are still running but they are not visible, cant alt tab to thenm15:15
Trevinhoa1fa: is the terminal just hanging?15:24
Trevinhoa1fa: also, if you run other apps do they run, right?15:24
Trevinhoa1fa: try to do an15:25
Trevinhoxwininfo -shape -frame -tree15:26
Trevinhoon that window (launch that from xterm)15:26
andyrockalso run on xterm15:33
andyrockqdbus --literal org.ayatana.bamf /org/ayatana/bamf/matcher org.ayatana.bamf.matcher.XidsForApplication "/usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop"15:33
andyrockand post the output15:33
andyrocka1fa ^^15:33
a1fak.. i was afk dealing with work crap16:08
a1fa[Argument: au {59942595, 59933040, 59913735, 58720266, 59901365, 58844228, 58748122}]16:09
a1fabut i can only alt tab between 4 windows16:09
seb128desktoppers, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=snap-desktop-issue16:15
seb128list of snappy issues we hit with gnome-calculator16:15
seb128if some are missing feel free to file and tag16:16
willcookegreat stuff, thanks seb12816:16
popeyFJKong_: & happyaron if you have a minute or two, could you look at 17:14 <rvr> Done!16:19
popeyI fail at paste16:19
popeyFJKong_: happyaron 17:14 <rvr> Done!16:19
FJKong_popey: okay16:21
popeythank you!  😃16:21
qengho12:19:55 < popey> FJKong_: happyaron 17:14 <rvr> Done!16:24
happyaronpopey: done16:26
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