
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:52
daftykinsharro \o02:52
lotuspsychjehey daftykins02:52
daftykinsmuch on the cards today for you?02:53
lotuspsychjein few hours we going to the sauna02:53
lotuspsychjewith arranged breakfast02:53
lotuspsychjethen in the afternoon ill be on irc02:53
lotuspsychjedaftykins: you got plans?02:54
daftykins:D sounds good, not been to a sauna02:56
daftykinsnah not really any work on right now, waiting for this client to be back in-island to finish setting up her new email setup02:56
lotuspsychjedaftykins: are those still job you got through your uncle's business?02:57
daftykinsnah everything is freelance02:57
daftykinsWhatsApp touts encryption these days, but makes me wonder about the security from PC to phone03:13
daftykinsi've never tried it, if i'm honest03:14
lotuspsychjemillions of users use it...03:14
daftykinsamusingly before the encryption thing, i was planning on ARP spoofing my phone to see whether the traffic were in plaintext03:15
lotuspsychjethere was an article of a hacker explaining sniff out phone traafic recently right03:17
daftykinshmm not sure i saw that one03:18
daftykinsbut that's mobile network traffic you mean?03:18
lotuspsychjewell phreaking has been there for ages :p03:19
lotuspsychjemac style :p03:40
daftykinsproblem with deviantart is there seems to always be a pervy image one click away03:43
lotuspsychjedaftykins: you can block adult content at the top :p03:43
daftykinsah well i clear my browser cache religiously, so that'd require cookies i guess03:43
lotuspsychjeanyone know where to find a business that makes a logo + wallpaper + phone wall all the same?03:45
lotuspsychjei find many logo companys, but always lack wallpapers03:46
daftykinshmm my mate told me about some kind of website where you put up a request and people bid to do it, winner (you choose) taking the money you offer03:47
daftykinsthey did it for his girlfriends new business03:47
daftykinsi think they presented the idea of their business and then had a whole brand made up by several folks03:48
lotuspsychjewell i already know business name and quote and picture03:51
lotuspsychjebut need a company making it all-in-one03:51
lotuspsychjebusiness cards, usb sticks etc03:52
daftykinshrmm they got some pens made with their logo, i could ask - can't be too useless location wise since you're not far from me :)03:55
lotuspsychjeill try some local shops03:58
daftykinshmm Cisco has found a bunch of NTP daemon bugs04:01
HickorySmokedBacHow is the gaming scene coming along with Steam and Ubuntu?  Are there still a lot of games that are Windows only ?04:29
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: steam performs well on good hardware04:29
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: but linux users still low count on gaming04:29
HickorySmokedBaclotuspsychje: Are we talking about i5 + 950+ things ?04:30
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: depends what your game is of course04:30
daftykinsall you have to do is browse the Steam website to find out what's Linux and what isn't04:30
HickorySmokedBaclotuspsychje: Borderlands 1/2/pre , Fallout 404:30
lotuspsychjei dont think gta5 can be played on linux04:31
daftykinsyeah those are less likely04:31
HickorySmokedBacGoing to get Mafia 3 later..04:31
* HickorySmokedBac sighs04:31
daftykinsif you want triple A titles like that, Linux is a mistake04:31
HickorySmokedBacI guess I better upgrade to 10 then04:31
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: the real high end gaming is not for linux yet04:31
HickorySmokedBacBefore the free time to do it is up04:31
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: check the steam database as daftykins suggests04:32
HickorySmokedBacI don't want to end up with some hardware still working in 4 years and the OS craped out04:32
lotuspsychjeHickorySmokedBac: alot of linux titles out there to play04:32
lotuspsychjefor reasonable prices04:32
daftykinsall you have to do is install it and enter your 7 or 8 key (you don't have to be using it)04:32
daftykinsthen you're upgraded and can use 10 anytime04:33
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: The problem is the ISP rules .04:33
daftykinshow so?04:33
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: Sat ISP rules are 15 GBs besides 12-5 AM.04:33
daftykinsask a friend to snag it and throw it on DVD for you04:33
HickorySmokedBac12-5 AM is unmetered bandwidth (doesn't count)04:33
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: I was talking about the updates04:33
daftykinsah or just leave a download going at midnight then04:33
HickorySmokedBacI can't just have them willy nilly downloading04:33
daftykinsno you just set it to a metered connection04:33
HickorySmokedBacwhich 10 Home does04:33
daftykinsno it doesn't04:34
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: You can't set wired to metered04:34
daftykinshmm not on a wired box right now so can't confirm that04:34
daftykinsupdates aren't big though so i don't see that being much of a problem04:35
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: ViaSat-2 is supposed to be up soon.. if SpaceX doesn't blow it up04:35
HickorySmokedBacAnd we're supposed to have better rules then04:35
HickorySmokedBac(With more bandwidth)04:36
HickorySmokedBacbut I aint banking on it04:36
lotuspsychjewelcome drama04:37
lotuspsychjemorning baizon04:43
baizonhi lotuspsychje04:43
HickorySmokedBacdaftykins: I might try this in a virtual machine tonight http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/35656-ethernet-connection-set-metered-unmetered-windows-10-a.html04:47
HickorySmokedBacSeems to be an easy registry 'hack'04:47
daftykinsobviously don't feed a VM your windows key ;) don't need to enter one at all to install04:49
HickorySmokedBacyeah, I just skipped it04:49
HickorySmokedBacIt probably wont last many days though04:50
HickorySmokedBac(without starting to complain about needing to register)04:50
daftykinssure it will04:51
HickorySmokedBacClose enough to Midnight.. might as well see04:57
lotuspsychjeglooby: morning05:15
lotuspsychje_bbl guys have a nice day05:40
=== drama_ is now known as drama
BluesKajHowdy all10:13
* lotuspsychje presses play on tape11:57
* OerHeks presses money on the printer11:59
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: my bank acount is:
lotuspsychjehi pauljw12:03
pauljwhey lotuspsychje12:04
pauljweveryone  :)12:04
BluesKajbummer. just discovered the laptop doesn't support 5ghz wifi, our neighbourhood wifi is becoming crowded.. 11 possible connections listed in nm...switched to ch 10 instead of the default ch 6 , maybe that will give me fewer dropouts12:11
daftykinssir \o12:11
daftykinsBluesKaj: only channels 1, 6 and 11 are non overlapping in the 2.4GHz ISM band... you can region hack and use 13, but yeah you might have to just stump up for a dual-band card12:12
daftykinsi looked into it for my last laptop, saw cheap intel 6000 series n and ac cards for <£2012:12
BluesKajok , ch 11 seems like a good choice in the meantime12:14
daftykinsi've been in the same boat of late, got my first dual band router when my ISP gave out free newer ones12:18
BluesKajmy new router is both 2.4 and 5ghz, but the laptop was purchased when I had an isp provided router which was 2.4 only so never botherd to check the laptop's wifi capabilities12:25
daftykinsmmm much the same thoughts here12:26
daftykinsnew laptop came with -ac and dualband so it can push the above :O12:27
OerHeksyay, 150,1 Gb uploaded \o/12:42
OerHeksThe first 2 days went fast, 50 gb/day12:42
lotuspsychjehey de-facto12:46
pauljwOerHeks, that's more than twice my monthly bandwidth cap... :(12:46
* lotuspsychje hates caps12:47
pauljwme too12:47
OerHeksMy ISP starts mailing me when i exceed 1 Tb, FUP12:47
de-factogreetz guys :)12:47
OerHeksSo i can do radio/tv12:48
OerHekshi de-facto12:48
* lotuspsychje sneezes his nose with 1TB12:48
* OerHeks runs for the gateway12:48
lotuspsychjeall the irc bandwith we spending :p12:49
pauljwhi de-facto12:50
pauljwthat's nice OerHeks, i'm on hughesnet and have 60G of which only 10G is anytime with the other 50G for 2-8am use.  we burn thru 10G pretty fast if we're not careful.  so i'm up early to get all updates done prior to 8am.12:52
OerHeksah, HughesNet Gen4 satellite internet12:54
lotuspsychjepauljw: al you need is one iso 16.04 :p12:54
pauljwtrue :D12:54
pauljwmy daughter is of course always messing with videos, but she's getting the idea that she needs to do so in the early mornning too.12:56
pauljwprior to hughenet, the three of us shared a dial-up connection, so bandwidth discipline is ingrained in all of us.12:58
de-factoout of interesst, how big are ping times over such a satellite connection?13:02
pauljwde-facto, don't know, let me see.13:04
pauljw11 packets transmitted, 10 received, 9% packet loss, time 10009ms; rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 625.188/928.682/1661.651/378.042 ms, pipe 213:06
pauljwthis is reduced speed as we're long past anytime cap.13:07
de-factoyeah that makes sence since the distances are so far13:07
OerHeksthat gnome-softwarecenter is a major bug, for this LTS release :-(13:08
OerHeksworse than ugly, bad13:08
pauljwseems to be, first thing i did was use it to install synaptic13:08
de-factoi still prefer the old way, synaptic and gdebi, apart from them just working fine they also provide a nice interface with a lot of usefull info (like files, dependencies, linter in gdebi and such)13:10
OerHeksubuntu studio amd64 (ratio 13.2) xubuntu i386 (ratio 9.5) ubuntu-studio i386  (ratio 8.8) ubuntu-gnome amd64 (ratio 8.0)13:14
chrs_hi is there a channel to discuss the ubuntu userland system on windows 10 "developer"13:48
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | chrs_14:27
ubot5chrs_: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.14:27
OerHeksoh nice factoid, i was about to suggest to find kirkland (dustin)14:28
OerHeksnow wubi must die!14:28
lotuspsychjeafter precise?14:28
lotuspsychjehi frostie14:40
* lotuspsychje is listening @ http://mixing.dj/2016/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-289-live-the-social-uk-13-02-2016/14:57
frostiei was thinking if  would be possible to add move the  minimize maximize close buttons to the right again in Ubuntu?15:12
OerHeksfrostie, no, that used to be possible, as of 15.04 no longer possible AFAIK15:13
lotuspsychjefrostie: for ubuntu questions you can use #ubuntu15:13
OerHekserr as of 14.04 ..15:14
frostiei dont think that worked in 14.04 either...  have to go back as far as 12.04 if i remember it right15:15
OerHeksThe unity-tweak tool had that option in 14.04, but not working at all15:15
lotuspsychjeafternoon baizon15:19
baizonhi hi lotuspsychje15:19
lotuspsychjebaizon: have an after-work beer :p15:19
lotuspsychjeok, im having a fristi with a straw15:20
baizonice cold pepsi :)15:20
frostiepepsi is the best15:20
lotuspsychjebaizon: crowdy support atm, you might wanna jump in :p15:20
frostiecoca cola isnt good anymore15:21
baizonit never was :D15:21
OerHekscoca cola and pepsi ruin the taste of bacardi rum15:21
DArqueBishopNo Virgin Cola?15:21
frostiewell i dont drink alcohol at all15:22
* lotuspsychje looks in the mirror..no no virgin15:22
OerHeksI usually buy homebrand cola, 25 ct/can15:22
DArqueBishoplotuspsychje: it's an actual cola that Virgin (the megacorp) makes.15:22
lotuspsychjeDArqueBishop: i know :p15:22
DArqueBishoplotuspsychje: heh, sorry. It's unheard of here in Redneckistan.15:23
frostiefinally the software center was replaced in 16.0415:23
baizona relaxing cat ... https://i.imgur.com/mYXJCZk.gifv15:23
frostiehas anyone try to install from it yet?15:24
lotuspsychjebaizon: is that you?15:24
OerHeksThat is how my chihuahua sits with me after diner too :-D15:24
baizonlotuspsychje: nope15:24
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol15:24
frostiewhats with ubuntu offtopic channel? says i cant join must register...15:28
ubot5Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:29
chrs_lotuspsychje: thanks!15:40
lotuspsychjehi moonwolf15:50
lotuspsychjeanyone took a screenshot on 16.04 (unity) yet?15:52
lotuspsychjescreenshot is so fast, takes the window from screenshot app itself also15:53
lotuspsychjecan someone reproduce that?15:53
TJ-how did you cause it? pressing PrtScrn makes it record the screen, but if I press it again with the snapshot dialog showing it captures that dialog too17:19
lotuspsychjeprtscr makes it right yes17:19
lotuspsychjebut with the app, it snaps the app itself17:19
de-factoworks just fine on ubuntu gnome though17:20
lotuspsychjeTJ-: bug?17:20
TJ-if I start 'screenshot' and take the entire screen it doesn't capture the dialog17:20
lotuspsychjelemme try17:20
lotuspsychjei got the dialog17:21
TJ-may be a display-driver issue17:22
lotuspsychjeTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screenshot/+bug/157391018:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1573910 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "The background colour was changed after the screenshot" [Undecided,New]18:54
lotuspsychjeperhaps related?18:54
lotuspsychjeand another one18:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1574398 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "Screenshot of a Google Maps screen captures the orange selection box in the image" [Low,New]18:57
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: your on hexchat?19:12
lotuspsychjehaving this weird bug lol19:13
lotuspsychjeusing gnome-screenshot it grabs also the dialog box, but only on hexchat lol19:13
BluesKajhexchat is a good client tho , it's my 2nd choice if I konversation screws up19:14
lotuspsychjebut i bet kde doesnt have gnome-screenshot either?19:15
TJ-lotuspsychje: many of those screenshot issues are going to be due the way the GPU-driver and the opengl layers work. to generate a screen shot you can't simply copy the framebuffer like in the goold old days, now, you've got to re-render the display into a RAM buffer pretending to be the GPU display,19:15
TJ-ksnapshot in KDE19:15
lotuspsychjeTJ-: but why only on hexchat?19:16
lotuspsychjescreenshots on other parts doesnt do that19:16
TJ-hexchat? you mean you capture the gnome-screenshot Save dialog when it is rendered on top of the hexchat window?19:16
BluesKajlotuspsychje, it's snapshot in kde19:17
lotuspsychjeholdon ill imgur19:17
TJ-lotuspsychje: well, that tells me that most likely hexchat isn't using openGL rendering - maybe uses SDL - and that causes problems trying to isolate 'layers'19:18
lotuspsychjeTJ-: should i bug or ignore this?19:19
BluesKajdialog boxes/context menus aren't picked up by snapshot either, it just won't copy the frame19:19
TJ-hexchat uses libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 so that'll make sense19:19
lotuspsychjethats a bug against hexchat then19:20
TJ-frames are composited by compiz/unity19:20
TJ-no, its the artifact of using pixbufs and compositing19:20
TJ-any appllication using pixbufs will likely have the same experience19:20
lotuspsychjeTJ-: but lets say someone on xenial wants to grab a shot on hexchat19:22
lotuspsychjerather anoying right19:22
BluesKajTJ-, suppose kwin has the same behaviour19:23
lotuspsychje!info kwin19:23
ubot5kwin (source: kwin): Transitional dummy for kwin-x11. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 6 kB, installed size 28 kB19:23
TJ-it's possible some if it is to do with the gtk3/gdk3 vs older gtk/gdk2 libraries19:24
lotuspsychjeshould i bug this or ask to reproduce first?19:25
BluesKajno pixbuf dependency in kwin19:26
TJ-a bug can't hurt, but there are so many critical/high bugs across unity gnome I don't forsee much progress in 16.04; possibly 16.10. There doesn't seem to have been much backporting of fixes to earlier releases so far for desktop19:27
lotuspsychjeTJ-: against wich file should i bug19:27
TJ-the 2 programs that demonstrate the error; let the devs dig in, reproduce it, and figure out where the blame lies19:28
TJ-likely in some underlying libraries anyhow19:28
lotuspsychjecan i ubuntu-bug hexchat gnome-screenshot togheter?19:29
TJ-I've never tried; don't think so though19:29
lotuspsychjelets c19:29
lotuspsychjenop :p19:30
lotuspsychjeill go for hex19:30
TJ-grrr, unity so annoys me. What daft bugger thought it a great idea for xfg-open somefile.desktop to open in a text editor!!!19:33
TJ-xdg-open, sorry19:33
TJ-and then system settings has no applet for changing it... i remember this from years ago, and its not been fixed!19:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1576385 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Dialog window shows on a shot of gnome-screenshot only in hexchat" [Undecided,New]19:39
satysinNew to Ubuntu19:54
lotuspsychjewelcome to the community19:54
satysingot redirected here as apparently my new found love isnt really the right topic in #ubuntu :)19:54
lotuspsychjesatysin: for discussion you can sit here19:55
lotuspsychjesatysin: for ubuntu related questions: #ubuntu19:55
satysinso I can just chat about anything ubuntu related here?19:55
satysinnice :)19:55
satysindo you mind screenshot sharing?19:55
lotuspsychjego ahead19:55
satysinwhat you think?19:55
lotuspsychjei love desktop shots19:55
satysinthis is the first time in *years* I have a computer I feel is *mine*19:56
satysinnever felt that with Windows19:56
lotuspsychjewhat theme is that19:56
satysinit isnt perfect but oh man it feels nice19:56
satysinwell a fork of arc actually19:56
lotuspsychjecheck mine19:57
satysinhow you like the launcher on the bottom?19:58
ArmadillosI need to find a good conky setup for my desktop19:58
nicomachussatysin: I like the GTK. kind of has that flat feel like Paper-GTK but a bit darker and more blues.19:58
nicomachusArmadillos: http://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn19:58
satysinnicomachus, yes it is a bit of a mix of flatabulous and paper19:58
lotuspsychjeArmadillos: try deviantart, loads of stuff19:58
lotuspsychjelatest linux screenshots19:58
lotuspsychjesatysin: im one of the guys that wanted launcher at bottom from the start:p19:59
lotuspsychjei was used to gnome dock at bottom19:59
satysinyeah for all the freedom of linux it sucked it took so damn long for that to happen20:00
nicomachusI like the side launcher.20:00
lotuspsychjenicomachus: sweet20:00
satysinwhat cli irc client you use?20:00
lotuspsychjehexchat here20:01
satysinyeah I just use hexchat as I used that elsewhere20:01
satysinI want to find a nice PS1 now20:01
nicomachusjust realized I didn't get the launcher in that shot: https://i.imgur.com/IyyvGgI.jpg20:01
satysinI would love a numix icon set that wasn't quite so muted20:02
satysinsame style just with more vibrant colours20:02
BluesKajirssi is good for emergencies when i can't get to the desktop, it's been valuable in the past20:02
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yeah some nice rescue :p20:03
nicomachusI like it because I can script almost everything, then copy those scripts between machines and use irssi over SSH when needed.20:03
satysinanyone run Cinnamon on Ubuntu?20:03
lotuspsychjenot here20:03
lotuspsychjemint got latest one i think20:03
BluesKajlotuspsychje, in th eold days when xorg.conf would muck up the gpu driver or some such20:04
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yeah20:04
BluesKajwell, stuff to do and dinner soon...take care20:13
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om20:15
lotuspsychjeanother crowdy support today20:16
Bashing-omReady for another good day .. Been good for you ? lotuspsychje20:16
lotuspsychjegreat here20:17
Bashing-omGood deal .. I get saddled up .. and - ride em cowboy ! - see if I can pick up where I left off early this AM .20:19
Bashing-omlooks like already, going to be a fun ride .20:22
satysinanyone here use wine?20:23
lotuspsychjenot me20:24
lotuspsychjenite nite guys20:25
lotuspsychjegoing to dreamscape20:25
Bashing-omGonna go cut grass .. back in a spell .21:37
ubot5Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.21:50
nicomachusugh, july21:51
Bashing-omMission accomplished .. done what I had in mind ... Will pick the mowing back up tamale . Back to support .:)23:52

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