
cmaloneyThat's pretty random01:25
bananahandswrong window.01:32
cmaloneyGood morning12:26
mrgoodcatthe chancellor of uc davis has been put on leave over her handling of the whole pepper spray thing apparently12:50
wolfgerpaid administrative leave?12:50
cmaloneyare they trying to scrape up $175K to wipe her mistake from the internet?12:50
cmaloneyMaybe they should raise tuition to raise the money.12:51
mrgoodcati'm not sure if leave is paid or not. but the leave is just during the investigation12:51
mrgoodcati'm sure she'll end up with some other consequence12:52
mrgoodcathopefully they terminate her12:52
cmaloneyDamage is done, sadly12:52
cmaloneyThat they tried to bury it on the net is the proverbial spray-topping.12:53
wolfgerI'm sure it's paid leave and I'm sure they'll find that she really wasn't involved.12:53
wolfgerafter the spotlight fades12:53
wolfgeror perhaps they'll hang her as the scapegoat12:54
wolfgerprobably give her a nice termination package, and she'll go somewhere else, richer for it.12:54
cmaloneyI sense cynicism that things will change.12:55
wolfgerread two news articles today about Prince. Both contained the exact same fact, but the spin was drastically different.12:56
mrgoodcatabout the percoset?12:57
wolfgerOne said "Prescription painkillers were found in Prince's possession", the other: "Powerful opiates found in Prince's possession"12:57
wolfgerthis is where cynicism comes from.12:58
wolfger"News" never presents facts without painting some sort of picture or another, to instruct you how you should feel about it.12:59
mrgoodcatboth articles are attempting to do the same thing tho12:59
mrgoodcatfarm clicks12:59
wolfgerthey are milking the fact that people want to know how he died, and there's no official announcement yet. Time to start all the rumor mills.13:00
cmaloneyIt's all story-telling.13:00
cmaloneyI can die from dihydrogen monodixe poisioning, or I can drink too much water.13:00
wolfgerso at the end of the day, the chancellor will be painted one way or the other, and however that is, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle13:01
cmaloneyWe've become a culture where nuance is a dirty word13:02
wolfgerbut I think she's going to come out of it just fine, because people that high on the food chain always seem to.13:02
wolfgerIf she was a janitor, she'd be hosed. Already "let go", no compensation.13:02
cmaloneywhere understanding both sides takes too long, and the best we can hope for is finding someone we mostly agree with13:02
cmaloneywolfger: Oh totally13:03
cmaloneyThat Hastert isn't currently rotting in jail is a testament to the two-power system13:03
cmaloneyvis a vis someone who allegedly had child porn on their computer getting locked up before all of the facts are in place.13:03
wolfgerThis is why we need Trump to make 'Murica great again....13:03
cmaloneyYeah, that'll work13:04
cmaloneyonly if we can sell The USA to The Trump USA Inc and fold the old USA into a shell company that we can sell off to pay for the acquisition costs.13:05
wolfgersadly, it looks like Bernie will not be in the election, so I probably just won't vote. My conscience forbids me from voting for either Hillary or The Donald.13:05
_stink_i just write in my wife for president13:07
cmaloneyI don't want to believe in conspiracies, but part of me wonders if Trump's candidacy is to ensure Hillary makes it in13:07
_stink_she says she doesn't want the job13:07
cmaloneyShe's clearly not insane then13:07
wolfgerI used to think that Trump was a guaranteed Democrat win, regardless of who the candidate was, but now I'm not sure.13:07
cmaloney(your wife, not HC)13:08
wolfger_stink_: you have an intelligent wife13:08
wolfgerI used to be dumb enough to think I wanted to be PotUS...13:08
cmaloneyWell, we couldn't afford it13:09
brouschI'll finally be dipping my toe into development at work. However it will be in Android, not Python23:28

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