
dholbachdavidcalle, did the staging deployment succeed?08:03
davidcalledholbach, all good09:17
dholbachthere's not much to test on staging now, is there?09:19
dholbachit was the footnotes extension, the increased number of cron runs and dropping the fix-tree command09:20
dholbachwe could theoretically get it onto production, together with the dropped South from the deps branch09:21
dholbachor what do you think?09:21
dholbachI have an appointment and lunch coming up now... let's chat later on again09:30
davidcalledholbach, sorry, was driving (with the kids this morning). I think we could and should, yep :)09:36
davidcalle(well, I was at a red light, not "driving")09:37
dholbachdavidcalle, man... don't IRC and drive!12:27
davidcalledholbach: Heh, I'm home now ;)12:34
davidcalledholbach: dpm, should we do a quick docs hangout now, to be there for the snappy community sync one?13:05
davidcalledpm: dholbach: if you want/have time, waiting for you in here: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/community-team13:07
dholbachgive me 2-3 mins13:09
dpmdavidcalle, thanks. I might not join, but I'll see if I can make it later13:09
dholbachdpm, might not join the community sync or this hangout now?13:12
dpmdholbach, this hangout, I'm preparing some notes for the community sync and the interfaces workflow discussion13:13
dpmif I'm done in a few mins, I'll join this call and we can talk about it. I just need a few quiet minutes :)13:13
dholbachdavidcalle, so what do you suggest we do about staging now?14:22
davidcalledholbach: I'm creating sections that match our various uses cases, I'll add directives and we'll see what happens after a few runs? Do you know if there is any urgency for landing footnotes? If it can wait monday, we'll hopefully have more things to add to a deployment by then.14:31
davidcalleWhat do you think?14:31
* davidcalle looks back at the #webops conv14:32
davidcalledholbach: I'm wondering if it was really about South and not just git not being installed (why it was not installed is another story, it boggles me)14:34
davidcalledholbach: in any case, removing it won't hurt :)14:35
davidcalleI'm removing it for the spec as well (it's also included as a deb dep)14:35
dholbachfootnotes has no urgency14:35
dholbachyeah, let's remove it :)14:36
dholbachand the test-cases sound like a good idea, yes14:36
dholbachI'll massage them into a test later on, when you're done14:36
davidcalledholbach: from the top of your head, do you know if we need python-psycopg2?14:37
davidcalleme nukes all python-* just in case :p14:38
dholbachdavidcalle, can you see the db entry for staging?15:01
davidcallethe db entry?15:06
dholbachthe db config15:06
davidcallePlease elaborate15:06
dholbachin settings.py15:07
davidcalleOh, right, let me look15:07
dholbachI don't know if there are other options, but psycopg2 could be how we connect to the db15:07
dholbachit's at least what I use for local testing of pg15:07
davidcalledholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16096112/15:12
davidcalledholbach: doesn't really matter, though, since it works on staging with it installed15:12
dholbachI don't know anything about dj_database_url15:13
dholbachin my test config it says:15:13
dholbach'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',15:13
davidcalledholbach: ok, I guess the charm handles the connection somehow15:20
dholbachok - does the charm install psyopg2?15:20
davidcalledholbach: it's a dependency of what the charm installs (the site)15:23
dholbachok, then we're safe :)15:23
dholbachdavidcalle, I will need to run in a bit... if there's anything else how I can help, please just drop me an email and I'll look into it first thing tomorrow16:08
dholbachI'm going to start work a bit earlier tomorrow, as I'll have to run a bit earlier as well16:08
dholbachdpm, ^ sorry for not letting you know earlier, I forgot to mention it to you16:08
dpmdholbach, no worries. What time would work for you for the UOS schedule review call?16:10
dpmdholbach, ah, I misread16:10
dpmdholbach, no worries, ack and sounds good16:10
dholbachwe'll find some overlap tomorrow :-)16:11
dholbachI don't plan to start working at 23 UTC or something :-P16:11
dholbachI just need to leave an hour or 1h30m early :)16:11
dholbachall right... see you guys tomorrow! :-)16:13
davidcalledholbach, nw, enjoy your evening o/16:14

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