bekks | _44trent3: and? | 00:00 |
_44trent3 | i don't know, but why would it not need a bootable flag? | 00:00 |
bekks | _44trent3: because it isnt needed nowadays. | 00:00 |
_44trent3 | but windows 7 came out in 2009 | 00:00 |
bekks | _44trent3: windows is out of interest here. | 00:01 |
_44trent3 | i know, but I just want to put a bootable flag on it just in case my bios DOESNT recognize it | 00:01 |
bekks | _44trent3: If thats the case, a bootable flag will not help you, at all. | 00:01 |
_44trent3 | whatever | 00:01 |
bekks | _44trent3: you need a bios being able to boot USB, nothing less, nothing more. | 00:01 |
bekks | *sigh* | 00:02 |
tables | what cflags are ubuntu binaries compiled with? | 00:03 |
munch_28 | Hey, can anyone tell me why I can't install Epson printer drivers via CLI for Ubuntu? Printers software just crashes | 00:03 |
munch_28 | Has that happened often? | 00:03 |
bekks | tables: Whats the issue behind you question? | 00:04 |
tables | i just want to know because i'm wondering what linux i should build on, i'm looking for speed | 00:04 |
tables | i want to know how it compares to gentoo | 00:04 |
bekks | tables: If you are looking for speed, you should be looking for faster hardware. | 00:04 |
munch_28 | Anyone? Printer driver problem? Trying to install from the GUI from System Settings | 00:05 |
bekks | tables: cflags, in general, will not give you any performance gains, but rizoring them will add heavy compiling times. | 00:06 |
leonarth | thanks a lot de-facto and bekks, have a great evening! | 00:06 |
bekks | tables: And ricoring them will add stability issues. | 00:06 |
leonarth | ciao | 00:06 |
rubiksmomo | I give up. Maybe some day I can find a solution | 00:06 |
de-facto | leonarth thanks you too, good luck with your shiny new install :) | 00:07 |
munch_28 | Has anyone heard of issues trying to install epson-inkjet-printer-escpr driver from the GUI? | 00:08 |
zykotick9 | bekks: <- #debian's "greenhouse" factoid | 00:08 |
bekks | zykotick9: ROFL :D | 00:09 |
=== steve_ is now known as orthinac | ||
munch_28 | Has anyone heard of issues trying to install epson-escpr driver from the GUI? | 00:10 |
munch_28 | Has anyone heard of issues trying to install epson-escpr driver from the GUI? | 00:13 |
docktard | if I download a .deb package ad install it with dpkg -i nameofpakcage etc how does it know where the package is saved? | 00:20 |
docktard | meaning DL package with browser and saved in downloads folder....then use dpkg -i command in terminal | 00:21 |
curlyears | so, 14.04.4doesn't have a python-gtk3.0 module. NOw what the *&^&^*& do I do? | 00:26 |
Bashing-om | docktard: I would imagine there to be a <package_name>.postinst control file for the package manager . | 00:27 |
docktard | so do i need to navigate to where he file is in terminal first? or can I download it into the downloads folder...then open terminal and use the dpgk -i command? | 00:27 |
zykotick9 | docktard: <just a comment> installing random DEBs might not be a great idea... ymmv | 00:28 |
docktard | sure..this is peazip....its well known and safe | 00:28 |
docktard | just isn't in any repository | 00:28 |
inocuous | peazip is great | 00:28 |
docktard | i havent used it yet but need a 7z app and it was recommended a lot | 00:29 |
patdk-lap | how can you disable these gnome scrollbars? every gnome supported method, doesn't work | 00:29 |
Bashing-om | docktard: I find it easier to work in the directory I have the file in .. I generally use the system /var/cache/apt/archives directory myself . However, if you rell dpkg where the file is located . it Will do it's thing . | 00:31 |
docktard | thanks Bashing-om | 00:31 |
truth_ | hello | 00:32 |
truth_ | I upgraded to ubuntu 16.04 | 00:32 |
truth_ | and now when I close the lid computer won't suspend | 00:33 |
truth_ | and when I open it it shows black screen | 00:33 |
curlyears | truth_: carefuul. new versions of some software won't install under 14.04.4 | 00:34 |
curlyears | truth-: how do you know it hasn't suspended, if the screen i s black when yu reopen the cover? | 00:35 |
patdk-lap | works fine for me | 00:35 |
patdk-lap | except my screen res is reset to max | 00:36 |
curlyears | truth-: 16.04 is not a stable, released version | 00:36 |
truth_ | because I hear the fans | 00:36 |
truth_ | still working | 00:37 |
truth_ | and the light won't turn off on the index | 00:37 |
LaserAllan | hey guys, ayone using linux on an ASUS ROG laptop here?, i am looking at buying one but a very important thing for me is that it is going to be Linux compatible | 00:37 |
patdk-lap | heh? 16.04 is a released stable version | 00:37 |
patdk-lap | well, stable is debatable, but | 00:37 |
curlyears | the fans should run when the internal temperture calls for them, and may no cease runniing just because the machine can take aa while for things to cool down | 00:38 |
truth_ | it's closed for hours and it still won't suspend | 00:38 |
est31 | why is the OOM killer turned off? | 00:39 |
est31 | it doesnt do its job for me | 00:39 |
est31 | and i really need it as I have no swap | 00:39 |
est31 | system just becomes unresponsive and I have to sysrq | 00:39 |
docktard | inocuous still here? | 00:40 |
est31 | and thanks to this super great security "fix" I can't even kill the offender | 00:40 |
curlyears | truth-: so it is. hmmmm | 00:40 |
est31 | sysrq is almost disabled | 00:41 |
est31 | yes i can enable it but thats not it | 00:41 |
est31 | i want the OOM killer to actually work | 00:41 |
curlyears | OOM = out of memory? | 00:41 |
est31 | yes | 00:42 |
bipul_ | bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://". | 00:42 |
MannyLNJ | Help please. I plugged in a flash drive but the system is not seeing it | 00:43 |
docktard | I installed peazip by downloading the deb and installing it with Uubutnu Software's in the menu now but not in usr/share/applications yet the deb is in usr/share/applications | 00:43 |
docktard | how can I fix this? | 00:43 |
=== rob is now known as Guest92838 | ||
Guest92838 | hi | 00:47 |
dannymichel | I've noticed that minimizing Wine applications makes them disappear. They don't stay in the 'dock(for lack of a better known word)' that doesnt work anymore | 00:48 |
squinty | docktard, download the deb to Downloads directory/folder. Install gebi (in repos). Use your file manager to migrate to ~/Downloads and right click on the deb file name _> select open with gdebi. gdebi will check to see that all dependancies are satisfied and if the are the go ahead and install it. | 00:52 |
squinty | docktard, sudo apt install gdebi in a terminal | 00:53 |
docktard | thanks | 00:53 |
docktard | do you know why I have the app installed and working but cannot find it in /usr/share/applicaitons? | 00:53 |
docktard | the deb is in there for some reason...but not the app icon itself | 00:53 |
docktard | I had already installed it with software center | 00:53 |
squinty | docktard, sudo updatedb in terminal and after it's finished then locate <program file name) that will display all instances of the program you are searching for | 00:55 |
docktard | thanks | 00:55 |
squinty | docktard, you can also do which <program name> which will display the location of the file in question | 00:55 |
docktard | i dont know how you guys learn all of this...seems every action requires some knowledge I don't have | 00:56 |
docktard | updatedb didn't change the usr/share/applications folder...still has the deb in it but not the app...looking | 00:57 |
squinty | docktard, it takes time.....I am a relative newby compared with other rascals who visit here | 00:57 |
squinty | docktard, that directory shouldn't have any deb package in it.... you probably told the download to stick it there | 00:57 |
docktard | I downloaded it to the downlaods folder | 00:58 |
FjordPrefect | I updated to Ubuntu 16.04 and can't seem to mount any partition or hard disk. Pastebin here : | 00:58 |
docktard | I then double clicked it and the software center opened and I installed it there | 00:58 |
squinty | docktard, which peazip?? | 00:58 |
docktard | but its not showing in the "installed" list in software center | 00:58 |
docktard | its in the XCFE menu and works though...let me check version...its gtk2 but not sure version | 00:59 |
_44trent3 | how do i enable the universe repository? | 00:59 |
docktard | 6.0.0 | 00:59 |
squinty | docktard, there seems to be some bugs going around in software center (or whatever the flavour for the current release).... people trying to install chrome via it were having problems this last week | 01:00 |
docktard | the locate command finds is in usr/share not usr/share/applications | 01:00 |
docktard | oops usr/local/share | 01:00 |
docktard | usr/local/share/PeaZip | 01:00 |
squinty | _44trent3, software and updates | 01:00 |
squinty | docktard, that is the directory it actually runs from. | 01:01 |
docktard | why is it different than the other apps? | 01:01 |
docktard | Everything else shows icons for the apps in usr/share/applications | 01:02 |
squinty | docktard, no idea to be honest. | 01:02 |
tripelb | 14.04 when I drop to root at login and type "ls /home" I get nothing. What is going on? | 01:02 |
docktard | this is the kind of stuff that really confuses me | 01:02 |
squinty | docktard, me too! :P | 01:02 |
_44trent3 | strange, i'm trying to get winusb from a repository and i just realized the reason it's not finding it is because...there isn't anything for xenial | 01:02 |
docktard | usr/local/share/applications has the PeaZip icon in it...every other app on the machine is in usr/share/applicaitons | 01:03 |
docktard | can I move it there or will that screw everything up? | 01:03 |
_44trent3 | well, i guess i can't get it then | 01:03 |
docktard | i have an applicaitons folder in the dock that makes it easy to see them all at once...but since its off on its own its not in there | 01:03 |
squinty | _44trent3, means the author hasn't updated the application to 16.04 yet. ask him/her/it or whatever :-) | 01:04 |
_44trent3 | im guessing things will break if I try to change it to ubuntu wily main? | 01:04 |
docktard | my dock applications folder opens usr/share/applications | 01:04 |
squinty | docktard, tried drag/drop to the dock? | 01:05 |
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf | ||
docktard | i dont want the app icon in the dock...I probably don't explain well | 01:05 |
squinty | _44trent3, not recommended without verification from the software's author | 01:05 |
docktard | i have a folder in docky called "applications" opens usr/share/applications and shows all the app icons | 01:06 |
_44trent3 | so i probably should send him an email or something | 01:06 |
docktard | except PeaZip since its off in usr/local/share/applications | 01:06 |
docktard | trying to sort why it installed there...and how to move it to where everything else is without borking things | 01:06 |
squinty | docktard, _44trent3 wife says "supper is ready" so gotta go....others here should be able to help you though, good luck :-) | 01:07 |
docktard | thanks | 01:07 |
user84 | Hi guys 1 simple question I hope you can help me with. In Kubuntu 16.04 keys to zoom are ctrl + but nouthing happens. do I have to turn on the zoom function from some place? thanks | 01:08 |
=== jorge is now known as Guest84304 | ||
est31 | thats a feature | 01:09 |
est31 | of new kde plasma | 01:09 |
raspberrypifan | kde plasma | 01:09 |
raspberrypifan | is blah | 01:09 |
est31 | but thanks for warning, i will perhaps consider another distro instead of switching | 01:09 |
est31 | raspberrypifan, its better than unity, in kde plasma you can at least open multiple windows | 01:10 |
est31 | and you have a paste buffer | 01:10 |
est31 | all too complicated for unity | 01:10 |
raspberrypifan | u cant in unity? i like unity | 01:10 |
est31 | what it has is amazon search | 01:10 |
Beck1313 | um hi | 01:10 |
tripelb | Trying to help a guy our LUG gave a computer. We don't know the usernames and they don't show up with LA /home -- the same on my 14.04. I don't understand why. | 01:10 |
_44trent3 | does anyone know of any winusb alternatives? (i need it to work with a windows disk image...properly!) | 01:10 |
est31 | tripelb, do cat /etc/passwd | 01:10 |
est31 | the users are listed there | 01:10 |
est31 | tripelb, it most likely sounds as if /home was mounted on login or something | 01:11 |
est31 | perhaps encrypted with login password | 01:11 |
_44trent3 | uh, well i found a deb file for it...however, now its telling me "Error: dependency is not satisfiable: libwxbase2.8-0 (>=" | 01:13 |
user84 | ? | 01:14 |
=== zekk is now known as zek | ||
MannyLNJ | My laptop's drive is /dev/sda it has /sda1 /sda2 and /sda5 only /sda1 seems to be mounted. How can I check that the other two partitions are indeed mounted and if not mount them | 01:15 |
patdk-lap | I should hope you do not mount your swap | 01:15 |
MannyLNJ | patdk-lap, I know /sda5 is my swap but I don't know if /sda2 is mounted | 01:16 |
_44trent3 | uh, does anyone know how to fix that? | 01:17 |
cr4x | hello :) | 01:17 |
cr4x | when i put my screen brightness on 0% and restart my notebook, my screen get black :( | 01:18 |
cr4x | someone with this bug? | 01:18 |
cr4x | using xenial xerus/ xfce | 01:18 |
_44trent3 | how do i get libwxbase2.8-0 on 16.04? | 01:19 |
thehebs | 14.04 or 16.04... go! | 01:19 |
thehebs | i have amd graphics | 01:19 |
bleomycin | does anyone know why tab completion doesnt work for systemctl on 16.04? | 01:19 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: 'mount' to se what is mounted .. ' sudo parted -l ' to see all partitions... ' sudo blkid ' to identify the UUIDs .. 'cat /etc/fstab' to see what the system mounts . | 01:20 |
thehebs | and i do a good bit of 3d modeling etc... | 01:20 |
_44trent3 | what would happen if i manually installed wx2.8 packages? would stuff break? | 01:21 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, mount doesn't show /dev/sdb parted -l shows the table as msdos with no file system for 2 or 5 | 01:21 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Show in a pastebin site .. so we get on the same page . | 01:22 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, | 01:23 |
_44trent3 | this says it's 16.04 compatible, so i'm going to add it | 01:23 |
_44trent3 | | 01:23 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: 'sda2' is an extended partiton ,,, a "container" to hold additional "logical" partitions .. and as a container .. there is no file system imposed on it . | 01:25 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, So I need to make a partiton in it then format that partion? | 01:26 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: To do what ??/ I am lost as to what you require . | 01:27 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, I am almost out of space on the hard drive. I noticed /dev/sda1 is 500 megs I thought my hard drive was lager than that but not sure | 01:28 |
_44trent3 | don't know how stupid what i just did was, but oh well | 01:28 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Keep in mind that the container sda2 is onlu so big ... and in this container is 'sda5' that already fills that container up, there is no further rimm in that container . | 01:29 |
tripelb | What is Kerberos? | 01:29 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, ok then my drive must be 500mb and I have to get an external drive then. I think I got this now | 01:30 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: 500 GB is a large drive for the operating system .. better question is where all the space is consumed ? .. what returns ' df -h ; df -i ' ? | 01:31 |
WizardGed | Is the Ubuntu phone website still broken? I've been trying non-stop for the second day now :( | 01:32 |
_44trent3 | am i being completely ignored? | 01:32 |
_44trent3 | i'm trying to get libwxbase2.8-0 on 16.04! | 01:32 |
pitiye | i have two grub boot folders on two partitions , how do i remove the unnecessary grub boot folder ? | 01:32 |
_44trent3 | HOW DO I GET IT | 01:32 |
docktard | i am creating encrypted 7z folders with p7zip through Thunar but when I open them it doesn't ask for i missing something obvious? | 01:33 |
_44trent3 | never mind, but now i'm having yet another problem | 01:34 |
WizardGed | _44trent3, that's weird it seems to be missing from 16.04 | 01:34 |
_44trent3 | what would happen if i tried the one that's availble on wily werewolf or something? | 01:34 |
WizardGed | see top left it's in all the other releases including wily | 01:34 |
_44trent3 | yeah, i downloaded the deb | 01:35 |
_44trent3 | would it be stupid of me to say, install it? | 01:35 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, I know I have 2 virtual systems on it but I will do the paste bin you | 01:35 |
_44trent3 | nono that won't work | 01:35 |
_44trent3 | it NEEDS to be just libwxbase2.8-0 | 01:36 |
_44trent3 | 2.8-0 | 01:36 |
thehebs | so can someone help me choose between 14.04 and 16.04, if i have amd graphics and do a lot of 3d modeling and gaming | 01:36 |
_44trent3 | nothing more, nothing less | 01:36 |
WizardGed | _44trent3, not a good idea but it may work I would recommend building it yourself by downloading the dsc and building it yourself but you may not be willing to go that far | 01:36 |
_44trent3 | even if i did that, it isn't the one i need | 01:36 |
_44trent3 | it can't be higher, and it can't be lower than libwxbase2.8-0 | 01:36 |
etzer | my wireless cannot connected ubuntu mate 16.04 | 01:37 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, df -h says Illegal operation | 01:38 |
WizardGed | _44trent3, you can try it but if it doesn't work please purge it however you may wish to create a bug report on launchpad | 01:38 |
etzer | the wireless is display and when I selected my wireless in the list and it is not working. | 01:38 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, for df -i | 01:38 |
_44trent3 | WizardGed: is there anything that can make windows usb installers, other than winusb which i'm trying to use | 01:39 |
_44trent3 | unetbootin obviously can't, i can't run things under WINE, it won't detect my USB | 01:39 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: 'df -h' is valid .. try again ? | 01:39 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, | 01:40 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: ^, and there is no ibode problem per that output . | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Well now we know that the space problem is in '/' .. so what is taking all that space ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' ? | 01:43 |
tripelb | I am doing phone support for a guy who can't login. Our LUG gave him the computer. It keeps asking for the current Kerberos password. How do I get around that? | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | tripelb: Aside: How are we to know this is not a stolen box ? | 01:46 |
=== fginther` is now known as fginther | ||
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, it's still running | 01:47 |
tripelb | gave him the computer and I was there. I have emailed another in the group who will know but I wanted to help the guy. Bashing-om I have been around here nickserv registered for several years. That is all I can say. | 01:48 |
raspberrypifan | LUG? | 01:49 |
MannyLNJ | raspberrypifan, Linux User Group | 01:49 |
raspberrypifan | u give free stuff | 01:49 |
Bashing-om | tripelb: Accepted ,. Change the password : . | 01:49 |
tripelb | Bashing-om: I see (looked up Kerberos) it used to be on the network and nobody reinstalled Ubuntu before giving it to him. | 01:50 |
docktard | can anyone help me with p7zip? I am comparing options and I cannot get it to encrypt | 01:50 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, should I be conceerned that it is saying no such file or directory while that command is running? | 01:51 |
docktard | when I choose archive it allows me to enter a password to encrypt but it doens't do it...just compresses it | 01:51 |
reisio | docktard: any particular archive format? | 01:51 |
docktard | I just made a test folder and tried to encrypt with 7z....i used the menu in Thunar and chose "create archive" | 01:52 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: /proc you can ignore .. all else is meaningfull . | 01:52 |
tripelb | Bashing-om: I started with that page. When you do that the system says enter new UNIX password: -- his says enter current Kerberos password: --- repeating for clarity | 01:52 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, ok. Command is still running | 01:52 |
docktard | it has an "other options" drop down with a password box..I enter one and click "create"...its makes the 7z archive but doesn't encrypt it | 01:52 |
reisio | docktard: what makes you think it isn't encrypted? | 01:53 |
docktard | it doesn't require a password to unarchive...I tried it on an OSX laptop as well and it opened without password...multiple tries | 01:53 |
reisio | docktard: so you can read file /contents/? | 01:54 |
docktard | yes | 01:54 |
Bashing-om | tripelb: Maybe I am in left field .. no experience with Kerberos . does same same or help ? | 01:54 |
docktard | i did the same operation on OSX and it encrypted normally...and required password to open in OSX and on the Xubuntu laptop | 01:54 |
docktard | but anything I make on the xubuntu laptop doesnt seem to actually encrypt | 01:55 |
lorddaedra | hello) is it somehow possible to install ? | 01:55 |
reisio | docktard: sounds like it's broke, file a bug | 01:55 |
lorddaedra | to Xenial | 01:55 |
daftmonk | I'm trying to get haproxy running locally for testing but I can't tell if it's running | 01:55 |
daftmonk | and I don't see any logs in /var/log | 01:55 |
docktard | more likely I am screwing somehting up ;) | 01:55 |
reisio | docktard: you can use 7z a -mhe=on -p foo.7z bar in the interim | 01:55 |
daftmonk | and also, unsurprisingly http://localhost is basically not responding at all | 01:55 |
tripelb | I will try. Thanks .. When I find out I will communicate | 01:55 |
lorddaedra | Rkt is replacement ans systemd friend =) | 01:55 |
docktard | reisio I dont know the command line yet...I am very new | 01:55 |
reisio | docktard: that's all there is to it | 01:56 |
docktard | its hard for me to visualize where things are without a gui | 01:56 |
MannyLNJ | tripelb, can he boot into single user mode? | 01:56 |
reisio | docktard: mmm, could maybe use mc as a crutch :D | 01:56 |
docktard | i installed peazip as well | 01:56 |
MannyLNJ | tripelb, if he can drop into root this may help | 01:56 |
reisio | docktard: does dpkg -l | grep -i 7z show p7zip-full? | 01:57 |
docktard | i got it to work once...but cant seem to replicate it and everything is unencrypted jus as with the p7zip/thunar it has to be me | 01:57 |
reisio | well it's a bug whether you can get it to work or not | 01:57 |
reisio | something saying it will be encrypted that isn't is a bug, a nasty one | 01:57 |
reisio | not everyone would have checked as you have | 01:57 |
docktard | yes | 01:57 |
reisio | yes to -full? | 01:58 |
docktard | yes | 01:58 |
docktard | well since its a problem in p7zip AND peazip surely its me | 01:58 |
reisio | no it's probably a problem with the bit that interfaces with the file manager | 01:58 |
docktard | two apps wouldn't be bad likely right? | 01:58 |
docktard | ok | 01:58 |
reisio | it probably works fine via commandline | 01:58 |
tripelb | MannyLNJ: we have been doing this from root. I will check that page. Bashing-om I found the adduser command. That may be a way for the moment. It really needs a reinstall of Ubuntu. He is a new and deserves vanilla. | 01:59 |
reisio | dpkg -l | egrep -i 'thunar|archiv' | 01:59 |
reisio | something in there, no doubt | 01:59 |
reisio | unless it's file-roller, which is possible, I s'pose | 01:59 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, command still running.... | 02:00 |
Bashing-om | tripelb: +1 on a fresh install . | 02:00 |
docktard | that command gave me an error "--install needs at least one package file archive argument | 02:00 |
docktard | oops i see my error sorry...standby | 02:01 |
docktard | lots of output...what am I looking for? | 02:01 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: That has been too long now , I will runit on my file system and when completed .. we look at what you did not do . | 02:02 |
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf | ||
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Done . ok, did you " cd / " ? | 02:03 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, ok. I know I am running a few tasks now.I am updating a windows system in virtual box and buuilding a 14.04.4 usb drive so I can redo my other system from scratch since I now have a screen for it | 02:04 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, yes I did cd / | 02:04 |
docktard | well I figured something out...below the passwor box it has two is "encrypt the file list too" so I thought it was optional...the other is about splitting volumes...if I check "encrypt the file list too" it encrypts and requires password to unarchive...weird | 02:04 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: K then verify " sudo du -sx * | sort -n " . It is valid . | 02:05 |
docktard | i feel like I am never going to undestand linux....i might be too stupid and need to go back to OSX :P | 02:05 |
MannyLNJ | Yes Bashing-om it asked me for the sudo password which I entered | 02:05 |
MannyLNJ | docktard, funny osx and linux are very much alike :P | 02:05 |
Bashing-om | docktard: Wrong ! Just takes a bit of time ... Linux is like learning a new language .. it is not learned in a day . | 02:06 |
docktard | well under the hood I know...but on the surface it is more resistant to dummies | 02:06 |
docktard | reisio still here? | 02:06 |
dannymichel | I've noticed that minimizing Wine applications makes them disappear. They don't stay in the 'dock(for lack of a better known word)' any ideas? | 02:07 |
Bashing-om | docktard: Just different . takes time to know . We have all been there ! | 02:07 |
reisio | docktard: 'fraid so | 02:07 |
gorgonzola | hello all! I got a bit of an emergency: I'm in the middle of upgrading to Xenial, but for some reason plasma (i'm in kde) became completely unresponsive: I can see the desktop and move the mouse cursor, but neither the keyboard nor mouse clicks have any effect, and the upgrade s stuck waiting for an answer to a conf question. What should i do? | 02:07 |
reisio | docktard: sounds like a simple bug | 02:07 |
docktard | reisio did you see my posts? The output you asked for was long...what was I looking for? I also got it to encrypt but only if I check the file lis box | 02:07 |
reisio | docktard: someone doesn't understand that 7z can encrypt only contents and also contents and headers (file lists) | 02:08 |
docktard | ive only ever used 7z before this with keka on osx and its drag and drop.... | 02:08 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Then I guess we wait some more .. but sure has been long now . | 02:08 |
reisio | docktard: what's the app, xarchiver? file-roller? | 02:08 |
docktard | put in password and drag and drop... | 02:08 |
docktard | app for what and where? The linux app I am using? | 02:09 |
docktard | I have p7zip installed on xubuntu...and was archiving via Thunar | 02:09 |
docktard | in the file menu | 02:09 |
docktard | on OSX I use Keka | 02:09 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, virtual box is using most of the cpu according to top | 02:10 |
reisio | docktard: open it up so you're creating an archive, then hit CTRL+ALT+t and run 'ps aux | egrep -i 'file|roller|archiv' and tell me the output | 02:11 |
WizardGed | gorgonzola, have you tried switching tty's | 02:11 |
reisio | gorgonzola: have you tried being eaten by me? | 02:11 |
reisio | nom | 02:11 |
docktard | so open the menu so the archive box is up first? | 02:12 |
reisio | yup | 02:12 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, I am shutting down virtual box | 02:12 |
reisio | I want to know the process name, so we can track it down | 02:12 |
docktard | do I populate the boxes in the archive window as normal? or just open it and leave it as default? | 02:13 |
reisio | just open is enough | 02:13 |
docktard | ok | 02:13 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, can I increase the priority of DU the PID is 6584 | 02:14 |
docktard | it only gave me a caret...I might have entered sth wrong | 02:15 |
reisio | docktard: yeah, you missed a ' | 02:15 |
reisio | docktard: hit CTRL+c, try again | 02:15 |
reisio | or I missed a ' | 02:15 |
reisio | ps aux | egrep -i 'file|roller|archiv' | 02:15 |
docktard | i had an extra ' before the ps | 02:15 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Possibly, but I do not know how in a running process . | 02:16 |
docktard | ok lots of output...what am I looking for? | 02:16 |
reisio | docktard: dunno | 02:16 |
reisio | docktard: try this instead: ps aux | egrep -i 'file|roller|archiv' | pastebinit | 02:16 |
docktard | crap I can't paste it as I am on another laptop | 02:16 |
docktard | ok | 02:16 |
reisio | docktard: okay, well | 02:17 |
reisio | docktard: I'm guess it's 'xarchiver' or 'file-roller' | 02:17 |
reisio | do you see either of those strings? | 02:17 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, it finished | 02:17 |
docktard | here I can give you the pastebin link...I thought you wanted in in this room | 02:17 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: show it ? | 02:17 |
docktard | | 02:17 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, | 02:18 |
reisio | docktard: okay, so it's file-roller | 02:18 |
docktard | i dont even know what that means :P | 02:18 |
reisio | docktard: it's just the name of the application | 02:19 |
reisio | docktard: this is what you see? | 02:19 |
docktard | in essence on xubuntu with thunar but it has the same fields | 02:19 |
reisio | docktard: so you're expecting the password alone to be an implication of encryption? | 02:20 |
docktard | well my only other experience with 7z was the OSX app Keka and it works like that | 02:21 |
docktard | in that same dialogue it has password boxes...and if you enter a password it encrypts...if you don't it just compresses as normal | 02:21 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: /boot is large .. but /home (downloads ) is where the problem is . | 02:22 |
docktard | so I was assuming the same...but the password doens't seem to do anything on the linux side for me unless I choose " | 02:22 |
docktard | file list encryption too | 02:22 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, Ok I have to see what is in there then | 02:23 |
reisio | docktard: yeah I think it's just a poorly made application: | 02:23 |
docktard | its behaving really oddly to me...if I select "encrypt file list" it will encrypt...or at least require a password to open with the archive manager....but if I choose "extract" from the right click menu it bypasses that and opens it as if it weren't protected | 02:24 |
docktard | once it does that it won't ask for a password even in the archive manager | 02:24 |
docktard | do you know of a better 7z gui app that encrypts? I am getting the same trouble with PeaZip.... | 02:24 |
docktard | and I used 7z a lot on OSX | 02:24 |
reisio | docktard: you might try xarchiver | 02:24 |
reisio | docktard: it's actually more Xfce appropriate | 02:25 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Trim our old cruft .. maybe better solution than a new hard drive . ' cd /home ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' again . | 02:25 |
docktard | ok having a look | 02:25 |
docktard | i still feel like I might be messing two apps are behaving the same....why will they allow me to encrypt but once I "extract" the 7z file is no longer encrypted? its weird | 02:25 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: <sidenote> ncdu is handy for finding what's using space | 02:26 |
gorgonzola | WizardGed you mean ctrl+altf(1-9)? Yes, I tried and it works, but I still don;t know how to communicate with the open dialog in the running kdm session... | 02:26 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, ok I have something to start with thanks | 02:26 |
docktard | i just want to easily make 7z archives and encrypt them...and move them from linux to osx at will | 02:26 |
reisio | docktard: I think it's just a poorly made application | 02:27 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: Will have to invesigate .. new one on me :) | 02:27 |
WizardGed | gorgonzola, try switching back now | 02:27 |
llldino | Hey guys, i'm trying to get ubuntu running on an old server, but grub won't load. I've tried grub-install to /dev/sdX, update initramfs, vmlinuz and initrd are both present in /boot. I have the 1MB unformatted partition set with bios_grub flag. I'm lost, can anyone help me out? | 02:27 |
WizardGed | ctrl+altf7 | 02:27 |
docktard | its just weird that two apps do the same thing...but if I take an encrypted 7z file from Keka and try to open it in linux it always asks for password | 02:29 |
docktard | i can't get around it with the "extract here" trick like I can with peazip and p7zip | 02:29 |
docktard | trying xarchiver | 02:29 |
WizardGed | gorgonzola, the point being to attempt to lose focus and then to reconnect to gain focus | 02:29 |
docktard | reisio i don't see an encryption/password option in xarchiver... | 02:31 |
reisio | docktard: needs to be a format that supports it | 02:32 |
docktard | right...i choose archive and 7z and there is no further option | 02:32 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: ncdu - Wow " and provides a fast way to see what directories are using your | 02:33 |
Bashing-om | disk space." and how ! | 02:33 |
docktard | sorry....i feel like an idiot...this shouldnt be so complicated | 02:33 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: :) | 02:33 |
reisio | docktard: it shouldn't :) | 02:35 |
docktard | i just want to make encrypted 7z files/folders but all 3 apps are not working has to be me but I have no clue what I am doing wrong | 02:36 |
docktard | keka is a breeze...wish it worked with linux | 02:36 |
reisio | you said... | 02:37 |
reisio | docktard: there's no password field? Screenshot? | 02:37 |
docktard | no field....on other laptop | 02:37 |
MoPac | Since my upgrade to 16.04, touchscreen multitouch taps and gestures have stopped being recognized. What package would I report that against? | 02:37 |
docktard | there is a drop down with "enter password" under the action menu but tis greyed out until you crete the archive | 02:38 |
reisio | docktard: until you choose 7z? | 02:38 |
docktard | ok lets back up and make sure I am not doing something really stupid...which is no impossible | 02:39 |
docktard | can you walk m through it step by step? I just opened xarchive and haven't done anything yet...lets go from there | 02:39 |
reisio | hang on, I think I have a box with xarchiver | 02:40 |
gorgonzola | WizardGed: Oh, I see what you mean... Unfortunately, it doens't work, session on tty 7 is still unresponsive to user input | 02:42 |
_44trent3 | so i'm having an issue. whenever I start steam i get this error | 02:43 |
_44trent3 | | 02:43 |
reisio | docktard: okay so 'Create Archive' | 02:43 |
reisio | from the right click menu | 02:44 |
docktard | ok | 02:44 |
docktard | this is the built in file archiver though right? | 02:44 |
docktard | not xarchiver | 02:44 |
docktard | this is the box from earlier that won't encrypt unless I check "encrypt the file list too" and once you "extract here" from the right menu it won't ever ask for password again | 02:45 |
docktard | xarchiver has a different menu | 02:46 |
gorgonzola_ | /nick gorgonzola | 02:49 |
=== gorgonzola_ is now known as gorgonzola | ||
reisio | I don't have file-roller, someone else will | 02:49 |
docktard | i made an encrypted 7z file with p7zip and when I try to open it with xarchiver it sticks at "opening arhive, please wait" | 02:49 |
docktard | i can't get any of these apps to work | 02:50 |
_44trent3 | hey, uh does anyone know how to fix my problem? | 02:50 |
carlos_ | hi | 02:53 |
Dividebyzero | hello, what version # is wily werewolf? | 02:57 |
nolsen | Are there any settings to use a 6rd border relay? | 02:57 |
lotuspsychje | !15/10 | Dividebyzero | 02:57 |
lotuspsychje | !15.10 | 02:58 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Download at - Read the release notes at - Scheduled to go EOL in July, 2016 | 02:58 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, thank you, was 16.04/xerus JUST released? | 02:58 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: correct | 02:58 |
Dividebyzero | like today? | 02:58 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: no, april 21st | 02:58 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, if you apt-get dist-upgrade from wily to xerus, will you get all the things they talked about during pre-release? such as zfs as an option, snaps, etc? | 03:00 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: if you upgrade to a new release, you will get the specific features yes | 03:01 |
Dividebyzero | from what i heard, 16.04 basically makes ubuntu a 'rolling release' now, is this correct? | 03:01 |
nolsen | Are there any settings to use a 6rd border relay? | 03:02 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, i guess what i dont understand is, if i dist-upgrade is it going to remove the ubuntu software center and replace it with GNOME Software automatically? | 03:03 |
enigmabomb | Hello. I’m trying to figure out how to install packages from a PPA. I want to install GEOS From this page. I added the PPA to my repo list but when I apt-get install I get nada. | 03:04 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: like i said, new release upgrade will get you the new packages/features | 03:04 |
lotuspsychje | enigmabomb: we dont recommend installing ppa's | 03:05 |
lotuspsychje | !ppa | enigmabomb | 03:05 |
ubottu | enigmabomb: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 03:05 |
enigmabomb | I know that, but in this case I can’t get the source to compile correctly so I am taking a calculated risk | 03:05 |
rahuldev | hi | 03:05 |
enigmabomb | I understand the dangers of PPA's | 03:05 |
rahuldev | To install JDK is I need to uninstall JDK? | 03:06 |
pitiye | i see this line > Found Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (16.04) on /dev/sda11, but this record does not exist on /boot/grub/grub.cfg. is it an issue ? | 03:06 |
trism | enigmabomb: which ubuntu version are you on? | 03:06 |
enigmabomb | trism: 14.04 | 03:06 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, ok, i'll try it out thanks. have you heard of any major issues with people upgrading from wily to xerus thus far? | 03:06 |
enigmabomb | If there was a GEOS/GDal package for Trusty official I’d be all over it | 03:07 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: it really differes from machine to machine, make a backup ok :p | 03:07 |
Dividebyzero | has anyone here heard of any issue from people upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04? | 03:07 |
trism | enigmabomb: how did you add the repo? | 03:07 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, oh that happens hourly regardless ;) | 03:07 |
enigmabomb | trism: I did | 03:07 |
trism | enigmabomb: *how* did you add the repo | 03:07 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: i would go for a clean install | 03:07 |
enigmabomb | trism: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa | 03:08 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: but we had many users with succesfull upgrades from wily | 03:08 |
Dividebyzero | Dividebyzero, yeah? i'm interested why | 03:08 |
trism | enigmabomb: you ran apt-get update after? | 03:08 |
enigmabomb | I did | 03:08 |
enigmabomb | I think Im fuzzy on what to type after apt-get install …. Is it the package name? The folder name? | 03:08 |
nolsen | Are there any settings to use a 6rd border relay? There are no instructions. | 03:08 |
trism | enigmabomb: which package are you trying to install? | 03:08 |
enigmabomb | GEOS and Gdal | 03:09 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: clean install gives you a fresh system | 03:09 |
trism | enigmabomb: package name | 03:09 |
enigmabomb | So it’d be geos - 3.3.8-2~precise1 trism/ | 03:09 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, ok, was just wondering if you had a reason above and beyond the obvious advantages to a clean install for this release. thanks for the advice | 03:09 |
trism | enigmabomb: no I don't see a geos binary package | 03:09 |
enigmabomb | On this page? | 03:10 |
enigmabomb | “geos (3.3.8-2~precise1) precise” | 03:10 |
trism | enigmabomb: there's some geos lib packages in the geos source package, there's a gdal-bin package in the gdal source, might have something you want | 03:11 |
trism | enigmabomb: that is the source package, expand it, it shows the package names | 03:11 |
enigmabomb | Ah | 03:11 |
trism | enigmabomb: all of which I see in trusty btw (without the ppa) | 03:11 |
enigmabomb | You see GDal in trusty? | 03:11 |
enigmabomb | If so thats the best news all day. | 03:11 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, can you recommend the easiest way to do a clean install and get everything copied over as easiest/most reliable way possible? For example, getting all my installed programs back+my data+program settings/system preferences/etc....APTonCD+Backintime? Obviously clonezilla wouldnt work.... | 03:11 |
trism | !info gdal-bin trusty | enigmabomb | 03:11 |
ubottu | enigmabomb: gdal-bin (source: gdal): Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Utility programs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1+dfsg-5ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 198 kB, installed size 812 kB | 03:11 |
enigmabomb | Thank you so much trism | 03:12 |
LambdaComplex | Why is a clean install recommended? Just curious | 03:12 |
trism | enigmabomb: np | 03:12 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, unforuntately i don't have /home on a separate partition either.... | 03:12 |
lotuspsychje | LambdaComplex: nothing can beat a fresh system without leftovers, ppa's, manual installed stuff,.. | 03:12 |
lotuspsychje | LambdaComplex: the clean install recommend is also a choice, not a must | 03:14 |
LambdaComplex | lotuspsychje: I would certainly hope so :p | 03:14 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: you can use aptoncd yes, but i would go for real xenial again is supported the LTS way for years | 03:16 |
_44trent3 | so i just managed to get unetbootin to install to my ntfs formatted flash drive | 03:16 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: took me 10 min to install xenial on a fast ssd | 03:16 |
LambdaComplex | _44trent3: why not use dd? O.o | 03:17 |
LambdaComplex | (or cat or pv, for that matter) | 03:17 |
Dividebyzero | lotuspsychje, i know it just kills me to have to redo this machine, i have everything set up EXACTLY the way i like it. totally pimped out, down to the keyboard shortcuts and the way it looks. i'm sure you know what i mean... :-/ hello, i even just installed Plex on this baby.. | 03:17 |
lotuspsychje | Dividebyzero: ok, in your case you might consider the upgrade then.. | 03:18 |
nolsen | How do I setup Ubuntu to use my ISP's 6RD border relay? | 03:19 |
MoPac | Since my upgrade to 16.04, touchscreen multitouch taps and gestures have stopped being recognized. What package would I report that against? | 03:20 |
Dividebyzero | eek | 03:22 |
lotuspsychje | MoPac: unity itself perhaps | 03:22 |
MoPac | lotuspsychje: thanks | 03:23 |
rahuldev | hi | 03:23 |
Abe_ | I got this message on irc... what does it mean? | 03:23 |
Abe_ | paper_kitten!~paperkitten@unaffiliated/paper_kitten has just authenticated as you (Abe_) | 03:23 |
=== burak is now known as lightshadow | ||
lotuspsychje | !freenode | Abe_ | 03:23 |
ubottu | Abe_: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | Abe_: ask in #freenode plz | 03:24 |
rahuldev | I put jdk in /usr/local/, Is Now I have to set path JAVA_HOME in "enviornment" file is I am right? | 03:24 |
Abe_ | lotuspsychje: okay okay | 03:24 |
Abe_ | I thought cuz you guys are smart with stuff like that | 03:24 |
Abe_ | join #freenode | 03:25 |
Abe_ | duuh | 03:25 |
lotuspsychje | Abe_: would be smarter to add /join | 03:25 |
ecojud | I have Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 LTS... I see that 16.04 has been released. I am a casual ubuntu user; should I worry about upgrading to 16.04? Seems that I will have to upgrade to 15.10 first. | 03:31 |
uruk | hello i can't acces into router , i do ping in gateway and return all packs loss | 03:32 |
uruk | can you help me? | 03:32 |
ecojud | ping first | 03:32 |
ecojud | are you getting any responses? | 03:33 |
Bashing-om | !ltsupgrade | ecojud | 03:33 |
ubottu | ecojud: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 03:33 |
uruk | yes | 03:33 |
uruk | all transmited | 03:33 |
ecojud | Bashing-om: thank you! | 03:33 |
ecojud | uruk: good good | 03:33 |
Bashing-om | ecojud: :) | 03:34 |
uruk | but when i ping all lossed | 03:34 |
ecojud | uruk: is there another device between the one you are using to pin and the router? | 03:35 |
uruk | ecojud : no , i think not | 03:37 |
ecojud | uruk: can you access your router's Web GUI when you navigate to in a web browser? | 03:38 |
LambdaComplex | is that actually the router's ip? | 03:38 |
ecojud | ^^^ | 03:38 |
uruk | ecojud : no is posible from web browser , | 03:39 |
LambdaComplex | >no | 03:39 |
LambdaComplex | >is possible | 03:39 |
LambdaComplex | that's rather conflicting | 03:39 |
uruk | is not possible | 03:39 |
ecojud | try this in a terminal and give us the output: route -n | 03:40 |
rhorse | hi, what is the file I need to edit to add another WM to login screen? | 03:40 |
ecojud | uruk: or better yet, check to see if the Gateway ip is the same ip you are trying to ping | 03:40 |
uruk | ecojud -> | 03:41 |
LambdaComplex | rhorse: chances are the display manager is looking at .desktop files | 03:42 |
ecojud | uruk: one of those ip's is APIPA... | 03:42 |
LambdaComplex | though i can't remember where it should look for them >.> | 03:42 |
uruk | APIPA? | 03:42 |
ecojud | try: traceroute | 03:42 |
ecojud | APIPA is an automatically assigned IP address when DHCP services fail and no static IP alternative is provided | 03:43 |
LambdaComplex | rhorse: hm, perhaps /usr/share/xsessions | 03:43 |
uruk | ecojud i need go interfaces? | 03:43 |
* LambdaComplex links to the Arch Wiki and hopes it applies | 03:44 | |
LambdaComplex | rhorse: | 03:44 |
rhorse | LambdaComplex: thanks! What dir are .desktop files found in? Home? | 03:44 |
ecojud | uruk: I'm not totally sure really... | 03:44 |
LambdaComplex | rhorse: see if your /usr/share/xsessions has .desktop files corresponding to each entry in your DM. if it does, then there you go | 03:45 |
rhorse | I'll have a look, LambdaComplex thanks! | 03:45 |
uruk | ecojud and how to solved? | 03:45 |
LambdaComplex | rhorse: no problem! | 03:45 |
ecojud | uruk: I don't know. We have not narrowed down the problem :-( | 03:45 |
ecojud | uruk: are you pinging from the device you are using IRC on? | 03:45 |
uruk | browser work well and irc but i can not go in | 03:46 |
ecojud | uruk: it's odd that you can access the internet without being able to ping your router... perhaps your router automatically drops ping requests | 03:47 |
ecojud | can you try: tracerout | 03:47 |
ecojud | sorry: traceroute | 03:48 |
uruk | ecojud --> | 03:49 |
ecojud | uruk: ok... that is expected since ping is not working... now try: traceroute | 03:50 |
ecojud | uruk: that is a google ip address | 03:50 |
tekkidd | anyone hre | 03:50 |
tekkidd | here | 03:50 |
uruk | ecojud --> | 03:51 |
ecojud | uruk: yeah... you are accessing your router and going beyond it, but your pings are being dropped | 03:52 |
m|IRC | ? | 03:53 |
m|IRC | hi | 03:53 |
uruk | ping dropped? | 03:53 |
ecojud | uruk: routers can be configured to ignore ping requests in order to keep network traffic down | 03:54 |
ecojud | uruk: are you pinging your router for a reason? | 03:55 |
uruk | i ping router because i can not acces into router by browser and before i could | 03:56 |
uruk | reset router? | 03:57 |
ecojud | uruk: mmm, I don't know if that is necessary yet | 03:57 |
ecojud | uruk: have you tried a power cycle? | 03:57 |
uruk | power cycle? | 03:58 |
ecojud | uruk: removing the power for 30 seconds and turning it back on | 03:58 |
uruk | power cycle for pc or router | 03:59 |
ecojud | router | 03:59 |
uruk | ok | 03:59 |
ecojud | uruk: come back and tell us how it went | 03:59 |
ecojud | that moment when live usb saves your ass after you decided messing with your EFI partition was a great idea | 04:01 |
ziddey | i'm having a hard time setting up a uefi persistent usb stick. it boots fine in uefi without persistence. but adding persistent to grub causes it to just drop to initramfs | 04:02 |
ziddey | i made a 2gb fat32 for the iso and a 6gb ext4 for casper-rw. what am i doing wrong? | 04:03 |
uruk | ecojud don't work | 04:04 |
uruk | i can not to acces into router | 04:05 |
ecojud | uruk: :-( | 04:05 |
Gallomimia | who do you tell when you spot a minor error on the site? | 04:05 |
uruk | reset router? | 04:05 |
Gallomimia | oh. found the link at the bottom | 04:06 |
WizardGed | yes try that uruk that may be your enkidu | 04:06 |
ecojud | uruk: if you reset it, you will need to reconfigure it. That may not go well if you still cannot access the configuration settings after you reset it | 04:06 |
uruk | well? | 04:07 |
ecojud | uruk: just want to give you a fair warning... if your device is failing, a reset may only prevent you from using the router at all... maybe I am out of line saying that | 04:08 |
IG99 | Hi all :) On a 14.04, what's the canonical way to restart network? | 04:08 |
lotuspsychje | IG99: sudo service network-manager restart | 04:09 |
ecojud | uruk: maybe do it if you have another way to access the internet without it... then your service will be uninterrupted in case you have to replace the router altogether | 04:09 |
uruk | how to solved? | 04:10 |
ecojud | uruk: are you accessing the router wirelessly? | 04:10 |
uruk | no | 04:10 |
ecojud | uruk: or are you using a cable? | 04:10 |
uruk | cable | 04:10 |
ecojud | what brand? linksys? | 04:11 |
uruk | rj45 | 04:12 |
ecojud | your router brand | 04:12 |
ecojud | uruk: sorry, I was not clear | 04:12 |
uruk | n&c | 04:14 |
uruk | why you need the router brand? | 04:14 |
minized_ | im using ubuntu 16.04. is it possible to plug insert the sd card of my raspberry pi 3, and use boxes to basically install the OS onto the SD card? this is so I can setup the VNC in the GUI as i do not have a monitor for the raspberry | 04:15 |
ecojud | uruk: just curious... I'm checking for common problems | 04:15 |
IG99 | lotuspsychje: on a headless machine without network-manager sorry | 04:15 |
IG99 | tried ifup/ifdown but the routes do not get properly set | 04:16 |
uruk | but i think this is a problem of system not the router | 04:16 |
ecojud | uruk: you have internet access... traceroute is working and counting hops beyond your router... it seems your router is blocking access to its GUI and ignoring ping requests | 04:18 |
uruk | because before i can acces to router by browser , and now can't | 04:18 |
ecojud | uruk: have you made any changes to your system since then? | 04:19 |
uruk | change servername | 04:19 |
uruk | /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf | 04:21 |
ecojud | uruk: when you try to browse to what does it say? | 04:21 |
uruk | not stopped to reload | 04:21 |
uruk | conect all time but don't acces | 04:23 |
uruk | don't say nothing | 04:23 |
ecojud | uruk: yeah, I guess your only option is to reset it. Do you have a modem you could connect to directly if your router fails? | 04:24 |
uruk | ok i reset and configure | 04:24 |
ecojud | uruk: good luck | 04:25 |
uruk | thanks ecojud | 04:25 |
ecojud | gosh, I hope that works out for uruk | 04:25 |
HickorySmokedBac | How is the gaming scene coming along with Steam and Ubuntu? Are there still a lot of games that are Windows only ? | 04:27 |
lotuspsychje | HickorySmokedBac: you might wanna try #gamingonlinux :p | 04:28 |
somsip | !discuss | HickorySmokedBac | 04:28 |
ubottu | HickorySmokedBac: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 04:28 |
IG99 | lotuspsychje: ip link does the job. the upstart scripts are a mess | 04:33 |
IG99 | So, you set the link down, bring it back up (ip link foo down/up) and the ifup foo | 04:33 |
lotuspsychje | IG99: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might assist you better for your case? | 04:33 |
IG99 | oh haha. there's server one | 04:34 |
IG99 | lotuspsychje: thank you | 04:34 |
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WizardGed | I'm sad I don't think uruk got my witty reference | 04:40 |
zykotick9 | lotuspsychje: <just a suggestion> but s/guys/people/ <- it matters to some people [not really me personally] | 04:41 |
glooby | In Xenial I can't find my AMD graphics card in the Additional Drivers tab, I only see the "Unknown: Unknown" thing for the CPU microcode. Is this normal? | 04:41 |
Solarbaby | by chance is anyone of you running Ubuntu 16.04 on a 2009 Mac Mini? | 04:41 |
TrentP | my apt.conf.d/02proxy file works with Ubuntu-MATE, but not with regular Ubuntu...? I wonder if main proxy setting is interfering with apt proxy. | 04:41 |
zykotick9 | glooby: there is a reason for that... | 04:42 |
Solarbaby | glooby: hehe that is exactly the question I was about to ask regarding my 2009 mac mini | 04:42 |
lotuspsychje | zykotick9: i never got any complaints, and its a freedom of speech.. | 04:43 |
Solarbaby | I suspect that unknown driver is the reason my earphone port isn't functioning | 04:43 |
zykotick9 | lotuspsychje: "freedom to be a sexist ass" = yes | 04:44 |
shanemikel | any mention of trouble with upgrades to lts? | 04:44 |
Bashing-om | glooby: AMD/ATI driver for 16.04 are in the kernel . | 04:44 |
lotuspsychje | zykotick9: the term 'guys' can be used for women aswell in a group..i dont see your point, nor need for rude language.. | 04:45 |
glooby | Bashing-om: Alright. | 04:47 |
* zykotick9 notes "guys" is not an inclusive term... and drops issue entirely. | 04:48 | |
lotuspsychje | shanemikel: from wich version? | 04:50 |
shanemikel | 15.10 and 14.04 | 04:51 |
lotuspsychje | shanemikel: backup before you upgrade, we had many users with succesfully upgrades already, but doesnt meant your system cant have an issue.. | 04:52 |
zykotick9 | shanemikel: note, 14.04 won't upgrade until 16.04.1 <- summer i hear... | 04:52 |
shanemikel | actually, I'm prob gonna do a reinstall on the 14.04 one, because I just remembered It has encrypted home dir, and the thought makes me uneasy | 04:52 |
zykotick9 | shanemikel: <sidenote> consider Full Disk Encryption with LUKS if you care about your data-at-rest... | 04:53 |
shanemikel | I don't, I really just did on a whim, and it'll be easier without | 04:54 |
Solarbaby | zykotick9: for a long time I was upset that SteamOS didn't offer full disk encryption during install | 04:54 |
Solarbaby | zykotick9: I ended up installing VirtualBox in desktop mode and ram Ubuntu 16.04 in there with Luks | 04:55 |
zykotick9 | shanemikel: i agree about the "easier without"... but, i'm not a fan of home directory encryption | 04:55 |
Solarbaby | zykotick9: I used home directory encryption as an option when dual booting with windows on the same drive.. I did that just to keep MS out of my private life. | 04:56 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | Solarbaby | 04:56 |
ubottu | Solarbaby: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 04:56 |
ramrebol | Hi. I want to install a program on my ubuntu 14.04 from the ubuntu 16.04 repository. The problem is that on my ubuntu 14.04 the version available for this program is the 4.0 and on ubuntu 16.04 is 5.0 (and I need the new version and I don't want to recompile from the source). It is possible to choise the ubuntu 16.04 repository only for this program? | 04:57 |
Solarbaby | lotuspsychje: sorry man | 04:57 |
somsip | ramrebol: no. Look for a PPA with the version you want maybe. What package is it? | 04:57 |
ramrebol | somsip: paraview | 04:58 |
somsip | !info paraview | 04:58 |
ubottu | paraview (source: paraview): Parallel Visualization Application. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.0.1+dfsg1-4 (xenial), package size 38025 kB, installed size 174227 kB | 04:58 |
B0g4r7 | I'm confused about all these terms surrounding the gui. | 04:58 |
inocuous | !info hexchat | 04:58 |
ubottu | hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.2-1ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 330 kB, installed size 932 kB | 04:58 |
lotuspsychje | B0g4r7: whats going on? | 04:59 |
B0g4r7 | My list of terms is "gdm, lightdm, xfce, lxde, kde, compiz, metacity, gnome, unity". Can you help me to classify them? | 04:59 |
somsip | ramrebol: there is this PPA but looks old to me. But this is where you can search from | 04:59 |
inocuous | I don't like the new version of hexchat | 04:59 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: use another irc client? | 04:59 |
B0g4r7 | I don't quite understand what all those things are and how they work together. | 04:59 |
inocuous | probably will now. | 04:59 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | B0g4r7 | 05:00 |
ubottu | B0g4r7: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 05:00 |
lotuspsychje | !windowmanagers | B0g4r7 | 05:00 |
ubottu | B0g4r7: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors | 05:00 |
B0g4r7 | Somehow I don't think the manual will explain what I'm...yeah, that looks more relevant. | 05:00 |
somsip | B0g4r7: most answers here | 05:00 |
B0g4r7 | thx. | 05:00 |
Triffid_Hunter | inocuous: kvirc is awesome if you're shopping for irc clients | 05:01 |
inocuous | I liked the transparent background feature in hexchat | 05:02 |
B0g4r7 | OK, so that explains window managers and desktop environments. Where does compiz fit into this picture? | 05:02 |
somsip | B0g4r7: it's on that link I gave you | 05:02 |
lotuspsychje | !compiz | B0g4r7 | 05:02 |
ubottu | B0g4r7: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 05:03 |
B0g4r7 | ah, yes. :reads further: | 05:03 |
somsip | B0g4r7: read it all. Then ask | 05:03 |
B0g4r7 | Touche. | 05:03 |
zykotick9 | B0g4r7: just an fyi, but compiz only exists on ubuntu... it was abondoned everywhere else long ago... | 05:03 |
B0g4r7 | Interesting. | 05:03 |
ramrebol | somsip: thanks, which luck with the install :) | 05:07 |
somsip | ramrebol: np | 05:07 |
inocuous | I just upgraded from 14.4 LTS to 16.4 LTS | 05:08 |
ramrebol | somsip: np? | 05:08 |
inocuous | took a long time. | 05:08 |
somsip | ramrebol: No Problem | 05:08 |
lotuspsychje | !ltsupgrade | inocuous | 05:08 |
ubottu | inocuous: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 05:08 |
ramrebol | somsip: thanks again (my english is not good enough) | 05:09 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | somsip | 05:09 |
ubottu | somsip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 05:09 |
somsip | ramrebol: :) | 05:09 |
inocuous | I decided not to wait. | 05:10 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: you forced upgrade with -d then? | 05:10 |
inocuous | yes | 05:10 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: ok good luck mate | 05:10 |
inocuous | I'm a recreational user. I don't see much difference in it. | 05:13 |
inocuous | other than the changes in hexchat, I like everthing | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: what hexchat changes are an issue for you? | 05:15 |
inocuous | functionally is the same, performance and all. I don't think there is anything I have tried to date that I like more, but I was using the option for transparent background for the client window. | 05:16 |
inocuous | that was taken out it seems. A couple sliders missing | 05:17 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: window opacity is still there? | 05:18 |
inocuous | for my set up, it makes the entire window disappear. | 05:20 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: ah you wanted only the inside transparant like xchat? | 05:21 |
inocuous | yes, that's what I had with the 14.4 release. Not sure what version of hexchat that would have been. | 05:21 |
lotuspsychje | !info hexchat trusty | 05:21 |
ubottu | hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 317 kB, installed size 1024 kB | 05:22 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: you could file a new bug against it, as a suggestion perhaps? | 05:22 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: maybe the maintainers will re-feature it | 05:23 |
inocuous | The thing is, the entire window disappears and you have to roll around the screen to get the menu to pop back up. It's an interesting adventure. lol | 05:24 |
Trusty_1404 | Hello can someone help me with an issue I'm having installing Skype 4.3 | 05:25 |
hateball | !help | Trusty_1404 | 05:26 |
ubottu | Trusty_1404: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 05:26 |
Trusty_1404 | Package Dependencies Cannot be Resolves: This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time. | 05:29 |
hateball | !skype | Trusty_1404 | 05:29 |
ubottu | Trusty_1404: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 05:29 |
Trusty_1404 | I tried everything that the webpage recomends to no avail. | 05:30 |
Bray90820 | How would I combine 2 files in the terminal? | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: keep an eye on changes/bugs here: | 05:30 |
hateball | Bray90820: combine how? what type of files? | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | Bray90820: can you explain what you want to do? | 05:31 |
inocuous | thanks lotuspsychje | 05:31 |
Bray90820 | hateball: lotuspsychje I wanna add the contents of "" to "known_hosts" | 05:33 |
hateball | Bray90820: cat originalfile.txt >> destinationfile.txt | 05:34 |
hateball | Bray90820: >> will append content | 05:34 |
hateball | or you can: cat file1 file2 file3 >> combinedfile | 05:34 |
Bray90820 | hateball: Thanks | 05:35 |
zykotick9 | Bray90820: WARNING!!! & known_hosts are DIFFERENT formats. it won't work. | 05:35 |
Bray90820 | zykotick9: Worked perfectly | 05:36 |
zykotick9 | ahhh.... | 05:36 |
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zykotick9 | Bray90820: maybe... sorry, my bad. i was cating id_rsa vs but still, i'm not 100% it'd work... | 05:38 |
Trusty_1404 | I am trying to install Skype 3.0, I keep getting this: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:38 |
Trusty_1404 | skype: Depends: skype-bin but it is a virtual package | 05:38 |
Bray90820 | zykotick9: It's ok It's | 05:38 |
zykotick9 | Bray90820: cool. sorry, my bad. | 05:38 |
Bray90820 | No worries | 05:39 |
zykotick9 | Bray90820: <sidenote> the "ssh-copy-id" is super handy | 05:42 |
Bray90820 | Ehh I already did what I needed to do | 05:42 |
zykotick9 | ^^ for next time ;) | 05:42 |
dennis_ | hi,I recently upgraded my ubuntu to 16.04 ,but am not able to extend my display using hdmi port.Can anyone help me? | 05:42 |
Trussty1404 | I am trying to install Skype 4.3 and get this: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:45 |
Trussty1404 | skype: Depends: skype-bin but it is a virtual package | 05:45 |
pitiye | guys pls check this | 05:46 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: So, What are you wanying to do ? The package manager advises " You should explicitly select one to install. " | 05:50 |
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Bashing-om | wanting* | 05:51 |
dennis_ | @Bashing-om -- which one should i install ? | 05:51 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: but when i explicitly select one , i get this ! | 05:52 |
=== sins-_j is now known as sins- | ||
Bashing-om | pitiye: What is the goal ? What led you to this ? | 05:52 |
Trussty1404 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:52 |
Trussty1404 | skype: Depends: skype-bin but it is a virtual package | 05:52 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: | 05:53 |
pitiye | bebootstrap | 05:53 |
pitiye | debootstrap | 05:53 |
Trussty1404 | I cannot instal skype 4.3 because of this: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:53 |
Trussty1404 | skype: Depends: skype-bin but it is a virtual package | 05:53 |
Bray90820 | What was changed in the shudders file from 14.04 and 16.04 | 05:54 |
Bray90820 | *Sudoers | 05:54 |
BenderRodriguez | Does anyone have kvm working on Xenial? | 05:56 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: " 3.19.0-58.64 " os not a valid file name . Do ' dpkg -l | grep linux- | 05:56 |
dionysus69 | I can connect to NFS version 3 but not 4 with the same config. What might be going wrong? | 05:56 |
Bashing-om | to see that the -58 kernel is installed . | 05:56 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: ii linux-base 4.0ubuntu1 all Linux image base package | 05:57 |
=== sins-_j is now known as sins- | ||
Trussty1404 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:58 |
Trussty1404 | skype : Depends: skype-bin | 05:58 |
Trussty1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 05:58 |
Trussty1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 05:58 |
Trussty1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 05:58 |
Trussty1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 05:58 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: That is it ? try ' sudo apt install linux-generic ' . | 05:58 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: The following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-generic : Depends: linux-image-generic (= but it is not going to be installed | 05:59 |
=== gspe is now known as gspe_ | ||
Bashing-om | pitiye: Show me the complete output in a pastebin . | 06:00 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: iam trying to install 16.04 with this way , but here kernels listed are below version 4 | 06:00 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: | 06:01 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: it says unable to resolve aspire , looks like host file is missing ??? | 06:02 |
=== sins-_j is now known as sins- | ||
Bashing-om | pitiye: You did do step 9 "apt-get install grub-pc linux-image" ? | 06:06 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: i didnt want to instal grub-pc twice as my current os already contains it | 06:06 |
pitiye | yes i skipped it | 06:06 |
=== sins-_j is now known as sins- | ||
Bashing-om | pitiye: If reqyured can install grub later . for now ' sudo apt install linux-image ' . What results ? | 06:08 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: same as my first pastie - | 06:10 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: ' sudo apt install linux-image-3.19.0-58-generic ' . Be aware very tired here and think'n not the best . | 06:19 |
dionysus69 | I am getting access denied on nfs4 why please help | 06:24 |
bwxs | Hello | 06:29 |
bwxs | good afternoon everyone | 06:29 |
wyf_ | . | 06:30 |
bwxs | anybody else? | 06:30 |
wyf_ | yes | 06:30 |
bwxs | where r u from | 06:31 |
somsip | bwxs: it's a support channel. People dont tend to chat. Try #ubuntu-offtopic unless you have a support question | 06:31 |
wyf_ | china | 06:31 |
bwxs | 靠。。我也是。 | 06:31 |
somsip | !ot | 06:31 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:31 |
wyf_ | 你会发现,这里其实还有很多。。 | 06:31 |
bwxs | 。。。 | 06:31 |
bwxs | 好吧。第一次来。。。哈哈。。。 | 06:32 |
bwxs | 没有妹纸? | 06:32 |
elky | bwxs: only english please | 06:33 |
bwxs | Er。。poor english | 06:34 |
elky | bwxs: try #ubuntu-cn ? | 06:37 |
wyf_ | . | 06:38 |
bwxs | Yes | 06:39 |
bwxs | I am a newer | 06:39 |
pitiye | Bash | 06:39 |
pitiye | Bashing-om: | 06:39 |
prago_1 | how can I add a specific folder to my terminal's path? e.g. /mydata/myscripts... when I add it to .bashrc and export it, all other programs are out of my path | 06:40 |
trijntje | prago_1: thats easy enough to find online, you have to append the new folder to your path, not replace your path | 06:40 |
elky | bwxs: there are lots of people in #ubuntu-cn and you don't need english there. | 06:41 |
Trusty_1404 | I am having trouble install skype 4.3 | 06:41 |
hateball | prago_1: export PATH="/new/path/:$PATH"; | 06:41 |
trijntje | prago_1: like so: PATH="$HOME/scripts:$PATH" | 06:41 |
somsip | prago_1: | 06:42 |
bwxs | elky where r u from | 06:43 |
elky | bwxs: australia | 06:43 |
bwxs | wow chinese ubuntu | 06:44 |
Trusty_1404 | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | 06:45 |
Trusty_1404 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 06:45 |
Trusty_1404 | skype : Depends: skype-bin | 06:45 |
Trusty_1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 06:45 |
Trusty_1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 06:45 |
Trusty_1404 | N: Ignoring file 'trillian.list.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension | 06:45 |
prago_1 | trijntje: I added something like that to my .bashrc.. but after that all other commands did not work anymore | 06:46 |
somsip | prago_1: then you did it wrong | 06:46 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: ' sudo apt install module-init-tools ' .. See what that results . | 06:46 |
prago_1 | I added path=/folderwithmyscripts and export path | 06:46 |
somsip | prago_1: there you go then. You MUST include the old path too | 06:47 |
somsip | prago_1: as hateball said - export PATH="/new/path/:$PATH"; | 06:47 |
Trusty_1404 | Can someone tell me what I need to do? | 06:48 |
Bray90820 | is crontab -e on a 24 hour clock? | 06:48 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: you can start with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 06:51 |
hateball | Bray90820: Yes | 06:52 |
Bray90820 | hateball: Thanks | 06:52 |
Bashing-om | pitiye: Got to reire and rest my weary self .. Best of effort to you .. catch ya later . | 06:53 |
bwxs | bye everyone | 06:54 |
Trusty_1404 | hateball this is the result: | 06:55 |
pitiye | guys pls check this out | 06:55 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: yea, so remove your broken list files, as it suggests | 06:56 |
shakir | As a new linux user..I wounder if it is possible to use this command: apt-get install girlfriend ! | 06:57 |
Trusty_1404 | I don't know what the hell I'm doing, otherwise I wouldn't be asking random people on here. | 06:58 |
Trusty_1404 | I have basic functionality with computers, not enough to remove broken files though. | 06:59 |
pax2you | shakir: E: Unable to locate package girlfriend :)) | 07:00 |
Myrtti | and I hope that is the end of that joke | 07:02 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: You've somehow managed to add various repositories not included default in Ubuntu | 07:05 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: So fix or remove those | 07:05 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trillian.list.1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trillian.list.2" | 07:06 |
hateball | Trusty_1404: This still has nothing to do with installing Skype however | 07:06 |
bwxs | wyf | 07:07 |
=== absk007 is now known as Guest68865 | ||
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus | ||
brianx | how do i disable unity overlay scrollbars in Xenial Xerus 16.04? unity tweak tool/scrolling/legacy didn't work, nor did dconf-editor com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode nor did export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 in ~/.xprofile | 07:30 |
brianx | i did a power off reboot between steps. | 07:31 |
xuhui | list | 07:33 |
SeerKan | Hi guys | 07:35 |
SeerKan | When installing mariadb on ubuntu with apt-get it starts it automatically, since I am doing automation, and the default mysql config is not ok I need it not to start automatically when it's installed | 07:36 |
SeerKan | Any way to tell apt not to start it ? | 07:36 |
somsip | SeerKan: surely you'd just copy your config over and restart it? | 07:37 |
SeerKan | won't work, it creates ibdata of different size and other stuff making it to fail | 07:37 |
SeerKan | need it to start only after I add my config | 07:37 |
somsip | SeerKan: fair enough | 07:38 |
Trusty_1404 | Is there a dating chat room on irc? | 07:45 |
somsip | !alis | Trusty_1404 | 07:45 |
ubottu | Trusty_1404: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 07:45 |
effectnet | i am having differnt things not work, getting to be quite a few now | 07:55 |
=== gspe is now known as gspe_ | ||
somsip | effectnet: Are you talking about ubuntu here? more details would help | 07:55 |
effectnet | ok how come something like vlc player would stop working? | 07:56 |
somsip | effectnet: what thing like vlc? Or do you really mean "vlc is not working"? | 07:57 |
somsip | effectnet: run it in a terminal and report any error messages, and describe the nature of "not working" | 07:57 |
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest68827 | ||
anonkun | how do I run post install triggers? | 08:02 |
anonkun | I ended up having to shutdown the install after grub install failed | 08:02 |
effectnet | here is part of an error from running vlc at the command line: Maximum number of clients reachedxcb_connection_has_error() returned true | 08:03 |
EriC^^ | anonkun: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:03 |
cengizhan | slm millet | 08:03 |
pitiye_ | guys pls check this | 08:03 |
rmp | hi to everyone | 08:03 |
anonkun | EriC^^, I still have the "install release" application | 08:04 |
effectnet | do i need to update something | 08:05 |
somsip | effectnet: what version of ubuntu, what version of VLC, and how did you install VLX? | 08:05 |
EriC^^ | anonkun: what do you mean? | 08:05 |
nightysaw81 | hi | 08:06 |
anonkun | I still have the "install ubuntu" application that you get on the livecd | 08:06 |
rmp | does someone know the better way to set up a VPN network with ubuntu 14.04 | 08:06 |
anonkun | but i've already installed ubuntu and am no longer on the livecd. | 08:06 |
anonkun | EriC^^, this happened because post installer triggers and stuff werent run. | 08:06 |
nightysaw81 | i am looking for a wlan ac usb stick. Does anyone know a model which works out of the box? | 08:06 |
nightysaw81 | in ac mode? | 08:06 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: any ppa's? | 08:07 |
effectnet | 14.04, (still determining), and software center | 08:07 |
pitiye_ | EriC^^: no ppas | 08:07 |
rmp | pptp vpn seems that works only with the browser | 08:07 |
EriC^^ | anonkun: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall <grub packages> ( get them from dpkg -l | grep grub ) | 08:07 |
effectnet | 2.1.6 | 08:08 |
effectnet | well i'll reboot i guess, feels like windows | 08:08 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: type grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc 9999 | 08:09 |
pitiye_ | EriC^^: | 08:10 |
anonkun | also | 08:10 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: vivid is eol | 08:11 |
EriC^^ | !eol | 08:11 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 08:11 |
anonkun | will doing sudo snap install ubuntu-core cause any issues? | 08:11 |
pitiye_ | EriC^^: i am trying to install 16.04 | 08:11 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: change the sources first | 08:11 |
pitiye_ | EriC^^: i am adding this to sources.list > deb xenial main | 08:12 |
EriC^^ | !eolupgrades | follow the guide here | 08:12 |
ubottu | follow the guide here: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 08:12 |
effectnet | k rebooting fixed it heh | 08:12 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: that's not how to upgrade in ubuntu | 08:12 |
pitiye_ | then ? | 08:12 |
pitiye_ | apt-get upgrade didnt work | 08:13 |
EriC^^ | pitiye_: ok | 08:13 |
EriC^^ | fix the sources first | 08:13 |
EriC^^ | and disable the last 3 ppa's | 08:14 |
EriC^^ | purge them if possible and you dont need them using ppa-purge | 08:14 |
EriC^^ | then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , or sudo apt-get -f install | 08:14 |
EriC^^ | and see why apt has installed a newer package of libkmod2 than the other package wants | 08:15 |
EriC^^ | apt-cache policy <package> shows where the package came from, type apt-cache policy libkmod2 right now | 08:15 |
pitiye_ | EriC^^: TY for the tips | 08:16 |
pitiye_ | will report any issues | 08:16 |
EriC^^ | no problem, ok | 08:17 |
sapa-inyong | where I can download files alldeb? | 08:17 |
Nasenmann | Hi, I have network problems on ubuntu 14.04 with a Broadcom BCM57781 interface. Does somebody have an idea on how to install another driver or another way to fix this? | 08:17 |
EriC^^ | sapa-inyong: which deb? | 08:17 |
hivar1 | hi there, i have some problem. I want to add windows printer, but it always keep aking for some sort of password and username. In windows I have no accounts it should connect automaticly. The same is, when I want to enter the workgroup. I have googled it for like 5 days but nothing found. Can someone help me? | 08:18 |
lenovo | helloo , i have 3g modul for sim card on my Thinkpad Lenovo t410.I installed Xubuntu 14.04 and also drivers for gobi 2000, in the menu networks preference is shown mobile broudband, I create network for bulgarian Vivacom, but when I click connect and writing the password something went wrong and it is not working.Please if there is a chance to avoid the problem please help me .Thank you | 08:18 |
sapa-inyong | ubuntu restricted extras | 08:18 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: what issues did you encounter? | 08:20 |
cristian_c | hivar1: how have you setup your printer? | 08:22 |
EriC^^ | sapa-inyong: for which ubuntu? | 08:22 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: I get timeouts for connections to some servers. Switching the MTU to 900 does work for some connections, but some other timeout problems persist | 08:22 |
cristian_c | lenovo: pastebin your dmesg and syalog | 08:22 |
cristian_c | syslog | 08:22 |
Nasenmann | @christian_g: I could not connect to e.g. until I set the MTU to 900 | 08:22 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: ubuntu desktop? | 08:23 |
Nasenmann | @christian_c: yes | 08:23 |
rembo | hello everyone, i want to add a sftp user to see only one folder, not the rest, and to have read/write permision also to this folder, how can i do it? | 08:23 |
hivar1 | hi there, i have some problem. I want to add windows printer, but it always keep aking for some sort of password and username. In windows I have no accounts it should connect automaticly. The same is, when I want to enter the workgroup. I have googled it for like 5 days but nothing found. Can someone help me? | 08:24 |
cristian_c | hivar1: how have you setup your printer? | 08:24 |
cristian_c | !broadcom | 08:24 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 08:24 |
cristian_c | hivar1: I've privates disabled, enter you request in channel | 08:25 |
hivar1 | cristian_c: 10:25:09) hivar1: i followed this | 08:26 |
hivar1 | (10:25:18) hivar1: i can see the network but cannot acces it | 08:26 |
hivar1 | (10:25:47) hivar1: i dont know whitch username/password to add, the one from my linux dosent work | 08:26 |
brontosaurusrex | rembo: | 08:26 |
=== Fredrich010 is now known as AcidCrash | ||
hivar1 | cristian_c: just for the record printer is working on the network witch windows client (and worked in my linux client till upgrade) | 08:28 |
cristian_c | hivar1: 'upgrade'? | 08:28 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: ethernet? | 08:29 |
Nasenmann | yes | 08:29 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: yes | 08:29 |
hivar1 | cristian_c: i think samba upgraded, and then it stops working, then I install fesh copy of 16.04 xubuntu. The problem remains it always asking for username password, but the windows client is set to let everyone | 08:30 |
cristian_c | hivar1: so, now, have you freshly installed xenial? | 08:31 |
hivar1 | cristian_c: yes I have fresh installed Xubuntu, but the problem is with samba i think | 08:32 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: dual or single ethernet? | 08:33 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: single | 08:34 |
cristian_c | hivar1: how have you added exactly your printer in xenial? | 08:34 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: are you using gigabit connection? | 08:35 |
cristian_c | 1000mb/s | 08:35 |
ttyp123 | can someone tell me what this command does ? what exactly is it searching for ? /bin/find // -name .*history ( -links 2 -o -type l ) | 08:35 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: How can I find that out ot change? | 08:35 |
cristian_c | either megabit (100 mb/s) | 08:35 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: or change | 08:35 |
tmladek | hi, I just put the 16.04 x64 iso on my usb drive using Rufus, but when I boot it, there isnt even a menu asking me what do I want to do (i.e. install, live, memtest) - it just goes straight to the loading screen with dots (on my second screen) and then blacks out and does nothing | 08:35 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: with ethtool | 08:36 |
cristian_c | you can change speed | 08:36 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: lshw -C network | 08:36 |
hivar1 | cristian_c:I tryed it like this but im stucked on username and password : | 08:36 |
cristian_c | hivar1: I've not asked what guide you have followed | 08:37 |
cristian_c | I've asked wht you have exactly done | 08:37 |
cristian_c | *what | 08:37 |
ttyp123 | anyone ? | 08:37 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: This is the output: | 08:37 |
cristian_c | hivar1: post a picture/screenshot | 08:38 |
cristian_c | !image | 08:38 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: try making the usb using linux live usb creator | 08:38 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: also checksum the iso | 08:38 |
tmladek | EriC^^: it is downloaded off bittorrent, and I rechecked before writing | 08:39 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: speed=1Gbit/s | 08:39 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: ok, try linux live usb creator | 08:39 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: btw, you seem having dual eth interfaces | 08:39 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: are you using uefi? | 08:39 |
cristian_c | !picture | 08:39 |
tmladek | EriC^^: how do I tell? | 08:40 |
tmladek | I think so, though | 08:40 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: in the bios if it says uefi, and csm legacy is disabled/turned off | 08:40 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: Ok, what does this mean for me? | 08:40 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: try to hold shift when the pc boots | 08:41 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: in the web, I read about issues with dual nic on bcm57758 | 08:41 |
hivar1 | cristian_c: Printers - Add printer - Network printer - Printer with WIndows Samba - then I add IP of the host - it finds WOURKGROUP - i find machine with the printer but i cannot go further. popup come up and asking for username and password (my linux dosent work), but the host is set to let everyone in. | 08:41 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: Ok, is there something I can do? | 08:41 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: you can try to change the ethernet speed (to 100 mb/s) | 08:42 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: if you get a grub screen, press e over try ubuntu and add "nomodeset" to the line that has linux vmlinuz......... | 08:42 |
EriC^^ | then press ctrl+x to boot it | 08:42 |
tmladek | EriC^^: I didnt get a grub screen, but rather the ubuntu menu | 08:43 |
rmp | does anyone know the better way to set up a VPN network with ubuntu 14.04 | 08:43 |
rmp | pptp vpn seems that works only with the browser | 08:43 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: aha, i think it's booting in legacy | 08:43 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: try to press f6 for boot options and choose nomodeset | 08:44 |
tmladek | EriC^^: I selected "Install Ubuntu", and got briefly a flash of a cursor, then black again | 08:44 |
tmladek | alright, Ill try the nomodeset | 08:44 |
EriC^^ | which laptop is this? | 08:44 |
cristian_c | hivar1: 'prompt user if authentication is required'? | 08:44 |
tmladek | it is not a laptop | 08:45 |
EriC^^ | which pc? | 08:45 |
tmladek | one I built myself | 08:45 |
EriC^^ | ok cool | 08:45 |
EriC^^ | which vga? | 08:45 |
mephors | Hi, I'm on 14.04.4 LTS and would like to upgrade to 16.04. I have set the upgrade manager to only notify me of LTS upgrades. My understanding is that 16.04 was released on the 21. of april but I am not offered the upgrade. Is 16.04 not LTS (yet)? | 08:46 |
somsip | mephors: not until 16.04.1 strictly speaking | 08:46 |
EriC^^ | !ltsupgrade | mephors | 08:46 |
ubottu | mephors: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 08:46 |
tmladek | EriC^^: NVidia GTX 460v2; but with nomodeset the thing booted, but the resolution is all wonky | 08:46 |
mephors | ah ok thank you guys | 08:46 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: hello | 08:47 |
EriC^^ | tmladek: ok maybe you can install and then install the proper drivers after the installation | 08:47 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: hi | 08:47 |
cristian_c | I've tried to start my own .service file | 08:47 |
cristian_c | but when I use systemctl start myservice.service, I don't see my service in the task manager | 08:48 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: This did not change anything. Do you have another idea? | 08:48 |
cristian_c | I've also tried systemctl status myservice.service, but I can't figure out what is the issue | 08:48 |
wyf | pptp is global, not only with the browser | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: maybe it's quitting quickly | 08:49 |
cristian_c | I've looked also at syslog, but I can't figure out what is the issue | 08:49 |
cristian_c | Quit: muka [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | 08:49 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: maybe, youcare right :) | 08:49 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: try to add a > /tmp/log 2>&1 to the service | 08:49 |
=== AcidCrash is now known as AcidCrash_ | ||
cristian_c | you're | 08:49 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: execstart? | 08:49 |
EriC^^ | it's a script? | 08:49 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: yes | 08:49 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: execstart value in the unit file is a .sh script | 08:50 |
EriC^^ | try to add it in the execstart | 08:50 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: ok | 08:50 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: have you changed the speed? | 08:51 |
Nasenmann_ | christian_c: This did not change anything. Do you have another idea? | 08:51 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: lshw -C network | 08:52 |
Nasenmann | christian_c: Thank you. I will just buy another interface :) | 08:55 |
cristian_c | Nasenmann: lshw -C network | 08:55 |
cristian_c | lol | 08:55 |
* cristian_c thinks maybe these users are trolling, maybe... | 08:55 | |
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rp2 | I ran into problems trying to use the Ubuntu documentation as it was out of date (as usual). Now I'd like to fix that page, but I'm afraid to mess it up. What do I do? This is the page: | 08:59 |
=== drama_ is now known as drama | ||
abbas_ | hi eveery body , what is the Mint channel ?? | 09:04 |
abbas_ | #Mint | 09:04 |
abbas_ | ? | 09:04 |
jason__ | abbas /msg alis list mint | 09:04 |
cristian_c | abbas_: #linuxmint, I think | 09:04 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: I've tried, no log files in /tmp | 09:05 |
siorai | So. Guess who gets to troubleshoot a wireless dongle! woo! | 09:05 |
abbas_ | cristian_c: thanks dude | 09:05 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: I try to reboot | 09:05 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: did enable the service? | 09:05 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: yeah, with daemon-reload and enable service too | 09:06 |
cristian_c | now, I've restarted the machine | 09:06 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: no log files in /tmp after reboot, too... | 09:08 |
siorai | Can't seem to get my AC6000 to show up regardless of pintu's patched driver | 09:08 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: I can pastebin the output of systemctl status, if you want | 09:09 |
dreamcat4 | hi. need help setting locales on 16.04 | 09:10 |
dreamcat4 | they changed it | 09:10 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: ok | 09:10 |
prago_1 | hi. since 15.10 network-if changed from eth0 to enps03 for example. in "normal" ubuntu I can get the "legacy" back when adding this to /etc/default/grub: net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 | 09:11 |
prago_1 | in ubuntu server this does not works.. I have NO interface after this. | 09:12 |
prago_1 | how to do it? | 09:12 |
dreamcat4 | heres my problem: | 09:12 |
dreamcat4 | LANG is not set (on new logins) | 09:12 |
dreamcat4 | yet /etc/default/locale has LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 | 09:13 |
Triffid_Hunter | prago_1: change your stuff to use the new names? they're better because they're consistent across reboots, unlike the old scheme which could change and needed to be bludgeoned by startup scripts to maintain consistency | 09:14 |
prago_1 | just tried to use them.. in a v-server with many vbox headless machines.. the new ones are very "dynamically".. dit not go well.. | 09:15 |
prago_1 | but whats the reason it works in ubuntu/(*)buntu... but not in ubuntu-server? | 09:16 |
prago_1 | after I change grub file I have no if at all | 09:16 |
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cristian_c | dreamcat4: you are administrator | 09:17 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: | 09:21 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: what happens when you run it from a normal terminal? | 09:26 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: launching the .sh script. do you mean? | 09:26 |
cristian_c | either launching systemctl start? | 09:26 |
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=== Guest1762 is now known as Alberto80 | ||
dreamcat4 | anyone know how to set the locale properly on ubuntu 16.04? | 09:32 |
nebg | hello everyone i cannot understand what the process dnsmasq does... can somebody explain it to me in simple terms ? | 09:32 |
dreamcat4 | its a dns server | 09:32 |
DJones | !locale | dreamcat4 Not something I've done, but the bot's links should help, | 09:32 |
ubottu | dreamcat4 Not something I've done, but the bot's links should help,: To set up and configure your locales, see and | 09:32 |
swenzel | Recently I've installed 16.04 x64 on my machine. When I start it the screen goes black with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner after the usual ubuntu boot throbber. Then the machine beeps and I can see the login screen. Not sure how to debug this. | 09:34 |
dreamcat4 | yeah. already followed those instructions. it didnt help. the cmds say 'success' but LANG= still isnt set | 09:34 |
dreamcat4 | and pages last edited: 2013 is way before 16.04 | 09:35 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: yes, the .sh script | 09:36 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: if I launch the .sh script directly, it works | 09:36 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: it worked also with upstart, in past | 09:36 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: ok try to remove the > /tmp from execstart | 09:37 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: but with systemd, I had to write a unit/.service file | 09:37 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: ok, and then? | 09:37 |
=== Guest19224 is now known as drzel | ||
EriC^^ | cristian_c: put bash -c "/path/to/ > /tmp/log 2>&1" | 09:38 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: ok | 09:39 |
chboto | OMG | 09:41 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: systemd does not accept the bash string | 09:44 |
aredpanda`w | Anyone had their vbox installation broken after the update? When I try rebuilding the kernel modules it tells me that it faield to start the kernel module. | 09:45 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: executable path is not absolute, ignoring: bash -c "/usr/local/bin/html2pop3/ > /tmp/html2pop3log 2>&1" | 09:46 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: try /bin/bash -c "/usr/local.." | 09:47 |
Alberto80 | Is there any way I can definitely disable a wifi interface? | 09:47 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: ok | 09:47 |
Alberto80 | In Ubuntu 16.04 | 09:47 |
rp2 | swenzel: what is there to debug? what do you expect instead? my 14.04 installations do this, too | 09:48 |
swenzel | rp2, doesn't look like what's suppoed to happen... at least my other installations don't do this | 09:49 |
TJ- | cristian_c: please read "man systemd.service" and the section on ExecStart - this is *not* a shell command line | 09:49 |
swenzel | rp2, I admit it's hardly more than an annoyance, though | 09:49 |
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest53461 | ||
cristian_c | TJ-: ok | 09:50 |
TJ- | cristian_c: if you want to redirect I/O you'll need to call a script that does the I/O redirection itself, as in "ExecStart=/bin/bash /path/to/my-script.bash" | 09:50 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: now, it fails | 09:50 |
TJ- | cristian_c: the first argument of ExecStart *must* be an absolute path to an exectuable | 09:51 |
lenovo | | 09:51 |
cristian_c | TJ-: I'd like only make the process active | 09:51 |
swenzel | rp2, what I expect is transition from throbber to login screen without beeping and the black screen | 09:51 |
TJ- | cristian_c: what do you mean by 'active' ? | 09:51 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: anything in /tmp/log? | 09:51 |
cristian_c | TJ-: when I launch the service (either booting the machine), process is not present in the task manager | 09:52 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: you are right, now there is a log in /tmp | 09:52 |
TJ- | cristian_c: right, you want to start it. That imples the process keeps itself running and doesn't exit. So, *inside* the script you'll need to do any I/O logging yourself, you *cannot* use shall I/O redirection with systemd.service's ExecStart= --- that is *not* a shell command | 09:53 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: log contents: Sintax: /usr/local/bin/html2pop3/ {start|stop|status|restart} | 09:54 |
TJ- | cristian_c: systemd sanitizes the ExecStart arguments before executing the command | 09:54 |
cristian_c | TJ-: it seems exited | 09:54 |
cristian_c | TJ-: ok | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: you forgot the "start" after the script name | 09:54 |
TJ- | cristian_c: right, because you didn't add "start" as an argument | 09:55 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: I've removed it when I made the change you've suggested, but now I put it again | 09:55 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: now the log says: "html2pop3 starting..." | 09:57 |
simbo | is anyone able to help me with dist upgrade? If i do it through the UI, it asks for my password and then does nothing, and if i do it via ssh command line I get an attribute erro 'AptCDrom' object has no attribute 'restore_backup' | 09:57 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: I think it exited, as previously | 09:59 |
cristian_c | the process is not present in the tsk manager | 09:59 |
cristian_c | *task | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: no errors? | 09:59 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: no | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | maybe it's missing some environment variable? | 09:59 |
lundmar | TJ-: hi. Just curious if you had any chance to look into the gnome-terminal/unity issue? | 10:00 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: it's strange, if I launch the .sh from terminal, it works.... | 10:03 |
TJ- | lundmar: briefly, but have other issues to finish first | 10:03 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: and in the command line I don't add any environment variables | 10:03 |
EriC^^ | cristian_c: can you pastebin the .service file? | 10:04 |
lundmar | TJ-: ok. Noticed that there is a guy assigned in the bug report but not much reponse from him in the bug thread. | 10:04 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: ok | 10:04 |
TJ- | cristian_c: the script is relying on PATH or other variables in the environment that don't exist for service scripts. Inside your script, as the first command, put "env" and it'll write the variables that exist to the log file you're capturing | 10:04 |
Alberto80 | Is there any way I can definitely disable a wifi interface? | 10:05 |
cristian_c | TJ-: I'm thinking you are right, about this | 10:05 |
nebg | hello everyone i removed dnsmasq on xubuntu and now the network doesn't work | 10:05 |
nebg | why ? | 10:05 |
nebg | how can i go back ? i'm on xubuntu | 10:06 |
popey | reinstall it? | 10:06 |
popey | nebg: you could get the deb on a usb key on another machine | 10:06 |
popey | | 10:07 |
TJ- | lundmar: looks like a Canonical dev so probably part of the internal unity team | 10:07 |
Alberto80 | I've got a laptop with an USB Wi-Fi adapter which works way better than the built-in one | 10:07 |
lundmar | TJ-: ok | 10:08 |
TJ- | lundmar: no response is necessary if he can reproduce, as I would expect, it'll just get fixed | 10:08 |
Alberto80 | How can I definitely disable the built-in one? | 10:08 |
cristian_c | EriC^^: | 10:08 |
lundmar | TJ-: hmm ok, so the ubuntu devs dont communicate in public that much. | 10:09 |
TJ- | nebg: manually configure your name-servers once and you can reinstall it, or else if the package is still in the apt archive locally, just do "apt-get install dnsmasq" | 10:09 |
TJ- | lundmar: yes, but if we don't need to say anything its a waste of time and space | 10:09 |
mcphail | lundmar: what's the bug number? I'm having some terminal oddness in 16.04 | 10:09 |
lundmar | mcphail: | 10:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1521302 in unity (Ubuntu Xenial) "gnome-terminal maximize than un-maximize behaves odd" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:10 |
TJ- | lundmar: if Marco is dealing I'll leave it alone, no need 2 people messing with it | 10:10 |
mcphail | lundmar: I'll +1 that one - was going to file that bug myself | 10:10 |
lundmar | TJ-: sure, makes sense. It's just that he has been assigned from the start but I can't tell if he is working actively on it. However, the bug affects a lot of people. | 10:11 |
lundmar | mcphail: yes, its a quite annoying bug. Please +1 on the bug affects you in the bug report. | 10:12 |
mcphail | lundmar: done | 10:12 |
lundmar | maybe that will help bump its priority. | 10:12 |
mcphail | lundmar: I've been minimising then selecting the "80x24" from teh menu | 10:12 |
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TJ- | lundmar: you can always email him via his profile's email address ask him to provide a heads-up in the bug report | 10:13 |
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lundmar | mcphail: haha, quite a workaround | 10:13 |
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DiamondSword | hello.. I have installed Windows on VirtualBox on Ubuntu machine, but I have no internet connection on VM (Windows machine) I have selected Bridged Adapter but still I have no internet connection, please help ... | 10:13 |
TJ- | lundmar: use his address | 10:13 |
cristian_c | TJ-: the script is the typical .sh with 'case ... in start), stop), status), restart), .....'. I can add the env command at th fist line (below the hasbang and commented lines) | 10:13 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 10:13 |
lundmar | TJ-: ok | 10:13 |
cristian_c | *the first | 10:14 |
TJ- | cristian_c: yes, after shebang line | 10:14 |
cristian_c | ok | 10:14 |
TJ- | cristian_c: then you can see the PATH for example. If your script is calling programs by their names, not absolute paths, they may not be found on the PATH the script receives from systemd. | 10:14 |
TJ- | cristian_c: especially if they're under /usr/local/... | 10:14 |
marhelle | hallo | 10:15 |
lundmar | TJ-: geez, one gets dizzy just looking at the critical/high bugs assigned to this guy haha | 10:15 |
mircx1 | Hello i need a help please i have problem with suspend in ubuntu 16 is no back how i can fix it please? | 10:15 |
TJ- | cristian_c: if you're unsure, you can also add into your script a series of "which <program-name>" for each external program your script calls, to see if the script can 'see' them on the PATH it receives | 10:15 |
TJ- | lundmar: that's Unity for you :P | 10:16 |
lundmar | yeah haha | 10:16 |
nebg | TJ-, but why uninstalling dnsmasq makes this problem ? | 10:16 |
rp2 | swenszel: well it's not something I want to know how to fix, sorry ... | 10:16 |
TJ- | nebg: because dnsmasq is the PC's local DNS server. without it, you have no way to resolve hostnames to IP addresses unless they're in /etc/hosts | 10:16 |
cristian_c | TJ-: the .sh script calls java command with JAVA environment variable contained in the .sh script, and a COMMAND environment variable launching jar stuff, always contained in the .sh script | 10:17 |
cristian_c | TJ-: so, maybe you are right | 10:17 |
TJ- | cristian_c: ahhh, that is a recipe for problems at init time, you will need to provide absolute paths I suspect | 10:17 |
TJ- | cristian_c: your script may just need to add additional paths to PATH as in PATH="${PATH}:/my/additional/path" | 10:18 |
cristian_c | TJ-: I'm reading the .sh script in the start) section, and I think you've found the trick | 10:18 |
mircx1 | ? | 10:18 |
mircx1 | Hello i need a help please i have problem with suspend in ubuntu 16 is no back how i can fix it please? | 10:19 |
cristian_c | because the echo -n 'starting html2pop3" line is printed in the logfile and systemdctl status, but after the echo, there is a $JAVA $COMMAND line, so you'are right about the environment variable issue | 10:20 |
TJ- | cristian_c: good; you can see how to fix it now :) | 10:21 |
elichai2 | hi | 10:21 |
elichai2 | the file syslog.1 in /var/log is weight 22GB | 10:22 |
elichai2 | so i looked in the last 100 lines and they are full of the same error: | 10:22 |
elichai2 | any idea what that means? | 10:22 |
elichai2 | `] Unable to create cache` `] Backend init failed:net::ERR_FAILED` | 10:22 |
cristian_c | TJ-: as you suspected, the COMMAND variable uses relative paths in the string value | 10:22 |
cristian_c | and not absolute, so it's a source of issues for systemd | 10:22 |
cristian_c | if env is not executed in the script | 10:23 |
aredpanda`w | I'm using UEFI Secure boot on my installation, and this is preventing VirtualBox from functioning properly(the kernel module isn't loaded because it isn't signed). How can I allow un-signed module loading on such a system? | 10:25 |
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ralle | one people speech german | 10:32 |
hateball | !de | ralle | 10:32 |
ubottu | ralle: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 10:32 |
ralle | ok | 10:33 |
delta_ | hi | 10:33 |
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burn129 | Food | 10:38 |
curmet | hello I've installed mysql on ubuntu machine. But can't access it via windows machine. it says "lost connection to mysql server at reading initial communication packet ,system error:2 | 10:40 |
curmet | I ve set the root user to be accessed from % | 10:40 |
curmet | Flushed priviles | 10:40 |
curmet | And disabled the firewall. | 10:40 |
curmet | What else? thanks before | 10:40 |
`ph8 | Hi all, i've had some nvidia problems on 16.04 which i've solved by using the ppa:graphics-drivers and nvidia-364. On both nouveau (before trying any nvidia drivers) and nvidia though whenever i plug in my second screen the laptop screen starts appearing/disappearing (crashing), the second screen becomes active but then eventually dies - then the whole display goes black (i guess crash limit exceeded) | 10:46 |
`ph8 | does anyone know anything about debugging a second monitor problem like this? Laptop is a brand new Dell XPS | 10:46 |
`ph8 | nvidia GM107M [GeForce GTX 960M] | 10:46 |
somsip | curmet: /etc/mysql/my.cnf and change bind-address to (or something slightly safer) | 10:46 |
somsip | curmet: probably by default | 10:47 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: have you got nvidia-prime installed? | 10:48 |
`ph8 | yes | 10:48 |
`ph8 | i've not done anything with it though | 10:48 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: the drivers ubuntu suggested didnt work well? | 10:49 |
`ph8 | nouveau (the default display driver after install) worked for one screen but had the same problem on two | 10:49 |
dannymichel | I need help with creating a shortcut, if anyone would be so kind. Any help would be greatly appreciated | 10:49 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: can you recall wich driver versions showed up your additional drivers list? | 10:49 |
`ph8 | i have nvidia-364 and prime 0.8.2 | 10:50 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: did you try an -updates driver also? | 10:50 |
`ph8 | i found a big upvoted askubuntu answer about installing nvidia-364 on 16.04 to fix woes | 10:50 |
`ph8 | it seems like a good steer, although TBH disabling secure boot is what finally made it work | 10:50 |
`ph8 | i just don't know how to debug this second screen issue :/ | 10:50 |
dannymichel | | 10:51 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: can you try an xrandr --auto ? | 10:51 |
`ph8 | it ran, no output | 10:51 |
`ph8 | i don't have the second screen plugged in atm though | 10:51 |
`ph8 | because that crashes everything | 10:51 |
lotuspsychje | right | 10:51 |
aredpanda`w | Is there a way to allow unsigned module loading on a UEFI Secure Boot setup? | 10:51 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: might be interesting to tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your external one | 10:52 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | aredpanda`w can this help? | 10:53 |
ubottu | aredpanda`w can this help?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 10:53 |
`ph8 | of course that crashes the screen so i wouldn't see the output :) | 10:53 |
`ph8 | tough one that | 10:53 |
lundmar | TJ-: I've written the guy. I've asked him to bump up the priority so that someone af cannonical hopefully notices it. It is currently not in progress. | 10:53 |
curmet | somsip: so in /etc/mysql/my.cnf , I just have to add this line | 10:54 |
curmet | bind-address = | 10:54 |
curmet | ? | 10:54 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: does it crash on nouveau also? | 10:55 |
aredpanda`w | lotuspsychje, thanks! now to wait for the link to stop throwing internal server errors. | 10:56 |
`ph8 | yes lotuspsychje | 10:57 |
`ph8 | weird right | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: you have performance mode enabled in nvidia-settings? | 10:58 |
`ph8 | yes | 10:58 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: can you tell me wich drivers all show in your list please? | 10:58 |
`ph8 | nouveua, nvidia 361.42, 364.19 and 358.16 | 10:58 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: and all the updates ones too right? | 10:59 |
`ph8 | no i have no updates ones | 10:59 |
lotuspsychje | hmmz | 10:59 |
`ph8 | i'm guessing because i'm on this graphics-drivers PPA | 10:59 |
`ph8 | | 10:59 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: did you upgrade xenial or clean install? | 10:59 |
`ph8 | admittedly even that repo says it recommends 352, but the askubuntu i saw recommended 364 to get around the xenial/nvidia issues | 11:00 |
`ph8 | clean install | 11:00 |
pngl | Hi! Looking for help troubleshooting my SSH connection. Connection times out often, input lag is crazy... but pinging the machine gives me 16ms, and I have a good connection locally. What could be happening? | 11:00 |
curmet | somsip: edited the /etc/mysql/my.cnf, and add this line "bind-address=" | 11:00 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: yeah we had users with optimus cards have success on 352-updates..not sure why it doesnt show by default | 11:01 |
curmet | but returns error when trying to restart the service " Found option without preceding group in config file" | 11:01 |
curmet | why so | 11:01 |
`ph8 | oh right i managed to plug in the monitor, and unplug before the crash limit exceeded | 11:01 |
`ph8 | so i have some syslog now :D | 11:01 |
`ph8 | is my card an optimus card? :-o | 11:01 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: yes, as you got nvidia-prime installed its intel/nvidia hybrid | 11:02 |
`ph8 | i see | 11:02 |
`ph8 | ish :p | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: performance mode means active the nvidia one | 11:02 |
`ph8 | so i have some kind of stack trace in the log | 11:02 |
`ph8 | just trying to find the actual bit that's the error | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: ill be back in a bit for dinner, feel free to re-ask your issue togheter with the logs | 11:03 |
`ph8 | does "WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 1446 at /build/linux-Ay7j_C/linux-4.4.0/ubuntu/i915/intel_pm.c:3572 skl_update_other_pipe_wm+0x16c/0x180 [i915_bpo]()" mean anything to you? | 11:03 |
`ph8 | thanks | 11:03 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: pm me the whole log for later | 11:03 |
lotuspsychje | bbl | 11:03 |
curmet | somsip:edited the /etc/mysql/my.cnf, and add this line before bind-address , [mysqld] | 11:05 |
curmet | somsip: it works now , thanks :D | 11:05 |
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tim54 | hi, I'm using Xubuntu 16.04 (32 bit) and every time I start thunar again all the elements I added to the side pane are gone -- is this a bug. If not how can I permanently add elements to the side pane? | 11:15 |
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DJones | tim54: I don't use xubuntu, so can't help, but might also be worth you asking in #xubuntu to see if the people who use it there have any idea | 11:18 |
Ccdc_DuckZ | hello, what packages do I need to write and run ruby kde plasmoids in ubuntu? I've installed korundum4 as explained here but I still can't run the sample script from that page | 11:18 |
Ccdc_DuckZ | I get a window with a message "Could not create a ruby-script Script Engine for the DeskLight widget" | 11:18 |
dannymichel | The only problem i see with the above is the VM shutting down and/or trying to restart if i forget i had photoshop open and i made another .sh for Illustrator the same way. Closing either app would shut the VM down and they'd both have commands to start the VM as well | 11:24 |
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DevAntoine | I've installed a package having lot of dependencies. I want to remove this package but keep some dependencies. Is it possible? | 12:01 |
devXZ | does anyone know how to use testdisk? | 12:06 |
scam | !testdisk | 12:07 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: what do you liek to do? | 12:07 |
lundmar | TJ-: fyi - got an answer back from Marco and he said they've been looking at it in these days. | 12:07 |
devXZ | lotuspsychje, I think I broke my mac partition using testdisk | 12:07 |
lundmar | TJ-: so someting is happening :) | 12:07 |
devXZ | lotuspsychje, are you here? | 12:09 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: explain what you did exactly? | 12:09 |
devXZ | I went into testdisk , selected my primarly partition and pressed image creation | 12:10 |
devXZ | lotuspsychje, after that it went a few points before stating that there was no disk space | 12:10 |
devXZ | quite quickly | 12:10 |
devXZ | after that I went to Type | 12:11 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: why did you use testdisk on the partition for? was it working before? | 12:11 |
devXZ | yes but I couldnt write from it from linux , fsck was giving me a b tree node error | 12:11 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: are you dualbooting with that partition? | 12:12 |
devXZ | I am on a live distro lotuspsychje | 12:12 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: but what are you trying to do? | 12:13 |
devXZ | well now I just want my partition back | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: test the partition? get data back? | 12:13 |
azizLIGHT | where is the log file stored for application has closed unexpectedly errors | 12:14 |
lotuspsychje | devXZ: perhaps try to recover data first with photorec | 12:14 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, are you saying that the change in testdisk was permanent? | 12:15 |
azizLIGHT | i need to copy paste the log file to the dev, and icnat do this in the gui error dialog box | 12:16 |
azizLIGHT | so where is the actual log file stored so i can do that? | 12:16 |
lotuspsychje | devXZx: not sure exactly, but why take the risk..i would backup first | 12:16 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, well all the files can be seen inside testdisk | 12:17 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: any more luck yet? | 12:17 |
`ph8 | not yet lotuspsychje :( | 12:18 |
`ph8 | sorry dropped offline for a minute there while i rebooted | 12:18 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, at least I think they can | 12:18 |
`ph8 | any ideas from those logs? | 12:18 |
`ph8 | looked a bit obscure ot me | 12:18 |
`ph8 | * to me | 12:18 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: can you pastebin again the full log? | 12:18 |
`ph8 | argh i've lost the link, i pm'ed it to you - is it gone? | 12:18 |
`ph8 | i can look in syslog | 12:18 |
lotuspsychje | ah holdon | 12:19 |
lotuspsychje | `ph8: no didnt get it | 12:19 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, wait the files I see are of the distro,,, nvm | 12:19 |
lotuspsychje | devXZx: perhaps take out the hd, install ubuntu on another hd, and scan the whole mac partition with photorec to recover data? then format again with gparted | 12:20 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, I think I know the issue | 12:22 |
Solarbaby | don't forget to mount the drive as read only | 12:22 |
devXZx | lotuspsychje, I think I may have changed the disk type | 12:22 |
Solarbaby | that way you don't write over more data before you can restore it | 12:22 |
devXZx | is it possible that this is the issue? | 12:24 |
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devXZx | or maybe something to do with the superblock? | 12:25 |
cheesecakes | hello! I hava an ubuntu server that I log into from ubuntu, I use a ssh-key. but I need to use the "ssh -i <serveradress>" arguement everytime, how can I log inn with only ssh <serveraddress>" ? | 12:26 |
cheesecakes | (rsa key) | 12:26 |
`ph8 | got my pm lotuspsychje? | 12:27 |
=== ph8|2 is now known as `ph8 | ||
devXZx | I get the following error when trying to mount the disk | 12:28 |
devXZx | wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on | 12:28 |
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devXZx | wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on | 12:29 |
devXZx | /dev/sda2, | 12:29 |
miklcct | Your fs is corrupted | 12:29 |
devXZx | miklcct, how bad is that? | 12:29 |
miklcct | It means possible data loss | 12:29 |
miklcct | first check if the partition table is correct | 12:29 |
devXZx | It has three partitions | 12:30 |
devXZx | recover, efi and main | 12:30 |
miklcct | Is it a removable device? | 12:30 |
chrs_ | is there an ubuntu channel for just the ubuntu userland system? like microsoft put in the "developer channel" of windows 10 | 12:31 |
chrs_ | ? | 12:31 |
devXZx | no , my main built in drive | 12:31 |
miklcct | Are you now booting off from a removable media? | 12:31 |
devXZx | from a live cd, yes | 12:31 |
miklcct | It seems that you are using efi, right? | 12:32 |
devXZx | to boot yes,, the primary partition should be hfs | 12:32 |
devXZx | hfs+ | 12:33 |
miklcct | I have no experience in efi, sorry | 12:33 |
chrs_ | anyone run the ubuntu layer in windows 10 at all? | 12:37 |
mundi | Hi there. I just installed Ubuntu, but I have a couple of questions: Why is there so much crap already installed (libreoffice, amazon?) and important stuff like git not? And why it seems it isn't possible to install stuff like chrome? I get an error | 12:37 |
nomic | crap? | 12:37 |
nomic | its not crap | 12:37 |
chrs_ | mundi: just remove what you dont want and install what you like | 12:38 |
nomic | its what people require, you may not require -- everything you require is available through repositories | 12:38 |
mundi | well, I don't need it and I don't like bloated installations | 12:38 |
nomic | its not bloated | 12:38 |
nomic | unbelievable | 12:38 |
mundi | well, but why is there the amazon stuff? its just a cash grab from canonical | 12:39 |
hateball | zzz | 12:39 |
nomic | anything you see, you can un-install .. there are other distributions say, xubuntu | 12:39 |
mundi | well, nonetheless | 12:39 |
nomic | this is off topic | 12:39 |
mundi | why can't i install chrome? | 12:39 |
nomic | you can install chrome | 12:39 |
mundi | i downloaded the .deb package and clicked on install, but it just doesnt install | 12:39 |
mundi | it says I have to remove it but even this is not possible | 12:40 |
mundi | the odd thing is that I'm not even asked for my sudo pw | 12:40 |
nomic | you obviously know something about it | 12:40 |
nomic | you can ask on ubuntu forums, also | 12:40 |
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hateball | mundi: Open a terminal, cd to where you downloaded it, sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb | 12:40 |
mundi | yeah, but I prefer IRC over a forum, more quick and you dont have to register | 12:40 |
k1l_ | mundi: i just installes chrome yesterday again. so what is your exact issue? | 12:41 |
nomic | chrome is available through synaptic, the package manager - also | 12:41 |
nomic | there are no issues installing chrome | 12:41 |
k1l_ | mundi: and for your pointless rants better use your own blog. this is a technical support channel. | 12:41 |
mundi | k1l_: well, i download it, click install it, and nothing happens, but I can click the install button all over again | 12:41 |
k1l_ | that is an issue with the gnome software center. | 12:42 |
mundi | it's listed as extension under installed and it says that I ahve to remove it to install it again, but this also fails | 12:42 |
k1l_ | mundi: either you install gdebi and use that or you use the terminal with "sudo dpkg -i chrome-package.deb | 12:42 |
Solarbaby | gdebi is the easiest way | 12:42 |
the_ghost | mundi, try this in terminal - sudo apt-get -f install | 12:43 |
de-facto | mundi you might be interessted in using gdebi for double click installing debs | 12:43 |
mundi | k1l_: just got an error with the terminal dpkg, it says dependencyproblems | 12:43 |
k1l_ | !paste | mundi | 12:43 |
ubottu | mundi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:43 |
k1l_ | mundi: put all the output there, link it here | 12:44 |
Solarbaby | mundi: try downloading the deb and install via command line with gdebi | 12:44 |
Solarbaby | so sudo apt-get install gdebi | 12:44 |
Solarbaby | then sudo gdebi chrome.deb | 12:44 |
zetheroo | mundi: 16.04? | 12:45 |
mundi | yes, 16.04 lts+ | 12:45 |
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zetheroo | mundi: I had to install Chrome with gdebi | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | !bug > `ph8 | 12:46 |
ubottu | `ph8, please see my private message | 12:46 |
mundi | heres the console paste: | 12:46 |
zetheroo | mundi: 1. Install gdebi via Ubuntu Software Centre 2. Right-click on chrome.deb file and open/install with gdebi - Done | 12:46 |
MoPac | Hi - I have a couple of questions about reporting bugs in 16.04. (1) Touchscreen multitouch has stopped working since upgrade from 15.10. I've filed a bug against Unity ( But because pinch no longer works in Chrome+Google Maps, I guess there could be an underlying issue. mtdev-test appears to correctly show number of fingers touching | 12:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1576017 in unity (Ubuntu) "Touchscreen multitouch inputs/gestures no longer recognized in 16.04" [Undecided,New] | 12:46 |
mundi | yeah, but why isn't the normal way supported? | 12:47 |
mundi | looks to me like a bug | 12:47 |
k1l_ | mundi: sudo apt install libappindicator1 | 12:47 |
zetheroo | mundi: well you are installing a 3rd party app ... ;) | 12:47 |
MoPac | (Re: multitouch) So I'm not sure if there are other packages I should mark as affected or other testing I should do up front? | 12:47 |
k1l_ | mundi: because the gnome software center got a bug. and a bugfix is on its way. | 12:47 |
zetheroo | mundi: and what k1l said ^ | 12:48 |
k1l_ | mundi | 12:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix committed] | 12:48 |
de-facto | mundi apart from your installation problems with chrome, i can recommend chromium-browser with pepperflashplugin-nonfree its in the repos and is very stable | 12:50 |
mundi | yeah, readt of it, but I prefer to use one browser in windows and ubuntu | 12:51 |
mundi | btw, is there some kind of developer version of ubuntu? | 12:51 |
mundi | where you have some stuff like git already installed? | 12:51 |
hateball | They behave the same way, and if you're logged in with your google account everything syncs across | 12:52 |
mipo | hi | 12:52 |
Solarbaby | mundi: do you know how easy it is to install things like git? | 12:52 |
de-facto | mundi chromium is almost the same as chrome (it uses google chrome open source base) | 12:52 |
mundi | <zetheroo>: deosn't work, can't get gedbi properly installed as well | 12:52 |
mundi | de-facto: i know | 12:52 |
akik | mundi: a developer version is accomplished with just a couple of apt commands | 12:52 |
mundi | Solarbaby: yes, but i'd prefer to have git installed over libreoffice | 12:53 |
zetheroo | mundi: I did it just yesterday | 12:53 |
mipo | I've formated my 1TB hdd , and it takes much time and didn't finished yet. is it possible to cancel it? | 12:53 |
mundi | well, the chrome installation keeps to block the installation | 12:53 |
zetheroo | mundi: maybe you have a bad install or broken packages? | 12:53 |
Solarbaby | mundi: you might want to roll your own ubuntu distro | 12:53 |
mundi | is there a way to terminate it? | 12:53 |
zetheroo | mundi: reboot your system and try to install gdebi | 12:53 |
mundi | Solarbaby: hehe, maybe^^ ;) no, it's just a serious question, before I install and uninstall everything, maybe theres something I haven't seen | 12:54 |
mundi | zetheroo: ok, if there isn't any other way, then I'll reboot | 12:54 |
k1l_ | mundi: what about the commands i gave you. did you run them? what was the output? | 12:54 |
Solarbaby | mundi: Debian is also excellent | 12:55 |
zetheroo | mundi: it's the simplest | 12:55 |
k1l_ | Solarbaby: .... | 12:55 |
mundi | Solarbaby: yeah, I'm still undecided between debian and ubuntu, but it seems debian takes up a lot of storage, I've readt something like 30gig which is way to much | 12:55 |
k1l_ | mundi: is there some process running right now? | 12:56 |
mundi | need it for stuff like development in C, because thats a pain on window | 12:56 |
mundi | yeah, the chrome installation | 12:56 |
mundi | and gdebi install^ | 12:56 |
k1l_ | mundi: is it running? | 12:56 |
k1l_ | mundi: you can only run one package install at a time. | 12:56 |
mundi | running, but no progress | 12:56 |
mundi | yeah, seems so | 12:56 |
mundi | and chrome is stucked | 12:56 |
Sc0tty- | how can I tell what is causing a process to be busy? | 12:56 |
mundi | don't know how to kill the install | 12:57 |
zetheroo | mundi: just reboot - too hard to tell at this point what's gone wrong | 12:57 |
mundi | ok, will reboot | 12:57 |
zetheroo | ;) | 12:57 |
zetheroo | Does Canonical still have a cloud service? | 12:58 |
zetheroo | I recall Ubuntu One, but I think that was closed down .. or!? | 12:59 |
k1l_ | ubuntu one file storage was closed down | 12:59 |
hateball | Sc0tty-: well you can attach gdb, if that's of any help | 12:59 |
zetheroo | mundi: before doing anything just open Ubuntu Software Center and install gdebi | 12:59 |
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zetheroo | k1l_: ok. I was hoping Canonical would pull something off like Open365 | 13:00 |
mundi | zetheroo: yeah, did that, still stuck since then | 13:00 |
k1l_ | mundi: what does stuck mean? | 13:00 |
zetheroo | "stuck"? | 13:01 |
k1l_ | mundi: i would prefere to not use gui at all now. since you seem to have a broken state and gui is hard to explain. | 13:01 |
zetheroo | k1l_: maybe a fresh install is in order for mundi | 13:01 |
* k1l_ doesnt know why everyone in here just jumps on the gui ways instead of using apt and dpkg that has clear output and exit states | 13:01 | |
zetheroo | seems like something got farked along the way | 13:01 |
k1l_ | zetheroo: no no no no no | 13:01 |
zetheroo | :D | 13:02 |
k1l_ | just using a program with detailed output would help | 13:02 |
tim54 | Does it make sense to use hardend linux-kernels like grsecurity on desktop pc or is it not worth to ? | 13:02 |
mipo | there is no way to cancel HDD format process that make no problem for that HDD? | 13:02 |
zetheroo | k1l_: the reason I go for the GUI first is because that is the way it's supposed to work out of the box | 13:02 |
tim54 | bother | 13:02 |
mundi | yeah, the gui sucks since it doesnt give you any information on whats the problem | 13:02 |
zetheroo | k1l_: and when that truly is not cutting it the terminal is of course used | 13:02 |
mundi | how difficult is it to erease a dual boot ubuntu and install debian instead? | 13:03 |
mundi | seems like debian is a bit more dev-friendly | 13:03 |
k1l_ | mundi: lets fix that issue first | 13:03 |
k1l_ | m( | 13:03 |
zetheroo | mundi: Can you close Software Center and end it's process? | 13:04 |
k1l_ | mundi: funny thing is, i gave you the terminal "dev" commands. but you choose the gui.... | 13:04 |
mundi | <k1l_>: yeah, I know... | 13:05 |
k1l_ | mundi: so, is the process still running now? what happens? | 13:05 |
mundi | still, I think I'm switching to debian, seems a bit more consistent than using bash and a software center | 13:05 |
zetheroo | k1l_: sorry, I kinda jumped in there. I was curious to see if it was really the gui which was not working or just something hanging midjob | 13:05 |
k1l_ | keep in mind: we dont know what you do and we dont see what you see | 13:05 |
hateball | I'm pretty convinced it's just pure trolling at this point | 13:06 |
mundi | k1l_: yeah, the installation of the package installer is still running but no progress | 13:06 |
mundi | k1l_ yeah, I know, but I don't see much either ;) | 13:06 |
zetheroo | so close it and end the process | 13:06 |
lorenzo52 | hello | 13:06 |
lorenzo52 | cioa | 13:06 |
lorenzo52 | ciao | 13:06 |
k1l_ | hi | 13:07 |
lorenzo52 | hello | 13:07 |
miklcct | hi | 13:07 |
lorenzo52 | hi | 13:07 |
lorenzo52 | hi | 13:08 |
mundi | zetheroo: i don't know how to kill a process in linux except via the shell | 13:08 |
mundi | but even that i have to look up | 13:08 |
k1l_ | mundi: "ps ax | nc 9999" | 13:09 |
k1l_ | show the output url here | 13:09 |
zetheroo | mundi: System Monitor | 13:09 |
zetheroo | look for it in the list of processes, select it and click End Process | 13:10 |
zetheroo | If it doesn't end, right-click the process and Kill | 13:10 |
dusf__ | ubuntu 15.10 hangs on the purple screen after selecting it from the grub menu. i have tried shift+f3 but nothing happens, and pressing e at the grub menu where i changed gfxmode $linuxgfxmode to gfxmode nomodeset but this made no difference. when i try to boot into ubuntu advanced options >> recovery >> it still hangs on the purple screen. i have a programming exam in the morning, and i would really appreci | 13:11 |
dusf__ | ate if someone could help me out. | 13:11 |
mundi | zetheroo: yeah, thanks for your effort, but I'll switch to debian. The ubuntu servers are nice, but the GUI stuff on the desktop version is just confusing as it doesn't tell you anything. There are also a couple of bugs, like my audio interface doesn't get loaded on startup, you have to plug it out and in again i order to get recognized | 13:11 |
zetheroo | mundi: is this the first time you're using Ubuntu? | 13:11 |
zetheroo | mundi: I am pretty sure you have a botched install :P | 13:11 |
k1l_ | ok. gl with the same issues on debian. bye | 13:11 |
trevor_s | anyone know the best way to do RAID 5 on ubuntu 14 server? | 13:12 |
aredpanda`w | How do I allow unsigned kernel module loading in ubuntu? | 13:12 |
trevor_s | using live CD a good option? | 13:12 |
trevor_s | having trouble finding a good tutorial using live cd | 13:12 |
mundi | zetheroo: nah, I first used the live-cd in 2007 or so? and I have a ubuntu VPS | 13:12 |
zetheroo | mundi: and what makes you think that you won't have hardware issues on Debian? Debian is good, but for PC hardware I have found Ubuntu to be 9 times out of 10 better. | 13:12 |
tim54 | because of all the firmware blobs... | 13:13 |
k1l_ | zetheroo: let him go. that talk is offtopic now. he wants debian since the supporters in here spoiled it with jumping on broken gui | 13:13 |
zetheroo | mundi: 2007? Wow. I think you should give Ubuntu a fair shot then. It's come a loooong way since then. ;) | 13:13 |
hateball | dusf__: Can you try booting an older kernel from the grub menu? | 13:14 |
dannymichel | Any way to get rid of these popup notifications without turning it off per app? I just want to get rid of the opup. Maybe a kind of growl? | 13:14 |
dusf__ | hateball: just about to update, recovery mode boots to (initramfs) prompt, does that help? | 13:14 |
dusf__ | also, thank you for the prompt response. | 13:14 |
zetheroo | mundi: give the terminal a try with help from k1l_ - it's fun and you might learn a thing or two ;) | 13:14 |
k1l_ | dannymichel: that is per app. see the settings from that app you use there | 13:15 |
hateball | dusf__: Well that's much help no. Try rebooting and picking an older kernel in the grub menu first. | 13:15 |
dusf__ | hateball: just trying to boot into 4.2.0-30, i hear my hard drive churn then nothing, the screen displays 'loading linux 4.2.0-30-generic... loading initial ramdisk ... | 13:16 |
dusf__ | nothing more, it looks frozen, unless this should take time? | 13:16 |
aredpanda`w | Better, how do I sign a kernel module to make it loadable on a secure boot enabled installation ? | 13:16 |
hateball | dusf__: Did you have an unclean shutdown or something? I would liveboot and make sure your drive is OK. Check it using smartmontools. And if it looks alright, check the filesystem(s) with fsck | 13:17 |
TJ- | !info mokutil | aredpanda`w | 13:18 |
ubottu | aredpanda`w: mokutil (source: mokutil): tools for manipulating machine owner keys. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 20 kB, installed size 57 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-arm; any-arm64; any-i386; any-ia64) | 13:18 |
dusf__ | hateball: i have noticed in ubuntu 15.10 it often freezes during shutdown and reboot, so sometime i have to manually hold the powet button in for a few seconds. i will boot to live and try what you recommended, is there any specific smartmontools or fsck options/commands you suggest? | 13:20 |
de-facto | mundi you probably will find anything from debian in ubuntu plus even some more (and more recent versions). There are gui ways (like synaptic, gdebi, gnome-system-monitor and such) as well as cli ways (like dpkg, apt, apt-get, aptitude, top, kill and so on) | 13:21 |
hateball | dusf__: smartctl -a /dev/sdX should show any obvious errors | 13:24 |
dusf__ | hateball: i did a sudo apt-get install smartmontools, it asked me something about email settings, and now when i try to run it from command prompt it is not found | 13:24 |
dusf__ | trying that now | 13:24 |
hateball | !paste | dusf__ | 13:25 |
ubottu | dusf__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:25 |
tim54 | mundi: but for some programs there are also backports and there's also the possibility to use sid or testing instead of stable | 13:25 |
hateball | dusf__: things like CRC errors or relocated sectors are bad news | 13:25 |
de-facto | dusf__ if you are using ext4 you can "sudo touch /forcefsck " which should trigger an fsck on next reboot | 13:25 |
hateball | de-facto: I never got that working with systemd | 13:25 |
dusf__ | de-facto: i think my install somehow checks every boot normally, but i will try that also | 13:26 |
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de-facto | hateball oh really? havent done that in a long time | 13:26 |
dusf__ | i was just checking gparted to see if i could find my ssd... i do not see it | 13:27 |
de-facto | dusf__ you also can boot from a livecd (since fsck has to be done offline i.e. non mounted) and check your fs from there | 13:27 |
TJ- | aredpanda`w: You might find the linux kernel source-code's scripts/sign-file closer to what you want, but you've still got to embed your own certificate in order to use your own signing key | 13:27 |
dusf__ | de-facto: thanks, i am in live now | 13:27 |
de-facto | dusf__ with gsmartcontrol you can check your disk hardware, with fsck you can check the filesystem on it | 13:28 |
dusf__ | de-facto: i am jsut trying to work out which partition or disk to run these commands on | 13:29 |
dusf__ | i cannot see my ssd in gparted, but in the ubuntu launcher, it does show the partitions | 13:29 |
lucidguy | Ok weird. getent passwd is showing me all my ldap account properperly except for the last four created, and these four are on ldap and can login to systems. What could cause that? | 13:29 |
de-facto | dusf__ you can read more about it on | 13:30 |
elichai2 | how can I debug apt-get? (verbose or something) | 13:31 |
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elichai2 | I get this error: W: Failed to fetch server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none | 13:31 |
elichai2 | although I added the right key through apt-key add | 13:31 |
de-facto | elichai2 id recommend to ask also in #node.js about that | 13:32 |
elichai2 | it's not a node.js problem. I added the right key but still it's refuses to see it or something | 13:33 |
TJ- | elichai2: apt is accessing an HTTPS TLS connection that presents a servier certificate to your PC that is signed by a Certificate Authority that your PC does not trust | 13:33 |
Guest19212 | exit | 13:33 |
Guest19212 | quit | 13:33 |
Guest19212 | quit | 13:33 |
Guest19212 | exit | 13:33 |
hateball | Guest19212: try /quit | 13:33 |
elichai2 | how can I know that this: is really this ID? 1397BC53640DB551 (that's what the apt searches for) | 13:33 |
JRansomed | apt-get gurus! I'm can't seem to get apt-get ot use a socks proxy. I've tried: Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://"; but am seeing apt-get ignore this in wireshark. | 13:35 |
JRansomed | apt-config dump shows the setting. | 13:36 |
the_ghost | JRamsomed, have you tried tsocks? | 13:36 |
TJ- | elichai2: use "openssl s_client -verify 5 -connect" to debug it | 13:37 |
elichai2 | just a sec i'm reconnecting | 13:37 |
de-facto | elichai2 maybe with "gpg --list-packets <downloadedkeyfile>" | 13:38 |
JRansomed | I haven't. I had hoped apt-get could do it with a setting. When on my works VPN I can't access our mirror. | 13:38 |
TJ- | de-facto: the error is with the TLS certificate, not the gpg signing | 13:38 |
de-facto | ok | 13:39 |
elichai2_ | ok, so I connected through a VPN because my ISP messes up with some SSL Ceetificates | 13:39 |
elichai2_ | now I get only this error: W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 1397BC53640DB55 | 13:39 |
elichai2_ | * 1397BC53640DB551 | 13:39 |
the_ghost | JRansomed: It seems that the syntax should be Acquire::http::proxy "socks://user:pass@host:port/"; inserted in /etc/apt/apt.conf | 13:40 |
TJ- | elichai2_: OK, solved the TLS, good. so now you need to do "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1397BC53640DB551" | 13:40 |
JRansomed | the_ghost: Ah, let me try that. Its crazy to have to go through this. Our mirror is an official mirror, but our security guys are unwilling to allow access back to our own mirror. I can get to any other just fine. Sigh. Thanks for the heads up. I'll try that and see if it works! :-) | 13:41 |
elichai2_ | TJ, whos key is this? | 13:42 |
akik | am i correct to say that upstart lives on through unity? | 13:42 |
TJ- | elichai2_: presumably the key that signed the package files on the server. You can check with search for "0x1397BC53640DB551" | 13:43 |
elichai2_ | ohh, it google's | 13:43 |
elichai2_ | probably because of my google chrome repo | 13:43 |
the_ghost | JRansomed: I just read that apt actually only supports http proxies for example - Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080" so tsocks may be your only option. | 13:44 |
elichai2_ | thank you :) | 13:44 |
usr13 | akik: no | 13:45 |
elichai2_ | in another context :) when do you think it will be safe to upgrade to 16.10? | 13:45 |
elichai2_ | (i'm on 15.04) | 13:45 |
nickabbey | morning all. Looking for a good solution for re-enabling and re-keying .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d post xenial upgrade. I'm using sed inline to uncomment the lines, but they keys still need to be added back. and in some cases, after I do so, apt-get update tells me that they are too weak. examples are google's chrome and talkplugin, as well as atlassian's hipchat. | 13:45 |
dusf__ | hateball: de-facto: fsck found no errors on my home partition sdc3, but it did find errors on root partitions sdc4: | 13:45 |
TJ- | elichai2_: 16.10 is only just starting in development; do you mean 16.04 ? | 13:45 |
usr13 | akik: Upstart is going away, replacemed by systemd | 13:45 |
dusf__ | smartmontools did not appear to find any issue, which i ran before fsck | 13:45 |
elichai2_ | TJ, yeah, sorry | 13:46 |
JRansomed | the_ghost: That's what I was afraid of. Hmm... know to decide if its better to just symlink between an two source.list files. Hate to use a different mirror as we host one. Thanks for checking into it. | 13:46 |
hateball | dusf__: did you try booting it after fixing the errors? | 13:46 |
akik | usr13: this is why i asked, the paste linked from a 16.04 bug report | 13:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1532226 in unity (Ubuntu) "No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [Critical,Confirmed] | 13:46 |
usr13 | akik: systemd is easy / intuitive, don't worry, you'll like it. | 13:47 |
elichai2_ | and i'm in 15.10 haha, i mixed between the two of them | 13:47 |
dusf__ | hateball: de-facto: i just did, and i am now logged in to my system normally, thanks guys, i can now continue to study c programming for my exam tomorrow, tyvm! :) :) :) | 13:47 |
dusf__ | hateball, cool name btw! | 13:48 |
hateball | dusf__: :D | 13:48 |
hateball | dusf__: Good thing you got it sorted! | 13:48 |
de-facto | seems you fixed them, have fun with C :) | 13:48 |
dusf__ | :):):):):) | 13:49 |
xuhui | how to install ubuntu touch on a kindle fire? | 13:49 |
popey | xuhui: I don't believe it's been ported to the kindle fire | 13:50 |
usr13 | akik: That's interesting. I think what is happening is that when we do a distribution upgrade, we may be able to keep upstart, AND, we have the choice as well. Take a look at | 13:52 |
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usr13 | akik: "it is important to note that systemd is only fully supported in Ubuntu 15.04 and later releases" | 13:52 |
iz0wkv | buonasera | 13:52 |
Guest44441 | I have a desktop with 14.04 LTS installed with an nvidia video card... I haven't been prompted for the upgrade yet, anyone know why? | 13:54 |
de-facto | xuhui you can ask in #ubuntu-touch maybe | 13:54 |
xuhui | I have seen a video on youtube about installing ubuntu on kindle fire.... | 13:54 |
SwedeMike | Guest44441: !ltsupgrade | 13:54 |
SwedeMike | !lotsupgrade | 13:54 |
SwedeMike | !ltsupgrade | 13:55 |
ubottu | Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 13:55 |
dv_ | hi | 13:55 |
dv_ | anybody tried to use kde4 in xenial? | 13:55 |
\9 | probably lots of people have | 13:55 |
\9 | !ask |dv_ | 13:55 |
ubottu | dv_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:55 |
Guest44441 | SwedeMike: did they fix the issue with the nvidia drivers? I heard thats why they aren't releasing until July | 13:56 |
\9 | Guest44441: they weren't going to release until july anyway, specifically because things like this could happen | 13:56 |
SwedeMike | Guest44441: I don't know the reason for this. | 13:56 |
ReScO | any reason SSL in a Docker container doesn't work, but on the host it works? | 13:57 |
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Guest44441 | \9: like what? been out of the loop a while | 13:57 |
\9 | like the nvidia driver problem | 13:57 |
xuhui | :) | 13:57 |
Guest44441 | \9: ah, ok, makes sense now... guess the desk just has to wait then, just did the laptop this morning... | 13:58 |
nickabbey | hmmm... so it looks like my issue is occurring because of the new version of apt in 16.04. those repos that are throwing errors are using out of date hashing mechanisms, so they need ot be fixed on the repo maintainers side. | 13:58 |
de-facto | nickabbey i guess its similar to those here then: | 13:59 |
BluesKaj | nickabbey, ppas maybe | 13:59 |
BluesKaj | np with sources here on 16.04 | 14:00 |
nickabbey | de-facto: BluesKaj: exactly. That's how I figured it out. the links on that page are helpful in following the issue at the ppa maintaniners' side. So I will be able to follow them and when they resolve their issues I can add those ppa's back in to my sources list | 14:02 |
nickabbey | hipchat releases linux client updates pretty infrequently, but the google talk plugins are gonna be an issue for our team. Hopefully they move quickly so we aren't affected for long | 14:03 |
ukernyanz | Hi, can you help me. when I logout from ubuntu by the GUI (at the top right menu on unity top bar), the system takes time (about 1 min) to actually log out. In another way, I need to do this operation of clicking ont "logout" two times to really quit de session. Can you see what is going wrong on my system? | 14:03 |
usr13 | akik: After reading I guess I should change my answer to "I dono" or maybe even "Yes" ;) | 14:08 |
usr13 | akik: I stand corrected.... | 14:09 |
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ReScO | any reason why SSL won't work and apt-get won't work in a Docker container? | 14:10 |
ReScO | Here's some tests: | 14:10 |
ReScO | And here's a pcap file: | 14:11 |
mmkumr | I am trying to remapping my keyword I am doing it succesfully but when I am rebooting my system I have to run the command again. So is there any way that when I will login then automtically keyword will remap. | 14:11 |
JRansomed | the_ghost: Looked into tsocks. It's actually a pretty nice solution. It appears to work well. Just wanted to thank you again for the suggestion. :-) | 14:12 |
ReScO | apparently many people instantly downloaded that pcap file, lol | 14:13 |
the_ghost | JRansomed: No problem, glad it helped. | 14:13 |
xeirrr | hello anyone can help? I am trying to install bcmwl-kernel-source. The first time i encountered to disable uefi choice, i mistakenly chose no, then this time I want to choose yes, but choice screen doesn't appear anymore. how can i do it | 14:14 |
usr13 | akik: I've been using systemd, I thought early on that it was the inevitable new init system, now, I'm not totally sure. systemd [apparently] has it's shortcomings, (although I've not seen much in the way of defectiveness, just seems to work ok for me, so...). | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | usr13, samehere, just hope it's easy to fix when it breaks :/ | 14:16 |
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rektide_ | in Unity Control Panel, the on/off toggle for individual peripherals is disabled. and it doesn't seem to reconnect to my bluetooth headset. | 14:18 |
rektide_ | i have to keep removing then addeding the headset | 14:18 |
rektide_ | any suggestions, fixes? | 14:18 |
usr13 | BluesKaj: Yea, well seems to be easy to switch back to upstart on a boot-by-boot basis, (it says both are installed by default), so.... | 14:21 |
usr13 | BluesKaj: But I've yet to see the brokenness... | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | yeah , I did that for a while too, but haven't bothered since the upgrade to 16.04 official, usr13 | 14:22 |
usr13 | I just remember the headline, "It's official: Ubuntu is the latest Linux distribution to switch to systemd" | 14:23 |
rijnsma | Just testing | 14:24 |
curlyears | how do I upgrade to 16.04 without wiping out all my data? | 14:24 |
Dougie187 | Question about luks. If I backup the header, and reformat can I restore the header to a new partition and have the keys be the same? | 14:24 |
nickabbey | curlyears: you shouldn't have to wipe your data... what version are you on now? | 14:25 |
curlyears | 14.04.4. So the install DVD doesn't insist on for,atting and repartitioniing the target drive under 16.04? | 14:26 |
usr13 | curlyears: A couple of ways: Upgrade the OS on the fly. or, if you have /home/ on a separate partition, you can do a fresh install and leave /home/ as is. Either way, backup your personal files first. | 14:26 |
dontknow | what codec should someone install to watch youtube videos in firefox? | 14:26 |
curlyears | how do I "install on the fly?" | 14:26 |
bumpasaurus | dontknow ▸ you don't need a codec....... | 14:26 |
bumpasaurus | it's delivered via HTML5 | 14:26 |
usr13 | curlyears: You can also just backup your personal files and write them back to your new fresh install afterward. (That would be 3 ways) | 14:27 |
dontknow | bumpasaurus, i can't watch youtube videos with firefox on live ubuntu | 14:27 |
nickabbey | curlyears: | 14:27 |
nickabbey | curlyears: or... do this: | 14:28 |
nickabbey | | 14:28 |
usr13 | curlyears: | 14:28 |
nickabbey | curlyears: tl;dr = sudo update-manager -d | 14:28 |
nickabbey | curlyears: your mileage my vary, but I've done that on a few VM's and physical machines without any major issues (yet) | 14:29 |
dontknow | canonical says update from 14.04 to 16.04 is after 16.04.1 | 14:29 |
OerHeks | nickabbey, wrong advise, don't suggest -d = development | 14:29 |
nickabbey | OerHeks: using od gets you from 14.04 to 16.04 before the 16.04.1 point release | 14:30 |
DJones | !ltsupgrade | curlyears | 14:30 |
ubottu | curlyears: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 14:30 |
nickabbey | s/od/-d | 14:30 |
drale2k | my ubuntu pc is not starting the desktop, its stuck at the loading screen | 14:30 |
drale2k | there was a command to open the terminal but i forgot it | 14:31 |
drale2k | something with f1 | 14:31 |
usr13 | curlyears: They don't recommend doing it yet, (not until June when the first point release comes out), but folks are getting away with it anyway. So.... | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | drale2k: ctrl alt f1 | 14:31 |
ReScO | can anyone trigger fail2ban on my ssh port? | 14:31 |
ReScO | | 14:31 |
OerHeks | ReScO, no, wrong channel for that. how do we tell it is your domain? | 14:32 |
ghoti | What's a quick and easy way to control a relay, with minimal extra hardware, which I'll control from a shell script? I've got a free serial port -- could I attach something to DTR, and toggle that using `stty` perhaps? | 14:32 |
rektide_ | anyone have the connection on/off toggle still working in unity-control-center's bluetooth pane? it shows disabled for all my devices. :/ | 14:32 |
ReScO | OerHeks, see my whois... | 14:32 |
BluesKaj | ReScO, whois doesn't show ips or domains when you use a cloak | 14:34 |
curlyears | PK. I follow the instructionsa, open "System Settings" and select "Software and Updates" and nothing happens. What went wrong? | 14:35 |
ghoti | Is DTR, or RTS a better way to power a relay from a serial port? What can I toggle most easily from shell? | 14:35 |
dev_ | Hi, I can't find "Gnome Scheduled Tasks" in Ubuntu 16.04. The package is gnome-schedule. That's a great app which existed in 14.04 | 14:35 |
coatcub | Is bash the defulat shell used in ubuntu | 14:36 |
ReScO | BluesKaj, | 14:36 |
nickabbey | curlyears: those steps from the release notes won't get you from 14.04 to 16.04 until the point release in july. you need to use one of the "unofficial" methods I sent you above | 14:36 |
curlyears | ghotis: it depends on how the port is designated. If it's oon a system, the CTS, if it's on a peripheral, then RTS | 14:37 |
curlyears | nickabbey: I only saw the ling to the release notes. Send again, please? | 14:38 |
nickabbey | curlyears: | 14:38 |
curlyears | thanks, nickabbey | 14:38 |
nickabbey | curlyears: np | 14:39 |
k1l_ | !ltsupgrade | curlyears | 14:40 |
ubottu | curlyears: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 14:40 |
dev_ | Hi, do you know when will be published this package? | 14:41 |
k1l_ | dev_: if its not right now i doubt it will | 14:42 |
dev_ | k1l_ thank you. I don't understand, that's a great app, why it's not anymore in Ubuntu? | 14:43 |
dev_ | k1l_ or, anyway, what's the best replacement for that app? | 14:44 |
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k1l_ | dev_: seems like that is not maintaines anymore. looking at the same version number from 2013 | 14:44 |
k1l_ | erm, from 2011 | 14:44 |
mahou | Hello World | 14:45 |
curlyears | grrr....I still can't open the "Software and Settings" option under "system Settings" | 14:46 |
teward | dev_: it was removed in Debian because it's unmaintained - it was also removed from Ubuntu as a result - see for details on that | 14:47 |
ubottu | Debian bug 808060 in "RM: gnome-schedule -- ROM; unmaintained, dead upstream, RC buggy, depends on obsolete libs" [Normal,Open] | 14:47 |
mahou | nice | 14:47 |
usr13 | curlyears: Is your 14.04 up-to-date? | 14:47 |
curlyears | usr13: it should be. It just ran an auto-update about an hour ago. | 14:48 |
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usr13 | curlyears: Do you need to reboot? | 14:49 |
nickabbey | curlyears: Read that whole article. The method I pointed you to doesn't use the GUI. you're reading the top portion of the article that shows you how to do it if you're on 15.10. If this stuff is foreign to you, then you should probably you should just wait til the point release so it's automatic and 'easy'... sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but if you aren't good with this stuff you're better off waiting till they create an easy button fo | 14:49 |
nickabbey | r you | 14:49 |
k1l_ | curlyears: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" | 14:49 |
curlyears | usr13: it completed with the message "The software on this computer is up to date." so I don't think so\ | 14:49 |
is | hi | 14:50 |
dev_ | teward k1l_ ok, thank you :))) | 14:50 |
curlyears | nickabbey: just inexperienced with ubuntu processes..i'm a retired software engineer | 14:51 |
usr13 | curlyears: As nickabbey points out, you need to read-on. | 14:51 |
curlyears | OK, off to "read on" | 14:53 |
curlyears | damn! the link scrolled off my screen and the slider bar isn't working right | 14:55 |
curlyears | | 14:56 |
curlyears | buntu-16-04-lts | 14:56 |
nickabbey | curlyears: tl;dr = `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y` to bring your 14.04 current, then do `sudo update-manager -d` to get 16.04. reboot. then do `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y` again (that's probbaly overkill but I do it just for good measure) | 14:57 |
nickabbey | curlyears: Be advised that it's not an officially supported upgrade path. It should work (has for me on ~10 physical and virtual machines). If you're not prepared to deal with the inevitable issues that will pop up, you should wait for the point release this summer | 14:59 |
Pici | `/21 | 15:00 |
Armadillos | Question (and this might not be for the right group): Does anyone know how fast can a linux box set up fo routing with NAT? I'm looking at getting 2Gbps installed, and wanted to know if it could handle that much speed. | 15:01 |
King_Hual | err doesn't that depend on hardware | 15:01 |
curlyears | I think I'll go ahead and wait until July. I only wanted to update necause 14.04.4 doesn't contain a python related package I need for an install, and I thought 26.04 might. Looks too risky to be wrth it | 15:03 |
Armadillos | King_Hual: I would think so as well, but wanted to verify. | 15:04 |
curlyears | Armadillos: probably could handle it if you can get a NIC for that speed | 15:05 |
curlyears | and your CPU is fasterthan 2 Ghz | 15:05 |
curlyears | remember that the 2GPS is only at the network looking interface. There are onboard buffers and processes that result in MU slower data transfer on the system bus | 15:07 |
curlyears | MUCH | 15:07 |
Guest44441 | Am I the only one having issues with the software center on 16.04? it hardly has anything I need | 15:08 |
lotuspsychje | Guest44441: apt-cache search yourpackage | 15:08 |
curlyears | Guest44441: that depends: what sorts of things do you think you "need?" | 15:08 |
Guest44441 | lotuspsychje: had to do a fresh install as I was moving from a 32 bit to 64 bit. | 15:09 |
k1l_ | Guest44441: you can install the old software center if you like | 15:10 |
Guest44441 | curlyears: my laptop,my secrets | 15:10 |
Guest44441 | k1l_: how do I do that? | 15:10 |
curlyears | remember that only the apps that someoone with the requisite skills and motivations exist for linux. For big-ticket items like 3-D CAD or similar, that's a tall order | 15:10 |
curlyears | Guest44441; if you refuse to be more specific, you probbly won't findmuch help here | 15:11 |
lotuspsychje | !behelpful | curlyears | 15:12 |
ubottu | curlyears: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 15:12 |
Guest44441 | curlyears: I need video players and the ability to stream video | 15:12 |
Defiance_ | vlc | 15:12 |
curlyears | lotuschip: I am TRYING to help. The guy clearly doesn't understand the linux community | 15:12 |
MoPac | I'd like to disable whatever script or option is setting my cpu to the "powersave" governor about a minute after I start up / log in. I'm having trouble figuring out where this behavior is actually controlled | 15:13 |
curlyears | I'm pretty certain there are video toolsavailable | 15:13 |
Armadillos | curlyears: It's on a Xeon CPU with 2.4. | 15:13 |
SonikkuAmerica | curlyears: "doesn't understand the linux community"? We don't comprise the entire community, you know | 15:13 |
Guest44441 | Defiance_: I have the VLC loaded... but finding a flash plugin that works is driving me nuts | 15:13 |
xangua | Guest44441: you want flash, for what browser? | 15:14 |
Guest44441 | xangua: firefox and chromium | 15:14 |
curlyears | I'm not sure what, specifically, you're lookiing for but the "SOund and Video" catagory is loaded with apps | 15:15 |
SonikkuAmerica | Guest44441: You have a couple of options: (a) flashplugin-installer from the official repos, or (b) adobe-flashplugin from the Canonical partner repo. | 15:15 |
Guest44441 | SonikkuAmerica: tried B already... didn't work | 15:16 |
SonikkuAmerica | Guest44441: Did you restart your browser? | 15:16 |
curlyears | Armadillos: sounds workable | 15:16 |
Guest44441 | SonikkuAmerica: a is at 15% on my second try, first didn't work | 15:16 |
nacc | nickabbey: just an fyi, i wouldn't recommend folks do `update-manager -d`, as that goes to a devel release (not LTS), which means yakkety right now, possibly. | 15:16 |
Guest44441 | SonikkuAmerica: restarted browser and the laptop | 15:16 |
lotuspsychje | Guest44441: did you try several flash video's, or just one url? | 15:16 |
k1l_ | Guest44441: install the software-center package | 15:17 |
nacc | nickabbey: there's a reason LTS->LTS upgrades aren't supported until 16.04.1, as the release notes say | 15:17 |
Guest44441 | lotuspsychje: tried a couple, some work, some didn't | 15:17 |
nickabbey | nacc: I've been getting xenial for the past 72 hours, including this am. I've prefeaced my recommendations with that info | 15:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | nacc: (and that would be because we have to actually create the upgrade path and make sure it's stable, first) | 15:17 |
DArqueBishop | Guest44441: there are some Firefox plugins that will allow you to play Flash video without needing to install Flash. For example, | 15:17 |
Guest44441 | k1l_: how is it listed in the software center? I can't find it | 15:17 |
squinty | Guest44441, might also want to take a look at | 15:17 |
xangua | Guest44441: flash plugin will only work in firefox, for chromium you either install pepper flash or simply download Google chrome | 15:17 |
nacc | SonikkuAmerica: yes :) | 15:17 |
k1l_ | Guest44441: "sudo apt install software-center" | 15:18 |
nacc | nickabbey: right, but I don't think that's guaranteed, and certainly not the intent of that flag | 15:18 |
nacc | nickabbey: as xenial is *not* a development release | 15:18 |
SonikkuAmerica | squinty: Last I checked, freshplayer was deprecated | 15:18 |
nickabbey | nacc: understood. curlyears asked how he could get rom 14.04 to 16.04, I gave him an option and advised releatedly that it's not officially supported | 15:18 |
frostie | i was thinking if there would be a possible to re-add the function move minimize maximize close buttons to the right in Ubuntu? that used to work before until they locked (disabled) that function and it would be great if it came back | 15:18 |
nacc | nickabbey: ok, just was leafing through scrollback :) | 15:19 |
nickabbey | s/releatedly/repeatedly | 15:19 |
SonikkuAmerica | nickabbey, curlyears - to get to 16.04 from 14.04, you'll want to use an ISO | 15:19 |
squinty | SonikkuAmerica, had it working fine on the 16.04 beta's | 15:19 |
k1l_ | for flash install the package "flashplugin-installer" | 15:19 |
slavka` | hey guys, i have created a share in my ubuntu box, but any users that connect their files are created as nobody, is there a way that i can change what user and group they are created as ? | 15:19 |
nickabbey | SonikkuAmerica: thanks. | 15:20 |
curlyears | SonikkuAmerica: I've decided to wait until July, thanks. My reason for wanting to upgrade now was insufficient t justify risking an unstable versioon | 15:20 |
SonikkuAmerica | OK | 15:21 |
davido_ | That's not accurate is it? I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 through the upgrade route. | 15:21 |
k1l_ | davido_: you used the developer route. | 15:21 |
rp2 | slavka`, are you mounting a share on an ubuntu client, or are you hosting the share on an Ubuntu server? | 15:21 |
davido_ | ah, ok :) | 15:21 |
SonikkuAmerica | davido_: It still isn't supported until the first point release for regular users. | 15:21 |
nickabbey | davido_: it's doable. I'e been doing it all week for my devs. just no "official" ways | 15:21 |
slavka` | mounting the share on a windows host | 15:21 |
davido_ | got it. | 15:21 |
k1l_ | davido_: please look what the "-d" switch is for. | 15:21 |
curlyears | yes, nickabbey was very cleart on that, and quitehelpful | 15:22 |
rp2 | how to you manage your users on the Ubuntu server? locally in /etc/passwd, or through some connection to Active Directory? | 15:22 |
curlyears | anyone in here have experience with running ubuntu on the Raspberry 2B? | 15:23 |
Sora | having some issues getting wireless set up on my ubuntu server, anyone able to give some assistance? | 15:23 |
slavka` | rp2: just /etc/passwd | 15:23 |
Guest44441 | Thanks guys... I'll figure it out, as quick as the possible resolutions came, I can probably guess I'm not the only one feeling this frustrated | 15:23 |
rp2 | slavka`, then you will need to explicitly map Windows users to local users in the Samba configuration | 15:23 |
rp2 | and create the local users of course | 15:23 |
rp2 | as far as my Samba knowledge goes that is | 15:24 |
k1l_ | curlyears: since that is ARM hardware the guys in #ubuntu-arm might know more about that | 15:24 |
curlyears | rp2: ouch. That sounds painful if one is running a public server. | 15:24 |
slavka` | ok, does that mean map nobody to ubuntuuser | 15:24 |
slavka` | ? | 15:24 |
curlyears | thanks k1l. Didn't realize there was a #ubuntu-arm | 15:25 |
DArqueBishop | Guest44441: well, it's frustrating because Adobe themselves are trying to deprecate Flash video and content providers are very slow to make the change over to HTML 5. | 15:25 |
inocuous | v16.04 seems to be a little more processor heavy that 14.03. just watching the cpu temps, it's generally higher now with the new LTS version | 15:25 |
adamhacker | hiii | 15:26 |
inocuous | hi adamhacker | 15:26 |
frostie | inocuous: 14.03 doesnt exist, you mean 14.04? | 15:27 |
inocuous | ye, sorry. typo | 15:27 |
Guest44441 | DArqueBishop: I feel their pain... | 15:27 |
adamhacker | hwr you gustaf | 15:27 |
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k1l_ | inocuous: or a changed fan control to allow more temp and less fan speed to reduce noise. | 15:27 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: you did the trusty upgrade right? | 15:28 |
adamhacker | gustav are you here | 15:29 |
inocuous | pretty sure it's trusty, yes | 15:29 |
lotuspsychje | inocuous: i mean you upgraded trusty to xenial with -d right | 15:29 |
inocuous | I don't think it's a problem, just an observation. | 15:29 |
inocuous | yes, I used the -d to get the devel mode | 15:30 |
azizLIGHT | is it possible to get a new kernel than what is normally given through updates, on 14.04 | 15:30 |
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lotuspsychje | inocuous: as its not the recommended lts way, perhaps try 16.04 clean first to compare | 15:31 |
k1l_ | azizLIGHT: like what kernel? | 15:32 |
azizLIGHT | the newest one | 15:32 |
k1l_ | azizLIGHT: you can have the 15.10 kernel (4.2) or for testing the 16.04 kenrel (4.4) | 15:32 |
xangua | !hes | 15:32 |
inocuous | That's good advice. | 15:32 |
xangua | Mmmm | 15:32 |
lotuspsychje | xangua: what are you looking for? | 15:33 |
OerHeks | i think !hwe | 15:33 |
lotuspsychje | xangua: !hwe | 15:33 |
k1l_ | yep | 15:33 |
k1l_ | !hwe | azizLIGHT | 15:33 |
ubottu | azizLIGHT: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 15:33 |
inocuous | for anyone considering, the -d, it's very time consuming. I could have done a complete fresh install faster and then added in all my tools faster. | 15:34 |
Dougie187 | Question about luks. If I backup the header, and reformat can I restore the header to a new partition and have the keys be the same? | 15:34 |
mmkumr | Hii how can start script file automatically when my system starts up. | 15:34 |
inocuous | but I liked doing it. | 15:34 |
Dougie187 | Or does the luks header have information about the partition it was from in it? | 15:34 |
OerHeks | inocuous, any distro upgrade can be done faster with reinstall | 15:34 |
ash_workz | is there a difference between `make` and `ubuntu-make` ? | 15:35 |
inocuous | The worst of it was the downloading, my connection was really slow. it took over 3 hours to download. | 15:35 |
k1l_ | ash_workz: yes. ubuntu-make is a sdk | 15:36 |
azizLIGHT | k1l_: so how do i get 4.4 kernel on 14.04 ubuntu using this? | 15:36 |
k1l_ | ash_workz: | 15:36 |
jvturner | heddn: right, I saw that mikeryan1 committed them and I cloned the 8.x-2.x branch | 15:36 |
nickabbey | inocuous: It took a little while for me too. My CTO was adamant that we needed to get to 16.04 asap, and we're on a fast connection, so I made ithappen. I am getting kernel 4.4 and evertyhing is actually working pretty well. fresh install from iso wasn't a great option for us | 15:36 |
k1l_ | azizLIGHT: exchange the "wily" to "xenial" for the packages explained on the webpage | 15:37 |
azizLIGHT | so this puts a new entry in the grub menu with 4.4, right? and i can revert back to my regular kernel from there in the grub menu in case something bad happens? | 15:37 |
k1l_ | yes | 15:38 |
jett | good morning | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | azizLIGHT, if you run update-grub | 15:40 |
inocuous | nickabbey, do you monitor cpu overhead and processor temps at all on your machines? as it relates to OS? | 15:40 |
wyre | hi guys! I've just installed nvidia proprietary driver in a fresh installation | 15:41 |
k1l_ | BluesKaj: which a kernel package install will do automatically | 15:41 |
wyre | and I get glib g_hash_table_find assertion 'version == hash_table- version' failed | 15:42 |
wyre | when gdm is loading | 15:42 |
wyre | (in journalctl) | 15:42 |
wyre | anyone has idea about? | 15:42 |
nickabbey | inocuous: not extensively. For the folks who complain that their machines are lagging I just run htop while simulating a normal system load and provide feedback. most often, it's "Don't have 50 tabs open in chrome and watch 3 youtube videos at the same time while compiling your code in a vm, and you won't feel like your machine is sluggish" | 15:42 |
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nickabbey | inocuous: our relatively small dev team are the only ones on ubuntu and they are all on mixed hardware. without prior baselines for the exact same usage scenarios in 14.04, I'm not in a good place to do metric comparisons | 15:44 |
nickabbey | inocuous: *without prior baselines for the exact same usage screnarios on each individual machine in 14.04 | 15:44 |
inocuous | nickabbey, over heating has been my only real complaint with ubuntu distro's. I work exclusively now on laptops and apparently not very good ones, that don't cool well. | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | never hurts to run update-grub after kernel changes, shows that your installation actually worked | 15:46 |
nickabbey | inocuous: did you leave your 14.04 installs in place in your grub so you can go back and do comparisons? | 15:46 |
nickabbey | inocuous: *on disk and in grub | 15:47 |
inocuous | I should have, in hindsight but I didn't. | 15:47 |
slavka` | rp2: thanks alot for your help, led me down the right path :) | 15:47 |
nickabbey | inocuous: bummer.. I guess if you have a machine that isn't in use you can set that up. | 15:48 |
Xard | it seems that the latest firefox uses gtk3 :I | 15:49 |
somsip | Xard: yes. Yes it does | 15:49 |
Xard | i wondered why the dropdown menu was dark suddenly | 15:49 |
Xard | url dropdown menu* | 15:50 |
lundmar | there are somy funny artifacts with ff gtk3 though. For one, when starting ff it starts in a smaller window and then maximizes. | 15:52 |
trevor_s | anyone know if openjdk sever vm is necessary to have? shouldn't i only need the runtime environment to run java apps like project Libre? | 15:52 |
trevor_s | looks like the server vm installs and runs by default when you install jre | 15:53 |
kolev_ | any idea why 16.04 LTS Xenial still lacks all types of storage options (ebs, ebs-io1, ebs-ssd, etc.)? i'm looking in here: | 15:53 |
hASAN | HI | 15:54 |
compdoc | never heard of ebs | 15:55 |
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dannymichel | Any ideas? | 15:56 |
wyre | hi guys! I cannot login with gdm3 and nvidia proprietary driver | 15:56 |
wyre | | 15:56 |
wyre | that's my Xorg.0.log | 15:56 |
wyre | and that's my kern.log | 15:57 |
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wyre | anyone has an idea about what could be happening? | 15:57 |
lerner | will uninstalling and reinstalling the restricted extras package allow me to watch videos? | 15:59 |
lerner | it is installed, but i cannot watch videos | 15:59 |
k1l_ | lerner: no | 16:00 |
k1l_ | lerner: what video is it exactly? what codecs are needed? what codecs are installed? | 16:01 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? | 16:01 |
lerner | k1l_, any idea of why other users with that package can watch videos and I dont? codec I am asked to install is : Parole needs H.264 (Constrained Baseline Profile) decoder to play this file. I click on install, but nothing happens | 16:02 |
lerner | this is ubuntu 16.04 and newest parole | 16:02 |
lerner | restricted extras is also the newest | 16:02 |
k1l_ | since its using gstreamer it should work with the gstreamer codecs | 16:03 |
ropein | hi, I was experience random freeze to often, once I turn on machine and suspend its cant wake up, or playing mine's and then freeze, help me! | 16:03 |
traiano | hi guys, I desperately need some help with a canon mx-920, properly installed over the network, it prints but the scanner remains unseen. Thanks | 16:04 |
compdoc | ropein, could be a hardware problem. Ubuntu by itself is perfectly stable, although not all programs you install are | 16:04 |
k1l_ | lerner: so what is the video file? | 16:04 |
lerner | k1l_, whats the package's name? | 16:04 |
lerner | a plain mp4 file | 16:05 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: can smplayer or vlc play it? | 16:05 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, nope and nope, I cannot watch any mp4 or avi or flv or mkv file | 16:05 |
lerner | youtube works | 16:05 |
ropein | compdoc: My laptop is asus x200ma, is it compatible with ubuntu 15.10? What i could to do? | 16:06 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: what happens when you try playing? | 16:06 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, nothing, or you mean if I start it from a cli? | 16:06 |
compdoc | ropein, you should look at the SMART info for your hard drive, first. and make sure the laptop isnt over-heating | 16:06 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: vlc gives no error at all? | 16:06 |
OerHeks | mp4 is just a container, what is in it? drm file? | 16:06 |
k1l_ | lerner: what is inside that mp4? | 16:07 |
ropein | compdoc, "SMART", I'm sorry I dont get it, i'm newbie | 16:07 |
lerner | k1l_, a downloaded youtube stream | 16:07 |
compdoc | ropein, open tne Disk utility | 16:08 |
compdoc | the | 16:08 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: your video file might be damaged? | 16:08 |
lerner | vlc's output: | 16:08 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, this happens with several videos | 16:09 |
ropein | okay its open, I type smart on dash | 16:09 |
codepython777 | can anyone help me create a hotspot using commandline? | 16:09 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: you sure you got the right graphics drivers installed? | 16:09 |
traiano | hi guys, I desperately need some help with a canon mx-920, properly installed over the network, it prints but the scanner remains unseen. I followed a million guides, the printer works perfectly, the scanner doesn't. HELP? | 16:10 |
compdoc | ropein, in the disk util, click your hdd, and choose SMART from the menu. sometimes you have to click the gear icon, and on newer versions, its three lines | 16:10 |
k1l_ | lerner: "sudo apt-get install libxvidcore4 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer1.0-libav " | 16:10 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, this started to be an issue since I upgraded to 16.04, why would the graphic drivers be now of no use? | 16:10 |
k1l_ | lerner: and the issue with vlc seems to be a corrupted videofile or broken video driver | 16:10 |
akik | firefox was updated today and now my bank's login form (user & password) looks weird. anybody else noticed this kind of change? (kubuntu 14.04) | 16:10 |
compdoc | ropein, look for reallocated sectors, pending sectors, g-force errors | 16:11 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: from wich version did you upgrade? | 16:11 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, 15.10 | 16:11 |
compdoc | ropein, the numbers you need are in the 'raw' column | 16:11 |
k1l_ | akik: give me your bank user and password and i test it ;p | 16:11 |
ropein | compdoc, i cant found smart | 16:11 |
compdoc | ropein, in the disk util, click your hdd, and choose SMART from the menu. sometimes you have to click the gear icon, and on newer versions, its three lines | 16:11 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: test a 16.04 live and see if the video's play? | 16:12 |
akik | k1l_: not going to do that :) but here's the login page | 16:12 |
akik | k1l_: before those entry boxes had only a narrow line | 16:12 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, good point | 16:12 |
jett | i found smplayer work very well for plying stubbern video | 16:12 |
k1l_ | akik: test in private mode or a new profile to rule out your plugins or stuff | 16:13 |
k1l_ | akik: to me that looks like it should | 16:13 |
lotuspsychje | jett: indeed, played better then vlc in some cases | 16:13 |
ropein | compdoc, start self-test? 47'C/117'F are that normal? all Assessment is show OK | 16:13 |
compdoc | ropein, no need to run tests | 16:14 |
compdoc | ropein, do you see g-force errors? | 16:14 |
akik | k1l_: do they appear grey to you with rounded inner edge? | 16:14 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: or check your additional drivers, what happens | 16:14 |
ropein | compdoc, no | 16:14 |
compdoc | ropein, if health shows ok, then its likely not the drive then. congrats | 16:15 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, but why would this be a problem only after upgrading? | 16:15 |
akik | k1l_: chrome shows that page as before | 16:15 |
jett | my problem is with hdmi output on my video card it makes the screen to wide for the monitor or projector | 16:15 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: thats what we trying to investigate right | 16:15 |
jayvon | Anybody know how to fix/remove broken packages/dependicies? | 16:15 |
=== jayvon is now known as Rooster | ||
lotuspsychje | lerner: graphics card chipset and driver loaded plz? | 16:15 |
Rooster | Anybody know how to fix/remove broken packages/dependicies? | 16:15 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, i dont have any usable usb stick right now, I cannot live test | 16:16 |
lotuspsychje | Rooster: can you tell us what you did? | 16:16 |
arie | hai ..... how are you to day ... ? | 16:16 |
ropein | compdoc, so whats wrong with my computer? maybe the graphic? my graphic card is intel graphic | 16:16 |
jett | i always liked amd better but seems it runs a little hotter | 16:17 |
lerner | ok, so smplayer plays files correctly.... | 16:17 |
k1l_ | akik: | 16:17 |
Rooster | I don't know, I tried upgrading versions | 16:17 |
Rooster | and it wouldn't work | 16:17 |
akik | k1l_: even weirder :) | 16:17 |
lotuspsychje | Rooster: versions of what? | 16:17 |
Rooster | Ubuntu, sorry | 16:17 |
lotuspsychje | Rooster: you upgrade wich version to wich? | 16:18 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, ubuntu 16.04 and Gforce 610M | 16:18 |
jett | im on 16.04 | 16:18 |
wyre | but I've got that issue in 14.04 :S | 16:18 |
jett | ive been wiht ubuntu since version 6 | 16:19 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | jett | 16:19 |
ubottu | jett: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 16:19 |
compdoc | ropein, do you use the propritory drivers? | 16:19 |
Rooster | lotuspsychje: I'm upgrading Ubuntu from version 14.04 to 15.10 through the update manager. I've come to the conclusion that broken packages might be stopping me, since the program automatically disables third-party sources | 16:19 |
akik | k1l_: this is how it's been for years | 16:19 |
wyre | I've tried a lot of things, lotuspsychje | 16:19 |
traiano | hi guys, I desperately need some help with a canon mx-920, properly installed over the network, it prints but the scanner remains unseen. I followed a million guides, the printer works perfectly, the scanner doesn't. HELP? | 16:19 |
akik | k1l_: you can guess my surprise now that it looks different | 16:19 |
lotuspsychje | Rooster: did you added external ppa's of any kind? | 16:19 |
wyre | modifying /etc/default/grub to load in nomodeset | 16:20 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, I tried to find chipset and driver with inxi, but I didnt: | 16:20 |
lerner | what commands do I need? | 16:20 |
Rooster | I'm unsure if I have at this point, I don't think I have. I would remove them if I knew which ones were unofficial. | 16:20 |
ropein | compdoc, yes i see it in software & update | 16:20 |
wyre | but all nouveau modules are blacklisted into /etc/modprobe.d/ | 16:20 |
wyre | and either works :( | 16:20 |
wyre | gdm does not work | 16:20 |
Guest44441 | need someone to verify if HBOGo is playing in either firefox or chrome... all my other sites are good to go, but this one seems to have issues | 16:21 |
compdoc | ropein, that could be the problem., worth a try switching | 16:21 |
lotuspsychje | !sources | Rooster | 16:21 |
ubottu | Rooster: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 16:21 |
wyre | ligthdm works but only I can login into xfce | 16:21 |
wyre | Unity does not load either | 16:21 |
wyre | and obviously gnome doesn't work :( | 16:21 |
ropein | compdoc, switching with? | 16:21 |
compdoc | the Ubuntu driver | 16:21 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: optimus card? | 16:21 |
Rooster | ubottu: Ok, I'll check | 16:21 |
ubottu | Rooster: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:21 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I don't understand you, ... what do you mean with optimus? | 16:22 |
wyre | I've got an Gforce 610M | 16:22 |
Rooster | wtf | 16:22 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: your card has optimus technology, means you need nvidia-prime + the right driver + enable performance mode in nvidia-settings | 16:23 |
ropein | compdoc, for additional info, in software & updates box, tab additional drivers, Using Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode | 16:23 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, and ... how can I do that? | 16:23 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, nvidia-prime is a package? | 16:23 |
ropein | compdoc, another choice is do not use the device | 16:23 |
rektide_ | is there a way to see the menu bar if i don't run unity? | 16:23 |
lotuspsychje | !info nvidia-prime | wyre yes | 16:24 |
ubottu | wyre yes: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.2 (xenial), package size 10 kB, installed size 66 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 16:24 |
wyre | and how I enable performance mode in nvidia-settings from terminal? | 16:24 |
rektide_ | to see things that register themselves in the menu bar? i'd like to see Bluetooth status somehow. | 16:24 |
compdoc | ropein, I doubt thats a problem, but what the heck. turn that off too and test. but that corrects errors in the cpu's microcode and should be enabled if thats isnt the cause | 16:24 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: try booting in nomodeset, to get in desktop | 16:24 |
k1l_ | rektide_: that would be the task of the other desktop you use then | 16:24 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I can't boot even with nomodeset | 16:24 |
wyre | :( | 16:24 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: check your additional drivers section what kind of drivers show up | 16:24 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: how about recoverymode/failsafeX? | 16:25 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, and I've already installed nvidia-prime | 16:25 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: try to sudo apt purge nvidia* to get back to nouveau first, then install a proper nvidia driver | 16:26 |
ropein | compdoc, its back to enable | 16:26 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I've got already proper nvidia driver installed xD | 16:26 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: but you cant get in? | 16:26 |
wyre | no | 16:26 |
wyre | I don't | 16:27 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, I dont know where to look for the additional drivers,, snaptic? where? | 16:27 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: so its not the right one | 16:27 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: software & sources/ tab additional drivers | 16:27 |
ropein | compdoc, i following your instruction, i'am turning it off, i open again and its enable | 16:27 |
MaximB | Hi, if I have 16GB of RAM, how much swap is recommanded? | 16:27 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, but how can I figure out what is the proper driver? | 16:27 |
compdoc | ropein, the microcode? thats ok, go with just the ubuntu drivers | 16:28 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: that depends on the graphics card, test them all out one by one | 16:28 |
lotuspsychje | !swap | MaximB | 16:28 |
ubottu | MaximB: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See for more info | 16:28 |
k1l_ | MaximB: swap=ram if you want hibernation and use a lot of ram hungry tasks (no browser doesnt count) | 16:28 |
k1l_ | MaximB: if not, you can live without swap at all. | 16:29 |
ropein | compdoc, yes it is, so maybe the troble is just some software error, right? like firefox | 16:29 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: we had many users have success on the nvidia -updates drivers on optimus | 16:29 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: versions, differ from card to card | 16:30 |
compdoc | ropein, you could look thru the system logs for errors | 16:30 |
ropein | compdoc, okay i'll try | 16:31 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, Im sorry, I dont find it. Are we talking about 16.04 and synaptic? | 16:31 |
k1l_ | lerner: not synpatic | 16:31 |
k1l_ | lerner: system settings -> software and updates -> last tab | 16:31 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: or the additional drivers (hardware icon) | 16:32 |
traiano | ok, more specific question, how can I find from cli the ip of my network printer? thanks | 16:32 |
ropein | compdoc, there is 3 tree, auth.log, dpkg.log and Xorg.0.log, which one? | 16:33 |
inocuous | which package do I need in xenial to get php package that supports simplexml_load_string() | 16:33 |
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nacc | inocuous: php-xml | 16:34 |
inocuous | thanks nacc. | 16:34 |
OerHeks | traiano, "nmap -sn" sn= disable port scan, where your network is 192.168.1.x | 16:35 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, but what package do you recommend me to install? | 16:35 |
wyre | nvidia-updates? | 16:35 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: can you tell us first wich versions you all see? | 16:37 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, how? | 16:37 |
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lotuspsychje | wyre: typ in chat? | 16:37 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, how can I see what versions are available to me, I mean | 16:37 |
El_Capitano | Howdy all | 16:37 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, | 16:38 |
El_Capitano | ? | 16:38 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, maybe could I try with nvidia-340? | 16:39 |
_3by8 | Would someone be able to tell me whether or not open-vm-tools are installed on all systems by default or is it only if you're installing Ubuntu as a VMWare guest? | 16:39 |
_3by8 | Furthermore, assuming it's installed by default, is it possible to prevent certain packages from being loaded onto the system at installation? | 16:41 |
codepython777 | can anyone help me create a wifi hotspot using commandline? (on ubuntu 14.04) | 16:41 |
CountryfiedLinux | howdy | 16:42 |
lerner | how do I start software sources from a cli? | 16:42 |
=== cineribus is now known as ciner_afk | ||
CountryfiedLinux | When recording audio with my mic it gets really low in the middle of recording. Is this a known issue? | 16:43 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: sudo ubuntu-drivers list | 16:43 |
k1l_ | lerner: i described exactly what to do. what is the issue? | 16:45 |
lerner | k1l_, apparently on xubuntu that icon does not exist | 16:45 |
k1l_ | so you are on xubuntu | 16:45 |
lerner | yes | 16:45 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, 340 does it work | 16:46 |
wyre | but doesn't 361 :( | 16:46 |
k1l_ | lerner: launch "software-properties-gtk" | 16:46 |
nacc | _3by8: i think it's seeded only on server | 16:47 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: what did sudo ubuntu-drivers list show? | 16:47 |
nacc | _3by8: and what you are describing is preseeding the files (although I'm not sure if you can exclude certain packages from being installed) | 16:47 |
traiano | OerHeks, thanks I'm giving it a try | 16:47 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, but here | 16:47 |
wyre | it sais what 361 would works :S | 16:47 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: what did sudo ubuntu-drivers list show? | 16:48 |
_3by8 | nacc: thank you, I'll try using the alternative image. | 16:48 |
nacc | _3by8: the `seeded-in-ubuntu` command can help you figure the first part out | 16:49 |
_3by8 | nacc: ah, perfect. | 16:49 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, nvidia-361 nvidia-340 nvidia-304 intel-microcode nvidia-304-updates | 16:49 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: ok and you already tested 361 and didnt work right? | 16:50 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, right | 16:50 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: try nvidia-340 and reboot | 16:50 |
lerner | lotuspsychje, I am using instead of the nvidia drivers my nvidiar card can install | 16:50 |
nacc | _3by8: i think the way you do it is a preseed/late_command that goes back and removes/purges certain pacakges, i don't believe there is an integrated way to do it otherwise | 16:50 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: test them all, one by one if its needed | 16:50 |
bear_ | Hi | 16:51 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: ok, and what nvidia driver versions show up your list? | 16:51 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I've said that 340 does work :) | 16:51 |
lerner | 340 | 16:52 |
lerner | and 309 | 16:52 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: why dont you sue it then? | 16:52 |
lotuspsychje | use | 16:52 |
wyre | well... I would like to have the last version :( | 16:52 |
lotuspsychje | lerner: ok try one and reboot :p | 16:52 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: latest version doesnt always perform well | 16:52 |
wyre | it supposed by what I could use that, right? | 16:52 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, ok, but ... should I post a bug anywhere? | 16:53 |
daveomcd | im using ubuntu as a guest os for vmware workstation. how can i see what the dns servers are that ubuntu is currently using? | 16:53 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: if you like you can ubuntu-bug nvidia-361 if you have troubles yes | 16:54 |
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lotuspsychje | wyre: but check the bugs list first for an existing one | 16:54 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, where is the list? | 16:54 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: if you file a new bug, launchpad will show you a list of possible dupes | 16:55 |
OerHeks | wyre, gforce 610, no dual gpu, and you installed nvidia-prime? | 16:55 |
nacc | daveomcd: `cat /etc/resolv.conf` ? | 16:55 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: and nvidia-361 | 16:56 |
wyre | OerHeks, of coruse xD | 16:56 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: nvidia-340 does work for him | 16:56 |
OerHeks | wyre, i think that would be your issue, remove that switch app nvidia-prime | 16:56 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, and ... why is not installed gksu by default in 16.04¿ | 16:56 |
daveomcd | I get "nameserver" when im expecting a different ip... is there a way to execute a command to refresh it? | 16:56 |
lotuspsychje | !info gksu | wyre | 16:56 |
ubottu | wyre: gksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB | 16:56 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: =optional | 16:57 |
wyre | OerHeks, but nvidia-prime is installed with 340 version and does it work fine ... :S | 16:57 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: but he needs that for optimus card | 16:57 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: 610m wasnt it? | 16:57 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I don't know very well what means optimus card xD | 16:58 |
wyre | how can I check that? | 16:58 |
wyre | and ... about gksu ... I have that bug also | 16:59 |
wyre | | 16:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1424362 in lxsession (Ubuntu Vivid) "duplicate for #1360488 permissions issues in LXDE as of Vivid Lubuntu Final Beta" [High,Fix released] | 16:59 |
nacc | daveomcd: i believe that's because dnsmasq is running | 16:59 |
nacc | daveomcd: on behalf of NetworkManager | 16:59 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: | 17:00 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: it means your graphics are hybrid, you can switch from the intel to the nvidia | 17:01 |
al_ | hello | 17:01 |
nacc | daveomcd: try: `nmcli dev show <iface>` | 17:01 |
=== al_ is now known as Guest71164 | ||
ArrEmmArrEff | Hello Ubunters does anyone know of a way to restore network settings to factory defaults? | 17:01 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, ok, and what means what I need install bumblebee-nvidia? | 17:01 |
Guest71164 | rest | 17:02 |
wyre | that means* | 17:02 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: dont use it, its the old style way of dealing with optimus | 17:02 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, then? | 17:02 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: nvidia-prime has replaced that | 17:02 |
varaindemian | | 17:02 |
wyre | mmm ok | 17:02 |
varaindemian | after apt-get update | 17:03 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: file a bug against nvidia-361 and go back to 340 and enjoy ubuntu a bit.. | 17:03 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: what did you do before? | 17:03 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: and dont say "nothing", because "someone" changed your ubuntu release to "true" | 17:04 |
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dbz2k | should I use playonliux or just use wine without playonlinux installed? | 17:08 |
varaindemian | k1l_: hmm added a ppa | 17:08 |
dbz2k | I want install office 2010 | 17:08 |
varaindemian | k1l_: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dansmith/chirp-snapshots | 17:08 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |nc 9999" | 17:09 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, I need to install bumblebee-nvidia to 340 does work | 17:09 |
wyre | if is not installed I get the same result what with 361 :S | 17:09 |
varaindemian | k1l_: | 17:10 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: 340 should work with nvidia-prime also | 17:10 |
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k1l_ | varaindemian: brings "grep -i true .bash_history " some output? | 17:11 |
wyre | nvidia-prime is also installed | 17:11 |
wyre | but in need bumblebee-nvidia | 17:11 |
varaindemian | k1l_: nope | 17:11 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: you said you had 340 working before | 17:11 |
ArrEmmArrEff | my wifi icon switches to ethernet but i have no ethernet on my laptop sudo service network-manager restart works but only temporarily | 17:12 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: why do you come up with bumblebee now? | 17:12 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: did you make any changes to that sources.list? because that is really a damaged one | 17:12 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, but I've noticed now what if I uninstall bumblebee-nvidia does not work | 17:12 |
wyre | or at least I get the same result what 361 | 17:12 |
varaindemian | k1l_: I installed 16.04 when it was beta over my current 14.04 | 17:12 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: do you got bumblebee installed? | 17:12 |
varaindemian | k1l_: not sure this affected the system since I didn't make an uptade until then | 17:13 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, :D | 17:13 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: " sudo sed -i 's/True/xenial/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" | 17:14 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, yes, I've got | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: not very recommended to start mixing stuff liek that | 17:15 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, but 340 does not work without bumblebee | 17:16 |
wyre | :S | 17:16 |
varaindemian | k1l_: is it a space between g' and /etc? | 17:16 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: that cant be true | 17:17 |
dannymichel | Is there a famous/popular monochrome theme like on the level of numix etc.? | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | dannymichel: try, lots of nice themes | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | !themes | dannymichel | 17:18 |
ubottu | dannymichel: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 17:18 |
ropein | Are compdoc is still here? | 17:18 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, maybe I could remove nvidia-prime | 17:18 |
varaindemian | k1l_: still broken | 17:18 |
lotuspsychje | wyre: its your system, do what you like but i dont recommend that | 17:18 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, what's the difference between bumblebee and bumblebee-nvidia | 17:21 |
wyre | ? | 17:21 |
wyre | bumblebee is like a dependency of bumblebee-nvidia, right? | 17:22 |
CyberDems | hey guys, since upgrade to xenial & kernel 4.4, I'm getting REGULAR system halts on my ubuntu VM (ESXi). Host stays fine but VM f*s out. - anyone have the remotest idea what could be causing this headache ? | 17:23 |
CyberDems | i've tried another CPU so i doubt its the CPU. different RAM now | 17:23 |
BenderRodriguez | Does anyone know how to set up a headless kvm set up on Ubuntu Xenial? | 17:25 |
wyre | lotuspsychje, and what do you think about ? | 17:25 |
BenderRodriguez | The instructions on ubuntu's website are really old | 17:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1424362 in lxsession (Ubuntu Vivid) "duplicate for #1360488 permissions issues in LXDE as of Vivid Lubuntu Final Beta" [High,Fix released] | 17:25 |
BenderRodriguez | like Karmic Koala old | 17:25 |
alexander | Hy guys | 17:25 |
=== alexander is now known as Guest78967 | ||
brontosaurusrex | dannymichel: here is one | 17:25 |
Guest78967 | I'm trying to install xenial in a pxe | 17:26 |
Guest78967 | But I get an error | 17:26 |
curlyears | since a couple of days ago, my firefox and thunderbird have no been working correctly. The scroll bars donot function correctly, adn in firefox, when i choose the find option under edit, nothiing happens | 17:26 |
curlyears | anyone else having this issue/ | 17:27 |
Guest78967 | "no installable kernel was found in the defined APT souces' | 17:27 |
Guest78967 | could someone help me ? | 17:27 |
curlyears | also, I usually use apt-get, so what do i do with a .deb file? | 17:27 |
Guest78967 | Hy | 17:28 |
Guest78967 | I'm trying to install a xenial64 and I'm having an error | 17:28 |
akik | curlyears: you can use "apt install ./*deb" | 17:28 |
Guest78967 | "no installable kernel was found in the defined APT souces' | 17:28 |
akik | curlyears: or "dpkg -i *deb" | 17:28 |
Guest78967 | could someone help me ? | 17:28 |
curlyears | Guest78967: are you certain you didn't make any typos in the name of the package, or the options you chose (if any) | 17:29 |
curlyears | thanks, akik | 17:29 |
Defiance_ | he logged off | 17:30 |
curlyears | is there a support channel for thunderbird and/or firefox? | 17:30 |
Guest78967 | yes , it's mirror | 17:30 |
Guest78967 | I'm trying to install in graphical mode (sorry my poor english) | 17:31 |
curlyears | Defiance_: as you can see, he logged back in again (-: | 17:31 |
Guest78967 | In syslog I have | 17:31 |
curlyears | I have no clue, in that case, Guest78967 | 17:32 |
Guest78967 | Info Found Kernel ' ' | 17:32 |
Guest78967 | nothing between ' ' | 17:32 |
squinty | curlyears, #thunderbird and #firefox here on freenode | 17:33 |
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eosyn | Hi, I have a bit of an obscure question | 17:33 |
eosyn | on booting 16.04 boot disk, I need it to use my second monitor, or be able to switch screens | 17:34 |
eosyn | ubuntu sees both my monitors, and one is broken | 17:34 |
lumidee2 | hi, is this channel also supporting xubuntu? | 17:35 |
akik | eosyn: i think you can change the primary display with xrandr | 17:36 |
squinty | lumidee2, there is a #xubuntu channel here on freenode | 17:36 |
lumidee2 | squinty, yes i know | 17:36 |
akik | eosyn: or disable the other display with it | 17:37 |
akik | eosyn: "xrandr -q" shows the displays your system knows about | 17:38 |
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OerHeks | eosyn laptop? does it have a FN key for switching displays? both/internal/external | 17:39 |
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lumidee2 | is there something like arch linux AUR or opensuses OBR in ubuntu? | 17:43 |
baizon | lumidee2: ppa | 17:43 |
OerHeks | AUR (Arch User Repository) = PPA personal package archive | 17:43 |
OerHeks | !ppa | 17:44 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 17:44 |
lumidee2 | baizon, thanks! | 17:47 |
hans109h | after upgrade to 16.04 from 15.10 I have both php5 and php7.0 installed. Is it safe to remove php5? | 17:47 |
lumidee2 | guess i should learn how to create deb packages finally :\ | 17:48 |
baizon | lumidee2: its pretty simple | 17:48 |
lumidee2 | only reason i didnt use ubuntu is because creating deb packages looked so painful compared to creating packages in arch linux AUR | 17:48 |
curlyears | *WAH*!!! nothing it frickin working right today!!!! | 17:48 |
lumidee2 | baizon, where do you specify where a file is installed to? e.g. see these steps: | 17:49 |
OerHeks | !build | 17:49 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 17:49 |
lumidee2 | baizon, is it at the step DEBIAN/control? | 17:50 |
techkid6 | Crontab seems picky with permissions, how do I allow a user to edit a file in /etc/cron.d | 17:50 |
techkid6 | (I wrote a script using cron as a backend and it as a frontend, now I'm having trouble implementing it) | 17:50 |
akik | techkid6: files under /etc/cron.d are owned by root | 17:50 |
tgm4883 | techkid6: use crontab instead? | 17:50 |
techkid6 | akik: So it seems, permissioned as 644 root:root | 17:50 |
derjur | just installed on an IPS laptop. Unity looks GREAT. but other WM/DMs seem scaled incorrectly | 17:51 |
tgm4883 | lol, nm, I read that completely wrong | 17:51 |
derjur | anyone know what to look for in this? | 17:51 |
techkid6 | tgm4883: the script just makes tabfiles, clearing the contents and naively replacing them, if I set it to use crontab, it will get rid of all the contents | 17:51 |
tgm4883 | stupid eyes. techkid6 what issues are you having with crontab | 17:51 |
* OerHeks was looking in | 17:52 | |
techkid6 | tgm4883: I have a script that makes a tabfile, I want to run said tabfile, and it looked like the right place would be in /etc/cron.d, permissions makes this not very easy | 17:52 |
tgm4883 | techkid6: ok, so you made a script to add scripts to cron? | 17:52 |
akik | techkid6: you can define extra permissions for users in sudoers | 17:52 |
lumidee2 | baizon, hm i think you just create the package structure within your package build and the deb package will use the same structure on the target install | 17:52 |
tgm4883 | techkid6: check what OerHeks posted | 17:52 |
curlyears | I know of no way to control permissions pn the basis of username. You could create a new group, place that user in the group, and use the group bit in the permission stringa | 17:52 |
=== ciner_afk is now known as cineribus | ||
curlyears | ah, I have never used/looked at sudoers | 17:53 |
baizon | lumidee2: | 17:53 |
techkid6 | so, just save it as the user's crontab? | 17:53 |
techkid6 | tgm4883: I read that, but then I would have to make a dedicated user with a shell for it, no? | 17:55 |
k1l_ | varaindemian: please again a "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |nc 9999" | 17:55 |
eosyn | hmm yea it's a laptop, but the boot cd forces me to use the 2nd screen and I can't run any apps or get a terminal | 17:56 |
OerHeks | eosyn, so try the FN key to switch ? | 17:56 |
eosyn | yea I just did, no luck | 17:56 |
eosyn | the fn f8 works on the bios screen when I first turn it on | 17:57 |
eosyn | I tried to see if I could disable the vga in the bios, but I can't | 17:57 |
OerHeks | eosyn, if that does not help, i have no clue then | 17:57 |
akik | eosyn: here's an example on how to turn off a display with xrandr and then turn it back on "xrandr --output eDP-1 --off; sleep 3; xrandr --output eDP-1 --auto" | 17:57 |
eosyn | yea me either :) | 17:57 |
eosyn | akik: I can't get a terminal though :/ | 17:57 |
akik | eosyn: alt+f2 ? | 17:58 |
ArrEmmArrEff | how do you reset networking to factory default? | 17:58 |
eosyn | akik: that takes me to a blinking cursor but no login | 17:58 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: what do you mean? | 17:59 |
akik | eosyn: what are you seeing on your screen? | 17:59 |
jeffreylevesque | i created an upstart script, which works. Except, the datetime is always the same - | 17:59 |
eosyn | akik, the purple desktop, and the bar above that has the option to shutdown | 17:59 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: is there a command that can reset network manager | 17:59 |
satysin | hi, so I can disable mouse acceleration using `xset m 0` but I want to make that change system wide not just per user, I tried a conf file in /usr/share/X11/ but it didn't seem to make any difference. What am I doing wrong? | 17:59 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: what is the issue? | 17:59 |
derjur | answered my own question.... gnome-settings-daemon | 18:00 |
akik | eosyn: at what stage are you? i don't understand | 18:00 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: wifi and bluetooth are my only possible connections when everything is working correctly no ethernet exists and is not physically possible on my comp but my wifi icon switches to an up/down arrows, i stay connected and if i restart the service it switches back to wifi icon but only temporarily. i am seeking a step to solve the issue not just treat the symptoms :) | 18:00 |
eosyn | akik: I'm at the desktop of the 16.04 boot cd, it uses both screens and everything I want is on the broken screen, I can't force it to use another screen or get to a prompt | 18:01 |
akik | eosyn: heh ok i get it now | 18:01 |
eosyn | akik: yea its a conundrum | 18:02 |
nacitar | Is there any way to get gnome-terminal to give pseudo-transparency? I can get true transparency, but I don't want it. | 18:02 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: my wifi icon shows an ethernet but i have no ethernet and connectivity is fine , just icon is the issue 16.04lts | 18:02 |
akik | eosyn: you can use alt and your mouse to move windows even if you don't see them | 18:02 |
eosyn | akik I will try that | 18:02 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: is there some issue? like in syslog? | 18:03 |
ArrEmmArrEff | how doi check that? | 18:03 |
k1l_ | cat /var/log/syslog | 18:04 |
akik | eosyn: also you can use alt+f2 to open the "run" command. does that work in unity? | 18:05 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: it is intermittent i am unsure what causes it but it is displaying incorrectly currently . is there something i should look for or should i post the output? | 18:05 |
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eosyn | akik: yea I can run it but it shows up on the broken screen | 18:06 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: if the networkmanager is crashing, or the wifi, or the wifi driver... | 18:06 |
akik | eosyn: did you manage to grab any window? | 18:07 |
eosyn | akik working on that now | 18:07 |
Sora | I have a server set up currently which I would like to log all ssh activity, so logins, commands used and the like, what would be the best way to do this? I have so far read a little about snoopy which does the job I would like it to but I wanted to know if there are other options? | 18:07 |
akik | eosyn: i had a similar problem with a dell latitude d630. it somehow creates a CRT-0 display which is "nowhere" | 18:07 |
bekks | Sora: Those logs are already to be found in /var/log/ | 18:07 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: i dont think its crashing as it works fine and i dont lose connectivity and i can still interact with the menu its just the incorrect icon displayed where i would click to switch wifi | 18:08 |
bekks | Sora: And commnds used by users are to be found in their history. | 18:08 |
jeffreylevesque | how can i adjust the `echo` statement, so the datetime correctly reflects the current time for the `echo`? | 18:08 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: could look into .xsession-errors in your home, too | 18:10 |
sulfasal | Had a big crash - desktop froze - went to a terminal and did a ctrl alt del - Then nothing - Went for a bike ride - came back to rebooted unit - like to know what to grep for in syslog or ? | 18:12 |
Sora | bekks: I have tried looking in the users history file but it doesnt seem to be updating with my ssh sessions commands | 18:13 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: how can i read .xsession-errors file? | 18:13 |
bekks | Sora: Of course, since it is updated when you logged out. | 18:13 |
eosyn | akik: I got it! | 18:14 |
Sora | bekks: ah, thanks :) | 18:14 |
akik | eosyn: are you familiar with xorg configuration? i can share the config file that selects the connected monitor on d630 | 18:14 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: less or gedit dont work? | 18:14 |
k1l_ | ArrEmmArrEff: cat .xsession-errors | 18:15 |
SailorMoon | Hey guys! i need some files off a HDD, but it refuses to automount because the windows install on the drive was shutdown in hibernation mode, And says i must mount the drive as RO. Problem is, i have no idea what im doing. Anyone willing to walk me through the process? | 18:16 |
django_ | hey all how can i record a video of mysel? | 18:16 |
django_ | myself* | 18:16 |
jeffreylevesque | take your iphone out | 18:16 |
jeffreylevesque | and press record | 18:16 |
bekks | USe the front camera. :P | 18:16 |
ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: sorry they did work all it says is ....openConnection: connect: No such file or directory | 18:17 |
ArrEmmArrEff | cannot connect to brltty at :0 | 18:17 |
sulfasal | where will I find details of a major crash? | 18:17 |
bekks | sulfasal: Most likely in the logs under /var/log/ | 18:18 |
sulfasal | bekks: what do I grep for, they're huge | 18:18 |
bekks | sulfasal: Look for traces of your crash. | 18:19 |
AdolfO_ | loo | 18:20 |
gabrielAtheos | I'm trying to make a template that, when I create a new file and name it, that name shows up in the template. Anyone have any clue how to do something like that? | 18:20 |
* sulfasal "traces" no hits | 18:21 | |
* sulfasal outtahere | 18:21 | |
rud0lf | gabrielAtheos: put in into 'templates | 18:21 |
rud0lf | directory | 18:21 |
rud0lf | apostrophe next to enter key, pardon me | 18:21 |
gabrielAtheos | I know to put it in templates. Once it is there, I would like to be able to name the new files I create and have each unique name to show up in the corresponding new file. | 18:24 |
sv2241 | I've updated from 15.10 to 16.04 and now kodi.service crashes. systemd kodi.service --> and /home/sv2241/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log --> . Please help | 18:25 |
viju | Hi | 18:26 |
viju | I am going to install ubuntu 16.04 in a while. It's been long I have installed the OS now. | 18:27 |
Hiro` | Hey everyone. When I left work about an hour or two ago, my laptop was fine. When I got home and switched it on again, for me as a user, there seems to be no desktop. I just get my wallpaper and nothing else, no sidebar, no toolbar, etc. | 18:29 |
viju | I have a Windows drive and I guess the masterboot record is going to be overritten. Or is it GRUB? I vaguely remember about some GRUB stuff. | 18:29 |
viju | So, will I able to get back the Windows menu on GRUB after I reformat ubuntu 12 drive? | 18:29 |
Hiro` | I'm on 15.10, by the way. | 18:30 |
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nacc | sv2241: that's the kodi.service file, it's not going to be possible to help debug unless you provide the logs of the failure itself? | 18:33 |
dbarros | anyone knows a good screen locker (like a full red screen with sayings) that can be called from BASH and lock the entire system with 'halt' behind it? | 18:34 |
bekks | dbarros: whats the issue behind that? | 18:34 |
sv2241 | nacc: /home/sv2241/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log --> ? please let me know if you need another log | 18:34 |
nacc | sv2241: sorry, i thought you said 'kodi.service crashes' -- can you provide the logs from that crashing? how do you know it is crashing? | 18:35 |
akik | sv2241: systemd logs can be accessed with journalctl | 18:35 |
dbarros | bekks: no issue behind it. Just a functionality I'm looking for. | 18:36 |
dbz2k | I did this command for wine "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" and I need to reverse since I uninstalled wine | 18:36 |
nacc | sv2241: also, looking at that Xorg log, it seems like a permissions issue (X is unable to access VT7) | 18:36 |
bekks | dbarros: A functionality used in which context? | 18:37 |
akik | sv2241: journalctl -u kodi.service | 18:37 |
dbarros | bekks: lan user has 40 minutes to use the computer. when it reaches 40 minutes, it will kind of log off, display a red screen and halt the system. | 18:37 |
nacc | sv2241: given that you have a per-user X log, does that mean you are running a non-system X server? | 18:37 |
bekks | dbarros: Why not just logging out the user after 40 minutes, or blanking the screen? :) | 18:38 |
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ArrEmmArrEff | k1l_: thx for your help k1 :) ill keep trying to figure it out its a tricky one | 18:38 |
dbarros | bekks: yes, i'll explain why. there are going to be people monitoring the room. if screen goes dark or blank, the folk can just reset the button and no one really paid attention to that. I need something scandalous, you know... like a full red screen "time out" thing. and halt the system, so it can catch the monitoring folks attention | 18:40 |
jarnos | Is 16.04 using Mir instead of X? | 18:40 |
bekks | dbarros: you can blank the screen, and no button will help you to reset that :) | 18:41 |
Fuchs | jarnos: no | 18:41 |
pero | mc lintock | 18:42 |
dbarros | bekks, the power button will be available for a fresh restart... making things worse, the person can poweroff with filesystems unmounted | 18:42 |
sv2241 | nacc: yes, that's correct. I run the server variant | 18:42 |
bekks | dbarros: No fresh start without a valid login :) | 18:42 |
dbarros | bekks: the logins are guest, so they are infinite | 18:43 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: couldn't you just set the login screen to a red background? | 18:43 |
sv2241 | nacc: journalctl -u kodi.service --> | 18:43 |
bekks | dbarros: And you think a person cannot poweroff with a red screen? Or cannot press the power button with a red screen? | 18:43 |
jarnos | Fuchs, so it was dealyed again | 18:43 |
Fuchs | yes | 18:44 |
dbarros | my goal is basically to logout the session or kill the X session, and just come up with a plain red screen. | 18:44 |
nacc | sv2241: hrm, seems like xinit is failing for your user (if i had to guess) ... not sure | 18:44 |
dbarros | no worries, i'll see what i can do | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: I'm not following the use case here. Why not just lock the screen and have the login screen have a red background? | 18:44 |
sv2241 | nacc: what else can I check? | 18:45 |
derjur | has anyone seen huge cursors, and huge window borders when running on an IPS or 4k screen? | 18:46 |
dbarros | tmg4883: use case is simple, users will be using guest accounts pre-configured... they cannot change anything in the environment, and they have 40 minutes to do what they want to do, when the time is out, i just need something scandalous... | 18:46 |
derjur | i'm running openbox, and it's huge compared to unity. running gnome-settings-daemon fixed the scaling for all gtk apps, but not the system/dm | 18:46 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: why doesn't locking the screen work then? | 18:46 |
dbarros | tmg4883: doesn't it depend on inactivity? | 18:47 |
nacc | sv2241: I'm not sure, sorry -- hopefully someone else can help. You might also consider filing a bug | 18:47 |
k1l_ | akik: i think i know now. firefox now supports gtk3 | 18:47 |
dbarros | tmg4883: which commmand is used to lock the screen (from bash)? | 18:48 |
ElFredo` | Does anyone know how I can enable PHP GD, PHP Imap and PHP LDAP using CLI only ? :( | 18:48 |
akik | k1l_: oh ok nice find | 18:48 |
nacc | dbarros: iirc, xlock used to be able to do it; not sure if it's around still | 18:48 |
sv2241 | anyone else running kodi in 16.04? | 18:48 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: I would test | 18:48 |
dbarros | i've heard about xlock | 18:48 |
nacc | ElFredo`: `apt-get install php-gd php-imap php-ldap` ? | 18:49 |
k1l_ | akik: i am not 100% sure. but i have read somewhere that it supports gtk3 now and that might be the reason for changed buttons | 18:49 |
ElFredo` | Will that enable it in the php.ini file ? | 18:49 |
nacc | ElFredo`: that's in 16.04, at least | 18:49 |
nacc | ElFredo`: iirc, they get enabled on install; but if not, `phpenmod gd; phpenmod imap; phpenmod ldap` | 18:49 |
dbarros | nacc, tgm4883, thanks i'll look into these options and test it | 18:49 |
akik | k1l_: actually i'm now at home with kubuntu 16.04 and on it the buttons are as they always were | 18:50 |
dbarros | right now I want also a full text boot... | 18:50 |
ElFredo` | nacc is it php-gd or php5-gd when using php5? | 18:50 |
akik | k1l_: the problem was with kubuntu 14.04 | 18:50 |
squinty | sv2241, better to just state your problem rather than ask "anyone else...." | 18:50 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: look into grub options for htat | 18:50 |
nacc | ElFredo`: ah, if php5, then yeah, i think it's php5-gd, php5-imap, php5-ldap | 18:50 |
dbarros | like Loading vmlinuz......... and no black flashes | 18:50 |
nacc | ElFredo`: and php5enmod, iirc | 18:50 |
ElFredo` | Ok | 18:51 |
bekks | dbarros: remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command line. | 18:51 |
ElFredo` | makes sense, I was using all the php5 ones, but phpenmod | 18:51 |
dbarros | tgm4883, i tried "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="", but still get a flash.... | 18:51 |
bekks | dbarros: Did you regenerate the grub config? | 18:51 |
dbarros | bekks, yep, and initramfs too | 18:51 |
sv2241 | when I type startx in the terminal, kodi starts and not when I try to start it through systemd service. also, when I type systemctl start kodi.service I get a line asking for my account password: "Authentication is required to start "kodi.service"" is this expected? | 18:51 |
dbarros | still get a flash between the grub initial menu and the text | 18:52 |
bekks | And? | 18:52 |
dbarros | what i wanted is a full text | 18:52 |
dbarros | no flashes | 18:53 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: I really want to say too bad | 18:53 |
tgm4883 | but I'll let someone else more familiar with the grub to boot transition chime in | 18:53 |
dbarros | i think it involves plymouth and the screen resolution. | 18:53 |
tgm4883 | especially since "flash" is a relative term | 18:53 |
ElFredo` | nacc: ldap worked, gd and imap didnt | 18:53 |
derjur | answered my question again... unity-settings-daemon | 18:54 |
dbarros | by flash i mean blanks... | 18:54 |
bekks | dbarros: "flash" usually is the total opposite of "black". | 18:54 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: have you tried | 18:54 |
nacc | ElFredo`: what does "worked" mean in this case? | 18:54 |
dbarros | text - one second blank - then text... | 18:54 |
nacc | ElFredo`: what version of Ubuntu? | 18:54 |
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dbarros | tgm4883, will try that too tgm4883 | 18:54 |
akik | dbarros: try if uncommenting this helps you GRUB_TERMINAL=console | 18:55 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: From what you were saying earlier, is this for use in a library or something? | 18:55 |
bekks | Where black flashes are annoying. | 18:55 |
dbarros | tgm4883, yep | 18:55 |
ElFredo` | nacc: working as being recognized by a CMS installation progress as installed. Running vagrant with hashicorp/precise64, let me check for the ubuntu version | 18:55 |
dbarros | tgm4883, lan library, but the issue is w7 and games... i'm the one resposible to implement linux there and the policies | 18:55 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: ah cool. We had similiar software when I worked at a college (although it was windows). Is this going to be something you're selling? | 18:56 |
ElFredo` | progress = process | 18:56 |
dbarros | tgm4883, no just a full ubuntu deployment.... over 10 machines.... | 18:56 |
tgm4883 | cool | 18:56 |
ElFredo` | nacc: I verified the installation process works, coz i manually configured everything, worked like a charm. So now I wanted to automate it using vagrant | 18:56 |
dbarros | tgm4883, to take over windows 7.... and they've been installing all kinds of games | 18:56 |
dbarros | that I want to see if they are able to install after using the 'guest-session' :-) | 18:57 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: well that just seems like poor managment of windows 7 | 18:57 |
nacc | ElFredo`: i know little to nothing about vagrant; but if it worked manually, then I'm not sure what to say | 18:57 |
curlyears | *wow* | 18:57 |
dbarros | tgm4883, yep, the people who set this up are non-sense | 18:57 |
bekks | dbarros: I dont see how a text boot and a red screen will help you on that. | 18:57 |
curlyears | #firefox is functionally useless. 274 user, every one of whom is idling | 18:58 |
ElFredo` | It worked manually on a windows environment, Now I want to automate it on a ubuntu environment. | 18:58 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: well they would still be able to do user type stuff in that session. But the guest session wouldn't allow them any write access to system stuff | 18:58 |
ElFredo` | nacc: I think vagrant is irrelevant tho | 18:58 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: and would wipe when they logged out | 18:58 |
nacc | ElFredo`: did you get it to work manually in Ubuntu? | 18:58 |
tgm4883 | curlyears: complaining is not a support question | 18:58 |
dbarros | bekks, let me explain bekks, since you really interested in rethorics... well... blank screens are a problem to me, because morons, when they see it, they think 'oh this computer is turned off..' | 18:59 |
sv2241 | When I execute /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/openbox-session -- :0 -nolisten tcp vt7, I'm getting the following error --> The /home/sv2241/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log is here --> Please advise how can I fix this error | 18:59 |
bekks | dbarros: And they start leaving the room after one second of blank screen. Ok. | 18:59 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: uh, how long does your blank screen last.... | 18:59 |
ElFredo` | nacc: no, i just wanted to point out that most likely the CMS is correctly identicating that the module is not activated, as I verified that the UI verification of installed modules works. | 18:59 |
bekks | tgm4883: One second. | 18:59 |
dbarros | bekks, and they go 'oh since this is black, i need to turn this on.... and press the reset button..' so it just more like a anti-moronism kind of thing to avoid | 18:59 |
bekks | dbarros: Eliminate the power button instead. | 18:59 |
tgm4883 | bekks: yes, that is how long it should last. | 19:00 |
ElFredo` | nacc: The manual config was on windows | 19:00 |
bekks | dbarros: THAT will solve your problem. | 19:00 |
tgm4883 | bekks: I was interested in knowing how log it actually did last | 19:00 |
nacc | ElFredo`: right, but i don't understand how manually configuring on windows is relevant to automating on Ubuntu? | 19:00 |
dbarros | bekks, i do know that, but then how are people supposed to power on | 19:00 |
lotuspsychje | can someone try to reproduce this bug in 16.04: gnome-screenshot==>full screen capture==>check if the dialog box is also in the screenshot? | 19:01 |
bekks | dbarros: by using the power switch at the backside of the AC device. | 19:01 |
dbarros | bekks, and the RED screen halt bekks, you know, it's for the morons too, to really tell them, you know, time to go away... more like an intimidating message...LOL | 19:01 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: regular users shouldn't be powering things on | 19:01 |
ElFredo` | nacc: You asked me what I ment with "Isnt working". I said: "The CMS installation process says its not activated". My first check was to double check there are no bugs in this installation process screen. It could be saying that it's not activated while it is. But I did verify it | 19:01 |
sv2241 | squinty: that didn't work either :) | 19:01 |
bekks | dbarros: Or by a programmable power supply, etc. | 19:01 |
tgm4883 | that's why you have library workers | 19:01 |
dbarros | yes yes, you so get the idea... | 19:02 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: running `gnome-screenshot` here does not provide any dialog box. Should I be running it specifically from the GUI? | 19:02 |
bekks | dbarros: Do implement that idea. One central point of control power, etc., to the computers. | 19:02 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: yes gui sorry had to mention | 19:02 |
dbarros | we will see how it goes... i think half of the public will just quit coming when W7 is not there anymore | 19:03 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: we had this really elegant solution when I worked at the college. It was actually pretty cheap to implement too, and almost all users were able to figure it out. There are these things called labels that you can print out and stick to things | 19:03 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: I don't see that here | 19:03 |
dbarros | tgm4883, i know tgm4883 but think of morons, morons really... | 19:03 |
Bernard-D | Bonsoir tous le monde ya des francais ici ? | 19:03 |
lotuspsychje | !fr | Bernard-D | 19:03 |
ubottu | Bernard-D: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 19:03 |
curlyears | tgm4883: I didn't complain. I posted 3 very specic questions, the only response was from someone who didn't understand the question, so couldn't elp | 19:03 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: ok tnx for checking | 19:04 |
curlyears | tgm4883: my experience with labels was that few bothered to actually READ them. | 19:04 |
dbarros | tgm4883, curlyears is right | 19:04 |
nacc | ElFredo`: ok, so this is my understanding of your situation, please cmiiw. 1) you manually installed a CMS under Windows with PHP5, successfully. 2) You are attempting to automate the installation of the same CMS under Ubuntu, unsuccessfully. Why wasn't there a manual step on Ubuntu? | 19:04 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: if you think of all of your users as morons, you might be giving yourself too much credit | 19:05 |
curlyears | 'how do I 'xyz?' ME: "uHM, YOU GO BACK, READ THE LABEL THAT SAYS: hOW TO xyz, AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS | 19:05 |
dbarros | tgm4883, oh rethorics tgm... | 19:05 |
ElFredo` | nacc: your completely correct. However, I've destroyed and up'ed my vragrant box 4x (means: remove virtuam machine and reinstall ubuntu etc) and now it's working using ur commands! :) | 19:05 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: how long is the screen blank between grub and boot ? | 19:05 |
dbarros | tgm4883, we need radical solutions | 19:05 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: are you using hexchat? | 19:06 |
ElFredo` | nacc: so thanks for ur help. It works. But ye ur correct, I should have tried ubuntu manually first | 19:06 |
tgm4883 | dbarros: BS. If you really thought you needed radical solutions, you'd have removed their ability to touch the computer | 19:06 |
dbarros | tgm, i will first try what folk told me to do , uncomment GRUB_TERMINAL=console | 19:06 |
k1l_ | curlyears: can we stick to technical ubuntu issues in here? | 19:06 |
nacc | ElFredo`: :) np -- was just confused where we stood | 19:06 |
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nacc | lotuspsychje: nope, irssi here | 19:06 |
ElFredo` | nacc: U're not alone :D Kudo's man ! | 19:06 |
curlyears | ssowwy, K1l\ | 19:07 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: can you try the same with gnome-screenshot gui with the dialog box on irssi? | 19:07 |
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dbarros | tgm4883, all due respect, i'll try the links you gave me | 19:07 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: seems like the bug is only on hexchat here | 19:07 |
curlyears | speaking of technical ubuntu issues: has anyone here exoerience wonky updates from mozilla? | 19:07 |
dbarros | tgm4883, but i know better the environment i'm in... that I can tell | 19:07 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: sorry, not following, what do you mean by "the dialog box on irssi"? | 19:08 |
k1l_ | curlyears: meaning? do you use the firefox from the ubuntu repo? | 19:08 |
Bernard-D | salon | 19:08 |
Bernard-D | salon | 19:08 |
Bernard-D | salon | 19:08 |
Bernard-D | salon | 19:08 |
Bernard-D | salon | 19:08 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: when you start gnome-screenshot, it starts a dialog box:whole screen/window/area | 19:08 |
curlyears | k1l_: yes, the firefox that was included in the 14.04.4 iso, and is semi-regularly updated by software updater | 19:09 |
fedoen | need help to setup bluetooth headset on ubuntu 16.04, I managed somehow to get them working on 15.10 (after a long struggle, but forgot the steps), after upgrade they aren't working anymore on a2dp-sink, I reinstalled bluetooth, bluez, pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, etc... | 19:09 |
k1l_ | curlyears: it gets all the updates from mozilla a very few days later. | 19:09 |
curlyears | which is controlled by Canonical | 19:09 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: oh i see what you mean now, ok | 19:09 |
k1l_ | curlyears: what is the issue? | 19:09 |
fedoen | the headeset connects but can't get sound on the speakers | 19:09 |
nacc | lotuspsychje: ok, i grabbed a screenshot of the irssi window (which is just a terminal window) -- no dialog box | 19:10 |
lotuspsychje | nacc: ok weird bug this.. | 19:10 |
Guest43214 | Hello, I have an issue on 16.04 LTS (ubuntu-mate) where when i set 'ethtool -s eth0 wol g' (device does support) after suspend or reboot its back to 'd' again. I duel boot. On other distro (archlinux) WOL works fine. 'g' is persistent. i have tried setting ethtool -s eth0 wol g in post and pre scripts to no avail. what is the official way to do this? | 19:10 |
joakimk | Is it somehow possible to use two audio outputs from Ubuntu at the same time? As in, Youtube (Chrome) -> headphone jack, and Spotify -> HDMI output? (or maybe some USB sound card) | 19:11 |
curlyears | k1l_: both firefox and thunderbird: the scroll bars are working "wonky" (can descrivbe if necessary) some functons, like the "Find" function under the "Edit" option do nothing. I click them, it jst sits there | 19:11 |
Guest43214 | #joakimk pavucontrol might help? | 19:11 |
curlyears | Guest63214: it sounds like you may discovered an instability in 16.04 | 19:12 |
squinty | curlyears, find in firefox opens at the bottom of the firefox window ( here it's at lower left) | 19:14 |
Guest43214 | #curlyears whats the ubuntu way to log this? | 19:14 |
joakimk | Guest43214: Thanks! I'll try that! | 19:14 |
curlyears | and then there is the update for the controller program for my 3Dprinter, which won't compile and install because they used a python library function which is not contained in14.04.4 | 19:15 |
Guest43214 | it would be great if there was a guide to report. with requisites for being complete with correct relevant info etc | 19:15 |
curlyears | Guest43214: that I do not know, sorry | 19:15 |
nacc | Guest43214: ubuntu-bug, iirc | 19:15 |
k1l_ | !bug | Guest43214 | 19:15 |
ubottu | Guest43214: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 19:15 |
nacc | k1l_: thanks | 19:15 |
curlyears | k1l_: no ideas on my issue? | 19:16 |
Guest43214 | cheers #k1l_ | 19:17 |
=== gspe is now known as gspe_ | ||
k1l_ | curlyears: clicking on "find" under edit pops up the search bar at the bottom. same when i press ctrl+f | 19:18 |
curlyears | it;s a very good thing for us that the vast majority of users on this channel idle a lot. Can you imagine to trying to track through 2000 users worth of messages? | 19:18 |
k1l_ | curlyears: and i know that worked when i used 14.04. | 19:18 |
blaman | anyone familiar with namespaces? unshare(1)? | 19:18 |
ozbrk | hi guys need a bit help ı'm trying to install nvdia graphichs drivers by ubuntus nativa installer but it ignores to install. I clicked the "apply changes" button after few seconds it pushed the option back to the server | 19:19 |
curlyears | k1l_: yep, that's what it is supposed to do, but on m y system it doesn't | 19:19 |
ozbrk | another question is about dropbox I get this error Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable. | 19:19 |
ozbrk | URL that failed to download: | 19:19 |
ozbrk | Error: None | 19:19 |
squinty | curlyears, top right 3 horizontal bars -> click -> also has find function. | 19:20 |
curlyears | maybe happens to be offline, for some reason/ | 19:20 |
curlyears | ? | 19:20 |
curlyears | squinty thanks, I know that, but it isn't working. Netiehr are my scroll bars (at least not properly0 | 19:21 |
k1l_ | curlyears: try to run firefox with a clean profile. or try the guest account on ubuntu | 19:21 |
ozbrk | nope it is online it is a dualboot system so already installed at windows part I checked it | 19:21 |
squinty | use that to see if problem is at your or their end | 19:21 |
curlyears | clean profile? | 19:21 |
codeinstein | asd | 19:21 |
codeinstein | 212 | 19:21 |
curlyears | wouldn't that be what i have if I haven't changed anything in firefox? | 19:21 |
curlyears | I'm using it out Of The Box, as it were | 19:22 |
k1l_ | curlyears: no. some plugin or user setting can cause that, too | 19:22 |
squinty | curlyears, in terminal -> firefox --help or firefox -profile iirc | 19:22 |
codeinstein | hello can you guys see me writing | 19:22 |
k1l_ | codeinstein: yes. | 19:22 |
codeinstein | great | 19:23 |
ap0 | Hello. does ubuntu use compiz as compositor? | 19:23 |
k1l_ | ap0: yes, for unity on xorg. | 19:23 |
ap0 | k1l_, good. thank you | 19:23 |
ozbrk | it says to check my proxy envioroment thats strange | 19:23 |
squinty | curlyears, actually firefox -ProfileManager | 19:23 |
ozbrk | it is vanillia ubuntu a fresh installation | 19:24 |
ozbrk | did I hacked or something I don't have any kind of proxies | 19:24 |
robotdevil1 | Erix: sorry to highlight you, I am just wondering if you were the person that was helping me with installing with UEFI | 19:25 |
crayon | im getting: ttp:// Signature by key FBC0FA27F5D79B1F60A77837CCC158AFC1289A29 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1) when i try to apt-get update | 19:25 |
curlyears | squinty: all firefox -ProfileManager does is open the browser with the home page up | 19:26 |
bekks | crayon: So contact the maintainer of that project for implementing strong digests. | 19:26 |
k1l_ | crayon: your 3rd party repo uses a weak key to sign the packages. tell them | 19:26 |
thoht | hi. i m installing ubunt LTS 16 and during install; i cannot choose ZFS as filesystem. is that normal ? i thought it was now included in ubuntu 16 :/ | 19:26 |
crayon | that's mozilla's repo for ubuntu builds iirc | 19:26 |
nacc | thoht: only for datastorage, not for normal filesystems | 19:27 |
squinty | curlyears, huh you are right. didn't use to do that | 19:27 |
nacc | thoht: there are blog posts for how to use it as root fs, etc, but not supported officially in ubuntu | 19:27 |
Pici | crayon: its a warning also. it will not prevent you from installing packages for it. | 19:27 |
bekks | crayon: Whatever it is, they have to do something. | 19:27 |
Tegu | curlyears: add --no-remote | 19:27 |
thoht | nacc: ok so i keep free space then after install i would be able to use it as zfs; right ? | 19:27 |
ozbrk | I tried a command I will add a pastebin file here to you to examine the problem is dropbox is not downloading | 19:27 |
crayon | Pici, can you advise how i can bypass it? | 19:27 |
Pici | crayon: its not an error, just a warning. It is not stopping your update from continuing. | 19:28 |
crayon | ah, thank you | 19:28 |
thoht | it is too bad to have choice with btrfs but not zfs | 19:28 |
thoht | as root fs i mean | 19:28 |
k1l_ | crayon: it works. its just a warning. but tell the 3rd party repo maintainer to increase the signing | 19:28 |
nacc | thoht: i believe the installer only uses zfs for one purpose (container storage), but I might be wrong (and haven't done a fresh install myself) | 19:28 |
crayon | thank you all :) | 19:28 |
curlyears | there is a default profile listed,, with options to use, rename or delete profile. | 19:29 |
squinty | curlyears, and Create Profile | 19:29 |
Rooster | hello | 19:30 |
curlyears | right, Create profile, not Use profile | 19:30 |
curlyears | sowwy\ | 19:30 |
squinty | curlyears, another good one to keep in mind is firefox --safe-mode which disables all plugins | 19:31 |
Tegu | curlyears: --no-remote is needed if you have firefox open already. if you want to open another firefox instance with other profile, you need to use --no-remote | 19:31 |
curlyears | safe mode does not change what's happening with my scroll bar | 19:32 |
ashik_ | heii | 19:32 |
Tegu | curlyears: note that external links won't be opened in the instances launched with --no-remote (might be desired at times) | 19:32 |
curlyears | but thank you, squinty | 19:32 |
eelstrebor | ah! i see there's a new lts - downloading now | 19:32 |
Tegu | curlyears: did you try creating a new profile and running it? | 19:32 |
k1l_ | curlyears: is it the overlay bar? what do you mean with that issue exactly? | 19:32 |
curlyears | Tegu: Is that safe to do? | 19:33 |
linuxlove | how can i know the version of my ddclient ? | 19:33 |
k1l_ | curlyears: does the find option run now? | 19:33 |
Tegu | curlyears: yes as far as I know (at least I have done it) | 19:33 |
curlyears | k1l_: yes, it does | 19:33 |
ashik_ | heii anyone here from india | 19:33 |
ashik_ | ? | 19:33 |
squinty | curlyears, yes profilemanger is used to setup other user's profiles so just set up a dummy one and see if your problems still exist | 19:34 |
bishops | anyone knows why in ubuntu 16.04, firefox was updated with the new gtk theme but not thunderbird? | 19:34 |
satysin | is there a way to adjust system wide how many lines are scrolled per mouse wheel notch/scroll ? | 19:35 |
squinty | linuxlove, apt-cache show ddclient | 19:35 |
danny_ | Hi, Im on Xubuntu and I have problem to connect on my wifi since I made it securised... Do you have a clue why it fail? | 19:36 |
curlyears | squinty: created new profile for default-user. STarted firefox. same problem with scroll bar | 19:36 |
k1l_ | curlyears: what problem? | 19:37 |
curlyears | ddanny_: are you getting any error messages with your failedconnection? | 19:37 |
danny_ | no it seems connected | 19:37 |
squinty | curlyears, maybe theme related then or as mention by <k1l_> curlyears: is it the overlay bar? what do you mean with that issue exactly? | 19:37 |
ozbrk | are there anyone who has any idea about that dropbox issue | 19:37 |
ozbrk | seriopusly I need help | 19:37 |
danny_ | but when I go on internet... the site just dont load | 19:37 |
curlyears | k1l_: the littel arrows at the top and bottopm of the scrollbar are no longer displayed, can only grab the "button" on the scroll bar and dragit to scroll through page. | 19:38 |
curlyears | Also, clicking anywhere alone the scroll bar below the "button" makes it go all the way to the bottom of the page, clcking anywhere above the "button" m,ales it go all the way to tyhe top of the pagew | 19:39 |
squinty | ozbrk, works fine here as said before check out | 19:40 |
curlyears | when you view a page the is longer than one screen height in length, a scrolll bar is diaplyed on the right margine, which allows you to scroll throught the page | 19:40 |
lotuspsychje | can someone on 16.04 and hexchat try to reproduce this bug? | 19:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1576385 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Dialog window shows on a shot of gnome-screenshot only in hexchat" [Undecided,New] | 19:40 |
curlyears | there used toi be litlle arrow buttons at the top ands bottom of the scroll bar, the noeon top pointed down, theone at the botttom pointed up, and they allowed you to scroll through the page one screen at a time | 19:41 |
ozbrk | squinty, I know I copied the link on firefox and it started the download a tar.gz file what I don't underestand is why I get this error by using dropbox installation program | 19:41 |
k1l_ | curlyears: can you make a screenshot? | 19:42 |
=== marianne is now known as Guest11763 | ||
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Guest11763 | Well, I was on earlier today whining about getting video to play on 16.04... well EVERYTHING works now. And I just wanted to say thinks to the guy that helped out. Last time I did an upgrade, it was 2 weeks of fighting to get it right... now it was only about 6 hours :-) | 19:44 |
squinty | ozbrk, why not download the deb file and then use gdebi to install dropbox? never had a problem doing it that way here | 19:44 |
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velus | cd ../ | 19:45 |
dbz2k | hello guys I have a question | 19:45 |
lotuspsychje | Guest11763: what fixxed the issue? | 19:45 |
curlyears | Guest11763: great. glad you got help | 19:45 |
ozbrk | squinty, it will give the same result the package installation is fine. After the installation dropbox should restart and download a package before it starts. The problem occurs at that phase of installation. Nothing with the .deb package | 19:46 |
dbz2k | how do I remove "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" after removing wine? | 19:46 |
nacc | dbz2k: `sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386` ? | 19:46 |
squinty | ozbrk, maybe try setting up another user account and installing from there to see if the problem is duplicated | 19:47 |
BluesKaj | sudo dpkg -r | 19:47 |
k1l_ | curlyears: press "print" to make a screenshot. then load it to , show the link here | 19:47 |
Guest11763 | lotuspsychje: hal install... i remembered most everythig else, but totally forgot about hal | 19:48 |
ozbrk | squinty, I tried from kubuntu and it didn't work | 19:48 |
dbz2k | nacc, so will the package being removed break anything | 19:50 |
dbz2k | I don't want my ubuntu install ruined | 19:50 |
curlyears | weird: I did sudo apt-get install *deb, and the paackage open, went through some stuff, the claimed that every file that was supposed to be there "wasn't found" (by 'there" I mean IN the .deb) | 19:51 |
satysin | oh man ubuntu is soooooo damn nice :D | 19:52 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | satysin glad you like it | 19:53 |
ubottu | satysin glad you like it: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 19:53 |
satysin | oh, thank you! | 19:53 |
dbz2k | will removing these packages break anything before I use this command "dpkg --remove-architecture i386" | 19:55 |
curlyears | k1l_: where does print screen place the output? | 19:55 |
nacc | dbz2k: iiuc, per `man dpkg`, it won't let you remove the architecture if it's in use | 19:56 |
dbz2k | nacc, could I remove those package without breaking x11 | 19:57 |
curlyears | interesting: the scroll bar in the BitchX screen is not workingeither. it uses the same format as the scroll bar inSoftware Center | 19:57 |
dbz2k | so I could remove i386 architecture | 19:57 |
nacc | dbz2k: i am not sure, presumably if you try to remove a package and its deps would break, apt won't let you | 19:58 |
k1l_ | curlyears: it should open a dialog where to safe | 19:58 |
nacc | dbz2k: but i don't use any 32-bit stuff, so don't know myself | 19:58 |
dbz2k | nacc, the main I am nervous about is if ubuntu answer will still relevant | 20:00 |
curlyears | hmm | 20:01 |
curlyears | k1l_: OK. -> curlyears-firefox-screenshot.png | 20:01 |
curlyears | I hope | 20:01 |
k1l_ | curlyears: it should have given you a knew url on imgur | 20:02 |
tigefa | hello | 20:02 |
squinty | ozbrk, fwiw, i just installed dropbox in another of my users accounts without any problems. maybe try starting dropbox from a terminal and see if it says anything | 20:02 |
curlyears | k1l_: when it went the to window to save it, it offered me an aopportuniuty to rename the file. I did. | 20:03 |
ozbrk | squinty, <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)> | 20:03 |
ozbrk | I did | 20:03 |
k1l_ | curlyears: please show the url here. | 20:04 |
nacc | dbz2k: tbh, if they aren't doing you any harm, I don't see why you'd risk it, but I really don't know | 20:04 |
curlyears | I am not sure ow the URL to view a file on imdur works, that's why I typed "imdur,com ->" sorry | 20:04 |
k1l_ | curlyears: i cant go on the search for that | 20:04 |
dbz2k | dbz2k, is ubuntu multi arch by default? | 20:04 |
curlyears | k1l_: can't. Closed the window | 20:04 |
k1l_ | curlyears: use _any_ foto hoster you like. is usually on of the easiest | 20:04 |
dbz2k | it's not right | 20:04 |
ubuntu366 | can anyone help with iptables permissions with openvpn to blow all traffic exept vpn? | 20:04 |
curlyears | I am not familiar with any photo hosters | 20:04 |
satysin | hello, can I adjust how many lines are scrolled with each notch of the mouse wheel? | 20:05 |
ubuntu366 | flow* | 20:05 |
squinty | ozbrk, then that would be the error message, I would use to google | 20:05 |
k1l_ | curlyears: go to , click at "upload" at the top. then drag&drop the file there. then click upload. then wait until its uploaded. then you get a new site with a new url. show that url | 20:06 |
brianx | how do i disable overlay scrollbars (or whatever these self hiding scroll bars are called) in Xenial Xerus 16.04? unity tweak tool/scrolling/legacy didn't work, nor did dconf-editor com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode nor did export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 in ~/.xprofile. i rebooted between each attempt. | 20:06 |
ozbrk | squinty, hmmmmmm well let me try to run a shearch | 20:06 |
nacc | dbz2k: yes it is (i believe) -- i have :i386 packages installed, w/o any manual configuration on my part | 20:06 |
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xangua | brianx: how about just remove the package? Don't recall how is called... | 20:07 |
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* tigefa | 20:08 | |
curlyears | rXSsq9c-imgur.png | 20:09 |
squinty | ozbrk, ok sounds good. i have to go for a while... good luck :-) | 20:09 |
brianx | xangua: i was afraid of breaking more by just pulling the rug out. i guess i could try removing overlay-scrollbar | 20:09 |
brianx | thanks | 20:09 |
curlyears | k1l_: look at the right margin, where the scroll bar is. No little arows, goes from full top to full bottom | 20:10 |
k1l_ | curlyears: that is not a url that brings us to the picture | 20:11 |
* lotuspsychje slides a coffee to k1l_ :p | 20:11 | |
brianx | xangua: apt remove overlay-scrollbar doesn't work in Xenial Xerus. | 20:11 |
brianx | they're still here. | 20:12 |
k1l_ | curlyears: its like using a pastebin. but instead of using text one uses the picture. | 20:12 |
curlyears | damn | 20:12 |
curlyears | d #ubuntu | 20:12 |
curlyears | <squinty> ozbrk, then that would be the error message, I would use to google | 20:12 |
curlyears | SignOff gspe: #ubuntu (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 20:12 |
ozbrk | curlyears, ?? | 20:12 |
ozbrk | how can I disable certifiate check on ubuntu | 20:13 |
bekks | ozbrk: certificate check of what? | 20:13 |
ozbrk | SSL | 20:13 |
ozbrk | URL | 20:13 |
dbz2k | nacc, yay everything worked my ubuntu install is fine | 20:13 |
bekks | ozbrk: you dont want to disable that. | 20:13 |
lotuspsychje | k1l_: got it unciphered | 20:13 |
ozbrk | ozberk@ozberk-Funyy:~$ dropbox start -i | 20:14 |
ozbrk | Starting Dropbox...<urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)> | 20:14 |
mnathani | installing ubuntu 16.04 desktop on lenovo Thinkstation S30, the installer seems to mess up the boot partition and I cant get it to work - some EUFI nonsense I suspect | 20:14 |
ozbrk | I got this error need to disable that after the installation I will reaneble | 20:14 |
bekks | ozbrk: that would allow attackers to fake certificates. | 20:14 |
k1l_ | lotuspsychje: ah | 20:14 |
deadmund | Why does who say I'm logged in three times? :0 pts/2 and pts/0 ? | 20:15 |
lotuspsychje | mnathani: you want dualboot or singleboot ubuntu? | 20:15 |
k1l_ | deadmund: terminals opened? | 20:15 |
deadmund | k1l_: Just one. I know that :0 is the desktop (KDE) and that pts/0 is probably the knosole I'm using to run who, but what is the other pts/2 ? | 20:15 |
deadmund | Why is it not pts/1 ? and what is it for? | 20:16 |
curlyears | k1l_: OK...I've uploaded it again...I don't see it displayinn any URLs | 20:16 |
mnathani | singleboot is fine for now | 20:16 |
lotuspsychje | mnathani: disable fastboot and secureboot, to be able to install ubuntu | 20:17 |
Michiel_ | hi guys | 20:17 |
k1l_ | curlyears: looks like you disabled the overlay scrollbars | 20:17 |
=== Michiel_ is now known as Guest44207 | ||
brianx | is there no way to get rid of these silly self hiding scroll bars? they make it impossible to access the last line of text in some places. | 20:17 |
Guest44207 | After installing ¨sudo apt-get install gnome¨ on ubuntu.. i can´t boot anymore | 20:17 |
curlyears | k1l | 20:17 |
curlyears | k1l_ | 20:17 |
curlyears | ; | 20:17 |
Guest44207 | cannot boot system due to start job running for hold | 20:17 |
curlyears | k1l_ how hte hell did | 20:18 |
curlyears | i do that | 20:18 |
Guest44207 | i can´t get into commandline to do the suggested ¨sudo apt-get install lightdm; sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm¨ | 20:18 |
k1l_ | curlyears: i guess you did that with some settings or running commands. i dont know, its your system | 20:18 |
dannymichel | When i click links in IRC, it opens Chromium, but doesnt open the link. In fact, it opens a whole new separate Chromium window instead of opening up a new tab with the link | 20:18 |
curlyears | k1l_: well, I certainly didn't do it deliberately | 20:19 |
dannymichel | | 20:19 |
k1l_ | curlyears: "gsettings reset com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode" in terminal | 20:20 |
Guest44207 | Guys need some help.. installed gnome on 16.04 and can´t boot. Saying ¨A start job is running for HOld ntil boot process finishes up¨ | 20:20 |
curlyears | I just went through every screen under "Edit Preferences," and there is no option to enable or disable "overlay bars' or any other bars | 20:23 |
Lmntrix | h | 20:23 |
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Lmntrix | yo whatsup | 20:23 |
MarcGuay | Hi folks. Just ran update & upgrade and ran into "There is no public key available for the following key IDs", seems to be frozen, should I cancel and fix or wait for it? | 20:23 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: " 1397BC53640DB551 " ? | 20:24 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: yessir | 20:24 |
MarcGuay | That's kind of creepy | 20:25 |
curlyears | k1l_? | 20:25 |
MarcGuay | I see, something to do with chrome... | 20:25 |
MarcGuay | Didn't think the ID itself would be worth googling | 20:25 |
akik | MarcGuay: nothing creepy. it's a known error | 20:26 |
ryneke | Hi everybody I am fairly new to ubuntu and linux in general. I think I made a pretty noobish mistake the other day and was wondering if someone could shed some light on what I did wrong | 20:26 |
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curlyears | ask away, ryneke | 20:27 |
Guest44207 | it´s too bad that ubuntu 16.04 is buggy as hell.. and causes people to lose productive days. | 20:27 |
vladislav | Здесь есть русскоязычные граждане? | 20:27 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Is it safe to cancel the process? | 20:28 |
ryneke | I wanted to upgrade to 16.04 and was trying to make a backup copy of my etc folder - just copying it in nautilus didn't work so I was like "hey, I'm a hackish linux user now so I just use bash to do it"... | 20:28 |
curlyears | Guest4207: they warn people not to risk installing it on production systems, it isn't stable yet | 20:28 |
squinty | !ru | vladislav | 20:28 |
ubottu | vladislav: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 20:28 |
ryneke | I typed sudo mv "/etc" "/media/myusbstick" | 20:28 |
ryneke | then my etc folder was just gone | 20:28 |
=== Hey is now known as Guest64151 | ||
ryneke | I know I used the wrong command, should have used cp probably but why did the folder disappear without getting moved to anywhere else? | 20:29 |
curlyears | ryneke: yeah. you "moved' ot rather than "copying it" it should be on your myusbstick | 20:29 |
nacc | ryneke: right, you "moved" /etc | 20:29 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: ' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1397BC53640DB551 ' .gFrowing pains with google-chrome . readd the signing key . | 20:30 |
ryneke | yeah but it didn't go onto my usb stick... | 20:30 |
ryneke | it was just gone | 20:30 |
nacc | ryneke: so it's either at /media/myusbstick, or if that already existed, it's at /media/myusbstick/etc | 20:30 |
curlyears | and renamed it "/media/myudbdtick" oof | 20:30 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Can I ctrl-c the frozen apt-get safely? | 20:31 |
Guest44207 | ryneke, try: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/ bs=500M count=100 | 20:31 |
Guest44207 | haha, just kidding | 20:31 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: where and with which apt-get command .. maybe yes .... maybe not so yes . | 20:31 |
ryneke | well upgraded in the meantime and am up and running again on 16.04 because i was still able to backup my home folder | 20:31 |
ryneke | but it was never on my usb stick at least not in nautilus | 20:32 |
curlyears | you shouldn't joke like that, Guest44207: noobs might believe you and try it before you tell them you're joking | 20:32 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: sudo apt-get update & upgrade. Last lines are There is no public key available for the following key IDs:/1397BC53640DB551 | 20:32 |
ryneke | was it there hidden or something maybe? | 20:32 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: yeah ... safe to terminate . | 20:32 |
=== neo_ is now known as slotX | ||
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Thank you | 20:32 |
curlyears | ryneke: open a term and go look in /media/myusbstick manually | 20:33 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: Let's get you out of the mud before the thanks are handed out . | 20:33 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Seems to have choked at "Reading package lists... Done" now... (after apt-key and re-running sudo apt-get update & upgrade) | 20:35 |
Guest11763 | ok now that my laptop is done, I have a question regarding updating my desktop. I'm waiting for the push in July because of my nvidia card, but what I'm wondering... if I do the standard update through software updater, will I need to reinstall all my little tweeks or will they stay as they are? | 20:35 |
ryneke | I see, the path is actually /media/user/usbstick not just /media/usbstick | 20:35 |
romolox | hi guys, after a fresh ubuntu 12 installation it tells me my graphic card can only work in low graphic mode, I tried all the possible guides and wikis I found with no success... Could anyone please help? (I have an integrated Intel graphic card) | 20:36 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: In little steps . the 2nd command will not start if the 1st does not complete . ... what results ' sudo apt update ' ? | 20:36 |
ryneke | so i guess i created a new etc folder under /media/usbstick/etc? | 20:36 |
ryneke | which is obviously not on the stick | 20:36 |
curlyears | ryneke: is there anything at all on the stick? | 20:37 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Runs through nicely | 20:37 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: " Reading package lists... Done " and now back at a teminal prompt ? | 20:37 |
curlyears | k1l | 20:38 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Correcy | 20:38 |
MarcGuay | Correct | 20:38 |
ryneke | yeah but only my other stuff (home folder) that i copied on there later | 20:38 |
ryneke | and because i reinstalled i can't check anymore | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: K .. next ' sudo apt upgrade ' . | 20:38 |
curlyears | k1l: I just went through every screen under "Edit Preferences," and there is no option to enable or disable "overlay bars' or any other bars | 20:38 |
ryneke | but i guess the path thing was what i did wrong | 20:39 |
ryneke | i didn't know that in /media i have to specify the user's folder | 20:39 |
curlyears | Im am sorry to say it sounds like you're screwed, ryneke | 20:39 |
ubuntu-gnome | hello! I am trying to install ubuntu gnome, but it stops at "Preperaing to install Ubuntu Gnome" I've reformated the USB, my HDD (has windows too). I've given it an hour to load after the "Preparing to install" screen. the USB managed to install ubuntu gnome on my laptop. | 20:39 |
k1l | <k1l_> curlyears: "gsettings reset com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode" in terminal | 20:39 |
akik | ryneke: isn't the path to your usb stick /media/username/usbstick ? | 20:39 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: Ny the way .. I did have a google-chrome upgrade this day . | 20:39 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: It's downloading chrome now... | 20:40 |
romolox | hi guys, after a fresh ubuntu 12 installation it tells me my graphic card can only work in low graphic mode, I tried all the possible guides and wikis I found with no success... Could anyone please help? (I have an integrated Intel graphic card) | 20:40 |
romolox | I cannot even access a graphical interface | 20:40 |
romolox | error (1) No screens found...? | 20:41 |
vfw | romolox: 12.04? | 20:41 |
romolox | vfw, yeah the pc is too old, wouldn't support the 14 :( | 20:41 |
Guest44207 | throw the pc out of the window | 20:41 |
Lmntrix | @Everyone: Please can someone help me out?? after installing ubuntu 14.04LTS the bluetooth remains deactivated | 20:41 |
Bashing-om | romolox: Pastenin the output of terminal command ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' to see what we are working with . | 20:42 |
vfw | romolox: What processor? How much RAM? | 20:42 |
curlyears | k1l: nojoy | 20:42 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Successfully goes through upgrade | 20:42 |
romolox | Guest44207, if you buy me a new one :) | 20:42 |
romolox | Bashibg | 20:42 |
vfw | Lmntrix: rfill list | 20:42 |
akik | romolox: i put ubuntu mate 16.04 to a 2007 dell a couple of days ago. is it older than that? | 20:42 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: :) .. all look good now .. reboot to make sure ??? | 20:42 |
vfw | Lmntrix: rfkill ublock all | 20:42 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Thanks | 20:42 |
vfw | romolox: Did you install 12.04.4? | 20:43 |
ryneke | akik: yes it is i didn't know that though. So originally i typed sudo mv "/etc" "/media/usbstick" when i should have typed sudo mv "/etc" "/media/ryneke/usbstick". I guess, moved the folder to /media/etc but didn't check there because i was just looking for it on the stick... lesson learned! | 20:43 |
ryneke | thx everybody for the answers! | 20:43 |
romolox | Bashing-om: it's an integrated intel card intel gigabyte ga h97m hd3 (cannot pastebin) I'm from another machine, I cannot have access to the gui there... | 20:43 |
curlyears | k1l is having difficulty maintaining his connection\ | 20:43 |
Bashing-om | markus1199: Firm believer in them small steps . :) | 20:43 |
romolox | vfw: yes | 20:43 |
vfw | romolox: Did you do updates? | 20:43 |
vfw | romolox: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 20:44 |
Lmntrix | vfw : thanks | 20:44 |
akik | ryneke: oh so you found it at last? | 20:44 |
romolox | vfw: yes -.- I told you I tried EVERYTHING otherwise I wouldn't be here :) | 20:44 |
vfw | romolox: How does lspci identify your GPU? | 20:45 |
vfw | romolox: lspci |grep VGA | 20:45 |
ryneke | curlyears, what would sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/ bs=500M count=100 have done? | 20:45 |
ryneke | akik: well i can't check anymore because i just reinstalled 16.04 but it must have gone there because i typed the path wrong... no way to be sure though because my old system is gone... | 20:45 |
k1l | ryneke: stop, dont do that | 20:45 |
k1l | ryneke: that will erase your hdd | 20:45 |
vfw | romolox: Or: lspci |nc 9999 #Send resulting URL | 20:45 |
=== neo_ is now known as slotX | ||
romolox | Intel (something) (rev.02), I'm booting it up if you give me a min, I'll be able to tell you exactly, but like I said it is the integrated graphic card of this mobo intel gigabyte ga h97m hd3 | 20:46 |
Lmntrix | vfw: Not working | 20:46 |
curlyears | ryneke; not sure, but nnothing good, in all probability | 20:46 |
ryneke | k1l: I'm not | 20:46 |
ryneke | k1l: i was just wondering | 20:47 |
curlyears | romolox: I believe it is possible to disable the integrated graphics, and install an alternatiove graphics card | 20:47 |
vfw | Lmntrix: rfkill list #Does it say it is blocked? | 20:47 |
ryneke | curlyears: ok, thx | 20:47 |
Lmntrix | vfw:nope it doesn't | 20:47 |
jgcampbell300 | hello | 20:48 |
vfw | Lmntrix: Then I dono | 20:48 |
pseubodot | post 16.04 upgrade from 15.10, I can't seem to install the radeon kernel module (ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:832 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='off') | 20:48 |
romolox | curlyears, yes if I had one, just I don't, I even opened the case to check, and there's only one board, the mobo! | 20:48 |
curlyears | k1l: did you see my message about that command line option you gave me/ | 20:48 |
k1l | curlyears: what video card do you have? | 20:48 |
curlyears | romolox: it is possible you will be stuck until you can obtain a graphics card | 20:48 |
dee_ | what is the ops channel here for ubuntu | 20:49 |
jgcampbell300 | Hey, anyone know of web software I could use to keep track of pictures for my work (I have to take pictures of every job and hang on to them) looking for a way to organize them on my personal web server or something like ? | 20:49 |
viju | What if I copy the .ssh folder to migrate to the new system will I be able to login given I use the same password? | 20:49 |
trevor_s | coworker is trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 server using RAID 10 (4 - 3 TB drives). | 20:49 |
romolox | curlyears, I wouldn't be that pessimistic. Came out of waaay worst situations... | 20:49 |
pseubodot | (this was the result of 'modprobe radeon'. machine has a firepro "V4900 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Turks GL [FirePro V4900]") | 20:49 |
curlyears | I have an 8 core AMD64 FX series CPU...I believe the graphics is embedded | 20:49 |
curlyears | k1l: but things were working fine a few days ago | 20:50 |
jgcampbell300 | viju: what are you trying to do ? | 20:50 |
trevor_s | coworker is trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 server using RAID 10 (4 - 3 TB drives). anyone know how to manually configure this? | 20:50 |
trevor_s | it seems he cant make paritions bootable or primary/logical | 20:50 |
trevor_s | using the installer | 20:50 |
viju | jgcampbell300, I am going to format my Ubuntu 12 | 20:51 |
jgcampbell300 | viju: ahh awsome | 20:51 |
=== dee_ is now known as jackx | ||
Bashing-om | trevor_s: Which installer ? The desktop installer does not have the raid tools . | 20:51 |
curlyears | jgcampbell300: there are several photo managers available under Software Center | 20:52 |
trevor_s | Bashing-om, server 14.04 | 20:52 |
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Bashing-om | !raid | trevor_s See if this helps then : | 20:53 |
ubottu | trevor_s See if this helps then :: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 20:53 |
jgcampbell300 | curlyears: ya saw a bunch, was just trying to skip a ton of reading ;) just incase somone has laready done what im trying to do | 20:53 |
Slade | libqt4-core isnt in xenial anymore? | 20:53 |
k1l | curlyears: on 14.04 "gsettings reset com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode" in terminal should turn them on. | 20:53 |
k1l | curlyears: do they work on the filebrowser? | 20:53 |
curlyears | k1l: I copiedamd pasted the command to a term window, adding sudo at the beginning of the line, reloaded firefox, still no proper scroll bar | 20:54 |
k1l | curlyears: no sudo needed | 20:54 |
curlyears | gsettings reset com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode<-from my paste biffer | 20:55 |
squinty | dee_ #ubuntu-ops | 20:55 |
curlyears | k1l: OK, but using suco shouldn't result in it not working | 20:55 |
k1l | curlyears: and do they work on other windows? or just on firefox | 20:55 |
k1l | curlyears: it doesnt change them for your user. dont run everything with sudo. that will break your isntall | 20:55 |
JeremyN | I need some help with a bug in a package. | 20:56 |
curlyears | not in firefox, not in thubderbird (same style of scoll bar). BitchX has a problem too, but it's a different style of scroll bar | 20:56 |
JeremyN | I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, backuppc version 3.3.0, and samba version 4.3.8-Ubuntu. | 20:56 |
JeremyN | BackupPC is failing and logging the following when trying to backup Windows 10 users: | 20:56 |
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JeremyN | cli_list: Error: unable to parse name from info level 260 | 20:57 |
assafb | hi, after installing ubuntu 16.04 "alongside other os" (manjaro linux) i cant boot manjaro (kernel panic - cant find root fs). how to recover? | 20:57 |
k1l | curlyears: what about nautilus? | 20:57 |
JeremyN | I've determined that it's caused by this bug: | 20:57 |
ubottu | bug 11822 in libsmbclient "source3/libsmb/clilist.c reads short name length as 2 bytes, instead of 1 byte plus reserved." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 20:57 |
k1l | curlyears: maybe its just firefox forcing another theme or such. | 20:57 |
JeremyN | Is Ubuntu planning on rolling that patch into their package of samba? | 20:57 |
vfw | JeremyN: Have you done updates? | 20:58 |
jgcampbell300 | so what would i be looking for if i wanted to collect info on the jobs that i do and keep it all on a webserver ... like the pictures taken, notes, well everythign i guess | 20:58 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Rebooted, thanks again | 20:58 |
JeremyN | vfw: Yes, I'm fully up to date | 20:59 |
MarcGuay | Having a problem installing libmysqlclient-dev, error returned is libmysqlclient-dev : Depends: libmysqlclient18 (= 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) but 5.6.24-1ubuntu14.04 is to be installed. | 20:59 |
MarcGuay | I have a feeling this is related to having updated mysql from 5.5 to 5.6 in an unsual fashion. | 20:59 |
assafb | is it possible that ubuntu install changed the uuid that another os "sees"? | 21:01 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: :) .. keep on keep'n on . | 21:01 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: that sounds plausible. Sounds like you need to install libmysqlclient-dev from the same source as your unusual 5.6 upgrade | 21:02 |
qwebirc98931 | hey there, what is name this irc server? | 21:02 |
curlyears | k1l: the scroll bar works fine in nautilus, but it's a differnt style (just like the one in SOftware Center) | 21:02 |
Seveas | qwebirc98931: freenode. | 21:02 |
JeremyN | freenode | 21:02 |
k1l | curlyears: so it might be a theme issue. maybe firefox is just using another theme or such | 21:02 |
MarcGuay | Seveas: Would it make sense to uninstall 5.6 and then reinstall from the conventional ubuntu repo? | 21:02 |
qwebirc98931 | Seveas: it is the big one on the world? right? | 21:02 |
MarcGuay | It seems that 5.6 is available now. | 21:02 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: only if you want to lose the data in your database :) | 21:02 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: " libmysqlclient18 " what returns ' apt-cache policy libmysqlclient18 ' a PPA ? | 21:03 |
curlyears | why would firefox be forcing aa theme. I didn't ask for any themes. It's out of thre box raw firefox | 21:03 |
JeremyN | probably the largest, if not easily one of the largest, yes | 21:03 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: mysql does not support major version downgrades, and 5.6 to 5.5 is quite impossible. | 21:03 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Where should I be looking into the output? | 21:03 |
MarcGuay | Seveas: I see | 21:03 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: are you on 16.04? | 21:03 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: What is installed, what the candidate is .. and the sources . | 21:04 |
MarcGuay | Seveas: 14.04 | 21:04 |
k1l | curlyears: | 21:04 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: | 21:04 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: if possible, do an upgrade to 16.04 as it has 5.6. If not possible, tell us how you upgraded mysql :) | 21:04 |
johnharris85 | I have an issue driving me to insanity. I'm running a simple sed substitution: sed s/thing_a/thing_b/ and it works fine. The second I add -n to suppress output, it does nothing: sed -n s/thing_a/thing_b/ does nothing... | 21:04 |
MarcGuay | Seveas: I can't remember! And it's gone from my history... | 21:04 |
curlyears | overall, with the exception of the issue with the "missing" python lib, I like 14.04.4 | 21:05 |
alimj | Hi. Is it normal in Ubuntu 16.04 for "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to show absolutely nothing? Not even an error? | 21:05 |
Seveas | MarcGuay: heh. Then the 16.04 upgrade sounds like the best bet (after making a backup of course) | 21:05 |
le_pig | MarcGuay: /var/log/dpkg.log? | 21:05 |
Seveas | alimj: yes. | 21:05 |
alimj | Seveas: How could I reconfigure it then? | 21:05 |
MarcGuay | le_pig: No record of 5.6 in there.. | 21:06 |
Seveas | alimj: why would you? | 21:06 |
trevor_s | Bashing-om, no, that doesn't help unfortunately. | 21:06 |
le_pig | MarcGuay: did you check the rollover logs, too? Sorry, not sure how long ago you said this happened. | 21:06 |
curlyears | johnharris85 which version of ubuntu? | 21:06 |
alimj | Seveas: Was not able to startx. Now stock in vesa mode (I believe, because it is dead slow) | 21:06 |
MarcGuay | le_pig: I can't remember either, I could be imaginging it... | 21:06 |
johnharris85 | 14.10 | 21:07 |
akik | johnharris85: use "sed -n 's/thing_a/thing_b/;p'" | 21:07 |
nuno_nunes | 14.10 is a not suported :) | 21:07 |
Seveas | alimj: and what did you change last before it broke? | 21:07 |
nuno_nunes | this terminate suported | 21:07 |
curlyears | johnharris85 Hmm....that should be stable. Can't help you, sorry | 21:07 |
Seveas | because running startx is not normal. | 21:07 |
alimj | Seveas: apt-get install NVidia-361 | 21:08 |
JeremyN | Does anyone know if is going to be rolled into an update for Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS samba version 4.3.8-Ubuntu??? | 21:08 |
ubottu | bug 11822 in libsmbclient "source3/libsmb/clilist.c reads short name length as 2 bytes, instead of 1 byte plus reserved." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 21:08 |
curlyears | k1l: ?? no further ideas? | 21:08 |
k1l | curlyears: seen my link? | 21:08 |
curlyears | which link was that? | 21:09 |
Seveas | alimj: hmmk, then I can't help you, sorry. No nvidia experience | 21:09 |
Seveas | !nvidia | 21:09 |
ubottu | For AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:09 |
Emrederseniz | selamlar | 21:09 |
Alesschim2004 | hi | 21:09 |
JeremyN | !samba | 21:09 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and | 21:09 |
MarcGuay | Gotta run, thanks folks | 21:09 |
k1l | <k1l> curlyears: | 21:09 |
Alesschim2004 | how i can install drivers in ubuntu mate?? | 21:09 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay:K .. a PPA as apt list libmysqlclient18 shows " 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1" . What returns ' apt-cache policy libmysqlclient-dev '? | 21:10 |
Bashing-om | trevor_s: Sorry, I no longer have the skill set to advise . | 21:10 |
Lmntrix | hello | 21:10 |
sambaisgay | So, Samba update killed my windows share april 18th i followed the instructions from to fix it | 21:11 |
sambaisgay | it didn't work | 21:11 |
Lmntrix | who knows how to bypass a mikrotik login page??? | 21:11 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: | 21:11 |
k1l | Lmntrix: we dont help on illegal bypassing in here | 21:12 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: you running Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS samba version 4.3.8-Ubuntu??? | 21:12 |
sambaisgay | yep | 21:12 |
Lmntrix | k1l: its not illegal | 21:12 |
JeremyN | I've got the same problem | 21:12 |
sambaisgay | great lol | 21:12 |
JeremyN | I'm almost positive it's this: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS samba version 4.3.8-Ubuntu??? | 21:12 |
JeremyN | sorry, didn't copy | 21:13 |
curlyears | k1l: I see. the strange thiing is, it was working "right" a few days ago. I have not changed any system utilites or anything in that period of time | 21:13 |
Bashing-om | !info libmysqlclient-dev trusty | 21:13 |
ubottu | libmysqlclient-dev (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database development files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 854 kB, installed size 5105 kB | 21:13 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: this | 21:13 |
ubottu | bug 11831 in Tools "smbclient ls command fails on windows 10" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] | 21:13 |
alimj | Seveas: Thanks | 21:13 |
curlyears | thanks, k1l. As always, you were extremely helpful | 21:13 |
k1l | curlyears: firefox changed the theme engine to support gtk on the latest update | 21:13 |
sambaisgay | Yeah i'm running windows 10 as well.. | 21:13 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: I'm in here trying to figure out if they're going to patch that update in, or how I do that myself >_< | 21:14 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: Yuk " Installed: (none) " .. this might get dicy . So, how did you get in this condition ? | 21:14 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: cause the samba team obviously know about it, and have it patched, but ubuntu doesn't see to have it patched in their package =/ | 21:14 |
Amm0n | Use sshfs :P | 21:15 |
JeremyN | I don't think I can with Windows and BackupPC | 21:15 |
sambaisgay | same reason I'm here, I have 3 systems running 14.04, and one windows 10 system | 21:15 |
JeremyN | at least easily across an entire enterprise network | 21:15 |
sambaisgay | I would switch that system to ubuntu as well, But i have and Xbox one, and we use game streaming... | 21:16 |
curlyears | Well, i've been sitting at this keyboard for over 7 hours. My butt is sore. BCNU L8R | 21:16 |
ryneke_ | is anybody using smuxi and is able to tell me how to customize the appearance of it? | 21:17 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: sorry, this is the ACTUAL bug and the patch for it... | 21:17 |
ubottu | bug 11822 in libsmbclient "source3/libsmb/clilist.c reads short name length as 2 bytes, instead of 1 byte plus reserved." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 21:17 |
nacc | JeremyN: sambaisgay: do you know if there is an Ubuntu bug filed? | 21:18 |
ozbrk | I give up about that dropbox issue because after a few attempts I recognize that the SSL certificate should be provided by dropbox and located (previously) at is missing so ubuntu couldn't find it. This is not my fight as you can see SHAME ON YOU DROPBOX anyway thanks for any attampt to help me in here I love you guys. | 21:18 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: I sent you a duplicate bug earlier that linked to the actual bug/patch | 21:18 |
curlyears | probably bcause Winblows sucks | 21:18 |
curlyears | sorry guys, I know that was off-topic | 21:18 |
ozbrk | instead of using a client I installed google chrome and app launcher to us add on | 21:18 |
_44trent3 | hey i'm trying to install grub to a USB drive, but it tells me it cannot find efi directory | 21:19 |
JeremyN | ozbrk: not that I know of, that's what I'm trying to figure out | 21:19 |
_44trent3 | the thing is, my PC can do legacy, and i'm trying to do it for legacy | 21:19 |
_44trent3 | but since i'm on UEFI ubuntu, it clearly thinks it needs to be as such | 21:19 |
ozbrk | JeremyN, what do you mean mate sorry for my English | 21:20 |
_44trent3 | but that's not what I want, because the OS that i'm putting on it...does NOT support uefi in any form | 21:20 |
sambaisgay | I have no Idea, I'm pretty new to Ubuntu 2year+ bugs and fixes and how to apply them needs to be spelled out for me lol sorry | 21:20 |
DaveWM | I just installed ubuntu 16.04 the other day, and every time I boot it does fsck clean and I get this message twice [ 12.815261] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 111192, Is this something that I should worry about? It's always the same sector | 21:20 |
JeremyN | ozbrk: I don't think there's been a bug reported in the ubuntu bugs yet. I think only samba has it reported. | 21:21 |
romolox | ok, problem solved, I need help for a Canon mx-920, followed the wiki, installed cnjfilter & scangearmp, it sees the printer which works well indeed, but it does not see the scanner... help? | 21:21 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: ditto, I'm in the same boat. | 21:21 |
_44trent3 | is EFI the same as UEFI? | 21:21 |
_44trent3 | i mean, i do have an /EFI directory in the root of my USB | 21:21 |
_44trent3 | but i want to install grub to /boot | 21:22 |
_44trent3 | on the thumb drive, not on my HDD | 21:22 |
sambaisgay | I've just been checking the daily updates hoping there was another one for samba, does anyone know if this is a problem with 15.04? cause I'm willing to update just to get around this stupid bug | 21:22 |
_44trent3 | oh wait a minute, i need to make the target i386-pc | 21:22 |
_44trent3 | false alarm people, nvm | 21:22 |
ozbrk | JeremyN, I open a discussion on dropbox forum maybe you guys want to check it out. it also includes the complete story | 21:23 |
JeremyN | nacc: not that I know of, that's what I'm trying to figure out | 21:24 |
_44trent3 | just to make sure this is the right syntax, correct? it's sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory="/media/trenten/07DCE8F44CDB732D/boot" /dev/sdb | 21:24 |
_44trent3 | other than the fact my name has a weird spelling, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, correct? | 21:25 |
Bashing-om | _44trent3: ' sudo parted -l ' shows "sdb" as the USB device ? | 21:25 |
_44trent3 | yup | 21:26 |
sambaisgay | any way we can remove this version and "rollback" to an older one and lock it? | 21:27 |
_44trent3 | i already checked before I put /dev/sdb | 21:27 |
Amm0n | _44trent3, should work this way^ | 21:27 |
k1l | sambaisgay: the problem is, the last samba update was the badlock update. which i would not suggest to "downgrade" | 21:27 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: I tried that, but it didn't seem to work for me. BUT maybe I did it wrong. | 21:27 |
k1l | sambaisgay: check your configs, if its using stuff that is now shut off to be more secure | 21:28 |
Bashing-om | _44trent3: My notes show " sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/mnt/ --boot-directory=/mnt/ " where /mnt is mountd to sdb . | 21:29 |
sambaisgay | kll: Yeah i've tried everything setting passwords, removing more secuirty, less, etc.. frankly I'm about 24 hours from heading back to microsoft. | 21:29 |
iGoBy_JOSHUA | I only have 33 remote drones all running Linux for the Bohemian Grove Protest this year :( Drone The Grove 2016! | 21:30 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: I'm back. Not sure what condition I'm in, but the reason I came across this is by trying to install phpbrew. | 21:33 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: Which has this as the requirements: | 21:33 |
Bashing-om | !info pbpbrew trusty | 21:33 |
ubottu | Package pbpbrew does not exist in trusty | 21:33 |
MarcGuay | Typo | 21:33 |
Bashing-om | !info phpbrew trusty | 21:34 |
ubottu | Package phpbrew does not exist in trusty | 21:34 |
MarcGuay | "apt-get build-dep php5" gives me the same error message (libmysqlclient-dev : Depends: libmysqlclient18 (= 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) but 5.6.24-1ubuntu14.04 is to be installed) | 21:34 |
MarcGuay | | 21:34 |
embrik | I need to know if there are any services to cakup images on the phone, like on andoroid phones where images are synced | 21:35 |
JeremyN | sambaisgay: I'm going to see if I can file a bug for this in ubuntu launchpad | 21:35 |
iGoBy_JOSHUA | i need more Drones for the Bohemian Grove Protest / Cookout / Dance party this year... | 21:35 |
Bashing-om | MarcGuay: Right off hand .. I do not know how to deal with this one . I got to go cut grass .. I be back in a spell . | 21:36 |
trevor_s | can /boot be RAID10 or does it still require to be RAID1? | 21:36 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: :) Have fun | 21:37 |
nick_name | Bluetooth in ubuntu has a 2 second latency when playing audio, how do I fix the audio latency? | 21:38 |
akik | sambaisgay: are you using samba as the server or windows 10 as the server? | 21:38 |
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OverSpeed301 | Hello! I've installed arc-theme and look at the borders of windows, it's ugly... (result :, expected :, any idea why ? o.o (xubuntu last version, xfce4) | 21:39 |
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JeremyN | akik: I have his same issue, and for me: Ubuntu is the server, trying to use samba client to connect and grab files off a Windows 10 admin share C$ | 21:41 |
nicomachus | OverSpeed301: did you actually switch to the Arc theme in your theme switcher/manager thing? | 21:41 |
nicomachus | that looks like a stock GTK theme applied in your screenshot, not Arc. | 21:42 |
hugo | 6 | 21:42 |
nicomachus | 7 | 21:42 |
OverSpeed301 | nicomachus: yes, via Parameters -> Appearance | 21:42 |
akik | JeremyN: ok so the windows 10 is the server. i have samba as the server so was wondering about what could be wrong. did you try that client use spnego = no ? | 21:42 |
nicomachus | OverSpeed301: and how did you install Arc? | 21:43 |
neuro_sys | oh, ffmpeg does not exist in the official repo? | 21:43 |
nicomachus | it does, it is in the restricted extras repo | 21:43 |
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OverSpeed301 | nicomachus: tried with repository, now I've tried to build it from sources, no changes | 21:43 |
k1l | neuro_sys: which ubuntu are you on exactly? | 21:43 |
nicomachus | depending on your ubuntu version. it may be libavconf or whatever instead. | 21:43 |
dannymichel | When i click links from my IRC client, it opens Chromium, but doesnt open the link. In fact, it opens a whole new separate Chromium window instead of opening up a new tab with the link | 21:43 |
neuro_sys | I installed libavconf, but it doesn't seem to have the ffmpeg executable binary | 21:44 |
k1l | <k1l> neuro_sys: which ubuntu are you on exactly? | 21:44 |
neuro_sys | k1l: 3.13.0-74-generic (I just launched a VM through amazon's EC2) | 21:44 |
k1l | neuro_sys: "lsb_release -d" | 21:45 |
neuro_sys | k1l: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 21:45 |
k1l | neuro_sys: at times of 14.04 debian and ubuntu did use only the one ffmpeg fork: libav | 21:45 |
JeremyN | akik: no I haven't. I'm not sure what that even is | 21:46 |
zykotick9 | neuro_sys: did you install libav-tools? | 21:46 |
k1l | neuro_sys: install libav-tools and use their tools | 21:46 |
akik | JeremyN: sambaisgay linked to the askubuntu page about that problem | 21:46 |
neuro_sys | k1l: I wonder if the syntax compatible with ffmpeg, because I have a script specifically written for ffmpeg | 21:46 |
neuro_sys | k1l: otherwise, I better compile ffmpeg from source. | 21:47 |
akik | JeremyN: | 21:47 |
SonikkuAmerica | wow, talk about an inappropriate nick :P | 21:47 |
nicomachus | I was debating whether to raise a stink about it. You go on ahead. | 21:47 |
k1l | neuro_sys: its the ffmpeg fork and most things should work the same | 21:47 |
neuro_sys | k1l: thanks | 21:49 |
nacc | JeremyN: ok, i'd recommend filing the bug (sorry, missed the h/l in my scrollback) | 21:49 |
DummyWitty | i fail to install gitlab on 16.04 :( | 21:50 |
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Highdef_tablet | . | 21:53 |
Highdef_tablet | OOPS. | 21:53 |
DummyWitty | same error as this guy's | 21:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1574349 in gitlab (Ubuntu) "gitlab install fails on missing gem file" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:53 |
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jbmorris289 | K | 21:54 |
jbmorris289 | Alright | 21:54 |
jbmorris289 | I am back | 21:54 |
_44trent3 | why won't grub install on my thumb drive? it tells me something about blocklists | 21:58 |
BigPinix | join #ubuntu | 21:58 |
BigPinix | how can i change my nick? | 21:59 |
BigPinix | i don't want to be BigPinix | 22:00 |
bprompt | BigPinix: /nick NEWNICKHERE | 22:00 |
BigPinix | it's not working :( | 22:01 |
BigPinix | maybe this online irc client | 22:01 |
nicomachus | BigPinix: /join #freenode and ask those guys. | 22:01 |
bprompt | BigPinix: for the online irc service, you'd need to log out, change the nick when you come back in | 22:02 |
DummyWitty | & no one saw him ever after... | 22:04 |
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herrkin | hello, I upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to the new lts 16.04. it worked fine but I was following a websited which says what you need to do after installing ubuntu 16, so I nstalled restricted extras and restarted the machine | 22:04 |
herrkin | now the wireless connection wont work | 22:05 |
herrkin | can you help me solve it please? | 22:05 |
PinixHead | ok this is better | 22:05 |
DummyWitty | wb | 22:05 |
=== Guest37196 is now known as _isp | ||
PinixHead | so i'm reading this tutorial, is it possible to use VIM with syntax highlighting ? | 22:06 |
varaindemian | k1l: after the last grep | 22:07 |
varaindemian | grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |nc 9999 | 22:07 |
DummyWitty | herrkin: can't u just uninstall the installed ? | 22:07 |
Seveas | PinixHead: yes. :syntax on | 22:07 |
bprompt | PinixHead: vim already does that, why not use Sublime Text editor instead? | 22:07 |
herrkin | I dont know exactly how to do that | 22:07 |
herrkin | or how to tell the machine to use another driver | 22:07 |
herrkin | DummyWitty: when I type lshw -c network the wireless says disabled | 22:08 |
DummyWitty | herrkin: clean-install again maybe? | 22:08 |
herrkin | is that a command? | 22:08 |
PinixHead | bprompt: i'm accessing via ssh | 22:08 |
DummyWitty | herrkin: no lol | 22:08 |
herrkin | DummyWitty: I upgraded from 14.04 I need the machine to keep working. I would lose time configuring stuff. | 22:09 |
Guest60292 | hey, I just experienced a video driver crash : is that a known problem? | 22:09 |
PinixHead | Seveas: it says command not available in this version | 22:09 |
Guest60292 | also, why is the default kernel tainted? | 22:10 |
Seveas | PinixHead: then you're not using Ubuntu :) | 22:10 |
akik | PinixHead: vim doesn't get installed by default "sudo apt install vim" | 22:11 |
DummyWitty | herrkin: sorry I cannot help | 22:11 |
PinixHead | i have vim | 22:11 |
PinixHead | version 7.4.52 | 22:11 |
nacc | PinixHead: you execute ':syntax on' in vim, if that wasn't clear | 22:11 |
PinixHead | VIM is /usr/bin/vi right? | 22:12 |
akik | PinixHead: by default it's something called vim-tiny | 22:13 |
DummyWitty | vim and vi are diff | 22:13 |
nacc | PinixHead: no, it's /usr/bin/vim | 22:13 |
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anchise | hi guys, trying to share a folder but I get this error «net usershare» error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Access denied. | 22:13 |
akik | PinixHead: but installing the vim package fixes the syntax highlighting | 22:13 |
PinixHead | sudo apt-get install vim... | 22:14 |
PinixHead | installed | 22:16 |
PinixHead | ok so just :syntax on ? | 22:16 |
PinixHead | it doesn't seem to do much | 22:16 |
iperione | hola | 22:17 |
PinixHead | hola? | 22:18 |
iperione | yes | 22:18 |
akik | PinixHead: you opened some code file and syntax highlighting isn't there? | 22:18 |
anchise | hi guys, trying to share a folder but I get this error «net usershare» error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Access denied. | 22:20 |
akik | PinixHead: you can test with for example /etc/bash.bashrc | 22:20 |
* gde33 feels that after pressing the windos key and typing "system monitor" tab should take me to it. | 22:21 | |
PinixHead | akik: oh, i just created a new file | 22:21 |
=== Guest60292 is now known as AciD` | ||
PinixHead | yeah opening a file works :) | 22:21 |
davido_ | PinixHead if you enter vim by typing vim in the termainal, and then :syntax on inside of vim, it turns on syntax highlighting. If you want to make it permanent, look at adding a ~/.vimrc file. | 22:22 |
akik | PinixHead: i hope you success in your coding tasks | 22:22 |
PinixHead | oh ok | 22:23 |
davido_ | but probably the best thing you could do if you wish to conquer this is to spend 30 minutes with vimtutor every day for a week, and then the next few weeks using vim exclusively for your editing needs. Anyway, beyond the scope of #ubuntu at this point. | 22:23 |
PinixHead | it works now, i just had to add the extension of the new file name | 22:23 |
anchise | how can I upgrade to the latest version just one package? | 22:23 |
daftmonk | anyone do screencasts in here? | 22:25 |
daftmonk | what do you use? what should I use? | 22:25 |
PinixHead | what does it mean when the type command says a program is hashed? | 22:27 |
Seveas | PinixHead: that bash has remembered its location and won't need to search your $PATH next time you want to execute it. | 22:27 |
blake_ | hey | 22:28 |
azizLIGHT | what files to look at, when plugging in hardware and seeing log files | 22:29 |
ubuntuuser | how do I get a random number from /dev/random from 1-6? | 22:29 |
owen1 | i am trying to send email if my cronjob fail but i don't get any email. the crontab belong to ubuntu user. i have MAILTO="" at the top of my cron. is there anything else i am missing? | 22:29 |
PinixHead | cool | 22:30 |
nacc | ubuntuuser: i don't think you'd use /dev/random for that. | 22:30 |
nacc | azizLIGHT: "seeing log files"? Do you mean what log files to look at? Is the hardware not working? I'd recommend starting with `dmesg` | 22:31 |
ubuntuuser | nacc I need the numbers to be properly random | 22:31 |
nacc | owen1: just to be sure, you've set up your system to be able to send e-mail? | 22:31 |
genii | ubuntuuser: | 22:31 |
nacc | ubuntuuser: in what language/application? you rarely should be directly using /dev/random, in my experience | 22:32 |
ubuntuuser | genii: its not secure. It uses the PID + date/time | 22:32 |
MarcGuay | Bashing-om: I remember a bit now, I added some repos to "Other Software" so that I could update MySQL Workbench to a newer version. | 22:32 |
MarcGuay | I've turned them back on and now when I run the update it prompts me properly... | 22:32 |
MarcGuay | Gotta run for food, will check back later... | 22:32 |
ubuntuuser | nacc: anything, really. I just need a truly random dice | 22:32 |
MarcGuay | Tried to back up my databases before doing anything stupid and ran into some mysql errors, joy... | 22:33 |
nacc | ubuntuuser: are you writing in C? use random(). If you actually need "true" randomness (for whatever definition you want to provide), you might want to look into a HW RNG | 22:34 |
ubuntuuser | nacc: my definiton would be /dev/random tier randomness | 22:34 |
ubuntuuser | nacc: sadly, i don't know C and don't want to compile and spend lots of time writing it. Ideally, I'm looking for a solution to do it in a scripting language like bash or python | 22:35 |
nacc | ubuntuuser: /dev/random provides you bytes, turn the bytes into integers | 22:35 |
owen1 | nacc: nope. what kind of setup? | 22:35 |
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nacc | ubuntuuser: ... | 22:36 |
nacc | owen1: you'd need to have a MTA configured in order for cron to send e-mail off your system, iiuc | 22:37 |
ubuntuuser | nacc: gonna try that | 22:37 |
ubuntuuser | i know that the first example doesn't work with /dev/random because it reads 300 kb for each digit | 22:38 |
de-facto | ubuntuuser /dev/random blocks when entropy sources are not delivering fast eough, /dev/urandom does not | 22:38 |
de-facto | ubuntuuser there are hardware hardom generators avail, or some clever hacks like employing the noise in a webcam | 22:39 |
owen1 | nacc: thank you. i'll google for MTA | 22:40 |
ubuntuuser | de-facto: I know, lol. Its blocking on that example because it draws 300 kb of entropy. It doesnt block when it draws reasonable amounts | 22:40 |
ubuntuuser | same problem with the second example it seems | 22:40 |
nacc | owen1: postfix is pretty common, fwiw | 22:40 |
owen1 | nacc: is it related to your first answer (MTA)? | 22:41 |
owen1 | i am on ubuntu 14.04, if it matters | 22:41 |
nacc | owen1: yeah, postfix is an example MTA, one that's used often | 22:41 |
de-facto | ubuntuuser you can watch it via "watch cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail" | 22:42 |
owen1 | nacc: is that the guide i should follow? | 22:42 |
nacc | owen1: fwiw, cron usually e-amils your local admin (root sometimes, but on ubuntu, i think that should be the ubuntu user by default) when it hits an error | 22:44 |
nacc | owen1: so i'd check the `mail` command | 22:44 |
nacc | or `mailx` | 22:45 |
owen1 | nacc: but i thought if i have MAIL_TO='' at the top of my cronjob, it should send it to whatever i tell it. | 22:46 |
nacc | owen1: only if it's *able* to send mail | 22:46 |
nacc | owen1: if you never configured your system to send external mail ... | 22:46 |
hinderaker | Hi m8s. After upgrading to 16.04 screen is acting out. Placing term in .screenrc is ignored. Starting screen with "screen -T screen-256color" is ignored. It always starts as xterm-256. This give me some problems. | 22:46 |
nacc | owen1: and by default, ubuntu is not so configured | 22:46 |
owen1 | nacc: so i should folllow the above link? | 22:46 |
owen1 | ok | 22:46 |
MoPac | Is there a way to get good information about how Unity is interpreting touchscreen multitouch gestures? (I.e., where are the actual files that control things like three-finger-pinch window controls?) | 22:47 |
nacc | owen1: i hestitate to recommend any particular guide, i think you should be able to get pretty far with `apt-get install postfix` | 22:47 |
owen1 | nacc: sweet | 22:47 |
owen1 | thanks! | 22:47 |
owen1 | (that's the first line of that guide) | 22:47 |
Soup4you2 | Just wondering if anybody else is experiencing wifi constantly dropping out on 16.04 using the bcmwl-kernel-source | 22:47 |
nacc | owen1: but then it's easy to find configuration guidance, and maybe that guide will help | 22:47 |
precise | Hey guys, this isn'y exactly ubuntu related. But I have a file of fixed strings, and a directory of logs. I would like to grep through the logs referencing the strings file... | 22:47 |
precise | ...How do I avoid words that are contained in other words (EX. east in least, etc)? | 22:48 |
Soup4you2 | precise, for x in `cat strings.txt`; do; grep -l $x {} \; something like that? | 22:49 |
nacc | precise: or some combination of -f -F and -w ? | 22:49 |
nacc | precise: e.g., grep -f strings.txt -F -w logs/* | 22:49 |
precise | Oh crap, I didn't see the -w option in the man page... | 22:49 |
precise | So would this work... | 22:50 |
precise | grep -F -r -i -w --file=/home/.... /home/... | 22:50 |
precise | ? | 22:50 |
nacc | precise: try it and see? I think so | 22:51 |
precise | lol ok, brb | 22:51 |
precise | Ok it worked, thanks guys! | 22:51 |
nicomachus | precise: FYI, you can condense that to -Friw | 22:51 |
precise | Thanks for the tip nicomachus, but I cant condense the --file option though? | 22:52 |
PinixHead | how can i mount a usb flash drive to /home/pinixhead/ ? | 22:57 |
Gerowen | PinixHead: sudo mount foo /home/pinixhead Replace foo with the /dev device for the usb drive partition such as /dev/sdb1 | 22:59 |
PinixHead | should i umount it first? | 23:02 |
PinixHead | oh it can be mounted on many directories cool | 23:04 |
denysonique | Does 16.04 have a unified init system? | 23:05 |
denysonique | finally | 23:05 |
denysonique | i.e. one single tool | 23:05 |
PinixHead | what's the init system? | 23:06 |
ropein | hai, how to rename encfs folder or change the configurations? | 23:06 |
denysonique | PinixHead, something like SysVInit or Systemd | 23:06 |
denysonique | or openrc | 23:06 |
PinixHead | oh | 23:07 |
nicomachus | denysonique: systemd has been in place on ubuntu since...14.10? 15.04 maybe | 23:07 |
denysonique | nicomachus, right, and there is no upstart, only systemd for managing the scripts, right? | 23:07 |
denysonique | (in 14.04, there are 2 different systems) | 23:07 |
nicomachus | correct. | 23:08 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
denysonique | nicomachus, thank you for your support | 23:08 |
genii | denysonique: Everything is being migrated to systemd, but there are still a lot of upstart scripts that have not been ported yet. So for now it still uses both | 23:08 |
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genii | systemd runs the upstart scripts | 23:09 |
denysonique | genii, right, because I was thinking of making a gui tool to manage them all in one program | 23:09 |
denysonique | friendly for gui users of ubuntu | 23:09 |
PinixHead | how do i kill the gnome desktop process? | 23:10 |
denysonique | PinixHead, killall gnome-session | 23:11 |
student85 | hi | 23:15 |
PinixHead | killall gnome-session logged me out | 23:15 |
nacc | PinixHead: yes, what did you mean by the "gnome desktop process" | 23:17 |
genii | PinixHead: Perhaps your question was badly worded, because it was properly answered. | 23:17 |
PinixHead | maybe i mean the gnome desktop environment service | 23:18 |
Gerowen | PinixHead: You could try killing display manager. Ubuntu uses lightdm I believe, so you could try "sudo systemctl stop lightdm" | 23:19 |
nacc | PinixHead: what are you trying to do? don't make up the terms :) | 23:21 |
PinixHead | i'm trying to use virtual terminal 7 as a command line interface | 23:22 |
nacc | PinixHead: why? or more accurately, why not VT1? | 23:23 |
nacc | PinixHead: and/or why a VT at all? | 23:23 |
PinixHead | cause i want to use VT7 | 23:25 |
nacc | then you need to kill X, which is by default running on VT7, which will of course log you out. | 23:26 |
PinixHead | yes :) | 23:26 |
Startrek852 | Hello. | 23:26 |
Startrek852 | Sorry, wrong channel. | 23:27 |
lucas-arg | hey all | 23:29 |
lucas-arg | do we have any snaps alreay to try? | 23:29 |
ksft | I set my right control key as the compose key a while ago | 23:32 |
ksft | I forget how I did that | 23:32 |
ksft | is there a way to set custom special characters typed using the compose key? | 23:32 |
ksft | also, is there a way to use a custom keyboard layout? | 23:32 |
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PinixHead | yeah it was lightdm what i wanted to stop | 23:40 |
thewisenerd | guys, upower -i shows me battery percentage and capacity. what's the difference? | 23:40 |
PinixHead | but now i just have a bliking cursor xD | 23:40 |
PinixHead | no shell | 23:40 |
de-facto | ksft maybe something like "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" | 23:40 |
ksft | de-facto: what does that do? | 23:41 |
ksft | "Please select the model of the keyboard of this machine." | 23:41 |
ksft | it's a laptop | 23:41 |
de-facto | hmm i just remembered that also asks for some some special key mappings | 23:43 |
ksft | de-facto: do I do it? | 23:46 |
de-facto | ksft i dont know i alway used that on my desktop keyboard | 23:47 |
de-facto | not sure if there is some better way for laptops | 23:47 |
de-facto | but if you dont remember that command you probably used something different then | 23:48 |
ksft | I used a GUI | 23:48 |
ksft | I found a file somewhere with a list of all the compose key things | 23:49 |
ksft | I added a new character thing to it, but I couldn't type it | 23:49 |
PinixHead | what happens if i mount a usb flash drive on the root? | 23:49 |
bipul | ow to know the types of package ? single binary, indep binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module, kernel patch? | 23:51 |
bipul | how* | 23:52 |
PinixHead | bipul: apt-cache show lynx | 23:54 |
rabsteen | hi - i'm looking for a tips on how to be connectable (i.e. torrents). can anyone point me to a guide? on 15.10 | 23:55 |
etzer | hello all | 23:56 |
de-facto | ksft in gnome settings there is keyboard as well as in tweak tool | 23:56 |
genii | bipul: You can also go to, look up the package in question, choose "list of files", and see what directory hierarchy the files in that package get installed to. Where they go is a good clue to what kinds of files they are | 23:57 |
ksft | de-facto: I think I use Unity | 23:57 |
bipul | OK | 23:57 |
etzer | I'm having problem connecting to my wireless even though the wireless are listed when I select it and put the password and it doesn't work | 23:57 |
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