
trebmuhhi sakrecoer 17:56
trebmuhhi zequence 17:56
trebmuh(olinuxx here)17:56
sakrecoer:) its better to speak about packaging in here, or stuff from the devel mailing list :)17:57
sakrecoerso we don't scare the artists off with funky computer words :D17:58
trebmuhmake sense :) sorry for the mess then ;)17:58
sakrecoernothing to be sorry about!!17:58
sakrecoeron the contrary! nice with a little action boost :D17:58
sakrecoerbut then again, this channel exists, so lets take advantage of it!17:59
sakrecoertrebmuh aka olinuxx is the mastermind behind our french counterpart librazik18:00
zequenceIs that a continuation of Tango Studio?18:02
zequenceI remember I tried that distro, ardound 2008-2009 or something like that18:03
zequenceMaybe a little later, don't remember18:03
zequenceWas Ubuntu based at the time, I believe18:03
trebmuhzequence, not officialy, but I did participate to tango a bit before being unable to continue participation due to a relocation in Australia for 3 years and a half (and a job, and so on)18:04
trebmuhzequence, the first tangostudio was based on ubuntu yes, then the 2nd version switched to debian wheezy18:04
trebmuhSo LibraZiK is not a continuation (from my POV) but, it can be viewed as one (as a user POV)18:05
trebmuhI'm focussing on imroving usability for francophone users ie : frenchised menu items, frenchised GUI (when I can) and french support through a IRC chan + forum on linuxmao.org (which I'm main admin of)18:06
zequencetrebmuh: Why not help Ubuntu Studio have that dimension as well?18:07
zequenceMostly about translations and communication channels, like a french IRC, french mail list, french forum, etc.18:08
zequenceChanges to packages are either done in Debian, or if they are original Ubuntu Studio source - here18:08
zequenceWe have had one or two being interested in doing something for Spanish speaking, but no one has ever done anything concrete for that18:09
trebmuhI much prefer to make my own and collaborate when that make sense (like SSR maybe) since, I'm not stuck with bureaucraty :)18:09
trebmuhsame with debian :)18:09
zequenceWell, duplication of work18:09
trebmuhnot really18:09
zequenceBut, your choice :)18:09
zequenceWhy not do the work at the root instead?18:10
trebmuhI'm sending patches upstream when that make sense18:10
trebmuhboth in debian and/or upstream project18:10
trebmuhthen it sailing back to ubuntu as well :)18:10
trebmuhin fact, I'm certainly already participating to ubuntu with this POV :)18:11
zequenceSure. But, you are repackaging or doing new packages, so that is duplication of work18:11
zequencetrebmuh: How about licenses. Do you have anything non-free included?18:11
trebmuhnot really non-free stuff18:12
zequenceSo, no linuxsampler, no flashplayer?18:12
trebmuhonly stuff like madfuload / alsa firmware18:12
trebmuhand wifi stuff on my live18:12
zequenceOk, so it's not strictly free, in other words18:13
zequence..which makes it similar to Ubuntu18:13
trebmuhbut I much prefer spending my free time on free software18:13
trebmuhwell more or less :)18:13
trebmuhI'm planning to make totally free live as well on a next release18:14
zequenceOk, that's something that we can't offer for sure18:14
zequenceWell, at least not with current selection of packages18:14
trebmuhwhat do you have as non-free in US ?18:14
zequenceThere are some blobs in the kernel, such as wifi drivers18:15
zequenceAnd, we include the alsa firmware stuff as well18:15
trebmuh"in the kernel" or as "external modules of the kernel" ?18:15
zequenceDuring installation you can add stuff like nvidia drivers and flashplayer, but, it's a choice18:15
zequenceUbuntu packages the kernel a bit differently from Debian18:16
trebmuhmmm ok18:16
zequenceIt has never been fully free, I think. Debians didn't used to be either, in the past18:16
trebmuhI'm packaging my kernel from the debian one + some improvements if I can18:16
trebmuhI think the debian kernel are 100% since 2.6.x18:16
zequenceNo, I think it was after that18:17
zequenceBut, I could be wrong18:17
zequenceAnyway, nice chatting! Need to do some work :)18:17
trebmuhfrom squeez in feb 201118:18
zequenceRight, yep18:18
trebmuhyep no worries, always happy to share knowledge and work :)18:18
trebmuhI'll be sticking around if you're fine with it18:18
zequenceOf course! :)18:18
sakrecoerplease do so trebmuh ! :)18:18
autumnahi trebmuh! (waves hi to also sakrecoer and zequence before vanishing right back) 20:20
zequenceautumna: Hellp20:21
zequence:) same error as before20:21
autumnazequence that particular typo cracks me up every time. :D20:21
autumnaby the way I didn't forget the website discussion or any of the other stuff. got thrown an unexpected real life curveball, should be back sometime this weekend latest.20:21
autumnais curveball the correct term?20:22
zequenceWell, I would assume everyone understood, so correct enough20:23
trebmuhhi autumna 20:26
trebmuhzequence, you're really good at user&jack troubleshooting, congrats :)20:26
zequencetrebmuh: I'm working on making ubuntustudio-controls take care of that in the future. Takes too long time for quite simple problems20:28
zequenceMost of it is in the slowness in information exchange20:28
trebmuhI definitely do agree !20:28
trebmuhzequence, so you're a coder ?20:28
zequencetrebmuh: I do some python. The current -controls was rewritten from scratch by me20:28
zequenceI have rewritten it again, but not finished. Doing the GTK without Glade this time20:29
trebmuhI hope that one day we will have a soft like this one, distro-agnostic20:29
trebmuhIt'd serve so much new-comers20:30
zequenceI'm planning on making an unbranded version of -controls20:30
trebmuhbut I remember using ubuntustudio control back on 10.04 or earlier and it was so good20:30
trebmuhsweat ! great news !20:30
zequenceIt's Debian based, currently, but it could do other distros too20:30
zequenceYes, at the time it solved some problems20:31
trebmuhzequence, if you would enjoy a debian tester for it, please let me know20:31
zequenceNow, it only adds realtime privilege, which is a problem on non audio distros20:31
zequencetrebmuh: I think you should be able to install it as is. Just get the deb and try it out20:31
trebmuhwill do, but what are the current feature ? only PAM configuration ?20:32
zequenceYes, but it will detect if you are using something else - in which case it will not allow you to make changes to PAM20:32
zequenceActually, that and adding/removing users from audio group20:32

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