
=== zekk is now known as zek
cr4x_hello :)01:48
cr4x_when i turn my screen bright to 0% (low brightness, no turn off) and restart my pc i get my screen black after login screen01:49
cr4x_someone experienced that error?01:50
cr4x_using 16.0401:50
debsnotworkingI've read on the forums that the deb install issue with gnome software has been fixed upstream02:03
debsnotworkingat what point will the bug fix be available for download in an update02:03
debsnotworkingat the moment, I cannot install chrome as a second browser to watch Netflix02:03
debsnotworkingIn the meantime, does anyone know how to install a deb file other than using the software application?02:05
Picisudo dpkg -i filename.deb  then issue a sudo apt-get install -f02:06
debsnotworkinggetting a no such file in directory error02:08
debsnotworkingnot sure why, as I copied the filename correctly02:08
debsnotworkingnvm, was not in the correct directory02:09
debsnotworkingdependency problems when installing02:13
=== angel1604lts is now known as Angel1604lts
xubuntu91wHi, I am new to xubuntu. Prior to this I used lubuntu for a few months. I could install simutrans in lubuntu but am unable to do so in xubuntu. Will someone please advise the installation procedure preferably through GUI?07:42
ananke_hey guys07:46
ananke_I need to run "post-install" triggers07:46
ananke_my xubuntu install was successfull, but post install triggers were not.07:46
ananke_I switched off the pc.07:46
hivarhi there, i have some problem. I want to add windows printer, but it always keep aking for some sort of password and username. In windows I have no accounts it should connect automaticly. The same is, when I want to enter the workgroup. I have googled it for like 5 days but nothing found. Can someone help me?08:07
hivar hi there, i have some problem. I want to add windows printer, but it always keep aking for some sort of password and username. In windows I have no accounts it should connect automaticly. The same is, when I want to enter the workgroup. I have googled it for like 5 days but nothing found. Can someone help me?08:14
alkethi, I am using xubuntu 16.04 and I don't have a volume control at systray, thanks in advance08:30
TFKOHello all09:47
TFKOhey im completly new to linux altogether... i have it up and running but at odd times the video goes black... any clue?10:02
knomewhich graphics card (and driver) are using?10:02
TFKOradeon 385010:03
knomeand which xubuntu release?10:03
TFKO14.4.2 lts i think10:03
TFKOthis is a stock os install atm10:04
TFKOmaybe some updates.. not sure what updated10:04
nebghello everyone i uninstalled dnsmasq10:06
nebgand the network doesn't work anymore10:06
nebgany idea on how to re get my laptop working again ?10:06
knomenebg, sounds like the obvious idea would be to reinstall dnsmasq10:08
BuddyButterflymy favourites in main menu are empty.10:15
BuddyButterflyhow can this happen? it is always empty now.10:15
BuddyButterflyor, vice versa, how can I switch default display in main menu to "recently used"?10:16
joukeOn xubuntu.org I can't find any 16.04 release of armhf, but this website is showing one: https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/xenial/xubuntu-16.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img.xz.torrent10:18
dkesseljouke: that is no official version of xubuntu.11:00
jarnosI can not connect to my protected WLAN by 16.04 unless I use the "Edit Connections..." dialog.11:06
firsmHi, I'm trying to set XKBOPTIONS in /etc/default/keyboard but Xubuntu is not honoring my caps:escape setting. Is this a known bug in (X)ubuntu?11:51
lernersince the ugrade to 16.04 I cannot play any videos, restricted extras are installed. Parelo keepos looking for codes and never finds anything12:47
lernerParole Media Player requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: H.264 (Constrained Baseline Profile) decoder12:47
lernerParole* keeps*12:47
breizhodromelerner, "gstreamer1.0-libav" package not installed13:39
lernerbreizhodrome, gstreamer1.0-libav is already the newest version (1.8.0-1).13:42
lernerits been there all along13:42
breizhodromelerner, parole 0.8.1 and h264 codecs installed with gstreamer1.0-libav ;)13:45
breizhodromehttp://imgur.com/mTbyTH3l.png , Codec : H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)13:48
lernerbreizhodrome, what can be the cause for this problem in my computer?13:50
xubuntu10wjust testing14:00
tessiosome menu itens are located at ~/.local/share/desktop-directories14:33
tessioothers in /usr/share/desktop-directories14:34
tessiothose located under ~/ don't appear in the menu..14:34
tessioeven if "hide from menu" is turned off..14:35
tessioit's a bug in menulibre..14:45
tessiowhen I turn on "hide from menu" it create a file related to the menu directory in ~/.local/share/desktop-directories14:46
tessiobut when i turn off "hide from menu", it don't remove the files from ~/.local/share/desktop-directories..14:46
tessiorm those files make the menu directories appear again..14:47
tessioin fact.. you have to rm files in ~/.local/share/desktop-directories, and make a change using menulivre and choose to save.. this way it recreate the correct menu..14:48
antares7hi, I'm using xubuntu many years ago. I've updated to 16.04 last friday and my computer runs slower and the fans is working full time full speed, anybody else?16:28
dieF9uChantares7, maybe this problem? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16325316:31
antares7I don't think so, my cpu is an AMD16:32
lernerhow do I check additional drivers on xubuntu?16:37
dieF9uChinstall synaptic - settings - repository - last tab16:42
ToribioHi flolks!18:35
ToribioI have a littel problem whit my mouse pointer.18:36
Toribioit dissapear after a login from restart from suspend mode?18:36
Toribioany clue?18:36
Toribio(xubuntu 16.04 fressh install)18:37
ToribioI founded this workaround: switch to F1 terminal and back to F7 terminal18:38
dieF9uChcraped shit. why you all install 1604 on you work-pc? you need to wait the first update of Childhood Illness19:07
pleia2dieF9uCh: that kind of language is really not appropriate here19:10
tessioToribio, it's a know bug..19:10
tessioit's on the release errata..19:10
pleia2Toribio: yeah, see the "known issues" bit of http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-release/19:11
pleia2hopefully a fix will come in, but we do know about it :)19:11
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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