
tvansteenburghstub: do you have an example of the config needed to deploy the postgresql charm using 9.4? my latest attempt was this http://paste.ubuntu.com/16121963/01:45
tvansteenburghstub: ala `juju deploy postgresql --config /tmp/pg.yaml`01:45
tvansteenburghstub: i had a typo in that. removed the leading "deb" from the install_sources. problem now is that when apt-get update tries to download the postgres index files, they 40402:11
tvansteenburghstub: not the charm's fault obviously, i'm just not sure how to fix.02:12
tvansteenburghstub: i don't know how apt-get update creates its urls. i gave it "http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ trusty-pgdg main" and it's trying to fetch "http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/trusty/trusty-pgdg/binary-amd64/Packages" and "http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages", neither of which exist02:14
tvansteenburghstub: uh, nevermind. i just destroyed the model and redeployed everything and now it's working...02:36
* tvansteenburgh blinks02:36
stubtvansteenburgh: If you use the most recent charm (or review it and stuff it in the charm store) you don't need the updated key, and can just set the pgdg boolean config option.03:09
stubtvansteenburgh: launchpad.net/postgresql-charm03:10
tvansteenburghstub: ah, cool, didn't know there was a newer charm03:11
stubtvansteenburgh: Yeah, complete rewrite in reactive, lots of bugs fixed.03:11
stubtvansteenburgh: Its what we use for production deploys03:11
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/postgresql-charm has the branches - you want 'built'.03:12
tvansteenburghstub: is it in the store under your namespace or something?03:12
stubtvansteenburgh: tribaal uploaded a copy to his namespace the other day. I can't log in myself (open bug on charmstore-client)03:13
tvansteenburghstub: ack, i'll take it for a spin03:14
veebersHi all, so trying to install juju from scratch as per https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/README.md (i.e. go get -d -v github.com/juju/juju/...) but fails on github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go. A quick look at the build status for that project shows it's been failed for 17 days. Is this a known issue05:02
stubIs there a blessed way of knowing what sort of a hook environment is in play? I think JUJU_HOOK_NAME now gets reliably set in hooks, but I'm not sure since what version. I also can't see anyway of determining if I'm running an action or in a juju-run context, apart from sniffing the process command line (which is error prone due to symlinks, but I could cope I think)05:09
stubI guess I could rely on action-get to fail hard if I'm not in an action, which will cause log spam but should be reliable.05:11
admcleod-id ilke to iterate through each unit in a service, in an amulet test, but not sure what the best way is05:14
admcleod-(and action_do(unit))05:14
veebersso instructions found here fixed my issue: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#dependency-management (godeps etc.)05:24
stubadmcleod-: for unit_data in deployment.sentry['servicename']05:30
stubunit_names = [i.info['unit_name'] for i in deployment.sentry['myservice']] if you just want the unit names for action_do(unit_name)05:33
admcleod-ah ok cool, i was close05:33
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admcleod-but that saved me a bit of work i think :}05:34
Mo0Odo you know if it's possible to use juju to deploy with any given linux distro, like alpine linux for example10:37
Mo0Oor we can use it only with ubuntu and centos10:38
magicaltrouthey Mo0O, currently I think thats it10:40
magicaltroutthe tools need to be compatible with the different linux flavours10:40
magicaltroutso its not like its impossible it just depends on where the tooling has been developed10:40
Mo0Omagicaltrout: do you know which part of the source juju source code needs to be modified to support other distro?10:41
Mo0OI can contribute10:42
magicaltrouti don't but i'm sure marcoceppi can point you in the right direction when he arrives10:42
magicaltroutyou'll probably have to wait an hour for the east coasters to wake up10:42
Mo0Ono problem, I'm connected constantly10:43
DavidRamahello trying to get started with juju ans maas but can't bootstrap my environment here's my configenvironments:12:22
DavidRama    # https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-maas.html12:22
DavidRama    maas:12:22
DavidRama        type: maas12:22
DavidRama        maas-server: ''12:22
DavidRama        maas-oauth: 'XMepSnQvpPeNgDFEMH:D22wnKekvCg3mgWpAm:kRctQA9wXSW38VxRw7uqNhkNpsQxYpF8'12:22
DavidRama        bootstrap-timeout: 180012:22
DavidRama        authorized-keys-path: /home/rama/.juju/ssh/rama.pub12:22
DavidRamabootstraping leads to this12:22
DavidRamarama@Maas:~$ juju-1.25 bootstrap12:22
DavidRamaWARNING ignoring environments.yaml: using bootstrap config in file "/home/rama/.juju/environments/maas.jenv"12:22
DavidRamaERROR cannot determine if environment is already bootstrapped.: could not access file 'eec82963-60e7-480e-8ff3-888844ddab96-provider-state': Requested map, got <nil>.12:22
DavidRamadon't know where to find this provider-state file/erase it12:23
marcoceppiDavidRama: delete the .jenv file it references, bootstrap again12:23
DavidRamaother provider state message:12:24
DavidRamaBootstrap failed, destroying environment12:24
DavidRamaERROR the environment could not be destroyed: destroying instances: Requested array, got <nil>.12:24
DavidRamaERROR cannot determine if environment is already bootstrapped.: could not access file '68370e49-7eaa-4fdb-88b6-924856105d3a-provider-state': Requested map, got <nil>.12:24
shruthimaHi kwmonroe, I have pushed the IBM-IM charm, but we are unable to see in review queue and even in charm store...  can u please let us know if anything we need to do...!!!13:18
magicaltroutshruthima: the review queue spends more time broken than not, ask marcoceppi if its working or not ;)13:21
magicaltroutalso the launchpad ingestion is broken afaik, so if you're not using the new charm publish commands you won't see it land in jujucharms.com either13:21
shruthimaoh k thanks <magicaltrout>13:23
lazyPowercory_fu - thanks for landing those charms. I've revv'd our namespace revisions and i'm wrapping up testing the bundle13:32
jcastrolazyPower: ok firing up your cluster again, you still at rev 0?13:41
lazyPowerYep trying to land beats-core atm13:41
lazyPowerall teh charms are revv'd, just need to land the bundle and get these prom'd and we're up and running w/ the new logging stack13:42
jcastrooh ok so I should wait a bit then13:42
lazyPoweryeah give me a bit to have someone drive this to landing and i'll have another bundle for you13:42
jcastroshruthima: have you seen the new publishing documentation to publish to the store directly?13:42
shruthimayes i have seen will try to push in new way13:43
jcastrowe have tim working full time on the new review queue so we should have something working soon, sorry for the inconvenience13:44
tvansteenburghwoo woo13:45
shruthimanp , thanks for the information jcastro13:47
shruthimaHi Cory, With ibm-base layer we have one issue. In layer.yaml we have seen a comment  #Setting options for the basic layer(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ibmcharmers/layer-ibm-base/trunk/view/head:/layer.yaml)  due to these when layer options are called charm deployment is getting failed. so we have tested with removing comment and it is working fine. can you suggest on same ..???13:56
jcastrolazyPower: status?14:59
lazyPowerjcastro on?14:59
jcastroyou were revving the bundle no?14:59
lazyPoweri'm deploying beats bundle tests15:00
lazyPowertrying to land the new logging stack. kwmonroe is reviewing the beats promulgation, mbruzek is reviewing my kibana mp15:00
lazyPowerI'm about 20 minutes out from having finished this bundletester run on the beats-core bundle... which is running tests on stuff in precise: series (?!)15:01
lazyPoweri'll have new swarm revs for you closer to EOD15:01
lazyPowerstorage incoming shortly after lunch/standup15:02
lazyPowerjcastro - i think we'll have a beats k8s bundle for you shortly15:02
jcastrono worries15:02
lazyPower"observeable kubernetes"15:02
jcastrohey so ~charmers15:03
jcastronm, I'll ask on the list15:03
DavidRamahi how can I fix this ?? ERROR MAAS 2 is not supported unless the 'maas2' feature flag is set15:13
tvansteenburghjamespage: do you have a charm that uses the experimental rabbitmq interface?15:48
jamespagetvansteenburgh, yah15:48
jamespagetvansteenburgh, one sec15:48
jamespagetvansteenburgh, https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/+source/charm-aodh/+git/charm-aodh15:49
tvansteenburghjamespage: ta!15:50
jamespagetvansteenburgh, specifically https://git.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/+source/charm-aodh/tree/charm/reactive/aodh_handlers.py15:50
tvansteenburghjamespage: yah, perfect, thanks15:50
jamespagetvansteenburgh, thedac, tinwood and gnuoy are working on unit tests across our interfaces as well15:51
tvansteenburghjamespage: you might consider linking to this example from a readme in the rabbitmq interface repo15:51
jamespagetvansteenburgh, docs etc.. on the list...15:51
marcoceppilazyPower: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/19716:16
TheMueOoops :)16:25
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tvansteenburghcory_fu: @when('foo', 'bar') is the same as @when('foo')\n@when('bar') right?16:44
lazyPowerjcastro  if you have a minute, this could use your wordsmithing https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-observable-swarm17:01
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jcastrolazyPower: on it.17:21
jcastrolazyPower: from now on when you need a bundle README'ed, open an issue on it and assign it to me17:22
jcastroand then I'll just do them all17:22
magicaltroutaww everyone needs someone like jcastro working with them....17:24
jcastromagicaltrout: I will also document your incredible soon-to-be-finished gitlab. :p17:26
magicaltrouti'm waiting on what marcoceppi called a "much larger Pull Request"17:27
magicaltroutthat never appeared ;)17:27
marcoceppimagicaltrout: it's still in flight, I've been talking to jcastro a lot about it17:27
magicaltroutaye everyones been a bit busy, you guys with 2.0 and me with 2 jobs and ApacheCon. I should have some spare time post apachecon to finish a bunch of my charms off17:28
jcastroI hope there are videos from apachecon17:29
magicaltroutI don't17:30
magicaltroutthe main rooms get videoed, the others get recorded and slides and stuff posted17:30
magicaltroutor thats how it went the last 3 years, I doubt it will change17:31
kwmonroenote tvansteenburgh, @when(foo, bar); def doinit(foo, bar)....  @when(foo)\n@when(bar); def doinit(bar, foo).17:32
tvansteenburghkwmonroe: yah17:33
jamespagemarcoceppi, hey - can you help dig us out of a gate break?18:42
jamespagemarcoceppi, paramiko just released a 2.0.0 which introduces a dep on cryptography, which in a trusty virtualenv explosed with setuptools version mismatches18:43
jamespagemarcoceppi, could you upper bound the paramiko dep in charm-tools to <2.0.0 ?18:43
jamespagethat would help hugely for now18:43
jcastrolazyPower: out of curiosity why are you doing kibana on precise? Keeping the old version on purpose I take it?18:43
lazyPowerjcastro - if you're referring to the tests, that was inhereted.18:44
lazyPoweroooo wait i see it now18:45
lazyPowerand no that was a mistake18:45
jcastrook, heh18:45
jamespagemarcoceppi, ignore me apparently I'm beeing stoooppid today.,..18:46
jcastrolazyPower: it's not obvious from the bundle format, but where do the filebeat and topbeat services live?18:46
jcastroon each node?18:46
lazyPowercorrect. they are subordinate units18:46
lazyPowerjcastro https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-observable-swarm/pull/1 ta for pointing that out18:47
jcastrohow can I determine where subordinates live in the bundle format?18:47
LiftedKilthaving trouble with the openstack-lxd bundle - can't save any images to glance18:47
lazyPowerby relating them over the "beats-host" relation18:48
LiftedKiltany pointers on where to look? juju things everything is peachy18:48
lazyPowerjcastro other than that i'm not aware of any obvious hints18:48
LiftedKiltceph reports all the pgs being stuck inactive18:48
jcastrolazyPower: ok, also, beats supercedes logstash right?18:50
lazyPowerBeats work with logstash18:50
lazyPowerlogstash for the most part wont be required unless you need ot stream to multiple data-sorces, or do even more transformations on the data before ingest18:51
lazyPowerpardon typos18:51
jcastrooh I see in their docs, it replaces logstash-forwarder18:51
lazyPowercorrect. beats are the new shipping agent for all sorts of data18:51
lazyPowerthe traditional ELK stack has been turned on its head18:51
bsod90Hey everyone! I'm getting this error http://d.pr/i/jPVn when trying to open openstack-lxd bundle from ui (juju2). Other bundles seem to open fine. What would that mean?18:51
tvansteenburghstub: don't suppose you're around?18:53
jcastrolazyPower: PR incoming19:00
lazyPowerjcastro ta19:00
jamespagemarcoceppi, tvansteenburgh, lazyPower: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/19919:07
jamespagewe need digging out of a hole pls :-)19:07
marcoceppijamespage: lgtm, where do you pull charm-tools from in ci?19:08
jamespagemarcoceppi, pypi19:08
jamespagevia tox/venv19:09
marcoceppijamespage: you can also fix this by just installing libssl-dev and libffi-dev in your testing env19:10
jamespagemarcoceppi, we need to review our dependency management to ensure we upper bound, but I did not want todo that during a gate break19:10
jamespagemarcoceppi, that's not actually the problem - once you install those, cryptography wants >=11.2 of setuptools19:10
jamespagetrusty virtualenv installs 2.219:10
marcoceppijamespage: ah, that fixed it on xenial19:10
marcoceppijamespage: tbh, I'm not even sure why paramiko is in there19:10
marcoceppiI think I added it becaues it was needed by launchpadlib19:11
marcoceppijamespage: this is going to be a bit awkward for a release, but I will get on this right away19:11
jamespagemarcoceppi, thankyou very much appreciated...19:14
marcoceppijamespage: I'm not sure how, but your branch has merge conflicts19:17
marcoceppijamespage: don't worry about it, I know it's getting late over there, I'll sort them out and cut the release tonight19:18
bsod90How can I debug networking for container created by juju? I see from logs that internet if unreachable from 3/lxc/1 for some reason. I can ssh to machine 3, but how can I see how the things look like from inside lxc/1 ?20:00
tvansteenburghbsod: lxc exec <container name> --mode=interactive /bin/bash20:04
tvansteenburghbsod90: ^20:04
bsod90tvansteenburgh: thank you!20:05
tvansteenburghso ssh to machine 3, run `lxc list` to get container name20:05
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: what the heck20:10
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: `lxc exec <container> bash` is all you need20:10
tvansteenburghi went above and beyond20:10
marcoceppibsod90: also, you probably have lxc1.0 if so, `sudo lxc-ls --fancy` and then ssh ubuntu@<ip-container>20:10
bsod90it actually turned out to be "sudo lxc-attach juju-machine-3-lxc-1"20:11
* tvansteenburgh shrinks into the corner20:11
LiftedKiltin lxc1 you can lxc-attach --name container20:11
magicaltroutdirect amulet questions at tvansteenburgh he loves them ;)20:11
tvansteenburghi got so many it drove me to write docs, of all things20:12
magicaltroutit you could make it psychic that would be better20:12
bsod90"subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['unit-get', '--format=json', 'private-address']' returned non-zero exit status 120:13
magicaltroutactually that would be cool, a bit like the Selenium test builders for FF and stuff20:13
magicaltroutcreate a test harness that just lets you replay juju commands though it with minor tweakage for assetions20:14
tvansteenburghmagicaltrout: cool idea, let me know when you have it ready!20:14
magicaltroutremind me in a few months when the rest of my life is in order and I'll consider it ;)20:14
tvansteenburghi hear ya20:15
bsod90what would 'private address not found' error comming from unit-get mean?20:31
cory_fuIs there any way to set list values for action results?21:27
barrycherylj: hi :)21:33
cheryljhi barry :)21:33
barrycherylj: oh, i'm having so much trouble :)21:33
cheryljI'm sorry to hear that :(21:33
barrycherylj: if it helps make juju + charms better, it's okay!  if i'm just being dumb, maybe that's okay too :)21:34
cheryljbarry: did you try juju resolved?21:35
barryi did, and it returned without any output21:35
cheryljthat's expected.  It will retry the failing hook on the unit21:36
cheryljso you'll need to look at the status again21:36
barryoh wow... juju status is very unhappy:21:36
cheryljoh no21:36
barry% juju status21:36
barryWARNING discarding API open error: connecting with cached addresses: unknown model: "8d79af51-015a-4283-8d87-8ab0bf1f68a3" (not found)21:36
barryERROR connecting with bootstrap config: unknown model: "8d79af51-015a-4283-8d87-8ab0bf1f68a3" (not found)21:36
barry 21:36
cheryljbarry: did you happen to remove a model and add a new one of the same name?21:37
cherylj(see bug 1576359)21:37
mupBug #1576359: Cannot talk to a new model with a reused name <juju-release-support> <switch> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576359>21:37
barrycherylj: pretty sure i didn't try to add a new one.  in my flailing about i did try to destroy the model21:37
cheryljoh you might still be in there as your current model21:38
cherylj'juju switch' will show you what model you're working in21:38
barryah yes, i'm still using local.mailman3-test:default21:39
barry(admin is the only model shown by juju list-models)21:39
cheryljah, yeah that would do it21:39
cheryljif it doesn't exist anymore21:39
barryokay, gotcha21:39
cheryljso did you destroy the model that was having the unit failures?21:39
barrycherylj: i did21:39
cheryljused the big hammer :)21:40
cheryljheh heh21:40
barryyeah, nothing else seemed to be working.  maybe i was impatient, but i did wait 5 minutes or so21:40
barrycherylj: btw, am i helping by reporting bugs on the github projects, or should i use launchpad?21:40
cheryljbarry: I was just about to tell you that you should be using lp21:40
cheryljmind reader21:40
cheryljthe juju mailing list is also a good way to get help21:41
cheryljif you're not sure how to do something21:41
barryyeah, i should probably join the mailing list.  i just dread the inbox filling ;)21:41
cheryljit's actually not so bad21:42
cheryljand I'm all ALL the juju lists :)21:42
barryi wonder if it's on gmane...21:42
cheryljbarry: you can ping me if you run into the issue again.  Hopefully we can figure it out :)21:44
barryawesome, thanks!21:44
bsod90does juju deal with dhcp somehow? I'm trying to understand how container interfaces are getting their IPs.. I thought they supposed to get IPs from whatever DHCP is running in bridged network, but I just observed the situation where one container got a gateway IP, which means it certainly did not get it from DHCP. At least not from one it supposed to get it from..22:50

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