ahoneybun | !info mysql-common | 00:40 |
ubottu | mysql-common (source: mysql-5.6): MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf. In component main, is optional. Version 5.6.30-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 (wily), package size 14 kB, installed size 130 kB | 00:41 |
yofel | sgclark: l10n: yes, SRU | 08:18 |
sgclark | yofel: mm ty, done and shadeslayer stepped up. waiting game now. | 08:20 |
sgclark | past my bedtime :) see yas in a few hours | 08:21 |
yofel | nini | 08:23 |
yofel | sgclark: I replied to your mail btw. | 08:23 |
yofel | I wouldn't postpone it, but it's not something we need to block on | 08:23 |
yofel | clivejo: ^ wrt git | 08:24 |
yofel | so if you both want to work on other things then I'll set up the git migration (maybe send me a mail with whatever you figured out so far - what's not on IRC already) | 08:25 |
ascii-soup | hi guys - tried asking in #kubuntu but maybe here is more appropriate - I've recompiiled Konsole from source, editing the 'setMargin()' call and it works fine in Konsole, but not in Kate's terminal or in Yakuake - do I need to do something in order to get the new Konsole kpart used by these two apps? | 09:14 |
soee | ascii-soup: try asking in #kde-devel | 09:22 |
soee | yofel: ping | 09:23 |
yofel | hm? | 09:23 |
ascii-soup | soee: cheers | 09:24 |
soee | yofel: could you take a look at this last Package in Frameworks 5.21 that Scarlett has problems with ? :) | 09:24 |
yofel | ascii-soup: I think we still use qt4 yakuake, so that's a different konsole. kate I would think that it would work though.. | 09:24 |
yofel | soee: in the evening maybe | 09:24 |
soee | yofel: oki, thanks :) | 09:24 |
ascii-soup | yofel: thanks; I had it working in Kate once, but could never get it to work after that - not sure how though haha | 09:26 |
yofel | kde-devel will be the better place for that indeed. I'm not too familiar with kpart internals | 09:27 |
clivejo | yofel: I just need help with git, never tried to do something like this before | 10:06 |
soee | :) | 10:18 |
clivejo | yofel: this is sgclark's attempt https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/extra-cmake-modules | 10:48 |
sgclark | sorry thing could possibly be testest. but I have been up all night stressed out, going to bed now, thanks for understaing :) | 10:49 |
yofel | that's what I commented on yesterday. Looks mostly good, but the branches are wrong | 10:49 |
sgclark | pft | 10:49 |
yofel | sgclark: what happened to sleep? ^^ | 10:49 |
sgclark | I can fix that but not at 349 am :( | 10:49 |
yofel | GO TO BED | 10:49 |
clivejo | yeah but how do we get the branches copied so they arent wrong! | 10:50 |
sgclark | I am bloody messed up. check your mail | 10:50 |
* sgclark tries to sleep | 10:50 | |
sgclark | clivejo: not entirely hard. I just need sleep and told to try harders | 10:51 |
sgclark | herder | 10:51 |
sgclark | blah | 10:51 |
clivejo | LOL BED!! | 10:51 |
sgclark | ok | 10:51 |
clivejo | Ive been trying to move the branches by checking each one out locally and pushing it | 10:53 |
clivejo | but I cant seem to strip out the master branch | 10:53 |
shadeslayer | why not script it | 10:53 |
clivejo | doing so seems to corrupt the tags etc | 10:53 |
clivejo | shadeslayer: not sure how | 10:54 |
sgclark | shadeslayer: scripting deleteing mater seems like a bad idea until we get it right. just saying. | 10:55 |
sgclark | anyway, going to bed, I swear. | 10:55 |
clivejo | Im going to go look for food | 10:56 |
shadeslayer | can someone paste me their dput.cf | 10:57 |
shadeslayer | plz | 10:57 |
yofel | shadeslayer: system or user one? | 11:00 |
shadeslayer | yofel: system, my ppa dput.cf is busted on debian testing apparently | 11:00 |
yofel | someone fix pastebinit please... | 11:00 |
shadeslayer | sprunge it | 11:00 |
shadeslayer | http://sprunge.us/ABTE?ini | 11:00 |
shadeslayer | zsh has a plugin, it does images too | 11:01 |
shadeslayer | images, binary data | 11:01 |
yofel | shadeslayer: http://sprunge.us/YVRc | 11:02 |
shadeslayer | well that's odd then | 11:03 |
shadeslayer | dpunt-ng uploads to ppas but not ubuntu, dput uploads to ubuntu but not PPA's | 11:06 |
shadeslayer | hurray | 11:06 |
yofel | hm, sprunge is handy | 11:07 |
* yofel makes an alias for that | 11:07 | |
yofel | thanks for the hint | 11:07 |
yofel | wait, how does that work o.O | 11:07 |
shadeslayer | idk | 11:07 |
shadeslayer | probably broken that's why | 11:08 |
shadeslayer | dput-ng doesn't know about yakkety | 11:08 |
yofel | :/ | 11:08 |
shadeslayer | it also does not like me passing it -f :P | 11:08 |
snele | yofel: discover bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=362096 | 11:48 |
ubottu | KDE bug 362096 in discover "Can't find apps I want to install using the "search" field" [Major,Resolved: downstream] | 11:48 |
snele | apol says downstream | 11:48 |
snele | read last comment | 11:48 |
snele | i don't anderstand what he means ;) | 11:48 |
yofel | it means that our calligra has no appstream information (I think that's what it means?) | 11:49 |
yofel | snele: could you please open a launchpad bug against calligra and link that in the description? | 11:50 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:51 |
yofel | hey | 11:51 |
soee | burarum, with Frameworks 5.21 activities switcher does not work | 12:20 |
soee | does it require newer Plasma also ? | 12:20 |
telegram | <@Clifford>: Probably | 12:26 |
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U | ||
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
allee | Is there a possiblity to add to launchpad 'Report a bug' for kubuntu pkgs: 'bugs upstream -> b.k.o, pkging bugs here?' would help to save lot's of wasted time | 14:53 |
yofel | well, you can set per package bug reporting hints I believe. But most people that reach that page probably already intend to really file it there, and those that use apport usually ignore the text below the bug description box | 14:57 |
allee | yofel: sigh. Maybe your right. I assumed poeple use launchpad web ui and 'report a bug', but that probably wrong. | 15:03 |
yofel | allee: AFAIK unless you have enough permissions, that should redirect you to the 'report a bug' wiki page. | 15:04 |
yofel | or did they remove that... | 15:04 |
yofel | the section on how to work around that is still on the wiki though | 15:04 |
shadeslayer | Did someone file a SRU bug | 15:05 |
shadeslayer | for the l10n packs | 15:05 |
* yofel didn't see anything on the kubuntu-bugs ML at least | 15:06 | |
allee | at least in gwenviews bug page leads you to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwenview/+filebug | 15:06 |
allee | that's why I thought there a big warn info would be nice! | 15:06 |
allee | same for konsole and kate, so probably for every pkg | 15:07 |
yofel | Just checked, I *can* edit the bug config for the packages. So we could script setting something sensible if someone writes up a text | 15:09 |
soee | yofel: this is the only problem in Frameworks 5.21 i mentioned before http://paste.ubuntu.com/16127606/ if you find time later please look at it :) | 15:27 |
yofel | sounds like an epoch missing somewhere | 15:31 |
yofel | oxygen-icon-theme should die though | 15:31 |
allee | yofel: somthing like in the backports announcements? Bugs in the packaging should be reported on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE. | 16:14 |
allee | or more like: Bugs in $package should be reported to [[bugs.kde.org|KDE]]. Bugs in packaging of $package below: | 16:15 |
clivejo | yofel: ping | 18:12 |
clivejo | soee: are you testing FW5.21.0? | 18:14 |
marco-parillo | clivejo: Is it ready for testing? | 18:29 |
marco-parillo | Or only ready for testing by A-level folks? | 18:30 |
clivejo | I dunno, soee usually jumps in head first! | 18:31 |
clivejo | he said that with Frameworks 5.21 activities switcher does not work, so Im guessing hes got them installed | 18:32 |
clivejo | marco-parillo: he said he had a problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/16127606/ | 18:34 |
marco-parillo | Hmm, I like my Oxygen Yellow Cursor Theme. I wonder if that would get held back? I know on Manjaro, it got swapped out at some point for something compatible. | 18:36 |
marco-parillo | So if he cannot get oxygen5-icon-theme I wonder if that would hit me? | 18:36 |
clivejo | !info oxygen5-icon-theme xenial | 18:36 |
ubottu | oxygen5-icon-theme (source: oxygen-icons5): Oxygen icon theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.18.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 28821 kB, installed size 34463 kB | 18:37 |
clivejo | !info oxygen-icon-theme xenial | 18:37 |
ubottu | oxygen-icon-theme (source: oxygen-icons5 (5.18.0-0ubuntu1)): Transitional package for oxygen5-icon-theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:5.18.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB | 18:37 |
marco-parillo | !info oxygen5-cursor-theme yakkety | 18:38 |
ubottu | Package oxygen5-cursor-theme does not exist in yakkety | 18:38 |
marco-parillo | !info oxygen5-cursor-theme | 18:38 |
ubottu | Package oxygen5-cursor-theme does not exist in wily | 18:38 |
marco-parillo | !info oxygen-cursor-theme yakkety | 18:38 |
ubottu | oxygen-cursor-theme (source: oxygencursors): Oxygen mouse cursor theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2012-06-kde4.8-2.1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 354 kB, installed size 5117 kB | 18:38 |
marco-parillo | Hmm, the infobot is stuck at wily. Do you know who maintains it? | 18:39 |
clivejo | I dont know | 18:40 |
clivejo | cant find out its host | 18:41 |
clivejo | would it be on weegie? | 18:41 |
soee | clivejo: i teste dit | 18:45 |
marco-parillo | I do not know. And we may not get an answer on a Friday afternoon (EDT) night (UTC). I can try to remember to ask again on Monday. | 18:46 |
snele | yofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calligra/+bug/1576827 | 19:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1576827 in calligra (Ubuntu) "Calligra has no appstream information" [Undecided,New] | 19:17 |
yofel | thanks! | 19:17 |
snele | no problem glad to help | 19:18 |
* clivejo kicks LP | 19:18 | |
clivejo | fatal: remote error: '~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git' is not a valid Git repository path. | 19:18 |
clivejo | it was a fecking valid path yesterday | 19:18 |
yofel | that's missing the actual repo | 19:18 |
clivejo | ah yofel :) | 19:19 |
clivejo | I found this, https://gist.github.com/manakor/8972566 | 19:19 |
yofel | looks about right, we'll just have to delete what we don't want later | 19:21 |
clivejo | should we just copy everything and rm the branches we dont want later? | 19:21 |
clivejo | it looks simplier that just copying the stuff we do want | 19:21 |
yofel | right. I think it's nicer to have things clean to begin with, but it doesn't really matter | 19:23 |
clivejo | true, but I cant make it do what I want it to do | 19:23 |
clivejo | yofel: could you make this command pattern searching, for remote in `git branch -r`; do git branch --track $remote; done | 19:25 |
clivejo | only do it if the branch is kubuntu_* | 19:25 |
yofel | git branch -r | grep kubuntu_ | 19:26 |
yofel | should do the trick | 19:26 |
clivejo | hummmm | 19:27 |
yofel | but... | 19:27 |
yofel | I'm not quite sure what that command tries to achieve | 19:27 |
clivejo | its to bring the branch locally | 19:28 |
yofel | that's what line 19 in your linked script does | 19:28 |
clivejo | yeah | 19:28 |
clivejo | but need something to fill in the branch | 19:29 |
clivejo | otherwise have to manually grab each branch | 19:29 |
clivejo | do you know a way to do it? | 19:30 |
yofel | looking right now... | 19:30 |
snele | i don't use Discover but I think it worked better in 5.5.5 version, now broken text on slideshow, doesn't find krita kontact ktorrent etc | 19:30 |
snele | muon on other hand works perfect for me :) | 19:31 |
* yofel doesn't have the broken text.. | 19:31 | |
yofel | clivejo: git branch -r --list | grep origin | grep -v HEAD | cut -f 2 -d \/ | 19:33 |
* sick_rimmit very pleased snele has good results with latest Muon | 19:44 | |
clivejo | I was thinking of grabbing the whole lot again uisng git clone --mirror | 19:44 |
clivejo | this seems to grab all the branches | 19:44 |
clivejo | yofel: will you do it? | 19:45 |
clivejo | Im confusing the hell outta myself here | 19:45 |
yofel | not today | 19:45 |
clivejo | I want to grab those new branches scarlett made in frameworks | 19:46 |
shadeslayer | you want clone bare | 19:46 |
yofel | shadeslayer: why? | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | if you want to mirror everything, you want that? | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | tags,branches, the lot | 19:47 |
clivejo | shadeslayer: Ive been trying lots of ways | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | that's what I learnt | 19:47 |
yofel | how do you push that? | 19:47 |
clivejo | but we only really need the kubuntu_* branches | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | git push --mirror | 19:48 |
clivejo | but if I leave master it seems to break it | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | are bare and mirror the same? | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/ | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | aha | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | As with a bare clone, a mirrored clone includes all remote branches and tags, but all local references will be overwritten each time you fetch | 19:48 |
sick_rimmit | What triggers us to package something ? | 20:30 |
clivejo | usually soee | 20:30 |
sick_rimmit | How does he know ? | 20:31 |
clivejo | news feeds probably | 20:31 |
sick_rimmit | Ooops kwin crashed | 20:35 |
shadeslayer | there's a kde-distro ML | 20:37 |
shadeslayer | or something like that | 20:37 |
shadeslayer | and kde-announce | 20:37 |
clivejo | theres also http://kde-apps.org/ | 20:43 |
sick_rimmit | Ah ha | 20:44 |
sick_rimmit | Ok | 20:44 |
sgclark | release-team list announces all but "extragear" projects | 20:45 |
clivejo | hi sgclark | 20:47 |
sgclark | hiyas | 20:48 |
sgclark | so wine + stress = bad | 20:48 |
clivejo | did you manage to get some sleep? | 20:48 |
sgclark | yeah | 20:48 |
sgclark | I see git moving forward, did ci get sorted? | 20:49 |
dreefting | hi! | 20:49 |
clivejo | git moving forward? | 20:49 |
sgclark | the move to git on lp | 20:49 |
sgclark | will break ci until some magic is scripted | 20:49 |
clivejo | Ive been trying to move debian to LP, but its not working | 20:50 |
sgclark | no? | 20:51 |
clivejo | nope | 20:51 |
sgclark | I thought I saw in backlog you found the same command I used | 20:51 |
clivejo | wont work! | 20:51 |
sgclark | but yofel did not like the origin/ prepended | 20:52 |
clivejo | nope | 20:52 |
clivejo | that breaks things :( | 20:52 |
sgclark | so we cant checkout all that we want loca and just push that? | 20:52 |
sgclark | s/loca/local | 20:52 |
clivejo | I been trying that too | 20:53 |
clivejo | yofel gave me a command to grab the branches | 20:53 |
clivejo | git branch -r --list | grep origin | grep -v HEAD | cut -f 2 -d \/ | 20:53 |
soee | HIHO dreefting | 20:54 |
sgclark | hmm seems like we can delete vivid branches | 20:54 |
sgclark | EOL | 20:54 |
clivejo | can you manage to do it? | 20:56 |
sgclark | well that lists them, does not actually checkout them out | 20:56 |
clivejo | yeah have to check them out | 20:56 |
clivejo | git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch> | 20:57 |
* sick_rimmit wanders around the corridors of Jenkins | 20:57 | |
sick_rimmit | Ooo some cool sauce going on in here | 20:57 |
clivejo | will have to script it | 20:57 |
clivejo | for branch in blah blah; do | 20:58 |
clivejo | but Im in peak internet time and cant use that much bandwidth | 20:59 |
sgclark | I can fiddle with it, keep me away from the wine haha | 21:00 |
clivejo | uploaded a ton of images to mapillary recently too :/ | 21:00 |
clivejo | sgclark: can you try - for branch in `git branch -r --list | grep origin | grep -v HEAD | cut -f 2 -d \/`; do git checkout -b $branch origin/$branch; done | 21:04 |
shadeslayer | oh my q.q | 21:05 |
sgclark | clivejo: worked | 21:05 |
sgclark | but | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | clivejo: sgclark https://github.com/schacon/ruby-git | 21:05 |
sgclark | I am reading doing it that way is a no no | 21:05 |
* sgclark looks | 21:06 | |
sgclark | clivejo: we want master? don't we want to grep out kubuntu* branches only? | 21:06 |
sgclark | checkout rather | 21:06 |
clivejo | apparently we dont need master | 21:07 |
clivejo | but skipping it seems to break things :/ | 21:07 |
sgclark | well we will want to add a remote eventullay for merges | 21:07 |
sgclark | well we can create a bare master no? | 21:07 |
clivejo | Im so confused with it all | 21:08 |
sgclark | yes we do have to have a master, but it certainly does not have to be debians master | 21:08 |
soee | clivejo: clone all, empty master, merge some branch into empty master ? | 21:30 |
* valorie nominates soee to do it! | 21:32 | |
sgclark | I am thinking git init --bare push then clone the debian git checkout kubuntu* git push to new lp repo | 21:34 |
sgclark | now to accomplish this with the ruby-git is what I am working on | 21:34 |
* sgclark goes back to studying | 21:34 | |
clivejo | +1 for soee doing it | 21:49 |
clivejo | sgclark: I was thinking of doing git clone --mirror and pushing everything | 21:49 |
clivejo | we could then sort out the extra pranches another time | 21:50 |
clivejo | like a merge of something | 21:50 |
sgclark | okies, seems like alot of work later cleaning though. | 22:03 |
telegram | <@marcinsagol>: If all is cloned? | 22:06 |
telegram | <@marcinsagol>: I would say let's try to stage Plasma and Apps now when we have Frameworks - backports them and then will be a log of time to migrate to LP. Or we need lp now because YY requires this? | 22:10 |
clivejo | sgclark: where did kubuntu-automation go? | 22:10 |
clivejo | https://code.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging/+git | 22:11 |
sgclark | clivejo: dunno, I did not touch it | 22:12 |
clivejo | oh | 22:12 |
clivejo | did you delete ecm? | 22:13 |
valorie | @marcinsagol -- we decided that focusing on dev first would make the merges and so forth go more smoothly | 22:13 |
sgclark | clivejo: nope | 22:13 |
valorie | first the workflow, then the work | 22:13 |
clivejo | @marcinsagol if you want to stage plasma and app, go ahead | 22:15 |
clivejo | but you will have to do it all manually like sgclark has done | 22:15 |
sgclark | clivejo: so our 2 git repos vanished into thin air? | 22:15 |
* sgclark does not like the sound of that | 22:16 | |
valorie | ? | 22:16 |
clivejo | this launchpad interface confuses me | 22:16 |
clivejo | https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git | 22:17 |
clivejo | found them | 22:17 |
* clivejo wipes sweat of brow | 22:18 | |
sgclark | whew | 22:19 |
clivejo | having any luck with git script? | 22:20 |
sgclark | learning ruby on the fly | 22:32 |
dreefting | what is this room! | 22:45 |
valorie | room? | 22:45 |
valorie | this is a channel for the developers of Kubuntu | 22:46 |
dreefting | como esta todo | 23:08 |
dreefting | la gente de este chatç | 23:08 |
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