
JMichaelXwould anyone know how to get video thumbnail previews working in Dolphin? I have ffmpegthumbs installed, and have enabled previews everywhere, but still cannot get them working.00:23
valorieJMichaelX: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=223&t=128888 might enlighten00:49
valoriewhen I came back from dinner, my screen was black on this laptop, and I couldn't get it to "wake up"00:50
valorieI don't have it suspend, etc. -- any body know what logfile I could examine to see what happened?00:51
valorieI had to hard restart with the power button00:51
azure|2hello does 16.04 have wayland as default?01:00
azure|2i see in synaptic that a bunch of wayland stuff is installed01:00
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hateballhmmm, where is the imgur/picasa/whatever export stuff for ksnapshot in 16.04?05:23
valoriehateball: now called Spectacle05:24
valorieor kde-spectacle05:25
valorie!info kde-spectacle05:25
ubottukde-spectacle (source: kde-spectacle): Screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshot. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 952 kB, installed size 1248 kB05:25
hateballso it is :D05:25
hateballI didnt even notice05:25
hateballhmmm, it has no recommends so I guess it does not have any export plugins :<05:26
hateballthe kipi-plugins seem to be for kde 4.x, nothing happens when installing them05:28
valoriewell, the devel was trying to fix kscreenshot, found too much rotting code, and just took the good parts and re-wrote the rest05:28
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hateballwell, I'll faff about with this some other time05:29
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hateballugh. folder view is horribly broken as well. can't use ctrl+c/v, have to actually rightclick objects08:03
hateballFolder plasmoids, that is08:04
valoriehmmm, please file a bug about that08:04
valoriehaven't heard anyone else mention that, hateball08:04
hateballvalorie: Sure08:05
hateballvalorie: if you'd like to try and replicate it, I just added a folder plasmoid, hilight any given file, ctrl+c and try to paste anywhere else and it hasnt registered the ctrl+c08:07
valoriehateball: once you have a bug number, i'll test and add my input08:12
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hateballvalorie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-baseapps/+bug/157657508:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576575 in kde-baseapps (Ubuntu) "Unable to copy/paste to/from folderview plasmoid" [Undecided,New]08:23
valoriethanks hateball08:25
valorieI'll have to test in the morning08:25
valoriecan't keep my eyes open08:25
ascii-souphi guys - I've recompiiled Konsole from source, editing the 'setMargin()' call and it works fine in Konsole, but not in Kate's terminal or in Yakuake - do I need to do something in order to get the new Konsole kpart used by these two apps?09:12
akiksome graphics elements changed in firefox in kubuntu 14.04. is there way to revert back to the previous style?11:08
pat_rickakik: it's not necessarily the most active channel, though ;)11:11
akiki have all the time in the world :)11:12
pat_rickanyway, with 16.04 and KDE 5.5, I can change the gtk settings for gtk2 and gtk3 seperately in the system's application appearance settings11:12
pat_rickmaybe that works for your version of KDE as well11:13
akikpat_rick: ok i'm there on the settings page11:13
akikconfiguration of the style of gtk applications11:14
akikit says the theme for both gtk2 and gtk3 is oxygen-gtk11:14
mas886How can I update plasma 5.5.5 to 5.6.x?11:14
pat_rickakik: try a different one and see if it's more to your liking. It won't look exactly as before, though, but maybe it will look better to you11:18
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konradosHi. I want to change the background color in windows, when I use google, people are talking for example about "Unity". How can I know if I have it and use it? And what are the alternatives?11:19
hateballkonrados: ... what?11:21
konradosOn my Ubuntu KDE, on menus (and not only) the text (menu commands) are black (well, not really purely black). And the background is a dark grey. I need to move my nose toward my monitor all the time to find a command I need. I want to change menu's background to something much lighter. People are talking about "Unity" like here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/136044/how-do-i-change-the-background-color-of-the-menu-bar but I don't even know what it is,11:25
konradosand whether I have it or not.11:25
konradoshateball ^11:25
hateballkonrados: Well you just want to edit your theme then11:26
akiki hate these kinds of ui changes that i need to spend a lot of effort to fix11:26
hateballkonrados: You can go into system settings and change/tweak the theme as you see fit11:28
hateballkonrados: and Unity is for vanilla Ubuntu, not Kubuntu which uses KDE Plasma11:28
konradoshateball thanks, I'll try, although I recall I tried that.11:30
hateballkonrados: Is this problem persistent in all apps, or just some?11:32
hateballPerhaps you are using GTK apps just like akik11:32
konradoshateball: in most of them, the system settings for example.11:34
konradoshateball: OK, so I'm at system settings -> workspace appearance -> desktop theme -> details. I have the "Customized" tab selected, and there is no such thing as "menu" or "window background"11:34
konradoshateball: maybe that would be "dialog background"?11:35
hateballkonrados: where you picked desktop theme, you also have Colors and Style11:35
hateballor however it's named in english11:35
hateballkonrados: since you can apply a full "theme" but then you can also modify individual parts of it11:36
konradosWell, I'm at system settings -> workspace appearance -> desktop theme -> details. I have the "Customized" tab selected, and there is no such thing as "menu" or "window background"11:36
konradoshateball ^11:36
akikargh the state of theme package installations. i downloaded paper theme and its icons. now i have two different directories with no instructions on how to install it11:36
hateballkonrados: Because as I said, it's under settings for Colour11:37
akiki see mentions of a directory ~/.themes which looks like the one i should put it into11:37
hateballkonrados: or you just pick a theme and change the color theme to something lighter11:38
hateballit's up to you11:38
konradoshateball can you give me the full path to this "settings for colour"? Is this under system settings -> workspace appearance somewhere? I prefer to change individual colors.11:39
hateballkonrados: It's on the very landing page of systemsettings11:40
pat_rickakik: Unfortunately I haven't done manual theme installations in quite some time11:41
hateballakik: I think you can use the File... dialog in for instance icons, and point to the zip file11:42
konradoshateball: thanks! It worked. Btw, it's under application appearance -> Colors. Thanks again, now it's so much better :)11:42
Codin13_Hi everyone, I have a problem starting kubuntu, can someone help me? i'm looking the .xsession_errors but i'm little lost about solve it...11:44
hateballCodin13_: At which point does it stop?11:45
hateballCodin13_: Is this a fresh install, or is it a working install that has failed?11:45
Codin13_it shows the splash-screen with the kubuntu logo, and then goes to black screen. is a working install that has failed, with 12.04.4 version. i've tried to re-install kubuntu-desktop but not solved11:46
hateballCodin13_: it's still 12.04? so you've not upgraded to 14.04 and it's failed after that or something?11:47
Codin13_sorry, 14.04.4, not 1211:47
hateballCodin13_: Have you tried picking an older kernel in the grub menu?11:47
akikhateball: i have paper-gtk-theme-master.zip but i can not install it through add gtk theme window11:47
Codin13_it was intalled with 14, and nope, how can I see the grub? it does not apeears at the init process11:49
pat_rickakik: did the site where you downloadded it from coem with installation instructions?11:49
akiki need to search more to find a way to revert back11:49
pat_rickakik: alternatively, there are a couple of themes in the repositories, you can install them with muon or such11:49
hateballCodin13_: hold/hammer left shift during startup, it should give you the grub menu11:49
akikpat_rick: it has an option to add a ppa but i'm a bit wary of doing that11:50
Codin13_ok i'm going to try11:50
hateballCodin13_: It could be you've had a recent kernel upgrade that somehow breaks things11:50
pat_rickakik: usually they are save, but just for a theme, it's a bit overkill11:50
BluesKajHiyas all11:51
akikfirefox doesn't seem to obey that SWT_GTK3 variable11:52
Codin13_hateball: i can choose 3, 3.13.0-85, 3.13.0-44 and 3.13.0-24. all goes to the black screnn, but the -24 shows "* Stopping System V runlevel compatibility" before going blackscreen11:54
hateballCodin13_: What GPU/driver do you use?11:55
sverro2Hey, recently I installed Kubuntu 16.04, with the Dutch language pack, leaving me an unusable system. (without reinstalling plasma desktop). Bug #1572494. Can I help in any way?11:55
ubottubug 1572494 in kde-l10n-nl (Ubuntu) "(xenial) installation of kde-l10n-nl ruins plasma" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157249411:55
Codin13_hateball: VGA compatible controller from Intel, driver=i91511:57
hateballCodin13_: hmmm, then I don't quite know :|12:00
akikdo i get the old theme back if i install an older firefox?12:02
hateballYes, but that seems to be the wrong way to tackle the problem12:03
Codin13_hateball: thank you anyway12:03
akikthe biggest grief i have this is that it changed a form element in my bank's login page12:03
akikand now it looks like somebody's hijacking my credentials12:04
hateballCodin13_: guess you could try nomodeset but I dont know if that does anything for intel12:04
hateball!nomodeset | Codin13_12:04
ubottuCodin13_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:04
Codin13_hateball: ok, i'll try!12:06
akiki don't get it. i installed the paper theme ppa and it installed fine. then i selected paper as both gtk2 and gtk3. kde itself didn't change at all, only firefox12:11
hateballYes, because Plasma uses Qt and not GTK12:11
pat_rickakik: that's because you installed a gtk theme12:11
pat_rickkde uses them only for gtk apps, like firefox12:12
Codin13_hateball: It has the same behavior12:12
hateballCodin13_: ack12:12
hateballCodin13_: can you boot to a recovery console? or liveboot and run a fsck12:12
akikhateball: i'm on kde 412:13
hateballakik: It's still Qt :)12:13
pat_rickakik: the same is true for every kde12:13
akik14.04 was supposed to be long term support and now they've changed the one most important apps that i use12:13
pat_rickakik: exactly because it is lts12:14
Codin13_hateball: yes, i can try, but the system seems that is ok, because I can login with a F1 terminal, the problem is "only" with the X I think12:14
pat_rickakik: it provides security updates for a longer time, including browser updates12:14
hateballCodin13_: Right12:14
akikpat_rick: i don't think this kind of change should be applied to everybody (gtk3)12:14
pat_rickakik: when firefox releases a new version, it will be ported to 14.0412:15
hateballCodin13_: So... you don't get a login gui at all, or does it go black after you try logging in?12:15
pat_rickakik: it happened on Firefox' side, not due to Ubuntu, might be that there's a way to keep gtk2, but I don't knowit12:15
pat_rickakik: actually it seems to me that gtk3 support was something a lot of people where waiting for with firefox in linux12:16
BluesKajakik, maybe that theme only applies to gtk  and not kde/plasma12:17
Codin13_hateball: No, I don't get a login gui. the first error of the xsession-errors log says that is something wrong with kded_powerdevil library, but I've checked that is installed in the correct directory12:17
AceKingI have a HDD plugged into my router. I am usually able to access it through dolphin. Since I installed 16.04, I cannot access the drive. It shows up, but when I put in my credentials, the login screen keeps popping back up as if my credentials are wrong.  I am having nothing but problems with 16.04.12:19
hateballCodin13_: could you try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" from a tty where oyu can log in?12:19
Codin13_hateball: then kded_keyboard cause the same problem, and finally ksmserver  and startkde shutts down12:19
hateballCodin13_: do you have automatic login?12:20
Codin13_hateball: reconfigure done with no errors. same black screen. I don't really know if it has automatic login... :(12:23
hateballCodin13_: right. check that you are the owner of ~/.Xauthority12:23
Codin13_hateball: yes, correct owner with 600 permits12:25
BluesKajAceKing, what about looking in the router setup to find the HDD IP12:26
Codin13_hateball: I have tried to make a new user, with the same problem12:26
hateballCodin13_: Well I am running out of ideas :|12:26
AceKingBluesKaj: I can access it from other machines. It was ever since I installed 16.0412:27
AceKingBluesKaj: I will try to find the IP12:28
Codin13_hateball: don't worry, we have tested. i'll keep searching little more, and i'll reinstall the system if I can reach the solution. thanks anyway!12:28
BluesKajAceKing, yes and you probly need to setup the HDD access again since it's  anew OS especially if you did a clen install12:29
AceKingBluesKaj: I cannot find the address. It just shows that a HDD is plugged in, and shared. I wonder why I didn't have to set it up on 14.04? I just opened dolphin browser, put in my username, and password, and went right in. I can even access it off LiveCD12:34
AceKingBluesKaj: I found the ftp address, and was able to login though Firefox12:39
BluesKajAceKing, I was thinking about the IP so you could login with dolphin network, add network folder12:51
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, thank you12:58
BluesKajAceKing, insatall arp-scan then run arp -a , it finds all active devices on lan12:59
BluesKajAceKing, a very handy tool13:00
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, thanks13:05
BluesKajfor example AceKing my ethernet is no longer eth0 , systemd now renamed it to enp0s7, if I use the command from this tut http://www.blackmoreops.com/2015/12/31/use-arp-scan-to-find-hidden-devices-in-your-network/ , sudo arp-scan --interface=enp0s7 --localnet , that shows the IPs od all devices connected to the router13:12
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babyCIAO A TUTTI16:35
QuantosDoes anyone know which channel VirtualBox is in?17:37
TanjoodoOk so I started the upgrade to 16.04 but then I cancelled it when it was still just downloading packages17:57
Tanjoodobut I think that didn't really cancel it17:57
akikQuantos: #vbox17:57
Tanjoodobecause dpkg is running17:57
Tanjoodoand I got a weird prompt about some config file whether I wanted to keep it or replace it17:58
TanjoodoI think it finished downloading and now it's installing =17:59
QuantosThanks man18:00
QuantosThanks akik18:00
=== EvilRoey is now known as Roey|crushyyyyyy
QuantosHey guys, I have something on my desktop that looks like a yellow post-it note, how do I get rid of that?18:49
soeeQuantos: maybe widget18:50
soeeright click on the desktop pick Unlock widgets, than hover cursor over this widget and remove it when controls show up18:51
QuantosWhat widget?18:51
QuantosRight clicking doesn't bring up anything useful18:51
soeeQuantos: post a screen what you have there18:51
soeeTanjoodo: probably some cache issue18:52
soeeTanjoodo: try to remove ~/.cache18:52
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Tanjoodosoee, no, it there's now these ugly borders around the icons18:52
soeeborders are normal thing, can you show screen ?18:53
Tanjoodosoee, http://imgur.com/BuxW96P18:54
soeeTanjoodo: yeah this is how they look now18:54
Tanjoodoalso apparently alpha channel support is broken in the notification area?18:55
TanjoodoI guess not because the hexchat icon is ugly but other icons aren't18:56
Tanjoodosoee, nice theme18:56
soeei do not use/know hexchat18:56
lapionhello I have had the upgrade of my system to 16.04 crash on me twice already ( I have a backup)18:56
soeelapion: during upgrade process ?18:57
Tanjoodosoee, http://imgur.com/04vgM4q18:57
lapionit crashed with a man-loop error without a man-db.0.crash file18:57
Tanjoodoother icons look fine18:57
soeeTanjoodo: i recomment using konversation :)18:58
soeebut yeah, some icons might look like that for no KDE apps18:58
Tanjoodosoee, I'm not changing my client because of the buggy tray icon :P18:58
soeeTanjoodo: true :D18:58
Quantossoee here it is http://imgur.com/T8jx80L18:58
lapionyes soee  mid upgrade.. twice from within the update manager, once in do-release-upgrade from a terminal, and once from the recovery commandline18:58
Tanjoododisabled tray icon and problem solved \o/18:58
QuantosIt's that stupid yellow square18:58
soeeQuantos: well yeah looks liek sticky notes widget18:59
TanjoodoQuantos, I think that happens when you middle click things18:59
Tanjoodono wait that's something else18:59
QuantosFine, how do I get rid of the stupid thing18:59
Tanjoodo<soee> right click on the desktop pick Unlock widgets, than hover cursor over this widget and remove it when controls show up19:00
soeeQuantos: in Plasma 5.5 the widget behaviour changed, so to be able to manage it unlock screen widhets click on this widget and cold hem mouse button pressed for 3 seconds19:00
soeeQuantos: than you will see its controls19:00
QuantosNope, not a widget19:00
lapionsoee, has there been anyone else in here with this problem ?19:00
TanjoodoI don't use widgets so I don't really know19:01
soeelapion: thb. inever faced it and heard of such problem during uprades19:01
QuantosHahahah, you were right, it was a widget19:01
QuantosI just didn't hold the mouse button down long enough19:02
QuantosCan I uninstall that piece o' crap?  Any idea what it's called?19:02
soeei think this is part of package that contains several widgets19:02
soeejust leave it as it is it wont show up until you add it to the desktop :)19:03
QuantosYeah, I don't really want to remove anything else that I might find useful19:03
QuantosThanks for the help guys19:03
soeethere is package called: plasma-widgets-addons that probably contains it19:04
Tanjoodowhile I'm here... it is possible to change the behavior of when I click on an icon that has multiple windows open under it in the task switcher so that it shows a menu of open windows instead of hijacking the whole screen?19:05
TanjoodoI phrased that question so poorly19:11
abhigenie92hi guys!19:21
abhigenie92I wish to install kubuntu 16.04 and at the same time use kde-neon19:22
abhigenie92Is there kubuntu image that comes with kde-neon?19:24
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ubottuKDE Neon ( http://neon.kde.org/ ) is a KDE project to package the latest stable and development versions of KDE software on top of an Ubuntu base. As it is not an official Ubuntu or Kubuntu project, please use #kde-neon for discussion and support.19:39
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alfi2070can someone help me ???23:19
alfi2070i can't seem to find the minecraft.jar folder in kubuntu 14.04 LTS23:19
luc4Hello! Anyone of you guys using a bluetooth mouse on kubuntu by any chance?23:58

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