
mailehroaksoax: anything you might suggest and i have'nt recieved anything after filing the bug00:31
mailehthis is another extract from Commission Summary hw:setting:                 id: modified                 value: 2016-03-14 22:24:35               - lshw:setting:                 id: mount.fstype                 value: ext4               - lshw:setting:                 id: mount.options                 value: ro,relatime,data=ordered               - lshw:setting:                 id: mounted ....looks like it is OK00:52
mailehroaksoax: anything yet ???00:54
mupBug #1576468 opened: APC Power Driver - NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode' <MAAS:Triaged by newell-jensen> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by newell-jensen> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576468>01:33
mailehalexlist: can you help with my issue02:40
mailehhelo anyone online now ???02:58
mailehhi david .... are you able to help my issue07:58
mailehMAAS successfully commisioned my two nodes yet it shows error on my machines detail page on storage section saying that i need to commossion my nodes before disk can be setup07:59
mailehdavid: ????08:01
DavidRamamaileh: sorry I'm new to that also09:50
mupBug #1576758 opened: [2.0b3] IP Ranges section on the subnet page should be shown even if no ranges <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576758>15:38
bdxhey whats up everyone?17:53
bdxwill beta -> stable upgrades be supported?17:54
bdxfor maas2.017:54
roaksoaxbdx: upgradability is a primary focus for maas17:55
roaksoaxbdx: but yes, you'll be able to upgrade from beta to final without issues17:55
bdxroaksoax: awesome, thanks18:04
bdxroaksoax: when are you guys planning on dropping beta4?18:05
roaksoaxbdx: we are testing right now18:06
roaksoaxbdx: and waiting for a couple bug fixes to land18:06
bdxroaksoax: right on, will beta4 have improved functionality for lxd/lxc networking?18:07
roaksoaxbdx: that actually comes from Juju18:07
roaksoaxbdx: since MAAS doesn't really deploy lxd containers18:07
roaksoaxbdx: but yes, maas 2.0 w/ juju 2.0 should have better lxd container networking18:08
bdxroaksoax: doesn't maas provision the network interfaces on containers though?18:08
roaksoaxbdx: not for containers18:09
roaksoaxbdx: so since MAAS 1.8+ i think we supported registering containers , but juju never used the feature by default18:10
roaksoaxbdx: maas ensures that IP addresses are reserved for the container and specific interface and such18:10
roaksoaxbdx: but juju never used the feature by default18:10
roaksoaxbdx: when you enabled it, juju didn't write e/n/i for the container, so maas would deliver everythin via DHC{18:10
roaksoaxbdx: when you enabled it, juju didn't write e/n/i for the container, so maas would deliver everythin via DHCP18:10
roaksoaxbdx: but since MAAS doesn't really provision the container, it cannot write e/n/i for it18:11
bdxbut the container gets its provisioning metadata from MAAS yea?18:11
roaksoaxbdx: so, supposedly, Juju 2.0 will enable container registration in MAAS by default, and correctly e/n/i18:11
roaksoaxbdx: but haven't tested yet18:11
roaksoaxbdx: nope, conatiner gets everything from juju, other than the IP addresses18:11
roaksoaxbdx: basically, juju just says "register a device under machine XYZ, and I want IP addresses for A, B, C interfaces/mac addresses"18:12
bdxI see18:12
roaksoaxbdx: and maas returns that info, and juju creates the container, and configures it as ti should18:12
bdxbut how does juju/maas know what interface to attach the container to?18:12
roaksoaxbdx: so say in a machine you configured eth0 to subnet1, eth1 to subnet218:13
roaksoaxbdx: when you deploy a machine, juju asks for a machine in subnet1/subnet218:13
roaksoaxbdx: and if you want your container in subnet118:13
roaksoaxbdx: it puts it in subnet118:13
roaksoaxbdx: so MAAS provides the interfaces juju needs to do that18:14
bdxI see, do you know where this code lives, does it exist yet?18:14
roaksoaxbdx: putting it on a different way, MAAS provides juju with information about the phisical world, so juju can do stuff18:14
roaksoaxbdx: on juju, I don't know where it lives18:15
roaksoaxbdx: on maas, we do it via constraints18:15
roaksoaxmpontillo: ^^ where are the network constraints ?18:15
bdxbut if no constraints are passed, is a default used?18:15
roaksoaxbdx: yeah if no constraints are passed, juju just takes the first interface of MAAS IIRC18:15
bsod90hey guys! I have a question: when maas is deploying one of my nodes which has 2 NICs connected to 2 different networks, both enabled, one getting IP from MAAS DHCP, another one from the other network DHCP. How does it decide which default route to set? I'd like it to always point to our company network rather that management one, but I'm feeling like it's set just randomly.18:18
bdxbsod90: your machine will use the last gateway route configured18:20
bdxbsod90: I get around that by not setting the gateway in my subsequent dhcp configured interfaces18:20
roaksoaxbsod90: you can set that in maas : maas <session> node-interface set-default-gateway18:20
bdxroaksoax: I see, what if your interfaces can't talk on the same net?18:21
bdxsimilar to my situation18:21
roaksoaxbdx: then this may solve your problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/151982818:21
roaksoaxbdx: we might do that for 2.118:21
bdxif I set dhcp on multiple subnets using maas, my nodes error when pxe booting due to getting dhcp from the wrong subnet18:22
bsod90I see. Thank you, bdx and roaksoax18:23
bdxroaksoax: so, I just configured 3rd party dhcp <- also doesn't set the gateway on subsequent interfaces18:23
mpontilloroaksoax: bdx: when you use the "machines allocate" endpoint you can specify a list of constraints (should be documented in the normal way the APIs are doc'd)18:23
roaksoaxbdx: you are setting DHCP on multiple subnets under the same VLAN ? or different VLANs ?18:23
mpontilloroaksoax: bdx: you can also use the "verbose" and "dry_run" options on that endpoint to experiment with constraints and see a little more info18:23
bdxdifferent vlans18:24
bdxmpontillo: oooh thats awesome18:24
mpontilloroaksoax: bdx: basically when that API returns you will see a "constraints_by_type" object on the node, specifying which storage or interface constraints matched what you specified18:24
roaksoaxbdx: so that means the machine has eth0 and eth1, eth0 being PXE, but it DHCP's from the range that is supposed to be on a different VLAN to where the node has been connected to ?18:24
roaksoaxbdx: and physically, they are different 'untagged' VLANs or the same VLAN in the switch?18:25
bdxroaksoax: I can replicate in all scenarios ...18:25
* mpontillo steps out for lunch18:26
bdxroaksoax: a node with multiple interfaces, each interface gets dhcp from maas on different vlan and subnet18:27
bdxit hasn't made a difference whether the vlans are on separate switches, I disallow all comms from one to the other at the router level18:27
roaksoaxbdx: right, but in MAAS you do that by enabling DHCP on different vlans on the same fabric, or same VLANS (for example, untagged), on different fabrics18:28
bdxroaksoax: entirely18:29
roaksoaxbdx: so say, fabric0->untagged->subnet1 fabric1->untagged->subnet218:29
roaksoaxbdx: and fabric0/fabric1 is a different collection of switches18:29
roaksoaxi'm giuessing this may be the issue with isc-dhcp we have a bug for18:29
bdxroaksoax: I see, yea, but how do you stop maas from handing out pxe on non mgmt subnets?18:30
bdxI think that is (at a high level) the root issue18:31
roaksoaxbdx: oh so you mean you dont want to provide a next-server in certain subnet's range ?18:32
roaksoaxbdx: can you file a bug for that ?18:32
bdxroaksoax: entirely, provide dhcp, but not next. but I don't know how to make that happen within the context of maas18:32
roaksoaxbdx: i was thiking about that couple weeks ago18:33
roaksoaxbdx: but completely forgot about it :)18:33
bdxyea, its been biting me since 1.718:33
roaksoaxbdx: but yes, I do think it makes sense. You may want to enable DHCP on VLAN1, but not specifically for PXE, just for machines to get IP'sl from there18:33
roaksoaxbdx: but in 1.9/2.0 you do know you don't really need to set DHCP for a NIC that's not management ...18:33
roaksoaxbdx: you can allow maas to configure e/n/i for that interface, in the subnet you want18:34
roaksoaxbdx: which is not "management"18:34
bdxso, what you are saying basically, is that the work around is to use other methods than dhcp to configure subsequent interfaces ?18:35
bdxI see18:35
roaksoaxbdx: right, so say eth0 (pxe) -> fabric0 -> subnet1 -> auto-assign -> this would be NIC for the management netework18:36
roaksoaxbdx: but then, eth1 -> fabric1 -> subnet1 -> auto-assign18:36
roaksoaxbdx: maas would automatically pick an IP on subnet118:36
roaksoaxbdx: so you could even do:18:37
roaksoaxeth0 (pxe) -> fabric0 -> untagged -> subnet1 -> auto-assign18:37
bdxAhhh, auto-assign does not use dhcp?18:37
roaksoaxeth1.1 -> fabric0 -> vlan1 -> subnet2 -> auto-assign # no DHCP is enabled in VLAN10, but MAAS will automatically pick an IP on subnet218:37
roaksoaxbdx: starting from 2.0, DHCP is really only used for enlistment and commissioning18:38
bdxahhh, I see. Well that basically solves the issue18:38
roaksoaxbdx: (same is the case for 1.9, but we had static ranges in the past, MAAS 2.0 no longer has static ranges)18:38
bdxI see that18:38
roaksoaxbdx: but the bug you mention, about allowing to enable DHCP without PXE is completely valid18:39
bdxok, I'll file it18:39
bdxso, while I've got your attention .... the other issue that has caused a great deal of contention for me is disk replacement18:39
bdxI'm sure you are familiar with the issues surrounding disk replacement ?18:40
roaksoaxbdx: meaning, you have a machine deployed, disk failed, you want to replace it, but want to keep your machine deployed, and not release it and recommission /18:40
roaksoaxbdx: yes, I've heard about the issue18:41
roaksoaxwe currently not support that yet, but I'll definitely raise that18:41
* roaksoax takes note18:41
bdxif I reboot with out recommissioning, my disks numbering get out of whack and I endup borking the node18:41
bdxthank you18:41
bdxthis has caused me multiple trips to the datacenter, and has been probably the lagest point of contention I've had using MAAS to date18:42
bdxI appreciate you looking into it18:42
bdxI filed a bug a while back .... let me see if I can't dig it up18:42
roaksoaxbdx: np! the only issue I can think related to that, is that the new disk won't have the same partitioning as maas think the disk has18:43
roaksoaxbut we can definitely explore that and see if that lands in the roadmap for 2.118:43
bdxyea, so, I can't get maas to recognize the new disk w/o recommissioning, the os will reletter the disks upon reboot, and then maas has a new /dev/sda, that wasn't previously sda :-(18:45
bdxthe os does at least18:46
bdxmaas retains the previous disk assignments18:46
bdxand thus the issue18:46
bdxthanks for hearing me out18:46
roaksoaxbdx: yeah, I know what you mean. We've talked about that before indeed18:47
roaksoaxbdx: maas doesn't have a way to discover current partitioning18:48
roaksoaxso maas would need to grow a way to enter into a maintenance mode while deployed18:48
roaksoaxand do a "recommission"18:48
roaksoaxbut force the user to re-partitioning18:48
roaksoaxand maas would just update the knowledge it has about disks18:48
roaksoaxor something along those lines18:48
bdxentirely, that would be HUGE18:48
bdxI feel like MAAS deployed storage nodes are ticking timebombs to that affect18:49
roaksoaxyeah I'll bring that up when we discuss MAAS roadmap next18:49
bdxthe CIO of my company constantly brings up the storage thing as a downside to implementing MAAS in production ... you can use that as firepower if you want18:53
roaksoaxbdx: hehe, don't worry it is already added in the ideas section18:54
roaksoaxbut will use that as feedback from the field18:54
Chuckuzzousing version 1.9.1, MAAS CLI to assign a VLAN to a space.  Getting "Too many Subnet objects match the given query"… any idea?19:12
roaksoaxmpontillo: ^^19:18
mpontilloChuckuzzo: can you pastebin the exact command you're using?19:19
mpontillo(or just paste it, should be short) ;-)19:19
Chuckuzzomaas mymaas subnet update vlan:50 name=public-api space=4 gateway_ip=
ChuckuzzoFollowing Dimiter's blog19:20
mpontilloChuckuzzo: ah, yeah, it would be nice if that affected both subnets in that VLAN, come to think of it. but that's currently not how it works19:20
mpontilloChuckuzzo: it seems that you need to narrow your subnet query so that it only matches a single subnet19:21
ChuckuzzoWould that be in MAAS setup or the OS network side?19:21
mpontilloChuckuzzo: well, you can use the same command, but to place your subnet into that space use "ip:<any-ip-address-in-the-subnet>" for each subnet you want to place into the space19:22
mpontilloChuckuzzo: in place of "vlan:50" that is19:23
mpontilloChuckuzzo: or you can specify the subnet by ID, but that would require looking it up19:23
ChuckuzzoI'll give that a try19:23
ChuckuzzoThat worked19:32
ChuckuzzoMany thanks!19:32
mpontilloChuckuzzo: np19:33
mupBug #1576854 opened: MAAS should be able to use power commands with rack controllers <MAAS:New for ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576854>21:06

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