
\LSDWill dist upgrade give me latest changes?03:27
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=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
\LSDAnyone ?04:29
\LSDI fell in...to a burning ring of fire!...04:41
BluesKajHiyas all11:54
=== Poke95 is now known as Guest87954
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan
=== strycore_ is now known as strycore
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
\LSDThis is so savage14:53
marlincHow can I remove packages that are no-longer included in a repository? I have a 16.04 install since February and it for example contains PHP 5 even though its no longer included in the repo's16:31
lotuspsychje!info nautilus16:33
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.18.4.is.3.14.3-0ubuntu4 (yakkety), package size 551 kB, installed size 1886 kB16:33
naccmarlinc: i think the problem is that apt/dpkg doesn't know you didn't just d/l a .deb file and install it17:10
marlincYea I know, that's what I thought17:12
naccmarlinc: i think you want to find a way to search for obsoleted packages, this might help: https://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/02/07/debian-cleanup-tip-2-get-rid-of-obsolete-packages/17:14
marlincCoo, I'll take a look nacc17:30
zen-guyhi i tried to install the samsung c460 laser printer drivers from samsung for linux then tried to re-add the printer in cups and it still won't print, any thoughts?20:14
zen-guyin 16.0420:14
nicomachuszen-guy: you can get support for 16.04 in the main #ubuntu channel now.20:16
zen-guyoh okies ty :)20:16

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