
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
mzanettipopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/remove-stale-lock-files/+merge/29335507:49
mzanettipopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/fix-edit-button/+merge/29336308:31
rawcoderI was wondering where are the official docs for ubuntu appindicator API09:12
rawcodercan anyone here point to official ubuntu appindicator docs?09:14
davidcallerawcoder: http://unity.ubuntu.com/projects/appindicators09:24
rawcoderdavidcalle: thanks, but these are outdated09:25
davidcallerawcoder: which language API are you looking for?09:27
rawcoderdavidcalle: python09:27
rawcoderdavidcalle: specfically the gobject bindings09:27
rawcoderdavidcalle, I found this https://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/#AppIndicator3-0.1 but is this official?09:28
davidcallerawcoder: not sure what official would mean in this case, but it's doc generated from the source project, so it should work. Also: http://candidtim.github.io/appindicator/2014/09/13/ubuntu-appindicator-step-by-step.html09:37
rawcoderdavidcalle, by official I mean it would work for any supported version of ubuntu from 12.04 to 16.0409:38
davidcallerawcoder: I wouldn't know about 12.04, but this should work for 14.04 and up.09:40
rawcoderdavidcalle, sounds cool, thanks!09:40
davidcalletedg: do you know the best way to get this doc? ^09:40
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
bzoltan_is here anybody who was suffering recently from broken click chroots? i have a fix and I could use some testing on Trusty and on Wily13:27
tedgdavidcalle: I don't think we wrote those docs.13:41
tedgdavidcalle: We have some material in the Wiki, but I don't think it is as nice.13:41
davidcalletedg: yeah, I was just wondering since you were involved in libappindicator, if you knew the best way to get/generate the most updated ones. (IIRC, we used something called giraffe at some point to generate python bindings doc)14:56
tedgdavidcalle: Oh, I remember giraffe! :-)14:57
tedgdavidcalle: No, I don't know of a way sadly.14:57
davidcalletedg: thanks :)14:57
robert_ancellwho can do a manual review of a click package?15:15
beunorobert_ancell, hi15:19
robert_ancellbeuno, hi15:19
beunorobert_ancell, approved15:19
robert_ancellNot sure why the last upload triggered manual15:19
beunothe store is in manual mode atm15:19
robert_ancellbeuno, ta15:19
beunowhile we work through some stuff15:19
robert_ancellI must have uploaded version 3 just minutes before you made the switch :)15:20
beunoyeah, it was very recent  :)15:20
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
dobeywhat's the magic to force an app into side stage?17:42
popeydobey: 3 fingers?19:21
dobeypopey: i mean, i want may app to always appear in the side stage when it is run19:23
dobeyisn't there some entry one puts in the .desktop file to do that?19:31
dobeysearching on ddg for "ubuntu side stage" didn't help19:31
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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