
=== NaSb_ is now known as Mozpaccers
NaSbআস সালামু-আলাইকুম :)02:18
pavlushkahello every one!08:29
pavlushkaand Hi NaSb!08:29
pavlushkaAlmost Good morning Kilos, :p08:30
pavlushkaHi Ekushey !08:30
NaSbpavlushka: Hello, শুভ দুপুর :D08:31
pavlushkaNaSb, have you seen zaki around?08:33
pavlushkaNaSb, what tool do you use to manipulate pdf files in ubuntu?08:37
NaSb manipulate pdf মানে?08:38
pavlushkaview and edit pdf file08:39
NaSbআমার আসলে pdf ইডিট করার প্রয়োজন পড়েনা, আর আমি Document Viewer দিয়ে pdf ওপেন করি08:40
NaSbScribus দিয়ে মনে হয় pdf ইডিট করা যায়08:42
pavlushkayou can also use libreoffice to view pdf.08:42
pavlushkabrb cables, :p09:06
pavlushkaHello every one!16:39
Kiloshi pavlushka 16:39
Kilosi see abhra was here16:39
pavlushkai was a bit busy! and power was down.16:40
pavlushkaKilos: why didn't you poke him? adhra16:43
Kilosi wasnt here16:43
pavlushkaanyways, its good,16:43
pavlushkaSorry about your sharks, :(16:44
Kilosim busy trying to learn some xml and build a team to translate http://raisingphoenicia.com/6216:44
Kilosto me its sport16:44
pavlushkaYes, I am talking w.r.t sport as well.16:45
Kilosi dont cry when my fav team loses16:45
Kiloshi annasha 17:45
annashahi Kilos 17:53
annashahow are you17:54
Kiloswell ty and you?17:58
annashafine. 17:59
Kilosdoes pavlushka keep you busy?18:00
Kiloshe can really nag 18:01
* pavlushka no way18:01
annashai am busy for mi work.  so sorry18:05
annasha tall me what are you doing.18:06
Kilosi am looking at translating a game into afrikaans18:07
annashain afrikaans language?18:14
* pavlushka Kilos is from South Africa.18:15
Kiloshalf of the people here speak afrikaans18:15
Kilospavlushka why dont you try translate the game to bangla18:17
pavlushkaKilos: let try to translate the ubuntu-desktop first, :)18:18
annashavary good idea18:18
pavlushkaannasha: Yeah, you would say that I know, :p18:18
Kilosno man a desktop will look funny with squigles all over18:19
annashatry your Laval bast.18:20
Kilosdo you mind if i help you with english spelling?18:20
Kiloslevel best18:21
Kilosi understand what you are saying18:21
Kilossome people get offended18:22
pavlushkaKilos: its better to play games with squiggles, right?18:22
Kilosgames with squigles is fine18:22
pavlushkanot in the desktop! , :p18:22
* pavlushka feeling sleepy18:31
pavlushkagood night every one!18:31
pavlushkaGood Night Kilos !18:31
Kilosnight pavlushka sleep tight18:31

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