
cpaelzerhi, I just god a few more changes merged into the serverguide - thanks for the review05:58
cpaelzerI wondered thou, now after 16.04 release05:58
cpaelzeron what frequency will updates we make to the repo be published to e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/serverguide/...05:58
cpaelzerI might have more follow up questions, but it depends so much on the answers to the main question "if and how often updates get there" that I wait before spamming the chan05:59
cpaelzerthere was nothing around https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam that would have answered my quesiton, but I realized I might be in the worng TZ for IRC10:49
cpaelzerso I sent a mail to the ubunut-doc list now10:49
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