
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
de-factoHey guys, any idea where i can disable that annoying "welcome, first steps" greeter? it shows up everytime i login and its kinda annoying me now...11:38
de-factowould i need to uninstall gnome help or something to get rid of it?11:42
de-factoHey guys, i want to connect my android 6 phone to gnome notifications and sync clipboard. Back in the days there was DeskCon, but that doesnt work anymore, what is the best way to do this nowerdays? any ideas/suggestions?12:43
georgeowell_I haven't tested it but I've heard good things about KDE connect12:53
georgeowell_de-facto: It runs on non KDE desktops too12:53
de-factoyeah i heard that too, but im not sure how to pair it with gnome12:53
de-factoit does not list my gnome box as available device12:54
de-factoi guess on the gnome side there is no counterpart for it maybe?12:56
de-factoi wish he did not die, his DeskCon was awesome for this https://github.com/screenfreeze12:58
georgeowell_not to my knowledge13:04
georgeowell_haven't looked into it13:04
georgeowell_have you looked on F-Droid?13:04
de-factoyeah its on fdroid, but i think the extension for gnome does not work in 3.18 anymore13:05
de-factothere is also Nuntius but that seems to only sync Notifications and is not near the functionality DeskCon provided back in the days13:07
de-factoid like to share links and clipboard, e.g. if i found a nice link on android open it on desktop for further investigations and such13:08
de-factoDeskCon did that over a encrypted (certs) link via the share menu13:09
georgeowell_Yeh, the link thing is a super drag for me right now.13:20
georgeowell_not so bothered about notifications13:20
georgeowell_KDE connect is deffo what you need to get working13:24
georgeowell_I've seen people using it on gnome13:24
de-factohmmm it seems that would require to install half of a kde desktop environment alongside with it, then i also could just go ahead and use Kubuntu instead :-(13:42
de-factoi cant believe there is no more native gnome way to do this since the gnome desktop is popular as well as android13:44
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LinDolhi all14:42
LinDoli was home now. hahaha after working.14:42
OlotilaI cannot right-click and "open in terminal", because folder is full of files16:09
Olotilaso how do I easily get to terminal in that (Nautilus) folder?16:10
de-factoOlotila why cant you click "open in terminal" on that folder? can you be more specific?16:24
Olotilait is full of files16:24
Olotilamy click "hits" a file, and gives a different menu16:25
de-factoyou need to right click that on the folder itself16:25
de-factonot on file16:25
Olotilathe Open in terminal appears, if I click in empty part of the folder16:25
de-factono one level above the content of the folder16:25
de-factoso if you want a terminal on /path/to/folder you need to be in /path/to and right click on "folder"16:26
Olotilaclicking folder gives "open in new window", new tab, properties16:26
de-factoin nautilus?16:27
Olotilaon top16:27
Olotilaon left open folder is not visible16:27
Olotilaonly default folders Recent, Home, Documents ...16:27
de-factoon the folder itself or even on background in symbol view16:28
de-factoworks on 16.04 for me16:28
OlotilaI think  I have the list view16:29
de-factothen use the symbol view (that matrix dots)16:29
de-factothere you can click on background for example inside that folder, or click on folder directly (one level above)16:29
de-factoofc it would not work if you click on a file instead16:30
de-factoright click that is always16:30
Olotilaok so there actually is no way to click Open in terminal, if I am in listview and seeing only files?16:31
Olotilathe Files -menu above (Gnome 3.20) gives no Open in terminal either16:31
de-factoyou can do that in list view too, but you have to right click on that folder16:31
de-factoGnome 3.20?16:32
de-factoon 16.04 its nautilus 3.14.316:33
de-factohow come you are on Gnome 3.20?16:33
Olotilaso I have to change view or go up one folder?16:33
OlotilaI updated it via their own PPA16:33
de-factoyeah or find a empty space where you can right click on background on folder (also in list view)16:33
Olotilawhere in list view?16:34
de-factounder the list (where the empty bg is)16:34
Olotilathe file "bar" fills the space16:34
Olotilafull rectangle, from left to right16:34
de-factoyeah i guess if you have that many files then you have to either change in symbol view or go one level above16:35
Olotilaempty "bg"?16:35
Olotilaso also, can I drag with mouse to select multiple items?16:35
OlotilaI bet not16:36
de-factoholding Ctrl and left click you can select multiple (but not drag i guess)16:37
de-factoctrl shift I "inverts" your selection16:38
de-factoso if you want almost all files you could do "ctrl + A" then hold Ctrl and deselect16:38
de-factofor example16:38
Olotilaother "file explorer" gui's available?16:39
Olotilaother than Nautilus?16:39
de-factoyeah many i guess, but Nautilus is pretty powerfull once you got used to it16:40
Olotilawell, it is, but it could be even better16:40
de-factoyou can even use it for remote file systems with "smb://windows/share" or "ssh://linux/share" and such16:40
Olotilalike backspace for "folder up"16:40
Olotilamouse drag for selecting16:41
de-factoor connect an android phone to it and get its internal storage via MTP16:41
Olotilaeasy way to get path as text, to be copied16:41
de-factoyeah you can do custom key bindings of course16:41
de-factoctrl + L16:41
de-factothat shows you the path in text mode in the address bar of nautilus16:41
Olotilait has improvet, I think, like previously it changed the timestamp of photos to time of the copying16:42
Olotilamessed up lots of my photos16:42
Olotilathanks, I'll remember Ctrl L16:42
Olotilafor List, or what could it be?16:42
de-factothere are many keyboard shortcuts for example Alt + Up for going one level upwards16:44
OlotilaAlt Up needs two hands16:45
de-factoCtrl +1  and Ctrl + 2 for the views16:45
OlotilaI usually have one hand in mouse and other in kb16:45
OlotilaBackspace is way easier16:45
Olotilahow can I change the bindings?16:45
de-factoyou can mess with it maybe in  ~/.config/nautilus/accels16:46
de-factobut make a backup before and be carefull16:46
de-factoi guess you have to killall nautilus and reopen it when you changed something in there16:49
de-factonever tried it myself16:49
Olotilahow do I install programs from git?17:05
de-factoi dont think that would work on 3.2017:43
Olotilaok, but how do you install programs from git in general?18:58
OlotilaGoogle only gives guides how to install git to ubuntu18:58
Olotilawhen I search:18:58
Olotilainstall git programs in ubuntu18:58
Olotilaall I get is how to install git itself to ubuntu18:59
Olotilaor search ... to ubuntu18:59
shubham_is g++ installed in ubuntu gnome 16.04>19:19
shubham_kipd: is g++ installed in ubuntu gnome 16.04?19:20
kipdI personally don't recall if g++ is installed by default in 16.04, but it's just a short package install away.19:23
shubham_i was trying without installing and found that gcc is installed but g++ is not19:23
shubham_though it was preinstalled in ubuntu 14.0419:23
shubham_i want to switch to ubuntu gnome 16.04 but just want to be sure that all the softwares that i need is present there19:24
kipdWhatever software isn't present can usually being installed with apt-get on the command line or Synaptic/Software Center in the Gnome Desktop19:25
shubham_ok thanks. i did install g++ just now and it's working.19:27
kipdExcellent, enjoy your day.19:27
shubham_what's your opinion- should i switch to 16.04?19:27
shubham_i am not a seasoned linux user. been using it only for the last 4 months.19:27
shubham_am an undergraduate student studying computer science engineering in my university19:28
kipdIt's up to you.  14.04 isn't that old and came with Gnome by default.  16.04 comes with Unity instead.19:29
shubham_yeah, but i really like the gnome look in 16.04.19:30
kipdSounds like you have your answer then.19:30
kipdThere's really no drawback to using the more current 16.04 for you then.19:30
shubham_Plus i have been using unity for 4 months now, and gnome looks like a fresh change.19:30
shubham_thanks for the advice.19:30
de-factoOlotila well it depends on how you want to maintain your system i guess: you can install git then "git clone ..." but then you would need a "debian" directory with the package files inside that for backing a .deb out of it (and install that with gdebi or such). I mean you also can do "sudo make install" but then the package manager would not keep track of the files it spreads on your system (wich i really dont like).19:43
de-factoif you have a "debian" directory for a project you can go inside your project folder (which contains that "debian" folder) and to "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us" to build a deb package one level above19:44
de-factothe nice thing about ubuntu is that you can find many, really many software with a debian folder on some PPAs19:45
de-factowithout it the usual way would be "./configure --prefix=/opt" "make" and "sudo make install" or such (depends on what make system the developer prefered)19:47
Olotilayeah, git seems like a mess from users point of view20:13
Olotilamore folders to back up20:13
LinDolhi all23:44
LinDolgeorgeowell, hi :)23:49

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