
=== Shadow__X is now known as Guest69887
=== Guest69887 is now known as Shadow__X
=== Shadow__X is now known as Guest29061
=== Guest29061 is now known as Shadow__X
arrrghhhoh hey there is a room for mythbuntu.  So I installed 14.04 a while ago and never managed to get it setup.  So I wiped the zotac box today I am planning on deploying as a FE only, and after installation I can't configure anything15:03
arrrghhhthe wizard just crashes over and over.  it was a bit of a pain to get at the logs, but I eventually found that it's trying to connect to localhost/ as the BE.  I never configured the BE, never even got the chance... shouldn't that initial wizard allow me to fill that out?15:03
tgm4883arrrghhh: IIRC, there is a bug in 0.28 for that15:04
arrrghhhI select language and region, hit save, and it crashes/restarts15:04
arrrghhhtgm4883, so what do I need to do to get this thing configured?  is there a config file somewhere to modify?15:04
tgm4883arrrghhh: yea, this is just a standard mythbuntu FE install?15:04
arrrghhhI installed 16.04 just realized I didn't mention that15:04
arrrghhhtgm4883, yep.  completely vanilla FE only15:04
tgm4883arrrghhh: so you should just need to edit /etc/mythtv/config.xml and fill in teh connection credentials15:05
arrrghhhlol ok15:05
tgm4883technically, it's ~/.mythtv/config.xml but that should be symlinked back to /etc/mythtv/config.xml15:05
arrrghhhtgm4883, should this have been obvious to me, or is the system just setup to assume the BE is on the same box as the FE?15:05
tgm4883arrrghhh: well no, the frontend should let you put in the credentials15:06
tgm4883but like I said, some upstream bug15:06
tgm4883Most users do have a single FE/BE box, so it's only seen by a fraction of users15:07
arrrghhhoh really15:09
arrrghhhI didn't realize the fe/be in the same box was the norm15:09
arrrghhhI guess I could set that up, but the FE doesn't have much HP or storage (on purpose)15:09
tgm4883no, it's a perfectly valid configuration15:09
tgm4883it's how I'm setup15:10
tgm4883it's just most users only have a single mythtv box15:10
arrrghhhyea makes sense you build the system geared towards the majority15:10
tgm488368% have a single box15:10
arrrghhhlol nice15:11
arrrghhhI like the exact percentage of the userbase ;)15:11
tgm4883I grab stats when I can :)15:11
tgm488329.9% have 2 boxes15:12
tgm4883so yea, it makes sense to gear it toward a single system setup, but it still should be asking you for credentials and backend location15:13
tgm4883also, 100% not kidding on those stats15:14
arrrghhhI know you're not15:18
arrrghhhand yea makes sense but also agreed there needs to be a way to enter that stuff in the wizard15:18
arrrghhhalright haxed config file.  now let's see what we get15:18
arrrghhhhm.  still crashes, let's peek at the log15:19
arrrghhhssh makes this way easier15:19
arrrghhhhm still trying to connect to localhost... let me look at the config file in home15:20
arrrghhhthe plot thickens15:21
arrrghhhtgm4883, config file looks right in both places, but the FE logs still indicate it's connecting to localhost...15:22
arrrghhh mythtv-settings does not contain the proper IP address15:23
arrrghhhdo I need to run that from the cli?15:23
arrrghhhthat's on the BE tho15:23
tgm4883that is the backend15:23
arrrghhhI just copied that line out of the FE log15:23
tgm4883on your backend, what IP address is it using?15:24
arrrghhhmythtv-settings doesn't seem to be valid15:24
arrrghhhno that didn't work15:24
arrrghhhI have other FE's connecting in just fine15:24
arrrghhhthey are running Kodi, but should be the same concept I think15:24
tgm4883yea they should be the same15:25
tgm4883so FE problem it sounds like15:25
tgm4883can you post your ~/.mythtv/config.xml file?15:25
tgm4883you can blank out the password if you want15:25
arrrghhhsure 1 sec15:25
arrrghhhtgm4883, http://hastebin.com/ribovagiko.xml15:26
arrrghhhI can ping as well haha15:26
tgm4883wait is your username really root on the DB?15:27
tgm4883from your frontend, does 'mysql -u root -p mythconverg' work?15:27
arrrghhhlooks like it's trying to connect to the local mysql15:28
arrrghhhCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)15:28
tgm4883bah hold one15:28
tgm4883from your frontend, does 'mysql -h -u root -p mythconverg' work?15:28
arrrghhhoops helps if I use the right psw15:29
arrrghhhhm.  still getting access denied15:29
arrrghhhlet me doublecheck that user/pass on the BE itself...15:29
arrrghhhworks locally15:31
arrrghhhI am not blocking 3306...... the heck15:31
arrrghhhis there something within mysql that would prevent remote connections?15:31
arrrghhhGRANT ALL ON hmmm15:31
arrrghhhlet me try this15:32
arrrghhhnow workie15:33
arrrghhhlet me try the FE15:33
arrrghhhoh crap.15:38
arrrghhhProtocol version or token mismatch15:38
arrrghhhI think my BE is too old for this FE :(15:38
tgm4883they both need to be 0.2815:39
arrrghhhyea... I had issues with the .28 web ui15:39
arrrghhhso I went back to .2715:39
arrrghhhtgm4883, is there anyway to get this FE to .27?  I want a stable mythtv setup, .28 was not that unfortunately (I assume it's still the case too)15:40
Shadow__Xi upgraded from .27 to .28 through mythbuntu repo and it was stable15:43
Shadow__Xnot sure what you were seeing15:43
arrrghhhShadow__X, I originally deployed .28 to my BE a while ago15:43
arrrghhhhad some issues with commflag, and the webui was really broken.  It was suggested I use .27 as .28 was not stable yet15:43
Shadow__Xwhats a while ago? it was just recently released, sounds like you were running the beta15:44
arrrghhhI was15:44
arrrghhhI didn't realize it at first... lol.  But I was.15:44
arrrghhhso the webUI and commflag works now?15:45
tgm4883commflag works for me15:49
tgm4883The web frontend isn't complete, but mythweb is still available15:49
arrrghhhah maybe that was my issue15:49
arrrghhhI was trying to use the 'new' webui, I didn't realize I could add mythweb ontop of .2815:50
arrrghhhalright updating the BE to .2815:51
arrrghhhI wonder if i have to purge .27 first... ugh16:04
arrrghhhI just wanted to use an official myth FE to see if commercial skipping worked better lol16:04
arrrghhhok I am having a serious case of the dumb16:15
arrrghhhI have the FE working now...16:15
arrrghhhbut there's no audio.  I can't even find where to configure it?  Pulse/alsa/nothing...?16:15
arrrghhhI found alsamixer... hm.  this zotac box may be an issue16:17
arrrghhhtgm4883, how do I configure audio?!16:22
tgm4883in the mythfrontend there is an audio section that lets you scan for devices16:23
arrrghhhohhh ok16:23
arrrghhhdamn there's a lot of devices.16:31
arrrghhhtgm4883, so what is required to setup mythmote?  I installed the app and pointed it to the IP... there shouldn't be any firewalls here...?16:38
arrrghhhufw status says inactive16:38
tgm4883IDK, I don't use mythmote. Do you have a PIN setup?16:38
arrrghhhwell I'd love to use my harmony, but I figured that would be more involved16:39
arrrghhhI'll get to that in due time haha16:39
arrrghhhthere's no PIN in the app that I can see...16:39
arrrghhhjust name, IP, port and MAC16:40
arrrghhhI hope MAC isn't required16:40
arrrghhhI guess I can grab that...16:40
arrrghhhnetstat -al |grep 6546 shows nothing on the FE so I think there is something else needed to enable that16:40
tgm4883PIN would be set in the frontend I think16:41
tgm4883or maybe the backend16:41
arrrghhhthis zotac is proving to be more involved than I had hoped16:46
arrrghhhwe had audio, but not surround.  now I can't get anything out of it lol16:46
arrrghhhyay audio with surround!16:49
arrrghhhalright now time to figure out the remote situation.  thanks for the help tgm4883 I think it's all config from here on out16:49
arrrghhhtgm4883, question... about video library?  https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Video_Library - it talks about using storage groups which do not require nfs/samba mounts... it doesn't make a difference to me, which is preferred now?18:00
tgm4883storage groups18:01
arrrghhhso that's configured on the BE right?18:01
arrrghhhah yea I should read down18:02
arrrghhhso this might be sacrilege to ask in here... but can I run Kodi in parallel?  I like its interface better for managing files... or maybe I'm missing something with the storage group setup haha18:29
boneliferarrrghhh: sure18:43
boneliferarrrghhh: I have a system Xubuntu system, I've installed and setup like that. I just use it mythjobqueue for metadata. The frontend isn't set to run automatically. Besides, when you install Kodi via it's PPA, it'll create an account of it's own seperate from your current one, called kodi. So logout of kodi and you're at a login screen. where you can select your regular session and then login.  use method 6 on this page to autostart into18:49
bonelifer Kodi, http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Autostart_Kodi_for_Linux#Use_autologin_feature_of_lightdm  just make sure to disable autostart in myth-control-centre for mythfrontend.18:49
arrrghhhbonelifer, so you don't use the myth FE?19:32
arrrghhhI was using a plugin for kodi to connect to the myth BE19:32
boneliferarrrghhh: no. I only use it to manually edit commercials. then use a userjob to send the file through handbrakecli21:27
boneliferI watch livetv, using the DLNA streams from my HDHomeRun Connect in Kodi with a EPG plugin.21:28

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