
caliculkgenii I am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS00:09
nacccaliculk: uh, then that version is bogus00:10
nacccaliculk: in trusty, the version of libssl1.0.0 is00:10
nacc1.0.1f-1ubuntu2 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.1800:10
naccone of those -^00:10
nacc1.0.2g-1ubuntu4 is the xenial version00:11
caliculkWell, I can't downgrade it without breaking several software00:11
nacccaliculk: i'm not sure how you even installed it if you are on 14.0400:11
naccthat doesn't make sense00:12
geniiMust have some xenial repos00:12
naccwhich is not advised...00:12
caliculkI don't know, this system has been a handful, and I am just now getting a dedicated server for VMs so I can roll back changes like this if there is a problem.00:12
Aisonhmm, after upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 I can no longer login as root via ssh??!?00:20
geniiYou should not have been able to log in as root under 15.10 either, unless you changed default sshd settings00:22
maxbAren't key-based root SSH logins allowed by default? Or am I hallucinating not having changed the defaults?00:25
sdezielXenial has "PermitRootLogin prohibit-password" by default00:27
Aisonsdeziel, strange, I think I disabled that, because I logged in before without key00:51
Aisonnow after upgrade it is no longer possible00:51
Aisonthe bad thing is, it is not easy to check now, because it is a headless device....00:51
sdezielAison: looking at the postinst for SSH, it seems to do the right thing and not touch PermitRootLogin if you had change it from the default01:00
Aisonvery weird01:02
Aisonon another device it worked01:02
XpistosHow do you delete the trash from your hard drive via the command line? I have a drive that is full and i removed a bunch of files but there is not change and it was atleast three gb of space?02:31
patdk-lapcommand line has no *trash*02:32
XpistosI tried to use sudo rm -Rf ~/.Trash/* but that didn't work02:32
Xpistosi have a 320gb drive that says it is full. I deleted about 3 gb of files but it still says full02:33
Xpistoswhen I run df -h it still says there is no space02:34
XpistosAnother odd thing is it is a 320 gb drive but is shows this: /dev/sda1       294G  280G     0 100% /wd32002:34
Xpistosif 294gb is the total and 280gb is used that is not 100%02:35
XpistosBasically I removed files, but they are still taking up space somehow02:47
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ubuntu1604Hello, can I install a GUI program on Ubuntu server, or do I need to use Ubuntu desktop version to allow the GUI program to actually show graphics?03:19
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payloadubuntu1604 yes you need x1106:11
payloadbut u could install that ontop of server06:12
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Odd_Blokemaxb: SSH to root is certainly disabled in cloud images.09:12
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/serverguide/ | 14.04 to 16.04 will be offered on July 21st when 16.04.1 is released
MelRayIs access denied to /root? I can't cd to it...tried using sudo to elevate permissions and cd to /root but it doesn't understand the command. Can someone please explain why this is and how to properly access /root?14:05
sdezielMelRay: you cannot use "sudo cd" because "cd" is provided by your user's shell which lacks the required privileges to go into /root14:06
sdezielMelRay: you could inspect /root's content with this though: sudo ls -alh /root14:06
MelRaysdeziel: Ok thanks let me try that...14:07
MelRaysdeziel: So by purpose of design the server edition of Ubuntu is hardened to disallow direct access to /root since it will be exposed to potential attacks from outside?14:09
sdezielMelRay: I believe that /root has always been restricted to root itself, nothing Ubuntu specific there.14:10
MelRaysdeziel: Hmmmm... ok I just never really try to access root so it never came up. Thanks for the assist.14:11
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LostSoulbekks: On functional test made memory leak on FF16:02
LostSoulIt ate 30-40GB of RAM+Swap in 1-2min and made OOEM Killer on Containers Host16:02
patdk-wk_LostSoul, that is all?16:26
LostSoulTBH, I've never saw something like that - I mean FF memory leak that in 1-2 min ate ~40GB of memory16:34
LostSoulI limited mem to Containers16:34
RoyKLostSoul: on all of them?16:45
lucidguyGoing to be seting up a new Ubuntu NFS server.  16.04 or 14.04?  Its a real old Dell server, about 9 years old.16:57
RoyKLostSoul: doesn't really matter - probably better NFSv4 support in 16.04, though16:58
lucidguyIll be doing NFS316:59
lucidguyMost people seem to avoid 416:59
RoyKthat's not a single reason to avoid NFSv416:59
lucidguyIs it not far more complicated? performance?16:59
RoyKperformance is better, it supports old host/ip authentication (sec=sys)17:00
RoyKand it supports NFSv3 if you install portmap etc17:00
lucidguySo then why have I never encountered an organization using 4?17:00
caliculkBecause orgs are slow to adapt17:01
caliculkBut not really, just spitballing17:01
RoyKthe only reason NFSv3 is still supported is that people are slow to adapt17:01
lucidguyRoyK: guessing your v4 user.17:02
RoyKI have a couple of machines used for vmware storage, so they use NFSv3, since we're at ESXi 5.5, which doesn't support NFSv4 (nor IPv6 for NFS)17:02
caliculkDoes ESXi v6 support v4?17:03
RoyKand NFS over IPv617:03
lucidguyYeah, see thats discouraging.  If massive orgs like vmware are not supporting it yet.. thats going to make my decision easy.17:03
caliculkOkay, cool. Was planning on installing 6.0 on a new server17:03
RoyKlucidguy: newer distros also include support for older NFS versions17:03
RoyKlucidguy: so there's no reason to choose 10.04 or something to avoid NFSv4 support :P17:04
RoyKbtw, 12.04 also supports NFSv4, but not as well17:04
caliculkI would go with 16.04 anyways17:04
RoyKwhat sort of setup is this?17:05
LostSoulRoyK: What all?17:05
LostSoulIt gone on one of them but I hadn't have limits so it killed whole container17:05
lucidguyI was only thinking of 14.04 or 12.04 becuase of the old hardware im installing it on.17:06
RoyKlucidguy: usually, new distros support old hardware just as well as old distros17:07
RoyKwell, depending on the meaning of 'old', obviously - 80386 support was removed from kernel some years back ;)17:07
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rstarmerStill trying to get 'conjure-up openstack' working.  Anyone had success with this?17:50
jgrimmstokachu, ^^17:53
stokachurstarmer: yea , where you stuck at17:54
rstarmerstokachu: The system _almost_ completes, and then complains about not being able to create an external network, and then fails.17:56
stokachuok can you try from ppa:conjure/ppa17:56
stokachurstarmer: fixed a bunch of neutron stuff17:56
stokachuneeds more testing before I push to the archive17:56
rstarmerOk.  Also, previously I ran into an issue where the system complained about a missing ssh key (new system didn't have a local id_rsa), and so that was missing as a pre-requisite.17:57
stokachushould be able to rerun with conjure-up openstack -s17:57
stokachuyea fixed the SSH issue hopefully to17:57
ReScOany info on this bug? https://www.google.nl/webhp?q=marvell+88e8056+sky2+rx+error17:57
rstarmerstokach: ok, I just blew away the underlying machine, and re-created. I'll try -s next time.18:04
temmi_hoowould anyone possibly have experience in vagrant and ssh keys? i'm having slight trouble inserting the private key and getting in18:04
rstarmertemmi_hoo: try vagrant ssh-config, it should give you the details of what has been set up.18:05
temmi_hooyes, i'm willing to put in my own keys and this is when things get not that bright18:05
temmi_hoovagrant ssh-config gives me the info and then i can ssh vagrant@127.1 -p XYZ -i LONGSTRING18:06
temmi_hooi'd like to get in using vagrant ssh18:06
temmi_hoonow, this all works nicely using the default key system but providing my own keys don't seem to work18:07
stokachurstarmer: coo lemme know how it goes I want to try and get a fix pushed out tonight or this weekend18:10
rstarmershall do.18:10
temmi_hoorstarmer: how did you put your own keys in the vagrants? i know it's two lines of Vagrantfile and then the keyfile needs to be present18:13
temmi_hooi'm already making my own public key to be allowed in the .ssh/authorized_keys file18:13
tewardnacc: ping18:16
naccteward: pong18:16
tewardnacc: with the php7.0 migration, was a 'default' set of plugins chosen for autoinclusion, and if so where was that documented?18:16
tewardnacc: just installing php7.0-fpm, for example, misses plugins that a lot of PHP frameworks want18:16
tewardand then require manual installation therein18:17
naccteward: followed whatever is in debian18:17
naccteward: our only delta right now is a few fixes for php itself, iirc18:17
naccteward: can you give me an example?18:17
tewardnacc: mediawiki, common wiki software, missingdep: php7.0-xlm18:17
tewarddamned keyboard18:17
tewardnacc: mediawiki, common wiki software, missingdep: php7.0-xml, needs manualinstall18:18
tewardi'm testing all the stuff i use now18:18
tewardmediawiki's first on the list :p18:18
naccteward: yes, php7.0-xml is split out18:18
tewardnacc: ack18:18
naccthat's an upstream decision, iirc18:18
tewardalso ack18:18
naccteward: so if it's a problem, it might have been something i missed in mediawki's packaging18:18
naccand mediawikis hould add a dep18:18
naccteward: mbstring was another common one to need to add18:19
rstarmertemmi_hoo:  I add my own public key (rather than Vagrant's generated key) via an ansible playbook, so that I can inject the keys I want to use, rather than Vagrant's provided keys.  The other option is to create your own vagrant box, which is often less convenient.18:19
tewardnacc: yeah i've seen that too18:19
tewardnacc: i don't see mediawiki in the repos, it probably got dropped18:20
tewardnacc: but when installing from tarballs there's complaints18:20
tewardso meh18:20
naccteward: ack, i think upstream claimed no php7.0 support18:20
naccteward: iirc18:20
tewardnacc: they did - i'm still testing anyways because I can :P18:20
tewardnacc: though, the version in alpha has support :P18:20
naccyeah, i was focused on released versions as much as i could18:20
tewardnacc: indeed.18:20
tewardnacc: just seemed a little odd that some critical things in a lot of frameworks went missing18:20
naccteward: yeah, so this is just the "new" php way18:21
tewardgodforbid what wordpress will yell about xD18:21
tewardnacc: ack, wasn't sure if these major changes were documented, but I didn't see a complete set of info in release notes hence the ping :)18:21
naccteward: iirc, wordpress in the archive does work18:21
temmi_hoorstarmer: so you didn't use the Vagrantfile configuration parameters to inject your keys?18:21
tewardnacc: E:OutOfDate18:21
tewardrecent security patches came out18:21
naccteward: yeah, i should probably have documented more of those changes18:21
naccteward: oh ack, all of htat stuff is stale :)18:22
naccit felt like18:22
rstarmertemmi_hoo: the inject route works better for me as I don't only use my target systems with Vagrant, but also with other cloud providers, so I needed something that was a bit more flexible than the Vagrant only solution.18:22
tewardnacc: shooting yourself in the foot sounds like an apt equivalent situation :P18:22
temmi_hooahhh okay18:23
naccteward: heh18:23
temmi_hoowell i'm not yet using ansible but that's on my roadmap18:23
naccteward: that's a good point, though, i wonder if i should have put something in the serverguide18:23
temmi_hooi had the kind of experience that using ansible to apt install me lots of stuff was taking horribly much longer than doing the same from a shell script - i'm not sure what or why but at that point i went to using just shell scripts for provisioning18:25
temmi_hoothat's all good since now the configuration is more readable to people not in the know of vagrant18:26
tewardnacc: we can probably still get that updated in the server guide at this point18:26
tewardnacc: just saying that a little more documentation may be prudent if people come being "WTH DID YOU DO IT BREAKS EVERYTHING IT DON'T WORK WHY DID..." etc etc etc18:27
temmi_hoonow another question regarding vagrant, did rstarmer or someone else have success in running a single specific provision script out of many that happen to use the same provisioner? i gave names to them but am not having great success in selective provisioning18:27
* teward is already seeing some issues coming up on Ask Ubuntu wrt the transition18:27
rstarmertemmi_hoo: I use ansible provisioner, and a single targeted play, so I'm not running into multiples issue(s)18:28
tewardnacc: it does seem, though, that the link to my blog post on how to fix the php5-fpm -> php7.0-fpm stuff for nginx upgrades *is* getting read18:30
tewardso at least some people read up on the docs, thanks for including that link in the ReleaseNOtes18:30
naccteward: ack18:31
* teward sighs, and goes to start figuring out the next nginx merge18:31
tewardrbasak: remind me what I need to do to reclass some of the new binaries included in nginx's builds in Main again?18:33
tewardor should I just poke -release about it18:33
rstarmerstokachu: Everything is showing up active on the dashboard, but I have a mesage "Neutron not ready yet..." at the bottom of the screen.18:41
stokachurstarmer: yea give it a few it is still configuring the gateway etc18:42
stokachuthats from the post processing script18:42
stokachurstarmer: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-deb/blob/master/bundles/common-openstack/post.sh for reference18:42
rstarmeris there any expectations of newtork environment?  This is just a single interface machien at themoment.18:42
stokachurstarmer: you should have a custom bridge 'openstack0' setup on the machine which i expose as a second interface to the containers18:43
stokachurstarmer: so you get everything setup for you18:43
stokachudid you choose the nova lxd one?18:43
rstarmeryeah, I selected the Openstack-LXD variant18:44
stokachurstarmer: nice, how much ram?18:44
rstarmer16G on this (It's a digitalocean VM), 8 cores, 160G SSD for storage18:44
stokachurstarmer: ah i had issues trying to run it on digitalocean18:45
stokachuyou may have better luck18:45
stokachuin theory it should work18:46
DammitJimI can't log on to my server if the network cable is disconnected18:47
DammitJimI'm even using a local account (the server was joined to a domain)18:47
rstarmerstokachu: I'll let it run till it either times out, or breaks.  will let you know regardless.18:50
stokachurstarmer: if you want i can login and take a look too18:50
rstarmergot a public key handy?18:50
stokachurstarmer: adam-stokes on launchpad18:51
stokachussh-import-id adam-stokes18:51
sarnoldsuch a cool tool18:51
rstarmerstokachu: try ubuntu@conjure.opsits.com18:52
stokachucool im in18:53
stokachurstarmer: gonna kill your conjure-up so i can tak ea look18:54
stokachurstarmer: neutron subnet-create --name ubuntu-subnet --gateway --dns-nameserver ubuntu-net
stokachuah i need to parse better for the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf18:57
stokachuor just use the first one18:57
rstarmerprobably just the first is fine, otherwise, I believe you have to double up the --dns-nameserver parameter18:57
stokachurstarmer: can i comment out one of them just for the time being18:57
rstarmerit's just the defaults for the deployment anyway18:58
stokachurstarmer: k ill make a note to fix that parsing18:58
stokachurstarmer: if this works for you im going to have to try it again on a droplet myself18:59
stokachuits adding the floating ips now, be just a minute19:00
rstarmerI'm happy to re-run again as well.  I'll just remove one of the nameservers.19:01
stokachurstarmer: when this is done ill have you run conjure-up openstack -s and get the horizon IP19:01
rstarmerI did create an ssh key as well, is that a pre-req or does the tool address that now?19:01
rstarmersounds good.19:01
stokachuthe tool should create one as well now19:01
rstarmerok, I'll drop that from next run19:01
stokachurstarmer: ive got bugs filed here too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openstack19:02
stokachurstarmer: go ahead and rerun `conjure-up openstack -s`19:03
stokachuyou'll probably want to run sshuttle so you can get to horizon, so like sshuttle -r ubuntu@conjure.opsits.com -r
sdezielstokachu: random comment regarding bundles/common-openstack/post.sh, cloud-images.ubuntu.com is available with HTTPS so might as well use it since there is no GPG validation of the root fs/VM image19:03
stokachusdeziel: thanks ill make a card to get that updated19:04
sarnoldsdeziel: wha/??19:04
sarnoldI thought all our tools properly checked signatures?19:04
stokachusarnold: only on sundays19:05
sdezielsarnold: I'm talking about https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-deb/blob/master/bundles/common-openstack/post.sh19:05
* sdeziel notes to only work on Sundays19:05
sdezielI wonder why "root.tar.gz" is used instead of the smaller .xz version19:08
stokachusdeziel: had a bunch of stuff to do before ods, but that's a good point i can fix that too19:09
stokachurstarmer: lemme know if you can get an instance up and ssh into it, ping outside etc19:13
rstarmerstokachu: shall do, just running into a meeting, but will try in ~ 1hr or so.19:13
naccsdeziel: ping19:13
stokachurstarmer: cool ill be around19:14
naccsdeziel: would you happen to know much about samba configuration? particularly replacing libpam-smbpass (no longer in 16.04) with libpam-winbind. I'm trying to update the ServerGuide documentation19:14
* patdk-wk_ just uses sssd19:15
rstarmerstokachu: System load at 450?  top19:15
rstarmertop - 15:14:09 up  1:15,  3 users,  load average: 456.48, 168.48, 65.8519:15
rstarmerTasks: 808 total, 168 running, 640 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie19:15
stokachurstarmer: yeaaa that's DO19:15
sdezielnacc: no, sorry19:15
rstarmerOk, will look more later.19:15
naccsdeziel: np, thanks19:15
sdezielI have yet to upgrade my smb server19:16
naccsdeziel: sure; i'm struggling to find any good migration documentation and was hoping to get serverguide updated today. I also have no windows machines or any samba experience,though ... so :)19:19
stokachurstarmer: i remember that being one of the reasons it didn't work for me19:24
stokachurstarmer: it may be worth having one of the server guys look into it since i think DO is KVM19:24
sarnoldnacc: the samba release notes have a section on the new smb.conf options that may be used to make it insecure again: https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.4.2.html19:27
naccsarnold: thanks, i'll look19:28
lordkniclehi guys19:52
lordkniclei have seen on internet this chan for supporting troubles with ubuntu19:52
lordkniclethere is someone who can give me some suggestions or hints?19:53
nacclordknicle: you haven't stated a problem?19:55
sarnoldlordknicle: irc works best i fyou just ask questions19:55
lordkniclehi guys19:56
lordkniclei should create a computer for management of mails19:56
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jvwjgamesHelp please20:10
jvwjgamesI am getting a kernel panic20:10
nacclordknicle: that's still not a question, just fyi20:10
naccjvwjgames: using the Ubuntu kernel? can you pastebin the panic?20:11
jvwjgamesI will send pic20:11
jvwjgamesAs it would take a very long time to type20:11
koapshey all20:15
koapsi'm having a little problem with LXD and I was hoping someone might be able to help out20:16
jvwjgamesDid you guys see it20:20
koapssee what?20:21
jvwjgamesThe kernel panic20:21
jvwjgamesI posted20:21
jvwjgamesAny suggestions I need this fixed20:24
stgraberjvwjgames: well, the error is pretty clear, you're somehow missing an executable /sbin/init20:24
jvwjgamesHow do I fix it20:24
jvwjgamesI can't even get into recovery mode20:26
koapscan you mount the livecd iso? might be able to fix stuff then20:28
jamespagecoreycb, we need to tinker with the layout of the horizon package - its an ugly beast20:28
coreycbjamespage, are you talking theme-wise?20:28
jamespagecoreycb, yeah - two thoughts20:29
koapsya there's buggyness with the buttons on the ubuntu theme20:29
jamespagecurrently we generated stuff during package install directly into /usr/share/openstack-dashboard20:29
jamespageit works but its not great20:29
jamespageshould be /var/lib/openstack-dashboard20:29
jamespageI also think we could ship the ubuntu them in the main package and just make it an end-user configurable option20:30
jamespageoperators can disable it if they want by dropping it in local_settings.py20:30
jamespagekoaps, latest horizon? aware of some niggles that design are working to resolve atm20:30
jamespagekoaps, oh and what's you prob with LXD?20:31
koapsjamespage: trusty/liberty, can't even deploy xenial/mitaka cleanly yet20:32
coreycbjamespage, ok. I'll look into that.  any rush on this or just newton time frame?20:33
koapsjamespage: think I found my problem with lxd, seems when I'm creating and starting lots of containers, cloud-init isn't keeping up, some of the contianers are getting IP's but their names are wrong, and ssh isn't work(key issues)20:33
koapsI split create and start into different scripts and added a sleep 1 to the start script20:34
koapsseems to have fixed it20:34
koapsnot ideal20:34
koapsbut I can ssh to everything now20:34
jamespagekoaps, the liberty nova lxd driver is very beta quality20:41
jamespagemitaka was out first ga20:41
koapsjamespage: oh I'm not using lxd in openstack20:41
koapsi'm using to create the container to run openstack20:41
jamespagekoaps, ok can you explain your use case?20:41
jamespagekoaps, so running openstack in containers?20:42
koapspretty the normal juju deployment for openstack, I believe20:42
jamespagekoaps, one sec20:42
koapspretty much I meant20:42
jamespagekoaps, with MAAS ?20:42
jamespagekoaps, or all in one?20:42
koapswe use MAAS for the physicals, so ceph, compute and gateway20:43
koapseverything else is in a container20:43
jamespageright - ok20:43
jamespagekoaps: so you're using Juju 2.0 with MAAS 1.9?20:43
koapsnot yet, 1.2520:43
koapsMAAS 1.920:43
koapswe use manual environments20:43
koapsso do juju add ssh:....20:44
koapsfor physicals20:44
jamespagekoaps, right ok so that still using the old lxc tech stack - not a problem but wanted to check20:44
koapssure, the thing I'm changing now is20:44
koapsxenial lxd server and pre-creating the containers20:44
koapsinstead of juju-deployer using lxc:3 type of to targets20:44
jamespageand then adding the containers to juju manually?20:44
koapsits because we have a kinda nasty network topology and needed to pre-create a overlay network for openstack20:45
jamespagekoaps, so your problem is with creating the lxd containers themselves by the sounds of things?20:46
jamespagekoaps, are you using static network configuration?20:46
jamespageor dhcp?20:46
koapsyea, I had a script that was looping though 21 contianers I need to create, it was launching and starting one by one, with a second delay between each20:46
lordkniclesorry man20:46
lordkniclejust got out a lil bit20:47
koapsbut a few wouldn't come up right20:47
koapsjamespage: ya, the whole thing is static Ip's from dnsmasq and I set the MAC address on the containers20:47
jamespagekoaps, ack20:48
jamespagekoaps, you've gone a bit beyond my knowledge of LXD now - stgraber might be a better target for your problem :)20:48
koapsI don't have the log any more, but SSH was complaining about its keys being wrong or something on the containers I couldn't connect to20:49
koapsand the host names were ubuntu, so I figured cloud-init wasn't working right20:49
koapsjamespage: no prob, it seems creating and starting needed a bit of distance from each other20:50
koapsI can always replicate it and get logs if anyone wanted them20:50
jamespagekoaps, might point to a bug which is why I ping stgraber - he's the tech lead on LXD20:50
jamespagekoaps, #lxcontainers is also a good place to get help on lxd btw20:51
koapsoh ok cool, I looked at the ubuntu support for for what channels there were and didn't see a lxd/lxc one so figured I would try here20:51
stgraberkoaps, jamespage: would be interesting to look at the cloud-init log to see what's going on. I've never seen such behavior even in my benchmarks21:03
virtualguyanyone used conjure-up and know how to uninstall openstack, so i can re-run the 'conjure-up openstack' ?21:25
sarnoldvirtualguy: you could grep through /var/log/dpkg.log forpackages installed after the time you used it, and apt-get purge those packages21:41
rstarmerstokachu: while the load has dropped back to a more manageable level, there's still something borked...  Currenly the mysql process has ended up in error state with 'hook failed: "config-changed"'.21:48
sdezielsarnold: thanks for merging the sshd AA profile!21:56
sarnoldsdeziel: you're welcome; thanks for doing the work, and the reminders :D21:57
virtualguytried that but conjure-up was just hanging doing nothing. hitting ctrl-c would then bring up the install 'gui' but it wouldn't go any further. just reinstalled 16.04 since it was a fresh machine anyway22:06
virtualguyi bombed out of the install because I wanted to change the location of the lxd containers but it seems conjure-up is a one hit kinda thing, i couldn't even find a log file!22:07
rbasakteward: technically an MIR, though if it's something that should be covered by an existing MIR then you can ask an archive admin in #ubuntu-release.22:34
rbasak(or file some kind of stub MIR with an explanation)22:34
jvwjgamesHow do I copy files from a live CD to a hard drive on the same system23:15
stokachurstarmer: is it still up?23:15
tarpmanjvwjgames: cp(1)23:16
jvwjgamesWhere do I do that at23:16
stokachuvirtualguy: depending on what you 'conjure-up' determines the log file, so like 'conjure-up openstack' would be in /var/log/openstack.log23:17
sarnoldrun "cat /proc/mounts" to see what is mounted where23:17
stokachuvirtualguy: right now to uninstall openstack you would run 'juju destroy-model default; juju destroy-controller <name>'23:17
stokachuwhich you get from juju list-controllers23:17
stokachuvirtualguy: i agree i still have documentation to write on all this23:18
jvwjgamesHow do I use cp23:18
stokachujvwjgames: https://askubuntu.com/questions/195983/how-to-copy-files-via-terminal23:19
stokachujvwjgames: also these general support questions should be asked in #ubuntu23:19
jvwjgamesOK sorry23:19
stokachunp :)23:19
stokachuvirtualguy: bug please file bugs on things that aren't clear, or lacking so I can get them addressed23:22

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